Rubin asks whether these are "reassuring and appropriate acts of social ostracism" or "a sign of our descent into incivility." Her answer is: "It depends on how you view the child-separation policy." So... incivility is okay as long as you feel strongly about the policy that's motivating you to engage in shunning?!
This is why I have the tag "civility bullshit." It stand for my hypothesis that people only push the civility issue against their antagonists and that they will put other values above civility when the time comes for anyone to demand that their side practice civility.
If the immigration policy is perceived as "a human rights crime, an inhumane policy for which the public was primed by efforts to dehumanize a group of people," then, Rubin reasons, "it is both natural and appropriate for decent human beings to shame and shun the practitioners of such a policy."
Natural!? How did that get in there with "appropriate"? Is it appropriate because it is natural? Xenophobia and racism are natural. I thought the moral challenge was to overcome natural urges like that. And Rubin is also saying that it's enough that one views the policy as inhumane or "a human rights crime." You don't have to have listened carefully to the evidence and the arguments, you can just close your eyes and intuit, and if your heart says that person is evil, then lean into your natural urges and shun.
Oh, but wait: "This exception to the rule of polite social action should be used sparingly (if for no other reason than we will never get through a restaurant meal without someone hollering at someone else)."
What kind of reason is that? Why should getting through restaurant meals get be placed on a higher level than the practice of the "lost art of shunning"? There's no effort at coherent moral reasoning here. I imagine Rubin eats in restaurants a lot and really did have to stop and think about whether her elite lifestyle is threatened.
She ends by ludicrously quibbling with herself:
Each to his own method of expressing disdain and fury, I suppose.You suppose?!
Nevertheless, it is not altogether a bad thing to show those who think they’re exempt from personal responsibility that their actions bring scorn, exclusion and rejection.Not altogether a bad thing? What a weaselly ending!
I am tricked by a headline one more time. To call something "a lost art" is to say that it is "something usually requiring some skill that not many people do any more." Was shunning something — like letter writing — that through widespread practice, people knew how to do well? Rubin has little to say on the subject other than she understands the outrage Trump-haters feel called to express in public, but please don't let that ruin her nice dinners out. Could the Trump people really just know they are hated and eat at home?
ADDED: This has me thinking about how Meade and I were treated in Madison in 2011:
Get out, and stay out. Far out. Meade - You ain't no man for this city. We're out on the streets every day, all day. The 77 square is not for y'all. You say we're from out of state? Bullshit. You're from fucking out of state. We'll show you just how fucking Madison we are. Althouse, we will ruin your goddamn career, your comfort, your pocketbook, your sense of safety and wellbeing, and your life....For background, read "Exclusive Interview With... the Man Behind the Ann Althouse Threat" (Breitbart).
Tomorrow Belongs to Me
They just don’t know who the fascists are.
And yes, people have been “primed” to perceive Trump’s words in specific ways, to create this moment.
I am thrilled the left is executing these tactics so early in the Trump's presidency. The left's behavior will get worse before it gets better. This boil will get lanced at some point.
The left's tactics remind me of my early days as an over-the-top anti-abortion activist. I could not understand how women could do that to an unborn child. Can they see?
At some point later, I realized my behavior was not winning anyone over to my side. Blocking abortion clinics and carrying gruesome pictures would not do it. In fact, it hardened their position. Logic, calm reasoning (and ultrasounds) might do it, but jamming my viewpoint down their throats would not. The left may or may come to that same conclusion.
Jen Rubin, cuck cunt.
Buwaya brought up the Spanish Civil War. I think he might have a point. Read For Whom The Bell Tolls and you can read scenes where the left decided that certain shopkeepers were to be shamed and killed, beaten with agricultural flails while they were marched off of a cliff to their deaths by the commies, and remember that Hemingway, who wrote this, was a commie. He just placed the requirements of his art above the propaganda requirements of the commies.
The beauty of this is that it gets the practitioners of shunning so riled up that they are beyond reasoning with, because God knows, Trump has reason on his side. But as the saying goes, “You ain’t gonna tear down the master’s house with the master’s tools” and the main tool of the “master” is reason and logic.
Nearly all opinion writers in the MSM are worse than useless, with more writing talent than enlightening or interesting opinions, and Rubin as a fake conservative is one of the worst.
She brings literally nothing to the table.
Banned from lunch separate drinking fountains.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but only Leftists practice incivility.
It will harm the establishments in the end. You can crow about patronizing places that do this. In the end you alienate too much of the customer base- those who reject why you do it and those who just want to eat their waffle.
The problem here is that the Cryin' Kid hysteria is not unique.
The Dems (and their media) run a new Nazi/civil rights outrage crusade as soon as the previous one fizzles out in the media.
So, it has been an uninterrupted series of these theatrical crusades since Trump was elected.
There have been no interim moments of civility.
Has anybody noticed that, without Obama/Holder providing the incitement and the cash to BLM, there are no inner city riots occurring?
#Children in cafes
Charles Krauthammer was a conservative pundit. Jennifer Rubin? If I were her, I wouldn't write anything for a year, in the shadow of what a person that was so pure in logical thought could accomplish in my choosen field. Rubin cant even pick a side and stay with it for the whole 700 words.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but only Leftists practice incivility."
You're wrong regarding incivility. On unintended consequences, they lead the league.
Remember when Trump’s daughter flew JetBlue with her children and was harassed? Then the harassers said it was a “set up” because she expected to be harassed if she went in public and that she was just using her children as political props.
We are not talking with anybody’s rational brain here. It’s one more take on “Prairie Fire.”
Oh yeah, in Tomorrow Belongs to Me, they are driven from a restaurant too. But Jeniffer Rubin is purportedly in the WaPo to give balance to their coverage. Do you think she wants to be able to eat in public? I didn’t click on the article, because A) WaPo where my reads are limited, and B) Jennifer Rubin, but it’s amazing the unflattering pictures they run of Sanders. She’s no hottie, but there are decent pictures of her available. You see them on Drudge all of the time.
TDS has driven the Left totally and completely insane. And consumed by hate. Any reasonable and rational person can see that.
And that threat against Althouse and Meade turned out to be meaningless.
It strikes me that if it is OK to deny service to a modestly attired White House employee and her family quietly eating their cheese and crackers on the grounds that their presence lowers the tone of the place, this opens up a wide field of possibilities for legally fending off unwanted customers!
Bake the cake, lefties!
When anyone starts shunning Bush or Obama over the Iraq or Libyan Wars or the drone assassination campaign (all orders of magnitude worse than the child separation policy), we can talk. Obama's assassination campaign resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocent children, never mind his deliberate assassination of a 16-year-old American citizen in Yemen.
Can we ban blacks from our lunch counter because they vote 90%+ Democrat and so were the root cause of this whole problem of parents dragging their children through the desert to illegally cross the border?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but only Leftists practice incivility.
Consider yourself corrected.
Here in NY, the commie/progressive candidate for Governor, Cynthia Nixon, has called ICE agents "terrorists" in what seems to be an expanding campaign to incite vigilante justice against those agents. An NYU adjunct compiled a list of ICE agent's names, home addresses and phone numbers to help out in this campaign.
The Dems are obviously trying to jack their crazies up to attempting assassinations.
A few Brigham Young quotes come to mind as I prepare to go to church service:
First, a few quotes by way of context and background to the statement that is on point:
“We have an object in view, and that is to gain influence among all the inhabitants of the earth for the purpose of establishing the Kingdom of God in its righteousness, power and glory, and to exalt the name of the Deity, and cause that name by which we live to be revered everywhere that he may be honored, that his works may be honored that we may be honored ourselves, and deport ourselves worthy of the character of his children.” Journal of Discourses 11:274
Then, of that Kingdom of God:
“If the Latter-day Saints think, when the Kingdom of God is established on the earth, that all the inhabitants of the earth will join the Church called Latter-day Saints, they are mistaken. I presume there will be as many sects and parties then as now.”
Then here is what came to mind:
“When the Kingdom of God is fully set up and established on the face of the earth, and takes the preeminence over all other nations and kingdoms, it will protect the people in the enjoyment of all their rights, no matter what they believe, what they profess, or what they worship. If they wish to worship a god of their own workmanship, instead of the true and living God, all right, if they will mind their own business and let other people alone.” J of D.
“To mind your own business incorporates the whole duty of man.”
Shunning? One of my Amish acquaintances was recently shunned. In my decades of living near these folks, this was a first.
The Amish are permitted to use power equipment on a limited basis. They know the limits. This guy exceeded the limits. The elders descended and warned him. He apologized. Several weeks later, he was nabbed again. The next day his house/acreage was for sale and he left the area.
Slave auctions in Libya as a direct result of Hillary and Obama’s overthrow of Khadaffi? Not a thing that we need to worry about!
When anyone starts shunning Bush or Obama over the Iraq or Libyan Wars
I remember that the war protests at the Unitarian church at the end of Church Street in Burlington, VT ended pretty much the day Obama was elected and never started again. This is about power, plain and simple, and all of the rest is pretext.
Consider yourself corrected. - Peter
That’s right! A conservative refused to bake a cake, I remember!
Please provide an equivalent example in your “correction” or I won’t consider him corrected.
I know it's a big old cliche, but Rubin's column probably sounded better in the original German.
It's amazing how many people are given megaphones by the establishment media in this country to say, over and over, "Let's all you people fight."
I didn’t vote for Trump and I will not take a back seat to anybody in my disdain for him. However, I will not let my dislike for the man affect my beliefs.
People like Rubin, Boot and Scarborough are no different than the Hannitys of the world who refuse to criticize Trump and cheerfully lap,up every pronouncement he makes as the word of God even if it condridicts something he said two days ago. It is a sign of a weak mind.
As for the restaurant. The place better be damned good or they will be out of business before Trump leaves office. Insulting 50% of your customer base rarely leads to positive outcomes - Just ask the Dixie Chicks.
Get woke go broke.
Apparently the only people you are allowed to shun are white heterosexuals who identify as their biological sex.
Shunning sounds so Amish. But this summer we are witnessing Soros bought and paid for Alinsky scumbags: The 100 million dollars funded by Soros the month after the election of Trump was spent training cadres of professional riot instigators who work hard to create a mob of screaming attack chanters threatening the peaceful people in society.
It's pure Treason. Gitmo awaits.
If I was Sarah Huckabee Sanders, I'd go back to that restaurant every fucking day. Maybe multiple times a day. Then laugh at how it impacted the business.
I'm married to an escapee from the world of the Amish. They know how to shun down there. They invented "You're dead to me." The proper way to shun is to look right through someone and pretend you can't see her. If the owner of the Red Hen had wanted to shun Sara Sanders, she would have left her and her other guests sitting there ignored. Don't take her order. To raise a fuss over them and ask them to leave is the opposite of shunning. It's the exact opposite. It raises acknowledging Sanders existence above what just serving her dinner would have done. I shun Jennifer Rubin by never reading what she writes. I don't write scathing comments about her. Commenting here about her column is breaking my rule about shunning her, which I will now go back to doing.
Althouse is correct on all points. I expect an increase in bullying and sniping as previously quiescent and accommodating folks become less quiescent and accommodating. Then incidents of real sniping, as at the 2017 congressional softball game, will increase.
It seems foolish to dox ICE agents with the intent of harassing them at their homes. Many live in places where castle doctrine and tresspass laws plus fear place them in a justifiable positon of vigorous defense.
Apparently the only people you are allowed to shun are white heterosexuals who identify as their biological sex.
And straight! I used to joke that if I were not gay, I'd be the worst thing in the world: a straight white male.
People like Rubin, Boot and Scarborough are no different than the Hannitys of the world who refuse to criticize Trump and cheerfully lap,up every pronouncement he makes as the word of God even if it condridicts something he said two days ago.
Examples please.
Another possible response: “I’m sorry, I mistook this restaurant for one that reveres diversity and inclusion. Good to know for the future, I’ll pass the word.”
Elanor has it right. If you want to shun someone make someone a non someone.
I'd check their kitchen help for 'dreamers'.
refuse to criticize Trump -- as if it's against the law not to criticize Trump.
What the left is trying to do to the women of the Trump administration, and it is by and large the women, is called "shaming".
Someone needs to build a Chick-fil-A next door. And a Cracker Barrel on the other side.
Tarring and feathering mobs running the hated man out of town was an American tactic against the Royal Tax Collectors. It was a political tactic. This is a tactic. That tactic lead to a British military response that erupted into a civil war in April 1775.
This time we are setting aside an election so the British favored World Government can refight that one in hopes of exterminating us. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
"The owner of a restaurant (Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia), asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders (who'd already been seated and served) to leave."
I think there is a difference between the owner refusing to serve someone and a shouting mob harrassing someone until they leave or someone making threats.
Serving a meal in a restaurant is just another business contract at bottom, isn't it?. Everyone should have the right to decide who they want to deal with and who they don't?
We talked about Richard Spencer getting kicked out of a gym a while back and I got called a nazi for saying the owner has the right to refuse service to anyone. So don't call me a nazi, just explain why I'm wrong.
Having said that, I certainly don't support this shunning idea. I do think it's a further demonstration of how politics has become a substitute religion for the left.
Protesters confronted Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at a showing of a documentary about children's TV host Fred Rogers, and they questioned the Republican's stands on immigration and health care.
The Tampa Bay Times reports Bondi received a police escort Friday when several members of Organize Florida confronted her as she left a Tampa theater after seeing "Won't You Be My Neighbor" about Mr. Rogers. The demonstrators questioned Florida joining a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act and Bondi’s general support of President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.
Read more here:
What was it that Hillary said about those who refuse to accept the results of an election being a danger to democracy?
@The Peasants are Revolting!:
Examples please.
Partisan hackery is built into the system. See your anti-war observation earlier. There is a difference between loyalty to Trumpism and loyalty to Trump. The former is good; the latter is bad. Ann Coulter's calling out of Sean Hannity here is a good example.
Probably better to identify these establishments to keep from having your food ravaged. Though..if a high visibility Trump staffer in The Swamp/DC, hard to avoid.
Look for her business to go up for a short while, until people get tired of driving that far for the food and the excitement wears off, and then the fact that the locals, who are largely pro-Trump stopped going there starts to bite. The Dixie Chicks next album sold pretty well, it’s just that none of the liberals who lined up to buy it listened to it.
After all, she made it clear that she doesn’t want to serve Trump voters, so it’s not so much a boycott as a civilized desire to respect her wishes. Camping World is another place that hates Trump voters, but they don’t make a point anymore of saying it publicly. But there are a lot of other places to buy RVs, just saying.
The immigration issue makes us uncomfortable, and the sight of migrants being detained, whether crying babies or not, and whether the buildings resemble Auschwitz or not, is indeed disturbing. I think Trump deserves credit for addressing the issue in 2016, and I agree with those who say this issue (not Putin or Comey) won the election for him. Whether he has any clear plan today is another matter.
Rubin seems to have been caught. She is smarter than Trump (she thinks), and morally superior to him, yet she doesn't have a real solution any more than he does--perhaps even less. (The Bushies may hate Trump even more than the progressives do; after all, Trump made them look stupid, as if they didn't understand the business of politics.) One solution is at least to keep the unpleasant talk away from her during meals. She purses her lips; she doesn't approve. In "Being There," Chauncey Gardner tries to click a remote to make muggers go away; the idea was elaborated in the Adam Sandler movie "Click."
I have never understood Jen Rubin's "success." She seems to approach journalism like a hack lawyer (which she was for 20 years), picking the side of an issue based on her current mood (even if it's the exact opposite of the side she argued 5 years earlier) and then reporting on it as an unskilled and unconvincing advocate rather than a thoughtful and objective reporter. She reminds me of those horrible people who write twitchy. I have not read any of her columns in years.
I don’t see where Trump changed his position from earlier and his defenders changed theirs right along with him. I see that Ann Coulter didn’t like something Trump said and Hannity didn’t air her criticism. I see that Coulter made a colorful and rhetorical accusation about Hannity’s loyalty to Trump.
I consider Coulter pretty bright and Hannity kind of a dimwit, but still, this doesn’t back up your point.
"Finally,as regards Ann Althouse, Shankman said he believes in what he called the “law of privilege.” As best as I could interpret it, it meant that if the majority of Madison residents were progressive and didn’t want an Ann Althouse in their midst, then they are somehow entitled to make it unpleasant enough for her to live there, so that she’ll leave."
I've never understood the progressive definitions of "diversity" and "tolerance".
I guess if you can be run out of a restaurant, being run out of your house is just the next step on the slippery slope.
My surname appears twice on the list of names of those who died at Dachau. That's the final step on the slope.
Rubin is Pro-Choice. Her sanctimonious hypocrisy (i.e. bigotry) is forced by her selective, opportunistic religious/moral philosophy. Still, her equivocation is evidence that she may one day reject her twilight faith (a conflation and fantasy) and discover a religious/moral philosophy that is not inherently unstable.
LGBT's problem derives from a failed attempt to redefine gender and sex, and thereby creating labels, #TooManyLabels, #Judgment, and exclusion for individuals in the transgender spectrum. Then there is political congruence ("="), that practices the fine art of selective exclusion. The libertarians (and conservatives) had a better, consistent, universal, non-Pro-Choice solution. The cognitive dissonance of the Pro-Choice cult seems to be what keeps at least one of the owners of Red Hen at people's throats.
Diversity denies individual dignity. It is a personal and institutional doctrine of color judgment, including racism and [selective] exclusion. South Africa may be the only modern nation with a progressive constitution that establishes diversity, redistributive change, and selective exclusion as the highest law of the land, which has engendered, not only political separation, but normalized and progressed prejudice in the general population.
Selective-child, unlike one-child, is the normalization of denying human evolution (a chaotic process, that the twilight faith asserts is spontaneous), progressing the National Socialist doctrine of life deemed unworthy, and a psychopathy that affects the general population. It can only be remediated through political, cultural, and moral reform, to separate science and cult, to recognize individual dignity and intrinsic value of human life.
Obama divided and caged. Trump reunites and liberates. It's hard to tell with the extraordinary noise floor established by journolists at mainstream and "independent" press. Then there is Obama reigniting the war in Iraq, opening a global abortion field (from Tripoli to Kiev). The latter in retribution to Russian intervention in Syria. All with the aid of bipartisan "mavericks" and support of "good" Americans.
So, normalization, tolerance, or rejection? Red Hen has made their Choice. It's rejection.
The people cheering were the same saying the baker had to bake the cake.
Send the DOJ lawyers from the Civil Rights Division down there and watch Anna Navarro’s head explode on live TV.
Bad move on the restaurant owner's part. Now that she has injected herself and her business into the political arena, people are likely to start publicising her Board of Health scores, her credit rating, employment issues - all sorts of information that could make her look like less of a Paragon of virtue-signalling.
Just put 4chan on the job. Every time a conservative is attacked and heckled for being conservative, pick out a liberal who is being liberal and make zer life miserable. Doesn't have to be insane like Griffin with zer severed head; the same level of offense that they consider punishable is fine: doing something liberal that conservatives don't like. And the same level of response: doxxing, profane insults, various non-indictable threats, public shaming, etc.
Or two liberals. Good news is, it is a lot easier to find liberals acting up in public right now than conservatives.
The point is that you don't just attack Griffins. Liberal dog-whistles are sufficient.
They won't like their rules being used against them.
The "law of privilege" is a National Socialist concept that culminated in "Jew privilege" and its aftermath. Today it has been resurrected as "White privilege", and beneath the social justice noise floor as "Asian privilege".
Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out...
This is moving well beyond "civility bullshit". Based on what I've seen recently just checking out links like this (or, say, this), I'm starting to think I need to start paying attention to MSM outlets I usually ignore, for the sake of my own safety.
I know we've been calling these people "unhinged" for a while now, but...they really do seem to be edging toward dangerously unhinged now. They live in a fantasy world filled with propaganda-bred demons, with precious little purchase on reality. And yet they don't think they are demonizing anyone - it's those people who presume to disagree with them in any way on a complex policy issue who are demonizing other human beings.
I'd be less disturbed by this if I thought people like Rubin were simply cynical propagandists, with a clear understanding of themselves and their own motives, who've made a misjudgment in the application of their art - laid it on too thick, stepped over the line into the comically crude. Not, mind you, that I think people like Rubin fall into the more benign "honest but misguided" category. They're dishonest hacks pushing a nasty agenda. But they're also unhinged, with a pathological deficiency in self-insight.
@The Peasants are Revolting!:
See Hannity's self-described "evolution" on immigration amnesty.
the baker had to bake the cake
The baker did bake the cake. The baker did not deny service. The baker refused to add icing to endorse a lifestyle choice. It would have been simpler and inclusive if progress had not entailed sanctimonious hypocrisy, judgment, labels, and a conflation of cult and state. Secular unions for all...
This would be a good time to review the development of the French Revolution.
Must give the Democrat Party Press credit for spreading the "kids in cages" narrative like wildfire. (Ignoring Obama's cages)
The Democrat Party press WILL inspire angry leftists to commit murder. It's just a matter of time. Scalice was just the first.
From the people that preach tolerance. Go figure.
They were outraged then, they are outraged now.
Same old song and dance.
However, I do remember the outstanding "on the scene" reporting of the Wisc govt Union riots by Alrhouse & Meade. It was truly outstanding work.
Think of what happened since?
1. Walker dominate Wisc politics, enacts bona fide conservative reforms; survives recall.
2. Wisc goes slightly Red
3. Trump succeeds Obama as Prez.
These are tectonic political shifts
The problem these days is you can’t be a good liberal if you associate with non-liberals.
It wasn’t seating and serving Sanders that was the problem, it was likely the reactions from the other diners.
We saw what happens when you seat the DHS Chief, and seating Sanders is asking for similar disruptive actions.
The war is on and people are forcing others to choose sides.
Leftists jump from one excitable BS manufactured outrage to the next. As soon as they achieve the power-trip they bullied themselves into, the drop it like a hot potato.
The left are an army of David Hogg. Preach, scorn, threaten then run and hide behind the word "love."
Frauds, all.
immigration amnesty
The disruption has already occurred and mostly absorbed at the community level. There still needs to be assimilation and integration in order to reduce political, social, and economic divisions, and it has to occur at the individual and family level. Amnesty and emigration reform at the source would be a practical resolution of what has been a progressive problem.
Preach, scorn, threaten then run and hide behind the word "love." Frauds, all.
Someone should build a restaurant right on the border, with a sort of "petting zoo" where patrons could reach through the bars and across the border to hand-feed pitiful would-be immigrant children chunks of your taco bowl. Let's see if the Canucks can shun that!
Hannity cannot stop talking about himself and he's boring. I like his guests - like Sarah Carter. She does the work the democrat hack press won't.
From the people that preach tolerance. Go figure.
They all think Trump happened because some cabal of mysterious elements, Russian among them, conspired to deny Hillary her turn at the helm of state — a comforting fantasy. Why else would American eject Her and those With Her? It will take moral courage for someone on the left to proclaim the "gospel to the raging heathens" — We got Trump because we are assholes. Unfortunately for the left, the simple truth will be rejected in favor of more comforting fantasy.
Humperdink said...
Someone needs to build a Chick-fil-A next door. And a Cracker Barrel on the other side.
If you're into stars, the McDonald's .7 miles away has one more.
I've always believed that small business should be allowed to decide who they served and who they refuse. Cakes or Mexican food. Gays or Trumps employees.
Kevin: The people cheering were the same saying the baker had to bake the cake.
Ah, but Kevin, you haven't made the rounds and checked out the packaged talking points that are now flooding the zone. Since you were happy about the SC ruling that the baker didn't have to bake the cake, you bigots are a bunch of hypocrites for complaining about fascists being refused service in restaurants.
Of course, don't expect them to follow their own arguments through to their logical ends. They've memory-wiped the fact that the cadres deliberately set out to (and succeeded in) financially ruining bakers, and destroying their businesses. So directly after applauding the denial of service to Sanders, they all begin screeching about the terrible injustice of Sanders tweeting the incident, because it could cause trouble for the restaurant owner, and maybe even ruin their business!
Put aside the fact that the news of the incident had gone viral before Sanders ever tweeted (apparently the staff couldn't wait to brag about it), and examine their position:
1) It's fabulous that the fascist bitch was shown the door at a public restaurant. Hahahahahaha. Let's crow about it all over social media. The restaurant owners are heroes fighting the fascists!
2) It's terrible that the fascist bitch wouldn't keep her mouth shut about the treatment she received. It's just wrong for her tell anyone what happened to her, because that might hurt the business of the poor owners! The restaurant owners are innocents being victimized by the fascists!
Jaysus, these people.
“I look over and his kids are standing right there expectantly, clearly fans of mine, and I said, ‘No way, man!’ ” Rogen said.
Rogen, who is Canadian, said he then went on to lash out at Ryan over his policies, though he felt “conflicted” doing it in front of his children.
“Furthermore, I hate what you’re doing to the country at this moment and I’m counting the days until you no longer have one iota of the power that you currently have,” Rogen said he told Ryan.
“I’m glad I didn’t take a picture with Paul Ryan, I touched him so I don’t know how I feel about that,” he said. “His kids seemed lovely, and very Caucasian.”
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are buried in Lexington, VA.
Bullies. That wasn’t shunning. That was out and our threat of violence.
The Dems are obviously trying to jack their crazies up to attempting assassinations.
“1) It's fabulous that the fascist bitch was shown the door at a public restaurant. Hahahahahaha. Let's crow about it all over social media. The restaurant owners are heroes fighting the fascists!
2) It's terrible that the fascist bitch wouldn't keep her mouth shut about the treatment she received. It's just wrong for her tell anyone what happened to her, because that might hurt the business of the poor owners! The restaurant owners are innocents being victimized by the fascists!”
There should never be any pain for standing by your principles when you stand on the left. That’s because they didn’t have principles, just double-good awesomeness inside themselves that the world needs to experience.
The restaurant probably doesn't really care whom it serves but is worried that the Prog bullies might make a scene. Like other forms of terrorism, including Mafia-type 'insurance', control and compliance are accomplished by threats.
Likewise, it’s super-awesome to talk about Trump’s handling of children at the border.
And it’s super-wrong to discuss how Obama and Hillary and Uncle Joe and Loretta Lynch and Valerie Jarret did the very same thing.
Because reasons.
You can’t reason with people who’ve abandoned reason. You give them a lollipop and tell them the fairy unicorn princess is on xer way!
Emotional people usually don’t know facts or logic. The reason we have wide-spread integration is that SCOTUS decided that buyers have more rights than sellers when it comes to interstate commerce. And when it comes to the free movement of people within the US. Now the emotional people today (Democrats) are in the same boat as the racists of yesterday (Democrats): there are certain people they don’t want to serve. It will be interesting to see how they square that circle.
Too bad it wasn't a Starbucks.
Jennifer Rubin is paralyzed from the neck up.
See Hannity’s self-described "evolution" on immigration amnesty.
So did he “evolve” because Trump flipped positions, or did Trump win him over? Remember that the original point we are discussing is that Trump could flip positions in “two days” (OK, a rhetorical. two days) and that his sycophants would flip right along with him. I still don’t see the evidence of that.
chickelit said...
"Jennifer Rubin is paralyzed from the neck up."
Well done.
Emotional people usually don’t know facts or logic.
The problem with “facts and logic” is that they lead in exactly two directions, open borders, which the left is not yet prepared to admit to, or The Wall.
"I've always believed that small business should be allowed to decide who they served and who they refuse. Cakes or Mexican food. Gays or Trumps employees.
How about refusing to serve Dr. Condoleeza Rice or Dr. Ben Carson or Sen. Tim Scott?
That seems to bring up some old issues that we all thought were solved several decades ago.
Scott Adams , two years ago, said what finally pushed him to vote for a Trump was that the Democrats had become the bully party.
8:21 Angle-Buzzard
In the zone.
Phil 3:14: Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are buried in Lexington, VA.
Probably not for long.
Contrary to what some people here were saying about Lexington being "red" Virginia, others describe it as having been colonized by the ongoing Clown World overflow from DC. Lots of NoVa money being poured into buying up property, further and further into "red" country. I recall the usual suspects having a pissy-fit about the "Lee" in Washington and Lee University.
So I don't know if the poor, pussy-hatted owners of the Red Hen are in much danger from hordes of Nazis slavering to burn down their business. Higher probability of petitions and agitations to dig up, anathematize, and burn the bones of Lee and Jackson.
As for the restaurant. The place better be damned good or they will be out of business before Trump leaves office. Insulting 50% of your customer base rarely leads to positive outcomes - Just ask the Dixie Chicks.
Rockbridge county, where this place is went
Trump 63%,
Clinton 32.5%
Shunning versus shaming: a useful discussion of the difference, Eleanor. And a nice how-to guide on shunning.
David Begley: You say that the ugly talk a few years ago in Madison turned out not to hurt Prof. A and Meade? I defer to them, of course, but if I were on the receiving end of that message I would be stoked with adrenaline and planning either fight or flight. I would be worrying about my and my family's safety and peace of mind. I would be wondering whether/how to coordinate with the police: do I need a patrol car in front of my house? Do I need to study self-defense?
The shock of that message is probably greater when the recipient is not a strapping young male with Kung Fu but a mindworker of a certain age who rightly expects disagreements to be solved with logic, facts and real civility.
Progs are alienating the vital vast middle of the polity.
And that threat against Althouse and Meade turned out to be meaningless.
The Left and the establishment don't feel the need to be civil anymore. Its similar to Late night Talk shows turning into DNC meetings. Or CNN and the MSM churning out anti-Trump propaganda - 24/7.
They don't care - because they don't have to.
As for Rubin. ANYONE can call themselves conservative. We conservatives didn't get together and elect her to represent us. She was hired by the LIBERAL WaPo - who slapped the Conservative label on her. She's at best a Neo-con, and for an interventionist Foreign Policy, strong support for Israel, and capital tax cuts.
She's no more "conservative" than David Frum, David Brooks, Max Boot, etc.
Lest we forget Peter Fonda who is vying for the title of ugliest Fonda, recently said of ICE and CBP Agents:
“We should find out what schools they go to….scare the shit out of them, make their children worry”
Talk like that eventual gets people killed. maybe the wrong people...
Its interesting the Left goes after women and kids. Whether its Tom Arnold threatening Trump's 12 y/o Kid, or the restaurant refusing to serve the Press Secretary.
Remember all the hatred for Palin and her kids. The Left is mentally ill.
Soon we will see groups of people in MAGA hats at lunch counters singing We Shall Overcome. Humor goes a long way into correcting dumb behavior.
Until then, No, you cannot just eat your waffle
The Drill Sgt:
Rockbridge county, where this place is went
Trump 63%,
Clinton 32.5%
Thanks, Sarge. I'm seeing conflicting descriptions of the area. Lexington itself (college town) might still be very blue.
The restaurant will NOT go out of business.
Lexington went overwhelming for Hillary. The rest of the county went for Trump.
Lexington is college town, home of Washington and Lee. It also attracts tourists.
It is NOT Trump territory.
The fact that the owner is a leftist, and most of her staff is Gay, should give you a clue as to their clientele.
The left has lost its collective mind over roughly 2300 kids. Who are not being abused. Whose parents did break our laws. So how can they be entrusted with handling the really big issues? War. The economy. The straightforward answer is that they can’t.
I told everyone we were in for a long hot summer.
It is just starting.
The polls are getting worse and worse for democrats. They are going to get crushed in November.
They are going to try to disrupt the elections. Think about the disorder that will require and buckle up.
The only thing conservatives can do is counter-attack. Of course, you can sit back and wait for the Liberal/Left to change, but I don't think that's going to happen.
Personally, I'm not too upset about it. Sanders wasn't upset and never mentioned it, until the restaurant workers started to brag about it on public media.
When she gets outraged, I will be.
Apologies, in my comment at 9:03 I had meant "And that threat against Althouse and Meade turned out to be meaningless" to be marked as David Begley's quote to which my comment was directed.
Francisco D said...How about refusing to serve Dr. Condoleeza Rice or Dr. Ben Carson or Sen. Tim Scott?
I think I was clear - your small business, your choice. And your consequences. I think I'd be disinclined to go to a business that refused service to Rice or Scott - because I rather like them - I see them as really fine people, not black people.
I would also be unlikely to go to a business that refused black people, or republican people, or gay people or whatever. My money, my choice.
rcocean: When she gets outraged, I will be.
Oh, I'm not "outraged". "Outrage" is for pussy-hatters. I observe, and I judge.
Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
You are correct. The city went 2-1 for Clinton, the county 2-1 for Trump, but the county has 5 times as many votes. And the adjacent counties also went 2-1.
VMI is in the city, as is Wash and Lee Univ.
Sanders wasn't upset and never mentioned it... When she gets outraged, I will be.
Sanders is feminine female strong.
The obvious solution is to never vote for another Democrat again.
And watch out for them running under a different name.
Never eat in a restaurant that wants you out.
Too many possibilities for "additions" in the kitchen.
@rcocean, Washington & Lee May be much less conservative than a decade or two ago, but its student body is a not going to be very far left of center. The other local university is VMI, and their student body is decidedly right of center.
But! This is the summer and The Red Hen is going to live without student clientele for the next couple months. In their shoes I would be happy to have a party of seven show up right about now. But economics is not the forte of leftists, is it?
The "shunning" and "stoning" are philosophically the same, just a matter of degrees.
The Drill SGT said...”Lest we forget Peter Fonda who is vying for the title of ugliest Fonda...”
Peter has always been short on everything — looks, brains & talent. Recall that as a teen, his only friends were guys who wanted to get to his sister. Plus he never reconciled with his own father.
To progs, anything and everything is a tool.
Corollaries: civility bullshit, businesses-must-serve-everyone bullshit, shunning-is-good-except bullshit.
Metacorrolary: arguments are tools, to be deployed strategically and selectively.
The most ominous elements of modern culture are those excused by fashion. Antisemitism was fashionable in Weimar Germany, otherwise it would never have lead to the Holocaust. For a time, after MLK, all sides agreed that any form of bigotry was morally wrong (content of character vs. color of skin). Today, it is FASHIONABLE again to be sexist, not against women this time (that was SO yesterday!) but against "toxic" masculinity. It's fashionable to be racist again, but not against people of color this time (so unfashionable!) but against "white privilege" - in fact, the new bigotry is so fashionable even mentioning that the emperor is dancing around nude again is dangerous. Roseanne is canceled for calling a female person of color Zira while her cast members go on to fame and fortune because they know it's OK to call a white guy Dr. Zaius. Silly cultural reflexes like these probably seemed as inconsequential in Berlin during the 1920s as they do today on college campuses. All bigotry has to do is change its clothes. The new fascism shall be called "antifa" and sent down the runway in woke new colors...
The Left dreams of a classless society and are working hard to achieve it.
Well said, Warren.
The behavior of this restaurant owner is amazing.
There are plenty of things to criticize about Donald Trump without descent into panic, hatred, falsehood, discourtesy, and hysteria. That so many of his critics have made the trip is revealing about them and their limited rational, emotional and rhetorical resources.
Sad. And not persuasive.
Kevin said...
"The war is on and people are forcing others to choose sides."
Yep. I think I'll choose the side with all the guns.
Ah, the bravery of the restaurant owner! She marched in to her very own restaurant as though it was the Pettus bridge. Unshakable courage.
I've always been puzzled over how the nazis were able to seize power in a civilized society like Germany. But after watching and listening to the radical left and its ideology of white priviledge since Trump's election, I think I'm beginning to understand.
By the way, the gay restaurant staff’s panic over the treatment of transgender military personnel shows a complete lack of understanding of the issues discussed in the post above about Brandon Teena. Time for Team Trans to descend on The Red Hen!
The restaurant owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, is Meryl Streep's cousin.
You need a progressive/fascist tag
John Henry
“We should find out what schools they go to….scare the shit out of them, make their children worry”
We should find out where they practice softball...
I'm reading "Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the lost art of shunning" by Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post,
You would think that when you're a member of an ethnic & religious minority that has a long & sad history of social opprobrium & much worse used against it, you might want to consider the possibility that it won't be long before shunning gets used against you & yours.
Apparently not.
I am waiting for the ACLU and the DoJ Civil Rights Division to chime in about this!
Oh, I'm not "outraged". "Outrage" is for pussy-hatters. I observe, and I judge.
Well, aren't you special. The mushy middle speaks.
Nobody cares about your "Judging".
Big Mike - its isn't just the students - its the W&L facility and administrators. Given 90% of Profs are Liberal/left I wouldn't expect many will boycotting her restaurant.
Second, just because the W&L is further right than most coleges, doesn't mean it doesn't include a lot of crazy leftists. Its just not 100% crazy-left - like Berkeley or Stanford.
What Peter Fonda said about Kirstjen Nielsen? Maybe we could take his sister “Hanoi Jane” to a gathering of Vietnam Veterans and see if he still thinks whipping her naked and poking her with sticks seems appropriate. Just a thought, not that I would do it for real. Unlike Peter Fonda and his enablers on the left, I am civilized.
The town did vote for Hillary so the restaurant owner may feel immune. She will learn about that in the next few months.
Hannity is not that bright but he was very smart/lucky to latch onto Trump early. I remember Michael Medved as a virulent anti-Trump radio guy and Mark Levin was almost as negative. After the election, and especially after the Democrat insanity, they flipped.
Hannity was right to join the Trump team and has done very well.
Shunning means you ignore someone's presence, not that you harass them.
I think I was clear - your small business, your choice. And your consequences. I think I'd be disinclined to go to a business that refused service to Rice or Scott - because I rather like them - I see them as really fine people, not black people.
Why reserve that right for small businesses only? I agree with your point; I just don't think it goes far enough. I am completely fine with people creating exclusive ethnic enclaves.
I hope Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family see the humor in this "outrage" by now.
It really is funny, Sarah Huckabee Sanders of all people, "The Little Red Hen" (with photo), and to top it off (if true) that the owner is Meryl Streep's cousin.
It really is priceless!
@rcocean, point taken. A bit over a decade ago the child of someone I know, someone conservative who (mirable dictu!) raised a conservative child, graduated from W&L. According to him the tenured professors were more than a bit right of center, but younger faculty and young administrators were decidedly further left. Still, I doubt that The Red Hen will be in business come Christmas.
Which will no doubt be put down to Republican h8 and (gasp!) intolerance, not to intolerance on the part of the owner.
An out-of-work part-time dishwasher describes himself as an economic "Distributionist". All you need to know.
Why would you even read Jennifer Rubin? She went from being self-appointed leader of the Mitt Romney Fan Club to being the poster girl for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Her only guiding "principle" these days is that Trump is wrong, even if it means a 180° turn from what she previously said.
"Well, aren't you special. The mushy middle speaks".
Well you know me, "mushy-middle" Angle-Dyne. Always leaving it to action-heroes like you to do the heavy lifting.
"Nobody cares about your "Judging"."
Hardly anybody, no doubt, but it's nice you cared enough to drop by with your sour little poesy.
(Btw, I meant "judge" in the sense of "consider the overall course of events and draw conclusions" not "pursing my lips in disapproval at my laptop". But don't let me interfere with your getting your little Sunday-morning pissy-bitch on.)
I can understand why Sanders left. These are not people I would trust to prepare my meals. I guess the price that notable Republicans will have to pay for their service to the country is never being able to eat out again. I think Sanders can withstand this ordeal. She looks like a pretty good cook, but Ivanka will undoubtedly suffer.........Why does the slippery slope always end in Nazi Germany and never in Jacobin France, Bolshie Russia, or Red Guard China?
...and now- "Deep Thoughts"
"He drew a circle to shut me out,
heretic rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win,
we drew a circle that took him in."
I'm fine with being banned. I just want them to post it in a public newspaper or on-line so
I don't waste my time.
Maybe on the door of the restaurant "No Dogs or Conservatives Allowed".
I will make a prediction- The Red Hen gets burned to the ground at some point. Tit for tat is a real thing.
Ah, Jennifer Rubin....another one of the people who spent the entire Spring and Summer tut-tutting and tsking Republican voters for nominating a guy who literally had no chance of winning the presidential election and would cost the Republican Party the House and Senate in the process. Rather than admit the mistake, she doubles down at every opportunity in an effort to be a broken clock. Just like George Will and Chuckles.
I wonder if Rubin has written anything on the BDS movement?
Yes, but that was BT, Before Trump.
This doubletalk follows complaints from habitually critical leftwing groups that seem to have no problem bullying Israel into giving up the settlements. And it is not clear whether the administration is going to ignore another law it does not like.
Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) who co-authored the provision was irate. “The State Department’s comments cast doubt on its true commitment to achieving a sustainable peace between Israelis and Palestinians through direct negotiations—which has been and remains U.S. policy,”
Does she see no connection between this and her Trump hatred and support for "shunning?"
I guess self awareness is not her strong suit.
Phil 3:14 said - Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are buried in Lexington, VA.
What must the people do? Dig up the bones of Jackson and Lee; crush the bones to dust; mix the dust with portland cement and nuclear waste; and bury the blocks deep beneath Yucca Mountain. Only by these means can we exorcise the demons of racism from Lexington VA.
Until then the entire town of Lexington VA must be shunned. SHUNNED!
I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the old Russian folktale of "The little red hen" I wondered about the restaurant name.
I had trouble finding the restaurant website on Duck Duck Go and Bing. (No Google for me)Searching for red hen restaurant Lexington turned up a number of Red Hen restaurants across the US as well as many articles about this one but no website.
I finally got to it via Trip Advisor. It is if anyone else is interested.
When I search "redhenlex" in Bing, here is what I get as first hit. (Pardon the formatting) - The Red Hen Restaurant
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Causes include medications, chronic illnesses, poor blood flow to the penis, drinking too much alcohol, or being too tired.
After this there is the typical entry with location, hours etc.
The reason I was looking for the website was because I was wondering if the name came from the children's story ( )
Little red hen finds some seeds (Seed privilege? "You didn't build that"?) and asks the dog and other animals to help her plant them. They decline. She plants, they grow and she asks help harvesting, grinding to flour, baking bread. They refuse all requests for help and she does it herself.
When the bread is made, she asks if any of them want to help eat it. Yes, they all say.
"Fuck you" she says and eats it herself. (Cleaned up a bit in the Golden Book as I recall)
I wonder if this is the story that Meryl Streep's cousin had in mind when she chose the name?
Where did she get the seed money to start the restaurant?
On the other hand, ignoring that, she did start and build the restaurant. In light of that, I gather she feels she has the right to say "fuck you" to anyone she wishes and not let them eat there.
As several others have mentioned, and as I have mentioned before, I am fine with that. I just think it should extend to all businesses and for whatever reason.
Someone else doing this, for other reasons, would be labeled a liberal (or libertarian) and slammed. See cake baker, for example. She does it out of fascism.
John Henry
Andrew Breitbart may be dead but his spirit lives on. This is an evergreen classic that never grows old.
"Fuck you. War"
John Henry
Jupiter writes: Yep. I think I'll choose the side with all the guns.
And all the brains.
Humperdink said...
Someone needs to build a Chick-fil-A next door. And a Cracker Barrel on the other side."
This is Lexington, deep in the deplorable part of Virginia, so it is probable that there is already a Chick-fil-A and a Cracker Barrel in town. Lexington is not Madison or Alexandria. As others have noted, she'll get an initial uptick in business, since virtue-signaling Trump haters will drive down from DC to support her. But that won't continue for long. She has indicated to the people who actually live in that community that she hates them. Not a great long term business plan.
Jupiter said:
"Yep. I think I'll choose the side with all the guns."
Child wonder David Hogg is in NYC, trying to extend his 15 minutes. He has armed bodyguards to protect him from all those mobs of gun-totin' deplorables roaming around Tribeca and the Upper East Side.
If food is art and politicization of art is propaganda, no one is going to want to eat propaganda for too long, especially if it's a long drive from town.
The Little Red Hen story is often used to illustrate the wrongs of socialism. She who produces should not be required to share the product with those who willingly do not. That has nothing to do with this situation.
Why did the Red Hen jump the Ass?
Is preparing a generic meal, and offering it with generic service, in exchange for generic compensation, equal or congruent to endorsement?
I was there! I remember the day the two union guys tried to intimidate the Professor during one of the noontime singalong protests and she asked the capitol police to intervene. Good times.
I'm just glad the left has finally come around on allowing businesses to tell anybody and everybody to pound sand if they don't like it.
This is a good thing for cake bakers.
Maybe the left will bring back the lost ancient arts of atima and pharmakos too.
I'll be practicing the art of enjoying their humiliation and suffering when it happens.
The Germans have a word for it.
"Someone needs to build a Chick-fil-A next door."
I bought a meal at Chick-Fil-A for the first time ever Friday. Then I walked across the street and ate it at Starbucks, without spending a cent there. It felt good.
Mockturtle, the story predates socialism by a century or two but you are right.
It celebrates individual initiative an tje right to one's own production.
I was just curious if the restaurant name came from the story.
The website doesn't say one way or t'other
John Henry
I just got finished liste ing to a 40 part podcast on the French Revolution.
By Madison's own Mike Duncan. The 2nd best podcast in the universe.
Other series include the American, English, Haitian, bolivarian, European and other revolutions. All in similar depth
He also has a different series on the history of Rome. 179 episodes between 2007—2012
A fantastic effort.
John Henry
Sanders is also not allowed in Starbucks or Nordstrom’s. She may not be licensed to use Windows 1.0. Windows 95 is ok. Woolworths is ok.
I just got finished liste ing to a 40 part podcast on the French Revolution.
By Madison's own Mike Duncan. The 2nd best podcast in the universe.
I listened to one but it was a woman professor at UW.
John Henry: Yes, knowing how the insanity begins and thrives is a first step in preventing it from happening here. Robespierre or Hitler, they play on the emotions in an era of uncertainty. The 'Woke' video from yesterday portrays how the goalposts of acceptability move almost daily.
These inane and insane nitwits wouldn't be a real threat were it not for the fact that they control the means of communication.
Ms. Rubin's waffling on this issue, not withstanding - folks, this is a WAR.
You can go along and play "nice", or you can get your hands dirty in the trenches.
I'm sure the same hand-wringing arguments against vilifying the Nazis took place in 1930s Germany during the prelude to their rise to power.
Well, I for one will not make the same mistake.
Again, this is a war: you are either for Trump, his minions, his mindless supporters and his enablers in Congress, or you're not - there is no middle-ground.
And if you're against them, you need to FIGHT them: in the voting booth, in the restaurants, in the media articles - everywhere.
The only way to stop them is to stop them. Again: you can't negotiate with a rabid dog. That analogy holds for Trump and his supporters.
Just the first comment I happened to read at the WaPo article.
Holy shit. Hooooollleeeeee shit.
One account said she's half owner. Who are the other half? What do they think of her actions?
Yancey Ward said...
I will make a prediction- The Red Hen gets burned to the ground at some point. Tit for tat is a real thing.
But what kind of fire? My lawyer ex described a term to me that pops up in the insurance/police and fire areas.
a "Good fire"
that is a fire in a place that is going bankrupt, but still has an insurance policy. It allows the owners to extract money from a bad business.
@Pants -- yes, I read far too much of the comments sections on articles about this, as well as SHS's Twitter feed. It's depressing. It was a nice country while it lasted.
“johnhenry100 said...
You need a progressive/fascist tag”
That would be redundant.
that is a fire in a place that is going bankrupt, but still has an insurance policy. It allows the owners to extract money from a bad business.
Maybe the owner is smarter than we think. Most restaurants that burn down to collect insurance have a fire in the kitchen when, strangely, there is no one in the restaurant and no reason for any stove to be lit. Suspicious. But now the owner can firebomb her own restaurant and blame it on Trump. Slick.
Meanwhile, Trump doubles down on illegal immigrants: deport them!
We haven’t seen a person like this in a long, long time. He is fearless.
Bad Lt.
As I was writing the comment, the thought did occur to me that a fire could also be another hoax perpetrated by either the Left generically, or the owner herself.
For a true tit for tat, I would favor what Matthew Broderick's character did to his romantic rival's restaurant in Addicted to Love.
Blogger Darrell said...
The restaurant owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, is Meryl Streep's cousin.
6/24/18, 10:11 AM
At the end of the article:
Asked if she would do it again, the Red Hen owner said, “Absolutely, yes, I would have done the same thing again. We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”
Some are allowed, and some are not.
What strikes me about the hecklers who drove SHS or Stephen Miller out of the restaurants is they are always 'on' in activist-mode. What a horrific way to lead your life, always obsessing about politics 24/7.
Definitely read a novel about the Spanish Civil War... BUT don't let that replace reading Orwell's non-fictional Homage to Catalonia; it's even more relevant.
"It's pure Treason. Gitmo awaits."
Nah, Gitmo is for enemy combatants, especially ones fighting out of uniform.
Traitors? As far as I know, treason still qualifies for the death penalty if the particular case warrants.
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