And please take note of the Althouse Portal to Amazon that is always there in the sidebar. Something I just bought and used with minimal pain is Turbotax.
I understand that it's OK to discriminate against people wearing MAGA hats.
I'll take that to mean that I can assume that the kid wearing his shorts half down is a thug, and that I can assume that the gal in the bar dressed like a slut is "asking for it."
You want to have a good laugh? Look at the Dow for the past month and see if you can get the exact point where Gadfly came on here and declared that he was going to sell his index funds because Trump.
These shrooms are fine, it's the fact that this rat is over there, and he's tripping. Open the door. Time to puuuuuuuuuuke. Just kidding. I ain't gonna hurl. That puddle of chunks was there when I got here. What.
Ann is notoriously allergic to commenter demands or even requests that she blog about a designated subject. That said, I would really be interested in seeing her rat portraits of frequent commenters on this site.
“But even if you couldn’t make it up this accepted consumer ladder, you could be confident that the great commercial actors still wanted to sell to you–if only hamburgers, Chevrolets, Jockey shirts, Converse sneakers,etc. That was a form of respect.. Your money still talked, even if it ordered Budweiser instead of Heineken.
But in the Kaepernicked future we won’t even have status anxiety in common. Will MAGA-hatters in the Midwest even aspire to do what the rich post-grads on the coasts do (spend $400 to hear Bono lecture them about the wall)? Meanwhile, their former suitors in the Fortune 500, the ones who used to try to sell them sneakers, are now telling them to go fuck themselves.”
“Male rats are called bucks, unmated females are called does, pregnant or parent females are called dams, and infants are called kittens or pups. A group of rats is referred to as a mischief.
Betting window is open: Northam doesn't survive the weekend.
I’d put money that he’s the Klansman, given full support to Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger was full-bore for getting rid of blacks, including infanticide which her legacy, Planned Parenthood, proudly supports to this day.
I assume in the next few days he’ll admit whether he’s on the right (side of the picture) or the left.
And how is it that Ed Gillespie’s team didn’t come across this in their recent campaign?
His so-called apology (“sorry I got caught”) doesn’t clarify; is he the minstrel or the Klansman?
And who’s the other guy? The woke crowd will be getting to him in short order.
“Governor, when the fatal decision is made and the child is removed from your intermediate kept-comfortable stage, what method will be used, lethal injection, hanging by rope, being shot at dawn, bare-handed strangulation?”
I will go rat mischief and assert my rat privilege this minute. Pipe down! Settle down over there. I sorry, because plastered. On my way to being shitfaced. If you aren't shitfaced by now, sorry, go eat some shit. Loser. Yes, extra foam. The house blend foam, yes, top me off. MMMMMM, foamy.
CHANGE: Trump plan would channel prescription discounts to patients. “The Trump administration Thursday unveiled a plan to channel now-hidden prescription drug rebates directly to patients, saying it would bypass middlemen and lower prices for consumers. The proposed regulation from Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar would eliminate behind-the-scenes discounts among drugmakers, insurers and go-betweens and instead require that they be paid directly to consumers when they buy their medications.”
Inga & Schiff hardest hit:
Former Fusion GPS contractor Nellie Ohr told House investigators last October that she was tasked with doing opposition research on Melania Trump and all of the president's children during the 2016 campaign, according to congressional sources.
Ohr, who is married to Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, reportedly told lawmakers that her research included their business activities and travel. Bruce Ohr served as associate deputy attorney general until he was reassigned in December 2017.
The Senate Intelligence Committee obtained phone records showing Donald Trump Jr. did not speak with his father from a blocked telephone number in the days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016. The finding, first reported by CNN, undercuts Democrats’ theory Trump Jr. might have told his father in those phone calls about the Trump Tower meeting, which was held June 9, 2016, with a group of Russians who had offered dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Democrats led by California Rep. Adam Schiff long theorized the phone calls were between father and son and that they could have discussed the meeting.
Next week is Chinese New Year; this year is the Pig. 2020 is the Rat. Here's some really good advice I found:
Do not give New Year blessings to someone still in bed
You are supposed to give New Year blessings (拜年—bài nián). But let the recipient get up from bed first. Otherwise, they’ll be bed-ridden for the entire year. You also shouldn’t tell someone to wake up. You don’t want them to be rushed around and bossed around for the year. Take advantage of this and sleep in!
I am getting really sick of these Obama apologies with "that's not who I/we am/are," etc., and immediately assume they are lawyer written and false through and through.
Ok, Meade. Time to race. We racing for pinks. My sled is a Prius. What you got? Awww, ok, this will be a boat race down the frozen river of solid water, like being waxed by the Donald.
Someone stomped around my driveway last night. The housemate told me to not worry about it, as I "Have Nightmares." As it turned out, the stomper attempted a B/E on my neighbor's property.
I honestly both hate that people tell me that I am a Panic Stricken Nut due to my understandably high senses. I also hate that I have to run around tomorrow morning to put fliers in doors in my normally pretty safe (without Guns: neighbors who were robbed have concealed carry licenses) neighborhood.
Be: "Drago: May I ask you please, what your issue with Acronym Chuck Acronym is?"
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
I wouldn't have taken a second look at it, except I saw in the heart of the sea, he three everything he knew about north eastern culture whale sightings et al.
Phelim mcaleer the fellow behind gosnell the movie, was struck reading the transcript of what was legal (the finding relayed by Janine turner) something only common to phoenician templed
The whole Conference hates Michigan. They all want to rush the court if they can beat Michigan at home. And let’s face it; Wisconsin and Iowa are credible 5-6 seed tournament teams. Michigan is probably a 2 seed.
The whole Conference is going to be fired up to play Michigan from here on out. Like tournament games. They know how good we are; how elite we have been in the Conference and recent NCAA tournaments. They think we are arrogant pricks, which is true and also exactly what we expect. Call Michigan whatever you want. I just hope it includes “Bug Ten Champs” and “Final Four.”
Rep. Bob Massie [R-KY] is sponsoring a bill to end the Dept. of Education by Dec. 31, 2020. My Congressman is already a co-sponsor. I'm all for dismantling unnecessary [and, in this instance, downright harmful] government departments. There are more that could safely be eliminated, like the Dept. of Commerce.
A veteran Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of an epidemic of the infectious disease typhus that continues to worsen across LA County.
For months, LA County public health officials have said typhus is mainly hitting the homeless population.
But Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, tells NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches.
Fuck that left wing university that Chuck, racist smear merchant fopdoodle, pretends to have attended. Have a sit-in ya fucking Maize and Blue Balls idiot.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served. Same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” Lopez-Alt said in the tweet. (record scratch sound) “Wursthall will continue, as it always has, to serve all customer (sic) regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, gender orientation, disability, or political opinion — so long as they leave hate, anger, and violence outside of the doors of our restaurant,” the chef went on to say.
Autocucumber, northam was no longer indispensable if he ever was, despite his recent turn he was distrusted because of his traditional accoutrement vmi navy doctor and a brief moment of independence
I am hugely disappointed the Northam yearbook photos that have surfaced. As a result, he will depart from the public scene into the abyss. I really wanted him to stay and defend 4th trimester executions.
You are probably a wonderful person Humperdinck, but you recently mocked federal workers ----
people who work 40 hard hours almost every week of their life, and more, for a humble living ....
and you forgot to think it through ,,,, lots of them work not because they want the money but because they need to take care of other people, that is why they work, and it is not the federal workers whom you mocked that I am concerned about, it is the people who suffered, because they were number four, five, six, seven in line for help from the federal workers -----
it was those people you mocked.
That is why I am surprised to find out you are a decent pro-life human being.
Well good for you, God loves you.
Next time you mock people who do not get a paycheck read the bible, my poor young friend ...
one of the crimes that cries out to heaven is robbing the worker of his wages.
I do not care how much you feel superior, in your rebel way, to people who work for the government, there are no verses in the Bible that tell us we should feel superior to government workers ....
but there are verses that tell us that we should not rob the worker of his wages.
You no doubt despise the mental image of who you think I am, and no doubt want to say nasty things to me.
I don't care.
My joy at finding out that you are pro-life, as everyone should be, is tremendous, and I wish that all my pro-life friends, and all my friends who are not pro-life but who by divine necessity will be pro-life one day ----- I wish that all my pro-life friends, even the annoying ones, understand this .....
my gift Humperdinck is to see the good in bad people and the bad in good people
it is not a great gift, and it is not a gift I would wish on you or on anyone else, but it is my gift, and I would be wrong not to be grateful for it, because God gave it to me, long ago, in an act of friendship
God loves us all the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way
"While the Dyke watches out for the Rat and the Rat works for the Dyke in accordance with Institute policy, Cadre still enforce all rules for the Rats. In combining the softness of the Dykes with the hardness of the system they lead, with countless push-ups, sweat parties, and runs, the Rats are instilled with the virtue of time management and attention to detail."
It's a matter of perspective, when employment t was in the doldrums despite the trillions of dollars in so called stimulus programs very few care, In fact pelosi called it unemployment. Now journalists and last week federal workers now it's a crisis.
What's the back story behind the photo. It was apparently some kind of gag, but I don't get it. A gay date for the prom? Let bygones be bygones? It's weird to just don outfits like that and not give an explanatory caption......It's impossible to give an exculpatory explanation, but I have reservations over destroying somebody's life because they made a bad joke thirty five years earlier. Is there a statute of limitations on racist or sexist or homophobic humor? I guess fart jokes are still survivable, but who knows what will be permissible in thirty five years.
In other news you have the story of ths senior chief of the seals ed Gallagher, he was slated to assume a top training post, instead he was accused of a whole host of war crimes, now the local tribal officials have nothing but positive things to say about him. Nut NCIS isn't interested, if follows anonymous charges
Now the rest of the story was what his wife told Dana loesch. The accusers were a bunch of resentful junior navy men who resented his tough regimen, so they blocked his career path.
As the commander at the end of Tokyo ri say 'where do we get such men' well it seems the military is not merely uninterested in finding them, but destroying a sheep dog, in chris Kyle's words.
This was certainly true in Vietnam, having screwed up from the get go. Some of the planners were ignorant of the enemies nature and hence recommended poor strategy and tactics. Because certain precautions were not taken 51 years ago, even the enemy defeat ran g hollow.
One fellow I knew many years ago, was a junior enlisted man in the early years of our Vietnam engagement what he saw over there did demotivate him, what he found out re world war 2 were they were playing similar games like those royals in the Japanese army who were 0rtected from accountabiity.
Mr Cooper, delete what you feel like. Write what you feel. I'm out. I'm not a veteran, and I keep my mouth zipped. Maybe you are insinuating that my post should come down. Heck if I know. Delete or don't. Like I give one flip. The fuck. I come in the name of the Lord. I know my friends when I see them. I think that you are my friend. But like I said, up to you.
s cooper said:"You are probably a wonderful person Humperdinck, but you recently mocked federal workers ---- people who work 40 hard hours almost every week of their life, and more, for a humble living .... and you forgot to think it through"
You and I had animated discussion regarding the shutdown and our beloved federal workforce a few weeks ago. You then proceeded to delete most of your tweets only to bring the subject back up today. Give it rest cooper.
PS: Allow me to agree with you, I am not a nice person.
The rat came back, the very next day, oh, we thought he was a goner, but, oh, the rat came back, the very next day. Oh. I have a pet joke. I was trying to sleep, and I heard these tiny voices, saying, "we'll all die when the log rolls over." Over and over. I couldn't figure out what the heck. So, I went and checked the rooms, and sure enough, there they were, singing, on my nice toilet log, their happy song. "We'll all die when the log rolls over," the song of the little ants what climbed up onto my sweet poo stick.
If that beautiful insane Nordic rat does not stop lookin' at me, then I will type my next comment, using only my middle fingers, and all the spaces will be my penis on the spacebar. I can probably reach it from here.
I put together an awesome video, The Pay Gap, which is the pernicious gap that makes me so angry. It angries up my blood. It's problematic. Ok fam. We gonna roll out some Yeti videos, time to pwn this comment thread. This comment thread = pwnd.
If you somehow make it to the end of my cool video about the Pernicious Pay Gap, I discuss, at the 11:30 mark, I discuss the pay gap in the porno industry. Also, time for me to share and trademark the name of my new porno studio. I call my studio, "The Gender Gap." No, I don't pay the male porno studs the same as the women. I'm not a moron.
Blogger Stephen Cooper said... You are probably a wonderful person Humperdinck, but you recently mocked federal workers ----
people who work 40 hard hours almost every week of their life, and more, for a humble living ....
Spoken like somebody who has never tried to buy real estate within commuting distance of Washington DC. And since they seem to have the inside track on Federal highway funding there, the highways in the area are all like magic carpets, so commuting distance covers a wide area.
CNN aired a chyron Friday evening labeling Virginia Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam a Republican during a report on the Virginia Democrat apologizing for a racist medical school yearbook photo depicting two men— one of them himself— in blackface and Ku Klux Klan garb.
Don’t worry! The mistakes even out because they are just natural human error. It’s not like CNN is biased or anything.
@tim in Vermont, actually the roads in and around Washington seriously suck. Fixing roads, or the subway, take inter-jurisdiction cooperation, so the projects take forever to get approved and longer than that to reach completion.
Blogger Big Mike said... @tim in Vermont, actually the roads in and around Washington seriously suck. Fixing roads, or the subway, take inter-jurisdiction cooperation, so the projects take forever to get approved and longer than that to reach completion.
Laughing and a running hey, hey Skipping and a jumping In the misty morning fog with Our hearts a thumpin' and you My blue-eyed rat You, my blue-eyed rat
In the Feb. 8th Green Mouse Cafe comments, mock turtle said all the rats looked like they were drawn from the same angle. I disagree. For example, the rat in this post looks to me like I've come up behind it, startled it and it has just whipped it's head around and is looking over it's shoulder. Connecting the lower end of the tail to the center of the body would complete the effect.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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I understand that it's OK to discriminate against people wearing MAGA hats.
I'll take that to mean that I can assume that the kid wearing his shorts half down is a thug, and that I can assume that the gal in the bar dressed like a slut is "asking for it."
You want to have a good laugh? Look at the Dow for the past month and see if you can get the exact point where Gadfly came on here and declared that he was going to sell his index funds because Trump.
The furry guy is still looking at me. What the heck. This thread is pwnd. Help us, etc. It's not that the rat weirds me out. Yes, it is, actually.
hey? you know who will receive NO MENTION on this weekend's SNL?
that's right! Virginia's Governor
Is the rat still there? Dang. He's shrooming or something.
These shrooms are fine, it's the fact that this rat is over there, and he's tripping. Open the door. Time to puuuuuuuuuuke. Just kidding. I ain't gonna hurl. That puddle of chunks was there when I got here. What.
"Caught me Rat-handed!"
Ann is notoriously allergic to commenter demands or even requests that she blog about a designated subject. That said, I would really be interested in seeing her rat portraits of frequent commenters on this site.
“But even if you couldn’t make it up this accepted consumer ladder, you could be confident that the great commercial actors still wanted to sell to you–if only hamburgers, Chevrolets, Jockey shirts, Converse sneakers,etc. That was a form of respect.. Your money still talked, even if it ordered Budweiser instead of Heineken.
But in the Kaepernicked future we won’t even have status anxiety in common. Will MAGA-hatters in the Midwest even aspire to do what the rich post-grads on the coasts do (spend $400 to hear Bono lecture them about the wall)? Meanwhile, their former suitors in the Fortune 500, the ones who used to try to sell them sneakers, are now telling them to go fuck themselves.”
That is an exceptionally attractive rat.
"RATled !"
(apologies to R.O.)
I get rattled every time we meet
I get rattled even in my sleep
I get rattled, baby, over you.
“Male rats are called bucks, unmated females are called does, pregnant or parent females are called dams, and infants are called kittens or pups. A group of rats is referred to as a mischief.
White Rat Privilege? Either that or it's Paul Newman dressed in Rat Face.
That rat’s got a viscous streak!
The eyes look green to me.
Betting window is open: Northam doesn't survive the weekend.
I’d put money that he’s the Klansman, given full support to Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger was full-bore for getting rid of blacks, including infanticide which her legacy, Planned Parenthood, proudly supports to this day.
I assume in the next few days he’ll admit whether he’s on the right (side of the picture) or the left.
And how is it that Ed Gillespie’s team didn’t come across this in their recent campaign?
His so-called apology (“sorry I got caught”) doesn’t clarify; is he the minstrel or the Klansman?
And who’s the other guy? The woke crowd will be getting to him in short order.
“Governor, when the fatal decision is made and the child is removed from your intermediate kept-comfortable stage, what method will be used, lethal injection, hanging by rope, being shot at dawn, bare-handed strangulation?”
I will go rat mischief and assert my rat privilege this minute. Pipe down! Settle down over there. I sorry, because plastered. On my way to being shitfaced. If you aren't shitfaced by now, sorry, go eat some shit. Loser. Yes, extra foam. The house blend foam, yes, top me off. MMMMMM, foamy.
Inga asks:
What good Has Trump Done?
Rat Callas
Charlie Callas
Article: Avoid the TurboTax Refund Processing Fee of $24.99
Henry Rollins Rat
Ol’ Blue Eyes. Head of the Rat Pack.
I would really be interested in seeing her rat portraits of frequent commenters on this site.
That's Inga for this Cafe. Her ugliness has been cleaned up, of course. Althouse is better than me.
@Kevin, hey, I read that yesterday. Good stuff. Mickey Kaus.
Picture of Rat during prostate exam.
Hawkeyes seem to be giving Blue & Maize a run for its money.
You're fattening up the rat.
No way that’s Sinatra, he would never show such a lack of repose. He always looked like he just took a drag on a cigarette.
"I’d put money that he’s the Klansman"
I'm pretty sure Ralph "Goose Coonman" Northam is the one with the deep tan from all his time outside hunting geese and coons.
CHANGE: Trump plan would channel prescription discounts to patients. “The Trump administration Thursday unveiled a plan to channel now-hidden prescription drug rebates directly to patients, saying it would bypass middlemen and lower prices for consumers. The proposed regulation from Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar would eliminate behind-the-scenes discounts among drugmakers, insurers and go-betweens and instead require that they be paid directly to consumers when they buy their medications.”
Inga & Schiff hardest hit:
Former Fusion GPS contractor Nellie Ohr told House investigators last October that she was tasked with doing opposition research on Melania Trump and all of the president's children during the 2016 campaign, according to congressional sources.
Ohr, who is married to Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, reportedly told lawmakers that her research included their business activities and travel. Bruce Ohr served as associate deputy attorney general until he was reassigned in December 2017.
The Senate Intelligence Committee obtained phone records showing Donald Trump Jr. did not speak with his father from a blocked telephone number in the days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016.
The finding, first reported by CNN, undercuts Democrats’ theory Trump Jr. might have told his father in those phone calls about the Trump Tower meeting, which was held June 9, 2016, with a group of Russians who had offered dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Democrats led by California Rep. Adam Schiff long theorized the phone calls were between father and son and that they could have discussed the meeting.
Good one, walter. lol
All via Insty today. It was a busy day.
Rodan T. Farrow
Next week is Chinese New Year; this year is the Pig. 2020 is the Rat. Here's some really good advice I found:
Do not give New Year blessings to someone still in bed
You are supposed to give New Year blessings (拜年—bài nián). But let the recipient get up from bed first. Otherwise, they’ll be bed-ridden for the entire year. You also shouldn’t tell someone to wake up. You don’t want them to be rushed around and bossed around for the year. Take advantage of this and sleep in!
Aryan (rat)Race
>Do not give New Year blessings to someone still in bed
I am getting really sick of these Obama apologies with "that's not who I/we am/are," etc., and immediately assume they are lawyer written and false through and through.
"Hawkeyes seem to be giving Blue & Maize a run for its money."
Chuck will be along shortly to blame it on the refs.
Michigan is shooting like pack of Jebs.
And rebounding like Hillary.
Blogger Char Char Binks said...
The eyes look green to me.
Have you been checked for cataracts? Yellow deposits in the lens can make blues look green.
Ok, Meade. Time to race. We racing for pinks. My sled is a Prius. What you got? Awww, ok, this will be a boat race down the frozen river of solid water, like being waxed by the Donald.
smoooooth. suave. Hairless. Are we still talking about Hillary's Furry Muff?
Rats are like people, part I: Rats do not like to share.
Rats are like people, part II: Rats really don't like to share.
Iowa gets a signature win!!
I thought they were going to piss it away, when Michigan got it into single digits.
Who you gonna believe, me or my lyin' (rat's) eyes?
It would probably be asking too much for a Warren/Northam ticket, wouldnt it?
One can only imagine LLR Chuck's Cuck-Meter spinning wildly in excitement over the mere thought of it!!
Someone stomped around my driveway last night. The housemate told me to not worry about it, as I "Have Nightmares." As it turned out, the stomper attempted a B/E on my neighbor's property.
I honestly both hate that people tell me that I am a Panic Stricken Nut due to my understandably high senses. I also hate that I have to run around tomorrow morning to put fliers in doors in my normally pretty safe (without Guns: neighbors who were robbed have concealed carry licenses) neighborhood. news Ginsburg, there's righties rumoring, dudes she married rapin'..and The Nation publishin':
The Dark Side of the Cult of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
I just got through reading "Moby Dick," and am currently reading "Typee."
Drago: May I ask you please, what your issue with Acronym Chuck Acronym is?
Melville really stuffed a whole lot into that one, it's the maritime war and piece.
Good stuff. Mickey Kaus.
Yeah, he’s been keeping a dutiful eye on immigration since before Trump was elected.
Be: "Drago: May I ask you please, what your issue with Acronym Chuck Acronym is?"
You just did.
Ol’ blue eyes. Frank Sin-RAT-ra.
blue eyes holdin' back the tears, holdin' back the pain
baby's got blue eyes, and she's alone again...
Be: "Drago: May I ask you please, what your issue with Acronym Chuck Acronym is?"
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
I wouldn't have taken a second look at it, except I saw in the heart of the sea, he three everything he knew about north eastern culture whale sightings et al.
Northam in blackface--enhances or jeopardizes his shot at the Sanger Award?
Well he failed, by refusing to be abstract.
Phelim mcaleer the fellow behind gosnell the movie, was struck reading the transcript of what was legal (the finding relayed by Janine turner) something only common to phoenician templed
who the fuck comes to a board with an upside-down pentagram. literally fuck you
You two should select a few of these for a Rat Blanket!
Meade, your Badgers are in position to pull this game out.
The whole Conference hates Michigan. They all want to rush the court if they can beat Michigan at home. And let’s face it; Wisconsin and Iowa are credible 5-6 seed tournament teams. Michigan is probably a 2 seed.
The whole Conference is going to be fired up to play Michigan from here on out. Like tournament games. They know how good we are; how elite we have been in the Conference and recent NCAA tournaments. They think we are arrogant pricks, which is true and also exactly what we expect. Call Michigan whatever you want. I just hope it includes “Bug Ten Champs” and “Final Four.”
I think you meant Bug Tent Chumps ;)
Producer of Abortion Film “Silent Scream,” Dr. Don Smith, Has Died
If you don't know what Silent Scream is, look it up.
If you're a man, and think abortion is none of your business, just watch 10 minutes.
Yay us!
Rep. Bob Massie [R-KY] is sponsoring a bill to end the Dept. of Education by Dec. 31, 2020. My Congressman is already a co-sponsor. I'm all for dismantling unnecessary [and, in this instance, downright harmful] government departments. There are more that could safely be eliminated, like the Dept. of Commerce.
Via Drudge:
A veteran Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of an epidemic of the infectious disease typhus that continues to worsen across LA County.
For months, LA County public health officials have said typhus is mainly hitting the homeless population.
But Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, tells NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches.
LA isn’t picking up their garbage either.
Fuck that left wing university that Chuck, racist smear merchant fopdoodle, pretends to have attended.
Have a sit-in ya fucking Maize and Blue Balls idiot.
Northam’s favorite movie is, “Partial Birth of a Nation.”
only common to phoenecian temples.
not phoenecian templed.
Thanks for your contributions, I get what you are saying.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served. Same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” Lopez-Alt said in the tweet.
(record scratch sound)
“Wursthall will continue, as it always has, to serve all customer (sic) regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, gender orientation, disability, or political opinion — so long as they leave hate, anger, and violence outside of the doors of our restaurant,” the chef went on to say.
Autocucumber, northam was no longer indispensable if he ever was, despite his recent turn he was distrusted because of his traditional accoutrement vmi navy doctor and a brief moment of independence
"..... so long as they leave hate, anger, and violence outside of the doors of our restaurant,” the chef went on to say."
Sorry, it's already inside.
That would be Tom massie yt, it's not going anywhere.
Chuck said...
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
That is an accurate quote. Here's the link.
I am hugely disappointed the Northam yearbook photos that have surfaced. As a result, he will depart from the public scene into the abyss. I really wanted him to stay and defend 4th trimester executions.
Yeah Humperdink..
It's the wurst apology.
If he goes, VA will be the only state to have had two black governors. Take that, bright blue states!
Won't make it to full term?
Well 55 weeks what trimester Is that. They will continue to push the issue, because that is the nature of sin, just give then a decent interval.
""..... so long as they leave hate, anger, and violence outside of the doors of our restaurant,” the chef went on to say."
Completely lacking in self-awareness.
Did anyone catch this?
CNN labels Governor Northam as a Republican
Tom Wolfe running the Chyron
You are probably a wonderful person Humperdinck, but you recently mocked federal workers ----
people who work 40 hard hours almost every week of their life, and more, for a humble living ....
and you forgot to think it through ,,,, lots of them work not because they want the money but because they need to take care of other people, that is why they work, and it is not the federal workers whom you mocked that I am concerned about, it is the people who suffered, because they were number four, five, six, seven in line for help from the federal workers -----
it was those people you mocked.
That is why I am surprised to find out you are a decent pro-life human being.
Well good for you, God loves you.
Next time you mock people who do not get a paycheck read the bible, my poor young friend ...
one of the crimes that cries out to heaven is robbing the worker of his wages.
I do not care how much you feel superior, in your rebel way, to people who work for the government, there are no verses in the Bible that tell us we should feel superior to government workers ....
but there are verses that tell us that we should not rob the worker of his wages.
You no doubt despise the mental image of who you think I am, and no doubt want to say nasty things to me.
I don't care.
My joy at finding out that you are pro-life, as everyone should be, is tremendous, and I wish that all my pro-life friends, and all my friends who are not pro-life but who by divine necessity will be pro-life one day ----- I wish that all my pro-life friends, even the annoying ones, understand this .....
God loves you, God loves you, God loves you,
my gift Humperdinck is to see the good in bad people and the bad in good people
it is not a great gift, and it is not a gift I would wish on you or on anyone else, but it is my gift, and I would be wrong not to be grateful for it, because God gave it to me, long ago, in an act of friendship
God loves us all the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way
walter said..."Tom Wolfe running the Chyron"
Right now Tom Wolfe seems to be running everything.
Also relevant to the current news cycle and this cafe, VMI cadets are referred to as rats. And apparently, VMI also has dykes.
From wikipedia:
"While the Dyke watches out for the Rat and the Rat works for the Dyke in accordance with Institute policy, Cadre still enforce all rules for the Rats. In combining the softness of the Dykes with the hardness of the system they lead, with countless push-ups, sweat parties, and runs, the Rats are instilled with the virtue of time management and attention to detail."
It's a matter of perspective, when employment t was in the doldrums despite the trillions of dollars in so called stimulus programs very few care, In fact pelosi called it unemployment. Now journalists and last week federal workers now it's a crisis.
In another moment of absurdity:
apparently the gift doesn't include brevity
What's the back story behind the photo. It was apparently some kind of gag, but I don't get it. A gay date for the prom? Let bygones be bygones? It's weird to just don outfits like that and not give an explanatory caption......It's impossible to give an exculpatory explanation, but I have reservations over destroying somebody's life because they made a bad joke thirty five years earlier. Is there a statute of limitations on racist or sexist or homophobic humor? I guess fart jokes are still survivable, but who knows what will be permissible in thirty five years.
Just doing my part while here.
Wait till you discover emojis.
Game changer..
We should make Northam comfortable until Virginia figures out what to do with him.
In other news you have the story of ths senior chief of the seals ed Gallagher, he was slated to assume a top training post, instead he was accused of a whole host of war crimes, now the local tribal officials have nothing but positive things to say about him.
Nut NCIS isn't interested, if follows anonymous charges
Now the rest of the story was what his wife told Dana loesch. The accusers were a bunch of resentful junior navy men who resented his tough regimen, so they blocked his career path.
A group of rats is referred to as a mischief.
And a group of crows is called a murder
The crows should fucking sue.
As the commander at the end of Tokyo ri say 'where do we get such men' well it seems the military is not merely uninterested in finding them, but destroying a sheep dog, in chris Kyle's words.
This was certainly true in Vietnam, having screwed up from the get go. Some of the planners were ignorant of the enemies nature and hence recommended poor strategy and tactics. Because certain precautions were not taken 51 years ago, even the enemy defeat ran g hollow.
One fellow I knew many years ago, was a junior enlisted man in the early years of our Vietnam engagement what he saw over there did demotivate him, what he found out re world war 2 were they were playing similar games like those royals in the Japanese army who were 0rtected from accountabiity.
narciso life is hard
i am old and i will soon be dead
and i am tired of people who spent a couple months in a war zone and then thought they were above it all
i spent decades with bad people, hoping every day they would one day become better
i am worn out
and i am never gonna again let someone act like because he was enlisted he is better than me
like i said i am old and i will soon be dead
i would love to be young and enlisted again
and i would promise not to brag about it
because everyone is accountable
I have seen it
Just another day in Paradise
Stephen Cooper with some Truth. I have nothing to add.
chillblaine - should I delete what I wrote? I have no desire to be heard .... I only care about friendship ....
Mr Cooper, delete what you feel like. Write what you feel. I'm out. I'm not a veteran, and I keep my mouth zipped. Maybe you are insinuating that my post should come down. Heck if I know. Delete or don't. Like I give one flip. The fuck. I come in the name of the Lord. I know my friends when I see them. I think that you are my friend. But like I said, up to you.
s cooper said:"You are probably a wonderful person Humperdinck, but you recently mocked federal workers ----
people who work 40 hard hours almost every week of their life, and more, for a humble living ....
and you forgot to think it through"
You and I had animated discussion regarding the shutdown and our beloved federal workforce a few weeks ago. You then proceeded to delete most of your tweets only to bring the subject back up today. Give it rest cooper.
PS: Allow me to agree with you, I am not a nice person.
The rat came back, the very next day, oh, we thought he was a goner, but, oh, the rat came back, the very next day. Oh. I have a pet joke. I was trying to sleep, and I heard these tiny voices, saying, "we'll all die when the log rolls over." Over and over. I couldn't figure out what the heck. So, I went and checked the rooms, and sure enough, there they were, singing, on my nice toilet log, their happy song. "We'll all die when the log rolls over," the song of the little ants what climbed up onto my sweet poo stick.
Someday this crone will tire of rats, probably when the Spring thaw arrives and little Sparky's frozen carcass will start to stink up the place, Elsa.
Hey, Olaf, how's winter? It's actually summer in Australia, mate, so buck up.
Meadhouse is the new Rat Pack
This awesome comment needs to go through moderation, and is pending approval.
If that beautiful insane Nordic rat does not stop lookin' at me, then I will type my next comment, using only my middle fingers, and all the spaces will be my penis on the spacebar. I can probably reach it from here.
k rat....././ it's go time. spacebar, dangit... ok rat, it's on, gonna drop you like a bag of hammers
I put together an awesome video, The Pay Gap, which is the pernicious gap that makes me so angry. It angries up my blood. It's problematic. Ok fam. We gonna roll out some Yeti videos, time to pwn this comment thread. This comment thread = pwnd.
If you somehow make it to the end of my cool video about the Pernicious Pay Gap, I discuss, at the 11:30 mark, I discuss the pay gap in the porno industry. Also, time for me to share and trademark the name of my new porno studio. I call my studio, "The Gender Gap." No, I don't pay the male porno studs the same as the women. I'm not a moron.
Blogger Stephen Cooper said...
You are probably a wonderful person Humperdinck, but you recently mocked federal workers ----
people who work 40 hard hours almost every week of their life, and more, for a humble living ....
Spoken like somebody who has never tried to buy real estate within commuting distance of Washington DC. And since they seem to have the inside track on Federal highway funding there, the highways in the area are all like magic carpets, so commuting distance covers a wide area.
CNN aired a chyron Friday evening labeling Virginia Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam a Republican during a report on the Virginia Democrat apologizing for a racist medical school yearbook photo depicting two men— one of them himself— in blackface and Ku Klux Klan garb.
Don’t worry! The mistakes even out because they are just natural human error. It’s not like CNN is biased or anything.
BTW, a group of rats is called “a target."
CNN makes honest mistake (screencap)
@tim in Vermont, actually the roads in and around Washington seriously suck. Fixing roads, or the subway, take inter-jurisdiction cooperation, so the projects take forever to get approved and longer than that to reach completion.
Blogger Big Mike said...
@tim in Vermont, actually the roads in and around Washington seriously suck. Fixing roads, or the subway, take inter-jurisdiction cooperation, so the projects take forever to get approved and longer than that to reach completion.
Drive through Harrisburg sometime.
Humperdink - I said you are probably a wonderful person, not that you are not a nice person !!!!
I always delete my long comments I am a conversationalist not an internet writer !
I almost always delete my long comments ... not always.
Sometimes I don't know the difference between short comments and long ones.
Anyway, have a great day.
@S. Cooper. Generally, I enjoy a spirited debate with people who have different views. Do not take offense, but you are not in that category.
"CNN makes honest mistake (screencap)"
One of the LSM cable channels did the same years ago to Blagojevich. I'm not sure if it was CNN or some other fake news outfit.
Laughing and a running hey, hey
Skipping and a jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a thumpin' and you
My blue-eyed rat
You, my blue-eyed rat
rat on meth.
In the Feb. 8th Green Mouse Cafe comments, mock turtle said all the rats looked like they were drawn from the same angle. I disagree. For example, the rat in this post looks to me like I've come up behind it, startled it and it has just whipped it's head around and is looking over it's shoulder.
Connecting the lower end of the tail to the center of the body would complete the effect.
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