April 29, 2019

Hillary does her Donald Trump voice.

I've picked out the key 13 seconds so you don't have to slog through 5 minutes.

I got that at "Hillary Clinton mocks Trump with dramatic Mueller report reading of president's 'I'm f***ed' line, and suggests people raise money to send AG William Barr back to law school" (The Daily Mail). I recommend not trying to figure out the overall gist of what's going on there. Some comedy concept... excruciating comedy concept.


JPS said...

What a nasty woman.

Original Mike said...

Still not President.

BarrySanders20 said...

I think Bill's expression there to to the guy next to him was "See what hell I have endured these many years? See?!"

Achilles said...

If she is not held accountable for her crimes then the laws of this country no longer apply to me with any moral foundation.

I will consider myself a ward of a corrupt police state and act accordingly.

Jail is too good for Hillary, Obama, or any of the other conspirators that tried to destroy our system of elections.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

these 13 seconds are even better


Professional lady said...

Ha ha ha!!! It's so funny when you turn the FBI loose on innocent people! Just ask the Bush White House Travel office staff! All those legal fees they had to pay when they hadn't done anything wrong! Really hilarious - it's one of Hillary's favorite practical jokes! Plus, her cronies got the travel office business!

Anonymous said...

Hear hear Achilles! It is far worse than I thought.

I always saw her as the Lady Macbeth, driving the dope from Hope farther than he would have gone otherwise. As a friend of mine says, "If I stepped in some Clinton, I wouldn't clean my shoes, I'd burn them."

She can't do dialect, no good at mimicry, still thinks she's smart

Original Mike said...

Was listening to Rush today and he played a clip from, I believe, Preet Bharara, who passed off Hillary's malfeasance, as 'not using the right email'. That's just offensive.

Achilles said...

There is no justification for voting for a person this truly vile.

At some point this reflects on the voter.

policraticus said...

We really are living in the era of "that's not funny."

stlcdr said...

So, it costs $200k to get Hillary Clinton to read the Mueller report and record it for an audio book? And then we would have to buy it?

$190 so far...

David53 said...

It makes me smile. She tweeted, "This was... cathartic. Thank you, @JordanKlepper!" That's the best she's got. I'm glad she has purged herself of... something.

Wilbur said...

It's nice to see Bill and Hill get together like this. I don't imagine they spend much time with each other.

Darrell said...

When's Felony Clinton going to jail?

JPS said...

Wilbur, I know! He looks happy to see her again. Which is sweet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

F*ed by Your corrupt insider deep state Brennan-Clapper East Germans, Dear Hillary. Money Grubber extraordinaire.

Of course, to the left, Trump saying "I'm f-ed" is somehow an admission of guilt. Trump knows the Deep State would really like to Seth Rich him.

LOL - to Bill's fake dumb-F face. Nice roll playing, dude.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Get your "A night with 2 money grubbers" tickets now, folks.

madAsHell said...

"See what hell I have endured these many years? See?!"


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

lol Inga's ARm.
That is a keeper.

n.n said...


Michael K said...

She couldn't even read that with any skill. What a dummy.

Rob said...

What a warm and witty woman. Tonight we drink Chardonnay!

Bilwick said...

Trump should retaliate with an impression of Queen Cacklepants uttering her immortal "f*cking Jew bastard."

Ice Nine said...

One would think that Hillary Clinton would want to stay as far away as possible from the subject of DOJ investigations.

Rosalyn C. said...

At the bottom of everything (the entitlement mentality) Hillary is a snob.

Original Mike said...

"One would think that Hillary Clinton would want to stay as far away as possible from the subject of DOJ investigations."

She thinks she's untouchable. And she's probably right.

Mr. D said...

I want her to read the forthcoming Horowitz report.

dbp said...

A talented comedic actor like Steve Carell can do "excruciating cluelessness" to great effect. Hillary's "superpower" is that she is effortlessly excruciating all the time.

rcocean said...

I'll never understood why Session's aid put the word "Fucked" in his notes, except as a way to hurt Trump. Same thing with McGahn - why talk for 30 hours?

As for Hillary, was is it the worst live forever, and the good die young?

rcocean said...

Hillary, Bill, Bush-II, Obama, Kerry, McCrazy, Mittens.

No wonder we got Trump.

Sebastian said...

"We really are living in the era of "that's not funny.""

Which is funny, in an OMG sort of way. Made funnier by the intense satisfaction some of us experienced when the election was called against Hill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Private Server for Clinton Cash. Rubles preferable.

rcocean said...

BTW, Hillary is the biggest Bullseye in America Comedy. She's incredibly mockable, yet how many Comedy Central jokes about her? How many late night jokes about her? Trump has gotten more satire in a month from these people than Hillary has in 20 years. Yet, she's a walking punchline.

Wince said...

Really Hillary should have read the excerpt in Andrew Weissmann's voice, the author and Mueller special counsel member who attended Hillary's "inauguration" party.

stevew said...

Just when you thought Hillary couldn't be more clueless and feckless and humorless. They say incompetent people don't know they are incompetent, in fact often think they are superior. Think about this: there was a moment when Hillary considered doing this, either it was pitched to her or she dreamed it up herself, and she thought, Damn, this is great!

Hillary is a fake and a fraud, and we know it and can see it in everything she does.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


loop the vid, crank the volume, bask in the glory!

Have A Nice Day!

Achilles said...

Original Mike said...
"One would think that Hillary Clinton would want to stay as far away as possible from the subject of DOJ investigations."

She thinks she's untouchable. And she's probably right.

It is a Republic for as long as you can keep it.

This is going to come down to your average Republican voter.

I hope Fen is wrong about you people.

We are watching Eddie Gallagher's trial.

wild chicken said...

I was impressed with all the Russian activity in vol 1, until I realized it was just the prosecution's case, such as it was. Flimsy stuff, esp regarding the DNC server hacks. The FBI never even got to look at it. What a joke.

I wish people would stop taking it so seriously.

BarrySanders20 said...

"Really Hillary should have read the excerpt in Andrew Weissmann's voice, the author and Mueller special counsel member who attended Hillary's "inauguration" party."

Andrew Wesissmann should do a dramatic reading of Brando's "You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."-- Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando), On the Waterfront (1954).

So close to being AG. But now just a bum.

tcrosse said...

She thinks she's untouchable. And she's probably right.

Money Talks, Hillary Walks.

Etienne said...

If she never goes to prison, I'm moving to Honduras...

rehajm said...

That stuff can be kind of funny to lefties if you’re a famous politician with some standing or something. What does Hillary do?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

She thinks she's untouchable. And she's probably right.

Her husband certainly thought so, ergo Los Erupciones de los Bimbos

Curious George said...

What's the slowest, most painful way to die? Someday I hope it's colloquially
called "Hillary Clinton Disease."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

If she never goes to prison, I'm moving to Honduras...

no need to move-- the banana republic will come to you

"Le Republique Banane, C'est moi "

Mountain Maven said...

Ann why dont u stop wallowing in the depths of clintonism. It only lives on in the futility that is Kirsten Gillibrand.

Mary Beth said...

She read it the way you would to make the speaker sound stupid. She isn't even close to the cadence he uses and the way he enunciates words.

Anonymous said...

That was her sweet revenge.

Lawrence Person said...

It's like watching Al Capone read from his tax evasion indictment and wondering why all his underlings aren't laughing.

Related: last week's Clinton Corruption update.

Kevin said...

So, it costs $200k to get Hillary Clinton to read the Mueller report and record it for an audio book?

She could probably make more if she'd just read the part about "no collusion" and turn it into a ringtone.

In a meeting:

Hillary: No collusion.
Hillary: No collusion.
Hillary: No collusion.

Sorry, gotta take this call...

Hari said...

We only have this quote because Trump didn't assert Executive Privilege.
Trump wave Executive Privilege, because he had nothing to hide.
He knew he was f--ked (and he was f--ked) because of the investigation itself. The process has been the punishment.
Taking this quote of of context that follows it is every bit as dishonest as Biden's use of the "good people on both sides" snippet.
But beyond all this, why would Hillary be so stupid as to provoke Trump now?

JAORE said...

Why she's just as funny as Samantha Bee. And Bee is a PROFESHONOL comedian!

No wonder she's called he smartest woman on earth.

Jim at said...

I originally thought preventing Hillary from becoming President would be its own reward.

However, I never guessed just how much fun it would be to see her wallowing in her own misery trying to stay relevant. It's like infinite karma.

Swede said...

Trump can return the favor and cackle his way through reading her indictment.

This will go down better than her "Happy Birthday to a future president" laugh riot.

Gunner said...

Freedom U sounds like an SPLC slush fund.

Achilles said...

Etienne said...
If she never goes to prison, I'm moving to Honduras...


It just changes the social contract.

If she is above the law she no longer has the protection of the law. If the law is no longer evenly applied to everyone it applies to no one.

Then we would be like Honduras, just with more money. At that point power determines who is right.

With no 1st principles like Equal Treatment Under the Law and Due Process the law becomes completely arbitrary and nothing more than a tool of power.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


See Spot.
See Spot run.
Out! Out! damn Spot!!

MadisonMan said...

How much was she paid to read that?

Rory said...

"She thinks she's untouchable."

I sometimes think it would be wonderful if a whole boatload go to prison, and both Clintons skate as always. Let the little suck ups think of that for a long time.

Anthony said...

GAWD, she is just utterly corrupt, incompetent, dishonest and weird as s*it. And, increasingly I'm thinking, just plain dumb.

iowan2 said...

This is too much. I sit down to check in with Althouse, and on FOX, The Five, they are doing this exact video clip.

gilbar said...

you know, it's interesting
you have two people running for the Presidency

one side,
paid foreign agents to subvert the electionm
illegally took classified federal documents, then
..ignored federal subpoenas
..destroyed evidence
..had secret meetings with the attorney general, asking for the investigation to be squashed

the other,
did nothing wrong, then
..told people that he'd done nothing wrong

One of these two sides is now being impeached; for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE
guess which one?

Ken B said...

The premise is Trump is guilty. Previously we had palaver about the sanctity of Mueller, and votive candles with his image, but now we get palaver dismissing his report.

Fernandinande said...

I hadn't heard about Billary for several days. Now she's a ventriloquist?

Spiros Pappas said...

Emile Zola wrote that Captain Alfred Dreyfus was “the victim of the lurid imagination of Major du Paty de Clam, the religious circles surrounding him, and the ‘dirty Jew’ obsession that is the scourge of our time.” And a columnist for Fox News recently argued that the ghost of Alfred Dreyfus can be found in the Mueller Report. Was Fox News arguing that, not only was Mr. Trump wrongly accused (J'Accuse!!!), but that the Democratic Party is now institutionally anti-Semitic? That is a big accusation. I mean who even talks about the Dreyfus affair anymore unless it's in reference to some sort of anti-Semitic attack in Paris... Do you Republicans believe that the Democrats are anti-Semites?! Why not come out and say it instead of all the code?

Roughcoat said...

I believe [a significant number of] Democrats are anti-Semites.


narciso said...

um the democrats when eliding ilhan omar's comments spiro, 8.6 on the squirrel btw,

cubanbob said...

Hillary is a nasty, stupid woman. She forgets that Trump is President and he doesn't do forgiveness very well. A smarter person would know when to shut up and be gone and not tempt fate. Bill is smart enough to get this. His problem is that he is chained to her.

Michael Fitzgerald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cubanbob said...

Do you Republicans believe that the Democrats are anti-Semites?! Why not come out and say it instead of all the code?"

Yes. Next. Care to explain why the Democrats kiss Sharpton's ass? Or Farrakhan's ass? Or support the Representatives from ISIS or Hamas? Cause I don't see any Republicans supporting that type of trash. What's your excuse?

Michael K said...

that the Democratic Party is now institutionally anti-Semitic? That is a big accusation.

Also true. Look around. NY Times cartoons. Anti-Semitism resolution defeated by Democrats.

"Somebody did something on 9/11."

Are you blind ?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

she looks like she is reading out of her favorite grimoire

...something very 'eye-of-newt'-ish about her

FullMoon said...

Watched the whole thing. The comedian is not very funny and made Bill and Hillary seem the same. Clintons ,in private, cannot be happy with the segment. Lame.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does Trump hate inspire people to buy Clinton tickets?

narciso said...

cleaning up the mess she made:


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

In fairness, the video below shows her more warm, comfortable, genuine side


Ken B said...

Spiros plays dumb. The MAGA hat wearers are what the Democrats see as “ dirty Jews”.

But to answer his question as if it were asked in good faith:
The Democrat party is not yet institutionally anti Semitic. It is institutionally accepting of anti semites though, which is a step in that direction. Buckley read the Birchers out of the GOP and mainstream conservatism. No one has read Ilan Omarites out yet, and won’t.

Ask your question again in 5 years.

Johnathan Birks said...

Now do yourself on election night too f-ked up to deliver a concession speech.
What a buffoon.

NYC JournoList said...

How do we know that Trump ws not being sarcastic and mocking when he said this ... I can see him rolling his eyes and making fun of the seriousness others were taking pf the moment.

tcrosse said...

If you think Trump Derangement Syndrome is severe, imagine what Hillary Derangement Syndrome would have been like if she were President (if that's not too hideous to contemplate)

Anonymous said...

I watched it again. She's a slave to the camera now, and I have to say if I was Bill I'd be speechless too.

Aren't Klepper's 15 seconds up YET?

Breezy said...

Glad she is all about looking presidential, too. She is no better than Trump.

cubanbob said...

tcrosse said...
If you think Trump Derangement Syndrome is severe, imagine what Hillary Derangement Syndrome would have been like if she were President (if that's not too hideous to contemplate)".

Hillary is the turd in the punchbowl. It's not derangement to be against turds in the punchbowl.

MAJMike said...

Hillary! How can we say "good bye" if you won't go away?

Bay Area Guy said...

So, when is Mueller gonna indict Don Jr for the Trump Tower meeting?

That was really bad.

Walls are closing in. Waiting for the indictment. Any day now.


Still waiting......


Hmmm. Perhaps, I was misinformed.......

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: MSM drops mask, openly campaigns for D-candidates they like.

This Fawning NBC News Article on Pete Buttigieg is Worse Than a Glorified Press Release; It’s Sanctified

Paul said...

Now, will Hillary read Dollar Bill's speech saying he didn't have 'sex with that woman'.

Now that would sell!

Original Mike said...

I still waiting for Inga to rub the Mueller Report in our faces.

She's such a tease.

Chris Lopes said...

"She is no better than Trump."

She does have the singular virtue of not being in the Oval Office.

Skeptical Voter said...

Now watching Hillary "read" the Mueller Report is a nasty job--akin to fixing a 36 inch diameter broken sewage main spewing raw sewage into the air. I'm glad that someone else took on that nasty job---and I won't even bother to watch the 13 seconds or so that our host recommends.

Hillary is in no position to recommend that someone else "go back to law school". I would hope that in a just world she could give us an up close, personal, and intimate review of the interior of several federal prisons. Maybe give us some tips on how to look good in an orange jumpsuit. Perhaps Martha Stewart left a recipe for cookies, and Hillary could make them in the prison bakery.

Josephbleau said...

Don’t worry about what Hillary says , she is the crazy aunt in the attic of berbidengeig.

Danno said...

What Paul said and maybe she can tell us what the definition of 'is' (or was that jizz) is.

TJM said...

Hildabeast is nuts and is playing with fire. Bill would love to see her in orange

Earnest Prole said...

Hillary Clinton is King Midas in Reverse: Everything she touches turns to shit.

BJM said...

Hillary, the cowbell of politics.

Drago said...

"Hillary Clinton is King Midas in Reverse: Everything she touches turns to shit."

She is the LLR Chuck of Non-Althouseblog..

Bay Area Guy said...

After the Mueller Report was issued, I thought Hillary would become president.

Have I been misinformed?

Original Mike said...

"Have I been misinformed?"

40% of the country is asking themselves that question.

tim in vermont said...

With no 1st principles like Equal Treatment Under the Law and Due Process the law becomes completely arbitrary and nothing more than a tool of power.

The Russia Hoax has shown everyone that this is in fact the current state of affairs. Why is she not in jail?

Kathryn51 said...

That vile woman isn't worthy of polishing Bill Barr's shoes.. I loathe her.

tim in vermont said...

Why shouldn’t she cackle? she pulled off the most successful SWAT prank ever. She will probably still be chuckling days after her death.

Known Unknown said...

Money Talks, Hillary Falls Down.


Crazy World said...

She is deplorable and embarrassing. Just disgusting.

tim in vermont said...

Least self-aware woman in the whole world, and if you knew my ex-wife, you would know that that is really saying something.

Fen said...

A smarter person would know when to shut up and be gone and not tempt fate.

But we already saw how stupid she was - tempting fate with no concession speech. It's like the Democrats don't even watch their own propaganda

She thinks she's untouchable.

Hubris and then Nemesis: "In ancient Greek religion, Nemesis also called Rhamnousia or Rhamnusia ("the goddess of Rhamnous"), is the goddess who enacts retribution against those who succumb to hubris"

Or, as Godfather Reynolds aptly put: When the responsible authorities fail to act, other forms of authority will assert themselves. They may not behave responsibly but they WILL act

People like Hillary forget that the Rule of Law exists not only to protect the innocent, it is intended to protect the guilty from mob violence.

She should be on her knees, throwing herself at the Mercy of Lady Justice, begging to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Else, what is the most effective way to punish a mother and grandmother?

Fen said...

Welcome back Agent Garcia. Did you enjoy your coffee break?

stlcdr said...

It’s be nice to see what is in the Mueller report which should detail all the evidence of Trumps misdeeds, as discovered by the top law enforcement agency, so we can put this to rest once and for all...

Fen said...

so we can put this to rest once and for all...

Oh please. The Left could cross-examine every witness and still not be satisfied.

Love how you avoid saying Trump did anything criminal or impeachable.

Is "misdeeds" the new Hobgolbin now that Collusion and Obstruction have died?

Breezy said...

Let’s hear Trump pretend to be Hillary upon learning she lost the election to him.
And also the times she learned of the Benghazi raid and that her illegal email server was outed.

michaele said...

After watching that video, it's hard not to conclude that Bill should keep his mouth shut...literally. The constant slack jaw makes him look old and feeble and, frankly, nothing that he said sounded sharp or funny. It was kind of sad to see him so passive.

PB said...

Why can't the Clintons just go away?