December 10, 2018

"I think lot of Korean women are wearing an 'appearance-corset.' They have this immense fear of the face they show to others."

"I heard that women feel especially shameful when they hear that they are ugly. I was like that as well. Certain people said stuff like, 'you're not even trying anyway' and 'a corset wouldn't even fit you.' There were even death threats saying that they will come find me and kill me."

Said Lina Bae, who was one of those make-up how-to YouTube stars, quoted in a BBC article.
Bae is part of a growing movement of young women in South Korea who are challenging long-held beauty ideals. They call themselves the "escape the corset" movement. Many shave off their long hair and go without make-up then post the results on social media.


gilbar said...

Bae is part of a growing movement of young women in South Korea who are challenging long-held beauty ideals.

you know who ARE a growing movement of young women in South Korea who are challenging long held beauty ideals? #twice!

Bob Boyd said...

"beauty gets the best of it in this world" - Archy the Cockroach

Shouting Thomas said...

More ugly, ill tempered women bitching.

Ain't feminism great?

rcocean said...

Korean women are super hot.

That's why i married one.

gilbar said...

rcocean said... Korean women are super hot.

That's what makes kPop so great!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, isn't that an original approach. Nobody ever pushed back against oppressive "beauty standards" (totally arbitrary and socially-constructed,dontcha know) by cutting off their hair and eschewing cosmetics and then crying "look at me, look at me!".

The brass at L'Oreal and Revlon must be shaking in their shorts.

rhhardin said...

The with and without makeup pictures of women in general always look better without makeup. No need to clamor about it though.

PM said...

Blah blah blah blah blah and posting on social media.
Saves as many lives as it ruins.

Infinite Monkeys said...

How many subscribers do you need to qualify as a YouTube star?

CJinPA said...

These women are altering their looks as they judge society for society judging women by their looks.

Darrell said...

Funny how it's always the fat and ugly women that are rejecting society's beauty ideals.

CJinPA said...

Funny how it's always the fat and ugly women that are rejecting society's beauty ideals.

Maybe not "always," but it's similar to my decision to reject society's ideal of the wealthy, handsome male.

PM said...

Infinite Monkeys: How many subscribers do you need to qualify as a YouTube star?

Doesn't matter, you can buy robotic 'hits' or 'followers' in bulk for a relatively low cost.

FullMoon said...

"There were even death threats saying that they will come find me and kill me."

Said Lina Bae, who was one of those make-up how-to YouTube stars, quoted in a BBC article.

Pretty sure most people who have a you tube following get death threats, no matter their particular niche.

rcocean said...

Does anyone care if men "Let themselves go"?


n.n said...

Rebels with a cause and without a clue. Oh, well, progress from one end to another and back again, and again, and again.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Linda Bae is the cure for yellow fever.

Jeff said...

Ms Bae might be attractive if she lost some weight.

Maillard Reactionary said...

The Lena Dunham of Korea.

Kelly said...

I was stationed in Korea in the 80’s. I’m sure much has changed, but back then loose woman had long hair and proper ladies had a bob of sorts. A guy I worked with dated a “lady” whose brother-in-law chaperoned their dates. They ended up marrying.