February 17, 2019

"We need wall. Wall works. Wall makes safe. You don't have to be smart to understand. And in fact, it's even easier to understand if you're not that smart."

"So you can all see why I have to fake this national emergency. I have to because I want to."


Oso Negro said...

Ha ha ha, ha ha ha! I wonder how many SNL-related actors, writers, producers, assistants or flunkies live down near the border?

stevew said...

In this era of "That's Not Funny" I'm trying to decide if I'm just a humorless jerk for not finding the humor in this stuff. It is so predictable and thereby lacking the essence of what makes good comedy. No surprise, no odd twist, nothing new. And all wrapped up in a nice insult package.

Thanks for watching SNL so I don't have to.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gee I thought Israel has had great success with their wall. Guess you reallt CAN know the world from a limousine

Oso Negro said...

I guess none of them live in gated communities, have fences around their yards or lock their doors at night, either.

David Begley said...

Question: If SNL was cancelled, how would we know other than a post from Althouse?

Lash LaRue said...

When will our National Emergency of having to put up with Alex Baldwin come to an end?

Gunner said...

Trump should end three Obama era emergencies for every one he declares.

rhhardin said...

It doesn't seem to capture Trump outwitting the media, his sense of humor.

Howard said...

Obviously it touched a nerve with the Cuck in Chef.

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
26m26 minutes ago

Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!

Amadeus 48 said...

Dana Carvey was funny. These folks are third rate.

Trump is so over-the-top that it is hard to mock him successfully in a witty way. These people fail. They are just clowns.

Howard said...

Coffee is for Closers

Equipment Maintenance said...

I didn't think it was even mathematically possible to be that not funny.

Howard said...

Baldwin massively trolled Trump and you cucks still hoover up every drop of smegma that dribbles out his cunt.

Bay Area Guy said...

Where are Bill Murray, John Belushi and Gilda Radner when you really need them?

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the moment when SNL makes fun of the fake hate crime from Chicago.


Jeff Brokaw said...

Can somebody point me to all the SNL humor directed at. Obama? Eight years of it?

Thanks in advance

AllenS said...

Howard, I don't think you know what "cucks" means.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Remember Johnny Carson? That guy was funny.

Lincolntf said...

So next week, I assume SNL will do multiple skits mocking Smollett and the horde of Leftwing media and politicians who gleefully swallowed his hate-inciting lies. No they won't.

roesch/voltaire said...

This was about as funny and incoherent as the tweeter president’s hour long ramble.

Temujin said...

I wish I had a comment here, but I don't. I went to the opera last night and my mind is not working right. It was kinda like sitting through SNL in that the scenes tended to go on longer than they should have. There were good, but then they went long and got boring, then irritating. So, in a sense, I left home and found that people have been doing SNL since the late 1700s.

Of course, I might just be a low lying deplorable who does not know the difference between classic opera and yet another Baldwin does Trump skit. Oh...if only I could raise my game.

Lincolntf said...

Kavanaugh, Covington, Smollett. If you fell for one of those stories you are a stupid person. If you fell for two of them, then you are an absolute blithering idiot. If you managed to fall for all three, you weren't really being fooled, you were simply choosing ignorance. And if you repeated the lies, and spread them on social media, you were choosing to be evil. -Lincolntf

Curious George said...

"Bay Area Guy said...
Where are Bill Murray, John Belushi and Gilda Radner when you really need them?"

Bill Murray is probably playing golf some where in Cali. The other two, well, um

robinintn said...

AllenS, Shh! Don’t clue in poor Howard re “cuck”. His yuge fail makes me smile every time.

Kevin said...

We elected Democrats to stop Trump! We thought we stopped Trump! He's building the wall anyway! Here is an SNL skit to make us feel like we're winning! it will keep us from killing ourselves in despair with Tide pods!

Bob Boyd said...

"If you have a message, call western union." - Samuel Goldwyn?

Molly said...

Here's next week's script:

"A man walks into a bar. The barkeeper says, 'Donald Trump is really stupid.'" [laugh track]

"A priest, a rabbi, and an imam are stranded on a deserted island. The priest says, 'Donald Trump is really stupid.'" [laugh track]

"I just flew in from the coast, and boy is Donald Trump stupid." [laugh track]

rhhardin said...

"It is one of many such laws where Congress created the thin veneer of a process for presidential power that, in reality, was a virtual blank slate."

A blank slate you could cash anywhere.

AllenS said...

Very good, Molly.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Howard you are an interesting study, in a Jeffrey Dahmer way. But a waste of time nonetheless.

alanc709 said...

Howard is the Pauly Shore of blog commentors.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Human trafficking is hilarious.

narciso said...

Hes the warhammer:


Fen said...

Howard: "Baldwin massively trolled Trump and you cucks still hoover up every drop of smegma that dribbles out his cunt."

Aww, that's so cute - your initial attempt at shaming didn't take, so you think vulgarity will make it resonate.

Instead, it just makes you look silly, full of impotent rage.

Have you considered therapy, small angry boy ?

JAORE said...

Predictable is rarely funny. Predictable and repetitive is almost never funny. Add in Alec Baldwin and you approach division by infinity.

Fen said...

It amuses me when the SNL cast displays how sour they've become due to Trump. I may add them to my election night porn.

Has their ever been a more delicious upset than watching tbe Left wing media slowly realize Hillary lost?

Winning. Still.

Equipment Maintenance said...

JALORE said: "Predictable is rarely funny. Predictable and repetitive is almost never funny. Add in Alec Baldwin and you approach division by infinity."

That's what I meant by mathematically impossible !

Two-eyed Jack said...

I happened to catch the show, but switched to it after the cold opening. It was awful. Nothing was funny. The Weekend Update segment, a reliable premise for topical humor since the days of Laugh-In, was just antiTrump carping. They editted Trump's press conference to make him appear incoherent and played it, pointing out that he seems incoherent. Trump gets his enemies to destroy themselves.

Wince said...

I suspect at this point we will hear even less from the fake Mueller (De Niro) than the real one.

Wince said...

Blogger Howard said...
Baldwin massively trolled Trump and you cucks still hoover up every drop of smegma that dribbles out his cunt.

Try as he might I don't think Baldwin took a smidgeon of Trump's creativity that way.

JaimeRoberto said...

Walls do work. I'm sure Baldwin has some too.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hilarious in it’s aptness.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hey Molly! Look here!

EDH said...
“Try as he might I don't think Baldwin took a smidgeon of Trump's creativity that way.”

rcocean said...

Yeah, Democrats don't want a border - or border security - or immigration laws.

Fuck Them.

rcocean said...

"how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution?"

Simple. Mitch McConnell and his gang don't care about anything except getting $$$ in return for legislation. In order for their to be "retribution" - Mitch would have to get some $$$ from a big donor. Maybe Trump could write him a check.

Clyde said...

You are worthless Alec Baldwin, you are worthless Alec Baldwin,
You’ve failed in every way and now my stock in you has fallen...

Achilles said...

Democrats want open borders so they can replace the deplorables with cheap labor.

They make up race hoaxes so they can justify their hate.

Most of them are really stupid like Inga.

Gk1 said...

It is interesting that this clip is being circulated by the usual suspects in the media. Yahoo, MSNBC and my local bay area affiliate have posted it as if it were frightfully funny. So boring. Even the faithful have to be bored to tears with this gag. That's not how you make things go viral any more. It has to have its own legs and be funny or new. This is just the same 5 minutes of hate for the last 3 years (doesn't it seem longer?)

Skeptical Voter said...

Yup walls work. Even your average chimpanzee can understand that. OTOH the Democrat chumps in Congress can't understand that.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

There is precedent. We could construct a string of abortion clinics with legally and ethically impenetrable walls, which would be defended by left-of-center transhumanists to defend Americans' civil rites. However, no migrants traveling good faith need be Planned, selected, cannibalized, or otherwise aborted.

Jim at said...

So apparently Don Cheadle put on a CCCP shirt with a #45 on the back.

I find that funny. Very funny. People who openly supported the Soviet Union during the entire Cold War are now accusing the most US-centric President we've had in my lifetime as some sort of Communist dupe.

You leftists are the stupidest people I've ever known.

mccullough said...

The mocking of Trump might be more effective if Baldwin portrayed Trump not as a cartoon version butbthe opposite. A very serious, straight-forward expounded of the problems with illegal immigration.

Cite the studies that show that illegal immigration hurts the wages and employment of lower income Americans, and blacks are disproportionately lower income.

Perhaps have an actress play one of the mothers whose child was killed by an illegal and show Baldwin moved to tears.

Play it sincere. It would be much more interesting.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!
6:52 AM · Feb 17, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone

“Retribution? Should be looked into”?

Trump’s new version of democracy?