August 5, 2018

"Your Black Friend."

I found that via "Cartoonists Who Draw in Order to Be Heard" (NYT):
The most prominent device of “Your Black Friend” is its conspicuous, insistent use of the intimate, accusatory “you” (“How you use him like an information desk for black people”; “When you forget yourself”).... It is urgent and productively uncomfortable. “Your Black Friend” is not just a takedown: The narrator himself is vulnerable, as when he reveals that he feels personally mocked by his friend’s thoughtless “black” presentations, and that as a child he would suck his lips in to make them look thin like Leonardo DiCaprio’s.
And here's the book, "Your Black Friend."


tcrosse said...

White people in drug commercials always have Black Friends, who presumably not afflicted with whatever the drug cures.

Mountain Maven said...

At least u identify the not posts so we can skip them

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I don’t care what Black People think. I do care what My Black Friend thinks. Of course, my Black friends don’t think White folks are some kind of monolithic hive-mind.

Wince said...

One bigoted race-based generalization after another. When did that become okay?

Then again, you saw what happened when John McClane decided he had enough black friends.

chuck said...

Sucks to live in progressive world.

gspencer said...

Well, he can always go and get another po-boy which is Happiness,

Jupiter said...

Huh. I notice My Black Friend doesn't seem too worried about being pistol-whipped. Maybe that only happens to white people.

Sebastian said...

Friend, singular?

I guess that's as much blackness as progs can handle.

robother said...

Identity politics. The cause of and solution to every SJW emotional problem.

Martin said...

Somebody needs to get a life.

Jupiter said...

Is that blackthropomorphism?

Michael K said...

Here is the Democrats' solution.

They will write off whites and go for the race ticket.

Democrats have been grappling with key questions about coalition building since the 2016 election: Should they prioritize winning back the voters they lost to Trump? Should they attempt to woo the white voters gradually fleeing the party? Progressives this weekend said, emphatically, no. It’s a genuine attempt to remake the Democratic Party at a time when racial and class tensions are the highest they’ve been since the 1960s—and it’s also put them on a collision course with party leaders and other Democrats.

“I think Trump’s win scared the shit out of everybody,” said Anoa Changa, a progressive activist and host of the podcast The Way with Anoa. “I think it’s been a wakeup call for a lot of people that we have to invest. We can’t just do the traditional model where we only talk to super-voters.”

Will they turn out ? We'll see.

Nations have gone crazy before. It usually does not turn out well.

The last examples ended in 1945,

Rob said...

My black friend doesn’t have any of these hangups, because she’s imaginary.

Etienne said...
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Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

'art should make you feel uncomfortable'

especially when it's bad, racist SJW propaganda art.

oh, and "No minority should ever be made to feel bad or responsible, ever".


I never had a 'black friend' and never want one. I follow the maxims of 'Avoid the Groid' and 'Around Blax, Never Relax'. Words to by which to live-- and survive in what has become white cuck Amerika.

Mr. Groovington said...

Ok, second humble brag in 2 days. If I keep it up, I’ll have buwaya in my sights.

I have a new black friend, here in Cape Town. She’s Bantu, tall, and gorgeous. The first woman I’ve dated with a #1 (approx) shaved head. The black women here are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Immaculate British diction, in her case. An important experience.

Fernandinande said...

It's a lot easier to have a black friend with Photoshop than it is with Gimp.

Bilwick said...

So the white lady at the coffee shop is daffy for associating young black men with crime? Personally, I can't imagine how she could have gotten such an inaccurate idea. Maybe from watching the news in Atlanta?

wildswan said...

In the video the protagonist is absolutely certain that he understands the white people around him. But does he? First I think most white people do study the people around them, looking for fashion tips, predicting behavior and just being in the city. Second, I think most white people regard women behaving like the one in the video as "pain-in-the-ass". She or anyone who swaggers about flaunting clothes and talking loudly enough to be heard across the room is already disliked by everyone around her. And if this unpleasant woman were start shouting out an accusation about theft and blacks everyone would think "racist" and be embarrassed for that poor guy over on the side. The cashier informs Ms. MeMe that the bicycle belongs to someone the cashier knows and this is huge putdown and the whole room knows it since everyone is talking loudly. But the cashier can't be openly uncivil or she might lose her job. This type of woman goes to management with complaints given the slightest opportunity. So, idle chat till the b---- clears the door without incident. That would be another interpretation of the incident.

And everyone hopes that that poor guy over on the side has shared this moment as it happened and realized the rout of the Ms MeMe. But he has not. And his companion is too immersed in her book to notice - (although I find that very improbable). So he feels bad but not because he understood what was happening but because he did not. He decides he won't just sit this one out so he gets up and approaches Ms. MeMe and speaks to her. But he doesn't say "Damn you for a racist", he says "Want my sandwich?" In terms of words, this could never be presented a nasty thing to say but as a microaggression it is master class. He wins the round but he hasn't just gone into a coffee shop and relaxed, he leaves a bit tired and strained by the visit. He thinks there is a lot of this and so do I.

William said...

I grew up in a housing project and lived in dicey neighborhoods for a good chunk of my life. I was never seriously hurt but I got jumped and assaulted on three occasions by blacks. I have some friends and relatives who weren't so lucky and suffered irreparable harm.....I understand that I should not generalize from these bad experiences and stereotype all black young men as potential muggers. Good luck with that, but, honestly, I do make the effort. Perhaps black young men should extend the same courtesy to old white women who clutch their person as they walk by. It's not the same as burning a fiery cross, and maybe those women have had a bad experience.......Fake it until you make it. If we pretend to be tolerant of each other for another generation or two, maybe the tolerance will become reflexive. Black people had an extremely rude introduction to Western Civ and had every reason to doubt it's wisdom and benevolence. Nonetheless, our civilization works better than that of tribal Africa and it would be in their interest to assimilate its values. The black people with half a brain understand this and, kicking and screaming, are adapting western bourgeoise values, not because their sell outs but because such values work.

Jim at said...

My best friend from high school - nearly 40 years now - is black. I've never thought of him as black.

Why is that?

Mary Beth said...

The barista's job is to make coffee and process your payment for it, not to raise social/racial awareness. Service industry jobs suck enough as it is, we don't need to add the responsibility of informing customers of their boorish behavior (and trying to do so without also alienating them as customers, or does that not matter?)

Trumpit said...

With Donald Schlump in office we're all screwed unless you're rich. As a proud person of Haitian ancestry, I resent the racist comments from the Deplorables on this blog.

Trumpit said...

"My best friend from high school - nearly 40 years now - is black. I've never thought of him as black. Why is that?"

Cause you're blind, and stupid.

Ray - SoCal said...

Haiti - didn’t they commit genocide against Whites including men, women, and children after the revolution?

Or was that just racial cleansing?

I guess that’s politically ok, since The NY Times hired an advocate of White Genocide.

Jim at said...

Somewhere a seagull is missing its cheeseburger.

Etienne said...
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Michael K said...

trumpit is making a statement about Haitian intelligence.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

So My Black Friend starts this scenario by breaking the rules ( by bringing in food from another establishment ) that everyone else is expected to follow.

Lost me there: I would not be friends with someone (of any skin color) who chooses to be an asshole.

But does he really think it is white guilt that stops the worker from saying something? Surely he realizes the situation he is putting the employee in. If they say something, he can just ignore them. If they ask him to leave, he can make a scene. If they call the cops, he can make an even bigger scene. Even if My Black Friend gets arrested, the business owner won't press charges unless he wants to be put out of business. And the employee who calls the cops has a good chance of being fired.

Jaq said...

Trumpit, you don’t sound like a Haitian to me. I never met one that didn’t have a healthy dose of common sense.

Jaq said...

I met a woman the other day who started off bashing Trump, then she told me she is “brown.” She is Italian, The Democrats have demonized whites so much that she is trying to pass as non-white, at least to herself, I guess.

MayBee said...

I always thought Barack Obama was a lot of people's black friend. He even played basketball and hung out with Rappers, just like you would want your black best friend to do.

Drago said...
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Drago said...

tim in vermont: "Trumpit, you don’t sound like a Haitian to me. I never met one that didn’t have a healthy dose of common sense."

Trumpit sounds like a big supporter of "Baby Doc" and "necklacing"....

langford peel said...

I have never met a black friend but Ihave met plenty of black fiends

It is best to stick with your own kind..

Drago said...

It is best to stick with your own kindle..


Two-eyed Jack said...

I used to be optimistic about the fundamental unity of American society, but now I see the movement of tectonic plates rupturing our society. What I see in the video and some of the comments here is not "racism" or "hatred," but tribal disaffection. Pick your tribe and stand with it against the other tribes. This is the way societies were organized for ten thousand years or more. This appears to be the future, but not the future I would choose.

n.n said...

"We" are diverse, diversity and selective-child notwithstanding.

Mr. Groovington said...

langford peel said... It is best to stick with your own kind..

I like your posting style here a lot and the underlying direction.. But this is horseshit. There are huge swathes of allies, in India for example, that are your own kind.

The Godfather said...

Over the course of my life I've known many Black people that I would call friends. I can't think of any that I would call "My Black Friend". I hope that none of them called me their "White Friend".

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I would not be friends with someone..."

Recently I've sang:

You can burp if you want to,
you can leave your friend's behind (aka ass sex),
'Cause your friends don't burp,
And if they don't burp,
Well, They're no Friends of Mine.

Lexington Green said...

“This appears to be the future ...”
Online, it does. But don’t be fooled.
Riding the train to work in Chicago every day for decades, literally well north of 99% of the people, Black, Hispanic, East Asian, South Asian, Caucasian, Eskimo, Pacific Islander, and undefinable, are minding their own business, going to work, going shopping, going to some event downtown, going to their dentist, going to meet their drug dealer, or heading home. Tens of thousands of people in my direct personal observation over decades. That’s the actual state of race relations in America. Much of the craziness exists entirely in the imaginations of people who make their living online, or just spend all their time there, or publishing crappy newspapers like the New York Times, or who feel compelled to give public voice to the ravings of their inner demons on Twitter. The online Freakshow bears only a tenuous relation to the tangible reality where most people actually live. Spend less time there and you get a more accurate picture of reality.

Michael K said...

Or were out on Lakeshore Drive this weekend or blocking the Dan Ryan last week.

There are not many of them but they have managed to kill five policemen , at least.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I was walking my bike near my apartment and I saw black man running through the block between houses. A white man yelled at me to stop him, but I just watched the black man run to a car and drive away fast.

Turns out the nigger just stole a woman's purse at a laundromat. No, he wasn't my friend.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"black young men should extend the same courtesy to old white women who clutch their person as they walk by"

It's none of their business how anyone holds her personal effects, and it's none of Obama's, either, and it's none of their business if I lock my car door whether Barack or his sons are nearby or not. I enjoy clicking twice, to make them turn their heads at the beep.

n.n said...

I can't think of any that I would call "My Black Friend". I hope that none of them called me their "White Friend".

Character judgments. One step backward, two steps forward.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Lexington Green, the American identity is a constructed identity, built around the notion that a Swede, an Italian, or an Irishman can become just as much an American as a Mayflower descendant. This is what Jeong and our black friend undermine by insisting that this synthetic identity is just as tribal as any other. Most societies are peaceful most of the time, but being at tribal peace is a different sort of society. Like Yugoslavia in 1980, say.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Char Char, I assume you haven't run your appalling comments by any of your black friends. Please up your game.

CWJ said...

My friend.

What? You wanted more?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Once upon a time I was running with these criminals, black men and white men. One guy says to me "When people see a black guy and a white guy get along swell like you and me, they think two things: One, they fags, or two, they doing wrong."
We were doing wrong.

DEEBEE said...

As a brownie in this country for a long time — 40+ years — i find this inordinately whiny. If the unaware whites are supposed to become woke, how about the unwokeness of eating A poboy, a behavior that reeks of chip on the shoulder

The Crack Emcee said...

There's a new movie coming out about a black guy going to a cabin with white friends and being made to feel profoundly uncomfortable, though no one's doing anything to provoke it. People used to say my own "Get Out" experience wasn't real, remember?

The range of the black experience is beyond imagination.

todd galle said...

I once had a black friend whom I worked with a while back. We used to joke together about his last name, McWhite. Lost track when he left.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Jack, what part of my true story is appalling? Are you appalled that a man who could afford a car (a fairly nice one, although I'm not sure it was actually his and not stolen), would steal a purse from a woman so white-privileged that she washed her clothes in a laundromat? It actually happened, and it's not at all unusual. It happened many years ago, and it is one of the things that made me Woke.

I have no time for crybullies and niggersuckers like you.

Unlike you lefties, I don't need someone to pre-approve my comments, and I'm not looking for prior restraint to protect me.

Curious George said...

Someday we will all be Brian Piccolos and Gale Sayers. Until then we will have to suffer this crap.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Char Char,
Perhaps you had poor role models growing up.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

My poor role models's white privilege made that iggner steal a purse and run. Got it.

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