"'To put the argument at its most basic: a man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organisation is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires. It’s insane and it’s cheating. I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.'... Under guidelines introduced by the International Olympic Committee in 2016, trans men are able to compete without restriction, while trans women must demonstrate that their testosterone level has been below a certain cutoff point for at least one year before their first competition.... 'Simply reducing hormone levels – the prescription most sports have adopted – does not solve the problem,' wrote Navratilova. 'A man builds up muscle and bone density, as well as a greater number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, from childhood.'"
From "Martina Navratilova criticised over 'cheating' trans women comments/Former tennis player says trans athletes competing in women’s tournaments is ‘insane’" (The Guardian).
1 – 200 of 248 Newer› Newest»Heighten the contradictions.
So perfect. This has to be coming to a satisfying Ourobouros ending soon, no?
So much popcorn. So little time.
Martina was a bad-ass tennis player. Yes, a Lesbian, but, definitely a woman.
The Left is so silly. Men self-identifying as women will slowly burrow into women's sports.
Martina is a lesbian.
Martina is not insane.
Thus, she too will be attacked and shunned by the left/LLR's.
Yeah, just how many woman will change to a man and then compete in men's sports. NADA.
The "phobic" suffix is constantly misused. It should mean an irrational fear of something. Martina doesn't have an irrational fear or dislike of trans women, she's stated very rational reasons why it's unfair to allow them to compete against other women in athletics.
Martina is right, so that has to be wrong.
certain cutoff point
are back to the Bobbitt thing? Or "when life gives you Le mons..."
I'm 6' 5" tall. I self identify as an NBA basketball player--point guard. But at age 75, I'm living proof that white men can't jump. But I still self identify as a starter for say the Boston Celtics? If not then, maybe the San Antonio Spurs?
But in a more serious vein, Martina has a point. I think there's a transgender "girl" down in Texas who's cleaning up state championships in women's wrestling and in women's track.
Poor old Betty Sue doesn't have a chance against Billy Barb--nee Billy Bob.
SJW’s are determined to shit in every nest. I welcome it. Eventually, regular folks will rebel and shut them down. Can’t happen soon enough.
Renee Richards started the whole fuss in tennis 35 years ago. Fortunately as a trans-woman she still wasn't good enough to compete with the cis-women, so it became a moot issue.
Well in the trans defense Russia has a long history of pumping female athletes with horse steroids since the 50s so Natalia should be used to it. Anyone remember Olga from Minsk?
If she really wanted to get under their skin she should beat em - hands down - on the court and then tell them they 'play like a girl'. Might even induce instantaneous PMS.
"Billy Barb--nee Billy Bob. "
or Billy Bobbed
Lesbian Athlete Criticized for Stating Physiological Facts in Public.
Film at 11:00.
"Martina was a bad-ass tennis player. Yes, a Lesbian, but, definitely a woman. "
She was no Gabriela Sabatini or Anna Kournikova, but she was at least as much of a woman as Bill King.
And to give Renee Richards credit for honesty (per Wiki): Richards has since expressed ambivalence about her legacy, and came to believe her past as a man provided her with advantages over her competitors, saying "Having lived for the past 30 years, I know if I'd had surgery at the age of 22, and then at 24 went on the tour, no genetic woman in the world would have been able to come close to me. And so I've reconsidered my opinion."
Billy Jean is not my lover
when all the records, scholarships and endorsement deals fall to trans-its,
and biologically female libs whine, then will arise a collective
Nelson Ha Ha!!
I don't know that anybody cares who wins women's sports, beyond celebrity. It's second tier in any case.
The actual complaint is that the second tier nature of women's sports is being talked about owing to second rate men winning it all the time.
deeply transphobic
"Deeply" is even better than the regular - it's one of those sex thingies!
trans men are able to compete without restriction, while trans women ...
Boy (girl?) this is confusing, I need to use the "trans means not" rule.
So, to, er, trans-late: "not men are able to compete without restriction, while not women ..." = "women are able to compete, while men..."
What makes modern films with women whipping men in fist fights so fun is the fantasy.
Oh, no, "deep transphobia." Thought Crime.
Navratilova can say anything she likes, she has free speech, which comes from having lots of money and being old.
If she were still playing and earning millions she would have shut up.
It’s only well armored people like her, and Trump for another, who can still tell the truth.
The Guardian is also Pro-Choice, and concerned about diversity and "white girls next door", which is apparently limited to feminine females, selectively.
That Mexican chick, no wait, the muslim chick with the funny hat, I always get those POC chicks mixed up, who accidentally got into Congress is interested in ruining women's sports by way of threatening the private organizations which sponsor those sports.
The crossover consequences do not apply to all transgender females, but specifically neo-females still male with constructed feminine attributes.
@rhhardin says "I don't know that anybody cares who wins women's sports, beyond celebrity. It's second tier in any case.'
I enjoy occasionally watching professional women's golf because the game more closely resembles the golf mere mortals play (in terms of ball location, club selection etc).. I don't play tennis but suspect the same might be true.
The only thing disturbing and upsetting is that people find Navratilova's comments disturbing and upsetting.
Eventually there will be five male basketball players at the collegiate level who will claim to be trans-gender and they will waltz to a NCAA championship, thus destroying Title 9. The talent level needed is at the "pretty good male high school" level.
In the short run we'll start to see trans-gender shot putters and discus throwers begin to dominate women's track and field. The social stigma will be overcome by the simple fact they can justify the behavior to gain success and then reverse the transition later. Plus they get to hangout in the girl's locker room.
I love this! This is being hoisted on your own petard. All women sports are going to be filled with trans men now. Just what the feminist deserve
She's right. It is cheating. Transsexuals should never be allowed to compete in sports except as their birth gender. Remember when the Russian women were DQed for having too much testosterone? What was the concern? That they would have the advantage of being more like men. And even men who 'trans' into females retain the muscle mass and weight distribution advantage that men have. If they allow this I will boycott the Olympic games [and any other] the rest of my life. Good for Martina for sticking up for reason.
The Transwoman has a Penis is the new Emperor Has no Clothes.
All of my family is liberal but me. Not one of them even remotely disagrees with Martina. Screw those who criticize her just because she says the obvious.
Interesting, a transgender incongruity, clear and progressive. Navratilova is transgender, but not of the neo-female kind.
Yeah, just how many woman will change to a man and then compete in men's sports. NADA.
Exactly! Ain't gonna happen!
Martina is so obviously right, I cannot see any point to discussing that. I was struck, however, by the trans group saying they were "pretty devastated" to learn she is transphobic. Well, obviously she is not afraid of trans people. But what is intriguing to me is how one can be "pretty" devastated. I mean, you either are or aren't, right? It's not really like you can just dip your little toe into the devastation waters, is it? What I think the bullshit phrase "pretty devastated" reveals is what I have seen nicely referred to as performative outrage. Made up emotion to justify striking out at someone. I mean it's so fake it's really pretty outrageous, isn't it?
We have a new red line. Gays being 100% qualified for every role including Marriage has been established for over 10 years . Now the idiots demand that we do the same for Women-Men and Men-Women and Androids while making the schools entice our grandchildren into self butchery and madness just to win another victory over Judeo-Christian Immorality Rules.
Just say no.
All women sports are going to be filled with trans men now
Neo-female, she, if you're a pronoun. This will cause a transgender schism. In fact, it's multifaceted and already in progress.
Sanity is breaking out. It has to be stopped !
Yesterday I was reading the abstract [all I had access to] of a medical journal study regarding the high number of transsexuals who regret making the change. The article observed that the results have been ignored or buried by the media which is, instead, promoting the idea. We are a very sick culture.
What does she know? She's just a lesbian.
how many woman will change to a man and then compete in men's sports
GI Jane, without the benefit of masculine physiology, and on average the petite of the two sexes. Neo-females are a breath of social justice that will overcome conceptual disparity, evolutionary changes, and other sociopolitical constructs.
'A man builds up muscle and bone density, as well as a greater number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, from childhood.'
True... but I have no sympathy. Liberals have 'normalized' homosexuality then transvestite, and now transgender.
Tough nuts. You opened the perversion Pandora box and you can't close it back.
I'm sick of LGBTQ being an acronym. Separate issues entirely. T has no business being in there.
A trans woman won the men’s decathalon at the 1976 Olympics.
I'm sick of LGBTQ being an acronym. Separate issues entirely. T has no business being in there.
I agree, Freeman. And, IMO, neither should B & Q. If one is 'bisexual', does it mean they have the right to two spouse, one of either sex? And 'queer'? We're not even allowed to use the word. For that matter, shouldn't the term 'gay' suffice for both genders?
Amexpat wrote: The "phobic" suffix is constantly misused. It should mean an irrational fear of something. Martina doesn't have an irrational fear or dislike of trans women, she's stated very rational reasons why it's unfair to allow them to compete against other women in athletics.
The "phobic" suffix is constantly misused. It should mean an irrational fear of something. Martina doesn't have an irrational fear or dislike of [men wearing a surgically implemented disguise,] she's stated very rational reasons why it's unfair to allow them to compete against [actual] women in athletics. FIFY
What have you-phobic is crybaby talk for Everyone must give me what I want and be subservient to my will or I'll kill myself!
It's a tragic comedy that gender is defined by physical and mental attribute, but not limited to sexual orientation. Once you are conceived as male or female, you can only change a limited number of your colors in your psychophysiological spectrum.
Yeah, just how many woman will change to a man and then compete in men's sports. NADA.
No, it's definitely not nada.
"Omar sent the letter on behalf of JayCee Cooper, a male-to-female transgender constituent who was prohibited from competing against biological women." Link above
Also "Transgender teens outrun track and field competitors but critics close behind"
"Transgender high school sophomores Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood came in first and second place, respectively, ..."
All you need is one guy in each sport to win all the competitions and, especially, set all the records which women won't be able to break.
A trans woman won the men’s decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.
Oh, come now, mccllough. Put your head in the lunette more gracefully next time.
A trans woman won the men’s decathalon at the 1976 Olympics
The new right thinking says that referring to someone as "trans woman" is transphobic. You should simply say that "a woman" won the decathalon at the 1976 Olympics.
I agree, Freeman. And, IMO, neither should B & Q.
Fags and dykes is more succinct.
Lotta bucks in the LPGA. Has anyone seen Tiger shopping for a short skirt lately?
It is insane.
There is a guy who now identifies as a female and he competes in high level running events against other women and he wins every time.
Explain how that is fair?
Agree 100% Freeman Hunt.
Yeah, just how many woman will change to a man and then compete in men's sports
Baseball, football, basketball, hockey . . .
You might even get some chick who thinks she's a bad ass who seeks the boxing heavyweight championship insisting that she is a man.
mccullough said...
A trans woman won the men’s decathalon at the 1976 Olympics
Jenner wasn't a tranny then, just a man.
Quaestor suggests: Fags and dykes is more succinct.
Except that not all gay females are dykes.
Gender is not a social construct; there are real physiological differences between men and women, and no medical operations or hormone treatments will change that. The real absurdity is the arguments coming from those trying to persuade us otherwise.
Kind of off-topic, but women's tennis is more interesting than the men. But it is getting less so the more the women simply power it, rather than having a finesse game.
Navratilova is correct- allowing trans-women to compete against biological women is so fucking insane, it defies belief.
The trans movement is deeply misogynist.
Drag queens and MTFs: men presenting themselves as "even better women." "You think that's glamorous/attractive/feminine? Here, hold my beer."
FTMs: females can't be happy unless they can (somehow, magically) become 'male.'
In any case, exclusively female spaces (public restrooms, locker rooms, shelters) are being invaded and eliminated by men who "identify" as women.
It's a highly contagious psychiatric social disease of the "I reject reality and choose to subsitute my own" subtype. I hope actual Realit re-asserts itself sooner rather than later. A LOT of young people are being irreparably harmed by this lunacy.
(reposted to fix broken link)
Gender is not a social construct
It is, partially. For example, women are encouraged (a mental state) to wear dresses because it normalizes a favorable juxtaposition of the female and male sex, the feminine and masculine gender, respectively, of couples and duck dynasties.
Martina is going to come out on top here. Not just because she's one of the greatest women's champions ever, not just because she's obviously right, not because she's a lesbian herself.
There is an insane amount of money in women's tennis, as much as men earn, for the reason that it involves watching relatively attractive women play a non-contact sport at a decent standard (that comes nowhere near the professional men's game). If women's tennis ever threatened to be dominated by Sally Shemalé, pronounced She-mahl-eh, as would obviously happen if a man signed up for the tournament? The organizers would have its knees broken first. Possibly Venus Williams would do the job right there on the court, she's got a temper and the Saint Black Person card that lets her out of jail free.
Anyways, write it down and memorize it: even if President Trump was executed in a coup by law enforcement and Hillary Clinton was brought back to usher in a hundred years of darkness, women's tennis will not be permitted to have a trans champion. It would kill advertising revenues in a sport that people actually give a damn about.
Better not point out things like this or you are "evil", correct, but evil. Yep, it is insane. Men are much stronger than women, no matter what the SJWs say and a trans woman does not instantly become weaker by taking hormones.
at this rate, let's just hope that they will be at least kind enough
to put us all in Sane Asylums
"I'd Love To Change The World"
Every where is freaks and hairies, dykes and fairies
Tell me where is sanity?
Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more
I'd love to change the world - but I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you
Seriously- consider the new IOC rule- is it now permissible for female athletes to take testosterone for the three years before the Olympics and then stop and stay clean for a year and then compete? I would guess not- I would guess the rules against using testosterone are still in place for biological females that involve multi-year bans from competitions.
What puzzles me about "LGBTQ" is that many gay people deny that bisexuals even exist. You're either "really" gay, or you're not; you aren't supposed to swing both ways, despite the Kinsey scale and the magazine (maybe defunct now) titled "Anything That Moves." This of course runs straight into the "gender-fluidity" we're all supposed to be celebrating now, but never mind.
As for the Q, it might mean "queer," or it might mean "questioning," and we aren't supposed to know which. The "questioning" takes us into gender-fluidity territory again.
Not to mention they can hit the ball without grunting.
at this rate, let's just hope that they will be at least kind enough
to put us all in Sane Asylums
Yes, we definitely need some Sane Asylums. Or maybe a Sanity Island somewhere.
I am gay and transphobic.
There are trans on Grindr. Very upsetting I call them shims.
Kind of off-topic, but women's tennis is more interesting than the men. But it is getting less so the more the women simply power it, rather than having a finesse game., asserts Mark.
So say you, a male! I'd rather watch men play any sport than watch women.
From the linked article:
"Following her comments in December, Navratilova was criticised by Rachel McKinnon, a Canadian academic and cyclist, who in October became the first transgender woman to win a track world title.
Some other quotes from McKinnon in this matter:
“Genitals do not play sports. What part of a penis is related to tennis? How does that ‘level’ any playing field?” McKinnon asked.
She also told Navratilova, who won Wimbledon nine times and is regarded by many as the greatest female tennis player of all time: “You realise I’m a world champion trans woman athlete?”
McKinnon said Navratilova’s record as a campaigner for equality did not excuse her comment. “It doesn’t change the fact that you did something very wrong today. Past good deeds don’t give someone a pass.”
So: a guy who wins an occasional women's bicycle race calls out the lesbian nine-time Wimbledon champion as a hater.
By identifying as Trans does that now excuse you from the guilt of Mansplaining?
I wonder if the gay community will ever realize that the trans community's relationship to them is mostly parasitical.
It's bad enough to be cannabilizing each other, but you're not supposed to consume the tapeworm, too.
I am Laslo.
So say you, a male! I'd rather watch men play any sport than watch women.
Ordinarily I would agree, but just look at the ad revenues for the men's and women's circuits. Something's pulling a lot of people to watch women's tennis, and only a fool would tamper with that formula.
That her comments are at all controversial tells us everything. I’ll be very surprised if she, not being an American, apologizes.
I wonder if the gay community will ever realize that the trans community's relationship to them is mostly parasitical.
It's bad enough to be cannabilizing each other, but you're not supposed to consume the tapeworm, too.
Excellent, Laslo! I wish I had your gift of expression. Well done, sir.
I’ll be very surprised if she, not being an American, apologizes.
Martina is a naturalized American citizen.
I am doing a Jew from Tel Aviv that I met on Grindr. I was confused because he rreferred to himself as middle eastern on his profile. I was expecting muz but got jew. Why Jew not refer to themself as Jew on profile??
Don’t get me wrong. He is hot as fuck and I love the accent.
We talk about bibi.
Jew hog.
As I understand the science, if a person goes through puberty as a male the additional height and muscle mass that occurs due to testosterone and other hormones flooding the person's system will always give that individual an athletic advantage, regardless of whether her penis and testicles have been surgically removed, or how long she has been on estrogen therapy, or what her current testosterone level is.
Shorter version, if an individual begins high quality athletic training from a post-pubescent male body that person has an unfair headstart over a person who began high quality training with a post-pubescent female body.
We talk about bibi.
What does he think of Bibi?
allowing trans-women to compete against biological women is so fucking insane
The whole trans agenda is insane. And what is more insane is how so much of the cultural/social elite embraced it at the snap of a finger.
I think it was Jimmy Connors who recently pointed out that if Serena williams, current
Top woman player would rank about 700 if playing against men (i may have the names wrong)
He got hammered for saying it and that's the only reason I know about it. Nobody said he was factually wrong. He just can't point out real differences.
So a so-so guy player, rankef 650 or so could pretend to be a woman for a few years, win titles, trophies, money. Write a book about his struggles as a woman. Get lauded on Oprah, ellen, TheView et al aboit how brave he is.
Then, retire and say on second thought I guess I'm a guy. Glad i didn't get my dick snipped.
Yeah. "Cheating" is a pretty mild word for it.
John Henry
Plus the extra intelligence we get from having that Y chromosome which is so pronounced that women claim we think with two heads. 8-D
Yeah, if you look at the ad revenue as well as sponsor revenue and TV ratings and prize money in regular tour events (not the Grand Slams, where women have their pay artificially boosted by leeching off the men's revenue), the men's tour brings in about 120 percent more.
People watch women's tennis at four tournaments a year, and even in those, less than the men. There are events 52 weeks a year.
"It’s insane and it’s cheating."
The left in a nutshell.
HR people are pond scum.
I have to keep being reminded that a "trans man" is a woman and a "trans woman" is a man. Fortunately, this trans stuff didn't get popular until after I left the dating world.
If it becomes the norm for trans women/girls to complete in women's events, then girls will stop competing. It will be all trans all the way down.
I'm not saying I watch a lot of tennis. I don't. Whether men or women it is very boring. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
But previously, because women did not have the strength to pound it like the men did, they had to develop more skill. That gave it a more interesting dimension.
So if I did ever watch, the preference was for the women.
A hundred comments about trans tennis, and still no mention of Renee Richards.
Oh wait, there is one.
Martina had a devastating serve. I always loved watching her play.
There's a shorter and more widely-recognized term for "transgender woman": man. Navratilova is absolutely right that the instantaneous T level is just a tiny, tiny part of the picture.
"trans women must demonstrate that their testosterone level has been below a certain cutoff point for at least one year"
At least they have a working definition of what a woman is based on SCIENCE!! I'm glad I didn't have to do a testosterone test on the future Mrs Duffy to know she was not only a woman, but really hot. Perhaps my instincts needed to be formed more by SCIENCE!
For the record, I did complete my degree in chemistry at a California State University and worked in that field for three years before moving on. Science is fascinating, but does not compare to the mysteries of woman. The mysteries only get more interesting after 30 years of marriage.
The wonders of Wikipedia.
Guess who coached Martina Navratilova at Wimbledon?
The current women's world record in the mile is 4:12.56. This was the men's record in 1915.
I pretty much only watch men's sports anyway. No problem with trans athletes there. It's only women's sports that gets hurt.
Once again, the Left eats it's young.
I always admired Martina for her dual career.
Great female tennis player
Terrific in The Traveling Wilburries
I wont back down is classic
John Henry
He likes bibi. Bibi pro gay.
Martina has big balls to say this. Way bigger than Billie Jean's.
There is of course no point to having women's sports if a man can just decide that he feels like a woman and promptly become a star.
I feel sorry for Navratilova, because she's going to get the Jean Luc Picard treatment.
I'm going to need a lot more popcorn.
Freeman Hunt said... I'm sick of LGBTQ being an acronym. Separate issues entirely. T has no business being in there.
Conservatives are progressives driving the speed limit.
GIRL FIGHT!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sick of LGBTQ being an acronym.
Liquor, Guns, Bacon and Tobacco. I agree the Q doesn't belong........or did I miss something??
PS: This reminds me of the whole Caster Semenya thing. When she started taking testosterone suppressing meds, she stopped winning. She is genetically female, of course. But sexual dimorphism is strong enough that any genetic female, dosed up with testosterone, will promptly gain a huge advantage.
Which leads other women to wonder if they shouldn't take some. That's why the Soviets used testosterone on their women. With unhappy results for the women, of course. I am not sure if this is where we should be allowing women's sports to go.
You cannot speak the truth or you are a bigot.
John Henry, that was McEnroe.
During NC's HB2 (trans bathroom/locker bill) idiocy a few years ago, the women's NCAA orgs came out against the bill. Fuck them.
He sent pics before we met and I still thought he was muz. Muz and Jew can look alike. Both have cut cock. And their skin color and hair is similar.
Gays I know don't want t in our group.
This past weekend Dr. Rachel McKinnon won the masters world championship in the match sprint in the women’s 35-44-year-old age category. The victory carried historical significance: Dr. McKinnon is a man, and his victory is the first world title by a male athlete in women's track cycling (Michelle Dumaresq won a downhill mountain biking masters world title in 2006).
After his win, Dr. McKinnon tweeted out a photo of his victory and tagged multiple cycling sites, including VeloNews.com. A few hours later, news of his victory was picked up by Breitbart.com, with the opening sentence correctly stating "A biological male claiming to be a transgender woman, won the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles over the weekend."
What happened next? Our Twitter feed became a firehose of rational comments aimed at Dr. McKinnon from the thoughtful and and educated corners of the internet, AKA the "deplorable dregs".
Buried within the serious comments were more than a few serious questions asked by female athletes about fair play and ethics. Was Dr. McKinnon’s participation fair to the women in the race? Does Dr. McKinnon’s male sex give him an unfair advantage? Why are we pretending that we don't already know the answers to these questions?
The IOC’s stated "Fundamental Principals of Olympism" is an ode to inclusivity taken to idiocy:
"The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport and winning medals for participation, without discrimination of any kind, except against men, in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play and a mutual misunderstanding of basic biology."
Mock Turtle: Even women's bikini volleyball?
MAX: [collides] Here.
Anonymous Jogger (99): Oh, great.
MAX: Sorry.
99: That was my last mile. [looks at watch] I have no idea how fast it was.
MAX: You were moving. It's not easy to knock me down. I have a low center of gravity. Pretty solid.
99: I'm just gonna call that one a 4:50.
MAX: Impressive. I once ran a 5:16.
99: Oh, really? That's, uh, slower.
MAX: Not everything's a competition.
99: Well, if it were, I'd win.
Get Smart (2008)
Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=get-smart
Oh, it's OK to discriminate by weight class, too, but don't tell anybody.
The trans party line is that transwomen are women for all purposes. That is why they insist transwomen must be allowed to compete with women in women's athletics because to do otherwise suggests that the transwomen are not women for all purposes, which is apparently psychologically damaging to transgender women or something. Here's another, real life example of how the "women for all purposes" party line runs up against reality. In Massachusetts recently, a transgender women filed a discrimination complaint against a women's beauty spa because the workers there (who, I believe, were poor immigrant workers, just for those of you keeping intersectional score) refused to shave and wax her male genitals as part of a Brazilian wax job offered generally to all women. If transgender women are women for all purposes, then refusing to give them the same Brazilian wax job that is offered generally to all women is discrimination, right? But for some, inexplicable reason, even people who are very sympathetic to the claims of transgenders for "equal rights" have problems with this scenario. It's curious, no?
Oh, so you neanderthal Trumpists think a woman can't compete with a man, huh? So convenient to overlook the 1976 Olympics cause it's ancient history, huh? One word, righties: Caitlin!
Get Smart (2008)
Wow!! For a moment, I thought rhhardin was going to start doing dialogue. This should be interesting.
Alas, it's just another RomCom.
Martina is absolutely correct. But too damn bad. I’m awaiting the complete elimination of men and women’s sports. Women need to “man” up and start competing as the equals they so lunatically say they are. If not, I’m hoping that all women’s sports are dominated by trannies.
"Martina is a naturalized American citizen."
Yes, but she wasn't raised here and so the culture of apology, for her manner of wrongspeak, is not natural to her. It's not to me, born in the USA, either, but I'm 61 years old and so hail from a different perspective.
The are xx and xy (and a very few xxy) individuals. Transgenderism or gender dysphoria is a mental condition. The question is, how should we treat it? Letting xy people compete against xx people in athletic events is a poor and political solution to a mental illness.
"Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms should be the name of a convenience store--note a government agency!"
Fat shaming ill becomes you... </sarc>
Captcha says: "Select all images with bicycles. Click verify once there are none left"
Sounds kind of genocidal, actually. Or like a popular video game...
Then, retire and say on second thought I guess I'm a guy. Glad i didn't get my dick snipped.
Headline from last year: Transgender freshman sprinter, born a male, wins two girls state championships Transgender sprinter Andraya Yearwood, a 15-year-old freshman who was born a male, won the girls' 100-meter and 200-meter dashes at the Connecticut high school Class M state championships on May 30
(Can you imagine how pissed off the actual girls who have been working hard for four years feel about this?)
I am on record as betting that this guy goes back to being a man after college.
Here's another, real life example of how the "women for all purposes" party line runs up against reality.
Then there was the time that they told Mrs. Garrison that she couldn't have an abortion.
Get Smart (2008)
2008. That's why it wasn't funny. Or anything like Get Smart.
"And 'queer'? We're not even allowed to use the word."\
I beg to be different. Those that claim LBGTQxyz..." are proud of the term Queer.
Let's get over it, there is no male-female distinction -- drugs and body mutilization rule. If one ignores "women's tennis", "men's tennis", and other "sexist" sports, those sports will die a natural death, unlike those who "trans-gender" into such sports to gain a few more dollars or euros. Yes, the men who grow breasts and "maybe cut their penises" still have the edge, and they really f****** know it. F****** cheaters.
So, sports? Elect your venue, keeping in mind that Martina is correct, whatever her preference.
Martina completely ignores the fact that men and women are equal.
@Amexpat - you are exactly right about the “phobe” or “phobic” suffix. It slithered into political usage with the advance of the mainstreaming of homosexuality. Tolerance and friendship wasn’t enough. You had to be all in for the latest whim or you were a “hater”.
Once you started worshiping the LGBQ - the T was sure to follow. Not sure what's next on the Leftist agenda. Polygamy? Infanticide?
Whatever it is, you can be that "principled conservatives" will be accepting it 5 years from now.
if women are genetically inferior to men at tennis, then why was McEnroe attacked for saying the 500th best man could beat the Williams sisters?
Infanticide is already here. Abortion is just about to become the next sacrament, or status symbol, of which young women of a certain caste will boast, to one-up each other.
Pedophilia will come up again. It’s forgotten that it was quite a popular idea in the 1970’s, in the Euro section of the new left, but was forced back into the pit.
@rcocean see above, you are NOT allowed to speak the truth, or you are a bigot.
" I'm sick of LGBTQ being an acronym. Separate issues entirely. T has no business being in there."
I've made this observation many tImes. How is it not homophobic to lump Gay folks with the mentally ill? Where's the outrage?
Or have they just turned the whole thing into such a shitshow that no one outside the clown car cares. Not really. It's just another cage to fling poo from.
The “shitshow” is important and cannot be ignored, we cannot escape the clown car, because if you disagree, or often enough fail to openly agree (see Linus Torvalds) you and your family and business, if any, will face retaliation from other businesses and institutions.
Gretchen - absolutely right.
Mock Turtle: Even women's bikini volleyball?
I'm a woman, Sam. And an old one, at that. Why in the hell would I want to watch women in bikinis playing volleyball?
Former tennis player says trans athletes competing in women’s tournaments is ‘insane’
I knew they were insane when they said that a child's sex is assigned at birth.
The difference in anatomy between a white man and a black man is tiny compared to the difference between a brother and sister. Yet the idea that race is "assigned" is ridiculous.
John Ray sez: I beg to be different. Those that claim LBGTQxyz..." are proud of the term Queer.
Yes, but we [straight folk] aren't allowed that privilege. Like blacks using the n word.
Andraya Yearwood's second-place finish at the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) 100-yard dash finals on June 4, 2017, behind another transgender student
rcocean asks: Once you started worshiping the LGBQ - the T was sure to follow. Not sure what's next on the Leftist agenda. Polygamy? Infanticide?
P: Pedophilia
CBS News reported Belken asked Gillibrand if “X” should be recognized as a third gender for those identifying as “non-binary” at the federal level. Belken applauded Gillibrand’s speedy “yes.”
@mockturtle - I denounce you as a hater! The preferred term is "minor-attracted persons".
I'd think Pedophilia would be a hard one for the left to put over. But I'm sure they're up for it.
@mockturtle - I denounce you as a hater! The preferred term is "minor-attracted persons".
LOL! Sure. Maybe they are 'born that way' and can't help it.
So a so-so guy player, rankef 650 or so could pretend to be a woman for a few years, win titles, trophies, money. Write a book about his struggles as a woman.
Again, no one except Mark seems to remember Renee Richards. That's pretty much exactly what she did, though she was already over 40 by the time she got on the women's tour and still made it as high as number 20. And yes, wrote a book. But as I posted above, she understands that it wasn't fair.
There isn't a third gender. There are two sexes: male and female. There are two genders: masculine and feminine, respectively, consisting of physical and mental -- notably sexual orientation -- attributes that are correlated with sex. And there are significantly divergent individuals by phenotype, nurture, and choice, which compose the transgender spectrum (a.k.a. "Rainbow"). The "third gender", as certain trans-social, trans-moral behaviors, is advocated for purposes of selective exclusion (i.e. Pro-Choice) by the politically congruent ("=").
Sorry, Martina. Truth is no defense.
Tranny imperialism is the next stage of progressivism--not the last, I don't think.
Deal with it.
What's that, Martina--you thought progressivism meant "equality"? Caring about "women's rights" and "women's bodies"?
So, Martina, you learned something. Don't let your outrage go to waste.
Get Smart 2008 has the same bash-the-male jokes, except the guy is a rookie spy who 99 holds in contempt; but it turns out he loves the spy job and is really good at it, where 99 is uptight feminist about the job; and finally falls for the guy who loves the job, the genuine spy.
The flaws in the movie are from a competition between the joke writers and the story writers. It never exactly knew what it was, genrewise.
The TV original was about marriage, indirectly; the guy is sent on a quest, the guy screws up somehow, the woman shows him she's satisfied with him. That's why 99 was hot to millions of American men, not her so-so looks.
n.n said...
There isn't a third gender. There are two sexes: male and female. There are two genders: masculine and feminine, respectively, consisting of physical and mental -- notably sexual orientation -- attributes that are correlated with sex. And there are significantly divergent individuals by phenotype, nurture, and choice, which compose the transgender spectrum (a.k.a. "Rainbow"). The "third gender", as certain trans-social, trans-moral behaviors, is advocated for purposes of selective exclusion (i.e. Pro-Choice) by the politically congruent ("=").
But there are NO biological or genetic markers that distinguish between genders, as there are with the sexes. It's all in their heads. And I'd love to hear the difference between trans-moral behaviors and those of the rest of us.
Conservatives are progressives driving the speed limit.
American conservatism is established by the national charter: The Declaration of Independence, the nation organization: The Constitution (which, despite forward-looking rulings, does not have a black-letter "Twilight Amendment"), and the outlook of the Founders. Essentially, American conservatism is classical liberalism tempered by Judeo-Christian philosophy, which does not indulge in diversity, male or female chauvinism, redistributive change, warlock trials, and The Wicked Solution.
rcocean said...
Martina completely ignores the fact that men and women are equal.
That's one of the dumbest fucking comments I've ever had the misfortune to read. Equality under the law, yes. But in all other facets of life, obviously no.
The UK lowered the age of consent for both homo and hetero sex to 16 a few years ago. It had been higher for homo.
wholelottasplainin' said...
Let me explain: sarcasm.
Is this an example of trans-moral behaviour?
Pretty sure rcocean was being facetious, wholelotta.
I'm getting the impression that the Democrat presidential candidates will all be toeing the politically correct line, thus veering to the far left. That may enhance Trump's modus operandi of calling a spade a "damned old shovel".
I think the 2020 election will be about whether Americans have abandoned their independent and free thinking nature to fall into line with political correctness. I, for one, don't want Jim Acosta and Joy Reid telling me what to think.
there are NO biological or genetic markers that distinguish between genders
Gender refers to physical and mental attributes correlated with sex. There are some obvious markers that distinguish between the masculine and feminine genders. Some of these markers are corrupted by neo-genders and forcefully normalized in the case of homosexuals and bisexuals Transvestites are a trans-social shade in the transgender spectrum, where they reject social norms that normalize a favorable juxtaposition of male and female, masculine and feminine, respectively, couples and duck dynasties.
Is this an example of trans-moral behaviour?
Yes. The principles or axioms that are common to reconcilable religions/moral philosophies, that are internally, externally, and mutually consistent, are individual dignity, intrinsic value, and perhaps inordinate worth, which are then reconciled with the Natural order, where underage girls, and boys, are protected by civilized society from predators.
It is sad that some people need to be reminded that the word "equal" means "the same."
So saying "men and women are equal" is just as stupid as saying "men and women are the same."
"Gender" is a language construct. Words have gender. People do not have gender.
High level professional sports are so corrupt I'm not sure I care about this. Everyone is doping already.
The Turks have a procedure called burma. This entails fastening a tight strap around a male animal's penis and scrotum. Within a fairly short time the male parts wither and drop off. If human males had to undergo burma before competing against women, it would at least provide evidence of their good faith.
I asked a question and no one answered so I will.
Navratilova's Wimbledon coach was trans-woman Renee Richards.
In Bostwana a few decades ago there was a female lion with a prounounced mane. All the males wanted to mate with her yet she successfully turned them all away. They named her Martina.
According to Wikipedia.
Big proof of transphobia there.
Sports I do not want to see a transgender women playing against birth gender women:
Wrestling - too much strength advantage
Weightlifting - too much strength advantage
Boxing/MMA - could really hurt the birth gender women
Ice Hockey - could really hurt the birth gender women
Track and field - too much strength advantage
Golf - too much strength advantage
Volleyball - too much height advantage
Basketball - too much height advantage (Not to mention the hand size difference)
Beach Volleyball - won't fit into the "uniforms"
"Legends" League Football - - won't fit into the "uniforms"
Sports that could possibly be co-ed (Trans and born gender):
Softball - somewhat quickness based
Pool/Billiards - skill based
Shooting sports - skill based
Darts - skill based
Bowling - control not strength
Curling - control not strength
Sports I don't care about, let them ruin:
Add your own
BTW some /sarc in this post for those too dense to tell
TomJ: Not sure about the Turks but animal castration has often been performed [on the testicles only!] by the tight band method of cutting off the blood supply, even in this country.
The Italians used to castrate boys for the opera stage. The adult physique supporting a boy's vocal cords would result in a very powerful soprano or mezzo voice, moreso than that of a woman. Cheating?
Words have gender. People do not have gender.
Unfortunately I think that ship has sailed. And I think it began to sail even before the advent of the whole trans phenomenon. The word "sex" became too synonymous with "intercourse."
Lewis Wetzel asserts: It is sad that some people need to be reminded that the word "equal" means "the same."
So saying "men and women are equal" is just as stupid as saying "men and women are the same."
I'd say you're wrong. 'Same' implies identical. Equal implies 'of comparable value'. Men and woman are of equal value, though different. One could say the same about races.
Asians, for instance, are not recognized as great composers but many are great musicians.
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature.
Jon Burack said...
"I was struck, however, by the trans group saying they were "pretty devastated" to learn she is transphobic. Well, obviously she is not afraid of trans people."
Yes, "transphobic" means "insufficiently intimidated by the mentally ill".
if women are genetically inferior to men at tennis, then why was McEnroe attacked for saying the 500th best man could beat the Williams sisters?
He spoke an inconvenient truth.
Eventually there will be five male basketball players at the collegiate level who will claim to be trans-gender and they will waltz to a NCAA championship, thus destroying Title 9. The talent level needed is at the "pretty good male high school" level.
Who will then go on to play in, and dominate, the WNBA.
Mens v Womens tennis, take a look at the different body types these days.
the men are nearly all lean and wiry endurance athletes, as they need to be to olay five long sets at majors.
the women are generally hulkier strength athletes, modern rackets mean belting the cover off the thing is the winning play for them, and even at the major three sets only.
Just imagine Serena trying to keep going for four or five hours on a hot night in Melbourne.
Gahrie said...
Who will then go on to play in, and dominate, the WNBA.
i'm doubting that part; who watches WNBA, besides lesbians?
But there are NO biological or genetic markers that distinguish between genders, as there are with the sexes. It's all in their heads. And I'd love to hear the difference between trans-moral behaviors and those of the rest of us.
Except for that wonderful Y chromosome that gives us two heads to think with (though, admittedly, we are prone to get into trouble when we think with the little one in our pants instead of the one hat sticks out of our shirt collar).
"I love this! This is being hoisted on your own petard!"
But, I thought the whole point was that they had their petards cut off . . . .
Oh, wait . . .
Incidentally, Martina is way more than a former Wimbledon champ. She’ s either the best, or second best, woman tennis player of all time.
The obvious answer is to just ban women-only sports competitions. To be fair to all, of course.
'A man builds up muscle and bone density, as well as a greater number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, from childhood.'
Male privilege!!!!!!
If "man" and "woman" are merely socially constructed concepts with no basis in biological reality, then why are sports sex segregated to begin with? I remember during the height of the Ronda Rousey hype, people were actually saying with a straight dace that she could take Floyd Mayweather. Media and Hollywood types, who have little to no experience with actual fighting, seem to really believe that Angelina Jolie or Uma Thurman kicking the crap out of half a dozen tough dudes is realistic. Thinks to Hong Kong martial arts films, these people seem to think that a woman can use magic Asian martial arts to overcome a man who outweighs her by 50 pounds.
Shut up!
The obvious answer is to just ban women-only sports competitions.
Or have three categories: Men, Women, Trans. Or per Facebook, 47.
"I'm sick of LGBTQ being an acronym"
Bigot. Its LGBTQQIAAP+! Hehehe.
I am Laslo.
About Renee Richards. She changed her mind and espoused the position Martina espouses now.
Next week, the United Methodist Church will vote in General Conference over whether to abandon Christianity or not, over LBGTQ rights. Church soft ball will not be the same, depending on who wins the vote.
What about an able bodied man who identifies as being an amputee. Can he compete in the special Olympics?
"The “shitshow” is important and cannot be ignored, we cannot escape the clown car, because if you disagree, or often enough fail to openly agree (see Linus Torvalds) you and your family and business, if any, will face retaliation from other businesses and institutions."
Oh sure, it's a useful flail in the ideological wars, but the number of people who actually care is vanishingly small. Which means the flail is brittle and can be rendered impotent by half a dozen people loudly, proudly, and publicly pronouncing they don't give a shit. I think we're getting very close to the point where it's going to be wildly fashionable to be the boy commenting on the emperor's clothes.
Titus wrote: There are trans on Grindr. Very upsetting I call them shims.
OK. So what do you call shims?
shims (noun): Thin pieces of material, sometimes tapered, used for alignment or support.
She changed her mind and espoused the position Martina espouses now.
Something similar happened with Roe, and we are fist-person witnesses to how that transhuman experiment evolved, for social progress, for political congruity, for taxes and State.
mockturtle wrote: I'd say you're wrong. 'Same' implies identical. Equal implies 'of comparable value'.
Correct but incomplete. Firstly, equal means interchangeable. Your 'of comparable value' usage often doesn't apply. A large commercial truck may cost as much as an exotic sports car. Therefore they are of comparable value in terms of money, but they could not be less comparable in terms of utility.
I have a lot of respect for shims. They are a big deal in machine tool setup and metrology. One wonders if there are any gays in the metal-bashing business. I am sure I have never met an obvious one. Not even a lesbian.
If you remember the case of Richard Raskind, he identified as transsexual, not transgender, which I'm not sure was even a term back then.
He thought that he was "a woman trapped in a man's body." A woman that he named "Renee Richards." Of course, such an idea is near heresy today in the trans ideology because that implies a binary system.
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