... had shown up from President Trump's old yearbook, Democrats would yell that he must resign. How can they retain their credibility to ruin Republicans if they don't destroy their own? I see Kamala Harris jumped right in to lead the pack. Harris is to Northam what Gillibrand was to Franken. Instant death. No pausing to reflect on human frailty. No empathy for the the imperfect judgment of young people. No contextualizing, even so soon after people misread what they saw in the photograph of the Covington Catholic boy and the Native American elder.
What was the context? Is asking for the context extending white privilege and contributing to the ravages of racism? I want to read Northham's own statement. Does that make me complicit in historical evil? The Democratic frontrunner for President, Kamala Harris, didn't sound interested in context, understanding, or empathy. She performed snap judgment. Northam must resign.
But let's read. Let's see what Northam gives us to think about.
Earlier today, a website published a photograph of me from my 1984 medical school yearbook in a costume that is clearly racist and offensive.So we know that is him in the photograph... but which one is he? And why isn't he telling us?! Maybe if I could figure out which costume is worse, I'd know why he isn't telling. The KKK character is the evil one, but the other one is blackface, and everyone knows that a white person must never, ever put on blackface. I mean, Ted Danson didn't know in 1993 (and Whoopi Goldberg dared him to do it (he said)) but young Ralph Northam was supposed to know in 1983.
What was the occasion? A costume party of some sort? Is there anything to be said about the apparent camaraderie between the Klansman and the black man? Some vision of the peaceable kingdom: "The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together..."

But a white man put on blackface and another white man put on a KKK outfit and that's all the there is: Northam's statement, adding nothing but a confession that he was inside one of those costumes, implicitly says, there is no context to consider. To contextualize would be to minimize guilt, when he wants to take on full guilt... except for the little detail of costume was his. (Is he waiting to hear which costume is worse? Which one does he want to be, given that he has to be one?)
The statement continues:
I am deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear as I did in this photo...You mean as a Klansman or as a black man? I'd like to know, even as I'm unsure which is worse.
... and for the hurt that decision caused then and now. This behavior is not in keeping with who I am today...But who were you then? What did the costume mean? Were you actually a racist at the time? I'd like to know what he remembers thinking and what other people said. Maybe he isn't talking about it because there was some garish racial foolery or even bigotry, but I suspect he's keeping it short because he's been advised that any attempt to explain will be taken as a failure to take racism seriously. You'll be making it worse.
... and the values I have fought for throughout my career in the military, in medicine, and in public service. But I want to be clear, I understand how this decision shakes Virginians’ faith in that commitment. I recognize that it will take time and serious effort to heal the damage this conduct has caused. I am ready to do that important work. The first step is to offer my sincerest apology and to state my absolute commitment to living up to the expectations Virginians set for me when they elected me to be their Governor.The elements of an apology are thus firmly in place. Must he also resign? This isn't the Senate. He can't be expelled by a bunch of Senators like Al Franken. But Al Franken ousted himself when the Senators banded together against him. Will Northam take himself out? If he does, what will it mean?
Let's look to Kamala Harris as a source of meaning. Her tweet:
Leaders are called to a higher standard, and the stain of racism should have no place in the halls of government. The Governor of Virginia should step aside so the public can heal and move forward together.Northam did something 30 years ago. How is his presence in the "halls of government" the presence of the "stain of racism"? This is grandiose and severe language. And yet it purports to give priority to healing and moving forward. If we really cared about healing and moving forward, wouldn't we believe that a man may have moved forward over the course of 30 years and not insist that he is stained forever?
If we are stained forever by what is in the past, then there is no healing, no moving forward — ever, no matter what. So how could Northam's resignation help us do what cannot be done? And, most absurdly, how are we moving forward "together" if the main thing that must be done is to leave one of us behind? There is no "together," no "healing," no "moving forward," just relentless stain, rejection, and punishment.
I'm concentrating on Kamala Harris, because she seems to be the Democratic Party frontrunner for President and because her call for Northam's resignation is the first one I've heard, but others have followed the same path of no forgiveness. The candidates for President look desperate not to be left behind. They see which way things seem to be going and they rush to get there too. Julian Castro, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Sherrod Brown, John Hickenlooper, Eric Swalwell (who?), Terry McAuliffe. I see why they have to do it, to preserve the Democratic Party brand, and yet I think it's an awful brand — relentless, unforgiving, without context, without careful consideration.
And (most ironically) it makes it harder to say that racism is pervasive and runs throughout humanity. We're stuck in a shallow ritual of identifying scapegoats and imagining that we could emerge from that ritual stainless and whole.
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Wisconsin needs to move its capital. Wausau or Steven's Point. Somewhere that isn't named for a slaveholder.
Come to think of it, the nation should do the same. Lawrence, Kansas would work.
" see Kamala Harris jumped right in to lead the pack. Harris is to Northam what Gillibrand was to Franken. Instant death."
Sen Kamal-toe Harris (D-Vagina) should just let the people of Virginia work this out for themselves while she concentrates on working out Brown's Willie.
Betting window is open: Northam doesn't survive the weekend.
I’d put money that he’s the Klansman, given his full-throated support for infanticide expressed earlier in the week. This would be in complete alignment with Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger was full-bore for getting rid of blacks, including infanticide which her legacy, Planned Parenthood, proudly supports to this day.
I assume in the next few days he’ll admit whether he’s on the right (side of the picture) or the left. His so-called apology (“sorry I got caught”) doesn’t clarify; is he the minstrel or the Klansman?
And who’s the other guy? The woke crowd will be getting at him in short order.
“Governor, when the fatal decision is made and the child is removed from your intermediate kept-comfortable stage, what method will be used, lethal injection, hanging by rope, being shot at dawn, bare-handed strangulation, raw abandonment of the child through exposure to the cold?”
Personally, I find Northam's breezy dismissal of infanticide to be far more reprehensible, sickening, and horrific than his smirking, privileged white boy med school antics.
People like that (e.g.,, see also Gov. Andrew Cuomo in NY, Gov. Raimondo in RI) should be nowhere near the levers of political power, these people are modern day Dr. Mengeles to me.
That said, I'd rather see him stay in office, as a constant reminder to voters of the kind duplicity and even wickedness that infests the Democrat party.
I keep hoping that we'll soon reach peak insanity on the left, and each day something new happens to dash those hopes.
I have taken up reading Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds published in 1841 by Charles Mackay as a guide to what further mass insanity we might expect from these "progressives".
It would be nice if there were one set of rules/expectations for both sides to follow, no? Fat chance.
That smell you smell is the scent of ashes of the yearbooks of all the Democrats running for President....
I just saw a trailer for Best of Enemies which is along the “Peaceable Kingdom” idea, but while the Klansman is still white, the black lady is really black, Taraji Henson.
I think that the KKK costume is worse. But it's a close call. -Lincolntf
Hall of Fame post.
Northam is six feet tall. Given, the height difference in the photo he’s likely the one in black face. Maybe the Klansmen is s woman. Northam could redeem himself here by not revealing who that person is.
Enough lives are ruined by this stuff.
Just do what CNN did and identify him as a Republican Trump supporter.
On the off chance you missed CNN calling him a Republican
Obviously the blackface was to honor African American men, and the KKK costume was to ridicule the Klan. That much is clear, and would have been clear in 1983. Didn’t “Flashdance” come out around then with the comedian who told Pollock jokes?
It is beginning to look like Christmas.
Warren - next POTUS (or Sanders)
Harris or Booker - next VPOTUS (or Klobuchar)
GOP to lose Senate, too.
Far easier for Kamala to pass through the eye of a needle than to ever be President of the United States.
Hugely disappointed there is a pic of a Corvette associated with this racist democrat.
Weird though that a couple of college kids could lay their hands on such an authentic costume. Just sayin’ Like were they rooting through Robert Byrd’s closet?
All good questions Ann. I'd like to know the answers too before judging and demanding action.
One thing that puzzles me is that this photo is in a yearbook that presumably was put together by fellow students and reviewed and edited by a school official. At least that is how I remember high school yearbooks are published. So the photo was deemed ok at the time, and not just ok ok, but worthy of publishing in the yearbook and presumably beating out other photos. Thirty-five years is a long time, and I expect Northam has matured significantly in that time. It is likely that he, like everyone else, finds the photo that was ok in 1984 offensive in 2019.
All those Democrats calling for him to resign are, to me, engaged in political opportunism. It is the easiest decision ever to decry the photo and demand he resign. Doesn't make it the right thing though.
Republicans that railed against the Roy Moore allegations and those thrown at Kavanaugh - especially with the argument that this was a long time ago in a different time and place - would do well to publicly accept Northam's apology and refuse to demand he resign.
There's nothing to forgive; there's nothing wrong with blackface. It's a stupid rule used by leftists to have a stupid rule in place. It's about silencing.
The KKK outfit is part of the pair, for whatever it was they were doing. A statement that justice is blind, is my choice; with the KKK guy being the blinded one. Good joke.
You don't get anywhere by making leftists live up to their rules. The rules are the problem. Don't dig them further. The rule is the problem, not the leftist.
I'm personally offended by the photo of him posing with the Corvette, the symbol of white male oppression.
We are taking the bait debating this and ignoring the Democrat Party's goal of wide ranging practice of killing babies after they are born.
A photograph when you are 20, make you unfit for office.
A medical doctor turned to politics advocates for killing babies, elevates you to National prominence in the Democrat party.
The real question is whether he's lost his sense of humor. Probably, since he's a leftist.
Indian commies (South Asian, if you swing that way) have their fingers on the pulse of America.
Taking a funny photo in KKK robes, means you are evil
Being the Grand Wizard of the KKK, you are Lionized as a Great American Leader.
I really think the dem leadership is behind the release of this photo. After Northam stepped in it with his 4th trimester execution comment, they need to bury him / get him off the front page.
As I child I used to role play as a cowboy killing Indians. Lots of us kids had toy versions of what now would be labeled “genocide kits.”
The baby thing is fake news, though I like it because it leaves dogmatic right-to-lifers with no argument. If souls are lined up and inserted in each fertilized egg, a dogma used to avoid the slippery slope pitfall, there's nothing special about killing babies as they're born.
Yet it's killing babies when they're cute that's the actual problem. Suggesting the compromise line in pregnancy, politically: when does 50% of the population think they're cute and hence needing society's protection.
It's that instinct that comes from morality, not a dogma about soul insertion.
Lots of us kids had toy versions of what now would be labeled “genocide kits.”
Yours came with used Army blankets?
Indigenous and cowbogenous peoples. Childhood game.
He's a Democrat Baby Murder advocate with a nickname Coonman: Alinsky rules apply. He must resign. He should be bankrupted via lawfare. His wife should divorce him. His life should be ruined. His children should disown him. He should be shunned for all his days. Then he should go to hell.
These are the Democrat Rules.
Once it has been positively identified which is less-bad, that’s the one he was.
Regardless, this whole ‘destroy everything because of history’ is a really nasty idea. Essentially, all criminals should remain in jail, or should be killed because they did something bad.
Indeed, everyone in the world should be fired, attacked, murdered because of something they did or didn’t do in the past. If you don’t think you did anything deserving of punishment, just wait until tomorrow.
And (most ironically) it makes it harder to say that racism is pervasive and runs throughout humanity.
Adultery and abortion are also pervasive and run throughout humanity. So what?
Are you going to start a moral crusade to eliminate either?
No, you're not. Neither am I. Nor am I on board the great moral crusade to eliminate racism. Racism, for good and evil, is part of the human condition and cannot be eradicated.
I plan my routes thru NYC to avoid certain neighborhoods in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Newark. Thus, I've arrived alive at the age of 69, instead of being carjacked or murdered. You know better, Althouse, than to ride your bicycle thru certain neighborhoods in Madison at certain times of day. So does Meade. I know better than to expose myself to the high potential for black violence against whites.
Your exposition is very entertaining and enlightening, but you skipped the first assumption... that we're supposed to be dedicated to eradicating all vestiges of racism. No, we're not.
Fuck the great crusade. It's the crusade that needs to end... now. Fuck your damned crusade against sexism, too, while we're at it.
What if the person in the KKK outfit was a well known black student and the point was "See how well we all get along". I am so tired of all this racist hysteria.
I had an indian halloween outfit, though I doubt there are pictures. There might be.
Big headdress with beads and feathers. No fake stuff. Tangled easily in storage.
I wonder how the indians kept their stuff from tangling up when they took it off.
That he dressed up like that (whichever "that") for a costume party is probably an indication he is/was not a racist as understood in normal times, but these are not normal times.
And it does not matter what Gov. Northam is. All the "good people" will shun him as a plague carrier to avoid any chance of themselves being accused of being "racist."
And since he won his office by using the race card on Ed Gillespie, I would say that "Karma is a bitch, bro!"
What we see in the picture is domesticated racism. Like blogs are domesticated violence.
The microagression thing is to take over domestication with silence.
Some twit on MSLSD just opined that it would be racist of Northam not resign as he would be holding back the African-American LT. Governor from a promotion.
I know I rant a lot about Kamala Harris, but seeing her talking to crowds has me less fearful; she is not charming or smart (D Brooks thinks her going to Howard means something? - hahaha - they would never not have admitted someone with her pedigree and I'm guessing she did poorly at Howard to end up at Hastings law). Agree with Ann - this guy's a little younger, but in that time no one would costume in black face/hood, and have photo in yearbook unless there was at least some justifiable context. I assume some sort of comedy sketch where the sympathies were not with the KKK. But it is utterly bizarre. I am willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt that whatever the context it was silliness/not abject racist.
Which is worse, dressing up as an Indian, appropriating their authentic culture, or dressing up as an Indian killer, a partner to the genocide? They talk about the Washington Redskins, but what about the Buffalo Bills? Buffalo Bill was on a mission to kill enough buffalo to force famine on the Sioux to break their will to fight. When do we get around to changing that name?
Notice how Northam's post-birth abortion infanticide comments have been placed on the back burner (a little Nazi lingo there).
peacelovewoodstock said...
Personally, I find Northam's breezy dismissal of infanticide to be far more reprehensible, sickening, and horrific than his smirking, privileged white boy med school antics.
I agree.
I expected most members of the Indignation Industry (myself included) to resign their memberships voluntarily. Surely most of us realize how deeply flawed, even depraved, we are. But sadly our numbers seem to increase steadily, year after year.
Thanks Ann. Today will be my day to resign.
Having been alive in 1983, I don’t think it shows him as a racist, there are lots of narratives one could imagine that makes the whole thing a mock on racism, but being a conservative, my word means nothing and my vouching for him, which I am not, I am just saying that this is the equivalent, completely absent of context as it is, of the Covington picture, just makes me a racist. So MOAR popcorn please!
"Make them live up to their own rules."
Do you reckon Alinsky had any idea his rules would come to bite his own side so hard?
Here's the problem Dems have with identity politics, all the identity groups hate each other. That makes it hard to keep all the groups from fighting amongst themselves and destroying the coalition.
To solve this problem, Dems need to point at an enemy all the other identity groups can hate more than they hate each other and about whom Dems can say, you need us to protect you from that group. Currently that group is white males, white working class males, white Christian males, people who largely don't vote Dem anyway. In the past Dems have used blacks and Jews for this purpose, but today it's poor and middle class whites.
This system results in a constant state of agitation and anxiety in the US population. We all live like this now so that a few people can have power and control. It's sick.
I yam so happy for you people. As long as Ann can keep you outraged, that Spring trip to Austin will be 5-star, paid for by cuckodile tears!
Personally, I find Northam's breezy dismissal of infanticide to be far more reprehensible, sickening, and horrific than his smirking, privileged white boy med school antics.
People like that (e.g.,, see also Gov. Andrew Cuomo in NY, Gov. Raimondo in RI) should be nowhere near the levers of political power, these people are modern day Dr. Mengeles to me.
I was surprised to learn he was a pediatric neurologist. People like that should be kept out of pediatrics, too.
It's not *just* a photo, though. It's a decision to pick this particular photo as one of the ones to run on his yearbook page. Certainly, it was a long time ago, but it seems a little more justifiable to judge someone according to what he left behind for people to remember him by. At the very least, he should explain why this picture was so prominent for him then, and how specifically he has changed since then.
I think the dogma lives loudly within both sides. (getting a lot of use out of Feinstein's line).
This story has so many layers. In fact, the entire week in the life of the fine Democrat Governor of Virginia has given us numerous glimpses about his thinking and his character. He may in fact be a good doctor. And perhaps that's what he should be doing. Though I have to say, if I were a black man or woman, I'd probably have a hard time trusting him as my doctor now. So...would you now trust him as the Governor of your state?
He's shown to have poor, really outlandishly bad judgement both as a fully formed adult- this past week- and as a young med student in the 80s. Cleary he is consistent on that: This is a man with horrid, no good judgement. How the hell did he beat Ed Gillespie for Governor? By painting Gillespie as a racist because....all Dems and the media (but I repeat myself) are always so ready to believe that Republicans are racist. Yet...we see time and time again how Dems perform. Then get excused.
Northam's position on abortion availability after pulling the baby out of the womb pretty much makes what Kermit Gosnell did, legal. Pretty f'ing horrifying if you have any standards for a civil society.
And his inability to tell you whether he was the black face or the Grand Cyclops is probably him protecting his partner in the photo who may be a prominent doctor around Richmond or Washington DC today.
But, he's gone. The Dems have a black Lieutenant Governor, and that would be just the look they need to put a bandage over this silly, little affair. Let's just move on. Nothing to see here.
Remember- Virginia is for Lovers!
BTW, in early 80s, blackface was still showing up in culture/films for comedic effect (Dan Akroyd in Trading Places (1983), the movie Soul Man (1986) (white guy goes blackface to get into HLS). And KKK outfits were showing up in comedies such as Porky's II-the next day (1983). Context.
Blogger Richard Belaire said...
It would be nice if there were one set of rules/expectations for both sides to follow, no?
"It would be nice if the enemy would stop shooting at us long enough for me to light a cigarette."
It is no longer sufficient to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You now also need a big stick up your ass.
Is the Democrat response to Northam more proof of its rejection of Christianity, given Northam's subsequent apparent life of redemption but for his apparent support for infanticide?
"Let's look to Kamala Harris as a source of meaning"
God help us. I hope I can forget this phrase.
Howard, read some of Trumpit’s posts. He is way better at it than you are.
I really appreciated Althouse's analysis of Harris' statement in which Harris claims she wants the exact opposite from what she is actually attempting to do. This statement is also priceless "the Democratic Party brand....an awful brand — relentless, unforgiving, without context, without careful consideration."
This is not the Democrat party I knew when I was young - that's for sure.
I have it on good authority that Trump's yearbook has a picture of him dressed as a privleged white male.
I'm a little surprised that this was approved in the mid-80s. My high school yearbook dates to then, and no way would this fly. And has no one in that class, no spouse or child, ever flipped through the yearbook in the years since?
Crown princess Kamala demanded his head? Then off with his head!
Since Northam's nickname at VMI was "coonman", I'm betting he's the one in blackface.
That said, if you look at Northam's VMI yearbook page, you see a young man who was bright and able and a leader. I'm no fan of Northam's position on abortion, and maybe it's fair that in the current hothouse world of politics a relatively early faux pas can derail a career. Still it's a shame.
I suppose my high school yearbook photo of the rifle club attacking the Latin teacher would be trouble too.
Forget Northam, what about the young, racist Woodie Guthrie? Say, was't Sanders filmed singing a Guthrie song?
I want to know who leaked this to WaPo as we know reporters don’t do any reporting. My bet is on the Lt. Governor.
This is Covington all over again. Not that I mind Democrats falling into a tailspin of eating their own.
That Latin teacher died of natural causes, I believe. Unusual for a Latin teacher.
I forgot about his unfair trashing of Ed Gillespie during the election. That makes the current matter seem like karma.
stevew at 7:00 a.m.: "Republicans... would do well to publicly accept Northam's apology and refuse to demand he resign." Have any Republicans been calling on the governor to resign? Seems to be mostly Democrats-and-leftward, but I could have missed some.
Blogger Limited blogger said...
Crown princess Kamala demanded his head? Then off with his head!
The Red Queen! Of course!
The process of waiting for people to see the light is slow and frustrating--one might almost say, a proven failure. Much better to replace entirely bad people with entirely good people. Hello? Anyone there?
Gillibrand used to be a centrist congress critter from upstate New York. She has had to give detailed apologies for her previous views. She says she didn't achieve empathy with families who wanted to remain united as they crossed the U.S. border illegally. Is there any way Northam could come up with something similar? I thought Virginians had reached a point where they could joke about a Klansman meeting a victim of the Klan at a party? Sam and Ralph, sheepdog and wolf, putting in a shift at the sheep pasture? I now realize that any such joke remains extremely hurtful to many people?
I blame the conservatives. If we would just have the good grace to withdraw from public life and permit ourselves to be villified over a violation of the politically correct policies of the liberals, this wouldn't be a problem. But to have the audacity to insist on equal treatment for liberals ceates all kinds of problems. No wonder CNN has to mislabel Northam as a Republican.
I wonder how long Northam has lived with the feeling of cold unease in the pit of his stomach, knowing that picture was in his life's closet, waiting, and waking every morning to wonder if today would be the day when it finally all falls apart?
And the clean crisp kick to the balls of NARAL and Planned Parenthood saying he should resign, just days after his arguing for every abortion-rights dream on their lists?
It's like you're just about to have your life's crowning achievement, but then they abort you right before crowning.
I am Laslo.
Eric Freaking Swawell is running for President?
Once we know which costume Northam is in we'll know which one is worse.
"Is the Democrat response to Northam more proof of its rejection of Christianity, given Northam's subsequent apparent life of redemption but for his apparent support for infanticide?"
Good comment/question. When a person seeks redemption from their sins, they ask Jesus. And your sins are forgiven. Period. End of story.
Lefties view it differently. Once caught, the sinner prostrates themselves before the leftie gods (the MSM/Dem leadership). A political calculation is then made. If no long term damage is likely, the lefty sinner will be forgiven. OTOH, if the sin will cause angst among minorities/gays/donors/immigrants, you are toast.
Supports infanticide- meh, no biggie.
Wears dumb costume 40 years ago? OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
I really hate this society.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Harris can virtue signal. Northam can stand by his apology and choose to remain in Office.
The media will be on to other things in a few days.
The next rumor about Trump’s imminent impeachment will make this a non-story.
"Have any Republicans been calling on the governor to resign? Seems to be mostly Democrats-and-leftward, but I could have missed some."
No, I've not read of any Republicans doing so. I was just stating what I think is an obvious opportunity for Republicans to discredit the Democrats past and future attacks.
Went and checked my yearbooks. I'm good.
It’s simply a matter of holding Northam to Northam’s standards. It’s about hypocrisy. There is no reason to look for context. He needs to be gone before the last election.
BTW, if this is what’s going in the yearbook, then it was an accepted part of his “culture.” There’s plenty more that did not wind up in the yearbook.
If he had appeared in a photo of two people dressed up as a doctor and a mangled fetus which would be the more problematic costume?
I am Laslo.
A fetus in blackface would probably be bad in today's hysteria climate.
This jackoff was in medical school, not college and not high school. Who gets his pic in any kind of costume in med school?
So is his medical school going to revoke his degree?
Is the medical board hoping to pull his license?
Hate has no place in the Capital of the Confederacy.
The more I look at the Northam's picture, the more I think it's a picture of him and his date at a costume party.
The irony is delicious!!! and heartwarming :-)
The Democrats have been setting the bar so low. Hammering at every minuscule event in Republican and Conservative people's past lives that can be glomed onto in order to destroy their political and work careers.
Suddenly....ha ha ha ha.....they discover that that bar might have been set for themselves as well. Came around to t bite them in the ass.
Now....How about Kamala Harris sleeping her way to the top? Anyone want to discuss that? It is okay to discuss Trump and his peccadilloes and try to destroy him with his past sexual practices, try to destroy that awful 'man' Kavanaugh..... but not the woman (Kamala).
Oh no. We can never discuss the woman and especially the DEMOCRAT women. THAT is out of bounds.
Why? Nevermind. I already know.
Who is hurt or damaged?
I am glad that Ms. Harris holds strongly to her principles and she was willing to be brave and attack a Halloween Costume. At least she is consistent and it in no way paints her as a Whitey hating race baiter.
I'm guessing that he is the colored person in the photograph.
I though the same thing. Looks like a man and a woman.
Northam better not out her to the mob.
Blogger Tom T. said..."I forgot about his unfair trashing of Ed Gillespie during the election. That makes the current matter seem like karma."
That's my take too. In the absence of that I'd be sympathetic to Northam, but in light of his race baiting in the campaign, fuck 'em.
What if Kamala Harris is the woman--Klansman--in the photo?
Blows your mind, doesn't it?
Correction to my comment at 7:56 AM
I inadvertently used the expression colored person.
I meant to write Person of Color.
Please make the mental correction.
"How about Kamala Harris sleeping her way to the top? Anyone want to discuss that?"
I believe the euphemism of the hour is "briefly dated".
Ironically, if Northam resigns, he will be succeeded by Virginia's lieutenant governor, Justin Fairfax, who happens to be black. It's hard for me to imagine that this isn't part of the calculation for some Democrats as they ponder whether or not to call for Northam's resignation.
I can't speak for all the Republican party, but THIS Republican is calling for nothing except that if you decry all racism, than you better apply those standards fairly to everyone
Exactly. If the Democrats want to set the bar, they need to know it applies to them as well.
EVERYBODY limbo!!! How low can you go?
Republicans that railed against the Roy Moore allegations and those thrown at Kavanaugh - especially with the argument that this was a long time ago in a different time and place - would do well to publicly accept Northam's apology and refuse to demand he resign.
Ah, apologetics. How...tediously predictable.
Did you accept the excuse of 'it was long ago in a different time' for Moore and Kavanaugh?
If not, why should this person get the benefit of an excuse you deny others?
Another Dem governor bites the dust. Is it any wonder the bench of the Dems is so small?
I agree with you. It's silly. And yet, the Dems can't allow context because Antiracism is a bludgeon to beat their opponents. If some good ol boy from Richmond is collateral damage, well too bad. The intersectionality brigade don't believe straight, white men have a future in The Party anyway. As for those of us who believe in forgiveness and redemption, well, we've learned that only leans left. Eventually, they've got to figure out their worldview is toxic, but only if it takes someone down who'll really hurt them. Redemption for Northam just means the next Republican will get beat down twice as hard.
This guy is toast. The GOP doesn't have to do anything, just let the dems eat him alive. Dems have no choice. They took out Franken to appease their base.
Funny how some are now talking abut context, or how he has learned his lesson, and look at the good he has done since the photo. Guess what? Doesn't matter. This is the game he played and the rules of his own party demand his head.
It's not a dem problem. It's a MSM problem. Soap opera audience takes over.
Fairfax will be sworn in then declare his candidacy for president.
Meade said...
Wisconsin needs to move its capital. Wausau or Steven's Point. Somewhere that isn't named for a slaveholder.
Come to think of it, the nation should do the same. Lawrence, Kansas would work.
Fargo, ND. We'll see who's serious about working in government.
Apologies Dust Bunny Queen, I went in a different direction with my post and deleted the comment.
That being said, exactly how humorless, odious and destructive can the Democrat party get before it loses everyone?
As Rosanne famously said: "I haven't moved. You've gone so far f***ing far out, nobody is with you anymore."
Speaking of Rosanne, Ms. Althouse has ignored that prior predicament. So I did some research.
The Connors is widely hailed by all the Woke Professional Critics as Fresh, with a 92% rating.
The fans have it at 38%.
Sarah Gilbert couldn't seem to 'bring it'. Odd...
Here's a tweet thread showing how Northam tried to paint Ed Gillespie as a terrible racist during the campaign for governor. There's an ad from a PAC showing a pickup trying to run minority kids down in the street.
The GOPer is always racist, you know?
You Republicans make me SICK!
Unlike You Republicans, no democrat has EVER tried to make an issue out of someone's teen years. This is the sort of SLIME that Only Republicans would stoop to.
This is ALL STUFF that happened back when he was in school; Back in the Eighties!!
It is NOONE'S Business what jokes or activities a person did while they were a teen
The Only thing that is important, is what they are doing now!!!
Just a correction: Al Franken didn't Al Franken himself. Pay for no work. Being relentlessly odious to Republicans. Hot and Cold running Interns?
Franken hasn't had a great gig like that since SNL.
He was PUSHED out.
Althouse should do a 'where is he now' post on where that vile little troll has wandered off to.
The Florida AG resigned just this week because they found a picture of him in blackface for Halloween. So we don't have to imagine "what if".
That cuts to the quick,Tim. However,given the flurry of vapors you people are off gasing, QED.
I wish he’d just say something like: the 80s were wild, right? What was I thinking? That stuff we pilfered from the pharma cabinet, well, they don’t call it pharmaceutical grade for nothing.
Make it interesting Northam. Hanging on for dear life issuing abject apologies is boring. Also he’ll hate himself later.
"I see why they have to do it, to preserve the Democratic Party brand, and yet I think it's an awful brand — relentless, unforgiving, without context, without careful consideration."
Now, hold on to that thought. Progressivism has always been that way. Its point is to be relentless. It doesn't do forgiveness. Context be damned. The question is whether the nice Althouses of the world will draw the line somewhere and prevent them from gaining power.
"And (most ironically) it makes it harder to say that racism is pervasive and runs throughout humanity. We're stuck in a shallow ritual of identifying scapegoats and imagining that we could emerge from that ritual stainless and whole."
Racism is just another tool. Leftist scapegoating started in 1789. But no one imagines that we could emerge stainless. For progs, in their relentless pursuit of power, there are always other stains to be eliminated.
"I'm concentrating on Kamala Harris, because she seems to be the Democratic Party frontrunner for President"
I think some other word than frontrunner is needed. Biden easily tops the polls. What Harris seems to be is the preference of those who would like take down the frontrunner.
Democrats say America is racist and sexist. Now we're going to nominate a black woman!
Conclusion: Democrats are dumb.
I thank Althouse for a humane and reasoned post. There's a statute of limitations on most crimes. Why not a statute of limitations on bad jokes. A joke exists in the frothy moment of the zeitgeist, and who understands the context of the past? I don't think it was meant in a hateful way. As someone noted, it was probably a Halloween date night photo. People thought it was funny at the time, and it probably was. But that was then, and now is now. ....... I personally think that Warren's costume change was more self serving and deserving of censure.
What odds can I get on he stays in office and there's multiple leftie rag think pieces on why it's important to keep him?
"You don't get anywhere by making leftists live up to their rules. The rules are the problem."
True, but rules don't just propagate themselves.
In my ideal world, the Democrats would not be crazed race hustlers. In the actual fallen world we live in, the Dems are crazed race hustlers, and any "rules" they wish to impose upon the rest of us should be imposed upon them, hard, fast and with extreme prejudice. Because failing to do so leads to the worst of all possible worlds, where the Dems impose their crazy shit on us, while being immune to it themselves.
I wouldn't call for this dork to resign – that's the shit that Democrats do – but I wouldn't give him so much as a modicum of support. Live by the race hustle, die by the race hustle.
The Blackface/Kleagle thing serves well to distract attention from his abortion/infanticide remarks which are certain to alienate large sections of the party faithful - and the party professionals know that.
Similar abortion law is apparently being introduced in the NM legislature as we speak.
In how many other legislatures around the country?
By all means, let us continue to focus on and denounce racism!
-the KKK figure is white - you can see the hands.
-Northam ran the vile ad of the big pickup truck with Republican sticker trying to run over brown children.
-Kavanaugh was in High School and denied the charges, Northam was in Medical school and admitted charges - these incidents are NOT equivalent.
-Northam attended Eastern VA Medical School. The 2018 medical doctor class was 80% white. I would bet 35 years ago it was 95% or better white. The idea these costumes were a condemnation of racism is laughable. That does not mean he has not changed or should be fired. But let us not pretend these outfits were meant to be anything other than what they are - lauding racism.
IMHO -the pickup truck ad shows Northam is still a racist.
Reasons why I think Northam is a goner.
(1) He failed to get the post-partum abortion bill enacted, and it failed in such a way that it will be difficult to bring up a warmed over version of the same in the near future.
(2) The Democrats want to preserve the option of using the blackface weapon in case they get a chance to use it on a Republican.
(3) The Lieutenant Governor is a telegenic young black man with even more extreme left wing opinions than Ralph Northam has. (Look up Justin Fairfax in Wikipedia.) If Republican Jill Vogel had beaten Fairfax in the 2017 election, then they might try hard to keep Northam in the governor's mansion, especially since she is more pro0life than Fairfax or Northam (she sponsored a bill requiring abortion clinics to provide ultrasounds of the fetus).
KKK figure is white - you can see the hands
If you can do blackface, can't you do "whitehands"?
I agree that Dems would be in a more forgiving mood if Northam would be replaced by a Republican.
Why is there no explanatory caption under the photo? What's the backstory? It adds to the weirdness that it's presented as just another day in the life.
I am deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear in blackface over 50 years ago in a distressing incident that was clearly painful.
Myself and three henchmen blackened our faces, got a couple of long boards so all four of us could fit on a Flexy Racer, and rode down the middle of the street in a mostly-white suburban neighborhood pretending we were in a rowboat singing Negro Spirituals.
Loaded with four bodies, one of the Flexy Racer's hard rubber wheels ran over the nail of the "FU" finger of my right hand, and I deeply regret the hurt that caused then, and now, as ever since then that finger goes numb and then burns when it's cold outside, baby. And the nail is weird.
This behavior is not in keeping with who I am today. The Flex Racer part of the behavior, anyway.
"I'm deeply sorry"
Meh. This is why I'm no fan of adverbs. How deep is his sorrow?
"This was really idiotic of me. I can see how people who don't know me today would see this and think I should step down. To them I would say judge me by today's actions, not yesterday's."
Of course, that doesn't work in the world of Kavanagh or Trump. Sorry Democrats.
I thank Althouse for a humane and reasoned post. There's a statute of limitations on most crimes. Why not a statute of limitations on bad jokes. A joke exists in the frothy moment of the zeitgeist, and who understands the context of the past? I don't think it was meant in a hateful way. As someone noted, it was probably a Halloween date night photo. People thought it was funny at the time, and it probably was. But that was then, and now is now. ....... I personally think that Warren's costume change was more self serving and deserving of censure.
Translation: My racist sword seems to have two edges and it is now cutting the wrong way. Let me demand the sympathy I would refuse to offer anyone outside my tribe.
Would it matter in this story if the person in the KKK disquise was a black person? Or is irony too difficult for the era of "That's Not Funny".
Cacimbo Cacimbo said. Dems would be in a more forgiving mood if Northam would be replaced by a Republican
AL FRANKIN would still be in the Senate, if he would have been replaced by a Republican
Franken : Northam :: Frankenstein : Northamstein
It’s hard to square the Harris statement about no “stain” allowed if we are not going to apply that to murderers or rapists or for that matter large scale drug dealers being allowed back into society. Seems a bill just got signed to “help” those folks re-enter society. So racism trumps those crimes now as far as your fitness for politics? Or any endeavor?
You can argue that people who served time in jail paid back their penance to society, but how does that work for culture crimes? Jail for thoughtcrime washes you free? Or do we declare that we judge how a person acts after say 20 years determines who they are now?
It’s Alinsky rules now - make them live by the rules they force on others. That normally ends badly if it’s taken to the extreme - you end up in an honor culture where a slight can get you beaten or killed ( see urban areas or the Middle East).
Used to be we just ostracized for lapses and moved on. Now it’s total destruction.
To be honest I would let the guy off for this one BUT he weaponized it during his campaign against his opponent. That and his “compassion infantcide” for deformed babies made him radioactive. But that the former sin is deemed less than the latter shows the depravity of the times. Next up - exposure fields for disposal of unwanted babies.
gilbar said...
You Republicans make me SICK!
Unlike You Republicans, no democrat has EVER tried to make an issue out of someone's teen years. This is the sort of SLIME that Only Republicans would stoop to.
The willful blindness and idiocy is delicious, isn't it
What Medical schools have yearbooks?
Ralph Northampton and Ben Carson. What motivates a Pediatric Neurosurgeon to go into politics?
You had guaranteed hero status and a guaranteed better income. What were you thinking?
Come together with your klan
Save face
I can see what's your plan
What Medical schools have yearbooks?
What is the market for them, really. I mean, what mid-20something is gonna want to actually shell out money for something like this? When there is beer to be bought and consumed?
I wonder if Gov. Northam actually bought one.
"I see Kamala Harris jumped right in to lead the pack."
I'd be more worried about Liz Warren looking for a scalp.
Coonman Coonman
Goose goose Goose
You died for your own sins
Moose Moose Moose
It is weird to me that some men in 1994 were dressing up in black face to be OJ while their partner were dressed as a sexy cop or judge. I was living in Overland Park, Ks at the time. Some guys just like dressing up in black face, its weird.
"What motivates a Pediatric Neurosurgeon to go into politics?"
Power and career extension. Who wants a 85 year old operating on their child - no age limit on politics.
"What motivates a Pediatric Neurosurgeon to go into politics?"
Power and career extension. Who wants a 85 year old operating on their child - no age limit on politics.
Notice how no one complains about seal team six wears black face either.
Althouse wrote I see Kamala Harris jumped right in to lead the pack. Harris is to Northam what Gillibrand was to Franken. Instant death. No pausing.
I told you that Kamala Harris was a knife twister. Both these women need to stay in the Senate where backstabbing is the norm. I'm sure they both have redeeming qualities, but each lady is far too green to be POTUS.
And I will repeat: There is nothing -- nothing that the media can do to soften Harris's image. The media need to stay back and stop covering for her. Let Kamala show her true color.
Mutually assured destruction works. The Democrat media complex introduced teenaged high school years to attack Kavanaugh, and the false attack on the Covington students shows that attacks based upon those years are a strategy. It will not stop until members of the Democrat media complex are taken down too.
Don't feel too badly for Northam -- he was a medical student in his mid-20s, and even in 1984 blackface and KKK were unacceptable.
Chicken Little: Kamala Toe not going for soft. It's a feature not a bug
Dems happy to flushed Northam down the shitter
@chickenlittle 9:26 am:
Harris and Gillibrand fit in the Senate like a glove: not all that bright but mean as hell, never passing up an opportunity to shiv someone, really anyone, for the pleasure it brings them. Think McCain.
If we really cared about healing and moving forward, wouldn't we believe that a man may have moved forward over the course of 30 years and not insist that he is stained forever?
Apparently only if he's a Democrat that supports an unlimited right to kill your unborn (or partially born) child.
Where was this "charity" for Kavanaugh?
Can there be any real doubt that the great majority of Americans will find Kamala's long-time role as a married man's mistress demonstrates the "higher standard" expected of our leaders?
This is a total no win situation for the Dems. Northam's career is pretty much over, but those Dems now calling for his resignation are doing nothing to enhance their own careers. I am taking note of how unforgiving Kamala is towards what is not the most vile act ever recorded in the history of humanity...... Show of hands: who has gone through life without ever making an offensive joke? Would you like to have Kamala be your judge at the Pearly Gates?
Someone should ask Northam if he is sorry for what he said about Ed Gillespie.
Seal Team Six wears blackface so that they don't show up in photographs.
Republicans that railed against the Roy Moore allegations and those thrown at Kavanaugh - especially with the argument that this was a long time ago in a different time and place - would do well to publicly accept Northam's apology and refuse to demand he resign.
Why? It wouldn't matter worth shit the next time the Left had a chance to savage someone on the Right.
Watch what happens when Trump replaces RBG.
I will say he is better off refusing to resign. Eventually this leaves the headlines and people begin talking about Northam in relation to other news. Resigning just gives the crowd a scalp but doesn't allow for future employment or atonement by Northam.
but each lady is far too green to be POTUS
The death sentence for political nonconformity is very, very red.
You don't get anywhere by making leftists live up to their rules.
Well we definitely haven't gotten anywhere by not making them live up to their rules.
The rule is the problem, not the leftist.
But the rules won't go away as long as they destroy Republicans and don't hurt Democrats.
Grad school, c. 1980, we threw a costume party. It's the only time I ever got serious about a costume. Four of us went as the quartet from the wizard of oz. The costumes were not slapdash; they were carefully, elaborately done. The costumes were the thing.
I'm trying to remember now what the boundaries would have been at the time. Pretty much anything would have been ok if done well. What were the boundaries? Full nudity out; but belly dancer or other scantily clad character, ok. Outlandish ok. Exotic ok. The (tacit) rules were about aesthetics not politics or identity or social justice stuff. It was a damn costume party.
It would be great to to compile a list of 20th Century movies that include costume party scenes.
But, all that having been said, I am for making them play by their own book of rules (Alinsky #4).
Howard said...Chicken Little: Kamala Toe not going for soft. It's a feature not a bug
I understand that Harris needs to play the mean "get whitey" shtick in the Dem primaries. But that's not really going to fly in the general. That and her "Kalifornia Ueber Alles" mentality.
Quaestor said...The death sentence for political nonconformity is very, very red.
Believe it or not, that's what I meant by "her true color" at 9:26.
> it makes it harder to say that racism is pervasive and runs throughout humanity. We're stuck in a shallow ritual of identifying scapegoats and imagining that we could emerge from that ritual stainless and whole.
Its really hard to care about all these beefs...
Are we getting college credit for reading this stuff?
What motivates a Pediatric Neurosurgeon to go into politics?"
Dr. Northam is a pediatric neurologist—not a neurosurgeon.
And after his comments about killing disabled neonates, I suspect parents of children with various “defects” would hesitate to choose Dr. Northam for their doctor.
"I am taking note of how unforgiving Kamala is"
She could change her lame campaign slogan to "La belle dame sans merci".
Telling Northam to step down
is the kind of sacrifice
we expect to see from Kamala Antoinette
yet I think it's an awful brand — relentless, unforgiving, without context, without careful consideration.
You mean the way you reacted to Kavanaugh and Sandmann?
Martha said...
And after his comments about killing disabled neonates, I suspect parents of children with various “defects” would hesitate to choose Dr. Northam for their doctor.
I suspect that Dr. Northam's chief business consisted in signing death warrants for children whose parents wanted them aborted; he seems too familiar with the process of late term abortion
Just now got down to this post. Wow, what a lot of rationalizing from AA. Way too much for me to ever get a sense of what her point is.
Thing is this though -- It ain't that hard. It doesn't take this much thinking and hand-wringing about it.
Interesting to see how atheists like Ann handle transgressions - " a ship without a rudder".
As far as remaining in office is concerned, there is only one question people need to ask --
If Northam had been open and honest about his past before the election, would he be governor today? Would people have voted for him?
It doesn't take much thinking about it to conclude that the answer is NO, that his election was based on a fraud.
Of course he needs to go. It isn't even a close call.
It's time for Northam to try the Hail Mary. It's his only shot. Invite The Most Rev. Al Sharpton to the Virginia's governor's mansion and have your checkbook open.
1) There was a very good movie in the 80's, Places in the Heart. It starred Sally Field and John Malkovich. At the end there was a scene where all the characters took Christian communion together, and it included KKK members. It was a beautiful scene, suggesting that the KKK members were sinners, but so was everyone else. Everyone was equally in need of redemption. I sincerely wonder if such a movie could be made today.
2) If Northam wanted to have some fun (he may as well) he should switch parties and declare as a Republican. Then watch the world melt down.
3) While I love the schadenfreude as much as anyone, I do get tired of these pile-ons. What bothers me the most is the language. We need to "heal" from the "pain" and "hurt." It's an f'g photo. It may be offensive, but it has not hurt you or inflicted pain on you, and you do not need to heal from it. Either grow up or see a psychiatrist.
4) Kamala Harris embodies everything I detest about the Democratic party. It shows how far gone this country has become that she is taken seriously at all. And she's the front runner? God help us if she becomes president. But Trump will make mincemeat out of her, which will be fun.
He needs to up his abortion game to counter this.
5th trimester!
Maybe you are 1/6000th Romanian.
If we are stained forever by what is in the past, then there is no healing, no moving forward — ever, no matter what. So how could Northam's resignation help us do what cannot be done?
I don't know..but I bet at least as much as taking down a picture of coal miners because someone was triggered by their own ignorance.
(I says to the deleted comment)
"Did you accept the excuse of 'it was long ago in a different time' for Moore and Kavanaugh?"
I didn't but that's because the accusations against Moore and Kavanaugh were made up and unproven. Personally I defended them (though I'm not Republican and just a private citizen) from the point of view that the accusations were false.
@Gahrie "Why? It wouldn't matter worth shit the next time the Left had a chance to savage someone on the Right."
I have no doubt you are correct, but there is no harm in trying and, besides, I think forgiving his 35 year old transgression - which he's admitted to and apologized for - is the right thing.
Going after him for how he used racist charges against his opponent in the campaign and for his horrifying position on abortion/infanticide should not be diminished.
"The Lieutenant Governor is a telegenic young black man with even more extreme left wing opinions than Ralph Northam"
Thank you. I wondered why Northam was being thrown to the wolves. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats always keep their eyes on the prize. They didn't really like Northam to begin with, his abortion remark made him damaged goods, and now they can use this to dump him.
Same with Francken. The D establishment was always embarrassed by him, and he might have lost re-election, so he got Metooed & forced to resign.
Personally, I think its crazy to dump anyone over something that happened 30 years ago, when there is no pattern of recent, repeated behavior BUT..
I doubt you can find ONE instance where this asshole stuck up for anyone else when the PC Lynch mob showed up with a noose. In fact, 100-1 he was joyfully calling for no forgiveness.
Hello Trotsky - meet Mr. Stalin.
Lack of moral courage.
Here's my wish. Would people STOP acting like there's a significant numbers of KKK members in the USA?
They haven't been anything other than a despised fringe group - deeply infiltrated by the FBI - for 45 years. But people act like there's 1 Million KKK members out there.
I guess people just desperately want to believe there's some Right wing boogie man out there, they can react against.
Albanian recipe:
First, steal two eggs ...
Isn't the Governor tall? Like over 6 feet tall? IIRC he was a HS basketball player. If so he's probably the person in black face. If he's in the KKK Kostume, the guy in blackface would be about 6'6".
No, it enables virtue signaling, smearing of gop candidates, and splc fundraising...
>I guess people just desperately want to believe there's some Right wing boogie man out there, they can react against.
Northam apparently is now saying neither of those people in the photo are him. Yesterday he said he was in the photo.
This should be good.
In a complete mischaracterization of the scene from the Godfather, the Democrats accused Roger Stone of pulling a Frank Pentangeli with regard to witness tampering.
This Frank Pentangeli scene, however, is more on point with respect to Northam.
Tom Hagen : [they were] always given a chance... to let their families keep their fortunes. Right?
Frank Pentangeli : Yeah, but only the rich guys, Tom. The little guys got knocked off and all their estates went to the Emperors. Unless they went home and killed themselves, then nothing happened. And the families... the families were taken care of.
Tom Hagen : That was a good break. A nice deal.
Frank Pentangeli : Yeah... They went home... and sat in a hot bath... opened up their veins... and bled to death... and sometimes they had a little party before they did it.
I guess this is Northam's "little party".
You cant force reason into a hysterical situation. Unless of course you have access to, and the will to use, the methods of Tamerlane or Curtis LeMay.
Everyone needs to become exhausted through suffering first.
And that means the general public as well as the financiers of the political theater.
It has to burn out.
It will not burn out until its not just garbage in the news.
Until then these things will escalate, until it begins to cost people directly, as in money and lives.
But until then, expect ever-greater absurdities.
There are tons of historical models.
This pretty much cements the notion that there will NEVER be forgiveness for racial slights. 35 years is not too long, nor is 100 years, or 1,000.
Part of me hopes that someone says that enough is enough, but I also know that this mercy wouldn’t be extended to a republican.
Where was he on Charlottesville?
It is possible that Northam isn't in the photo- it could easily have been a photo chosen by the yearbook staff to make a joke at his expense- yearbook staff do this routinely. His problem, though, is that his apology yesterday didn't make the same claim as the one this morning. I think he won't resign, which is what I want for purely selfish reasons.
If we count the number of racists in each political philosophy we will clearly see the right has far far far more of them. Full stop.
By all means, Inga, give us the number.
Inga...Allie Oop said...If we count the number of racists in each political philosophy we will clearly see the right has far far far more of them. Full stop.
Probably not true if we count people of all races. For example, in Inga's reckoning, Black Hebrew Israelites and their sympathizers aren't counted.
Its interesting how racism has become the ultimate civic-political crime. Not corruption, not cruelty, not impunity, not injustice, not incompetence, not failure.
Its interesting too that this is largely a US phenomenon, with a lesser instance in the UK. This monomaniac tendency certainly isn't global.
Anti-racism is itself an evil position, as it is designed as a smokescreen for every other sort of evil. It is also a wall against decent politics, or cultural decency of any sort. It is the kind of hysteria that decadence brings, an arbitrarily chosen value or dogma to use against internal rivals in games of power.
We are going to find out that the guy in the Klan outfit is his black classmate, and a good friend. And that is the joke.
Where was he on Charlottesville? He was here.
Northam is taking advantage of the fact that no one can say for sure who was or wasn't wearing the KKK outfit. Of course, that was the whole original idea. Call it White Sheet Privilege.
"If we count the number of racists in each political philosophy we will clearly see the right has far far far more of them. Full stop."
Yeah, full stop. Please full stop with the unsupported, unproven lefty talking points.
Let's just remember while people will try to defend Northam tomorrow on the morning talk shows; they'll also be discussing how horrible Maroon 5 is for playing the Super Bowl halftime show in the evening. Oh, they'll say how bad Northam is and he ought to apologize, but once he gives his confessional speech on Monday; all will be forgiven. But the Super Bowl must be boycotted by all lefties because Colin Kaepernick can't throw a touchdown pass to save his life, whether he played or not. And since Maroon 5 and Gladys Knight aren't paying attention, they'll be condemned for being a part of the ceremonies.
That's how messed up lefty politics are these days. That is why journalist based businesses are downsizing or going out of business.
It isn't about "racism." It's about votes.
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