These people getting paid to show up!?!? Psssh, a long time ago I decided to do the exact opposite, and now I make thousands of dollars a week from events and managers to stay away. All from the comfort of my own home!!!
Would you like to make thousands per week being asked to stay away? Send me an email for my how-to guide on being disruptive, infamous and potentially violent today.
"Hilary went to Trump's wedding as well. What did she get out of that?"
A wedding, like a funeral, is the sort of big festivity where the guests are on notice that they will be subordinate to another person who will be distinctly and necessarily the center of attention. Why would a big celebrity submit to this? They are lending their brand to the elevation of this other person. What's their motivation? Are they paid? It can't be simply that they love big glamorous parties.
"Beyonce sang at the 'pre-wedding celebrations'. Ergo, Beyonce was paid."
It's absolutely clear why Beyonce was there. Her motivation is easy to discern. She performed and so was the center of attention when she did what she was paid to do. It probably helps her and her husband reach the huge Indian market. But she gives up a lot of dignity, I think. I saw a video clip of her performance. It looked perfunctory. She normally presents herself as a goddess, so I think she paid a lot for that exposure, but obviously she came out ahead according to her calculation.
But Hillary? She looks awful showing up there. But it is in line with the character she's shown, post defeat. I use the tag "Hillary goes away" to collect the things that include her determination to linger on the stage. I think there's a foolish neediness... beyond money.
Hillary was paid to show up. If not, she was there collecting bribes from those dopes as she told them she is going to be president in 2020. Pure con game.
It probably helps her and her husband reach the huge Indian market. But she gives up a lot of dignity, I think. I saw a video clip of her performance. It looked perfunctory. She normally presents herself as a goddess, so I think she paid a lot for that exposure, but obviously she came out ahead according to her calculation.
This explains Hillary's motivations to a T though 'dignity' probably is not a thought
Not reported by the pro-Clinton media ---- AKA - "the media"
"Comey said he doesn’t know who drafted questions for Hillary’s FBI interview. He says he didn’t read them. The FBI didn’t record the interview. Comey said he also doesn’t remember why Clinton’s interview wasn’t conducted before a grand jury (p. 38). "
"Comey called it “very unusual” for the FBI to have allowed Mills and Samuelson to sit in on Clinton’s FBI interview because “you’d ideally like people not to know what others’ stories are so they’re not able to get their story together.” "
"..Comey says he doesn’t remember why the arrangement was permitted. He said the decision was made by the Justice Department, not the FBI, but that the FBI didn’t object. Comey says he doesn’t remember whether he, personally, knew of the arrangement (pp. 202-204). "
Comey is the top guy at the FBI - how could Comey not know?
"Comey says he doesn’t remember why the FBI granted Pagliano immunity (pp. 199-201). (Pagliano is the State Dept. employee who set up Hillary Clinton's unusual private server). Comey says he doesn't know if the FBI asked Pagliano who instructed him to set up the private server."
Wow - Comey cannot recall why Pagliano was given immunity?
"Comey acknowledged that FBI general counsel James Baker originally believed it was appropriate to charge Hillary Clinton with violating various laws regarding the mishandling of classified information (p. 230). Note: Baker later changed his mind."
Hilary went to Trump's wedding as well. What did she get out of that?
From Gawker but I remember reading it in other places as well:
Donald Trump: I Paid Hillary Clinton to Attend My Wedding 96.75K Taylor Berman 08/06/15 09:24PM Filed to: gop debate
After attacking Rosie O’Donnell earlier in tonight’s debate, Donald Trump turned his focus to Hillary Clinton. “I gave to many people,” Trump said, defending his political donations to candidates from both parties before explaining what he got in return. “With Hillary Clinton I said be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding,” he said. “She had no choice because I gave.”
For most of them the motivation is a gig that pays. True enough that they're usually low key and oftne have contractual stipulations restricting promotion of the event but given how ubiquitous these gigs are dignity or financial troubles don't seem to be a factor.
I agree with others; Hillary was there for the money. Maybe not paid directly for attending this wedding, but I'm sure money was funneled to the Clintons by having a connection to this family. Heck, if someone wanted to really investigate; I'm sure we might discover the Indian family attended Chelsey's marriage and gave a hefty wedding gift. You can bet no one will investigate that closely or use the term "emoluments" around the Clintons.
On a related note; the Obama's are almost a billion dollar brand.
I would hate to have a big party for myself with some celebrity paid to show up. Even without the celebrity, I don't do parties based on myself. I have not had a birthday party since I was a child, and when I married Meade, we had the smallest possible event, with no one there but him and me.
It must work the same way for funerals. For instance, was Elton John paid to sing at Lady Di's funeral? Did the Oak Ridge Boys get a considerations for singing at GHW Bush's?
Well, if the psych grad students find something that lab rats won't do, they can always bring in Hillary Clinton, because clearly there is nothing she won't do if paid enough.
"It's absolutely clear why Beyonce was there. Her motivation is easy to discern. She performed and so was the center of attention when she did what she was paid to do. It probably helps her and her husband reach the huge Indian market. But she gives up a lot of dignity, I think."
I'm certain the performers at 41's funeral were paid. I'm also pretty sure they were paid via taxpayer dollars. They may offer a sort of discount, particularly for the short notice and perhaps in respect for the person and the office.
I doubt it, Leland. The GHWBushes world-class celebrity schmoozers long before his presidency. If you remember, tennis champ John Newcombe was in the car when W got his famous DUI in the 70's.
"Ann Althouse said... I would hate to have a big party for myself with some celebrity paid to show up."
When I was in a band, my favorite gigs were weddings. People are in a good mood at weddings, the booze is free, the women are all beautiful, and everyone wants to dance. God, I loved playing weddings! Of course, we usually knew the bride, and at least half of the guests.
We were married by a judge in St. Paul. He had to call two of his clerks in as witnesses. It's generally true that the length of the marriage is inversely proportional to the cost of the wedding.
..and when I married Meade, we had the smallest possible event, with no one there but him and me.
We had a Colorado wedding 25 years ago. Very small: immediate family and one witness each. But the paid-in-advance JP didn't show and we had to find another judge. Luckily, one showed up to his chambers to catch up on some weekend work. Frowns to smiles all around.
The brides father is CEO/founder of Reliance Europe. Reliance Europe has donated over $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Just like with the Trump wedding - when a big donor sends an invite they have to go to keep the $$$$ flowing in.
“@Althouse, IIRC you were married in Colorado. They don't require a JP and witnesses in Colorado?”
Last I knew (essentially when I was sitting for the Bar there almost 30 years ago), Colorado was one of the few remaining Common Law marriage states. It came from a time when many of the more remote counties didn’t have their own clergy or judges. And some still don’t. If it takes an hour or so drive from where you live to the closest town with either, you are talking several days travel in the 19th century. Making things worse, snow can close the passes, which back then could mean weeks without outside contact.
At the time I was prepping for the Bar exam there, we were taught that 7 months, 7 years, etc, didn’t matter. Rather marriage essentially required that you show the world that you think that you are married. Going through a ceremony did that, and filing joint income tax returns went a long way towards that. My father, who was trained by attorneys who were born in the late 19th Century, and then practiced there for most of a half century, was of the firm belief that most common law marriages in CO had had marriage ceremonies that were somehow legally deficient - such as the person officiating not having a current license. In most states, such marriages would be on shaky grounds. Not in CO, due to its Common Law marriages.
What has to be remembered is that Crooked Hillary managed to vacuum up north of a billion dollars in campaign contributions when she ran in 2016. Much of this wasn’t from small donors, like it probably was for Obama, but rather, was from mega donors, who could quasi-legally contribute roughly 40x the legal limits, by laundering contributions through state parties. This translates into >$100k for individuals, and >$200k for married couples. No surprise then that one of her intimate fund raisers could easily net her campaign north of a couple million dollars.
But then this sort of thing shouldn’t surprise us with the power couple who used to claim their used underwear on their tax returns as charitable expenses. And then raised $145 million from the Russians for selling them 1/5 of our uranium. What we don’t know here though is whether they were paid this time, up front, or in trade of money in the future. We shall see.
Think of the CO2 emissions involved in traveling there, presumably on a private jet. I sure hope they bought some climate indulgences from Al Gore, peace be upon him.
John Henry, sounds great, but until I read about the Clinton Foundation offices being raided; I still think she won't be investigated closely.
How do you know the Clinton Foundation offices have not been raided? Just because you didn't see it in the news?
Do you really think it would be a headline if they had been? I suspect that it would be on page 29 below the fold.
In the GP article it did say:
It turns out that whistleblowers inside and outside the Clinton Foundation have amassed “6,000 pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower submission filed secretly more than a year ago with the IRS and FBI.”
So I agree that they really need to raid but this is a start.
A2 said ..."But Hillary? She looks awful showing up there. But it is in line with the character she's shown, post defeat. I use the tag "Hillary goes away" to collect the things that include her determination to linger on the stage. I think there's a foolish neediness... beyond money."
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I'd love to know if she is getting paid to attend.
You know, the way b list celebs get paid for shopping center openings.
John Henry
Interesting that Hillary Clinton is now described as a celebrity.
Though not a surprise that she turned up at a party thrown by the richest man in India. I picture her sneaking in through the kitchen.
Hilary certainly understands her base: the World's Ultrarich
Crazy Rich Asians.
Beyonce was there to pick up a paycheck. It's cricket for Tendulkar to have personal ties to the family.
Why was Hillary there? ;-)
Peanuts. Squirrels.
Hilary went to Trump's wedding as well. What did she get out of that?
Clicking through to the photo, she looks like a Chuckie-Weekend at Bernie's crossover.
IF there is rich man, HIllary won't be far behind.
Huma in the background.
Rich people celebrating rich people they prefer, especially in India which still has it caste system so that deplorables know their place.
These people getting paid to show up!?!? Psssh, a long time ago I decided to do the exact opposite, and now I make thousands of dollars a week from events and managers to stay away. All from the comfort of my own home!!!
Would you like to make thousands per week being asked to stay away? Send me an email for my how-to guide on being disruptive, infamous and potentially violent today.
"Hilary went to Trump's wedding as well. What did she get out of that?"
A wedding, like a funeral, is the sort of big festivity where the guests are on notice that they will be subordinate to another person who will be distinctly and necessarily the center of attention. Why would a big celebrity submit to this? They are lending their brand to the elevation of this other person. What's their motivation? Are they paid? It can't be simply that they love big glamorous parties.
Tickets to "An Evening with the Clintons" make a wonderful wedding gift. Some seats still available.
You think the photographer intended to catch Huma in the shot, or was trying not to?
Maybe he or she just caught her by accident and then had to decide to crop her in or crop her out?
Hillary was there with her begging bowl no doubt.
What's their motivation? Are they paid?
Beyonce sang at the 'pre-wedding celebrations'. Ergo, Beyonce was paid.
Is it not common knowledge you can get A=list performers to show up at your private party and perform? Their agency has a price list.
Hillary and Bill are worth over $100 million.
Graft and corruption pay well these days.
Let's all chip in for Bob Dylan at Ann's next b'day party...
"Beyonce sang at the 'pre-wedding celebrations'. Ergo, Beyonce was paid."
It's absolutely clear why Beyonce was there. Her motivation is easy to discern. She performed and so was the center of attention when she did what she was paid to do. It probably helps her and her husband reach the huge Indian market. But she gives up a lot of dignity, I think. I saw a video clip of her performance. It looked perfunctory. She normally presents herself as a goddess, so I think she paid a lot for that exposure, but obviously she came out ahead according to her calculation.
But Hillary? She looks awful showing up there. But it is in line with the character she's shown, post defeat. I use the tag "Hillary goes away" to collect the things that include her determination to linger on the stage. I think there's a foolish neediness... beyond money.
Hillary was paid to show up. If not, she was there collecting bribes from those dopes as she told them she is going to be president in 2020. Pure con game.
in the History of the Earth, was there Ever a Bigger Whore than Hilary? just asking
Who can light the world up with H>er smile? Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it seem worthwhile?
It probably helps her and her husband reach the huge Indian market. But she gives up a lot of dignity, I think. I saw a video clip of her performance. It looked perfunctory. She normally presents herself as a goddess, so I think she paid a lot for that exposure, but obviously she came out ahead according to her calculation.
This explains Hillary's motivations to a T though 'dignity' probably is not a thought
Not reported by the pro-Clinton media ---- AKA - "the media"
"Comey said he doesn’t know who drafted questions for Hillary’s FBI interview. He says he didn’t read them. The FBI didn’t record the interview. Comey said he also doesn’t remember why Clinton’s interview wasn’t conducted before a grand jury (p. 38). "
Elton John does, or did, private concerts due to overspending. Was it David Bowie who sold bonds on future recordings?
"Comey called it “very unusual” for the FBI to have allowed Mills and Samuelson to sit in on Clinton’s FBI interview because “you’d ideally like people not to know what others’ stories are so they’re not able to get their story together.” "
"..Comey says he doesn’t remember why the arrangement was permitted. He said the decision was made by the Justice Department, not the FBI, but that the FBI didn’t object. Comey says he doesn’t remember whether he, personally, knew of the arrangement (pp. 202-204). "
Comey is the top guy at the FBI - how could Comey not know?
"Comey says he doesn’t remember why the FBI granted Pagliano immunity (pp. 199-201). (Pagliano is the State Dept. employee who set up Hillary Clinton's unusual private server). Comey says he doesn't know if the FBI asked Pagliano who instructed him to set up the private server."
Wow - Comey cannot recall why Pagliano was given immunity?
"Comey acknowledged that FBI general counsel James Baker originally believed it was appropriate to charge Hillary Clinton with violating various laws regarding the mishandling of classified information (p. 230). Note: Baker later changed his mind."
Ya don't say.
Blogger Amexpat said...
Hilary went to Trump's wedding as well. What did she get out of that?
From Gawker but I remember reading it in other places as well:
Donald Trump: I Paid Hillary Clinton to Attend My Wedding
Taylor Berman
08/06/15 09:24PM
Filed to: gop debate
After attacking Rosie O’Donnell earlier in tonight’s debate, Donald Trump turned his focus to Hillary Clinton. “I gave to many people,” Trump said, defending his political donations to candidates from both parties before explaining what he got in return. “With Hillary Clinton I said be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding,” he said. “She had no choice because I gave.”
John Henry
Key Takeaways From James Comey’s Testimony Before Congress
I was invited, but I had a conflicting bowling league. Couldn'y let my teammates down.
For most of them the motivation is a gig that pays. True enough that they're usually low key and oftne have contractual stipulations restricting promotion of the event but given how ubiquitous these gigs are dignity or financial troubles don't seem to be a factor.
Celebrity Booking Rate List
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
But she gives up a lot of dignity, I think.
As someone else noted, pretty much every artist or group will perform for whoever pays their rate.
Here's a price list:
Why does Beyonce give up any more dignity doing a private gig than by doing a concert?
Bob Dylan will come sing at your birthday party for $150-300m. Would he give up any dignity in doing so?
Let's start hitting that portal hard, guys.
John Henry
Rehajm beat me to it.
John Henry
What a God awful picture of Hillary. People went there for a fabulous wedding, and Hillary shows up looking like a tourist.
Here's details of the old Clinton price list
Indian Weddings are Political statements of the power of the Family paying for the Wedding.
Hillary is invited to show off the financial power to pay for her, just like having the real live Elephant shows off that status.
I agree with others; Hillary was there for the money. Maybe not paid directly for attending this wedding, but I'm sure money was funneled to the Clintons by having a connection to this family. Heck, if someone wanted to really investigate; I'm sure we might discover the Indian family attended Chelsey's marriage and gave a hefty wedding gift. You can bet no one will investigate that closely or use the term "emoluments" around the Clintons.
On a related note; the Obama's are almost a billion dollar brand.
I would hate to have a big party for myself with some celebrity paid to show up. Even without the celebrity, I don't do parties based on myself. I have not had a birthday party since I was a child, and when I married Meade, we had the smallest possible event, with no one there but him and me.
Hillary was campaigning for the Udaipur vote.
Isha is very pretty. I wonder if she has a younger sister.
Remember, these are the people who will hector you about your carbon footprint!
"we had the smallest possible event, with no one there but him and me."
You could have just not invited him.
The left wing Guardian is totally into rich people and celebrities.
It must work the same way for funerals. For instance, was Elton John paid to sing at Lady Di's funeral? Did the Oak Ridge Boys get a considerations for singing at GHW Bush's?
Pay to play. This had better be on their tax forms.
Well, if the psych grad students find something that lab rats won't do, they can always bring in Hillary Clinton, because clearly there is nothing she won't do if paid enough.
Ann Althouse said...
"It's absolutely clear why Beyonce was there. Her motivation is easy to discern. She performed and so was the center of attention when she did what she was paid to do. It probably helps her and her husband reach the huge Indian market. But she gives up a lot of dignity, I think."
Beyonce is a sex worker.
Which raises the question, shouldn't the Indian government force the Ambanis to hire a Jewish lesbian to perform at this wedding?
I'm certain the performers at 41's funeral were paid. I'm also pretty sure they were paid via taxpayer dollars. They may offer a sort of discount, particularly for the short notice and perhaps in respect for the person and the office.
I doubt it, Leland. The GHWBushes world-class celebrity schmoozers long before his presidency. If you remember, tennis champ John Newcombe was in the car when W got his famous DUI in the 70's.
And by the way, I cannot shake the notion that Hillary would have attended the wedding even if she had won in 2016.
and when I married Meade, we had the smallest possible event, with no one there but him and me.
@Althouse, IIRC you were married in Colorado. They don't require a JP and witnesses in Colorado?
What's their motivation? Are they paid?
He probably already wrote a big check to the Clinton Global Fund and since she's not President she can't beg off.
Although he thought his money would go further, this was the best he can expect to get.
"Ann Althouse said...
I would hate to have a big party for myself with some celebrity paid to show up."
When I was in a band, my favorite gigs were weddings. People are in a good mood at weddings, the booze is free, the women are all beautiful, and everyone wants to dance. God, I loved playing weddings! Of course, we usually knew the bride, and at least half of the guests.
"with no one there but him and me"
And we're supposed to just take your word for it that this ever even happened?
How much is Hillary being paid to appear?
We were married by a judge in St. Paul. He had to call two of his clerks in as witnesses. It's generally true that the length of the marriage is inversely proportional to the cost of the wedding.
Hillary is a natural at weddings, because of the way she can light up a room with her great personal charm.
Blogger Leland said...
You can bet no one will investigate that closely or use the term "emoluments" around the Clintons.
"The former Chief Financial Officer of the Clinton Foundation has turned on the crime family and is now working as a government informant."
John Henry
They don't require a JP and witnesses in Colorado?
No, that's why they went there, allegedly.
And we're supposed to just take your word for it that this ever even happened?
She blogged it with photos, and it was written up in the NYT, so it must be true.
Blogger Jupiter said...
When I was in a band, my favorite gigs were weddings.
Dance Little Jean
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
John Henry
If you ever hit the PowerBall you can blow some of the money hiring Bob Dylan to come serenade Ann outside your bedroom window.
With a Mariachi band as the warmup act.
Just a thought since she loves BD and doesn't like parties.
John Henry
..and when I married Meade, we had the smallest possible event, with no one there but him and me.
We had a Colorado wedding 25 years ago. Very small: immediate family and one witness each. But the paid-in-advance JP didn't show and we had to find another judge. Luckily, one showed up to his chambers to catch up on some weekend work. Frowns to smiles all around.
The brides father is CEO/founder of Reliance Europe. Reliance Europe has donated over $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Just like with the Trump wedding - when a big donor sends an invite they have to go to keep the $$$$ flowing in.
The bride and groom hope to set a new wedding carbon footprint record.
and it was written up in the NYT, so it must be true.
Seems like a damned good reason to doubt it ever happened.
*fierce whispers*
"Who invited her?"
"I thought you did!"
“@Althouse, IIRC you were married in Colorado. They don't require a JP and witnesses in Colorado?”
Last I knew (essentially when I was sitting for the Bar there almost 30 years ago), Colorado was one of the few remaining Common Law marriage states. It came from a time when many of the more remote counties didn’t have their own clergy or judges. And some still don’t. If it takes an hour or so drive from where you live to the closest town with either, you are talking several days travel in the 19th century. Making things worse, snow can close the passes, which back then could mean weeks without outside contact.
At the time I was prepping for the Bar exam there, we were taught that 7 months, 7 years, etc, didn’t matter. Rather marriage essentially required that you show the world that you think that you are married. Going through a ceremony did that, and filing joint income tax returns went a long way towards that. My father, who was trained by attorneys who were born in the late 19th Century, and then practiced there for most of a half century, was of the firm belief that most common law marriages in CO had had marriage ceremonies that were somehow legally deficient - such as the person officiating not having a current license. In most states, such marriages would be on shaky grounds. Not in CO, due to its Common Law marriages.
What has to be remembered is that Crooked Hillary managed to vacuum up north of a billion dollars in campaign contributions when she ran in 2016. Much of this wasn’t from small donors, like it probably was for Obama, but rather, was from mega donors, who could quasi-legally contribute roughly 40x the legal limits, by laundering contributions through state parties. This translates into >$100k for individuals, and >$200k for married couples. No surprise then that one of her intimate fund raisers could easily net her campaign north of a couple million dollars.
But then this sort of thing shouldn’t surprise us with the power couple who used to claim their used underwear on their tax returns as charitable expenses. And then raised $145 million from the Russians for selling them 1/5 of our uranium. What we don’t know here though is whether they were paid this time, up front, or in trade of money in the future. We shall see.
tcrosse said...
Hillary is a natural at weddings, because of the way she can light up a room with her great personal charm.
Well played.
Think of the CO2 emissions involved in traveling there, presumably on a private jet. I sure hope they bought some climate indulgences from Al Gore, peace be upon him.
They must have planted a lot of trees to offset the carbon.
John Henry, sounds great, but until I read about the Clinton Foundation offices being raided; I still think she won't be investigated closely.
Money talks, Hillary walks.
It would be ironic if Hillary were to be trampled by a rogue elephant on her India junket.
The hated rich!?
gilbar said...
in the History of the Earth, was there Ever a Bigger Whore than Hilary? just asking
I'm not sure, but I can say that a lot of Hillary's johns ended up with blue balls in 2016.
If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.
- Dorothy Parker
But she couldn't be bothered to make her way to Wisconsin.
Blogger Leland said...
John Henry, sounds great, but until I read about the Clinton Foundation offices being raided; I still think she won't be investigated closely.
How do you know the Clinton Foundation offices have not been raided? Just because you didn't see it in the news?
Do you really think it would be a headline if they had been? I suspect that it would be on page 29 below the fold.
In the GP article it did say:
It turns out that whistleblowers inside and outside the Clinton Foundation have amassed “6,000 pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower submission filed secretly more than a year ago with the IRS and FBI.”
So I agree that they really need to raid but this is a start.
John Henry
GP has pics of Hilary at the wedding and in a Twitter post from July 4.
She is wearing the same hideous blue moo-moo in both pics. It looks like a housedress one might find at Walmart.
Now that is class. Goes to a $100million wedding and can't even be bothered to buy a new dress for pics with bride and mother.
Both pics here.
John Henry
Sorry, Leland. That sounded a bit snarky reading it back.
I didn't mean it to.
John Henry
1. Follow the money
2. Hope HC didn't fall down the stairs in India(again).
A2 said ..."But Hillary? She looks awful showing up there. But it is in line with the character she's shown, post defeat. I use the tag "Hillary goes away" to collect the things that include her determination to linger on the stage. I think there's a foolish neediness... beyond money."
Amen. HRC has a true narcissistic ego.
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