Less than a day after Rubin's column went up in The Washington Post, the newspaper published an editorial, "Let the Trump team eat in peace." The editors made clear that they think the "terrible violations of human rights at the border" — "demonizing immigrants" — is "no ordinary policy dispute," but...
We nonetheless would argue that Ms. Huckabee, and [Kirstjen] Nielsen and [Stephen] Miller, too, should be allowed to eat dinner in peace. Those who are insisting that we are in a special moment justifying incivility should think for a moment how many Americans might find their own special moment. How hard is it to imagine, for example, people who strongly believe that abortion is murder deciding that judges or other officials who protect abortion rights should not be able to live peaceably with their families?That is, they might not mind if the interference with restaurant life could be limited to political officials who do things that WaPo editors think are truly hateful, but if ordinary people assume the authority to decide what counts as "no ordinary policy dispute" and to act out in restaurants, then eating in restaurants will lose its charm, and Washington will fill up with those awful characters who only want to get work done and will forgo the pleasures of fine dining.
Down that road lies a world in which only the most zealous sign up for public service. That benefits no one.
Imagine the zealots who will take over! You need the kind of people who care about going out to restaurants, people like WaPo editors, who certainly don't want anyone screaming "Baby murderer!" in their face.
But let's look at the comments on that editorial. I'm sure the editors thought they'd expressed firm opposition to Trump alongside their carefully reasonable plea for peace in restaurants. Here's the highest-rated comment:
Oh shut up with the groveling, Fred Hiatt [WaPo's editorial page editor] or whoever wrote this drivel.Another commenter responds:
These Trump collaborators are the "Good Germans" of the day and they deserve every bit of public shaming and shunning they get. They're lucky they don't get spit on when they slither out in public.
Drivel indeed ... they deserve no peace.And another:
There is no rest for the wicked.
Well... This admin certainly has given us NO peace or rest since day 1 of the orange "American carnage". But they certainly have been busy amassing the "piece" for themselve and their filthy rich donors. Each new day is full of new absurdities, lawlessness and outrageous lies and ignorant tweets. And now thousands of faceless, defenseless kids lost in the Trump Baby Prisons...Another highly-rated comment is: "Give them hell and spit in their food.. They are not welcome in polite society," which is followed up by "like 'the help'" (a reference to a movie where shit is baked into chocolate pie).
So... We let them eat in peace until when? When they start delivering children MADE orphans to work farms? When they start dumping the undocumented children in the middle of nowhere in C America in the dark of the night? When they start carting them to the ovens? When would it be okay? When?
ADDED: On reread, I'm seeing that I wrote "if ordinary people assume the authority to decide what counts as 'no ordinary policy dispute.'" My ordinary writing policy is not to let a word repeat like that unless there's a good reason, but one "ordinary" is in quotes and I can't think of a good synonym for the "ordinary" in "ordinary people" — even with the assistance of Meade's singing "Everyday People" — so I'm racking my brain for a justification for the repetition.
And different strokes for different folks/And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo-bee/Ooh, sha sha/We got to live together...
Quite sad. The media is fueling this because of their lost "traction" as Instapundit put it. Traction is their self-esteem, he suggested. We can talk about rules, and how little "they" like "their" own rules, but come on. The hysterics are are down to herd people and stupid people. Not always the same, but neither group has much in the way of leadership. Easily led, but no leadership. Let this end soon. It's gotten very, very sad. Or, as Trump would say: Sad!
Keep them away from the lunch counters. Need separate drinking fountains and bathrooms.
Keep their kids out of our schools.
These Trump collaborators are the "Good Germans"
I wonder how you know when you are the Good German, and when you are the Nazi.
One more reason to avoid Starbucks' secret coffee creations.
They hate Trump because he is uncivil, boorish and vulgar.
"I say 'creepy,' because Rubin assures us that she's above such uncouth behavior, but she certainly understands the new trend in political expression and subtly nods permission"
The "devout Muslim" will follow the Shariah expressly, obeying its exhortations to "uncouth behavior" of killing the non-Muslim (it's uncouth only to Western lights, but religious-and-highly-pleasing-to-their-Allah), while the "moderate Muslim" nods permission.
Why can't' the WaPo be brave enough to say, "This is indeed a very normal policy dispute. Obama did this, too, although on a different scale. We reported it in a much less aggressive manner, and as a result you got much less upset. Try to remember that time 4 years ago to help you keep perspective on this issue" ?
Thought experiment - what if Huckabee Sanders was a lesbian? Would it still be OK to deny her service?
No dogs or conservatives allowed
Well it's generous of the loony left to help elect Trump supporting politicians in the 2018 midterm elections. Keep it up and watch Trump get reelected in 2020.
Looking forward to November. The second season is going to be even better.
There's a woman in my neighborhood, very Orthodox--a b'tshuva, as they call people who become observant after years of breaking "the rules" (and I've known her a long time--she broke a lot of rules). She's torn about Trump because he's such a pig, yet she's so happy about what he's doing. Her rationalization is that the quality of our leadership, down to the coach of our kids' softball team, has to be so high to deal with how idiotic everything around us is. This woman, the coach, has to deal with idiot umpires, idiot commissioners...why would anyone of quality want to volunteer to lead anything when you have to deal with all that shit? She makes some good points. Kids softball league umpires are one thing, and senior officials in the govt are another. It's OK if the guy getting $40 to umpire a kids softball game doesn't know we don't have the infield fly rule in a learner league. My friend lives in Brooklyn, and her friends--mostly not religious--feel very strongly about things, and she is gentle anyway because that's how she is. But really, this is just sad.
"Give them hell and spit in their food.. They are not welcome in polite society."
Breathtaking lack of self-awareness.
No Rest for the Wicked -- Little Orphan Annie
"Oh Annie, aren't you going over to Mabel's with us?"
"Come on Annie, we're all going to make fudge."
"Gee I wish I could but I've got something I've just got to do. Sorry.
"Doggone, Mr. Pinchpenny. He hasn't done a thing 'bout that pipe organ he was going to buy from the church. And I've been so busy lately I haven't kept after him 'bout as I should. Of course Mr. Pinchpenny means well but he keeps putting things off 'less you keep right after him every minute. There he is now. Oh Mr. Pinchpenny!"
Apparently Jimmy Fallon has apologized now for messing up Trumps hair during the election. He didn't mean to "normalize" him.
You know, we need to talk about this idea that the duly elected president of the United States is being "normalized" by not being hated.
(I have my suspicions that "would you kill baby Hitler" twitter game that was so popular in 2015-2016 was planted to set the table for the current Trump-is-Hilter-Republicans-are-Nazis talk)
LarsPorsena: it's probably true. Dog people are good people. Cat people: I'd look into them very closely.
Russia collusion seems to be gone, right? That failed.
The "Trump's a Nazi" bit gets rerun every couple of weeks, and he's still winning. My guess is that the Dems' are losing the debate over border security big time, which only ratchets up the thuggery. The electorate wants the border enforced. You can't help but notice that enforcing the border is driving up wages and driving down unemployment.
In the standard fashion of the left, paranoid projection about what "the right" might do leads to pre-emptive retaliation.
The paranoia is driven by the crap propaganda lefties drench themselves with at movie festivals. Check out this award winning piece of crap that depicts a cowboy vigilante ruthlessly tracking down and murdering Mexican illegals trying to cross the border. Lefties watch so much of this kind of shit that they begin to believe it's happening.
So much for the utilitarian argument.
This "shunning" is the evil Spirit of Hillary Clinton manifest and is contemptible.
If you're considering questioning the spelling "rack" in "I'm racking my brain," please consult my 2007 post "Burt Young is spamming me!" which contained the paragraph:
"And don't get suckered into thinking about: 1. that sound-of-one-hand-clapping question what is a list with 0 items, 2. the pedantic puzzler whether it's "rack your brain" or "wrack your brain," and 3. the legal issue of whether the celebrity's name tends to get purged from the title to fend off litigation."
Some of them just like wild animals, because they're beautiful. I don't know about the rest. Anybody who bonds with a cat, truly bonds with one, scares me.
Althouse do you ever wonder if a columnist will profile you, and quote your commenters?
I know it was done at least once in the past, but it was pre-Trump, wasn't it?
Althouse do you ever wonder if a columnist will profile you, and quote your commenters?
Shorter Chuck: “Stifle yourself, Ann!”
This brings to mind a story that the Slave Owners, during the peak Roman Empire conquests, have all of their slaves ( today's Deplorables) wear an ID in public. But after it went into effect it only revealed the Slaves/Deplorables out numbered the Slave Owners 8 to 1. The Slave Owners quickly repealed that rule.
This overt War on American Citizens by our brain dead elites is having the same effect.
Mike Sylwester said...
They hate Trump because he is uncivil, boorish and vulgar.
It is a perfectly valid point that you're making, Mike Sylvester. But of course, as someone who complains that Trump is uncivil, boorish and vulgar, I am also not protesting members of his cabinet and staff as they dine in restaurants. Nor is George Will, or Jen Rubin.
Yours is a good point, but inapplicable to the conservative NeverTrumpers.
Per Anne: I don't think you can short restaurants, but you probably can short Washington real estate. Puts on REITs. There might even be one that's heavy Washington DC, where real estate prices have skyrocketed the last 15 years.
@redsteeze found this article from the WaPo showing how they portrayed Jeh Johnson during the 2014 Immigration "crisis"
DHS chief Jeh Johson takes cool approach to hot-button issue of immigration
Come on! The Huckabee Sanders incident is just the perfect subject for a Helen Hokinson cartoon.
Would Althouse care to make a try at it?
Washington Post don’t know their own strength.
Trump admin officials can't even live in DC proper. There was an article the other day about how Trump staffers are finding new neighborhoods to live in, and they aren't doing too well on dating sites. They need to find new places to live. Emily Heil is very, very clever
Talk about sudden Dem desperation, our smooth writer Chuck is now threatening The Professor. His last comment was a version of " It's nice Blog you have there, and wouldn't it be a shame if we must destroy it."
Dog Bite Court must not be in session on Mondays.
Yours is a good point, but inapplicable to the conservative NeverTrumpers.
His point didn't say anything about protests.
But having said that...George Will is insisting Good Republicans give their votes over to these people. And Jennifer Rubin couldn't see fit to condemn the behavior. Not that very many voters pay attention to Jen Rubin or George Will. They exist in the pundit bubble of DC.
Most liberals are inherent assholes, and they keep demonstrating it.
He[David Lynch the director] is undecided about Donald Trump. “He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.” While Trump may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up a space where other outsiders might. “Our so-called leaders can’t take the country forward, can’t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.”. - The Guardian
What they are going to find out is that the screaming banshee left is a minority and thinking people are starting to notice stuff.
"Althouse do you ever wonder if a columnist will profile you, and quote your commenters?"
The people I know in real life have done this to me, shunning me because of what my commenters write. They don't find things I've said to object to. They go right to the comments, find the worst, and pin it on me. The idea that I'm maintaining an open forum for debate is brushed aside. I'm keeping an open sewer, I've been told.
As for people I don't know, this has also happened to me many times over the years.
But it's not the same as what I'm doing here to the WaPo editors. I am noting the disconnect between the editors' opinion and the people they are trying to influence, who are having none of it. I see the distinction, whereas what people have done to me is to attribute the comments to me, because I don't censor them.
(I do, however, delete known trolls, regardless of what they say. Trolls, under my deletion policy, are people who I believe have revealed that their intention is destructive to the overall project that is this blog).
The progression so far:
1. Anger and psychosis on Social Media: an atmosphere is set. Hitler Hitler Hitler.
2. Antifa: the fringe use mob tactics and violence to tacit approval from authorities and media. There are no real repercussions.
3. Media stoke the coals on daily basis: the atmosphere is given credence. The lack of repercussions is given the patina of abstracted acceptability. The Hitler analogy gets tacit approval.
4. Signallers: the thrust of Antifa is absorbed and made palatable to a general population that previously stayed clear of such actions: restaurant mobs, mobs at houses of Government officials, people hounded from movie theaters. There are no real repercussions.
5. Acceptable Behavior Tipping Point. Riot Theory begins to take hold: at first it was the outliers, but with lack of repercussions those who would refrain from such actions are emboldened and join in.
6. To Be Determined. But you can see the arc and the spread of what is to come. The lack of repercussions has allowed the behavior to be normalized: Broken Windows. Any repercussions now reinforce the Hitler theme that the media and the likes of Maxine Waters cannot put back into the bottle (if they even wanted to: another discussion).
7. Shit Show.
— so I'm racking my brain for a justification for the repetition.
To avoid writing "working class people"?
”No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.”
Maybe because Trump has a point, he is the little boy in the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes and no amount of reasoned logic is going to prove the little boy wrong, so obviously there is something else needed.
This. is just like the whole. global warming scare, where millions of people with college level training in science and technology were expected to ignore the evidence of their eyes and go along, and when they didn’t, it was assumed to have been a conspiracy fomented by dark forces, not the spontaneous collective perception of the obvious. We have been ruled by people telling us polite lies that we are supposed to accept without noticing that they are just wrong, they want to. control what is and isn’t considered “polite” and we are to rank politeness over our own faculty for reason.
Chuck said...
Althouse do you ever wonder if a columnist will profile you, and quote your commenters?
The New York Times quoted me once. It was when there was a picture of breakfast one morning that prompted me to say: "Wait one dang minute. There is a man inside The Althouse Woman's house." [as close as I can recall]
Anyone ever quote you, Chuck?
Thought experiment - what if Huckabee Sanders was a lesbian? Would it still be OK to deny her service?
"Yes officer I refused to bake that same sex couple a cake; not because they are gay, I don't agree with their politics supporting gay marriage."
" Book ' em Dano. 20 to life."
It’s a shame you are blind to what Trump is accomplishing, Chuck. “Never” is a long time.
”No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.”
Not sure I've seen too many people try that particular approach.
"Mike Sylwester said...
They hate Trump because he is uncivil, boorish and vulgar."
No, they excuse their uncivil, boorish and vulgar hate because he is uncivil, boorish and vulgar. They hate because he won. They hate because he continues to fight, and win. It's no different than the lefties who troll Scott Walker, who is anything but uncivil, boorish or vulgar.
A good description of what Trump accomplished in North Korea is given here.
Not just federal officials. The female Florida AG was attacked at the Mister Rogers movie. Everyone who disagrees with the Left is open to attack. Althouse and Meade saw it in Madison.
Chuck, “Never” means closing your mind to new information, the inability to adapt to new situations. You know for a while they tried frontal lobotomies and after them, for a while, the patients were OK, but it turned out that the frontal lobe was responsible for learning and adapting to new situations, so as time went on, and living situations inevitably changes, the lobotomized patients became progressively unable to cope with life.
I am just explaining the above so that you will understand what I mean when I call “Never Trumpers’ lobotomized.
Maxine Waters encouraged people to go after Trump officials wherever they see them out in public. This was treated very lightly by CBS news this morning, for a whole host of reasons (I suspect). I don't think there will be a media cycle of asking Democrats to denounce Maxine Waters.
Has anyone asked Stormy Daniels about this harassment?
MayBee: Why can't' the WaPo be brave enough to say, "This is indeed a very normal policy dispute. Obama did this, too, although on a different scale. We reported it in a much less aggressive manner, and as a result you got much less upset. Try to remember that time 4 years ago to help you keep perspective on this issue" ?
Lol. MayBee, that's a lovely fantasy. But even if it were possible that the WaPo would consider not being a crude lying-sack propaganda rag for a time, they've got their moronic cadres so riled up the cadres would probably turn on them.
Sow the wind, etc. Just another example of what third-raters our "elites" are.
Trey Gowdy is sorta like a modern day a superhero. That accent makes him invisible to his enemies.
(for some reason, when I refreshed the page, instead of Sly and the Family Stone, I got Trey Gowdy questioning Horowitz).
Key takeaway from ARM’s link to the lobotomized National Reivew: “this hypothetical scenario.”
I kept looking for the beef there, where is the smoking gun that Trump has been taken and that Kim has picked the US’s pockets, and all I can find there is that Trump has abandoned the old diplomatic approach, and if you continue to think about the North Korean conflict under the old rules, then certainly a Kim summit with Trump is a stunning victory for him. But the old rules were wrong, and ended up with Kim as a nuclear armed state (not Trump’s doing, BTW).
Read it again ARM, and you point out to me the key points the lobotomized NRO make that you found so convincing.
The Peasants are Revolting! said...
Chuck, “Never” means closing your mind to new information, the inability to adapt to new situations. You know for a while they tried frontal lobotomies and after them, for a while, the patients were OK, but it turned out that the frontal lobe was responsible for learning and adapting to new situations, so as time went on, and living situations inevitably changes, the lobotomized patients became progressively unable to cope with life.
I am just explaining the above so that you will understand what I mean when I call “Never Trumpers’ lobotomized.
Well, I voted for Trump as the Republican nominee in the 2016 general election. I adapted; he became the least-worst option to me.
But if I saw Trump shoot somebody else in the middle of Fifth Avenue, I would...
... call the NYPD.
Ordinary Men. Might be a lesson in there for some of these ordinary people who are threatening violence to their ideological opponents.
I see the "spitting on soldiers" crowd is back, again lecturing us on decency...
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
A good description of what Trump accomplished in North Korea is given here.
Desperate attempt at deflection. Fail.
ARM, were you ever required to write papers in college that made cogent points and were argued with logic and evidence? Because that NRO column should have received a failing grade were it submitted as part of a class. It’s all just propaganda supported by slight of hand.
And Chuck, so would I. Part of your problem is that you don’t understand why people find Trump compelling; you’re like a liberal that way, and so because you don’t understand it, you ascribe all kinds of nefarious motives to people who do find him compelling. You probably swallowed that link by ARM to NRO whole too, out of your hatred of Trump.
Chuck: It is a perfectly valid point that you're making, Mike Sylvester. But of course, as someone who complains that Trump is uncivil, boorish and vulgar, I am also not protesting members of his cabinet and staff as they dine in restaurants. Nor is George Will, or Jen Rubin.
Yours is a good point, but inapplicable to the conservative NeverTrumpers.
Nonsense. George Will and Jen Rubin are vulgar people.
You're just too vulgar yourself to see that.
Trump is indeed vulgar is his way. But there are all kinds of vulgar, and his is far from the worst. A lot farther from "the worst kind" than the NeverTrumpers.
Mao has yet again lost control of the Red Guards.
traditionalguy, at what point do you think the slaveowners may wise up? and what's a good sign to watch out for?
I'm keeping CNN on in the background these days. besides the odd guest like Sy Hirsch, the only anchor on there who's wised up is Brian Stelter. the rest are either true believers (Don Lemon), or too far gone to recover their souls. there are some people on, journalists, who ask good questions. but most of them are just hysterical.
If I was a Trump official, I would not feel comfortable eating anything from a DC restaurant at this point. You are but one" woke" server from God knows what. Actually no one should feel secure eating at such establishments.
Eating out is an act of faith....and convent has been broken
"The people I know in real life have done this to me, shunning me because of what my commenters write."
Slightly OT: we do appreciate your courage. No snark! It does take courage not just to blog but to maintain the forum.
Given lefty insanity and intolerance, we deplorables and enablers like Althouse all pay a price for honesty.
This blog is a constructive way to push back, one reason I keep commenting.
I still marvel at the left's love affair with the horror show of a movie "The Help." Totally believable that the noble black woman would dig in her own sh**, mix it into chocolate pie filling and those ignorant white crackas would eat it. Never mind the smell, the appearance is just like chocolate pie! I actually looked and sadly, the noble black actress who dug in her own sh**, lost her Oscar to the whitest of white actresses, Meryl Streep, for the equally insipid and horror show of a movie, Thatcher. Those brave, brave Hollywood souls should just go ahead and eat the pie.
You Tube is full of idiots spitting or worse on LEO's food. The Trump people are really not safe from these illegals from sh**hole countries working in restaurants.
Why can't they just eat their waffles?
Maxine Waters is publicly stating what nearly everyone on the left is thinking, and some are doing. Being shocked and appalled doesn't change the reality.
Kurt Schlichter has an excellent article in today's Townhall why the left will not and cannot reverse course.
You might consider the possibility that WaPo comments are hijacked by foreign actors looking to push radicalized messages.
adjective vul·gar \ ˈvÉ™l-gÉ™r \
a : of or relating to the common people : plebeian
b : generally current : public the vulgar opinion of that time
c : of the usual, typical, or ordinary kind - Merriam-Webster.com
That’s the part that really gets the likes of George Will clutching his pearls. In fact “vulgar” could have been used as a synonym for “everyday people” but even the WaPo is smart enough not to tip their class based revulsion to Trump that openly. Better to keep it sort of implied for those who agree and plausibly deniable to those who don’t.
How about NORMAL people?
ARM has an unerring instinct to find the NeverTrumper in a NeverTrump magazine.
I skimmed part of it but saw no mention of the US soldiers remains coning back for burial or the change in the NK domestic propaganda.
There is a pretty good explanation of the current hysteria by Roger Simon today.
They are all having a nervous breakdown and it keeps getting worse, because... because.... because Trump.
But I have news for them. It's not at all about Trump. It's about them.
Trump is what the shrinks call the "presenting complaint." The real problem, as is often the case in psychotherapy, is something entirely different. And it is this: The left is dead. It's not only dead, it's decomposed with no there there or anywhere.
Only dopes or con artists believe in socialism anymore (hello, Venezuela!) and identity politics has been exposed as the racist shell game it is with blacks and Latinos actually doing better than they have in decades under the current pro-capitalist administration.
So the left has nothing to say, only most of them don't quite realize it yet. But this blockage, this reluctance and even inability to deal with what is actually happening shuts down the brain and emerges as anger, the hamster wheel of constant rage against Trump.
Some of those demonstrators, like the flash mob that attacker Secretary Nielsen, are Democratic Socialist and have nowhere else to go. They have no valid argument to make so violence is the only path open.
I expect that the next incident of violence will be by one of them.
Also, this stuff is making an excellent case for moving a lot of official offices out of DC.
Sebastian: "Slightly OT: we do appreciate your courage. No snark! It does take courage not just to blog but to maintain the forum."
Second that.
Sebastian: "Slightly OT: we do appreciate your courage. No snark! It does take courage not just to blog but to maintain the forum."
Second that.
Totally agree.
You might consider the possibility that WaPo comments are hijacked by foreign actors looking to push radicalized messages
That is certainly possible.
"Give them hell and spit in their food.. They are not welcome in polite society,
It seems this is considered proper behavior in Leftoland's "polite society". If that's the case, I'd hate to see the kinds of behavior they consider rude. Of course, payback is a bitch and as Obama famously said, "Punch back twice as hard."
So what did they charge that guy who shot up the softball practice? Hunting Republicans out of season.
The Peasants are Revolting! said...
ARM, were you ever required to write papers in college that made cogent points and were argued with logic and evidence? Because that NRO column should have received a failing grade were it submitted as part of a class. It’s all just propaganda supported by slight of hand.
And Chuck, so would I. Part of your problem is that you don’t understand why people find Trump compelling; you’re like a liberal that way, and so because you don’t understand it, you ascribe all kinds of nefarious motives to people who do find him compelling. You probably swallowed that link by ARM to NRO whole too, out of your hatred of Trump
I know a thing or two about people wrongly ascribing motives; it happens to me here on these comments pages almost daily. Wherein I am accused of being a leftwing plant, an employee of Soros, a Democrat, etc. With zero evidence to support that, and much contrary evidence that I am none of those things.
The reason that I am confident that I have never "wrongly ascribed motives" to fans of Trump, is that as sit here now, I don't think I would know which motive(s) to ascribe. I really don't know what I would write, if I wanted to make up some false motives to ascribe to Trump fans. I don't know, and I don't much care. I don't think that you can find a quote from me where I have done anything like that.
MPH: You might consider the possibility that WaPo comments are hijacked by foreign actors looking to push radicalized messages.
They're that embarrassing, even to you, eh?
(Don't worry. I wouldn't dream of judging whole classes of liberals or lefties by the commenters at the WaPo.)
It should be noted that LLR Chuck was well ahead of the far left vulgar attack mob with his repeated rumor mongering about a child.
LLR Chuck was Maxine Waters before Maxine was regarding this brand new operationally allied LLR/lefty tactic.
So, on the one hand, kudos to our "Talia Lavin republican" Chuck.
On the other hand....tsk tsk..
The Peasants are Revolting! said...
So what did they charge that guy who shot up the softball practice? Hunting Republicans out of season.
I think his estate got charged. Charged, that is, for his funeral. What should prosecutors have charged, after he was shot and killed on the scene?
I don’t think that you can find a quote from me where I have done anything like that.
Well Chuck, I think you would have to search long and hard to find a Trump supporter who wouldn’t be actually horrified if Trump were to shoot somebody on the street.
But I don’t think you are a liberal plant or anything. I think you are what you say you are. But your arguments fit pretty neatly into the template that liberals have created to oppose Trump, of a piece, really. You ought to understand that.
It was a joke, Chuck, sorry, you got me. I should have said, “What was his crime?”
Chuck furiously masturbates to images of Trump officials being harassed in public. The McCain and Romney concession speeches have lost their spank luster for "Real Republicans". Lulz
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "Wherein I am accused of being a leftwing plant, an employee of Soros, a Democrat, etc."
LLR Chuck is clesrly the most LLR-y fellow around...who just happens, accidentally, to jump on and advance every lefty talking point, narrative and meme in real time and whose prescriptions always entail extraordinary deference and respect to the democrat positions while simultaneously he slams the republican base voters in perfect harmony with lefty talking points and in ways that he has never deployed against even the insane leftist loonies.
Thats all.
Plus, no actual evidence of his voting for Trump exists.
Seems like, while we are on that subject, that one didn’t have to go too far to find people who were NOT horrified that a man shot a bunch of Republicans out enjoying a softball practice. No, it seems like the horror didn’t come until the elites at the WaPo started to worry that they were not going to be allowed to enjoy a dinner out in peace.
So this morning president trump tweets, with pictures, that the outside of the red hen is "filthy" with moldy canopies and other dirt details.
He says his rule is filthy outside, probably filthy inside.
I predict the red hen is out of business in 30 days.
I think the owner also lost her seat on the boarf of the historic business district committee too.
Get woke, go broke.
John Henry
I don’t approve of using the power of the government to harass a private business, I didn’t approve of it when the left bankrupted that pizza parlor, and I don’t approve of it now, but I do have to acknowledge that it comes from a chivalrous impulse in Trump to respond to an insult to one of his female employees.
The Peasants are Revolting! said...
So what did they charge that guy who shot up the softball practice? Hunting Republicans out of season.
Chuck responded: "I think his estate got charged. Charged, that is, for his funeral. What should prosecutors have charged, after he was shot and killed on the scene?"
Chuck, the Peasant's comment was facetious. Too bad you didn't get it. However it did remind me of a news correction:
"An earlier version of this article used a headline noting that Trump had publicly called for the death penalty in the New York attack, but not the Las Vegas shooting in particular. That discrepancy is probably related to the fact that the Las Vegas shooter is dead. We regret the error." (From GQ)
Hack press told us that a 7-2 gay cake decision was "close" - then refused to report that the Colorado Big Preening Government Mind-Crime Commission is hostile to Christians - calling then Nazis.
One has to remember that the left has been fighting a decades long war along with their operationally allied LLR allies to drive conservatives and republicans and Christians out of the public square.
This is typical behavior of LLR Chucks lefty operational allies and it was inevitable that after 70 years of calling every republican literally Hitler that they would escalate to extreme physical violence with the full support of their elites leadership and clear concurrence of their LLR allies.
Witness the antifa mobsters getting acquitted in Berkeley for their open assault in public in daylight in front of cameras and police against a Trump supporter.
Now, I dont know if the street where that occurred was a "5th Avenue" or not. Not that it matters.
And yes, I do realize that my brief recounting of that incident and outcome will possibly sexually arouse LLR Chuck.
Note: I am definitely not saying it absolutely did, I am just positing the posibility, nay high probability, it did.
Chuck, your Republican Party has gone the way of the Whigs. It’s dead, done for. The Democrats kicked a significant slice of their base to the curb expecting them to continue to vote D while they were replaced with more pliable voters from abroad. Trump noticed this and picked them up. It’s a new party now, more isolationist, less beholden to the wealthy (who are mostly Democrats now, anyway) It’s a new top-bottom coalition by the Democrats agains the middle, represented by Trump.
Somehow you missed the memo. Maybe you really are a Democrat now, and just don’t know it.
LilyBart said...
”No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.”
Not sure I've seen too many people try that particular approach.
The left clearly sees cutting the live baby in half as the appropriate response to the death of their own baby.
Not at all OT, re the social cost of being publicly identified with this sort of blog.
There is no public-private split in these days of social media, where the personal really is the political. It takes an unusual, invulnerable person to do it.
Elsewhere, in some smaller, saner country, a forum like this would be considered exemplary and the local intelligentsia would be happy to try their hand at commentary. Here it is too dangerous.
I have not been tempted to try, because of the risk to career, to childrens careers, to professional associates and old clients and to not just ones own personal relationahips but those of ones wife and children.
The problem with signaling is that only the like-minded care. Everyone else thinks you’re a douche. On the other hand, if you act like a human being, the approbation is pretty much universal. Of course, if you’re absolutely determined to forget this, you’re on your own. Chuck.
There are some new names here and they may not remember the glory days of the repub primary where Chuck was making a list of people who supported Trump in order to drive them out of "his party". Dig back through the archives -- it was craptastically hilarious!
Are folks going to have to carry 5 irons (out of Dad's golf bag) to restaurants so they can properly respond to these progressive clowns who won't let them eat in peace? That's where this is headed. And from 5 irons some may escalate to shootin' irons.
One of my favorite comments on this situation was
Last week: Anthony Bourdain was amazing because he taught us about breaking bread with different kinds of people and getting to know each other over food. This week: But not you.
Weren't these same people who told us, shortly after the election, that Trump is not a normal President and that the normal rules of journalism no longer apply? And haven't they been acting accordingly ever since? Now they're advising people who have responded to the new journalistic rules that they are going too far.
Any reporting yet by the MSM on the return of the Korean War remains>
When the obituary for the Republican Party is written, the year 1980 will be cited as the beginning of the end. Reaganism was in full flower, but the big tent was already folding. New York Times
LOL, dated right to the point where Republicans began to win. I guess the “big tent” was best when Republicans found winning the House impossible and the Senate a Herculean feat.
When ever I tell people they should read Althouse, our local blogger, to get an idea of right wing thinking, they ( this includes doctors, judges, faculty, ex-cons and poor artists), ask who is that? It seems Althouse is not so widely read in my Madison circle, I suspect most just don't have the time. And to my knowledge, Althouse has never been asked to leave a coffee shop. But in good faith, I invite Althouse and Mead. to join me for coffee etc on my nickel to discuss what is the appropriate response to sharing dinning space with trump officials or folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with.
Perhaps people need to visit a restaurant that Maxine Waters frequents.
A restaurant that serves goose and gander.
How about "normal" for "ordinary?"
They hate Trump because he is uncivil, boorish and vulgar.
You're looking in the mirror again.
"Are folks going to have to carry 5 irons (out of Dad's golf bag) to restaurants so they can properly respond to these progressive clowns who won't let them eat in peace?"
-- If anyone threatens me while I'm out, and the store owner's immediate reaction isn't calling the police on them, I would leave, and if I hadn't been served yet, well, since they don't want my safety or my business, I see no reason to give them my money.
The "appropriate response to sharing din{n}ing space with trump officials or folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with" is to treat them exactly the way you treat those you agree with and those (the large majority) you have no idea whether you agree with or not. Anyone who abuses strangers for their politics when they're minding their own business is an asshole, and a Fascist. There's nothing to discuss.
I've overheard conversations in restaurants that were idiotically political or just idiotic and all I did was chuckle to myself (making sure not to be noticed doing that) and sometimes note down the juicier bits to tell my friends. Here's an example of each type:
1. Someone at one of the oldest Vietnamese restaurants in Arlington, VA a year or two ago telling her beta male date about how she hates hates hates intolerant bigots and less than five minutes later saying how she could never live in a state that allows (!) people to put up giant crosses by the side of interstate highways. (If she lives in Virginia, too late. There's a huge one on I-81 near I-66.) Seems like pretty blatant anti-Christian bigotry, and therefore gross hypocrisy, to me. It never occurred to me to confront her or point and laugh or show any sign that I'd heard a word she said, though she was loud enough I couldn't have avoided hearing it without earplugs.
2. I wish I'd taken notes of what a flock of sorority girls at UVa were saying to each other at a sandwich place near campus 20+ years ago. There were at least ten equally idiotic things, of which the one I remember word for word is (begin petulant sorority-girl accent) "I don't see how anyone can be expected to do any serious social climbing in a town the size of Charlottesville!" Unless she or one of her friends reads this, and remembers her saying it after all these years, they'll never know I heard them.
Any other response to either of these occasions would have been inappropriate. As for being near famous disgusting people, I've walked past Woody Allen on the sidewalk at 110th and Broadway or thereabouts without revealing my disgust for him. What should I have done?
to sharing dinning space with trump officials or folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with.
Wow! Who knew that the when the Civil Rights act of 1964 talked about “creed,” they were only talking about “creeds” that liberals agreed with! Diversity? Meh!
Yeah. ya know, all the talk about Russian bots dividing the nation. Look at these comments in the paper. Fairly idiotic. This divides the nation. Obviously the point of WaPo, NYT ant MSM publishing and broadcasting this stuff. Maybe Russian collusion with MSM.
This is 3rd hand news: Mike Huckabee said Sarah and husband went home, but her in-laws went across the street to another restaurant. Mad Red Hen owner organized another protest there.
Wack Jobs!
folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with
I guess if disgust and strong feelings is the standard, you are going to have to respect Langford Peel’s opinions on what is disgusting, and about which he has strong feelings. I don’t say that to elevate or approve of Langford Peel’s comments, BTW, I say that to point out the equivalence to what you are saying.
A video of a couple of people being driven from a restaurant by true believers
"The people I know in real life have done this to me, shunning me because of what my commenters write."
Slightly OT: we do appreciate your courage. No snark! It does take courage not just to blog but to maintain the forum.
I also appreciate her courage, this sort of thing is far more difficult than most people imagine.
But I disagree they are shunning her because of what her commenters write. Focusing on the commenters is an excuse and a tactic to avoid admitting what they truly object to. She's shunned because her goal of pushing the left toward what it claims to be conflicts with those who support what the left actually is.
So much hatred from the Left.
"But in good faith, I invite Althouse and Mead. to join me for coffee etc on my nickel to discuss what is the appropriate response to sharing dinning space with trump officials or folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with."
Why, among the sane, would that conversation even be necessary? Your definition of "good faith" does so much to explain the crumbling of your ideology.
"But in good faith, I invite Althouse and Mead. to join me for coffee etc on my nickel to discuss what is the appropriate response to sharing dinning space with trump officials or folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with."
-- I'll save you a nickel: Be polite and ignore them like you ignore every other diner who isn't a member of your group.
But in good faith, I invite Althouse and Mead. to join me for coffee etc on my nickel to discuss what is the appropriate response to sharing dinning space with trump officials or folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with.
That's easy: none.
The usual liberal problem with discourse is that they avoid contrary opinions.
The communication is almost entirely one way. You are a significant exception.
Conservatives on the other hand live in a liberal media environment, and even then actively seek out their enemies. Its a conservative tic, that, to keep track of your enemies. IIRC Bill Buckley pointed that out.
This is not a new thing at all, it goes back many decades. I recall a WSJ survey, I think it was, from the 1980's, that showed that WSJ readers tended to read the NYT far more often than NYT readers read the WSJ. There are any number of othet surveys on the subject.
I recall the sort of bullies who spit in one's lunch. They always say, "No video-it didn't happen." The purpose seems to be to incite violence, then claim victimhood.
How the outrage grows and grows over Sarah Sanders being refused service at TheRed Hen. So much outrage!
“When ever I tell people they should read Althouse, our local blogger, to get an idea of right wing thinking, they ( this includes doctors, judges, faculty, ex-cons and poor artists), ask who is that? It seems Althouse is not so widely read in my Madison circle, I suspect most just don't have the time. And to my knowledge, Althouse has never been asked to leave a coffee shop. But in good faith, I invite Althouse and Mead. to join me for coffee etc on my nickel to discuss what is the appropriate response to sharing dinning space with trump officials or folks whose political stance you strongly disagree with.”
So true. No one I know that lives in Madison or outside of Madison has ever heard of Althouse and couldn’t care less.
Adams suggests a 2020 slogan: "they're coming for you next".
(They've admitted it)
A good question is why any decent person would associate with the sort of people who harass folks in movie theaters or suggest that cabinet secretaries should be "whipped naked."
“A good question is why any decent person would associate with the sort of people who harass folks in movie theaters or suggest that cabinet secretaries should be "whipped naked."”
Why would Ted Nugent be invited to a SOTU by some Congress critter after what the extremely vulgar violent things he’s said?
Why would he be invited to the White House? Maybe you should ask your President.
“To avoid writing "working class people"?”
I rejected that idea as inapt. Who is in the restaurant with Rubin and Hiatt messing up their privileged Washington? Not working class people.
Inga exists.
Give them eat. Give EVERYONE eat.
Who remembers this??
Shortly after Trump took office, Loretta Lynch calls for bloody riots to stop MAGA. Same message as Maxine using more diplomatic language.
Whatsherface likes to pretend Red Hen is an isolated, one-off incident. As is Bondi. As is Nielson. As is Scalise. As will be the next one.
Here's what I don't understand:
Republicans are evil, especially Trumpists. I get that. Like, really evil. Evil, as in on the border of starting to mass murder people (see one of the WaPo comments that AA posted).
Here's what I don't get: These same evil people are armed to the teeth. I'm not talking about the Federal law & military services that Trump nominally controls, nor am I talking about the state resources in the hands of Republican governors. I'm talking about 300+ million guns completely outside of any possible government control.
It would seem to me that if I was part of a political group that was unarmed, I'd tread lightly around poking the bear. The next thing I'd do was get my side armed as quickly as I possibly could. I mean, these Repubs are evil people, with murderous intent, right? Yet, you don't see that happening, except on the very far Left, who have always been armed.
Why, it's enough to make you believe that the liberals & moderate lefties really don't believe that shit they're talking about the Trumpies being so evil. It's just some sort of cathartic thing. 'Cause, if you believe folks are coming for you, if you've got any sense, you go stock up on ammo. The Right sure has.
A pertinent question.
Apparently the Left is incapable of extrapolating where this all leads, but as a reminder the guy who murdered abortion doctors defended his actions in exactly the same terms.
Rick: But I disagree they are shunning her because of what her commenters write. Focusing on the commenters is an excuse and a tactic to avoid admitting what they truly object to. She's shunned because her goal of pushing the left toward what it claims to be conflicts with those who support what the left actually is.
Good point. The purity spirals, cootie-hypochondria, and endless witch-sniffing can be seen as avoidance behaviors.
They seem hell-bent on losing elections.
"He[David Lynch the director] is undecided about Donald Trump. “He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.” While Trump may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up a space where other outsiders might. “Our so-called leaders can’t take the country forward, can’t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.”. - The Guardian"
You can take the boy out of Boise, but ...
Any number of people who have said incredibly vulgar, violent things have shown up in the Obama White House. Al Sharpton, who incited several genuinely violent, homicidal mobs in his day, visited there over 70 times.
As also a good range of rap performers and showbiz types, with similar behavior patterns.
And so on and so forth.
@Inga, you do get that Ted Nugent is less despicable than you are, right?
Many people here look to me for moral guidance on these complex issues. Here's my take: it is wrong to compare black people to apes. It is wrong to suggest that Jews use the blood of Christian children to bake matzohs. It is wrong to claim that those who favor a more restrictive immigration policy are Nazis.
Young H: Why, it's enough to make you believe that the liberals & moderate lefties really don't believe that shit they're talking about the Trumpies being so evil. It's just some sort of cathartic thing.
It's porn.
Do porn consumers "believe" their preferred genre of porn? Of course not; wrong category. Serves a different function entirely.
"1. that sound-of-one-hand-clapping question what is a list with 0 items,"
This is a situation encountered all the time in computer programming. You have a list, it has two items. You take off the first. Then you take off the second. Now it has zero items.
And it's "wrack".
Inga: I agree that the Trumpshippers do enjoy snowflaking for spank bank material but the restaurant BS with Honey Boo Boo and Bridgette Goebbels is beyond the pale. It's another nail in the coffin of the 2018 midterms, so of course the right will try and expliot this to maximum effect. What should be more concerning is the democrats insistence on biting their nose to spite their face.
It took Inga almost a year to concede that shooting Republicans on baseball fields was, perhaps, not an ideal way to handle political disputes.
Now she's openly saying she doesn't care when leftist mobs drive people out of society.
It's pretty clear: Inga may not be Beria, but she certainly approves of Beria.
Right after the German surrender in WWII, wasn't there one US Division that marched the German inhabitants of a local town through Birkinau or one of the other death camps, and basically pinned it on the citizenry? "Oh, we had no idea!" Bull. Just like Inga, they knew or at least suspected--and they did not care, or they approved. Inga just demonstrated on this page she has zero problems with violence towards Republicans. Again, this is not the first time.
And she's not alone-many, many leftists are the same way. Ritmo is in the streets as part of the mob. Inga's on the sideline, cheering them on. And she wants to be there so when the person being beaten by the leftist mob pulls out a gun, she can blame the victim for fighting back. Just like she blames that driver in Charlottesville, who the left has admitted they were chasing with guns right before he drove down that street.
By the way: I appreciate Ann Althouse. I disagree with her on a lot of things, but she's very gracious and tolerant. If all liberals and leftists were like Ann Althouse, our society would be far, far better off.
I don't think she's changed her political views much, but she sounds a lot more conservative nowadays. Is it because she's coming to the right, or is it because the left has plunged into Stalinism and she sounds conservative in comparison?
Big Mike: Funny you should mention Ted. My best friend Little Mike is friends with Nugent who will be playing in Minden Nevada on the 4th of July. A bunch of us are staying at Little Mike's house at the base of the Kingsbury Grade that week. We will get to meet Ted backstage... I'll be sure to say hi from all you Altplorables.
Wait, there's supposed to be something paradoxical about a "list with 0 items"? They're quite common in real life. Some such lists are wonderful things, like "List of things my boss says I must get done before I leave work today, even if I have dinner plans: 0". Some are terrible things: "List of food items the starving grad student can afford to buy with the money in his wallet that aren't ramen, since he's eaten that five days in a row and is on the verge of scurvy: 0". Examples could be multiplied.
Of course, the first list in my 11:44am example might be described as a list with n items, of which n have been crossed off. I suppose there is a subtle difference between a list of 0 items and a list with 0 remaining items. But it seems a trivial difference to me.
William said...
"Many people here look to me for moral guidance on these complex issues. Here's my take: it is wrong to compare black people to apes. It is wrong to suggest that Jews use the blood of Christian children to bake matzohs. It is wrong to claim that those who favor a more restrictive immigration policy are Nazis."
I think you mean that it is wrong to liken black people to apes, although blacks resemble apes in obvious ways. It is probably incorrect to suggest that any significant number of Jews use the blood of Christian children to bake matzohs, but who can say it never occurred? Christians certainly used Jews to make lampshades. And I would expect that most Nazis favor a more restrictive immigration policy, although the original NAZIS were more concerned with emigration policy. So you're kind of oh-for-three here. Or, does moral guidance operate in a plane other than the factual?
My moral grandeur prohibits me from replying in kind. I can only hope that my example will inspire you to lead a better life.
"How about NORMAL people?"
Too much static with the problem of "normalizing" the wrong people.
Plus, it seems to predetermine that their behavior is normal. I don't think "normal" is just a matter of where the numbers are. I think the majority of people could be abnormal. There's such a thing as mass hysteria.
Maybe "non-elite people."
But I think there are professors — ostensibly elite — who would clamor for a politician to be thrown out of a restaurant.
I think there are people in elite media who believe they should have the power to say which forms of protest are appropriate, and they just don't have power like that anymore. They don't want chaos. They want the power and adoration they used to have, but it is lost and they are confused about what to do.
Thanks you for your devotion to free speech, prof.
Vance said...[about AA's current status - Left/Right]
".....is it because the left has plunged into Stalinism and she sounds conservative in comparison?..." 6/25/18, 11:37 AM
I've always found AA's articles articulate and well written and not that biased either way. Because as a reader, I sometimes wake up in the morning and depending on how I feel, could take it either way.
However, I would change your comment slightly, instead of "..sounds conservative in comparison..."to sounds like Attila the Hun?" Largely because the Left has lost their collective minds - similar to people in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Soviet Union (during Lenin/Beria time), Mao, Pol Pot, etc. Hopefully, AMLO in Mexico will get religion and his "charging the border" comments are all political rhetoric. If not, he is advocating the invasion of the USA, which is an act of war.
"Tolerating evil leads only to more evil. And when good people stand by and do nothing while wickedness reigns, their communities will be consumed."
Ann Althouse said...
"They want the power and adoration they used to have, but it is lost and they are confused about what to do."
It does seem likely that the people who make their living at, say, the NYT, are in considerable dismay and some confusion about the evident decline of their economic prospects and what to do about it. But they don't seem at all confused about the idea that the very best thing for them to do is to attack the President and his policies with vicious lies and outrageous exaggerations. I mean, they really do seem to believe that this is the one, exact, only, precise thing they can and must do.
The Post editorial board has noticed that the brush fire they've been feeding is blazing up and getting a little close to the house. Too little, too late, it's out of control.
What struck me most forcefully about the "separating children" psychosis is the sheer moral fervor they bring to it, as if they are personally intervening to prevent the abuse of a child, and that intervention is the narrow, shining line between Good and Evil. I suppose there is something in us that longs to be placed in the balance and found to be Good. When you can have that simply by harassing a woman while she tries to eat dinner, I guess that's cheap salvation right there.
I am just happy that Inga admits I have the right to refuse to allow pieces of shit like Maxine Waters to eat in my restaurant.
Of course you have to wear shoes and be able to speak English and not ebonics so that excludes Aunt Esther anyway.
hstad said...
"AMLO in Mexico will get religion and his "charging the border" comments are all political rhetoric. If not, he is advocating the invasion of the USA, which is an act of war."
Yeah, I've been wondering about that. The odds-on favorite to be the next President of Mexico has just stated publicly that residing in the United States is a "human right", and urged the Mexican people to exercise that right by force. "Lebensraum", I think it's called.
Everybody who ever worked in a restaurant knows that you never want black people to eat there. They don't tip and all they do is bitch and moan. A lot of the time they try to run out on the check or attack other diners. Why do I want all of my diners to have to sit on their pocketbooks just to let these barbarians in to my fine establishment.
I say separate restaurants for separate political leanings. Separate for different religions. Separate for different races. It will be much better for everyone.
In which Langford Peel endorses the Democrat Party position. I say, good on you for endorsing the Democrat party position Langford.
Look, I will state here and now that racism is bad. Langford, you have lots of interesting points, but you are too generalizing. Yes, lots and lots of black people, Hispanics, etc are bad like that--maybe even a majority, I don't know.
But it's not because they are black, it's because they are raised wrong. I've spent several months working in inner cities; I've lived in projects where gunfire happened every night. And it's horrible.
You want to know the real truth, the truth Inga and the rest hate? If you convert black people, hispanics, anyone else, I say, if they are really converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ--then no matter what their upbringing, handicaps, addictions--they can be healed and are fantastic people. Children of God. Plenty of Communists have been converted and left communism and become true followers of Christ. I'd take them over many people allegedly brought up as "christian" but have no more testimony of God than Stalin himself.
The problem isn't race, sometimes it's not even culture: it's the lack of God and a true conversion to Christ and His gospel. And that can afflict anyone, of any race or color. Likely the worst people in history were the Aztecs; in terms of sheer horror inflicted on others. They were not black. The Arabs of 900 odd AD were barbaric and in many ways still are. Is it because of their race or their beliefs? It's their beliefs. The Japanese of WWII were horrors (Rape of Nanking? One of the worst atrocities of all time).
The Romans committed atrocities all the time. So did the Druids, the Vikings, the Germans, Celts, etc. It wasn't their race that civilized Europe, it was Christianity--and more specifically, after the Protestant Reformation. Prior to that, Islam was winning more than their share of battles.
So I think you are wrong about race. My church actively proselytizes in Africa, and the converts are some of the best people around--they put me to shame in terms of humility and faithfulness in Christ. Real devotion, mind you-not nancy Pelosi style devotion.
So you are wrong about their race. It's their culture and their mental enslavement to the Ingas and Pelosis; to the culture of addiction, greed, desire; that causes many if not most blacks to be so troublesome. White societies only succeed to the extent they implement Christian doctrines--without that, they fail just as easy as any other society. Cortez defeated the Aztecs because he had God on his side. Without that, he would have failed miserably. So focus on their lack of Christianity, not the color of their skin.
God is no respecter of persons: He favors those who have faith in Him and keep His commandments. Those who were favored by God and stop keeping His commandments will lose His favor, regardless of their heritage or history or other traits. It's that simple.
The red hen story gets better.
The owner followed the Sanders party to another restaurant and started a "demonstration."
Virtue Signaling to the nth degree.
Obama would be proud.
What I get from this is anti-harassment laws do not apply in certain blue cities when it's a Trump official being harassed? Is that basically the gist of it? Basically if you're a Trump official or even any Republican you're 'fair game' to be publicly harassed by leftists and the police will do NOTHING? Amirite?
Eventually, people are going to run out of patience with leftist thugs harassing them every waking moment.
And it's going to be sooner than later.
Careful what you wish for, leftists.
You just might get it.
so of course the right will try and expliot this to maximum effect. What should be more concerning is the democrats insistence on biting their nose to spite their face.
Howard has a clue !
Inga might hear you.
Now she's openly saying she doesn't care when leftist mobs drive people out of society.
Inga thinks when the shit hits the fan, nobody's going to come knocking on her door.
Inga isn't very bright.
Vance you couldn't be more wrong.
I ran a restuarant and a few bars for over a decade. Everyone hated when you had black people as customers. Ask any waitress. They don't tip. They are nasty. They always want something for nothing. Witness them starting a war with Star Bucks. They wanted to come into their business and to be able to sit around and use the bathroom and not spend any money. The cucks and the faggots at Star Bucks are letting that happen. So no normal person should ever patronize them.
I say give them Star Bucks and the Red Hen and Popeye's and all the BBQ joints they want and let them leave normal (ie white) people alone.
It will be better for everyone. I am glad that the Democrats are returning to their historic policy in this regard.
This was in upstate New York where you didn't even have very many of them. Still whenever they show up there is always a problem.
It is a problem in New York. In Philly. In Madison. In Green Bay where I live now.
Lets solve the problem peacefully.
To each his own. It is really for the best.
Wait, wait! ARM has rushed the discussion table again with his own desired topic. Every post is a cafe in ARM world.
"Another highly-rated comment is: "Give them hell and spit in their food.. They are not welcome in polite society,"
These restaurant folks have entirely tipped their hand. Can an identifiable member of the deplorable crew eat at a DC restaurant with confidence their food hasn't been quietly molested in some fashion? I suspect they are the better tippers..so their loss. Does the Red Hen take reservations? It would be a shame if they had a sudden increase in no-shows.
I think AMLO in Mexico watched the coverage of the violent mobs in Gaza trying to force their way across the Israeli border a few weeks ago, and wants to do the same on a larger scale with less of a fence to slow him down. I suspect he (like everyone else so far) vastly overestimates his chances of success going up against Trump.
The editorial misses the point entirely. We need to live in a civilized society. The path this is taking (Antifa, chasing high ranking officials out of restaurants, doxxing private citizens) is a path toward anarchy. If you think anarchy sounds like fun, visit Somalia or Sudan or Venezuela. It is hell. The Left should remember that they have not won all such skirmishes: Kathy Griffin lost big time with her severed head trick. Target lost billions due to the boycott over trans bathrooms. If every action, including eating out, becomes political it can become very ugly.
"In one example, a senior DHS official living in the Washington. D.C. area found a burnt and decapitated animal on his front porch, according to an official with knowledge of the incident."
Proponents of a Second Civil War tend to be excitable girlie-men who fantasize that killing fellow citizens will put an end to all their disagreements.
Earnest Prole said...
Proponents of a Second Civil War tend to be excitable girlie-men who fantasize that killing fellow citizens will put an end to all their disagreements.
You say this as though it's a bad thing. You should not be so judgemental. Excitable girlie-men have a role in society, just like everyone else.
Proponents of a Second Civil War tend to be excitable girlie-men who fantasize that killing fellow citizens
It's the excitable girlie-women you have to watch.
WaPo editorial board seems to labor under the delusion that anti-abortion activists have let abortion doctors or abortion seekers live their lives in peace up until this point.
That is absolutely bizarre and ahistorical.
What about the shaming protests outside abortion clinics? What about the threats and harassment of people publicly known to have sought abortions? What about the literal murder of abortionists?
OGWisemen: I have been repeatedly told by leftists of all stripes that "Whataboutism" is not allowed at all and is a sign of a weak argument, and is completely invalid.
So please understand that according to your own side, your arguments are invalid.
Thank you.
"Excitable girlie-men have a role in society, just like everyone else."
Says the most excitable girlie-man on the Internet! Lulz
Chuck sez:
Althouse do you ever wonder if a columnist will profile you, and quote your commenters?
Very self-aware moby Chuck is of the first variety:
From Urban Dictionary:
Left wing troll who tries to imitate a right winger, usually poorly due to left wing's complete misunderstanding of who right wingers are.
Often given away by telltale first line, "I'm a lifelong Republican, BUT..." or "As a lifelong Republican, I have to disagree with (Republican figure)..."
Moby: I'm a lifelong Republican, but it turns my stomach when I see the fascist rantings of these town hall protesters. What they are doing is worse than Hitler! I am going to vote Democrat until this stops and you should too!
Actual Republican: Try to dial it down next time, Moby. You'd be more convincing!
And then there's langfor peel (and a couple of new ones).
An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question.
The term is derived from the name of the liberal musician Moby, who famously suggested in February of 2004 that left-wing activists engage in this type of subterfuge:
“For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.
Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, ‘What’s all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?’”
The strategy has been frequently attempted on conservative blogs, but has not been nearly as effective as Moby envisioned, since false rumors are easily debunked by fact-checking minions, and cartoonishly extreme commenters often get immediately identified as mobys and banned.
No, Althouse doesn't "wonder" She's aware of the risk I would think.
You should not be so judgemental. Excitable girlie-men have a role in society, just like everyone else.
I’ve got nothing against excitable girlie-men generally, only the ones who extrapolate civil unrest from their wild unruly political emotions.
"The strategy has been frequently attempted on conservative blogs,"
It is a daily occurrence on talk radio.
The funniest I can remember was a woman who called Hugh Hewitt one day when Bush was president. She was going on about how she voted for the man, not for the party. Blah, blah, blah.
Then Hewitt asked her who was Vice President. She didn't know.
"Excitable girlie-men have a role in society, just like everyone else."
And you fill it admirably, ARM.
"Excitable girlie-men have a role in society
Code for "fag", despicable.
William said...
Many people here look to me for moral guidance on these complex issues. Here's my take: it is wrong to compare black people to apes.
Dehumanize, ie, treat like a non-human, ie animal. Wasn't there a dust up about someone labeling persons animals?
How about “regular people “?
Chuck @ 7:42am,
Well, not if it was Rosie O'Donnell.
I think Trump is truly vulgar and uncooth in the sense that he says what he is thinking far more than most politicians, which they consider unseemly. It is funny really, like that episode of Twilight Zone where the car salesman cannot lie, or Jim Carey's movie Liar liar.
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