October 26, 2018

"Federal authorities made an arrest on Friday in connection with the nationwide bombing campaign against outspoken critics of President Trump..."

"... a significant breakthrough in a case that has gripped the country in the days leading up to the midterm elections. It was not immediately clear who had been taken into custody, but a man was arrested in Florida, just north of Miami, three law-enforcement officials said. One of them said the man was in his 50s. Florida news organizations reported that the authorities had surrounded a white van with Trump stickers on it."

The NYT reports.

ADDED: The WaPo article does not mention the Trump stickers on the van — "Man in Florida arrested in connection with mail bombs sent to public figures." Key sentence: "fter news of the arrest broke, FBI agents and other law enforcement personnel could be seen in news footage draping a blue tarp over a van in a South Florida parking lot."

AND: Can you see the Trump stickers?

MORE: Info on a specific person at various sources, including Heavy. It says he's a Republican and "a promoter, booking agent and choreographer of a male stripping show as well as burlesque shows in the Miami-area."


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cubanbob said...

A former New Yorker, living in Adventura Fl. Almost a stereotypical NE Democrat transplant. Adventura is practically devoid of Republicans. It's among the bluest areas of South Florida.

tim maguire said...

No real information on the connection of the van to the arrest, but the Trump stickers will figure prominently in every report.

Megthered said...

Haven't seen a picture of the van. The Fox people blurred it out so they couldn't be read. I still think it was some lefty crazy false flag op.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If this guy did this and supports Trump, he didn't do anyone any favors except the left.

Thanks idiot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Some reports saying the guy has past criminal background relating to terrorist threats.

rhhardin said...

It doesn't make sense except as a false flag operation. Nobody on the right cares about Hillary, for example. If anything, Hillary was a plus for the right.

rhhardin said...

Blue tarp is democrat.

theribbonguy said...

Ooooo...Trump stickers. That settles it..NO WAY it could be a false flag op now.

Jersey Fled said...

Probably a white Hispanic

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The big round one looks like a Trump sticker- but it's hard to see.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary institutionalizing her corruption for generations is a threat to this nation. The media giving her a pass for criminal acts - more of the same corruption.

Lyle Smith said...

Scott Adams thought it would be an unhinged Trump supporter lashing back at anti-Trumpers who threatened violence against Trump and Trump supporters.

Nonapod said...

Kinda funny that everyone's hoping he's the other sides wacko. I'll admit I'm kinda hoping he's a Bernie Bro too.

But remember... crazy people do crazy, illogical, irrational things believing they're "helping".

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“False flag”, you people should feel awfully stupid.

tim maguire said...

Can you see the Trump stickers?

The stickers in that pic aren't decorative or declarative, they're to hide what's inside the van. Whatever the stickers are, they were most likely chosen because they were on hand when it was time to cover the windows.

Jersey Fled said...

Wow. It didn't take them long to slap those Trump stickers on his van.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Bloomberg has a picture of the van.

Windows are covered with stickers/writing, but can't make out words. Definitely crazy-person vibe.

pacwest said...

I couldn't make out the stickers from the video, but I did make out a USA flag. That alone probably rules out any Democrat crazy. If it turns out to be a right winger CNN can quit holding back and tell us what they really think of President Trump.

Drago said...

Rhhardin: "It doesn't make sense except as a false flag operation. Nobody on the right cares about Hillary, for example. If anything, Hillary was a plus for the right"

Can you imagine the soul-searching going on amongst dems who didnt receive a fake bomb?!

What am I doing WRONG?!!!..they must be thinking!


Im a good lefty/LLR! I attack Trump...ALL the time! And I dont get a fake bomb!! This is an outrage! I demand to be taken more seriously!

Howard said...

Classic Soros false flag. Trump stickers too obvious

Drago said...

Inga...Allie Oop: ""False flag”, you people should feel awfully stupid."

The Putin-dictated Golden Dossier crew checks in!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

Sounds like a nut, who decided to take one for the Democrat Team by posing at a Trumper.

New Yorker - South Florida.

BTW, the most violent crazy Democrats since 2016 have been middle-aged white men.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

His LinkedIn profile

Cesar Altieri
Promoter, booking agent Live entertainment, owner, choreographer,

North Miami Beach, FloridaEntertainment
International Gold Productions/ Cesar Palace Royale Burlesque Show Clubs/ Tony Valent. Chippendales
Brevard College, N.C./Univ of N.C. at Charlotte

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Ever heard the term “an orgy of evidence”?

Howard said...

A copy of Catcher in the Rye found in vehicle

tim maguire said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“False flag”, you people should feel awfully stupid.

Why? All signs point to it. The targets weren't people the right cares about, they're people the left thinks the right cares about. The bombing tactic just before an election isn't something the right would think might help the right, it's what the left might think would help the left. The left has basically cornered the market on political violence for my entire life (b. 1966). Finally, the bombs aren't bombs. They're fakes.

Drago said...

Howard did not receive a fake bomb.

Howard is the Charlie Brown of democrats.


rcocean said...

Supposedly has a past of terrorism threats.

tcrosse said...

They don't let lefties have Trump stickers. It's the law.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Smelled like a false flag operation in the midst of the screaming mobs chasing R's out of restaurants.

and this.

Left and right wing nuts jobs have the same odor.

Howard said...

And he's gay. Trifecta!

rcocean said...

CNN will now speculate for 24 hours on who he is, with a picture of the Van on display.

Drago said...

Whoever this guy is, he better convert to Islam....STAT!

Jaq said...

You know that the Anonymous group uses the face of Guy Fawkes who tried to kill the whole parliament with a bomb. Honoring that guy as a leader, the mad bomber, seems like incitement, by the standards used to judge Republicans.

Amadeus 48 said...

Florida Man!

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

The picture on the LinkedIn profile I posted matches the arrest picture.

Jersey Fled said...

Who was it that predicted he would be arrested near an Autozone?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

tim maguire said...

The stickers in that pic aren't decorative or declarative, they're to hide what's inside the van. Whatever the stickers are, they were most likely chosen because they were on hand when it was time to cover the windows.

No, they appear custom made. Note that the one in the back window is the same as the one in the side window, except printed at different scales. This guy was obsessive about getting his message out.

Drago said...

Howard: "And he's gay. Trifecta!"

Why? Simply because he knows how to accessorize and has many CD's of Broadway Show Tunes?

rcocean said...

"Promoter, booking agent Live entertainment, owner, choreographer,"

Hobbies: Reading Military History, Bronco busting, and going to Hooters.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...



theribbonguy said...

""False flag”, you people should feel awfully stupid."

Nah..you help to fulfill the "stupid" quota for this blog..no need for me to pitch in.

All along I figured it was either a false flag or a confused but bar. The fact that it is a "Florida man" it leaves both options in play.

Drago said...

Jersey Fled: "Who was it that predicted he would be arrested near an Autozone?"

That might be more of a commentary on Autozones rapid expansion program in Trumps expanding (non-dem) ecobomy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Florida night club shooter - who killed 49 gays, his father was a Hillary supporter.

shhhhhh. Best not to reminisce about that.

Michael K said...

The stickers can be seen here and they are pro-Trump.

It will be interesting to see if this guy is a nut, as I expect.

theribbonguy said...


Drago said...

I wont believe this is in Florida until I see the Aligator Wrestling T-Shirt!

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...


Drago said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "The Florida night club shooter - who killed 49 gays, his father was a Hillary supporter."

He was off the front page in 72 hours.

Just like Hodgkinson.

I put the over/undertimeframe for this guy to be on the front page at 7 years.

eric said...

There are very clear pictures of the van on Twitter.

If you wanted a republican bad guy for this movie, this guy is it.

The van not only has prominent pictures of Trump and Pence, but it also has several politicians with bullseye's over their faces, like Hillary Clinton.

The van screams Republican Nut Job at you.

I expect our totally legit and unbiased media to spend the rest of the day overstepping on this and giving more fuel to the fire of conspiracy.

Conspiracy theories are not healthy for a society. But they become more and more prominent if you don't have a media you can trust.

This is not a good direction for our nation, but if the media refuses to self correct, the conspiracy theories are just going to multiply.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

It's Florida Man. Everybody knows about Florida Man.

FIDO said...

Holy shit. Really? I mean REALLY? The guy has stickers that can be seen from ORBIT and he is the undercover mastermind for the bombings? And somehow, this logistical genius not only can get all these bombs delivered to the same people at the same time, something Amazon struggles with...but he can ensure that even a RETURNED package arrives the same day to DWS.

Here is the deal: The stickers posted are very colorful. They FADE quickly in Florida sun.

I would like the FBI to determine how recently all those stickers were put up.

He might be a R nutjob. And he might also be a patsy.

gahrie said...

Are they pro-Trump stickers or anti-Trump stickers?

stevew said...

Quick: what is the name of the person that shot Steve Scalise?

Sane people don't do this, or that, sort of thing.


Jersey Fled said...

No sane person puts that many stickers on their car. The ones I see around here typically have Coexist and NEA stickers on them.

Quayle said...

The stickers doth protest too much, methinks.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Quick: what is the name of the person that shot Steve Scalise?"

Every dem nd watcher of the MSM: Who's Steve Scalise?

Jaq said...

They used the same icons to target them as Sarah Palin used to denote congressional districts. This could be a righty, but he sure has lefty tropes down cold.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm having a hell of a good time playing dress up with my grandkids.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucid-Ideas said...

Holy what? That is almost cartoonish...

That is soooooooo over the top...

Looking like a "false Frag" operation if you ask me.

Jaq said...

I saw a guy yesterday in a wheelchair with a large flag that almost, almost hit the ground and a MAGA hat here in SoFlo, but nothing like that.

tcrosse said...

Well, we've already dispensed with the Presumption of Innocence, so this must be the guy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Those are some vividly colored bumper stickers. Rather over the top, too.

eric said...

So far it looks like he lives in the van and the stickers cover all the windows to give him privacy.

They are all clearly either pro Trump stickers, or anti Democrat stickers.

Jaq said...

The wheelchair guy was yesterday, BTW.

Michael K said...

This is a bizarre story. If the bombs had been real, it would be bad but they are not.

What send fake bombs ? Just too bizarre, but it will play well with idiots like Inga.

Lyssa said...

Crazy people are crazy. Thank goodness that this one was bad at it, too.

Jersey Fled said...

Must be a leased vehicle since he didn't put any stickers on the paint.

AllenS said...

Cesar Altieri Sayoc claims that he is a Native American for Trump. Seems that he was in trouble for threatening judges earlier in his career.

AllenS said...

Probably a Comanche.

Robert Cook said...

"Classic Soros false flag."

Hahahaha! As if there is such a thing as "classic Soros false flag" ops.

rcocean said...

Florida strikes again.

Land of the crazies.

Jersey Fled said...

Still wondering how he got the "bombs" through the Post Office without the right postage and without the stamps being cancelled. Did he have an accomplice in the Post Office?

MayBee said...

Pretty sure this is his twitter feed:

Jaq said...

Wait until they find the Twitter DMs from POTUS on his phone.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

AllenS said...

Cesar Altieri Sayoc claims that he is a Native American for Trump

I'll wait for the results of a DNA test...

MayBee said...

Native American (Seminole)

Jersey Fled said...

I'm guessing Cherokee. But I want to see the DNA test first.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

You have GOT to be EFFIN kidding me... Those "stickers" look like they were put up yesterday... How long has he had this van? where did he buy it? when were the stickers made? who has he previously "threatened"? what's his social media?

I'm with the the previous poster... these things fade awfully quick in the sun, especially in FL and if they were hand-made / printed-out on a consumer printer, the ink wouldn't last for squat...

This is the most ridiculous, over the top BS play I've ever seen... It is literally an orgy of evidence... I smell a frickin' Soros backed Demon-cRAT FF op

MayBee said...

Not a false flag.


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Filipino last name?

Darrell said...


RK said...

Cesar Altieri Sayoc claims that he is a Native American for Trump

For the next couple of weeks, Elizabeth Warren will refrain from insisting that she's Native American.

MayBee said...

Jersey Fled said...
Still wondering how he got the "bombs" through the Post Office without the right postage and without the stamps being cancelled. Did he have an accomplice in the Post Office?

I'm guessing the odd shape kept the envelopes from being machine cancelled.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crazy guy gives big ass gift to the left before the mid-terms. Thanks.

Mike Sylwester said...

I'm glad to learn that the Seminole Indians have such fervent Trump supporters.

Jersey Fled said...

I'm guessing someone will have to invent a new catagory of White Native American soon.

FIDO said...

Just thank God no one got hurt.

Not that I care about a single recipient of the bombs, but their people don't deserve to get hurt no matter how stupid they may be to work for them (or forced to work for them, in the case of the Obamas and the Clintons), AND I don't want the Left to have any dead martyrs.

Because all of them just say so many stupid things, they are much better off alive.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

OFFS... this guy's twitter account is like a Parody... based on every left-wing caricature of a right-wing nut-job... jesus this just screams false flag...

FIDO said...

The Tampon Tribe? Red on the outside but white on the inside?

Darrell said...

Elizabeth Warren is his 1/1024 twin sister.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - Glad the bombs were fake. made with scary materials but never meant to blow up.

Media treating it like 9/11, however, 100% gross.

FIDO said...

Hmm. Male revues and in the entertainment industry. That just SCREAMS Republican. (/sarc)

Unknown said...

Democrat here.

Let's state it CLEARLY if he is a Trump crazy he is an isolated example, not indicative of the party,

Yes, the media is going to play his Trump support hard as they should, just as most of the commentators here would have ridden it had he been a Dem.

This will not affect the election outcome. Nor will the "Invasion"

Trump will not apologize.

I do wish the folks on here that dwelled on the false flag crap would own up and admit they blew it.

Jaq said...

Legit righty, crazy as a loon. Who knew that "You can't fix stupid" was a self directed lament?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Robert Payne said...

I do wish the folks on here that dwelled on the false flag crap would own up and admit they blew it.

Looks like I blew it.

eric said...

Looks from his Twitter that he is Seminole tribe.

He has a total right wing Twitter account when you look at his tweets. They are a lot like his van. Lots of pictures of memes. Very pro Republican.

And yet, he follows 32 people. Obama, TMZ, Lena Dunham, Kim Kardashian, Ellen DeGeneres, Neil Patrick Harris, all stuff like that.

He doesn't follow Trump, which is odd. Totally would have expected that.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hiding in plain sight!

rcocean said...

Convictions for Grand Theft and Battery.

eric said...

Also, any moment now we will hear the media using the phrase, "White Native American."

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Look at this guy's Twitter page... he's got dozens and dozens of consecutive duplicate posts of the same stuff over and over again, basically like someone was trying to fill out a fake history as quickly as possible... the same posts over and over and over going back MONTHS... maybe Twitter's programmer that was tasked with writing the algorithm to create this fake account messed up, like the dude in Office Space

Matt Sablan said...

Maybe he has a personal Twitter for following people he likes, and a Crazy Twitter for people he... hates?

rcocean said...

"Did he have an accomplice in the Post Office?"

Its unclear how many of the bombs got through. Many were actually reported to Police by the Postal Service.

Also, some were delivered by courier, IRC.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

Of course, everyone is assuming guilt.

But given the Keystone cops quality to the FBI, and other police forces....

Matt Sablan said...

Inga: Did you consider Obama despicable when he was divisive at his rallies too?

Matt Sablan said...

Thus far, it looks like my bet of "crazy, not false flag," may win. But, there may be some twists left in this road.

Mike Sylwester said...

I hope he already voted, because he probably votes for all the Republican candidates.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump again claims he wants the country to come together, he said the same thing day before yesterday, then in his more truthful moments at rallies and in the middle of the night we hear differently. What a despicable human being, a national shame. Trump cultism keeps normally intelligent people from seeing what this man has done to this country.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Did you consider Obama despicable when he was divisive at his rallies too?”

Except that he wasn’t.

mockturtle said...

I wouldn't rule out false flag. The sticker thing is overdone, don't you think? Someone will probably shoot him before he gets a chance to tell his story. Someone about to die of 'cancer', maybe...

tcrosse said...

Does anybody remember the guy they picked up for the bombing at the Atlanta Olympics?

EsoxLucius said...

I am worried that the focus for the next two weeks on Mr. Sayoc and the FBI and not on Trumpetazo is going to drive him mad. It wouldn't surprise me if there's an airstrike on the caravan next week.

Yancey Ward said...

On the Twitter pic, the stickers look literally brand new. It is also interesting to me that they appear to only be attached to the windows, not the panels of the van. If he is living in the van, a big if at this moment, the stickers are for privacy most likely. I don't know what the law in Florida is like, but if you obscure the windows like that in every state I have lived in, you get stopped by the police pretty quickly and get issued a citation.

With that out of the way, the stickers themselves are clearly pro-Trump- almost over the top pro-Trump, which does raise my suspicions a bit. However, on balance, it doesn't appear to me to be a false flag any longer. He does appear, though, to have been a registered Democrat, so I will await more details.

buwaya said...

Deep game Kabuki.

Guy's a patsy.

Matt Sablan said...

"The sticker thing is overdone, don't you think?"

-- Eh, crazy people have weird decorative tastes. Could just be crazy.

Michael K said...

I do wish the folks on here that dwelled on the false flag crap would own up and admit they blew it.

Not yet. This is just too crazy. Why were the "bombs" fake ?

The packages fit every profile of suspicious packages. The TSA has shown us how common incompetence is but this is just too crazy.

Why now ? Very suspicious of something besides just insanity.

buwaya said...

Dividing the country is a long-term liberal strategy.
This is so institutionalized and deep rooted that its been an essential part of teacher training and school curriculums for decades.

Check out any Ed program in any university today.

eric said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Trump again claims he wants the country to come together, he said the said thing day before yesterday, then in his more truthful moments at rallies and in the middle of the night we hear differently.

I know, right?

If he really wanted to unify, he would do what the Democrats want.

The fact he keeps acting like a Republican and doing things the Democrats don't like is a clear signal he isn't interested in unifying.

The Dems have made it clear to everyone. This national hissy fit will continue until they are elected. Why can't Trump be honest for once? If he really wants to unify the country he needs to become a Democrat.


Matt Sablan said...

"He does appear, though, to have been a registered Democrat, so I will await more details."

-- Wait, what? Why is he being called a Republican then?

PM said...

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

buwaya said...

And this is obviously a black op.
It just needs to hold together for another week.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

I just scrolled through the guy's twitter feed going back to march of this year... there are HUNDREDS of duplicate posts... the same things posted over and over, sometimes 20-30 for the same day and sometimes another grouping weeks earlier..... over and over and over again... something is extremely fishy... will post video soon

Inga...Allie Oop said...

This is what the politics of hate and spite have caused. Now you people who railed against PC and celebrated Trump’s style, you own this.

Yancey Ward said...

The stickers, Matthew.

buwaya said...

In these political games any "cigar" so prominently pushed in the MSM is never just a cigar.

It might be a cigar if they ignore it.

Matt Sablan said...

"This is what the politics of hate and spite have caused."

-- You know, I was worried about hate and spite when people were getting shot at a baseball field. A shame the left didn't care enough then to think to tone it down a notch.

rcocean said...

Arrested for terrorist threat in 2002. Living in a van down by the river. convictions for steroid use, battery, grand theft, etc.

Gay, Indian, from NYC living in FLA.

He's an unstable loony. Probably never tried to make a serious bomb - just cause a distraction. Probably wants attention and not unhappy he got arrested.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

"I just scrolled through the guy's twitter feed going back to march of this year... there are HUNDREDS of duplicate posts... the same things posted over and over, sometimes 20-30 for the same day and sometimes another grouping weeks earlier..... over and over and over again... something is extremely fishy..."

-- Fishy, or crazy. What you're describing also fits crazy.

JPS said...


"This is what the politics of hate and spite have caused...you own this."

You take responsibility for the actions of deranged leftists, right? You search your soul and wonder whether the ideas you espouse, advanced in the wrong way, will cause that one fool in a million to do something awful?

Or is that Completely Different?

FIDO said...

So...how sad is it that I don't believe Democrats incapable of a false flag operation like this?

Inga does not get to believe all the evil in the world lies at Trumps feet, but then assert that DEMOCRATS couldn't do such a thing. Trust is trust.

She doesn't have it. Neither do I.

This does not end well.

Drago said...

Inga: "Trump cultism keeps normally intelligent people from seeing what this man has done to this country."


Its Trumps fault the left has called every single republican a nazi for the last 70 years!

Maybe the Russians made the dems do that....

Yancey Ward said...

Inga, though she is ignorant of it, is the why people thought false flag. Just look at her comments in this thread- that right there is the motive for doing a false flag in the first place, and it is a motive that can't yet be fully discounted.

eric said...

-- Wait, what? Why is he being called a Republican then?

He is currently a registered Republican.

His Twitter didn't start until 2016.

He looks like a Trumpist more than anything. Probably more supportive of Trump than the GOP.

Drago said...

Its Trumps fault the democrats ran ads against GW Bush in 2004 which asserted a vote for republicans is a vote to burn black churches.

buwaya said...

Inga, this is what your elite have created.
It is being created an enhanced by millions of people every day, by yourself among others.

It is extremely evil.

There has been a widespread demonic influence at work here, over decades.
It has been noted many times, in many stages of development.

You have to be close to it to understand what is being done, and San Francisco CA is an excellent place to have seen its workings.

wholelottasplainin said...

Joshua Barker said...
OFFS... this guy's twitter account is like a Parody... based on every left-wing caricature of a right-wing nut-job... jesus this just screams false flag...
If the guy is "killed while trying to escape", you might have a point. Arkancide, and all that.

But you have to ask yourself: based on what we know about his life, his dubious occupations, criminal past, kookish van, and amateurish MO , do you really think such a doofus could successfully bring off a "false flag" by *posing* as a typical Trump supporter?

The more sensible people come to know his background, the more they will say its a case of a criminally-obsessed nut job. Just as they did with the Scalisi shooter.

Yeah, Inga isn't in the "sensible people" category, but among independent voters---the king makers--- will likely not take the bait.

But if you think this perp is a "patsy", let's see the evidence. Like Soros money, for instance.

rcocean said...

The fact that he sent a bomb to John Brennan at CNN and misspelled his name AND didn't know Brennan works at MSNBC, shows you he was a nut and not serious.

Nobody who was serious would waste a bomb on Hillary, Clapper, or Brennan.

You might as well send a bomb to James Comey or Keith Olbermann.

Drago said...

Its Trumps fault the dems ran ads against Paul Ryan in 2012 asserting Ryan wanted to kill old people.

Mike Sylwester said...

Now the FBI can get back to proving that Carter Page is a Russian spy.

Matt Sablan said...

I'm trying to marry the idea of a well-coordinated mail attack/"attack" with the guy we're seeing. If only he hadn't been crazy, think of how useful he could've been.

Clyde said...

How long would a van with all those stickers last without getting vandalized in very blue Dade County? Those stickers don't seem very weathered for being out in the Florida sun, unless he kept the van in the garage. He is a registered Republican according to the voter registration site. I'd be interested to see his voter history, though. If the van is legit, then he's plainly a crazy.

Fabi said...

"Now you people who railed against PC and celebrated Trump’s style, you own this."

No more mailing letters and parcels through the Post Office. I repent!

MayBee said...

From his twitter feed, he appears crazy. He doesn't appear racist and he has some gay-supportive postings. But he says this in every post (practically):

We Unconquered Seminole,Miccouskee Tribes,Seminole Hard Rock,Seminole American Top Team

For anybody who hasn't checked out his twitter feed, I urge you to look through it. It probably isn't what anybody is expecting.

rcocean said...

Just remember per the MSM:

1) Violence against Democrats ALWAYS caused by Republicans egged on by Trump, and prominent Republicans.

2) Violence against Republicans - ALWAYS work of lone nuts. Nothing to see here, just move along.

JPS said...

Inga puts me in mind of Judge Danny Boggs. (Did I read this here?)

"Also, any charge against MY SIDE requires exquisite legally admissible proof of its accuracy,


Any charge against YOUR SIDE must be true if it was asserted by anyone, anywhere.

People on MY SIDE are responsible only for what they said personally, in full-quotation context.


People on YOUR SIDE are responsible for the inferred implications of anything said by anyone who ever held any idea vaguely similar to what your people think."

Michael K said...

Blogger buwaya said...
And this is obviously a black op.
It just needs to hold together for another week.

The bizarre nature of the whole story may impress fools like Inga but normal people must wonder why someone would do this.

Fake bombs that are going to be easily traced back since they did not explode and destroy evidence.

The Jared Loughner shooting has some similarity but there, real people were killed.

Mike Sylwester said...

rcocean at 11:59 AM
Nobody who was serious would waste a bomb on Hillary, Clapper, or Brennan.

That's what I liked most about this guy.

BJM said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Did you consider Obama despicable when he was divisive at his rallies too?”

"Except that he wasn’t."

C'mon...how about this?

or how about President Obama saying of Republicans: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” or “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard.”

Yancey Ward said...

And, I will point out something that is eluding the media at the moment- we don't know why he was arrested. It is entirely possible that someone in the area alerted the FBI because of the stickers in his van windows. It has been on the news that the "bombs" originated in that area of South Florida, and the media has been drumming on for two days that they "targeted" Trump critics. I don't think it unreasonable that someone in that area of Florida hasn't noticed that van- indeed, I have seen posts by people who noted the van in the last week, but before the devices were even sent.

I would hope that the van contains the materials used to make the devices, but if all they have is the van and the stickers with a witness, I think it quite possible he isn't even the guy. I hope at the press conference, we will get a description of the other evidence collected, and the reasons why they think they have the right guy- it would allay my suspicions that they are just grasping at straws.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You know, I was worried about hate and spite when people were getting shot at a baseball field. A shame the left didn't care enough then to think to tone it down a notch.”

Heather Heyer is still dead. Casualty of “Unite the Right” rally. False equivalencies won’t cut it.

rhhardin said...

Fire sticks and firewater.

Drago said...

Inga has yet to apologize for Hodgkinsons attempted political mass murder.

She probably never will.

In Ingas defense, that was like, totally more than 15 minutes ago!

Temujin said...

My gut kept telling me this was a sophomoric lefty operation. But I'm not surprised its an out of his mind Trump supporter. Crazies come in all sizes, shapes, colors, religions, genders, heights, clothing, and intelligence levels. No one has a lock on crazy.

BJM said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Did you consider Obama despicable when he was divisive at his rallies too?”

"Except that he wasn’t."

C'mon...how about this?

How about President Obama saying of Republicans: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” or “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard.”

Matt Sablan said...

"The Jared Loughner shooting has some similarity but there, real people were killed."

-- He'd been threatening violence for, what, years, because people wouldn't listen to his conspiracy theory about grammar mind control? He's crazy.

Jaq said...

Heather Heyer is still dead. Casualty of “Unite the Right” rally. False equivalencies won’t cut it.

How is it a false equivalency? Because you need it to be for your political ends?

Drago said...

Funniest part of all this?

If this guy is part Seminole, Im holding Elizabeth Warren responsible!

Big Mike said...

Except that he wasn’t.

@Inga, so in your opinion Obama’s remark about “bitter clingers to their guns and religion” was calculated to make the middle class and working class people feel welcome in the Democrat Party?

Michael K said...

Blogger rcocean said...
The fact that he sent a bomb to John Brennan at CNN and misspelled his name AND didn't know Brennan works at MSNBC, shows you he was a nut and not serious.

No, the fact that the "bombs" were fake shows you he is a nut. The only remaining question is whether someone put him up to this.

Jim at said...

Republican crazies use fake bombs.
Democratic crazies use live bullets.

Drago said...

Notice how Inga even now refuses to even make note of Hodgkinson.



Unknown said...

Michael K soon we will know if it is a false flag or not. In any case he is an isolated crazy person.

Bad news for you is that I do not think Trump will deftly handle it and will stoke the MSM fervor.

Again, normal Dems, which are apparently alien to most of the commentators here, will not think he represents anything other than the fringe, just like the BernieBro shooter.

Michael K said...

I do have to laugh at people trying to debate the fool, Inga. She is well beyond any attempt at logic. I wonder if her van is covered with Obama stickers ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump can be blamed for pushing the left over the edge. He did, after all, cut some taxes. Unforgivable.

CNN is allowed to foment hatred.

jim said...

Oh yea, obvious false-flag. Everyone knows male strippers are all democrats.

And, and, if not a false flag then just another nut job.

Facetiousness aside, the guy's obviously a nut. But, doesn't he just represent one end (or nearly the end) of the Trump/MAGA nut job spectrum, i.e. your Fox-watching mother-in-law through your on-the-lamb, neo-Nazi, gay-bashing thug?

Jim at said...

"Except that he wasn’t."

Bullshit. Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

Get in their faces.
Punch back twice as hard.
They bring a knife, you bring a gun.
Bitterly clinging to their guns and religion.

And that's just off the top of my head.

I know it's difficult for you, but don't be deliberately dishonest and stupid.

Jaq said...

A lunatic making a bunch of fake bombs is definitely worse than coming to a softball practice with a gun and shooting a bunch of Republicans because the New York Times called them "mass murderers."

Michael K said...

Again, normal Dems, which are apparently alien to most of the commentators here, will not think he represents anything other than the fringe, just like the BernieBro shooter.

Your confidence in the existence of "normal dems" is touching.

I know a couple and they hate Trump with no semblance of logic. He is just the devil to them, and you.

Drago said...

Robert Payne: "Again, normal Dems, which are apparently alien to most of the commentators here, ..."


Normal dems are simply not well represented on this blog.

Its not our job to force any of them to comment here.

Freder Frederson said...

So, when do you guys who jumped the gun and were absolutely certain this was a false flag operation, apologize.

I'm waiting.

It doesn't make sense except as a false flag operation. Nobody on the right cares about Hillary, for example. If anything, Hillary was a plus for the right.

Really?! Then why are people still chanting "lock her up" at Trump rallies? And why, on this very blog, whenever something negative is said about Trump, there will be numerous posts about how much worse the Clintons are?

Big Mike said...

No one has a lock on crazy.

@Temujin, may I introduce you to Inga?

Michael K said...

Interesting that we are getting these new commenters with blank profiles.

Jaq said...

The reason that it's a "false equivalent" is that the Republicans really are mass murderers and deserve to die.

Trumpit said...

The Unibomber's package bombs were far superior to this right-wing terrorist's nothing burger, misspelled, nonworking, care packages. This proves that the Left is superior in every way to the odious Right. QED. It's mostly Trump's fault for inciting hatred and violence against his political opponents. That's a fact. Faux Fox News is in blackface, i.e., collusion with Trump. For what it's worth, I'd like to see Megyn Kelly's Halloween costume. I think she's going as Zira from the Planet of the Apes.

mockturtle said...

A known 'nut case' with priors would be the perfect patsy, would he not?

Jaq said...

"Really?! Then why are people still chanting "lock her up" at Trump rallies?"

That's known as a "plus."

mockturtle said...

Speaking of 'nut cases'...[eye roll].

Yancey Ward said...

If this is the guy, Trump will take credit for catching him so quickly. Count on it.

Michael K said...

why, on this very blog, whenever something negative is said about Trump, there will be numerous posts about how much worse the Clintons are?

Because they are ?

Did you read the story that Michael Foote, the Labour leader in the 1983 British election, was a paid KGB agent ?

I just wonder what other ties the Clintons have to the Russians.

Cassandra said...

Something is terribly wrong with this story:

1. Cesar Altieri Sayoc sounds positively ... ethnic. As everyone knows, all Authentic People of Ethnicity have been hiding in the shadows since the 2016 election, quaking with fear that Trump will steal their cornflakes, deport them, or turn his legions of White Nationalist henchmen (aka, The Cabinet) loose to beat them with those flaming torches they're constantly waving about.

2. As is also well known to all, People of Ethnicity do NOT identify as Republicans, because they would be voting against their self interest. Unless of course they are brainwashed. Republicans are Evil Incarnate, while persons of ethnicity uniformly exude virtue and love for their fellow persons.

So this, too, doesn't add up.

3. Sayoc makes his living from promoting male stripping. So clearly, in addition to being a Person of Ethnicity, he is also a Person of Enlightened Sexuality. As is well known to all, terrorists are invariably constipated, hetero Christian white males.

Clearly, we are going to have to re-examine our premises and interrogate the heck out of our elitist privilege.

buwaya said...


Normal Dems do not run your elite institutions, nor the channels by which they influence the public. It is a strange, perverted, nihilistic culture.

The gap between these people and "normal Dems" is immense.

Drago said...

Freder: "o, when do you guys who jumped the gun and were absolutely certain this was a false flag operation, apologize.
I'm waiting."

Freder, you will recall, lied repeatedly and completely misrepresented the court findings in the Bundy case even though all relevant information was publicly available.

Freder, when called out on that purposeful misrepresentation, never apologized.


mockturtle said...

Whoever is ultimately behind these events, including the man arrested, obviously did not intend for any of the 'bombs' to detonate, as each lacked a [different] vital element.

Michael K said...

This proves that the Left is superior in every way to the odious Right.

You certainly make better bombs. The Palestinians are sort of a branch of the Democrat Party and they make nice bombs, too.

Jaq said...

The beauty of Hillary is that the Clintons have done everything that the left accuses Trump of, right up to collusion with the Russians. She's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys don't like to admit it, but she is a gift to us.

John Scott said...

Apparently the close-up pictures of the van were taken back in April by some random person that pulled up next to it at an intersection.

Big Mike said...

... Freder!

Arashi said...

He supposedly has a rap sheet as long as your arm. Definitley nut case - and has prior arrests for 'terroristic' acts. He is so over the top crazy it ought to raise eyebrows.

And how does the van not get stopped immediately by the local police and impounded becasue of the lack of outward visibility?

Jim at said...

This is what the politics of hate and spite have caused. Now you people who railed against PC and celebrated Trump’s style, you own this. - Inga

Fine. I own it. What are you going to do about it?
Pound your fucking keyboard some more?

Go right ahead.

Freder Frederson said...

Your confidence in the existence of "normal dems" is touching.

Give me a freaking break! You are convinced that all Democrats are ardent supporters of the Antifa.

Michael K said...

Clearly, we are going to have to re-examine our premises and interrogate the heck out of our elitist privilege.

Maybe the porn actor who shot up Trump's hotel is a buddy.

Jaq said...

For someone who thinks they are so smart, Freder, you can be awfully simple a lot of the time.

Drago said...

Bundy Case Liar: "Give me a freaking break! You are convinced that all Democrats are ardent supporters of the Antifa."

Probably because the entire dem establishment defended them with sone going so far as to compare them to our Normandy heroes.

FIDO said...

It is ever more likely possible that this is a Righty Loon...of a particularly self loathing variety. I've seen loons of all ilks post multiple permutations of the same post multiple times on the same threads.

And if we have to keep things in perspective: The Republicans have been blessed with a surfeit of sanity thus far.

We had a national meltdown of Millions of Democrats stopping traffic and howling at the sky.

We had thousands of Democrats riot in DC when Trump was inaugurated.

We had hundreds of Democrats riot in Middlebury, Berkley, Berkley, Berkley, Mizzou, Berkley, Evergreen.

We had a crazy Dem attack Rand Paul.

We had a Crazy Dem shoot at MULTIPLE Republicans (and MULTIPLE Democrats publicly wishing he was a better shot...but that isn't divisive in Ingaland)

We had two Republican Congressional candidates attacked by two separate Democrats

We had a couple of Ricin scare letters sent to Trump and Republican Congressmen.

We had a militant mob of Democrats attack a few dozen idiots in Charlottesville...out of their own purse and their own time.

We had a few hundred thousand Wacky Women Wear Whingina-ware instead of anything useful. And I am sure they all think they deserve raises for abusing their bosses this way.

We had mobs of paid Democrats protest outside Trump rallies picking fights. (Does that count as crazy? I count that as Calculating, but out of comity with Inga, who will have enough cognitive dissonance already, I'll allow crazy)


But we had ONE (1) Indian sending fake bombs.

Inga, give me a call when ONE of your people gets sent to a hospital. ONE.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I’ve said this before on these threads, an unstable person will take his cues from a person with a loud public voice, and who has a bigger louder more hateful voice than this President? Trump is complicit in this and other instances in which people have violently attacked the press and Trump opponents. You people have celebrated his rhetoric, you agree with it, you want him to keep it up, you didn’t foresee something like this happening?

Michael K said...

You are convinced that all Democrats are ardent supporters of the Antifa.

No, my leftist children are just mistaken. But they all hate Trump. The FBI agent daughter assured me she would not vote for Hillary in 2016, but said she wouldn't vote for him.

My point, which you missed completely as usual, is that all Dims hate Trump with a passion and probably don't even realize that they are enabling people who think them (you) idiots.

I'm not quite as paranoid as bywaya but this is not a normal country right now.

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