August 5, 2018

"I have... many, many longtime friends at Bain Capital, people I know to be highly honorable folks. Mitt Romney hasn't been there for decades, decades now."

Said Deval Patrick on "State of the Union" today, after Jake Tapper prompted him with: "Now, I know, when Mitt Romney was attacked for his association... with Bain Capital in 2012, I know you didn't personally criticize Bain back then. But given the way -- the way that the Democratic Party went after Bain during that race and the way that Hillary Clinton faced so much criticism from the left for her speeches to Goldman Sachs in 2016, did you have any reservations at all about joining Bain after leaving the governor's mansion?"

That made me laugh, that subtle — so subtle — disrespect for Mitt Romney.

The purpose of this interview seemed to be to position Patrick as a 2020 presidential candidate, and Patrick's answer to the prompt continued:
I describe myself as a capitalist. I'm not a market fundamentalist. I don't think markets solve every problem just the right way. But I do believe in opportunity. I think -- I think we need an economy that is expanding and is expanding out, so it reaches people on the margins, not just up, so it's -- it's good for people who already have wealth and have -- and just want more. And I think there is a right way and a wrong way to do that. And I think impact investing is an incredibly interesting and exciting way to participate in -- in growth capitalism. So, no, I don't -- I don't -- I don't buy all that. But, look, I have never taken a job where I have left my conscience at the door. And I haven't started now. So...
This was all very moderate and bland. I mean, I like this sort of thing, but I understand why Tapper broke in to jazz it up a bit:
TAPPER: You know that that Democratic socialists are ascendant in your party. And there are a lot of people on the left who will have a natural skepticism about you if you choose to run just because of everything you just said to me about your belief in capitalism. Does that concern you at all about the fact that there are going to be so many people who are skeptical of you on the left if you choose to run?
This led to various coy statements about it being too early to talk about running. But I was really interested in that tossed off line: "You know that that Democratic socialists are ascendant in your party." When did the word "socialists" get normalized within the Democratic Party? Tapper said it in passing and Patrick did not question it. That got my attention.


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Psota said...

Are they rebranding progressivism to socialism??

Wendybar said...

It sure does sound like it Psota!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the way that the Democratic Party went after Bain during that race and the way that Hillary Clinton faced so much criticism from the left for her speeches to Goldman Sachs in 2016,


I don't recall criticism of her from the left. They excused her for everything. Even the king of the socialist left called her use of a private server just "e-mail."

Michael K said...

It's late but tey seem to be telling the truth for the first time in a long time.

Will Americans over 25 vote for Socialism ? I hope not but we will see.

I still think Crowley may beat Occasional Cortex in the general on the WFP ticket.

roesch/voltaire said...

NPR did a long piece this morning about the shifting definitions and beliefs of what is called socialism, Brother Alie the rapper from Madison offered interesting insights from a Sufi Islamic perspective. But I think after the tweeter in chiefs recent tweets the Dem will run not so much on a version of socialis, but Make America Sane Again as the slogan that is resonating with more and more voters.

Big Mike said...

That got my attention.

You just now noticed???

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Dem will run not so much on a version of socialis,

No, I think you people could not make Independents believe you are sane.

Try the Socialism thing for an election or two. See if you can reach your inner Venezuela.

Patrick is phony enough to think he is the next Obama and the Dims are dumb enough to buy it.

At least he smarter than Cory Booker but that is a pretty low bar.

tcrosse said...

I'll believe they're serious about "Socialism" when they start talking about the Workers seizing control of Hollywood and Silicon Valley or about Land Reform. As far as I can tell, they want the Government rather than individuals to pay big money to the Capitalists. Some Socialism.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are constantly trying to run from and redefine that which defines them. They are big government statists, and they want a big government solution for every little micro-micro they can dream up. It's all about control and power. They continually bash capitalism, while they ignorantly enjoy all the fruits of capitalism, and seek its destruction. They are ignorant and blind before the true definitions of fascism and socialism.

Socialism has the word "social" in it, and that means FUN!
They think it means free abortions, free this, free that, a gay pride parade every night, free candy, free healthcare, and millions of people pouring in illegally and voting for more of it.

Granny said...

I am glad of that association. For some time I've been hoping Democrats marry themselves to socialism (not pissant progressivism) insofar as it give voters a clear choice and would accelerate demise of subversive Democratic politics.

Ralph L said...

you didn't personally criticize Bain back then.

He already had the job lined up?

Leland said...

Now they just need to add "worker" to the party title; and then keep trying to claim Trump is Hitler and/or Stalin to project.

becauseIdbefired said...

My view is that fat Candy Crowley did the US a huge favor by violating her journalistic ethics, and siding with Obama that he had in fact called Benghazi a terror attack.

It showed how spineless Romney was. Imagine Crowley trying to do that to Trump.

Now we have Trump. If Romney had been elected, Americans would have lost all hope, and there would have been no opportunity for Trump, the "Republican."

Sebastian said...

"I have... many, many longtime friends at Bain Capital, people I know to be highly honorable folks. Mitt Romney hasn't been there for decades, decades now."

Has there been any person in public life more honorable than Mitt?

"the way that Hillary Clinton faced so much criticism from the left for her speeches to Goldman Sachs in 2016,"

Already covered, but did any lefty criticize her this way?

"did you have any reservations at all about joining Bain after leaving the governor's mansion?"

No. If the capitalists want to pay you protection money, you, being a good and venal prog, take it. You learn from the best: the Clintons and their "foundation," U of Chicago and Michelle, O and Netflix, everybody and Goldman Sachs. Next up: some "book" contracts.

"I don't think markets solve every problem just the right way."

Does anyone? This shows he's been learning from the master himself, O.

"I mean, I like this sort of thing"

We know you do, so you can rationalize the notion that our prog overlords and democratic socialists are actually very "pragmatic." We know, and they know.

"But I was really interested in that tossed off line: "You know that that Democratic socialists are ascendant in your party." When did the word "socialists" get normalized within the Democratic Party? Tapper said it in passing and Patrick did not question it. That got my attention."

Good. Remember it at election time.

Anyway, not sure of the exact period in which it got "normalized" but it is a slightly delayed unintended outcome of the fall of the Soviet Union: it liberated lefties to expose themselves in public life as hard-left without fear of being seen as anti-American commie-lovers.

Patrick's little dance shows, of course, that the Dem elite isn't quite sure if it will play well enough in the general, and so for now, they're willing to throw some rhetorical bones to the moderate middle in Madison.

Dr Weevil said...

The Democrats=Socialists cat was out of the bag when the Democratic Party allowed out-and-proud life-long Socialist Bernie Sanders to run for the Democratic nomination without asking him to resign from the Socialist party or join the Democratic party or renounce any of his Socialist beliefs in favor of (allegedly) different Democratic beliefs. They treated his Socialism as interchangeable with Democratic Party beliefs, and no one (except a few Republicans) even noticed a problem.

Anonymous said...

r/V: But I think after the tweeter in chiefs recent tweets the Dem will run not so much on a version of socialis, but Make America Sane Again as the slogan that is resonating with more and more voters.

Yes, it is resonating with more and more voters. Unfortunately for the Dems, it's already been taken up by the people running against them and isn't "resonating" in the Dems' favor.

Too bad, really. The vision of the looney luminaries of the left campaigning under the banner of a call for the restoration of sanity does have a piquant comic charm. (Imagine it unfurled behind, say, Maxine Waters at a rally.)

readering said...

Democrats are trying to be a big tent for this November. Let's see what happens.

Dave Begley said...

Patrick is a bland Obama. And he works for Bain. Horrible!

I saw a bit of the Tapper interview and then googled Patrick. He failed the CA bar exam twice even though he graduated from Harvard Law with honors. And he got a judicial clerkship. I guess I admire him sticking with the bar exam thing. And, of course, Hillary failed the DC bar.

I'm telling everyone that Howard Schultz is the guy to beat.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When did the word "socialists" get normalized within the Democratic Party? Tapper said it in passing and Patrick did not question it. That got my attention.

Right-wing name-calling to lazily shame disadvantaged Americans into accepting their fate when it comes to being priced out of the medical insurance or competitive job markets just isn't going to work any longer. Especially when said right-wingers do nothing in office except use it as a stepping stone to a lobbying position. Pass it along.

Michael K said...

He failed the CA bar exam twice even though he graduated from Harvard Law with honors

Have you read "mismatch?"

My daughter graduated from Gonzaga and passed the Washington and California bar on first try x 2.

Michael K said...

Ritmo came out of hiding, I see.

Does "disadvantaged" mean flunking the Bar twice after you graduate from Harvard with honors ?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Also, Americans seem to be sharpening up to the fact that Scandinavia & the rest of Western Europe =/= Venezuela.

Being a rightwing hatchet job hack doesn't seem like it will work any more.

rcocean said...

"Has there been any person in public life more honorable than Mitt?"

Yeah, tons. Romney is a liar and a backstabber.

I suppose he's puts on the "I'm a great Mormon" act, has executive hair, a lovely family, and always agrees with the Establishment - that makes people think he's some sort of "straight-shooter" and "Man of honor" when he isn't.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh look! A 70-year old Minute Clinic doc who gets excited the second someone half his age makes a comment proving how stupid his thread-hogging rantings are.

Get a life, Dr. Butthurt.

Michael K said...

I guess McDonalds is closed today. Are they going the Chick fil A route ?

Mr scroll bar ?

Big Mike said...

Democrats are trying to be a big tent for this November. Let's see what happens.

Yup. For sure. A “big tent” that excludes all whites plus blacks and Hispanics that are working. Mighty big, that tent.

Francisco D said...

Socialists have been a major factor in the Democratic party for a long time. Its just been hidden. (wink! wink!)

Over 35 years ago, I attempted to unionize a mental health facility in Chicago. I was a liberal then, but not into unions. However, the place was so corrupt and poorly organized, a union seemed to be needed.

The SEIU organizers were wild-eyed socialists who wanted to overthrow the system. The SEIU leadership (e.g., Gene Moats) used them and knew they were the future leadership. However, the current leadership made deals at level way above my head.

We were screwed by the SEIU because they had a sweetheart deal in Springfield, but the recruiters were very clear that their time was coming. These people now run the unions but the try to portray themselves as moderate Democrats (wink!, wink!).

Big Mike said...

@roesch, an America that includes you and Ritmo can never be truly sane.

Henry said...

"Some of my best friends are capitalists."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just because the Minute Clinic isn't offering you the hours you need to pretend to feel useful or productive doesn't mean that you have any knack for comedy. It just underscores your narcissistic contempt for the majority of the economy who can't keep their heads above water.

I'm starting to wonder if an idiot as braindead as Dr. Michael K Butthurt even is employed. Maybe he's like one of those addled old doctors that they keep around in a Weekend at Bernie's pose, propping him up and telling him that he'll receive free Viagra if he just keeps being a good boy and staying away from the patients and the prescription pads. They let him just hobble around the clinic for kicks, kind of like the Christopher Lloyd character on The Dream Team.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...truly sane...

Said by a guy with poor self-control/impulse control issues. Big Mike took a long time to learn how to not threaten violence over the internet, so let's give him a hand. What a long way he's come!

What a big boy Big Mike is! Good boy!

Want a biscuit?

Comanche Voter said...

The California Bar examiners have published first time examination pass rates by law school for years. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Boalt Hall (Berkeley Law) graduates have had California Bar Exam first time pass rates between the high 80s and mid 90s since Moses was a pup.

If you sorted for students who had graduated in the top half of their class in those schools, the pass rate would be at the 99th percentile. That said, I did have a classmate who was on Law Review and in the top 10 percent of his class at Boalt who flunked the exam on his first try. So it does happen. And the usual response is to pick yourself up, pay more attention to your bar review outlines and get er done on the second try.

The California Bar exam is tough---deliberately so. But when you realize that the cut for passing or failing is 70% somebody who did well at a first rate law school should pass the exam in a breeze. It is or was basically an issue spotting exercise. Spotting the issue and realizing that there was a problem counted for about 50 percent; knowing the majority and minority "answers" to the issue counted for the rest.

in my day those who passed were not told their score; those who scored between 65% and 70% were told their score; those below were simply told they'd failed. I took the California Bar exam sitting alongside a guy who was taking it for the 14th time.

But Deval Patrick is a piker among politicians with Presidential aspirations when it comes to flunking the Cal Bar. Did he pass it on his second try--or on his third? Ex LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa flunked it either four or five times. I don't know if he ever passed.

There is a possibility--or just a rumor--that Senator Kamala Harris had to take the Cal Bar twice. So cut ol Deval some slack--he's just run of the mine or middle of the pack in his legal abilities. But he passes the Biden Test and the Reid Rule.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The other piece of evidence of Dr. Michael K Butthurt's dementia: He only knows one joke, and he thinks it's an insult.

What does the "K" stand for anyway? Kanye?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm starting to understand now why Dr. Butthurt has such a chip on his shoulder.

The answer? He's actually just a fucking chiropractor!

Check out the real Dr. Michael Kennedy and give him a big hearty welcome!

He kind of looks more like Ichabod Crane, don't he?

narciso said...

Didn't decal get his previous job at Texaco, because of the hatchet job eixhenwald did on the company.

Saint Croix said...

Softball interview.

The followup question for any self-proclaimed socialist:

"Are you a national socialist or an international one?"

Of course they feel obligated to add "democratic" to the word "socialist" to avoid talking about either historical evil with the name socialist attached.

And that's when you ask the follow up question: "What do you pledge to do to keep your socialists democratic?"

For instance, are you at all concerned about socialists on the unelected Supreme Court? Or unelected socialists working in administrative jobs? How about maybe abolishing tenure in the universities?

Because historically there's been a problem with unelected socialists who have an urge to dictate things. So what can or should the Democrat party do to make your socialists more democratic?

Saint Croix said...

Also you ask them if they know what a "person" is.

Because a lot of them do not.

Big Mike said...

@Ritmo, put on your MAGA cap and go play with your friends in Antifa.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh Big Mac. Or as his initials go, "BM."

You're such a nuanced thinker. You understand this strange society of ours - in which you feel ever so lost - so well.

Wouldn't things be better for you if you just built a Legoland for yourself and lived in that instead? So orderly, predictable, stereotypical. Just the way BM (bowel movement?) likes it.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

The morning before the dems were roasting Bain Capital Debbie WS was in the office making the rounds collecting the checks from the lefties there- Pagliuca, Lavine et al. Those guys could care less what was said about them later in the day.

By the time Deval got to Bain Nunnelly was gone. Nunnelly is the guy that made everyone rich. Everyone else got sucked along in his Road Runner contrails. Deval is at Bain the way Al Gore is a venture capitalist- the crony way. Deval would never be invited to join Bain on the basis of his contributions, he's parked there for when lefties need an empty vessel for a national run.

Massachusetts voters know better about Deval...

Hagar said...

That should be "democratic socialists" with a small d. "Social Democrat" refers to European parties with that at least as part of their name.

I don' think any of these people are prepared to engage in Marxist dialectics.
Real socialists do not have much belief in powering the world with pixie dust and unicorn farts. They do go to school and learn their "3 R's." Their conclusions still come out wrong since their basic premise go against human nature, but they can very logically and forcefully argue anywhere between faulty premise and faulty conclusion.

Michael K said...

Ritmo thinks I'm a chiropractor in Phoenix.

Another example of your great analytical skills and talents as an internet troll.

rehajm said...

The Governor of Massachusetts isn't like most governors- more like a constitutional monarch with no real power. Power resides with the Speaker of the House. Not for nothing, the last three MA Speakers are convicted felons....

Governor Deval was an empty vessel- waiting out his tenure as a stepping stone for higher office. As such he didn't do anything meaningful- truly an empty vessel...

The current MA Governor Charlie Baker is also a constitutional monarch and also has aspirations for higher office. He also stands taller than Deval so Howie Carr anointed him 'Tall Deval'.

Narayanan said...

Q: would Romney have hired Patrick? Fellow Governors etc.?

tcrosse said...

I don't think any of these people are prepared to engage in Marxist dialectics.

Marxism is a serious discipline, not for dilettantes. I await the plans to nationalize Apple, Time-Warner, Amazon and Google, and for a fair redistribution of San Francisco real estate to the People.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

PPPT: "Wouldn't things be better for you if you just built a Legoland for yourself and lived in that instead?"


The Trademark Infringement Lawsuits would be endless!

I would strongly recommend something along the lines of "Legholand" to avoid the inevitable Trademark Infringement suits.

Of course, any Legoland or Legholand creation necessarily forces San francisco residents to defecate on the public sidewalks because.....of course it does..


cacimbo said...

Bernie brought the socialist leanings of the Democrats out into the open.Then Ocasio-Cortez unseating of a long time Democrat convinced many in the party that the term was no longer taboo and needed to be openly embraced.

Yancey Ward said...

My Black Capitalist Friend......

langford peel said...

Deval would be the perfect candidate for the Democrats. The only better one would be Keith Ellison.

No white person should ever vote Democratic again.

Heck of a job Brownie!

Dude1394 said...

Trump is forcing all of the democrats to shed their disguises.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael K said...

I'm a chiropractor in Phoenix.


Another example of your great analytical skills and talents as an internet troll.

So you're really a "McDonald's employee?"

Don't quit your day job at the adult day care center. Put your diapers back on and wear them proudly!

Hagar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

In honor of the return of Laslo and Toothless, the classic posts:

Unhappy Blog Commenter at the Psychiatrist
Ruthless Umlaut

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Because historically there's been a problem with unelected socialists who have an urge to dictate things...


Forget congress. Congress lost control a long time ago. The real power in the un-elected bureaucracy/administrative state that includes over 2 million government employees.

Hagar said...

Bernie Sanders is just a 1960's campus sit-in radical who has never grown up.

He has a long record of of getting elected to office, but no record of achievement in office.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Marxism is a serious discipline, not for dilettantes. I await the plans to nationalize Apple, Time-Warner, Amazon and Google, and for a fair redistribution of San Francisco real estate to the People.

and Disney. I would like a share of Bette Midler and Johnny Depp's assets -thank you very much.
& some pacific heights. One free slice, please.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Paul Manafort is on trial, all of K street should be on trial.

Drago said...

"Marxism is a serious discipline..."

Do you have any idea how serious and disciplined you have to be to dig that many mass graves and cause that much widespread deadly deprivation?

Definitely not tasking for the unserious and undisciplined..

FullMoon said...

In honor of the return of Laslo and Toothless, the classic posts:

Unhappy Blog Commenter at the Psychiatrist
Ruthless Umlaut
8/5/18, 3:47 PM

Required reading.
BTW, anybody seen Toothless Ritmo PeePee lately?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

I expect that Althouse won’t explain what the subtle disrespect of Mitt Romney may have been.

Between Mitt Romney’s J.D., MBA, career at Bain, and actual experience, he’s probably forgotten more about big business than Donald Trump ever knew.

Anyway, I don’t see the “disrespect.”

They attacked Romney for his career at Bain because that is what Democrats do.

And btw; how anybody could support Obama, and then Trump, is what calls for a psychologist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hagar said...
Bernie Sanders is just a 1960's campus sit-in radical who has never grown up.

Hagar sez he's a mature grown-up because he's kicked a poor person!

He has a long record of of getting elected to office, but no record of achievement in office.

After seeing how badly Sacha Baron Cohen punked them, it really is clear that Republicans like Hagar will believe literally anything. But that's why they lie so badly and know next to nothing. Sanders' constituents keep returning him to office because he fights for them, not the Koch-suckers that RINOs like Hagar sucks up to:

Trump is the Goebbels of American politics because his flock will literally believe anything and basically have a deep-seated fear of living in a fact-based world.

Mr. Forward said...

“Ascendant” not “socialism” has been the persuasion word that matters on the Sunday talk shows since Ocasio-Cortez won the primary.

“a position of dominance or controlling influence: possession of power, superiority, or preeminence.”

MayBee said...

A few days ago, Megan McCain went all out against Socialism. And the number of people who attacked her for being a rich girl against helping people was shocking. Soledad O'Brien was one of them. You remember Soledad from the Today show.

Michael K said...

Ritmo has no clue about fact free worlds.

I don't think they serve that at McDonalds.

madAsHell said...

My view is that fat Candy Crowley did the US a huge favor by violating her journalistic ethics, and siding with Obama that he had in fact called Benghazi a terror attack.

....and exactly how did Obama know that Romney was going to use that talking point???

Someone should review the FISA docs between the first, and second Obama-Romney debates in 2012!!

Drago said...

Unhappy Blog Commenter and The Ruthless Umlaut: "Trump is the Goebbels of American politics because his flock will literally believe anything and basically have a deep-seated fear of living in a fact-based world."


Absolute perfect timing.

Drago said...

MadAsHell: "....and exactly how did Obama know that Romney was going to use that talking point???"

And how, precisely, did Obama know what was written on Crowleys notes?

To ask the question is to already know the answer...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael Kennedy, DC, has no idea about reality. He thinks insulting low-wage workers with the same comment actually makes him funny.

It was never funny to begin with. It's just that he was always a very uncreative bore, and how he's experiencing late-stage dementia and reverting to saying the same thing over and over again like when you pull the drawstring on a talking doll's neck.

But he's proud of his privilege. Useless twats raised by wet nurses, as he was, usually allow their elite family influence to get them into the best schools and professions. Which for him included chiropractic.

How was your wet nurse's milk, Kennedy? Was she getting the best McDonald's nutrition before lactating into your fat little boy face? Or was she able to eat at the Kennedy table with all the other Kennedy's? Did you pour the leftovers into a trough for her to eat from? Awwww....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Trump is the Goebbels of American politics because his flock will literally believe anything and basically have a deep-seated fear of living in a fact-based world."


Absolute perfect timing.

True fact. Watch it, here:

Republicans are congenitally stupid or dishonest, and never learn. They are incapable of it, and view information and knowledge as a way of disrupting their ideology.

Drago said...

#StrongDemDefender & #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "I expect that Althouse won’t explain what the subtle disrespect of Mitt Romney may have been."

LOL Again!

Chuckie and his lefty pals are literally Insane Lefty Narrative pitch perfect on this beautiful Summer day.

Remember, LLR Chuck already went "all in" on the journalistic "professioalism" of well known idiot lefty/dem hack John Harwood.

The only thing that Harwood could do ti make Chuck adore him more is increase his already high level of inappropriate collaboration with dems and/or lie about his Vietnam service.

LLR Chuck loves that kind of stuff...

Darkisland said...

Blogger Psota said...

Are they rebranding progressivism to socialism??

It would be more honest to just give in and accept the label "fascism".

Honesty isn't their strong suit, however, and socialism it is.

John Henry

Drago said...

The Ruthless Umlaut: "Republicans are congenitally stupid or dishonest, and never learn. They are incapable of it, and view information and knowledge as a way of disrupting their ideology."


How does Laslo so perfectly capture the PPPT's and LLR Chucks?

Bravo Laslo. Simply Bravo!

Drago said...

We ought to simply post PPPT's/LLR Chuck/Any Other Lefty's comments side by side with Laslo's parodies.

They would be indistinguishable from each other.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Our Democrat socialists in America, if they ever grab enough political power, will do the same things that the S. African majority is doing.

The hyper angry Ritmo is a typical of the American socialist and he'd love to have the power to exact revenge on the many successful, hard working people who have unjustly held him back from greatness.

Drago said...

Why is LLR Chuck here instead of calling in infractions to the PGA Rules Commission regarding the excess consumption of Swedish meatballs by some golfers during the pre-match reception?!!

And just look at how many toothpicks they are wasting!

My God Man! Dont these toothpick wasting, Swedish meatball swilling PGA members understand how they are damaging the game?!!!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Information that censor Drago would ban might include the following Republican-made statement:

“Children under five also have elevated levels of the pheromone Blink-182, produced by the part of the liver known as the Rita Ora,” Pratt says. “This allows nerve reflexes to travel along the Cardi B neural pathway to the Wiz Khalifa 40% faster, saving time and saving lives.”

Darkisland said...

Blogger Squeamish Revolutionary said...

I'm starting to understand now why Dr. Butthurt has such a chip on his shoulder.

The answer? He's actually just a fucking chiropractor!

For a chiropractor he is one hell of a good author on medicine. Currently reading his "Brief History of Disease, Science and Medicine" on my Kindle (Via the portal, natch)

Very interesting in smallish doses. Very depressing as one might expect from any book dealing with disease, death and deformity.

John Henry

Drago said...

I'll bet those horrific people at Goldman Sachs are sucking down their fair share of meatballs and wasting toorhpicks too!

If thats not grounds for impeachment, than I dont know what is!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A grown man who self-identifies with the South Park character Cartman just called me angry. Apparently I'm supposed to feel bad about this, or something.

Darkisland said...

So Squeamish, you don't like the "socialist" label for progressivism. Awwwww... isn't that special.

How about the fascist label? Anything at all factually wrong with that?

Is there any ideological difference between progressivism and fascism?

Perhaps you could elaborate 2-3 key differences.

John Henry

Drago said...

The Ruthless Umlaut, fresh off his successful performance linking the use of lightbulbs in the midwest with increased human excrement on San Francisco sidewalks (literally (Not A Joke!)) now "ups his game" with supposedly censored satire!

Well played Umlaut.

Well played....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

For a chiropractor he is one hell of a good author on medicine. Currently reading his "Brief History of Disease, Science and Medicine" on my Kindle (Via the portal, natch)

Very interesting in smallish doses. Very depressing as one might expect from any book dealing with disease, death and deformity.

All of Michael Kennedy's life is a depressing disease, filled with death and deformity. He knows of what he speaks because he personifies it.

Obviously he's psychologically and socially deformed. It may have to do with his reliance on a steady diet from fast-food chains, like one that I can't remember having set foot in - let alone ordering from - in 30 years. But he believes that because it employs mostly kids at low wage, that it's somehow funny to say over and over again that's what someone he feels very inferior to in a debate must do for a living.

Drago said...

Grown man who self-identifies with Beavis and Butthead characters accuses other grown man of self-identifying with a South Park character.

Note: Not The Onion

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Dreck-O!

Is this the type of Republican who can somehow manage to govern a place as economically productive as San Francisco or California?

He sounds very well-informed.

Oh well. The actual facts and any sense of sane reason obviously concern him as little as they do you.

Dreck-O's just pissed about the west coast because his entire party's gone anti-capitalist while still driving up its debt to China with more elite, aristocracy giveaways as it takes to keep them interested in their shell game.

Kevin said...

The Democrats' agenda -- repeal the tax cuts and add regulations to kill jobs, open the borders to import voters and drive down wages -- REQUIRES socialism in response.

You can't successfully advocate those policies without also saying, "and then the government takes care of you."

Darkisland said...

And he bites!

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Grown man who self-identifies with Beavis and Butthead characters accuses other grown man of self-identifying with a South Park character.

You really are as dumb as a stump. Satirizing Trump as Butthead is not an attempt to identify with him. But AJ Lynch obviously identifies with Cartman's right-wing politics and behavior. AJ Lynch is right-wing.

Obvious logic fail, there, sport. Did you want to try going the Jason Spencer Republican route and "attacking" would-be ISIS recruits with your buttocks, or something?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

John Henry is so jizzed about a response to his comment that he forgot to actually read it.

You must be a lonely guy, Henry.

Michael K said...

"like one that I can't remember having set foot in - let alone ordering from - in 30 years."

You can't fool us, Ritmo. You have minimum wage written all over you.

You could apply to In N Out which pays more but I doubt they would take you. Maybe if you could pass the drug test,

Drago said...

Darkisland: "And he bites! John Henry"

He literally cannot stop himself.

Like LLR Chuck and Inga. Its astonishing to witness in real time the caricatures come to life.

Kevin said...

By the time Deval Patrick announces his candidacy, working at Bain Capital will be exactly the kind of get-your-hands-dirty, understand-how-the-global-economy-works, I-know-how-to-create-jobs stepping stone that we need in a president advocating for an understated-but-soon-to-be-unleashed shift to socialism!

Drago said...

Umlaut is on auto-pilot now...

LOL said...


He apparently agrees that progressivism = fascism

At least he doesn't disagree though he would probably claim that is different somehow.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can't fool us, Ritmo. You have minimum wage written all over you.

So says a guy who grew up with a wet nurse. Yeah, sure you think everyone you meet is beneath you and earns the type of low wages that define the grassroots of your party. Because you grew up an elitist with a wet nurse.

You could apply to In N Out which pays more but I doubt they would take you. Maybe if you could pass the drug test,

Is this your way of saying that you're still prescribing opioids like they're candy? You know, the DEA is increasingly willing to bust pill mill docs like yourself so you might want to start consulting your states prescription drug database beforehand, you Old Fart.

Drago said...
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Drago said...

I think my favorite Umlaut-ism of all time was when he was in Tel Aviv and attempted to associate himself, as if he were a participant, in Israeli Defense Force mission planning which seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while simultaneously associating himself with lunatic lefty movements that label the Israeli's bloodthirsty monsters.

That was truly a "pretzeling" experience!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He literally cannot stop himself.

From what? Pointing out how stupid your leaders and their followers are?

No. That's what living in a non-tyranny requires. Pointing out the depravity of the stupid and evil party.

Drago said...

Umlaut: "So says a guy who grew up with a wet nurse. "

Grow up near the ocean, thats bound to happen...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lonely Puerto Rican is back to indulging his rich fantasies and imagination now that he's not getting responses to his non-comments.

How sad.

Drago said...


There you go John Henry.

As if Laslo himself had penned Umlauts comment for him!

Michael K said...

Poor Ritmo. He envies anyone with more than his pitiful minimum wage job.

He takes his economic wisdom from the bartender, Miss Occasional Cortex.

Hear Uber is hiring, Ritmo but they have a drug test, too.

wholelottasplainin said...

We Mass. residents know that Cadillac Deval was an absolutely atrocious governor. But the guilt-ridden libs re-elected him in spite of his fecklessness.

His white successor Charlie Baker is just about as bad, and is thus known as "Tall Deval".

I guess it's better than being called "Old Tub o'Guts", but not by much.

Drago said...

I am starting to think that Laslo's caricatures of PPPT's commentary are, as the Brits might say, a bit too "on the nose".

Is it possible that Laslo himself is posting as PPPT in order to set up his satire?

One wonders, though the left and the LLR's having gone completely 'round the bend make it nearly impossible to determine conclusively.

Michael K said...

Massachusetts has a history of would be felons like Murder Ted but they never seem to get sent to jail.

At least Illinois has sent something like the last four Governors to prison,

buwaya said...

Just a clarication -
San Francisco is not itself "productive", far from it.
It is a classic imperial city, and has long been described as such.
It mainly a pleasaunce for the owner class and a place to put the HQs of outfits runnng operations in the hinterlands, as well as all the various service providers to these, from high to low.

It did have some industry. It had a few manufacturers, now gone. At one time it was a working port, connecting to the railroads, but it lost that role long ago. Whats left is mainly tourism.

It is a very pretty parasite.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Since all Chiropractic wet-nursed pill mill Kennedy and Dreck-O and Puerto Rican Spaceman have are angry ad hominems and no actual responses to the content of the post, I guess this means that they're pretty worried about the prospect of winning elections on an elitist Wall Street corporatist Koch-agenda this November.

You've got to deal with these shit-for-brains Republicans the way they deal with everything else: They're irrational and can't debate, argue or persuade, and simply view all of life's human interactions as a psychological ops game. If they're aggravating someone, that's good. If they're not, they're not sure they exist any longer. Obviously they know the party's "ideas" are bullshit designed to just keep them all suppressed under the Kochs' thumbs, so they've given up even trying to sell them. But they will waste endless weekend time expelling their wrath and indignation at anyone who simply reminds them of this fact.

Pathetic. What a total bunch of losers.

Drago said...

Buwaya: "It did have some industry. It had a few manufacturers, now gone. At one time it was a working port, connecting to the railroads, but it lost that role long ago."

I have many fond memories of the wharf and eating at Aliotos. said...


o/~o/~ He's so vain,he prolly thinks this comment's about him o/~o/~

John Henry

Drago said...

Now I am convinced Laslo is posting as PPPT/Umlaut!

Its just too perfect.

HipsterVacuum said...

"But they will waste endless weekend time expelling their wrath and indignation at anyone who simply reminds them of this fact."

The fact that you're a retarded, malignant cretin?

chickelit said...

Blogger readering said...”Democrats are trying to be a big tent for this November. Let's see what happens.”

Hillary is what will happen. Just wait until she puts the kibosh on Socialismo.

Drago said...
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Drago said...

For Laslo's next caricature of PPPT/Umlaut, I would recommend "Imaginary IDF Hero Regales Others At The Bar With Tales Of His Derring Do".
I would leave it to Laslos superior creative instincts to make it pithier.

Drago said...

"Hillary is what will happen. Just wait until she puts the kibosh on Socialismo."


Hillary and Bills minions control the party and they all know that the lefties/dems/LLR's will, in the end, just do what they are told to do.

Hillary could even move back to Illinois for some of that "Mid-west Electoral 'Cred'" and revert to "lifelong cubs fan" and all the idiots would fall in line.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You don't have to post it twice, moron. It was stupid enough the first time.

If you're upset about Sacha Baron Cohen's punking of your Republican leaders with something as straightforward as an Israeli "security expert" impersonator, why not just get a smarter party and smarter leaders, maybe starting with some smarter ideas for a change.

Or do defensive psy-ops games online just feel better/more natural to your existence as a lifelong incel?

buwaya said...

I think the Kochs are supporting Democrats this year.
Or so they said. Certainly not any people Trump likes.
They seemed quite firm about that.

Wars aren't about reason, this is obvious, and what you have now amounts to a war.
Argument was abandoned long ago. At best you can throw things at each other, with as much velocity you can impart.

Or if you are a loony, you can do your loony thing on the sidelines.

The best, or perhaps the most rational view is from the outside, near-dispassionately observing the conflict. A war-correspondents view, of some distant battles among strangers. Of course, people like that are also the least relevant.

Michael K said...

Ritmo has dropped as much feces on this thread as a typical San Francisco street so the pool is calling.

108 in Tucson today,

Give my best to the evening manager at McD, Ritmo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the Kochs are supporting Democrats this year.

Good luck. If they take their money for the numbers to unseat the ridiculous rethuglican bastards, that's fine. But there are and will continue to be more progressives than ever, more capable of messaging what matters to normal voters (or as chiropractic doctor Michael K calls them, "McDonalds employees") and not under the direction of the lobbyists who rely on whores like all the other Rethugs, including their whore-bots on here like Dreck-O and Spaceman and whomever else.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo has dropped as much feces on this thread as a typical San Francisco street so the pool is calling.

Ok, I'll try to make my comments as "high-minded" as an elitist moronic pill mill doc's who was breast-fed by his elitist wet nurse and thinks that obsessive ad hominems and insults against American low-wage workers is erudite commentary. Also, remember not to pee in that pool, Cry-Baby Kennedy.

108 in Tucson today,

Did you have a TBI once that led you to the faulty conclusion that anyone anywhere (let alone here) give's a rat's ass about what you do with your loser life?

"My name is Michael Kennedy and people really care about me!"

No, they don't, Mike.

buwaya said...

Aliotos is still there. Its by by Hyde Street Pier.
We took my sister, brother in law and nephew to Aliotos a couple of years ago.
Not much different from 30 years ago.

That area is tourist central, a block or two west of Fishermans Wharf. There are still fishermen working out of SF, or at least many keep their boats there, but the men themselves must commute. And then there are excursion boats, etc. said...

Blogger buwaya said...

I think the Kochs are supporting Democrats this year.
Or so they said. Certainly not any people Trump likes.
They seemed quite firm about that.

the Kochs are pretty hardcore liberal noted for their funding of the Cato Institute, Mercatus Center, Reason Fondation and Mag George Mason U and many other liberal organizations.

As I understand it, they are fed up with the LLR fopdoodles promising liberalism, or at least conservatism, then getting in bed with the swamp as soon as they are elected.

Better to get rid of them, even if it means electing Demmies for a cycle or two. Then elect some decent people who will do what they say.

I think there may be something to be said for their approach. I've long recommended not ever voting for an incumbent of either party. Keep 'em turning over. Keep them so new and inexperienced they won't be able to fuck us even if they want to.

John Henry

I'm Full of Soup said...

Economy is going great guns and fascist socialist like Ritmo is more petrified the Repubs will retain power so he is at hyper anger stage and climbing to super hyper.

Jupiter said...
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Sebastian said...

"He failed the CA bar exam twice"

So did Kamala Harris.

In the best Hill tradition.

And the Dems like to vaunt their intellectual superiority.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo has dropped as much feces on this thread...

A pill mill chiropractor who responds like a Pavlovian dog to every appearance I make with insults of all the low wage American laborers that Trump is keeping down accuses someone else of "dropping feces."

Talk about pure narcissism.

Jupiter said...

"Marxism is a serious discipline, not for dilettantes."

Marxism is a theory of history built on top of a misconception about the origin of value. Marx believed that goods have value because someone worked on them, and therefore the longer you work on something, the more value it has. Go out in your back yard and polish a rock, and it will eventually be worth more than Apple and Google put together.

"Disciplined" he may have been, and certainly should have been, but serious he never was, and neither are the dilettantes who dilate in his wake. Serious like cancer, maybe. The guy was a fucking idiot, incapable of rational thought, and anyone who claims to take his ideas seriously is a stone moron or a liar. It is all just an excuse for theft and a justification for murder.

stevew said...

Deval's career in politics is over. He's too short and lacking in, like, accomplishments. Oh, and he's not a socialist.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Economy is going great guns...

Um... yeah. On Wall Street and in the boardrooms.

Is that the constituency you're still going for again? I thought your President Pumpkinhead was going to be all "pro-working class," and shit.

I guess when he told all the elites behind closed doors that his tax cut just "made them a whole lot richer" did he mean it? Or was he going to actually take them on like he said he would the day before?

So hard to keep up with the schizophrenic Republicans and which lie of their leader's they're willing to believe on which day. I'm starting to think they just spin a dial or roll a die before deciding which incoherent lie of the day is the one they're going to (pretend to) believe.

Narayanan said...

Smart of Obama ... No Bar exams, no arrows for you to sling.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Marxism is a theory of history built on top of a misconception about the origin of value.

Elitist Republican Wall-Street-ism is a theory of politics based on a misconception about the location of votes and the length of time that you can entertain huge lies to the voters.

buwaya said...

In fact the top of the "richest Americans" lists (see Forbes) seems to like Democrats this year. Not that much different from any recent year, but with the flipping of the main holdouts, the Kochs, this year its pretty much unanimous.

Now, these aren't stupid people. They aren't advised by stupid people. They do as their interests move them. Its prudent to take them according to their implicit judgement as to what serves their interests.

Also, as always, it is best to read Antonio Gramsci. "Selections from the Prison Notebooks" Hoare and Nowell-Smith, eds., is available as a downloaded pdf, if you search for it. Essential reading for modern politics. Especially in order to understand a most important point, that of which side one happens to be. A very confusing question in modern politics.

A bit of educational advice.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Elitist Republican Wall-Street-ism"

Make up your mind - are conservatives trailer trash or evil Wall Streeters?

One of my nephews is a fire-fighter. He says everyone he works with enthusiastically voted for Trump and they love the guy. Those are people who would have been solid Democrats 40 years ago.

If your only reply to the question "How did we lose those people?" is to screech "racism!" well, you'll just continue to fume and spit from the sidelines.

CJ said...

Pee pee tape: If an economy the size of ours grows at >-4% per year for the next 5 years, the US will literally be colonizing Mars by the end of Trump’s second term.

I don’t know if we can pull it off - my business is quite brisk at the moment, even during the typical summer lull, but if it does...whoo boy.

Caveat - the traitorous Left may attempt a coup or a civil war, which may shake confidence. But other than that, I see no obvious headwinds that prevent 5% GDP growth in 2019.

readering said...

Weird obsession with legal bar exam here. Let's just say it's an ordeal. Good that California has reduced from three days to two.

buwaya said...

No, the Kochs are most definitely pro-fopdoodle.

Their main objections to Trump, "trumping" all else, are immigration (they want lots more) and protectionism (they want lots less).

Politics is complicated.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In fact the top of the "richest Americans" lists (see Forbes) seems to like Democrats this year.

They often do. Democrats are not as opposed to lucrative disruptive technologies as Republicans are... as in like at all. So new wealth is fond of Democrats. Old wealth prefers the pro-aristocracy Republican party. Duh.

The Kochs may or may not be moving away from Trump due to Trump's reliance on working class appeals that are less capitalistic than the measures that Democrats prefer.

The rest of what you said was ideological political rhetoric.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If an economy the size of ours grows at >-4% per year for the next 5 years, the US will literally be colonizing Mars by the end of Trump’s second term.

Don't worry, it won't.

I don’t know if we can pull it off ..

Because you obviously take Trump more seriously than he even takes himself. This is the Achilles heel of American politics - gullibility.

Narayanan said...

Has any Mayor of Chicago been sentenced to jail ... That would be the metric.

Rick said...

This puts to so called moderates in a tough position. For decades they claimed socialism was a right wing smear of the left but no one actually desired. Then the people these moderates protected decided they no longer need to cloak their goals. So do these lifelong defenders start to fight the socialism they claimed to oppose all this time? Or do they join the decloaking and jettison their brand position?

It's a trick question of course. The so called moderates continue to call the right wing crazy even though the right was proven correct yet again. Media control means never having to answer for your prior errors.

buwaya said...

Wall streeters are near-unanimous Democrats now, and most have been for the last 20 years. Part of the problem with US politics is that things have changed faster than relatively fixed personal loyalties.

Someone brought up the case last week of the Santa Cruz hippie unhappy to realize that she's on the side of the FBI.

Also, of course, this case of Deval Patrick having to answer uncomfortable questions about Bain & Co. This is also an artifact of the speed of change.

This is easily clarified by Gramsci. When you are on the side of all the institutional powers, then you are bought into the hegemony.

wildswan said...

"President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Also, Americans seem to be sharpening up to the fact that Scandinavia & the rest of Western Europe =/= Venezuela."

I always wonder why people say that US socialism will be like Scandinavian socialism, not like African, Asian, South American, Central American or Mexican socialism; and not like Russia, and not like China either. Do Nordics do socialism better? And what does that say about our chances of getting it right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

are conservatives trailer trash or evil Wall Streeters?

Duh. Both.

It's a party of aristocratic old wealth that wants to immobilize the economic classes and the idiotic bumpkins way below them (the vast majority) who were persuaded with Federalist Society etc. bullshit propaganda to believe that unless they support that aristocracy's every demand, they will eat even less the next year. It's basically a party of lords and serfs.

The Republican serfs vote against their economic interests because they believe their greatest threat is insufficient motivation to work... to not be lazy. They don't seem to value economic advancement in itself - at least as much as they do subpar economic survival.

Traditional Democratic constituencies voted for Trump because of a trade and manufacturing issue. Is this still news on August 5th, 2018? You Republicans are slow learners, aren't you?

Well, good. Hopefully your learning curve is slow enough to not get the fact that they aren't joined to the hip with that guy, either.

narciso said...

I think he handles the municipal division, of bain, like Harold ford, did for jp morgan if memory serves, so it's cronyism central,

buwaya said...

The top of the Forbes list are never disruptors. They tend cash cows. They may once, long ago, have disrupted, but they now reap the rewards.

The growth in upper level US wealth (or most wealth, always) comes from asset appreciation.

A very good example is Warren Buffet, perennially at the top (#3 this year). Look at what Berkshire Hathaway holds. He has backed Democrats since forever. They have indeed rewarded him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe buwaya can change his name to "Captain Obvious."

Well, he is a conservative more or less, after all.

Not sure who's arguing over why the barely billionaire new wealth tycoons like the Steve Jobses and Elon Musks don't have quite as many billions as the Warren Buffets, but I'm sure buwaya Captain Obvious will point it out like it makes any difference to any point at all worth making about economic policy in America.

Keep up the good fight, Captain Obvious. Pretty sure you'll surely make many voters as apathetic as you are to any sensible observation worth voting over.

narciso said...

steven rattner, fmr player at goldman, fancies himself some kind of public intellectual, why he gets the center square at morning joke, sort of refutes that, was well connected enough to be the second auto zampolit, not the first who was an out and out maoist, well he was subsequently found to be practicing insurance fraud, and the southern district allowed him to get away with paying a 10 million dollar fine,

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

as nassim taleb points out, none of the big players in the subprime cartel, were made accountable, not the head of countrywide, nor the sandbergs, who bought Wachovia, nor
the merchant princes at goldman, lehman was the sacrificial lamb,

RK said...

"You know that the Democratics Venezuelaists are ascendant in your party."

Let's use it in a way so that young voters can better visualize what it means.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullRetard reposts his self-reminder of how difficult it is for him to address any substance and instead rely on avoiding commenters he can't beat in a debate. You know, because along with being a moron and a blowhard phony he's a pussy.

And of course, FullMoon, Dreck-O, Chiropractor Michael K and scores of other right-wing commenters NEVER thread jack! They're always about following the substance of the post. All the time. Completely innocent 100%. It's like without ad hominems their comments would completely be exactly the same.

narciso said...

in fact the head of the subprime division for chase, was made treasury secretary, other executives with fannie and Freddie got top posts at foggy bottom and other places,

as to the sec's part in this one of the major players was a mr, khuzaimi, detailed from counsel at deutch bank, where the firm of record was wilmer pickering, what's he been doing lately, inventorying Michael cohens sock drawer,

Robert Cook said...

"You know that that Democratic socialists are ascendant in your party."


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

of course aig's almost shipwrecked was enabled by the pirate Elliot spitzer removing hank Greenberg for reasons as murky as the Sargasso, allowing cassano to take charge,

Robert Cook said...

"Economy is going great guns...."

Who says so?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

US politics is now, more than it has ever been, essentially an alliance of the top and bottom against the middle. This is often the case anywhere (Mexico, for one, that was the PRI), but it has intensified tremendously in the US. The very top, and we aren't talking of the 1% but the tiny fraction of mega-millionaires and billionaires, are a Democratic stronghold.

And the nature of the top has changed. Two trends are significant - one is the collapse of social mobility, and second is the collapse of small business, and of business formation (you do have to prune "businesses" that are simply contract employees). This is caused by a combination of factors, YMMV, but the constant increase in regulatory burdens is up there, along with legal risks, licensing, etc. Between all of these there is much less "creative destruction". Theres much less danger of a competitive financial institution in the boonies stressing NYC players, because they will have a hard time dealing with their advantage re economies of scale in compliance, etc.

All of this makes politics much less about economic ideology. "Democratic Socialists" and the like are a LARP, to use that popular concept. These are just people looking for votes from the proles by promising them a higher dole. Which will be paid by -someone. The top .001% finds it easy to avoid taxation, as Warren Buffet has often noted. They fit precisely in that high-low alliance.

narciso said...

so when Willemstad, took charge, and put some people to stabilize the company, Obama administration intervened and demagogued the raises of those trying to fix the problem, using tarp funds as the pretext,

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

A true disruptor, economically speaking, is one who wants to make Steve Jobs' widow bankrupt. Steve Jobs' widow is not a disruptor, neither is the current CEO of Apple.

Steve Jobs was once a disruptor, but that was a decade ago.

Things change.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Of course, it's to be expected that a high school drop-out like Moon can't tell the difference between an undergrad major and a job description. And apparently he's very offended at slang references to vaginas because, you know, he is one. He takes that very personally.

Reading the posts of someone too stupid to even insult properly like him is indeed torture. There's nothing worse than someone too stupid to get why their insults didn't work, as they persist in them over and over again. It's like watching an autistic kid who hits himself in the head repeatedly when he fucks up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Somewhere out there there's a "McDonald's manager" who's making a hell of a lot more money than FullMoon. Which I'm sure greatly upsets the little retard. He's all like, "Damn, maybe I should do that!" Of course, he'd probably last there about a week before they'd catch on to his use of unsafe, not-for-consumption non-food ingredients to cheapen the costs. Much easier for a guy like him to cheat his clients as a contractor than as a restaurant manager.

Michael K said...

the Kochs are pretty hardcore liberal noted for their funding of the Cato Institute, Mercatus Center, Reason Fondation and Mag George Mason U and many other liberal organizations.

No, I would say they are hard core Libertarian. I am pretty much libertarian but with a small L.

The Libertarians are for open borders but have not solved the dilemma of a welfare state and open borders.

They also act like nation states have some sort of law they obey.

buwaya said...

As to how politics, the bureaucracy, and the .001% intersect - take Peter Stzrok, who protected HRC and helped spy on Trump, etc. His wife Melissa (whom he cheated on with the DOJ lady lawyer), seems to have been rewarded in Oct 2016, by being made Associate Director of the SEC. Thats a darn good place to be for a "revolving door" hire into a financial firm or a top law practice in that very rich field.

No better place to guard the wealth of their political allies.
The more you look, the more you find.

There is no "Democratic Socialism" in any of this, or in any of the bureaucratic-regulatory corporate world machinations that really matter. The more "socialism" there is the better off they are.

Michael K said...

"The Toothless Revolutionary said...
My college major was molecular biology, Michael K. Nice try."

Too bad you never did anything useful with it.

Deval Patrick was an "honor" grad of Harvard Law and flunked the Bar in CA twice,

I expect your mental power is about on his level or you would not be eaten up with envy the way you are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael K said...

I am pretty much libertarian but with a small L.

And don't forget, a small penis. (small P).

And a very small sense of humor or capacity for any creativity. (small h, etc.)

There are many things that are very small about you, Chiropractor K.

But your nursemaid/wet nurse made sure you always knew you were the center of the universe.

Why are you back here? Did you get thrown out of the pool earlier than usual, or something?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Deval Patrick was an "honor" grad of Harvard Law and flunked the Bar in CA twice,

Who cares? He's a politician, bozo - he doesn't need to practice law.

And why does that matter, anyway? Am I like the Giuliani to that guy's Trump, or something?

Why do you view everyone as so envious of things? Is it because you wouldn't perceive yourself as having any value/self-worth unless you deluded yourself into thinking people were jealous of you? They're not.

The world aspires to be you the way a fish aspires to ride a bicycle. For real.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

My God Man! Dont these toothpick wasting, Swedish meatball swilling PGA members understand how they are damaging the game?!!!

This is just funny.

Darrell said...

Guys like Pee Pee Ritmo never commit suicide.

MadTownGuy said...

"When did the word "socialists" get normalized within the Democratic Party?"

Doesn't matter. Socialism ain't democratic. It's uniparty.

Michael K said...

Marx believed that goods have value because someone worked on them, and therefore the longer you work on something, the more value it has.

God analogy. Marxism now is more of Gramsci's variety, about culture and not economics.

Idiots like Occasional Cortex and Ritmo may blather about it but the serious strategy is about destroying the Bourgeois culture which built civilization since 1648.

Gramsci knew what was important.

Orthodox Marxism had predicted that socialist revolution was inevitable in capitalist societies. By the early 20th century, no such revolution had occurred in the most advanced nations. Capitalism, it seemed, was more entrenched than ever. Capitalism, Gramsci suggested, maintained control not just through violence and political and economic coercion, but also through ideology. The bourgeoisie developed a hegemonic culture, which propagated its own values and norms so that they became the "common sense" values of all. People in the working-class (and other classes) identified their own good with the good of the bourgeoisie, and helped to maintain the status quo rather than revolting.

We have watched the left destroy the culture for 40 years.

FullMoon said...
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buwaya said...

Part of the humor in Deval Patrick's bar exam problems is that the joke is on Harvard.

They let him in, they paid his way (probably), and they gave him honors - and this is probably the most competitive law school in the US. Obviously they compromised their standards to an absurd degree, and moreover outrageously pandered to Patrick while he was there.

buwaya said...

Harvard is willing to be a mere diploma mill, for the right sort of student.

Michael K said...

Why do you view everyone as so envious of things?

Not everyone; just you.

You are obviously a failure at molecular biology which I would choose if I were young again. Craig Venter has European professors of molecular biology living in La Jolla and driving Ferraris.

I noticed you did not say "My degree is in molecular biology."

I suspect you flunked out and are angry at anyone who is a successful in life.

I have no sympathy for you angry young failures. Get over it and get a job.

Michael K said...

Blogger buwaya said...
Harvard is willing to be a mere diploma mill, for the right sort of student.

Harvard should just collect four years' tuition and hand the applicant a diploma.

Attending that college is a waste of time and mental resources.

Drago said...

PPPT/Umlaut: "t didn't take me long into college and then the work world to realize that American women hate their bodies and will take that out on American men"


Dude. You have to get out to more airshows.....

Michael K said...

the joke is on Harvard.

I'm not sure. Boston has serious problems with property tax s so many non-profit exempt institutions are in the city.

Patrick probably saw to it that their tax exemption was protected,

buwaya said...

I actually disagree a bit about Gramsci.

The lesson of hegemony is not simply that he wanted to destroy it.
He describes it, firs, which is very useful.

His description applies just as well after the "long march" as before.
You have not simply had the old hegemony destroyed, but it has been replaced by a new one.

So everything Gramsci described still applies, but flipped over.

Drago said...

PPPT/Umlaut: "Somewhere out there there's a "McDonald's manager" who's making a hell of a lot more money than FullMoon."

I've known several Owner/Managers of multiple fast food establishments and they did indeed do very very well.

But then again, some of them built large homes which naturally and inescapably results in significant increases in human feces on the streets of San Francisco because shut up PPPT told you already dummy.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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Michael K said...

Full Moon, I noticed the "My major was..."

Do you say that ?

My second son has no BA or BS and owns a million dollar home in Orange County,

We spent the last weekend with relatives at a wedding. Nobody under 50 had a degree and they are very prosperous.

My stepson builds custom houses in Oregon and has two of his sons working for him.

His brother in law builds winery machinery and rebuilds and restores 1933 Ford Model As. He has six of them. I asked if he is selling any and he said no, he just likes them.

His Model As are worth about $600,000.

A failed Molecular biology student might do better to learn a trade and work at it instead of this nasty obscene envy and trolling.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Blogger Michael K said...
Why do you view everyone as so envious of things?

Not everyone; just you.

No, I think it's everyone. Your nursemaid must have really told you that you were the most specialist little boy and all your life people would bow down to you and kiss your butt and then you get angry with rage when they don't. Who wants to have anything to do with a 70-something narcissist who rants and raves on anonymous Blogger sites at anyone who doesn't kowtow to him?

I noticed you did not say...

And I noticed you did not say you have a penis. Therefore you obviously don't.

Your logic is impeccable. For a pecker-headed dumb motherfucker.

Birkel said...

OPM will eventually run out. The Uber-wealthy are beyond such concerns. The (American version of very) poor want handouts.

The middle class is surrounded by the very rich and the very (American) poor and recognize the vulnerability.

That group, the middle, loves Trump. My money is on the normals.

tcrosse said...

So young people want to play Socialists the way we used to play Cowboys and Indians, and just as seriously.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My second son has no BA or BS and owns a million dollar home in Orange County,

We spent the last weekend with relatives at a wedding. Nobody under 50 had a degree and they are very prosperous.

My stepson builds custom houses in Oregon and has two of his sons working for him.

His brother in law builds winery machinery and rebuilds and restores 1933 Ford Model As. He has six of them. I asked if he is selling any and he said no, he just likes them.

His Model As are worth about $600,000.

Well let's hear it for the uneducated so-called elites, everybody! Bravo.

I mean, it's almost like without all that cash and material possessions no one would like them, and just recognize what a bunch of empty douchebags they were.

See, "I noticed you did not say" that they had anything approaching a decent character, or an interesting personality, or a brain, so by the Michael K School of Illogic that means that they're just as empty, boring and devoid of any sense of self-worth as you are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I cain't even spell molecular biology but having a trade has worked out a-ok for me !

You can't even spell can't. As in, "you can't buy your way into making people like you!"

And, "you can't be a woman and an uber-feminist who fights for the sisterhood of all your fellow wimmyn-folk without getting a sex-change operation!"

But other than that, I do look up to you - and obviously envy you. Or, I would if I needed to learn how to cheat and swindle my way through life. How many lawsuits have you had to fight?

Other than that, what an awesome representative you pose as for another one of our so-called uneducated elites! Now if only you could figure out how to not bore everyone to death and actually have a social life. Remember, all the non-incels like you have to pretend to have a really swinging social life! When you're not on websites with your fellow no-sex-havers all day long.

Birkel said...

The psychology that motivates Ritmo is fiercely boring.
I do not understand the motivation as it lacks logic and is not compelling.
Nobody is moved by all the words.
It’s just an unending call to ‘look at me’ that I cannot fathom.

Is this just a Joker thing?
“......some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

Ritmo is such a man, I guess.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link I can't explain, you all taought me I ain't got it in m.

Guildofcannonballs said...

(Homer Nelson), Mike Mazurki (Choo-Choo).

That is illegal in Illinois

Michael said...

PPPT seems angry. Again. And not even a nod of gratitude to how well his portfolio has done under Trump. Alas. People make mistakes. They fail to save even a little and avail themselves of the magic of compound interest. It happens. And who to blame but themselves. Put a little away. The anger and resentment will recede and less time will be spent congratulating yourself on your superior character and more time wallowing in gratitude for having lived in this place and in this moment in time. Only a fool does not celebrate that good fortune daily. Hourly.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Choo-Choo has a mega-long and ultra-gloried history.

You see, choo choo or choo-choo as they like as been around for many, many years.


JUSt uy;P .OOK AT ITdd!!!!!!!

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