August 5, 2018

"I have... many, many longtime friends at Bain Capital, people I know to be highly honorable folks. Mitt Romney hasn't been there for decades, decades now."

Said Deval Patrick on "State of the Union" today, after Jake Tapper prompted him with: "Now, I know, when Mitt Romney was attacked for his association... with Bain Capital in 2012, I know you didn't personally criticize Bain back then. But given the way -- the way that the Democratic Party went after Bain during that race and the way that Hillary Clinton faced so much criticism from the left for her speeches to Goldman Sachs in 2016, did you have any reservations at all about joining Bain after leaving the governor's mansion?"

That made me laugh, that subtle — so subtle — disrespect for Mitt Romney.

The purpose of this interview seemed to be to position Patrick as a 2020 presidential candidate, and Patrick's answer to the prompt continued:
I describe myself as a capitalist. I'm not a market fundamentalist. I don't think markets solve every problem just the right way. But I do believe in opportunity. I think -- I think we need an economy that is expanding and is expanding out, so it reaches people on the margins, not just up, so it's -- it's good for people who already have wealth and have -- and just want more. And I think there is a right way and a wrong way to do that. And I think impact investing is an incredibly interesting and exciting way to participate in -- in growth capitalism. So, no, I don't -- I don't -- I don't buy all that. But, look, I have never taken a job where I have left my conscience at the door. And I haven't started now. So...
This was all very moderate and bland. I mean, I like this sort of thing, but I understand why Tapper broke in to jazz it up a bit:
TAPPER: You know that that Democratic socialists are ascendant in your party. And there are a lot of people on the left who will have a natural skepticism about you if you choose to run just because of everything you just said to me about your belief in capitalism. Does that concern you at all about the fact that there are going to be so many people who are skeptical of you on the left if you choose to run?
This led to various coy statements about it being too early to talk about running. But I was really interested in that tossed off line: "You know that that Democratic socialists are ascendant in your party." When did the word "socialists" get normalized within the Democratic Party? Tapper said it in passing and Patrick did not question it. That got my attention.


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Birkel said...

The 15-17% I earned these last 18 months have me spoiled.
Not tired of winning just yet.

Michael K said...

I see failed molecular biology student Ritmo is back.

Ritmo, why did you flunk out? Drugs ? Too stupid ?

See, "I noticed you did not say" that they had anything approaching a decent character, or an interesting personality, or a brain, so by the Michael K School of Illogic that means that they're just as empty, boring and devoid of any sense of self-worth as you are.

They are actually nice kids and, unlike you, have a happy life.

You really need to try to get something going that male you happy, I know how hard that is.

Having no skills at all.

Maybe my son-in-law could give you a job hammering nails in Oregon.

They are doing much better than you are with your minimum wage job at McD.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's too bad that most American women have to contend with so much more body image-related discontent and self-perception issues regarding their feminine form than FullMoon does with his own feminine form.

LOL. What a fucking dolt.

Just get a sex-change operation already, dummy! You can do it these days! Even burly, overall-wearing dykes can be contractors, and swindlers too!

Just get your shiny new vagina ready and call it a day. Do you need recommendations for Bay Area doctors who are good at the procedure?

I guess in your case they don't have to be all that good at it though since any female body you transition into will be ok with you! You have no body image issues whatsoever!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PPPT seems angry. Again. And not even a nod of gratitude to how well his portfolio has done under Trump.

Not really. Unlike you I don't have to project my own life happiness or successes into conversations about the horror show that is Trump, his giveaways to Wall Street and/or my own portfolio (last year anyway, until his wheel greasing tricks became evident) notwithstanding. I can separate my life from politics - or my own good fortune from the slow-motion disaster he is creating for the country. Maybe you should learn how to do so also.

Michael K said...

Ritmo is off in another world right now. Maybe that is why he flunked out.

Didn't student health have a mental health service.

Some junior colleges don't, I understand.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They are actually nice kids and, unlike you, have a happy life.

Doesn't sound like it. Your focus is on their external possessions.

Don't blame yourself, though. That's what narcissists like you do. You don't have an actual personality that people like or that you're happy with and you therefore live through your artificially constructed image, and the trappings that go along with it. And you do that to your kids or in-laws or anyone affiliated biologically with you. That's how narcissists are.

You really need to try to get something going that male you happy, I know how hard that is.

Like conversations about politics? What is it about you dumb-dumbs that prevents you from separating your own, temporary, material lives from the slow-motion horror show of neglect that Trump inflicts on the country? Yes, people celebrated the roaring twenties and the good life aboard the Titanic before it sank, also. What's your point? Did you want to give out Brave New World Soma pills to go with all the chronic opioids you mis-prescribe also?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey FullMoon!

Since you're so poorly educated and inept at basic life skills like using the internet, here's the list I promised you of all the gender reassignment surgeons who can assist you with your desire to become the amazing body-image woman that you've always longed to be! Just tell them that no one is a better spokesperson for the American woman than you, and that you will never have a complaint whatsoever with however they sculpt your newfound, always-wanted, female form:

Dr. Marci Bowers even has her CV there for perusal. That will impress Michael K. mightily.

He can even provide your referral!

Right, you would do that for your friend FullMoon, right Michael K.? Obviously he/she wants to transition really badly and only the best referral will do.

Go help your friend. He/she has dreams.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm very impressed with Marci Bowers' CV, Michael K.

Go provide your friend FullMoon with his gender reassignment surgery referral.

Do it for your friend.

Go on.

And I know what you'll say. It's not obscene, you silly old man. It's medicine!

Michael said...

The "conversation" is not about what you call the Trump horror show but about the capital part of Bain Capital.
Would like to hear more about his "giveaways to Wall Street" and his "wheel greasing tricks." Fascinating stuff if true. Would like a tie in to the the Apple valuation or the collapse of GE. Your pick.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...


Also, tell it is not true that you were at the forefront of the facial tattoo phenom!! That rumor has to be stopped but if accurate would explain a lot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Cut the bullshit, FullMoon. Would a sex-change operation make you happier or not?

(Watch the smoke rise out from his ears as the wheels turn and he carefully considers how to answer or not. Questions like this really do confuse him. But then, most things do).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael, I responded to the last part of the post regarding party labels before Dreck-O and Full Sex Change Moon and Michael K. Chiropractor and Big Mike and all the other professional Republican hacks and subject-changers did their duty and changed the subject and went full-bore ad hominem. But obviously his tax policy is great for corporate America while throwing our entire debt situation under the bus and doing little for all those underclasses that he pretended to identify with. Do you think he's as pro-working class as he campaigned or do you admit that he's basically in it to cut his own taxes and make the allies within his aristocracy that will continue to look the other way on his behalf?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So all his honorable vagina-defending comments with no clarification as to his own sex-change needs/desires, and the best he can do is some irrelevant thing about where a tiny mid-East country's embassy locates to from eight months ago?

Like I said, professional subject-changers. AKA liars. said...


You say libertarian and I am fine with that. But, I join Hayek and Friedman in preferring to identify as a "liberal". We don't even see a need for the "classical" modifier that so many people use. Seems like a cop out to me. Let's take that perfectly good plain word back from the hijackers. To paraphrase Hayek.

If you get really deep in the political weeds as I was in the 90s, there are people who will claim that there is a difference between libertarian and liberal.

Perhaps there are but there doesn't seem to be a lot of agreement on what they are.

So as far as I am concerned I will use liberal as a synonym for classical liberal, libertarian and even minarchist. Seems like we are all close enough not to argue over the details. Seems like any of the terms applies to the Kochs.

I am generally in agreement with them, though I don't see how we can have a non-liberal society with open borders.

I am in favor of unrestricted open trade of all legal merchandise, though. Even in our current society. President Trump seems to be also, if not, perhaps, as absolutist as me.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW fool. If you're going to quote then learn how to punctuate the quote. I mean, unless you like confusing other people between my own words and your own. Which I can understand why you'd want to do.

Other than that, I'll take your subject changing as a "yes" on the issue of how you'd like to proceed with your own sex-change plans.

FullMoon said...

Goofy complains:
But obviously his tax policy is great for corporate America

And the minorities and previously un employed who now have jobs.
And the taxpayers with lower taxes.

Of course, it doesn't care because it hates Americans

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But, I join Hayek and Friedman in preferring to identify as a "liberal". We don't even see a need for the "classical" modifier that so many people use. Seems like a cop out to me.

It's a simple acknowledgement of how much industrialization changed our economy and politics between when Adam Smith and his predecessors made their observations and today, dummy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Of course, it doesn't care because it hates Americans

What's up with the "it" pronoun, sex-change operation aspirant?

Have you taken to talking like the little old lady in Poltergeist or something?

How long will you spend tonight diverting your focus away from your gender dysmorphia issue? Clearly it is something that is very important to you . said...

Someone noted that Marx basic mistake was the labor theory of value. I agree that it is a huge mistake but Marx made one even more basic on about page 4 (Penguin edition) of Capital.

He said that because 2 bushels of corn exchange for 1 quintal of iron, 2 bushels of corn are equal in value to 1 quintal of iron.

In the real world, where Marx had next to no experience, they are not. 2 Bushels of corn are worth more than 1 quintal of iron. AND 1 quintal of iron is simultaneously worth more than 2 bushels of corn. That's the only reason an exchange takes place.

If they were in fact equal in value, the labor theory of value might work. There are some other problems but that seems like the main deal-breaker to me.

John Henry

Michael K said...

I am in favor of unrestricted open trade of all legal merchandise, though

Zero tariffs and subsidies, which I think is Trump's final position.

Sort of like Reagan which also freaked out the GOPe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Adam Smith favored progressive taxation - for reasons that were still good and obvious all the way back in 1776. Compared to him, Friedman and Hack were philosophical midgets, let alone Don Trump.

But go stand on those midgets' shoulders, Spaceman.

Michael K said...

Failed Molecular biology student Ritmo is as angry as ever. Anybody else notice that when he or Inga, the bedpan commando, get involved, these threads go away over 200 comments with about a third of them from the two losers?

Ritmo, you should only be as happy as those kids are whose wedding we attended last weekend.

Like many leftists, all you think about is material possessions because you have no life,

Too bad.

FullMoon said...

Toothless Fleshlight wonders:

What's up with the "it" pronoun,

You prefer 'they'?
Hard to keep up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Like many leftists, all you think about is material possessions because you have no life,

Lol. Go read your 7:47 comment once again and re-phrase, asshole.

It's kind of telling that you'd confuse the political fights that go on here with "life." Is that because you have nothing else but this?

I don't have to like liars. And I can enjoy my life without giving liars like you a pass on a silly website.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You prefer 'they'?
Hard to keep up.

I don't know. After all, you're the one who's sensitive about vaginas and female body image issues, so it seems that you would know better about transgenderism than I would. You seem to have a very strong feeling about these things.

Have you started your hormone injections yet? You know, they can't transition you until you've successfully lived as a woman on an ongoing basis for a while.

FullMoon said...

Goofy says:
A pill mill chiropractor who responds like a Pavlovian dog to every appearance I make

Ya know I kinda lose respect for ya when you use the Pavlov dog thing I tormented you with mercilessly several months ago. Research shows you never used it before me. So, although mildly flattered, seriously disappointed. Your not as original as I had imagined.

FullMoon said...

Diminutive Brown boy The Toothless Revolutionary said...

American women are dumber than a bag of rocks.

IOW, can't get a date.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A pre-transition MTF transexual is obsessing on me and projecting a sexualized, romanticized or somehow physical and intense relationship between us where none exists.

Think about what that means.

I'm presuming he represents the politics of Trump well.

FullMoon said...

Incel poc The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks -

IOW American women despise me. Normal women avoid me

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


IOW you've never left your little enclave or the country and got the attention of a woman who didn't talk like a Valley Girl, Tranny-Boy.

wholelottasplainin said...

Robert Cook said...
"Economy is going great guns...."

Who says so?


Funny. Ya think 20 million illegals are depressing wages?



Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

IOW... Normal...

IOW you're boring in bed. As boring as you are to talk to. We went over this already.

Just because you're a slow learner doesn't mean you have to keep repeating all your previous pitfalls. Even Kramer on Seinfeld manages to fall on his face in a different way, each time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Moon - here are some articles on what you can do about your poor skills as a lover:

Of course, the one most pertinent to you - i.e. the fact that you've not resolved your gender dysmorphia transition - is not covered in those articles.

Big Mike said...

Adam Smith favored progressive taxation - for reasons that were still good and obvious all the way back in 1776. Compared to him, Friedman and Hack [sic] were philosophical midgets

The first sentence seems like a non sequitur. Are you trying to suggest that we do not have progressive taxation in this country? Very few people with any acquaintance with economics would call either Friedman or Hayek a philosophical midget.

FullMoon said...

No, but whatever floats your boat, Romeo.

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

Have you ever had sex with a guy?
5/26/18, 12:54 PM

FullMoon said...

Incal President Pee-Pee Tape said...

Hey Moon - here are some articles on what you can do about your poor skills as a lover:

Wow! Pulled those up pretty quick. Bookmarked, eh?
Not surprised.
What's next, youtube vids?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

For someone with supposedly no interest in guys you sure seem to follow me around a lot here, Moon. And you bookmark my comments faster than I can look something up. (Yes, we also reviewed how horrible you are at basic internet searches... again it's just part of your "I'M A TRADESMAN" bias).

So how many hours have you stalked me so far tonight? You think you could neglect your "wife" (lol, right) a little longer?

It's good that she's so understanding as to your one-way romantic male interests. But have you told her about your sex-change plans yet?

THat one's bound to not go over as smoothly.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He started at 4:01 CST and it's almost 10 PM. Six hours. Just to follow around and harass a guy around on the internet with sexual comments. About vaginas ("mature" comments) and American women.

Yeah, sure you're married (and straight).

Tell it to the surgeon, dude.

FullMoon said...

Imaginarl Ladies man peepee wet the bed:
So how many hours have you stalked me so far tonight? You think you could neglect your "wife" (lol, right) a little longer?

You are such a dumbfuck. Everyone but you realizes I lead you by the nose every time.
Me following you? You been responding to every stupid comment I make all night long, as usual. Most of them stuff you said yourself.
Last week you replied at 3 a.m. to a comment I made around 9 p.m.
I own you, puppy dog.

FullMoon said...

"FullMoon said...
Required reading.
BTW, anybody seen Toothless Ritmo PeePee lately?
8/5/18, 4:01 PM"

Summoned goofy middle aged incel,he shows up six minutes later Winning !

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So let me get this straight. If you respond to me you "own" me but if I respond to your stupid comment and point out how dumb it is then somehow... you weren't "dominated" at that point, either?

It sounds like you're obsessed with me, have some weird homo-erotic S&M projection into the world, and can't understand that someone might have nothing to do with you or this blog for 6 hours before deciding maybe they'd take a look at a thread and again smacking down the last stupid comment you made.

Of course, this is something you mock because you are too dumb to find the hypocrisy in saving my own comments for years and then reposting them, usually about every time I'm here.

When you're here, I rarely address you - because, well, you're stupid, boring and your comments are totally irrelevant to every thread.

You, OTOH, can never resist me and live for trying to get attention from me.

Your obsession with me is the proof of how owned you are. Just ask a psychiatrist.

And then respond to the request to put yourself on a restraining order.

What a creep.

FullMoon said...

keep barking puppy dog.:-)

becauseIdbefired said...

> ...and exactly how did Obama know that Romney was going to use that talking point???

[that Romney was going to go after Obama for not calling Benghazi a terror attack]

I suppose first of all I would point out I never said he did, but it doesn't take a genius to know that was Romney's strongest point, and so he was going to work it in somehow. And we know Obama is definitely a genius. I think he got a Nobel Peace prize for doing something or other.

Or, maybe Crowley and Obama did a Brazile/Hillary thing, and leaked the question. Who is to say with Democrats?

But I'm really serious. Crowley showed Americans Mitt Romney had no spine, and in doing so did the US and Republicans a great service. Again, imagine if Trump were in that position. It would be something to this exchange:

Ball Snipper Megyn Kelly: You've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, blah, and bl..
Trump: Only Rosie O'Donnell

Guildofcannonballs said...

Would you label Mozart Dwarf in a Helium Hat?

Case rested.

case motherfuckinv rested y'all.

Caee rested.

Francisco D said...

Glad I missed out on this thread.

Ritmo has so much blather, but nothing of importance to say. It is a telling sign of an undisciplined and poorly educated mind.

Harvard would have graduated him with honors. Podunk Community College would have flunked him out by his second semester.

Oh well. We need people who can deliver our pizzas. said...

Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...

Adam Smith favored progressive taxation - for reasons that were still good and obvious all the way back in 1776.

Next thing you know, you'll be telling us you are familiar with Adam Smith's work. So a couple questions:

Where did he talk about the moral justification for progressive taxes? Wealth of Nations, Moral Sentiments? Other books?

What kind of taxes was he talking about? A tax on wealth? On income? Something else?

What did he mean by "progressive"? Did he mean a constant tax rate? That would be progressive since 6.8% of 100 pounds is twice as much tax as 6.8% of 50 pounds.

Or perhaps you think he meant the rate would increase. 4.3% on 50 pounds, 6.8% on 100 pounds.

C'mon Squeamish. Show us what you got. I am burning up with curiosity about your study of Smith.

John Henry

Hey Skipper said...

PPPT, aka Mr. Scroll Bar


(h/t, Michael K)

tim in vermont said...

Deval Patrick is Bain Capital’s black friend.

Chuck said...

One of my nephews is a fire-fighter. He says everyone he works with enthusiastically voted for Trump and they love the guy. Those are people who would have been solid Democrats 40 years ago.

Why? What do those public sector union members see that they like in Trump? What will Trump give them? And in particular, what makes Trump attractive to them in ways that other Republicans may not have been?

Personally, I’d find it believable that many white firefighters might support Trump. Not so much on Republican policy, unless you can explain a really good clear sound argument in that regard.

I think it is emotional. Not policy. I think that for white firefighters, their attraction to Trump is along the lines that Hillary Clinton described, however bluntly. It’s angry white male nationalism. Racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, xenophobia, etc. but as much as anything, it is about expressing raw, enthusiastic rage. The same sort of victimhood rage that feminists and black activists have been milking for decades. Trump’s success is in creating a new class of aggrieved victims of his own.

Birkel said...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire: “ What will Trump give them?

Government’s job is to give stuff to people? No,Chuck.
Government’s job is to stay out of the way. Regs killed and fewer federal employees now than 18 months ago.

Careful. Watch the mask.

FullMoon said...

Titty twister whines:
Personally, I’d find it believable that many white firefighters might support Trump

Don't think I have heard Trump use the term 'white' in any rallys or speeches.
Always the haters and dividers using 'white' as a derogatory descriptor.
Mildly interesting ..

GRW3 said...

Mitt Romney's problem with Bain Capital was that he just didn't level with people about what the company did. He should have said "What we did at Bain Capital was bet that we could fix broken companies. We could see a failing company long before the employees know that there is a problem. We invested our money on the belief that our management principles could fix them. Most of the time we succeed but not always. I we sold off assets and closed a business, we've lost the bet."

Chuck said...

Birkel said...
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire: “ What will Trump give them? ”

Government’s job is to give stuff to people? No,Chuck.
Government’s job is to stay out of the way. Regs killed and fewer federal employees now than 18 months ago.

When you're a government worker -- like a firefighter -- the government's job is to give you a paycheck, and equipment, and work rules and bargaining rights and seniority and some other stuff that I probably can't think of right now.

I'm not a firefighter. Firefighters have been mostly Democrat loyalists for years. Their unions have much in common with other public sector unions and they have catered to, and have in turn been catered to, by Democrats for decades.

So what I want to know is apart from the cultural/anger stuff, what is it that Trump is doing or will do, policy-wise, for firefighters?

Trump is not going to wave his magic tariff wand and created more protected domestic marketplaces for firemen. I don't think that Trump is proposing higher taxes and more government spending on public salaries, or greater powers devolved to public sector unions.

Trump is not nominating any federal judges with notable records for public sector unionism.

If there is something besides raw, misogynistic, nationalist/chauvinist anger that would explain firefighters' affinity for Trump, I'd like to hear it. I don't see anybody attempting an answer.

hstad said...

I would agree with Deval when he states, "....I don't think markets solve every problem just the right way....!" But his prescription for this is worst. Government has never solved any of society's problems. In fact, government regulation has resulted in some of the greatest economic, societal, cultural, etc. collapses in history. In fact, markets today are heavily influenced by governmental actions - good or bad! That's because governments and markets love the result - concentrations of power - which results in political payoffs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Doltish said: I am burning up...

That's nice. There are actually treatments for herpes these days.

It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.

Either you were too dumb to be able to find that very simple and straightforward quote or too dumb to interpret something so simple and straightforward.

Feel free to continue projecting away into it, Doltish.

Birkel said...

Chuck is now expressing pro-union, big government jibber jabber.
How precious.

Birkel said...

Also, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, cannot fathom how a pro-America, pro-working class agenda could be popular to middle Americans.

LLR, please!?!

Chuck said...

Birkel said...
Also, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, cannot fathom how a pro-America, pro-working class agenda could be popular to middle Americans.

LLR, please!?!

Again I say; I am just wondering what it is about Trump that is more preferable to unionized public employees than a Democrat. Public employee unions have decades of experience and close cooperation with Democrats. AFSCME, NEA, AFT, the American Federation of Government Employees. They have co-sponsored, co-operated think tanks, fundraising operations, etc.

I'm not doubting that there are some firefighters who like Trump enough to have voted for him. But based on what?

What is "pro-American," Birkel? Is collective bargaining "American"? Is it "pro-middle class"? All of the policy calculations, all of the financial calculations, would point to public employee unionists siding with Democrats. What would make firefighters different? Maybe they see their jobs and pensions and health care as so secure, that they don't need to worry about those issues and instead they can indulge their preferences on more hot-button social concerns.

Which again brings us back to all of the "deplorable" criteria.

Birkel said...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, cannot fathom a livelihood off the government teat. Sounds just like a LLR. A big government LLR shit stain.

What is pro-American? How about encouraging rising middle class wages? How about encouraging lower tariffs so American manufacturing is competitive as exports? How about returning manufacturing jobs so wage rates increase as demand for labor shifts? How about freeing people to choose between multiple well-paying jobs?

You are a narrow minded big government fuck-o. What a loser.

Birkel said...

Ah, wage growth.

RonF said...

Deval Patrick wants to make it sound as if the Democrats' position was that Mitt made Bain dishonorable, not the other way around. I doubt that'll fly with the socialists.

RonF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RonF said...

Chuck said:

"I am just wondering what it is about Trump that is more preferable to unionized public employees than a Democrat."

Well, for one thing, based on Wisconsin's own experience a whole lot of unionized public employees don't want to be unionized - at least, not by the current unions' leadership.

"So what I want to know is apart from the cultural/anger stuff, what is it that Trump is doing or will do, policy-wise, for firefighters?"

Letting them keep more of their money rather than paying it in Federal income taxes. Anyone who either doesn't itemize deductions at all or whose deductions total less than $24,000 - which would be about 5/6 of all people who actually pay Federal income tax and very likely includes most firefighters - will end up paying less in taxes, because the standard deduction increases from $12K to $24K.

hstad said...

So 1 blogger made over 40 + comments? Won't mention their name since he'll probably add to his total. But Drago you also had a substantial number of comments. Between the two of these bloggers, they almost approached 40% of the 266 comments. Truly amazing? Got anything else to do with your lives? Are you getting paid for this?

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