February 3, 2019

President Trump gave a strong interview on "Face the Nation."

Here's the video and transcript. I'll just highlight the way he handled the challenges about race. The interviewer, Margaret Brennan, tries 3 times to get him to speak in terms of whether he is "sensitive," and he never takes that bait. His strategy is to respond to questions by immediately forefronting something he has accomplished:
MARGARET BRENNAN: Talking about the- the kneeling position you've taken and the controversy around it. Do you think that the players who did kneel had a point? I mean did you- are you sensitive at all to players like Colin Kaepernick, who- who point out that the majority of victims of police violence are black?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, you know, I'm the one that had passed judicial reform. And if you look at what I did, criminal judicial reform, and what I've done- President Obama tried. They all tried. Everybody wanted to do it. And I got it done and I've been, you know, really- a lot of people in the NFL have been calling and thanking me for it.... They have been calling and thanking, you know, that people have been trying to get that taken care of and it's now signed into law and affects tremendous numbers of people, and very good people. I think that when you want to protest I think that's great. But I don't think you do it at the sake of our flag, at the sake of our national anthem. Absolutely.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But you are- do I understand you saying there though, that you still are sensitive though? I mean you- you understand the motivation for the protest ...  though you don't like the form of it.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: A lot of it is having to do with reform from what I understand. Whether it's criminal justice or whatever it may be and they have different versions and everybody seemed to have a different version of it. But a lot of it had to do with that, and I took care of that. I think that people have to, at all times, respect our flag and at all times respect our net- our- our national anthem and our country. And I think there are plenty of places and times you can protest and you can do a lot. But you can't do that. That's my opinion.

MARGARET BRENNAN: In a CBS poll we just took, 63 percent of Americans say they disapprove about how you're handling issues of race in the US.... What do you think of that?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: What has happened is very interesting. The economy is so good right now. You saw the jobs report just came out. Three hundred and four thousand added jobs, which is a shocker, for the month. A shocker to a lot of people. They thought it was going to be half that number. The African-Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Hispanic Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Asian-Americans the best in the history of our country. You look at women, the best in 61 years. And our employment numbers are phenomenal, the best in over 50 years. So I think I've been given a lot of credit for that. And in terms of race, a lot of people are saying well this is something very special what's happening.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So- because when colleagues of yours, even like Republican Senator Tim Scott. He said Donald Trump is not racist. But he said you're racially insensitive.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I have a great relationship with Tim and certainly with his state, South Carolina, and- where we do very well. And I think if you look at the numbers for African-American unemployment, best numbers they've had- literally the best numbers they've had in history. And I think they like me a lot and I like them a lot. 
Brennan doesn't use the word "sensitive" elsewhere in her long interview, which covers many topics. It makes me think about how much of racial politics is a display of sensitivity — the theater of looking like you care. Trump turned down the triple invitation to sell himself as sensitive, and that underscored what he did say: What counts is what you do. Brennan did not challenge his claims of accomplishment. Was she not prepared for his solidly on-track talk about results? If he'd caved and said I really do care, I'm a sensitive guy, would she have flung a bunch of his old insensitivities at him? Perhaps Brennan was prepared for that. The way Trump handled the race issue made Brennan look weak. It felt like she was taunting him for being generally insensitive to black people, trying to get a rise out of him. But time and again, he didn't get mad — he talked very positively about the things he is actually doing. That's very effective!


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narciso said...

that's a long way around of explaining I don't think the company was effective enough to pull it off, consider the espaillat plot against Trujillo, the one against Patrice Lumumba, and later the one against diem, these were independent actors,

Robert Cook said...

"...it's not just Russia we are speaking about one-dimensional lefty-man."

I'd say it's arguable whether China is communist any more, either.

Known Unknown said...

"Also, we've been spending on "defense" for decades and have been engaged in many military actions in those decades, none of them defensive. We have a Department of War, not a Department of Defense. We were honest about it in WWII."

I basically agree with this.

Hagar said...

China is still communist; just not socialist any more.

Trumpit said...

I know the definition, but who is it?]

yo mamma!


langford peel said...

You should be one of the Presidents greatest supporters Cookie. He wants to end the endless wars and bring our boys home.

That used to be the position of the Democrats but they flipped it around because Orange Man Bad.

Now ending the wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq are wrong. The Democrats want more "Blood for..." well not oil. Why do they want to keep the wars going again?

Trumpit said...

@langford peel,

I wish you would self combust.


Robert Cook said...

"You should be one of the Presidents greatest supporters Cookie. He wants to end the endless wars and bring our boys home."

I actually do agree with and support Trump's stated intent to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Let's see if (and when) he actually does it.

However, sponsoring/supporting a coup in Venezuela is not a way to show a "new way" of US behavior.

langford peel said...

He is trying but the deep state and the military are trying to slow walk it and not obey his orders as Commander in Chief. He needs to fire a few more generals and demand that we get out of Syria toot suite.

We are not supporting a coup in Venezula. We are recognizing the will of the people who are suffering under communist rule.

I know you prefer that the communists stay in power but there it is.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I'd win more arguments if all my opponents would literally combust, SPONTANEOUSLY.

Seeing Red said...

Coup in Venezuela?

What is Venezuela’s collapse doing to its neighbors?

It’s hard to get the bums out when they took away your guns.

Robert Cook said...

"China is still communist; just not socialist any more."

What do you mean?

langford peel said...

Trumpit haven't you died of Aids yet? It is your birthrite as a Haitian from your shit hole country.

Do me a favor and go to a hospital so a doctor can kill you like a baby of a feminist who had mental problems.


Drago said...

Cookie: "I'd say it's arguable whether China is communist any more, either."

Yeah, well, you would.

Seeing Red said...

VIa Insty:

Related: “This week Dems tried to remove God from witness oaths, advocated killing babies after they’re born, voted to give sexual predators a taxpayer funded pay raise, & attempted to give fed govt massive power over all Americans’ free speech. And that was all before Friday.”

Hagar said...

They think the CCP is the only force with sufficient strength to hold China together, and anyway, they have the power and they are not giving it up. Socialism? Nah, been there done that, and it did not work.

Hagar said...

Sorry Cookie, but a few months back, I even read that Viet Nam has its first woman billionaire; a young woman who has put together the country's largest private air carrier company.

There really are no socialist countries left; the small fry that still claim to be actually are just very badly run bandit chieftaincies, such as Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

(It does take a special talent to run previously prosperous countries like those into the ground, but when you try hard enough, anything is possible!)

Michael said...

Ah, you are a middle schooler. Understood. The "funny" name for President Trump gave it away.

chuckR said...

With regard to Reagan, I am amazed no one has brought up the book (and movie) "Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century". An account of a KGB Colonel of Intelligence who identified dozens of Western traitors who gave technology secrets to the USSR and were paid roughly half the USSR defense budget for this information, in the 70's and 80's. The agents got rolled up; the USSR was effectively blind to on-going Western tech developments. Do you think this may have affected his actions?

Interesting side observation: the book states that stolen SCADA controller technology was infected with a Stuxnet type virus. Overspeeding natural gas compressors in Siberia led to an explosion that was seen from space - in the 1980's... Blowing up the Iranian centrifuges was not the first time for this countermove.
The book is turgid; for short attention spans, the movie is pretty good - you can get a DVD for $4 up used. Book is on Amazon.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

China is quasi-communist with crony capitalist overtones.

Seeing Red said...

That cos they like to eat.

Seeing Red said...

Socialism kills, free markets feed.

Trumpit said...

"China is quasi-communist with crony capitalist overtones."

Are you Elvira, Mistress of the Dark?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Strongly psychotic.

You really are in big with the 40%. Will you remain that way once he's impeached and indicted and sitting pretty at a hardcore 15%?

bagoh20 said...

I don't want a sensitive President, unless it's sensitive to the Constitution.

POTUS is the nation's bodyguard, or lawyer, not our mother.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It’s going to take these Trump Cultists years to live down their support for Trump. Long after they’re dead the history books will refer to them as the deplorables.

Seeing Red said...

I feel your pain, Inga!

Is that sensitive enough? It worked for the sexual predator grifter!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Seeing Red, I don’t give a rat’s ass about the sensitivity of Trump or the interviewer, what I care about is that Trump is a incoherent idiot.

Seeing Red said...

Yet he manages to get things done.

Seeing Red said...

You’re the one who chooses to listen to him. That’s on you.

bagoh20 said...

"Trump is a incoherent idiot."

Is there anything more common with the left than projection?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You’re the one who chooses to listen to him. That’s on you.”

Are you fucking retarded? People shouldn’t listen to the POTUS? Are you seriously saying Americans should ignore everything he says? It’s Ok with you to be ignorant of what’s going on in the White House and with the Presidency, but most normal intelligent people might just want to stay informed no matter how stupid the President is.

Seeing Red said...

Did I say that? Why is it either/or?

Why are you so obsessed you need to listen to everything he says? Were you this obsessed with Obama?

I’ve never been like that. I’ve never listened to everything every president has said, and that includes RR.

I have a life and it has and will never revolves around any president. They come and go.

bagoh20 said...

" People shouldn’t listen to the POTUS? Are you seriously saying Americans should ignore everything he says?"

"If you like your plan..." "Premium will be reduced by $2500."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I have a life and it has and will never revolves around any president. They come and go.”

Everyone has a life, you dumbass. Who’s life revolves around Trump? Criticizing the President when he has an interview that millions of people have watched is not the same as being obsessed with him. What a silly thing to say. You really don’t have the chops to counter anything I have to say. Next to the Dumb Monkey, for dumb commenters, it’s you.

Seeing Red said...

While I knew who Trump was and knew vaguely about his marriage breakdowns and I heard about his various business endeavors because the news thought it newsworthy. I never really watched his shows or him. I never followed him.

I never watched the debates. The first time I really watched and listened to him was his acceptance speech on election night.

My first response was he was RR for this generation.

I told my dem niece IF he can do 1/4 to 1/3 for her as RR did for us, she’ll be fine. She’s in her 20s and funding her IRA at a tremendous rate. I certainly never funded mine that heavy. Getting America out of that anemic 2% new normal is vital to the country. The kids need it as a good base, and we boomers need it to pad our retirement to take the pressure off SS and Medicare.

But I will watch the SOTU, it should be fun.

Seeing Red said...

I’ve always countered the person who believed Hillary about why Benghazi happened. It was the video, remember? You defended that reasoning quite a bit.

You’ve learned nothing since then.

The way you rant, you give the impression your life is arranged around everything he says.

You keep moving the goalposts.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I never watched the debates. The first time I really watched and listened to him was his acceptance speech on election night.”

Ohhhhh boy, you ARE dumb.

Seeing Red said...

Are you seriously saying Americans should ignore everything he says?

You wrote that, not me.

You’d be happier if you ignored most of it for the next 2 years.

To paraphrase RR, there he goes again. Shake your head and move on. This, too, shall pass.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The way you rant, you give the impression your life is arranged around everything he says.”

How you make deductions is questionable. For someone who is so happy to be uninformed, you don’t seem to have the depth of intellect to make such deductions about my life. I was gone all afternoon and evening to my granddaughter’s 10th birthday party/ Super Bowl party. I suggest you withhold your uninformed opinions about other commenters private lives and what their lives center around.

alanc709 said...

Inga, never compare "dumbness" with anyone, you will always be the dumbest. You shill for liars and thieves.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Shake your head and move on. This, too, shall pass.”

Um... no. I am as free to express my opinions here as any other commenter. And indeed yes it shall pass, and sooner than you might think.

iowan2 said...

Inga, quit while you're behind, you've gone full incomprehensible.

"Trump is a incoherent idiot."

And we all know incoherent idiots that are also international real estate developers and $billionaires are a dime a dozen

You can screech and hate on whoever you want for whatever reason. But getting the facts assbackwards says alot more about you than President Trump

Seeing Red said...

I loathe Obama and the Clintons as much as you loathe Trump.

Whenever they came on the radio or tv I turned them off.

It has nothing to do with your free speech. It has to do with your mental health and blood pressure.

You have no idea when I think Trump will pass. It won’t be for impeachment. That thing falls apart more every day.

Plus Clinton stayed so should he.

You don’t want to turn over the results of the election, do you? Lolololol

dreams said...

We have a lot of liberal psychopaths who love to display their phony sensitivity. A bunch of sick liberal psychopaths out there.

Seeing Red said...

As Humperdink says in the ad thread:

On to the next biggest entertainment event, Trump's State of the Union extravaganza.

As Flounder said: "This is going to be great".

Kirk Parker said...

Regarding Reagan knowing, or not knowing, anything about Soviet fragility:

Possony, Pournelle, and Kane published the first edition of "The Strategy of Technology" in 1970, when Reagan was just finishing his first term as Governor of California.

The circle of thinkers incorporating those three had quite a few influential connections within the subsequent Reagan administration, and by that time they had been refining their thesis for more than a decade.

Where do you his "We win and they lose", as expressed to Richard Allen in 1977, came from? In part from the reassurance provided by these thinkers.

narciso said...

That was the problem inherent in detente. The Soviets were deemed legitimate interlocutors and nearly invincible, hence a butcher like Mao was enlisted and hence we get the Khmer rouge as complement.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Trump is a incoherent idiot."

Is there anything more common with the left than projection?

“I know words, I have the best words.”

Donad Trump, 12/30/2015

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And we all know incoherent idiots that are also international real estate developers and $billionaires are a dime a dozen

You mean, like Fred Trump for instance? The guy that Donald the Puppet pilfered all his money from?

You flyovers are stupider than a box of fucking rocks. Just seriously. What a bunch of moronic dirt people. Never even heard of how inherited wealth works.

James Carville really was right about you dipshits. Drag a $20 bill through a trailer park and you'll never know what you'll find. Only in this case the $20 bill doesn't even need to be dragged through. But waved in the air by a guy who fully intends on not only keeping it, but by making even more cash off of you dumb suckers.

I guess you're the folks that the Home Shopping Network and QVC was made for. SUCKERS!

narciso said...

Of course the like of Ross terrill and John Fairbanks saw little wrong with maos butchery.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Are you fucking retarded? People shouldn’t listen to the POTUS? Are you seriously saying Americans should ignore everything he says?

It's a right-wing thing. You wouldn't understand. They need someone to lie to them, even when they know it's lies.

You wouldn't understand. Nobody normal would understand.

narciso said...

And what was the Khmer rouge but applied maoism on a much smaller cohort, essentially that was the shining path strategy as well.

narciso said...

I mean even the half time show was uninspired, they had enough time and presumably enough funds for something spectacular, we had already seen ths buhle ad.

DeepRunner said...

I applaud Trump's ability to change the direction of the conversation, from one about "sensitivity" to one about "sensibility." If Presidents are held accountable for results, then he has met that standard, so far, anyway.

Terry Ott said...

The commenter(s) who said Reagan did not have an informed opinion, based on analysis and history, about the potential collapse of the Soviet Union proves one thing (only). And that is that s/he does not understand very much at all about Reagan's and his inner circle of advisors’ analytical and strategic capabilities He played his/our cards very judiciously, and his Star Wars claims were very effective, despite what popular wisdom and some (many) “experts” thought about the viability of it.

And as for Trump being unaccompanied for face-to-face meetings with key foreign leaders, I heard an historian list off the several other I times, and other Presidents, who did the same or similar. I was really surprised by that, because until hearing the recap I had accepted the notion that it was unusual if not unprecedented. Turns out it has been neither.

iowan2 said...

You flyovers are stupider than a box of fucking rocks. Just seriously. What a bunch of moronic dirt people. Never even heard of how inherited wealth works.

Know how inherited wealth works? I am 4th generation Iowa farm kid. I have watched it my entire life. The family attorney took over his fathers practice They have written the will of that inherited wealth. I have dozens of real examples.
It it almost unheard of, that inherited wealth exists for the 3rd generation. The first recipient rarely increases the wealth. By the 3rd generation...it is gone. Go track lottery winners. Not many winners there in the family tree afterwards.

If you want to lecture. Pick a topic you have some knowledge of.

alanc709 said...

Did Trumpit change his name, or did we grow another lunatic, namely Trump International Crime Syndicate. When he finds reality, maybe he'll be an addition to the conversation, but for now, he's someone to keep the lunatics like Inga company.

Jack Klompus said...

"You wouldn't understand. Nobody normal would understand."

Hey Ritmo, you should seriously consider buying a gun and shooting yourself in the face. Everyone would appreciate the national holiday that would be declared for years to come.

BrianE said...

"I'd prefer to have a President who doesn't fool around with pornstars,"- William

Would you still have a problem if he just fooled around with regular stars, like John F. Kennedy did?

He's not buying cigars by the case, like Bill Clinton did, while at work, by the way.

At least he's keeping his pants zipped while president.

I watched this Trump monologue at the Al Smith charity dinner in 2016. He made Don Rickles look timid by comparison.

The kind of person we would prefer as president can't get elected. The closest thing to a family man might be Barack Obama-- probably the most dangerous and duplicitous president in modern times.


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