MARGARET BRENNAN: Talking about the- the kneeling position you've taken and the controversy around it. Do you think that the players who did kneel had a point? I mean did you- are you sensitive at all to players like Colin Kaepernick, who- who point out that the majority of victims of police violence are black?Brennan doesn't use the word "sensitive" elsewhere in her long interview, which covers many topics. It makes me think about how much of racial politics is a display of sensitivity — the theater of looking like you care. Trump turned down the triple invitation to sell himself as sensitive, and that underscored what he did say: What counts is what you do. Brennan did not challenge his claims of accomplishment. Was she not prepared for his solidly on-track talk about results? If he'd caved and said I really do care, I'm a sensitive guy, would she have flung a bunch of his old insensitivities at him? Perhaps Brennan was prepared for that. The way Trump handled the race issue made Brennan look weak. It felt like she was taunting him for being generally insensitive to black people, trying to get a rise out of him. But time and again, he didn't get mad — he talked very positively about the things he is actually doing. That's very effective!
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, you know, I'm the one that had passed judicial reform. And if you look at what I did, criminal judicial reform, and what I've done- President Obama tried. They all tried. Everybody wanted to do it. And I got it done and I've been, you know, really- a lot of people in the NFL have been calling and thanking me for it.... They have been calling and thanking, you know, that people have been trying to get that taken care of and it's now signed into law and affects tremendous numbers of people, and very good people. I think that when you want to protest I think that's great. But I don't think you do it at the sake of our flag, at the sake of our national anthem. Absolutely.
MARGARET BRENNAN: But you are- do I understand you saying there though, that you still are sensitive though? I mean you- you understand the motivation for the protest ... though you don't like the form of it.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: A lot of it is having to do with reform from what I understand. Whether it's criminal justice or whatever it may be and they have different versions and everybody seemed to have a different version of it. But a lot of it had to do with that, and I took care of that. I think that people have to, at all times, respect our flag and at all times respect our net- our- our national anthem and our country. And I think there are plenty of places and times you can protest and you can do a lot. But you can't do that. That's my opinion.
MARGARET BRENNAN: In a CBS poll we just took, 63 percent of Americans say they disapprove about how you're handling issues of race in the US.... What do you think of that?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: What has happened is very interesting. The economy is so good right now. You saw the jobs report just came out. Three hundred and four thousand added jobs, which is a shocker, for the month. A shocker to a lot of people. They thought it was going to be half that number. The African-Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Hispanic Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Asian-Americans the best in the history of our country. You look at women, the best in 61 years. And our employment numbers are phenomenal, the best in over 50 years. So I think I've been given a lot of credit for that. And in terms of race, a lot of people are saying well this is something very special what's happening.
MARGARET BRENNAN: So- because when colleagues of yours, even like Republican Senator Tim Scott. He said Donald Trump is not racist. But he said you're racially insensitive.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I have a great relationship with Tim and certainly with his state, South Carolina, and- where we do very well. And I think if you look at the numbers for African-American unemployment, best numbers they've had- literally the best numbers they've had in history. And I think they like me a lot and I like them a lot.
February 3, 2019
President Trump gave a strong interview on "Face the Nation."
Here's the video and transcript. I'll just highlight the way he handled the challenges about race. The interviewer, Margaret Brennan, tries 3 times to get him to speak in terms of whether he is "sensitive," and he never takes that bait. His strategy is to respond to questions by immediately forefronting something he has accomplished:
1 – 200 of 260 Newer› Newest»Haha, very good. Glad you watched it for us.
Sensitivity is overrated.
Tim Allen tag? Maybe Tim Scott? Or Tim Taylor, Tim Kaine...
They are very sensitive to racial issues in cities like Milwaukee, Detroit, Baltimore and Madison. Those cities have serious issues in their minority communities. Trump is helping by driving job growth. Results matter.
It's the caring vs. curing debate in medicine, played out in politics.
"It makes me think about how much of racial politics is a display of sensitivity — the theater of looking like you care."
Works with a particular demographic.
Of course, sensitivity is a one-way street and a one-party tool. "So, Senator Harris, do you think you are sensitive enough to white men?"
Sounds like Margaret Brennan needs a sensitive attitude adjustment.
Trump turned down the triple invitation to sell himself as sensitive
Trump turned down the triple invitation from the media to cast the entire discussion of race as one of sensitivity -- one where we're all supposed to assess how sensitive we are and sit in judgment of how sensitive we find others to be.
In doing so, he keeps the entire country from being sucked down that unending and unproductive hole.
It's why his supporters love him so, and why he's so hated by his detractors.
He refuses to let them define the game.
Blacks are NOT the majority of police violence. I can see why Trump doesn’t want to engage that lie — Trump is a master of the falsehood it's bad tactics to challenge — but WE should notice it.
Terrific analysis here. The age of narcissism, for sure.
The one thing I wish Trump could have done would have been to nail her on this "majority of victims of police violence are black." This is the sort of dumb conventional ignorance for which the media is famously known now. Too bad Heather McDonald wasn't there to back him up.
Are blacks truly the majority of victims of police violence? That doesn't sound like a real statistic.
Boy, oh boy- this is sure Chuckbait.
who point out that the majority of victims of police violence are black?
That claim is simply not true. Here's a breakout by race for 2017-2018.
Now, are there enough "Unknowns" to tip the balance? Yes, in 2018, but I presume those unknowns come from a lot of the referenced crime & police reports for late 2018 still being in a state of flux here in early 2019. I can't believe that from 2017 to 2018 the number of racial "unknowns" killed by police increased 3 & a half times!
Ms Brennan could have said "CK claims that...", but she made CK's assertion into a much stronger statement of fact. A statement of fact, except it isn't. It's wrong. Why are media people given a pass to repeat such obvious falsehoods? Don't tell me. I already know.
Blacks are the majority of victims of Black violence, should we be more sensitive of that?
No, they are not. But for Trump to engage her would distract from his results talk, and look like minimizing. That's how the game is played. You leave it to others to point out the lie. As I did here.
Race is the wrong lens with police violence anyway. Poverty is the right one.
Will there be kneelings or other displays of feelings tonight?
Sensitivity is the sore point of all butthurt.
Margaret Brennan is weak, and I have always wondered how she got to be a major "correspondent" on the CBS Evening News.
Sort of like "sending a girl to do a woman's job."
And her facial expression and body language whenever anything Republican is mentioned, let alone Trump, does not help any. This is not reporting; just sheer "us and them."
Re the "blacks as majority of police violence" claim, it just seems to be standard for the course that you get a bunch of liberals together & they promptly forget the demographic fact that there's an awful fucking lot of white people in this country.
It's more than the standard formula of
Whites = Total Population - Blacks - Latinos - Others,
because there's a lot of Latinos who consider themselves to be white Latinos. So, the percentage of self-identified "whites" is considerable higher than the oft-quoted result given by the formula above.
There's all sort bullshit demographics floating around out there & never addressed. Blacks who think 1/3 of the country's black. Millennials who think 1/4 of the population is gay. Ms Brennan's claim of "majority black victims" belongs in this category of "bullshit demographics".
I got your sensitivity right here.
Tommy Duncan said...
Trump is helping by driving job growth.
Please cite detailed examples of this phenomenon.
Trump's Aluminum and Steel tariffs project out to about 30,000 new jobs in these industries but a whopping 432,000 job loss in industries dependent upon these metals - and it more than cancels any gain from tariffs initially shown in Clyde, OH as a result of washing machine tariffs. Harley Davidson motorcycle profits were wiped out and employees were furloughed in 2018-19 to date.
Unemployment was affected by shutting down the government but the final government numbers only penalized the job market by 175,000 jobs while we have heard about 800,000 civil servants were affected. Somebody is lying.
She's asking about what women want to listen to. Her audience.
I agree tariffs hurt overall. But that is not the only thing Trump is doing that affects jobs. Cutting regulations, and lowering taxes DOD boost jobs. Just because not everything Trump does is good for jobs doesn’t mean some of what he does is. You need to learn logic.
Q: Are you sensitive at all to goofballs like Colin Kaepernick and myself, who falsely point out that the majority of victims of police violence are black?
A: "Of the 1,146 and 1,092 victims of police violence in 2015 and 2016, respectively, the authors found 52 percent were white, 26 percent were black, and 17 percent were Hispanic."
racially insensitive.
That's Newspeak for "doesn't claim to put the interests of blacks before the interests of everyone else."
Kaepernick is a woke stooge. His QB skills went to crap, the 49ers benched him, he got "woke", and then the 49ers cut him.
Why was San Francisco so insensitive?
Statistics show that a majority of the female on-air news talent at CBS had either been sexually harassed by Charlie Rose and/or Les Moonves or knew someone with such a story and chose not to air it.......I have some reservations about Trump. I'd prefer to have a President who doesn't fool around with pornstars, but any doubts I have about Trump are nothing compared to the hostility I feel towards the mewing, spewing hypocrites who criticize him.
Trump will win 2020, because most people are more interested in what Trump has done. Few watch Margaret Brennan. She'd do better learning to code.
President Trump gave a strong interview on "Face the Nation."
Strength vs. sensitivity. Love the post's title in contrast to what he was asked to display.
Our politics is where it is today because of the overemphasis on sensitivity, nuance and sincerity. We need more clarity, courage and results.
Heh. A fail by Brennan. I feel her pain.
His QB skills went to crap, the 49ers benched him, he got "woke", and then the 49ers cut him.
Your truth is insensitive.
MARGARET BRENNAN: In a CBS poll we just took, 63 percent of Americans say they disapprove about how you're handling issues of race in the US....
I assume this number (%63) is about as accurate as "majority of victims of police violence are black"?
It is almost funny to watch Margaret Brennan and Paula Reid trying to out-do Nancy Cordes and gain her spot on the CeeBS Evening News roster.
How many jobs were lost over the years because of Chinese steel BS? Like “mislabeling” which could be phrased as falsification?
And Canada helped!
When W tried to do this, what I learned was the Chicoms would tell customs it was 1 kind of steel, but I fact it was another.
I thought at that time why not work with the Steelworkers union to work with Customs and hire people who know their stuff.
Good coaches have systems that aren’t excessively dependent on the talents of a single individual because injuries happen. They build teams with interchangeable parts. Kaepernick doesn’t stick to the playbook. He abandons the play too quickly. NFL coaches don’t like that. NFL coaches don’t care that you were a good college player.
Kaepernick is a good college player.
MARGARET BRENNAN: In a CBS poll we just took, 63 percent of Americans say they disapprove about how you moonwalk... What do you think of that and will you moonwalk for us now, right here in the Blue Room? And if not, why not?
gadfly said...
It a long way to Tipperary and even longer to a 26,000 DOW. So I dumped some ETFs.
12/26/18, 5:30 PM
How’d that work out for you?
To be an NFL quarterback, you better live, breathe, and eat football. If you are going to get distracted by your girlfriend's politics, you aren’t going to be an elite QB, or even a middling one.
Bay Area Guy said...
Kaepernick is a woke stooge. His QB skills went to crap, the 49ers benched him, he got "woke", and then the 49ers cut him.
Why was San Francisco so insensitive?
Could be wrong here, but I recall he had an option to play for another year for them at multi millions (don't remember), but he turned it down.
This asshat, adolescent media troupe has turned the “News” into SportCenter. The only difference is that sports is entertaining because you’re never really certain how it will all turn out. Political news reporting is uninteresting because you know what there going to say before they say it: “Orange Man bad.”
To a sensitive white lady, full Black Employment=Slavery.
The media (the democrat party press) are in a constant state of adversary.
They never treated Obama like that.
So Mr Trump, you are saying leisure time is at an all time low?
So Trump owned another media dope? Let's try to break some news here.
If you're sensitive regarding a problem, it absolves you of actually fixing it. See Democrats, race. Also Democrats; immigration.
The go-to numbers are the BLS data for employment.
Get them from the St. Louis Fed, which posts many cuts of the data series, the easier source to search. The most useful one I think is LREM25TTUSM156S - look for it.
Short answer is employment is significantly up since 2016, especially for the working-age population, 25-54. Indeed, from an employment point of view there was no significant "recovery" at all until 2016. This explains a great deal about US politics I think.
Every spring a nearby river floods across a low stretch of road. Every spring the local newspaper sets up a camera in just the right spot to take a deceiving picture that makes the minor flooding appear to be catastrophic.
You have set up your economic camera in just the right spot to make things appear bad when in fact US GDP and jobs growth are soaring. That's just dishonest.
Wow, strong? He looked and sounded incoherent. Is incoherency now strong?
Just gotta shake my head.
They never treated Obama like that.
Honestly, they rarely got the chance to.
While the press adored Obama, the love was not reciprocated. He was not good about giving press conferences, or one-on-one interviews.
While Trump & the press openly loath each other, Trump either can't or won't shut up. Trump may openly insult them, but he still talks to them all the time.
Say what ya want about about Trump's "In-yer-face" attitude, you can't have someone in your face all the time & then complain you're getting ignored.
"The African-Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Hispanic Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Asian-Americans the best in the history of our country. You look at women, the best in 61 years. And our employment numbers are phenomenal, the best in over 50 years. So I think I've been given a lot of credit for that."
Sure. He has given himself credit for that. The numbers tell another tale.
Young black men are something like 4% of the population. They commit more than half of all serious crimes. Adjusted per person the number of blacks killed by police are higher than any other group (or in other words there is no other group of 4% that has so many people killed). But in absolute numbers the police kill more people out of the 87% of the population that is not black.
Counterintuitively, if we adjust for the crime, or in other words if we ask if a person is in the process of committing a serious crime, what are their odds of being killed by the police?, then the police are more likely to kill a white person than a black person.
If we expand our view to all acts of violence that kill black people, then the police become almost statistical noise. It's less than 1%.
He says he doesn’t have to believe his intelligence chiefs, then who the hell does he get his intelligence from?? What on earth makes him think he knows better, or who on earth?
For you football fans, you might recall there was a fad a few years back about running QBs, mostly led by Robert Griffin III. Kaepernick was part of this fad.
While it can work beautifully in college, it doesn't work in the NFL. Drop back QBs are much preferred. Running QBs eventually get destroyed by Linebackers & Safeties. That's what happened to Griffin.
So, the Niners tried to contain Kaepernick's running game and transform him into a traditional drop back QB. Didn't work - he has a strong arm but no touch. He stunk. Benched, woke, cut - after signing a hefty $100 Mill contract (can't remember how much was guaranteed).
There is a role for Leftwing opposition. We still cherish free speech. Just not at football games during the National Anthem. That's employer, network and fan time - go do it on your own time.
He says he doesn’t have to believe his intelligence chiefs, then who the hell does he get his intelligence from??
Presidents have routinely disagreed with their intelligence & military chiefs. Sometimes the Presidents turned out wrong. Sometimes they turned out right. Who do you think had a better insight into the ultimate fate of the Soviet Union -- Reagan or the CIA?
Since when has the Left decided it's the ardent defenders of the national military/intelligence complex?
The article misses the point, Robert.
The unemployment rate is a very defective number, that falls when the labor force falls. So you can have falling unemployment even as a lower proportion of the population are working. And so we have 2010-2015. Even Ben Bernanke rather sheepishly admitted this.
Under Trump you have a falling, or flat, unemployment rate while the labor force participation is increasing. Thats a different kettle of fish.
And, of course, all of you can look this stuff up and see for yourselves. Its not hard to find or difficult to evaluate. You can even dump data and use your own spreadsheet app. It should be due diligence for a proper citizen, but I suppose its asking too much.
He refuses to let them define the game.
Trump can suck the air out of every circus tent they want to propose. I love this guy.
Robert Cook wrote:
Sure. He has given himself credit for that. The numbers tell another tale.
And he linked to an NPR article that says this:
"The claim
Black and Hispanic unemployment are at or near record lows.
The short answer
Trump's numbers are right, but it's generally a stretch for presidents to take credit for job creation.
The long answer
Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.
And he's also right that the Hispanic unemployment rate is down a point over the last year — it was at 4.9 percent in December, down from 5.9 percent in December 2016. That is close to a record low, though it's also up 0.1 point from November.
But still, fact check: true on Trump's numbers."
Jesus Christ on a surfboard, Cook's 'socialist reasoning" has led him to become an idiot.
What else does Cook believe that is wrong?
"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”
The sort of sensitivity Brennan, and others, seem to desire and demand contradicts the world of MLK's dream.
He says he doesn’t have to believe his intelligence chiefs, then who the hell does he get his intelligence from?? What on earth makes him think he knows better, or who on earth?
Perhaps the FBI and possibly the CIA trying to bring him down in a soft coup has Correctly made him cautious? After all, they believe the GPS Fusion dossier. From his POV, he might be surrounded by traitors. My word.
We have to learn to live with the Soviet Union.
Ronnie was right, others were wrong.
Did you have a problem with Obama believing that he knew better?
Obama had always had a high estimation of his ability to cast and run his operation. When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning: “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.” Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director. “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
He can’t focus long enough to respond coherently to the fact he’s been offered billions of dollars already for border security. He’s more interested in “winning” a political issue.
“MARGARET BRENNAN: She offered you over a billion dollars for border security.
MARGARET BRENNAN: She offered over a billion dollars for border security. She doesn't want the wall.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: She's- she's costing the country hundreds of billions of dollars because what's happening is when you have a porous border, and when you have drugs pouring in, and when you have people dying all over the country because of people like Nancy Pelosi who don't want to give proper border security for political reasons, she's doing a terrible disservice to our country. And on the 15th we have now set the table beautifully because everybody knows what's going on because of the shutdown. People that didn't have any idea- they didn't have a clue as to what was happening, they now know exactly what's happening. They see human trafficking. They see drugs and gangs and criminals pouring in. Now, we catch them because we're doing a great job. But if we had proper border security we wouldn't have to work so hard and we could do an even better job, and I think Nancy Pelosi is doing a terrible disservice to the people of our country. But she can--
MARGARET BRENNAN: You're still going to have to deal with her now.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, she can keep playing her games, but we will win. Because we have a much better issue. On a political basis, what she's doing is- I actually think it's bad politics, but much more importantly it's very bad for our country.”
Trump took a "kneeling position"? Brennan is upset that he won't.
Where is the "handling issues of race" in the president's job description? Obama vs Trump, compare contrast.
"Presidents have routinely disagreed with their intelligence & military chiefs. Sometimes the Presidents turned out wrong. Sometimes they turned out right. Who do you think had a better insight into the ultimate fate of the Soviet Union -- Reagan or the CIA?"
Neither. Reagan had no clue the Soviet Union was about to collapse.
Anyone can look all this stuff up and come to their own conclusions. Don't believe me, get it yourself. Its not rocket science.
Its just a matter of not being lazy.
Don't let anyone spin these things. The Obama admin was terrible in its constant disingenuous spin of economic stats, and the great and good just swallowed it all. The corruption of your intelligentsia was blatant at that point. When some random slob can just look things up and put the lie to Paul Krugman or the President of the US or eminent professors at Harvard - well, then what are they good for? Get rid of them.
One billion -pocket change.
"handling issues of race" in the president's job description
In foreign relations. Even then, diversity is incident to completion of the task, not the primary concern. The Constitution is notably devoid of diversity and other color judgments including sexism.
Reagan had a gut instinct that the Soviet Union was a paper tiger. His gut was wiser than the tens of thousands collecting and processing "intelligence" into his secret briefings.
There is no news. Peace, security and prosperity throughout the land.
Is handling the issues of race before or after yodeling in the president's job description? Er... handler in chief? No that was/is Clinton, ummm Anthony Weiner?, Al Franken?, who was Schumer's staffer just let go? He was surely handling. Michael Jackson too! Never mind.
Thanks to Trump people have jobs to miss tomorrow morning after the SB.
Neither. Reagan had no clue the Soviet Union was about to collapse.
Reagan told the spooks to look for different gages in how they’re doing.
I have that published article after his death.
Look at different data, look at the data a different way and he pushed. They couldn’t afford the basics and we had Star Wars as a goal.
Bay Area Guy,
Kaepernick has a strong arm but takes too long to throw, in addition to his accuracy problems. Since it takes him
Longer to release he has less time to read the play before he has to throw it. No different than a catcher in baseball. If you throw the ball 5 mph slower than the other guy but can release it .1 second earlier — with even the same accuracy —you are better.
Brady is .4 seconds to release. Brees is also very quick and the most accurate passer in NFL history. That’s why these guys are still playing and Kaepernick is not.
Kurt Warner tried to work with Kaepernick on his technique but Kaep couldn’t execute it under game time pressure. Neither could Tebow.
Kaepernick is where he belongs. So is Brady.
She offered you over a billion dollars for border security.
I'm sorry. That's just dumb.
Pelosi offers a billion. Trump's team thinks the proper one year budget for what they want to do is 5 & 1/2 billion, and Trump should just take it because, it's, like, a billion dollars!?
Now, you can attack Trump's budgeted figures in detail & point out that they're inflated. But, no one's been doing that. Pelosi's claim is that the Wall is unworkable & immoral to boot. The Dems are simply refusing to fund it. Why fuck around with "a billion dollars" when it's perfectly clear that the Dems are refusing to fund a project that Trump thinks is vital to border security? The Dems & Trump have two opposed policies on immigration. The fact that the Dems will throw in a pittance doesn't change that fact.
"The Billion Dollar" claim is a red herring.
There is news.
But you aren't getting it.
Read foreign sources, get data as close as possible to the source, track critical statistics.
Events punctuate processes that carry on all the time.
Real things going on include the failing of the American mind.
Theres lots going on there.
"Margaret Brennan is weak, and I have always wondered how she got to be a major "correspondent" on the CBS Evening News."
By kneeling.
Yeesh- Did you read the NPR link Cookie? If the numbers tell another tale it's exactly the same tale told by Trump, according to the numbers.
The tale that's different is the NPR spin and deflection NPR used after declaring both Trump's statements true.
Regarding Iran.
“MARGARET BRENNAN: But you want to keep troops there now?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: --but when it was chosen-- well, we spent a fortune on building this incredible base. We might as well keep it. And one of the reasons I want to keep it is because I want to be looking a little bit at Iran because Iran is a real problem.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Whoa, that's news. You're keeping troops in Iraq because you want to be able to strike in Iran?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, because I want to be able to watch Iran. All I want to do is be able to watch. We have an unbelievable and expensive military base built in Iraq. It's perfectly situated for looking at all over different parts of the troubled Middle East rather than pulling up. And this is what a lot of people don't understand. We're going to keep watching and we're going to keep seeing and if there's trouble, if somebody is looking to do nuclear weapons or other things, we're going to know it before they do.
MARGARET BRENNAN: So you're going to trust the intelligence that you receive?”
"Jesus Christ on a surfboard, Cook's 'socialist reasoning" has led him to become an idiot."
Did you read the entire article? The drop in unemployment, or, put the other way, the rise in employment, began and has been in steady progress since 2010. Based on the figures of month to month job creation, Trump's policies have had no discernible accelerating effect, that is, there has been no increase in the rate of job creation since 2010. (In fact, on average, job creation has slightly slowed under Trump.) Trump can take credit for not fucking up a trend already in progress for several years, so that's something, but that's all he can take or be given credit for.
Of course, I'm always skeptical of reported rates of unemployment under any president, as I said when Obama was in office. (People who are out of work, seeking jobs, who cannot find them and just give up looking are not counted as unemployed.) Also, job growth in itself is not the whole story, either. What kind of jobs are being created? Substantial, career-path jobs with good pay and benefits? Or low-wage service jobs with no benefits or promise of permanency, part-time jobs, temp jobs, second or third jobs (taken by people who are already working, but who need more than one job to pay their bills)?
"Reagan had a gut instinct that the Soviet Union was a paper tiger."
How do you know that? That's just after-the-fact granting of a wisdom to Reagan he never displayed.
the theater of looking like you care
And you know what, I don’t care anymore. Screw PC.
Your "fact check" showed that Trump was telling the truth. Your claim that "The numbers tell another tale" was a lie.
Do you believe we should tear down the wall at the Tijuana border, the wall that is already there? If not why not.
Because the article.
It's Sunday so today disgusting hag Inga is annoyed about Trump keeping troops in Iraq.
Since tomorrow is Monday, disgusting hag Inga will claim he's a Russian agent.
The drop in unemployment is not the same as a rise in employment Robert.
Whats missing here is whats going on with the denominator, the labor force.
God, I would give anything for Mrs. Bulakaw's blackboard, and her 6' bamboo.
Some people need to have a grasp of arithmetic caned into them, apparently.
During the Obama admin the denominator fell, fast, till 2014, and then was static, until 2016. Look up St. Louis Fed LNS11000060
Jesus Christ on a surfboard, Cook's 'socialist reasoning" has led him to become an idiot.
What else does Cook believe that is wrong?
Robert Cook answers... Neither. Reagan had no clue the Soviet Union was about to collapse.
Robert, let me know how to contact you; i have a quarter for you; go buy yourself a clue
The WHOLE POINT of SDI was to help the Russians spend themselves to death.
Robert Cook Knows it worked; that's why he's So Pissed Off
On a similar topic; GOD i miss the Pershing II's. So glad that SOON we'll be making Pershing III's
The other part to track is median household income Robert.
Unfortunately reporting lags badly. Its always two years lagged.
So you wont know whats happened in the last two years till sometime in 2021.
‘We” can’t tear down that wall.
“We” might be able to persuade Mexico to, maybe.
But I thought I read, possibly here, that Obama sent our military to Mexico’s border to help out?
The drop in unemployment, or, put the other way, the rise in employment
These are not equivalences. The unemployment rate can and does drop independent of employment numbers as a result of unemployed workers losing their benefits and/or dropping out of looking for work.
Inga channeling Pelosi: We don't need to lock the doors and close the windows. What we need is a very sophisticated recording system of who broke into the house so the cops can find the intruders later. Inga and Pelosi think they are the smart ones.
Buwaya is correct about the labor participation rate. And the Obama administration made excuses about the labor force shrinking because of baby boomers retiring.
That was bullshit. The economy has improved over the past two years and now more people are coming back into the labor force. Hopefully the improvement continues, much as it pains morons like Bill Maher that more Americans are working and wanting to work.
Obama can take credit for it. When he left it got better. So thanks Obama.
By far, Margaret Brennan is the least competent Sunday morning news interviewer. It isn’t even close. I have no idea why she was given that job. She’s not smart; she’s not tough; she’s not clever. She’s boring.
Americans stood against the British. They stood against slavery. They stand against diversity or color judgments including racism and sexism. They assemble to oppose the progress of selective/recycled-child, which is a natural right, a quasi-religious or ethical rite, of human sacrifice that has been normalized, again.
"Your 'fact check' showed that Trump was telling the truth. Your claim that "The numbers tell another tale" was a lie."
Nope. You just can't read for comprehension. I didn't say Trump was lying about the stats. But he can't take credit for them: the growth in employment began years before he even thought of running for president.
Chuck - the leftwing press have 2 ways to go with their propaganda.
1 - trample and vilify Trump like they always do, and confirm to the American people they are hacks.
2 - go boring.
To ask real/honest/authentic questions without bias, not an option.
Yes, Robert (and NPR) say that ANY Good News, CANNOT be attributed to Trump, because
"The WHOLE POINT of SDI was to help the Russians spend themselves to death."
So was our support of the Islamic militants in Afghanistan, to draw the Soviets into their very own Vietnam-style quagmire. That still doesn't mean we knew the Soviet Union was about to collapse when it did. We didn't.
But he can't take credit for them: the growth in employment began years before he even thought of running for president.
This is the selective crap thinking Obama invented: for good things I take credit for bad things I blame my predecessors/successors. If Trump can't take credit than neither can Obama or Bush or Clinton or Bush or Reagan...
There's strong correlation between good economic policy and strong employment. Trump killed The New Normal with good polices.
The growth in employment, other than nominally, actually began a few months after Trump declared his candidacy. There are human factors involved in these things, the Napoleonic "moral" stuff, if you want to use that.
"These are not equivalences. The unemployment rate can and does drop independent of employment numbers as a result of unemployed workers losing their benefits and/or dropping out of looking for work."
Yes, I know. I even pointed out in a second comment that I'm always skeptical of the government's boasts about dropping unemployment. When the govt. touts a drop in the unemployment rate, they're trying to con us that this means employment is improving.
People forget that Colin Kaepernick started his little temper tantrum when President Lightbringer was in charge. Not Trump.
"This is the selective crap thinking Obama invented: for good things I take credit for bad things I blame my predecessors/successors. If Trump can't take credit than neither can Obama or Bush or Clinton or Bush or Reagan...."
Hahaha! Obama hardly invented it: it's as old as politics.
"People forget that Colin Kaepernick started his little temper tantrum when President Lightbringer was in charge. Not Trump."
And...? Obama certainly did not do black Americans any favors.
But there are reliable numbers, little cited, that do show employment is improving.
These were available in 2009-16 also, but weren't used then because they showed the opposite.
“MARGARET BRENNAN: Look Trump, I'm not here to get your answers, I'm here to make news. Will you just accept my premise so we can get on with the process of taking you out of context and trying to make you look stupid?
Otherwise, we're just wasting the public's time."
Bay Area Guy said...
"Kaepernick is a woke stooge. His QB skills went to crap, the 49ers benched him, he got "woke", and then the 49ers cut him."
Kaepernick's skills are precisely the ones Team Nike was looking for.
The drop in unemployment, or, put the other way, the rise in employment
Yes, I know.
If you knew they weren't equivalent why did you try to get away with using them as equivalent?
Obama did black Americans no concrete, measurable favors. Not anything substansive. All he was was a tribal symbol. That does matter though, it is "real" in a sense that has to be taken into account. Napoleon ultimately did nothing good for France, but there he is in the Invalides.
Hahaha! Obama hardly invented it: it's as old as politics.
Everyone else had to stop when they began running for reelection.
Obama blamed his predecessor through his second term.
Who does Trump think he's reaching with these Face the Nation appearances?
Nobody watches this crap anymore, except Political sophisticates like people who read "Althouse". 95% of the USA doesn't care. I hope Trump and his politicos have a good reason, because I don't see it.
Just got home to read this post about my beloved President. It brings back to mind late 2015 to early 2016 when the Professor did not want to admit the socially unacceptible bad boy Trump existed. She's come a long way to seeing That he at least has superior communications skills.
And things are rocking in Hotlanta tonoght. After two year of Trump's Big Boom everybody is happy working and spending again. Race relations are way better than ever. The Propagandist Democrat Media are making race strife up. Around Atlanta the black people and the white people mostly love each other. Happy-days are here again.
Trump has ALWAYS been able to destroy the media and get his message out. It's one big reason why he was elected.
Too bad, that skill didn't transfer over in dealing with Mitch and Paul "he stabbed me in the back" Ryan.
"a fad a few years back about running QBs, mostly led by Robert Griffin III"
As you elaborated, it was a stupid fad. When DC fans went crazy over RG3's rushing game, I shook my head and said enjoy it while it lasts. He's sacrificing his future mobility for a few hundred yards:
"He won the 2012 NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year award and although unable to participate due to a knee injury he suffered late in the season, was named to enter the 2013 Pro Bowl. However, Griffin was less successful during his subsequent tenure with the Redskins as he was plagued by injuries and poor performance.
After suffering a concussion during the 2015 preseason, Griffin was replaced by Kirk Cousins who played the rest of the season. He was released by the team following the end of the season, and signed shortly after with the Cleveland Browns. His tenure with the Browns was also plagued with injuries, and he was subsequently released after one season. After spending the entire 2017 season as a free agent, Griffin signed a one-year deal with the Ravens in 2018." (Wiki)
95% of the USA doesn't care
Saying 5% of the USA care is being generous.
"If you knew they weren't equivalent why did you try to get away with using them as equivalent?"
I was being careless.
Reagan had no clue the Soviet Union was about to collapse.
Neither did Reagan’s intel services –they had no clue. But that is not unusual. For instance, the American intel services missed every nuclear breakthrough by every nation – beginning with the Soviet Union and continuing through China, France, Great Britain, India, North Korea and Pakistan. Our erstwhile intel services were completely surprised by each and every one.
“What such a bad perfect track record,” I thought years ago after I had done the research. Later I thought that perhaps it was a little TOO perfect. Couldn’t they have gotten even one nuclear assessment right?
Lesson: A POTUS, especially one that the Deep State’s trying its best to depose, should take intel info with a grain of salt.
And even Kapernick doesn't believe his own bullshit. Think about it: if you truly thought the police were executing your people in the streets, would you:
A) take a knee during tbe national anthem or
B) quit the NFL and pick up a rifle?
Kapernick is just attention-whoring of the bodies of his black brothers. Which is not too far removed ftom what NFL Quarterbacks do to their own lineman in the modern Collosseum - destroying each other for the amusement of the crowd.
"Reagan had no clue the Soviet Union was about to collapse."
Historians catalogued Reagan's private library at his home. In the margin's of his books about the Soviet Union are scribbled notes in his own handwriting stating that ws did NOT have to accept MAD as the New Normal, that we could topple the Soviet Union, AND HOW HE PLANNED TO DO IT.
“PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, because I want to be able to watch Iran. All I want to do is be able to watch. We have an unbelievable and expensive military base built in Iraq. It's perfectly situated for looking at all over different parts of the troubled Middle East rather than pulling up. And this is what a lot of people don't understand. We're going to keep watching and we're going to keep seeing and if there's trouble, if somebody is looking to do nuclear weapons or other things, we're going to know it before they do.
MARGARET BRENNAN: So you're going to trust the intelligence that you receive?””
So Trump is saying he WILL believe his intelligence services on Iran. Out of the other side of his mouth he says he won’t. Whose intelligence services is he willing to believe? His intuition? Or? That is one of the reasons he sounds incoherent.
chickenlittle said...Will there be kneelings or other displays of feelings tonight?
Will Maroon 5 choreograph a routine with kneeling and hands up?
Gonna be tough to hold onto the instruments.
Maybe between songs some kind of YMCA style bit.
A bit of blackface and fro wigs would bring it home.
buwaya said...
The go-to numbers are the BLS data for employment.
Get them from the St. Louis Fed, which posts many cuts of the data series, the easier source to search. The most useful one I think is LREM25TTUSM156S - look for it.
Short answer is employment is significantly up since 2016, especially for the working-age population, 25-54. Indeed, from an employment point of view there was no significant "recovery" at all until 2016. This explains a great deal about US politics I think.
2/3/19, 12:48 PM
Hi Byways! So, you hadn't seemed convinced some time ago, earlier in the Trump Administration, that the President's policies, or his fates if you prefer, or Obama's policies' legacy if you're Freder maybe.
But now you buy it, PDJT's policies are correct, they are moving the correct needles, they are working?
So sorry, Buwaya. If I could, I would thrash this Android voice-to-text like a native boy. :-)
Rcocean said...
Who does Trump think he's reaching with these Face the Nation appearances?
Chuck, and a few dozen like him
Will there be kneelings or other displays of feelings tonight?
Only if the NFL owners want to lose more millions than they already have lost – which is entirely possible considering their lefty mindset and general incompetence.
Thank God we have a POTUS that believes in patriotism and who will not allow the kneelers to pull off their bullshit without severe penalty.
"And even Kapernick doesn't believe his own bullshit. Think about it: if you truly thought the police were executing your people in the streets, would you:
"A) take a knee during tbe national anthem or
"B) quit the NFL and pick up a rifle?"
A rational person would not pick up a rifle. That's a quick way to get dead or imprisoned and to discredit one's own position. So, that leaves using the means one has to bring public attention to a problem one perceives.
If they scrambled in time, Subway might have a spot showing folks hanging on to their subs through challenging situations.
“Thank God we have a POTUS that believes in patriotism and who will not allow the kneelers to pull off their bullshit without severe penalty.”
It would be more patriotic of the trump if he didn’t have meetings with Putin that no one is privy to.
"Thank God we have a POTUS that believes in patriotism and who will not allow the kneelers to pull off their bullshit without severe penalty." hate freedom of speech. That means you're unpatriotic. Why do you hate America?
It's not the business or right of POTUS to sanction private employees who are protesting on their jobs. If the football team owners want to sanction players (their employees) who protest on the job, that's their business.
Inga: "He can’t focus long enough to respond coherently to the fact he’s been offered billions of dollars already for border security."
There has to be physical barriers in place. Pelosi doesn't want tbe wall for the same reason we want it: a "policy" can be easily ignored once Trump is gone, a "virtual" security perimeter can be switched off. But a wall is more permanent and, once in place, is much harder to tear down.
In fact, I doubt any Open Borders Democrat would dare tear a border wall down once it was built.
To the surprise of everyone, including his National Security Advisor, Reagan said of the Soviet Union, "How 'bout we win, and they lose." Richard Allen was gobsmacked, since he had never heard anyone in DC voice such a notion. And that's what happened: we won and they lost.
It would be more patriotic of the trump if he believed his OWN Intel services over Putin.
“"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be.”
The trump
Will Maroon 5 choreograph a routine with kneeling and hands up?
Hope they end a song kneeling, with fist raised.
Get an immediate "vote" on how the crowd feels about that.
Predict fast cut to commercial.
It seems to me the Colin Kaepernick is (was) a privileged athlete who chose to use the medium that employed him to make a political statement. If someone were to tell me that he spent his off-season and spare time mentoring inner city youth, I might feel differently.
"Margaret Brennan is weak, and I have always wondered how she got to be a major "correspondent" on the CBS Evening News."
"By kneeling."
And swallowing.
"A rational person would not pick up a rifle."
So when this Cold Civil War turns hot and we come for the Marxists, you're going to "take a knee"?
Good to know.
As far as employment statistics go, perception is more important to the voters than the actual statistics on the ground. Trump can sell all the good economic stats he wants, and the media can sell all the bad economic stats they want, ultimately what will matter is what voters see going on in their community regarding employment prospects. How much credit Trump is being given by African Americans and Hispanics is best measured by going into those communities and asking for their perceptions, it will give a better picture than any spreadsheet.
Kolin believes the propaganda. Plenty of people do.
I feel for his white parents who raised him.
Was it Daniel Patrick Moynihan that took a taxi around a Soviet era Moscow in 1987 and concluded the CIA didn't know what the fuck it was talking about regarding its viability? Perhaps Reagan was "too dumb" to rely on the extensive expertise of the swamp just like Trump.
“Begging for abuse.”
Look you ignorant asshole. I’m expressing my opinion. As far as trolling goes, that would be you, not I. Also Ayman I, I’d suggest not using intimidation tactics to silence me. Who do you think you are? Your role on this blog is to comment, nothing more.
Cook: "It's not the business or right of POTUS to sanction private employees who are protesting on their jobs."
Typical. Free Speech for me but not thee, eh Comrade. hate freedom of speech. That means you're unpatriotic. Why do you hate America?
"The go-to numbers are the BLS data for employment.
"Get them from the St. Louis Fed, which posts many cuts of the data series, the easier source to search. The most useful one I think is LREM25TTUSM156S - look for it.
"Short answer is employment is significantly up since 2016, especially for the working-age population, 25-54. Indeed, from an employment point of view there was no significant 'recovery' at all until 2016. This explains a great deal about US politics I think.
2/3/19, 12:48 PM"
I looked that up. I see a drop in employment following the economic collapse of ten years ago, and then upward growth in employment starting in 2011.
CIA was not good on that sort, dia was better, even in the soviet union was ailing like ottoman turkey, it did not mean that it could not strike out at western Europe as the codevilla piece noted in hoover's, or they would not engage in actions in central America, either with their Cuban proxies, now the likes of strobe Talbott who bought everything the presidium sent victor louis, told us to trust the soviets, now Russia in it's neoczarist phase, is a much less powerful force, like in v.a. stuarts Crimean war and related series,
Trump doesn't answer girl questions.
Bleeding from her whatever.
"Typical. Free Speech for me but not thee, eh Comrade."
Not at all. The President can express his opinion about anyone, anything, any time. (In fact, when does he ever stop?)
The commenter I was responding to said, (as I quoted): "Thank God we have a POTUS that believes in patriotism and who will not allow the kneelers to pull off their bullshit without severe penalty."
So...can the POTUS impose penalties on football players who want to protest police violence in black communities? Can he "not allow" them to do so?
Evidently some Americans feel they need the President to weep with them.
I don't.
I can weep perfectly well myself.
I just want the President to do his job.
And by "job," I mean his constitutional duties.
Not tweeting or blogging or writing the Great American Novel. hate freedom of speech. That means you're unpatriotic. Why do you hate America?
No. Actually I LOVE the kneeling. I’m on record as wanting it to continue. I was disappointed that it stopped. I want the kneelers to kneel their privileged millionaire asses off. There’s no better example of ingratitude that could be offered by them. The kneeling is a wonderful object lesson for the American public and a gift to Trump.
My daughter came to me butthurt about the number of blacks killed by police. So I pulled up WaPo's own demographic breakdown of police deaths.
Much like this Margaret Somebody, her face was stunned at the small number of dead black people when it was not hundreds of thousands, and instead somewhere around 500.
I then showed her the black population in general. Grim look.
So then I gave her the computer and welcomed her to the individual cases. She was desperately clicking the incidents. "Armed with gun", "Robbing store", "Domestic Violence", "Attacking policeman". Every so often an 'Ah HA! HE wasn't armed or doing anything."
"Good. Put those cops in jail. How many is that now?"
Sigh. "Three."
It is this addiction to outrage without facts. Of course she hates me for pulling the scales off her eyes, but she can't unsee it and since she is sensible, she realizes things are not so black and white (pun intended)
This is your kid on public education.
"'A rational person would not pick up a rifle.'
"So when this Cold Civil War turns hot and we come for the Marxists, you're going to 'take a knee'?
Good to know."
What Marxists?
how much of a fool was Talbott, is relayed in part in the svr tretryakov's memoir, ghosted with peter early, where he also reveals how the soviets fooled the likes of carl sagan into accepting the 'nuclear winter' scenario, that underlay official support for the nuclear freeze. (the latter died the day, the chapman ring, was speedily deported to Vienna, in part to prevent any disclosures of any tie to Hillary's inner circle,) Margaret Brennan, on balance is pretty fair, certainly more than say chris Wallace, and definitely todd or Stephanopoulos.
Inga: "Look you ignorant asshole. Your role on this blog is to comment, nothing more"
Oh please.
You only post here to satisfy your sick Degradation Fetisb, because you are too cheap to hire a Dominatrix. You know you like it, else you wouldn't keep coming back for more abuse.
"Who do you think you are"
He is a guest on this blog, jusf like you. And you have abused that privilege more than anyone here but Ritmo.
Get over yourself.
Says Fen, lol, who has said more rude and hateful things to Althouse than almost anyone here. You seem to forget that you too are a guest here and not the blog owner. I’d suggest you get over yourself.
private concerns imposing fines on employees who are in willfull breach of contract, how does that involve the first amendment,
now ostensibly impartial (snorfle) media companies who deplatform users, with deliberate favorism is something else, specially when they form an information cartel,
btw, google plus is stopping new platforms tomorrow, and discontinuing entirely in april
Just too easy.
Inga D...Allie Oop said..
Says Fen, lol, who has said more rude and hateful things to Althouse than almost anyone here.
"Inga said...
Althouse, you are so transparent. You respond to Chuck and now to myself in this fashion while ignoring Drago and others who you are aligned politically with. Ugh, what a disgusting forum you provide and contribute to.
Ugh disgusting place. Yes it’s time I removed myself."
So...can the POTUS impose penalties on football players who want to protest police violence in black communities? Can he "not allow" them to do so?
Eventually the kneelers themselves will feel the financial pain. For now it is enough that the NFL owners lose millions for their idiocy. But shit rolls downhill is what my plumber tells me.
As for protests and demonstrations in general I have no objection. But the kneelers know that if they were to call a press conference outside of the football arena that no one would care. So they decided to use the flag and the anthem to add punch to their message. The NFL owners paid dearly for that bit of sacrilege and will pay more if the kneeling starts up again.
no regime has successful confronted Iranian proxies in Syria, like the pmu's and Russian ones like the wagner corp except this one, since the 80s, provided armaments to the Ukrainian govt,
buwaya: "Reagan had a gut instinct that the Soviet Union was a paper tiger. His gut was wiser than the tens of thousands collecting and processing "intelligence" into his secret briefings."
You don't want to upset Inga and Chuck with any reality checks.
Reagan had to fight the entire DC bureaucracy in challenging the Soviets. Reagan had to make the entire DC bureaucracy back off as the bureaucracy was dying to have Reagan concede to ending SDI as a negotiating tactic.
Who can forget the army of Cookies and Inga's and dems and lefties and LLR Chuck's protesting across every western nation (many of those protests funded by the Soviets) to get Reagan to back down.
But Reagan sensed he knew better.
BTW, these were the "intelligence" agencies that have literally missed every major geo-political inflection point over the last 50 years. Literally, every one.
All the way back to the Bay of Pigs, the Tet offensive, the Yom Kippur war, the Iranian revolution, the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan!, as noted above the collapse of the Soviet Union, India's nuclear test, the 9-11 attacks!, the freakin' WMD/Iraq war claims (re: nukes only, chem/bio Hussein had), and a thousand other smaller ones.
But now, somehow, commie voters like Brennan (he voted for Gus Hall) and suckups and Stasi-like spyers on Americans like Comey/Clapper/Strzok/Page/The entire DOJ NSD are suddenly infallible?
Too funny.
Inga thinks this is a record of achievement for our intelligence services! LOL
Anyone who has ever served knows full well how fallible the intel guys and gals can be.
"What? There was an Anti-Aircraft gun emplacement in that location? No kidding?....Hmmmm.....(looks back at map and frowns)....."
"But he can't take credit for them: the growth in employment began years before he even thought of running for president."
So he's like every other politician in that regard?
So...can the POTUS impose penalties on football players who want to protest police violence in black communities? Can he "not allow" them to do so?
Guess some did not notice. Kneeling to protest police violence was spun by Trump into disrespecting the American Flag,National Anthem and the troops .
Naturally, that resulted in backlash to where players kneeled to disrespect Trump(out of black solidarity with poor Hillary).
End result is most people don't know WTF they are knelling about.
All that is needed is some Christian players joining in and praying while knelling. Or,is that fine worthy?
Inga: "Althouse, you are so transparent. You respond to Chuck and now to myself in this fashion while ignoring Drago and others who you are aligned politically with. Ugh, what a disgusting forum you provide and contribute to."
The number of times Inga has called out PPPT for his volume/quality/vulgarity remains precisely equal to the number of times Inga has ever criticized, for any reason, MS13 murderers, illegal alien murders, islamic supremacists mass murderers/enslavers....
Fen's Law, every single day.
I'll bet Inga has no idea that Trump has pulled us out of the BS INF treaty with the Russians which only constrained the US while enabling China and Russia to move rapidly ahead on intermediate nuclear weapons.
So very similar to the 1980's.
And once again, the entire, and I mean the ENTIRE DC bureaucracy is aligned with Putin in not wanting the US to pull out of this 1-sided treaty.
And so, Inga will have to explain how Trump doing something that Putin and the DC bureaucracy desperately do not want him to do somehow equals Trump being Putin's puppet!
Trump increasing our defense spending and improving our military posture.
Trump forcing NATO to increase defense spending.
Trump ordering the whacking of Russian mercenaries in Syria.
Trump ordering greater sanctions against Russian client state Iran.
Trump freezing and putting more sanctions on Russia.
Trump opposing the Russian/Germany direct natural gas pipeline (against the wishes of ALL the libs/lefties in Europe).
Trump reigniting a powerful Saudi/Israeli/Egypt/Jordan/Kuwait partnership to constrain the growth of Russia's client Iran.
Trump expanding oil and gas production, turning the US into the world's largest energy producer with more proven reserves than Saudi Arabia...which crushes Russia's energy leverage.
Trump expanding gas exports to Eastern Europe in direct opposition to Russian wishes.
And now Trump is going right for Russia's intermediate nuke jugular.
Yeah, some puppet.
Everybody I talk to expects The Patriots to win. But my gut tells me that LA has a better team. May the best team win.
indeed the story of how Reagan beat the soviets, and his own recalcitrant bureaucracy is in winik's on the brink, Schweitzer's victory, mostly works that are lesser known, but the likes of frances fitzgerald (who got every major event wrong) Talbott scheer predominate,
re the bay of pigs, as one of my relatives was involved with it, well he was the brigade commander, the intelligence community did not convey to kennedy, that Trinidad the original landing site, was the base of the resistance, whereas the bay of pigs was fidel's retreat,
re the tet offensive, Westmoreland's g2 was reluctant to consider sam estimates of Vietcong strength, (this was the subtext of the libel suit against cbs)
The number of times Inga has called out PPPT for his volume/quality/vulgarity remains precisely equal to the number of times Inga has ever criticized, for any reason, MS13 murderers, illegal alien murders, islamic supremacists mass murderers/enslavers....
Inga only complains about the most innocent,gentle and reasonable commenters and politicians.
Robert Cook said...
"Presidents have routinely disagreed with their intelligence & military chiefs. Sometimes the Presidents turned out wrong. Sometimes they turned out right. Who do you think had a better insight into the ultimate fate of the Soviet Union -- Reagan or the CIA?"
Neither. Reagan had no clue the Soviet Union was about to collapse.
Did the CIA tell him otherwise?
One of the unannounced "reasons" Reagan pushed the Star Wars anti-missile defense system because he and his military advisers predicted the Soviets could not match it w/o bankrupting the country.
But they tried, and the country's collapsed ensued. Gorbachev acknowledged all this.
I gave a talk once on natural language processing titled "Can Insensitivity Be Automated?"
you don't say,
meanwhile Qatar seems to be behind much of the faux conservative never trumpers, like rick Wilson, while they give sanctuary to the Taliban and hamas, much like they provided safe houses for Zarqawi in the depth of the Iraq war,
bolsonaro is a voluble version of trump, then against after 15 years of social democrats like lula and fmr guerilla rousseff, , the situation is much more dire
Althouse alert:
Budweiser using Dylan to pimp windpower.
Super Bowl commercials 2019
Yeah, I somehow feel the Rams are due for an upset. At this point in the season everyone is pretty banged up and the Patriots secondary is nothing to write home about.
Robert Cook is unaware of the private letters Reagan penned that are available at his library.
Robert Cook is ridiculous.
How would an idiot like Schlump know anything about "judicial reform?" He must think his tax windfall for the rich qualifies. May be he thinks he reformed the Supreme Ct. by appointing a boozer, and a loser like himself to the court. Is it an astute reporter's job to expose his lies? His lies come so fast and furious that it is impossible to catch them all. It is safe to assume everything he says is 80 - 100% false. His dishonesty is breathtaking. Frankly, Schlump can't distinguish fact from fiction most of the time.
re yom kippur, allegedly angleton had been notified that the Egyptians and the Jordanians had been buying high pressure water pipes, that could be used to blast the fortifications in the sinai and elsewhere, this came re Latham's roman a clef flowers for mother, which is curiously similar in tone to Marchetti's rope dancer, his roman a clef about the company in the era right before the tet offensive, for a good overview of how effective the dia has been vis a vis the company, Mark reibling had a three volume history, he's written about a little known tale, pope pius's involvement with an anti Nazi spyring that led deep in the german officer corps, which explains the dark legend that Hochhuth and cornwell have painted in 'the deputy and 'hitler's pope'
Who is Schlump?
Reagan had no clue the Soviet Union was about to collapse.
How could you possibly know that??
"Trump increasing our defense spending and improving our military posture."
Why do you call our spending on offense "defense spending?" Also, how does bankrupting our country to enrich arms merchants "improve" our "military posture?" What does that even mean? Do you suppose we are at a disadvantage vis a vis other nations in our capacity to commit global homicide, even though we have by far exceeed the other nations of the world on military expenditures for many years? That's like saying a 500 lb. person needs to increase his daily caloric intake to ensure all the 150 lb. people around him don't out-eat him.
Well Bernie Sander just said Trump is a racist, so it must be so.
Birkel: "Robert Cook is unaware of the private letters Reagan penned that are available at his library."
The writings of Soviet general officers and admirals speak to Reagan's unwillingness to give up SDI (even though the Soviets and every single one of Inga's dems and LLR Chuck's cucks wanted him to) and how that was the straw that broke the soviet camels back.
But Cookie is a leftist, and he can't have that be true, so he rewrites history.
Cook, you cannot tell the difference between facts (unemployment for minorities at record lows using Dept. of Labor records) versus opinion (this is why minority unemployment is low).
Typical socialist 'reasoning'.
Cook - you are aware that Russia & China just had a gigantic war games solely with the intention of intimidating the West?
Cookie: "Why do you call our spending on offense "defense spending?""
Because it better positions us to take on your commie pals.
So suck it.
"private concerns imposing fines on employees who are in willfull breach of contract, how does that involve the first amendment"
It doesn't, and I didn't say it did.
now Reagan focuses on proxy forces like the Salvadoran army and the Nicaraguan resistance, which agitated the precursor soviet supporters like chris dodd and tom harkin just the same,
The black unemployment statistic is apparently 'fake news', made up in Trumpanzee land for consumption by the dolts that vote for the orange Do-tard.
A schlump is another word for a schlub
Definition of schlub
: a stupid, worthless, or unattractive person
"Cookie: 'Why do you call our spending on offense "defense spending?'
"Because it better positions us to take on your commie pals."
Russia is not communist anymore.
Also, we've been spending on "defense" for decades and have been engaged in many military actions in those decades, none of them defensive. We have a Department of War, not a Department of Defense. We were honest about it in WWII.
Cookie: "Russia is not communist anymore."
Commie, not commie. Irrelevant.
And it's not just Russia we are speaking about one-dimensional lefty-man.
Cookie: " We have a Department of War, not a Department of Defense."
Cookie could have been a big hit on the Commune Philosophy Tour of 1966.
Or you could go with the Democrat method of racial sensitivity in which they hide their racist faces under a hood or covered in black paint.
Personally, I don't know why Cookie didn't just go with Department of Not-Niceness.
If employment and independence mean a reduction in racism and division (and I strongly suspect they do), then Donald Trump is an ineffective racist, at best.
You know the ironic thing? If ANYTHING were to save Obamacare, it would be high employment. The more people getting employer sponsored medical, the cheaper and less divisive Obamacare becomes. And the less influence it has on policy (which is still way too much). Now if the left would just lay off the Nun's, we'd probably manage to get along tolerably well.
"Manliness consists not in bluff, bravado or loneliness. It consists in daring to do the right thing and facing consequences whether it is in matters social, political or other. It consists in deeds not words."
Mahatma Gandhi
For folks, talk is cheap.
President Trump puts America first. The CIA puts the global wealth flows first. JFK figured that out. Planned to end their reign and got killed by a Cross fire of an assassination team bullets. So when DJT calls them out for really bad advice, he knows they are the ones as desperate to get him in a crossfire as Allen Dulles was to get JFK Dallas.
The NFL is dealing with the fatal problem of a black sport trying to keep a white fan base.
The NFL has embraced black culture. Hatred of the Police. Rebellion against authority. Domestic violence. An all around criminal sensibility. Detroit and Baltimore on the Gridiron.
The NFL owners abdicated their responsibility by kowtowing to the players. By doing so they alienated a large number of their fans. Many like me have never viewed another NFL game. Others have lost the habit of following every Sunday. There is still a residual amount of interest but the trend is downward. The ratings are down and the ticket sales are no where near where they were.
It is only a matter of time until it becomes like boxing. A dead sport with a limited fan base.
another fellow I went to school with, was the son of the guy who said he saw david Attlee phillips with Oswald, allegedly going by the name of Maurice bishop, phil shenon has found little grounds for that, but other evidence of his soviet and Cuban connection like those relayed by miss octavio paz to Charles Thomas, independently gus russo and later brian latell identified some junior regime trainees, in minsk at the time of oswalds stay there, they ended up the head of Cuban internal security and the interior minister at the time of the Ochoa trial,
I know the definition, but who is it?
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