On "State of the Union" this morning. Watch the whole thing. Both men struggle mightily for the upper hand. The subject is "Fire and Fury," and there's fire and fury galore.
Tootles, I wanna copy and paste your story about the two nubile maidens(C-cup?), each with a hand on your knee, leading to good times. Danged if I can find it again. Gimme a clue, or tell the story again willya?
He told me earlier today that I have a duty to use my seed to prop up and revive from suicide the white race.
Goodness knows he's not going to do it. His "missus" (as if he really were as young as he pretends to be) - would never reproduce with him.
She knows how horrifying it would be. She'd be left alone with the kid, and he'd be walking around his 17 21-room mansions and duplexes stroking the bannisters and running his fingers through the soft, rubbery doorstops.
Putting his dick through keyholes! It would just never stop!
So, no. She can't have his kid. Given his preference for property over people she'd probably find the poor thing plastered all over an embedded stucco wall.
That's FullMoon for you! A hero to everyone who never made enough to just buy the property they actually wanted!
And don't be a bitch, FullMoon. You knew this was coming!
You spent months practically begging to be bitchslapped all up and down the comments threads.
And now, it all finally makes sense and comes out in the open. You're a fucking baby who hasn't experienced shit in life. Wanting so desperately to feel important that you pick fights with anyone with any hope at all of seeing right through your barely post-pubescent bullshit.
So apparently your parents didn't smack you around enough and your eye-rolling girlfriend just isn't providing you with all that much experience in life, either.
Well, that's where I come in. I can't say I spend a lot of time thinking of whiny little childish bitches you need to have their asses stomped into the ground, but in your case, I'll indulge a little.
Consider yourself the sacrificial lamb for an entire generation of whiny little stupid bitches. Tell the rest of them you'll take their licks on their behalf.
You act like you're twelve AND you resent anyone who actually knows anything about life.
Man, are you fucked! I predict one of your remotely managed properties will become a haven for drug gangs and confiscated by Sessions' new DEA. And then we'll hear you let loose a whole new source of whining.
FUCK YOU. You squeal like a fucking little pig. I'm loving it.
You'll never amount to anything. No one will ever take you seriously. You're a fucking moron who doesn't even have the decency or sense to learn from all the people you're too busy feeling inferior to to stop insulting and complaining about for ten minutes.
Keep that Ritalin prescription handy. It's the only thing standing between you and a full-blown meth addiction. Pansy!
Damn, Pedro you sure have perfected your "I am asshole hear me roar" shtick.
No, I've just been pestered and annoyed by a confounding retard for a few months who I now have the pleasure of discovering is like really in life twelve years old!
I'm not sure how much this kid did or did not, deserve or deserve not to get his ass kicked on a regular basis - but by golly I'm going to watch it happen with glee and aplomb.
All this time trying to figure out what this incompetent fucker's problem is and now it's all clear. He's a fucking little kid. Doesn't know shit about the world. His befuddling failure to attain even the slightest trappings of any formal education or training are just the tip of the iceberg.
So he's got way too much time on his hands. Like Sean Parker but without the skills, brains, interests or really anything to do.
Just sits around reveling in his future slumlord tenure. I know that type. Hell, I know 50 year olds of that type! Laziest, most idiotic and entitled cockroaches on the planet.
So he's just a junior version of that. LOL. One who's married to a little girl who still ROLLS HER EYES. I can eat this fucker for breakfast and shit him out the same day right on the rooftop of his fancy lil SF-bay area bungalow.
What an exposed little shit-for-brains fool. This is probably the most education he's had all his life. Which is why he's being so quiet.
He's loving it. He's waited for years for this moment.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, baby cunt-boy. NO ONE cares what you have to say.
Not talking to anyone but you. Middle class, middle child, Mamma Daddy paid your way. Had it easy your entire life. Ended up afraid of the future. No friends. No personality. No fun. But, you have that education to keep you warm and serene.SAD!
When in doubt, delegitimize your decisive loss of the popular vote
How cute! Ritmo’s trying to arm-wave his — and the country’s — way to a new constitution! Just like that!
Of course, the popular vote has nothing at all to do with who is the legitimate winner of the presidency in the United States under our constitutional system. Ritmo’s pretending that it does is simply a bald attempt to overthrow the Constitution — in lieu of what? Lacking “legitimate” passage of a constitutional amendment redefining for the future how the presidential elections work at the federal level, the present contretemps by the American left is a bald effort to unconstitutionally seize the government of the U.S. — a coup — with, if it succeeds, unknown, and almost certainly unpleasant, consequences for the future of our governmental system. The real Constitution of the United States of America will fundamentally have ended at that point.
It’s especially hypocritical because it’s been reported that Hillary and her campaign back in 2016 were quite concerned over the exact opposite possibility: that Trump might lose the electoral vote while winning the popular vote — to the point where the Democrats actually allocated additional money in states they knew were secure (instead of spending it in states like, e.g., Wisconsin!) in order to obtain a larger popular vote in those areas.
One knows with virtual certainty that had Clinton’s fears in that alternate historical universe been realized — and she had outright won the electoral vote while Trump edged her out in the popular — that Ritmo right now would not be avidly defending the absolute “legitimacy” of the popular vote over the method that the Constitution prescribes.
No need to get drunk and confuse people in the thread. He's got nothing to do all day -- that's his excuse. You OTOH strike me as someone slightly less entitled than Little Baby Boy FullMoon. So roll over and let your little bitch-boy get his ass slapped. He's been waiting forever for it. Practically rolled down his pants and mooned his daddy asking for it, I bet.
No wonder he looks up to Trump. LOL! At least Trump's parents let him know how worthless he was by sending him away to boarding school. Moon's parents probably never even did anything that attentive to him. Just let him roam the streets trying to find attention some way, somehow. So dangerous. Who will he find that will make him feel worthwhile AND safe?
No one. Not even today. Married a little girl who rolls her eyes at him.
Good. Maybe she'll end up being used up quicker than Don Trump used up Ivana. Or Marla Maples.
What a romantic guy! I bet he promised her the moon and the stars, too.
NO SHIT, You long-ignored roach turd. No one else here is talking to you. And no one else is getting your attention.
The rest of your plea for help is not only ignorant, but hilariously, obnoxiously ignorant. Although your anti-education theme is there like always. Yes, you're a moron. Yes, your parents ignored you. No, no one here cares. I certainly don't care.
Talk about needing to yip yip yip around me like a little terrier. You really do need to get a life, don't you?
Of course, you'll keep insulting me in the hopes that I'll give you attention. Who can blame you? Your parents never gave you ANY attention - and you acted out against them plenty, I can see.
You are so not worth anyone's time, but I think it's funny how badly you need to hear that. Are your parents still around, even? Did you do something violent to them... maybe get charged as an adult with something while you were a minor?
At what age did they throw you out of the house? You know.. the one you grew up in but aren't welcome in?
I guess owning lots of property will sure show them!
Good night. Full Prune is exposed. Turning everything I say into an exhibition into whatever his stupid little family issues are. Teenagers will do that though, won't they?
Well, he made it this far. It's like using a fake ID at the club, only he can't dance, already married his 15-year old cousin, and thinks he's too cool for clubs. But is looking for adults to punch up to online on a blog. What an astounding case of neglect!
Poor little neglected Full Poon. Whine whine whine whine whine.
You know, you can take your whining into one of the other little rooms in your amazingly empty property, bitch-boy. Try it! See if the acoustics are different there. Amuse yourself! Turn your whine into a sound experiment! Fun. It's not like anyone else will show up to amuse you.
No, seriously, the one about the two non american c-cups with hands all over you. What happened then?
Wouldn't you like to know. Even though you're a child, you're not too old to be a creep.
Go visit a college campus sometime. Despite your cretinous conversational skills, it's possible something might happen to you. Maybe do a drug other than alcohol. Then you'll stop needing to jerk yourself off to others' memories.
No wonder your little chica rolls her eyes so much. You're a fucking perv. A loser. A succubus.
Blah blah blah... He rips off other people's poetry, too. And their stories.
Too full of shit to say a single honest goddamn thing about himself.
Fuck off. Your resentment is legendary. Your dad doesn't care to beat you any more. But then, neither do I.
I beat you and then you bored me. Yawn. Go get on a texting app, or something. Try out Tinder. Maybe they'll be too busy to figure out how phony and unoriginal you are.
Extreme Narcissism, in which people are manipulative, argumentative, approval- seeking, and suffer from fluctuating self-esteem.
Oh whatever.
Extremely Boring, in which people are boring, defensive, don't have anything to say about themselves, resent anyone who does, and just parrot other people's words for negative attention because that's obviously the only kind they ever got and even that wasn't all that available.
So did your parents reject you on account of how boring you are? I can see that happening.
Maybe you were adopted.
Maybe your parents left you and skipped town for Vegas. God you really are more extremely boring and desperate for attention than any 12-year old I met. But at least you're reverting to type at... what, is it now? 19?
You don't sound more mature than a day over 23. Congratulations!
Oh right. Pogo. And where's he now? Does anyone care?
So you search threads from eight years ago or have been reading them that long, and you're still not even 25. Were adult figures in your life really that absent? That's a pretty desperate, quite need to hang with some big kids there, loser.
I'm done being spammed by a crude AI bot. Responses as phony and derivative haven't been seen since Microsoft shut down Tay.
I'll probably call it a night, though I'm sure Tay will spend a good hour or two more lurking around and seeing if he can poke and prod me to help call out more of his developmental challenges.
All those houses and not a psychiatrist in one of them! Amazing!
And even his 12-year old girlfriend can't help him work out his issues.
Oh, to be young and in love and useless and stupid as shit again!
Important things to remember in the age of the billion+ Muslims atomic bomb.
1/7/18, 6:19 PM
Tooth, it would be one of those issues where I would invite you to break out of your rut and engage forthrightly.
Do you truly attach no significance, positive significance, to the unprecedented success by the Trump Administration, in managing the expectations of the Ummah, with regards to the US-Israeli pushback on the Pals and the local anti-Israeli forces like Hezbollah and Hamas?
(With Hamas fighting ISIS yet? It's like an underwater fight scene in a James Bond movie, so much is going on. )
The threat of Iran, and maybe you want to call that deliberate results of 4-D Chess by the Obama Administration, do you, definitely seems to have got the Arabs' mind right over their priorities in life.
At this point the Palestinians could be quietly wiped out, which news would be greeted by one sharply worded but equivocal editorial in the Cairo Post or whatever. Not an editorial, maybe a letter to the editor. If this keeps up they could be quietly shuffled off to other Arab countries who would absorb or kill them themselves.
Maybe the Pals have missed their last opportunity to miss an opportunity. Past their sell-by date. Nobody cares anymore, they were always pawns and now the game is not chess but jenga or parcheesi instead.
Maybe, if not of Reagan, Trump is the second coming of Ahasuerus. Going to lift the yoke of Iran off all of our necks.
Crazy, I guess, but I face the future with a sense of hope.
Well, I'll look into it, BL. But right now I need to shake off a little duckling who lost his mother and is following me around trying to hump my leg. It's really a bit creepy but you never know how many of these weird types will latch onto you in cyberspace. If it were a normal human being I'd call it stalking but it's more like a developmental attachment disorder from a kid who's trying to act really proud about having gotten a great start in life despite not ever having had a childhood, let alone one that allowed him to grow up.
Of course we will (or YOU will), Little Baby FullMoon. You can't help yourself, you creepy little stalker.
Though as I said, it would be much better if you just went and talked to a shrink, instead. You know, it doesn't make any sense to talk about how awesome your home-owning "skills" are if you can't even cobble together the funds to see a decent psychiatrist. I'm sure there are many out there. And there won't be any shame in it. Therapy's all the rage out in the Land of Flakes and Nuts, I hear. Go see one.
But you need to stop following me around and humping my leg. Get your own identity, and stop glomming off of me. Find your own glory in life. I've got too much that I know and am wise to and experienced in for you to reflect your own importance through me, as if you're "besting" me. It won't happen. And why should it? You hate education, you hate intelligent conversation. Go seek out conversations with others if that's your gig.
But leave me alone. Or if this is the kind of communication you relate to, this is ME *rolling my eyes* at you. Go away.
Fuck off, and either grow up or don't grow up. But leave me alone and get a life.
Trump and the Republicans should stop appearing on CNN altogether. The Most Trusted Name in News can invent news on their own dime. And straight men don't mix at that well with the CNN prime time anchors to begin with.
Right. And NASA and the DOD made up climate change and you know this because you never went to school. Yawn.
Actually I know it because all of the source data supports the conclusion that the theory of anthropogenic climate change is wrong and the people are using completely unscientific methods to support it. They have also been caught falsifying data multiple times and the whole thing is supported by a massive rent seeking operation.
But other than that this thread looks like TTR has embraced the desperation and hatred of the left. 2018 is going to be a tough year for you if you remain attached to the globalist .0001% team. You should be happy as all those statist douchebags are indicted, but it seems you would rather support a bunch of billionaires. Oh well.
I thought the interview was a shit show, but I do appreciate Miller's not taking any crap. This is what I love about Trump and his defenders. We are not taking this shit anymore. Anybody with a fair mind has to have seen the media's shameful behavior regarding this trash book and their gleeful attempt to make it all true somehow, even the Gorilla Channel. They will not succeed, and I think the media's hysteria kind of proves they understand that as well. Happy flailing. This president is the honey badger.
Ritmo said, "The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks" That's where you keep your "made in China" blow up girlfriends?
You'd think that a guy who drinks as much as you do there'd be a girl who drinks as much as you do who will go out with you. That you don't have to bribe to go out with you.
" Problem is, when you lose the popular vote, you have an idiot-proof obligation to engage in outreach" ********************
In 1992 Clinton had fewer popular votes than the total received by Bush and Perot. Roughly 3 million fewer, same as Trump.
Was his election therefore illegitimate? Did Clinton engage in outreach? If so, why did the GOP win both the House and Senate in 1994, for the first time since the '50's?
In 1992 Clinton had fewer popular votes than the total received by Bush and Perot. Roughly 3 million fewer, same as Trump.
That's not losing the popular vote, dummy. It's called a plurality. Bush and Perot weren't on the same ticket. And your point's bullshit anyway. Clinton did more right-wing stuff than any Republican since Trump: DOMA, Crime bill, welfare "reform," DADT, NAFTA, Glass-Steagall repeal. You fuckers don't even know what you're for anymore.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 287 of 287You know full well I have two houses in SF bay area as well as a home and duplex in AZ.
Do they both have cages in the basement where you do your 24/7 internet commentary from?
Can't one of them be traded for a private jet? These houses of yours have apparently become your dungeons. You never leave them.
Tootles, I wanna copy and paste your story about the two nubile maidens(C-cup?), each with a hand on your knee, leading to good times.
Danged if I can find it again.
Gimme a clue, or tell the story again willya?
Don't forget it.
I think I will, actually. It's about as boring and unimpressive as everything else you have to say.
Good night, Bob Vila. Remember to search me out online the next time you doze off during sex with the missus counting mortgages or whatever.
I think he likes white women.
Gimme a clue -
Oh, wouldn't you know how badly you need one.
And a life.
In all 27 houses! And duplexes!
Do you own golf courses, too? I heard that's all the rage.
Here's a game for you. Add up the number of properties in which you can't get laid and that no one comes over to visit you in.
Betcha can't stop at one! Or ten, even!
Security Had to Escort Stephen Miller Off the Set After Jake Tapper Interview
Keep going!
The more you snort..
umm.. the more you whoop ass on teh intarwebz!
Go, Go, Go!
I think he likes white women.
I'm not allowed. FullMoon says that's racist!
He told me earlier today that I have a duty to use my seed to prop up and revive from suicide the white race.
Goodness knows he's not going to do it. His "missus" (as if he really were as young as he pretends to be) - would never reproduce with him.
She knows how horrifying it would be. She'd be left alone with the kid, and he'd be walking around his 17 21-room mansions and duplexes stroking the bannisters and running his fingers through the soft, rubbery doorstops.
Putting his dick through keyholes! It would just never stop!
So, no. She can't have his kid. Given his preference for property over people she'd probably find the poor thing plastered all over an embedded stucco wall.
That's FullMoon for you! A hero to everyone who never made enough to just buy the property they actually wanted!
You, Dickhead.
Keep typing and snorting.
I think we can archive this exchange for the ages.
(this is deeply funny)
You know full well I have two houses in SF bay area as well as a home and duplex in AZ.
Oh, so I get it! You're a wanna-be slumlord!
Awesome. What a goal to have in life!
Moonhead just got really quiet.
I think that means he's having sex.
This is where future generations of slumlords are made.
Mine looks down on the valley.
Rolls her eyes.
Life is good.
I know how much watching her roll her eyes turns you on. And this time it's not even at YOU!
Pretty much the only recognition you get. Oh yeah! I know every guy wants to marry a 12-year old chica who rolls her eyes.
You kids! Can't wait till y'all grow up!
More 16-year olds should get married. Were you both cousins, or something?
Off topic:
What the fuck is Pedro's problem?
Nope, it's the global warming c cup guy...
Wow. That sounds really clear and descriptive. And somehow bad....
So given how illiterate you are, did you just sign all these house purchases with an "X", instead of your name?
Did your woman roll her eyes, then? Sounds like a real bitch!
Hey, whatever keeps her off your back, right?
I bet she smacks her gum real loudly, too and sprays her hair with a lot of aerosol before the two of you take trips to the mall.
Jon, leave those two lovebirds alone. It's DATE NIGHT. Which means they're going to the food court at the mall.
She's rolling her eyes, and he's telling her how much he knows about c cups.
It's a real Prince Charmless Princess Lolita love story.
Keep going, I dig it.
Pedro, Do another line, you are starting to get hazy..
Sociopath without the charm
Awww... poor baby!
Pity there's not an emoticon I can upload in Blogger to do a "rolls eyes" gesture.
I heard that kind of thing really turns you on!
The c cups expert par excellence will instead have to draw a rolling eye on each of his missus's tittays!
Good times! Life is good!
For teenagers, it always is. And then you wait five minutes.
Still Hazy.
Do another line.
So... what does Luna Chica know about "chuck the lawyer" then?
I guess he just doesn't compare to her extensive professional... even legal expertise?
Don't tell me... she's a Spanish equivalent to Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde! She's going to Harvard Law!
High hopes for the young hoe owner - I mean, home-owners!
So young. So in love. So few people who actually give a shit about either of their whiny, entitled, undereducated and unknowing young asses!
And don't be a bitch, FullMoon. You knew this was coming!
You spent months practically begging to be bitchslapped all up and down the comments threads.
And now, it all finally makes sense and comes out in the open. You're a fucking baby who hasn't experienced shit in life. Wanting so desperately to feel important that you pick fights with anyone with any hope at all of seeing right through your barely post-pubescent bullshit.
So apparently your parents didn't smack you around enough and your eye-rolling girlfriend just isn't providing you with all that much experience in life, either.
Well, that's where I come in. I can't say I spend a lot of time thinking of whiny little childish bitches you need to have their asses stomped into the ground, but in your case, I'll indulge a little.
Consider yourself the sacrificial lamb for an entire generation of whiny little stupid bitches. Tell the rest of them you'll take their licks on their behalf.
Whiny little fucking bitch.
Was it education that...
that what? That made me a grown-up?
No, but it fucking helped.
You act like you're twelve AND you resent anyone who actually knows anything about life.
Man, are you fucked! I predict one of your remotely managed properties will become a haven for drug gangs and confiscated by Sessions' new DEA. And then we'll hear you let loose a whole new source of whining.
FUCK YOU. You squeal like a fucking little pig. I'm loving it.
You'll never amount to anything. No one will ever take you seriously. You're a fucking moron who doesn't even have the decency or sense to learn from all the people you're too busy feeling inferior to to stop insulting and complaining about for ten minutes.
Keep that Ritalin prescription handy. It's the only thing standing between you and a full-blown meth addiction. Pansy!
On the internet nobody can hear you scream.
--Things Sigourney Weaver probably said
Damn, Pedro you sure have perfected your "I am asshole hear me roar" shtick.
Do another line.
You're getting there!
Passed out.
Or typing slowly.
G'nite jerkoff.
You act like you're twelve AND you resent anyone who actually knows anything about life.
Oh, yeah, YOU know a lot about LIFE.
You had it easy since a baby. No hardship outside of your imagination.
Tell me 'bought rats runnin' cross the floor, friends murdered, prison, walkin' the wild side.
You bad to the bone.
Your tales of roughin' it consist of swappin' Ramen recipes in college.And complaining Daddy's check is late.
Now, your life so hard, all your troubles revolve around climate hysteria.
Damn, Pedro you sure have perfected your "I am asshole hear me roar" shtick.
No, I've just been pestered and annoyed by a confounding retard for a few months who I now have the pleasure of discovering is like really in life twelve years old!
I'm not sure how much this kid did or did not, deserve or deserve not to get his ass kicked on a regular basis - but by golly I'm going to watch it happen with glee and aplomb.
All this time trying to figure out what this incompetent fucker's problem is and now it's all clear. He's a fucking little kid. Doesn't know shit about the world. His befuddling failure to attain even the slightest trappings of any formal education or training are just the tip of the iceberg.
So he's got way too much time on his hands. Like Sean Parker but without the skills, brains, interests or really anything to do.
Just sits around reveling in his future slumlord tenure. I know that type. Hell, I know 50 year olds of that type! Laziest, most idiotic and entitled cockroaches on the planet.
So he's just a junior version of that. LOL. One who's married to a little girl who still ROLLS HER EYES. I can eat this fucker for breakfast and shit him out the same day right on the rooftop of his fancy lil SF-bay area bungalow.
What an exposed little shit-for-brains fool. This is probably the most education he's had all his life. Which is why he's being so quiet.
He's loving it. He's waited for years for this moment.
Oh, squirt, squirt you little pervert.
You bad to the bone.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, baby cunt-boy. NO ONE cares what you have to say.
Everything you know and live is make-believe.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, baby cunt-boy.
Backatcha bitch.
..tap..tap.. is there a delay here?
Do another line.
It'll help your concentration.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, baby cunt-boy. NO ONE cares what you have to say.
Not talking to anyone but you.
Middle class, middle child, Mamma Daddy paid your way.
Had it easy your entire life.
Ended up afraid of the future.
No friends.
No personality.
No fun.
But, you have that education to keep you warm and serene.SAD!
When in doubt, delegitimize your decisive loss of the popular vote
How cute! Ritmo’s trying to arm-wave his — and the country’s — way to a new constitution! Just like that!
Of course, the popular vote has nothing at all to do with who is the legitimate winner of the presidency in the United States under our constitutional system. Ritmo’s pretending that it does is simply a bald attempt to overthrow the Constitution — in lieu of what? Lacking “legitimate” passage of a constitutional amendment redefining for the future how the presidential elections work at the federal level, the present contretemps by the American left is a bald effort to unconstitutionally seize the government of the U.S. — a coup — with, if it succeeds, unknown, and almost certainly unpleasant, consequences for the future of our governmental system. The real Constitution of the United States of America will fundamentally have ended at that point.
It’s especially hypocritical because it’s been reported that Hillary and her campaign back in 2016 were quite concerned over the exact opposite possibility: that Trump might lose the electoral vote while winning the popular vote — to the point where the Democrats actually allocated additional money in states they knew were secure (instead of spending it in states like, e.g., Wisconsin!) in order to obtain a larger popular vote in those areas.
One knows with virtual certainty that had Clinton’s fears in that alternate historical universe been realized — and she had outright won the electoral vote while Trump edged her out in the popular — that Ritmo right now would not be avidly defending the absolute “legitimacy” of the popular vote over the method that the Constitution prescribes.
I was talking to your bitch-ass friend, Jon. Chill out.
No need to get drunk and confuse people in the thread. He's got nothing to do all day -- that's his excuse. You OTOH strike me as someone slightly less entitled than Little Baby Boy FullMoon. So roll over and let your little bitch-boy get his ass slapped. He's been waiting forever for it. Practically rolled down his pants and mooned his daddy asking for it, I bet.
No wonder he looks up to Trump. LOL! At least Trump's parents let him know how worthless he was by sending him away to boarding school. Moon's parents probably never even did anything that attentive to him. Just let him roam the streets trying to find attention some way, somehow. So dangerous. Who will he find that will make him feel worthwhile AND safe?
No one. Not even today. Married a little girl who rolls her eyes at him.
Good. Maybe she'll end up being used up quicker than Don Trump used up Ivana. Or Marla Maples.
What a romantic guy! I bet he promised her the moon and the stars, too.
Or at least rent checks.
What a boring loser!
I think the toothless bitch needs to man-up, do another line, and tell us what it really thinks.
In detail.
Thanks for doing a couple more lines.
Carry on.
Not talking to anyone but you.
NO SHIT, You long-ignored roach turd. No one else here is talking to you. And no one else is getting your attention.
The rest of your plea for help is not only ignorant, but hilariously, obnoxiously ignorant. Although your anti-education theme is there like always. Yes, you're a moron. Yes, your parents ignored you. No, no one here cares. I certainly don't care.
Talk about needing to yip yip yip around me like a little terrier. You really do need to get a life, don't you?
Of course, you'll keep insulting me in the hopes that I'll give you attention. Who can blame you? Your parents never gave you ANY attention - and you acted out against them plenty, I can see.
You are so not worth anyone's time, but I think it's funny how badly you need to hear that. Are your parents still around, even? Did you do something violent to them... maybe get charged as an adult with something while you were a minor?
At what age did they throw you out of the house? You know.. the one you grew up in but aren't welcome in?
I guess owning lots of property will sure show them!
You are one tiny turd. Begone.
This is good, break out all the drugs!
We all wanna know the truth.
Dad,s speech on Rit's 30th birthday.:
Quit acting out your family issues, Baby Boy Full Moom. How fucking old are you, anyway?
Sounds like less than 30.
At what age did you get thrown out of the house?
Pedro's Manifesto!
Type! Type!
We'll put it on Gorilla channel.
Keep typing!
Typity type type type.
Good night. Full Prune is exposed. Turning everything I say into an exhibition into whatever his stupid little family issues are. Teenagers will do that though, won't they?
Well, he made it this far. It's like using a fake ID at the club, only he can't dance, already married his 15-year old cousin, and thinks he's too cool for clubs. But is looking for adults to punch up to online on a blog. What an astounding case of neglect!
Poor little neglected Full Poon. Whine whine whine whine whine.
You know, you can take your whining into one of the other little rooms in your amazingly empty property, bitch-boy. Try it! See if the acoustics are different there. Amuse yourself! Turn your whine into a sound experiment! Fun. It's not like anyone else will show up to amuse you.
Minimum ad-hom, no facts.
No, seriously, the one about the two non american c-cups with hands all over you. What happened then?
Wouldn't you like to know. Even though you're a child, you're not too old to be a creep.
Go visit a college campus sometime. Despite your cretinous conversational skills, it's possible something might happen to you. Maybe do a drug other than alcohol. Then you'll stop needing to jerk yourself off to others' memories.
No wonder your little chica rolls her eyes so much. You're a fucking perv. A loser. A succubus.
Go fuck yourself.
I was born in a cross-fire hurricane...
Blah blah blah... He rips off other people's poetry, too. And their stories.
Too full of shit to say a single honest goddamn thing about himself.
Fuck off. Your resentment is legendary. Your dad doesn't care to beat you any more. But then, neither do I.
I beat you and then you bored me. Yawn. Go get on a texting app, or something. Try out Tinder. Maybe they'll be too busy to figure out how phony and unoriginal you are.
I had a direct and very personal experience with Tapper on Twitter some years ago. This reinforces my negative opinion of him.
Wishing him all the worst for 2018.
Nothing happened, because you made it up.
Right. And NASA and the DOD made up climate change and you know this because you never went to school. Yawn.
You are fixated. Probably because you have had minimal relationships with actual family. Pretty obvious, actually.
And none in a long time.
You know something about this and that, but you have had minimal relationships with women,
Well, none that roll their eyes at me. Or even in general. Ever, I think.
But then, I stopped dating twelve year olds... when I turned 13, was it?
But you, you still heroically find little girls to date and love and marry! So cute!
You must be on the Roy Moore faction of the Trump Team, I take it. Maybe they'll ban you from your favorite hang-out spot, the mall, too!
Extreme Narcissism, in which people are manipulative, argumentative, approval- seeking, and suffer from fluctuating self-esteem.
Oh whatever.
Extremely Boring, in which people are boring, defensive, don't have anything to say about themselves, resent anyone who does, and just parrot other people's words for negative attention because that's obviously the only kind they ever got and even that wasn't all that available.
So did your parents reject you on account of how boring you are? I can see that happening.
Maybe you were adopted.
Maybe your parents left you and skipped town for Vegas. God you really are more extremely boring and desperate for attention than any 12-year old I met. But at least you're reverting to type at... what, is it now? 19?
You don't sound more mature than a day over 23. Congratulations!
Oh right. Pogo. And where's he now? Does anyone care?
So you search threads from eight years ago or have been reading them that long, and you're still not even 25. Were adult figures in your life really that absent? That's a pretty desperate, quite need to hang with some big kids there, loser.
...the thread is already stick-a-fork-in-it d-e-a-d dead.
Of course it isn't. You can keep acting out the issues that you're too cheap to go to therapy for all night long, I take it.
I'm done being spammed by a crude AI bot. Responses as phony and derivative haven't been seen since Microsoft shut down Tay.
I'll probably call it a night, though I'm sure Tay will spend a good hour or two more lurking around and seeing if he can poke and prod me to help call out more of his developmental challenges.
All those houses and not a psychiatrist in one of them! Amazing!
And even his 12-year old girlfriend can't help him work out his issues.
Oh, to be young and in love and useless and stupid as shit again!
Important things to remember in the age of the billion+ Muslims atomic bomb.
1/7/18, 6:19 PM
Tooth, it would be one of those issues where I would invite you to break out of your rut and engage forthrightly.
Do you truly attach no significance, positive significance, to the unprecedented success by the Trump Administration, in managing the expectations of the Ummah, with regards to the US-Israeli pushback on the Pals and the local anti-Israeli forces like Hezbollah and Hamas?
(With Hamas fighting ISIS yet? It's like an underwater fight scene in a James Bond movie, so much is going on. )
The threat of Iran, and maybe you want to call that deliberate results of 4-D Chess by the Obama Administration, do you, definitely seems to have got the Arabs' mind right over their priorities in life.
At this point the Palestinians could be quietly wiped out, which news would be greeted by one sharply worded but equivocal editorial in the Cairo Post or whatever. Not an editorial, maybe a letter to the editor. If this keeps up they could be quietly shuffled off to other Arab countries who would absorb or kill them themselves.
Maybe the Pals have missed their last opportunity to miss an opportunity. Past their sell-by date. Nobody cares anymore, they were always pawns and now the game is not chess but jenga or parcheesi instead.
Maybe, if not of Reagan, Trump is the second coming of Ahasuerus. Going to lift the yoke of Iran off all of our necks.
Crazy, I guess, but I face the future with a sense of hope.
Well, I'll look into it, BL. But right now I need to shake off a little duckling who lost his mother and is following me around trying to hump my leg. It's really a bit creepy but you never know how many of these weird types will latch onto you in cyberspace. If it were a normal human being I'd call it stalking but it's more like a developmental attachment disorder from a kid who's trying to act really proud about having gotten a great start in life despite not ever having had a childhood, let alone one that allowed him to grow up.
We will talk again, I guarantee it.
Of course we will (or YOU will), Little Baby FullMoon. You can't help yourself, you creepy little stalker.
Though as I said, it would be much better if you just went and talked to a shrink, instead. You know, it doesn't make any sense to talk about how awesome your home-owning "skills" are if you can't even cobble together the funds to see a decent psychiatrist. I'm sure there are many out there. And there won't be any shame in it. Therapy's all the rage out in the Land of Flakes and Nuts, I hear. Go see one.
But you need to stop following me around and humping my leg. Get your own identity, and stop glomming off of me. Find your own glory in life. I've got too much that I know and am wise to and experienced in for you to reflect your own importance through me, as if you're "besting" me. It won't happen. And why should it? You hate education, you hate intelligent conversation. Go seek out conversations with others if that's your gig.
But leave me alone. Or if this is the kind of communication you relate to, this is ME *rolling my eyes* at you. Go away.
Fuck off, and either grow up or don't grow up. But leave me alone and get a life.
Trump and the Republicans should stop appearing on CNN altogether. The Most Trusted Name in News can invent news on their own dime. And straight men don't mix at that well with the CNN prime time anchors to begin with.
I just wanted to say I like watching Jake Tapper get crushed on live TV. It must be humiliating for the leftists right now.
Just wait until the second special prosecutor is appointed and FBI/Obama/Clinton people are indicted in mass.
2018 is going to be awesome.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Right. And NASA and the DOD made up climate change and you know this because you never went to school. Yawn.
Actually I know it because all of the source data supports the conclusion that the theory of anthropogenic climate change is wrong and the people are using completely unscientific methods to support it. They have also been caught falsifying data multiple times and the whole thing is supported by a massive rent seeking operation.
But other than that this thread looks like TTR has embraced the desperation and hatred of the left. 2018 is going to be a tough year for you if you remain attached to the globalist .0001% team. You should be happy as all those statist douchebags are indicted, but it seems you would rather support a bunch of billionaires. Oh well.
What a comments page this has been!
Like the ending of Stephen Miller's CNN interview; he had to be escorted off the set after refusing to leave:
Please, please let Stephen Miller deny it, Lewandowski-style, only to be confronted with some still-running CNN audio or video of the situation.
I thought the interview was a shit show, but I do appreciate Miller's not taking any crap. This is what I love about Trump and his defenders. We are not taking this shit anymore. Anybody with a fair mind has to have seen the media's shameful behavior regarding this trash book and their gleeful attempt to make it all true somehow, even the Gorilla Channel. They will not succeed, and I think the media's hysteria kind of proves they understand that as well. Happy flailing. This president is the honey badger.
*Hugs Bagoh for his 3:19* Exactly!
If I were a fopdoodle, which side would I take between a Leftist MSM newsreader and a conservative White House spokesperson?
And now we have our answer.
Ritmo said,
"The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks"
That's where you keep your "made in China" blow up girlfriends?
You'd think that a guy who drinks as much as you do there'd be a girl who drinks as much as you do who will go out with you. That you don't have to bribe to go out with you.
Problem is, when you lose the popular vote, you have an idiot-proof obligation to engage in outreach"
In 1992 Clinton had fewer popular votes than the total received by Bush and Perot. Roughly 3 million fewer, same as Trump.
Was his election therefore illegitimate? Did Clinton engage in outreach? If so, why did the GOP win both the House and Senate in 1994, for the first time since the '50's?
In 1992 Clinton had fewer popular votes than the total received by Bush and Perot. Roughly 3 million fewer, same as Trump.
That's not losing the popular vote, dummy. It's called a plurality. Bush and Perot weren't on the same ticket. And your point's bullshit anyway. Clinton did more right-wing stuff than any Republican since Trump: DOMA, Crime bill, welfare "reform," DADT, NAFTA, Glass-Steagall repeal. You fuckers don't even know what you're for anymore.
I just wanted to say I like watching Jake Tapper get crushed on live TV. It must be humiliating for the leftists right now.
Oh I know. Being told to "settle down" is so crushing.
Your bubble's running out of oxygen.
"Clinton did more right-wing stuff than any Republican since Trump:"
That must be a typo, right? Did you mean to say: Clinton did more right-wing stuff than any president since Truman.
" DOMA, Crime bill, welfare "reform," DADT, NAFTA, Glass-Steagall repeal."
...Iraq/Operation Desert Fox, Bosnia/Balkans...turning a blind eye to genocide in Rwanda...
You forgot. And just generally turning drones loose on the middle east.
Good catch, Rusty.
And I need to correct myself on turning a blind eye to genocide. We all know that's left-wing, not right-wing.
Hitler's thugs only won about a third of the vote, too, but it was enough to win the parliament.
Ritmo, I must also point out that this is factually incorrect.
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