January 7, 2018

Stephen Miller defends Trump — in a hot Trump-like style — until Jake Tapper cuts him off.

On "State of the Union" this morning. Watch the whole thing. Both men struggle mightily for the upper hand. The subject is "Fire and Fury," and there's fire and fury galore.


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Quaestor said...

Tapper thinks he won the day.

He's a fool.

Chuck said...

I am struck by what (has been centrally decided, it seems; Mike Pompeo did some of the same with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday) the Trump Administration representatives will not answer.

There have of course been lots of general denials about the tone and general message of Fire and Fury. There have been far fewer specific denials as to quotes for which it seems that Wolff has recordings.

Stephen Miller must have drawn the short straw, going up against Jake Tapper on CNN. Or maybe Mike Pompeo outranks Miller, and said, "I'll do FNS; you go to CNN and deal with Tapper..."

I get it, that the Trump Administration loves to message when there are no hard questions. They just don't like tough questions. Trump himself doesn't like them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A tabloid book comes out, and the media are treating it like bible.

David Begley said...

With all of the cross-talk, it is unwatchable.

Open Civil War.

le Douanier said...

Fire and furry galore?


More like nerds jabbering.


Levi Starks said...

It turns out that bully’s don’t like being bullied

Big Mike said...

..., and Chuck and the media are treating it like the Bible, even though the author freely admits that he doesn’t think everything in it is true.

FIFY Dickin’

iowan2 said...

This is the second time that I have experinced Miller handing the media their ass back to them. Miller did a great job and exposed Trapper as the light weight he is.

Big Mike said...

@Chuck, you complain when the Trump administration does something different from preceding administrations, and you bitch even louder when they do follow standard practice. How about you stop bitching and go join the Democrats. You’ll raise the average IQ of both parties.

William said...

"Jake,your own producer was recently fired for sexual misconduct. Did you turn a blind eye to his transgressions? Or are your instincts as an investigative reporter sometimes focused in the wrong direction? Doesn't the American public deserve a full airing and explanation about your obvious lack of character in this matter?"

Chuck said...

Finished watching it. Miller deserved to get cut off. CNN gave Miller plenty of time to spew Trump Administration talking points. Tapper handled the interview properly and effectively.

You know, the thing that gets me about this session is that I am a lawyer, and I am used to witnesses who have to answer questions. The questions need to be good, when they are good, the witness has to answer. Answer directly, and not wander off on talking points.

I think back to Trump's interviews in his libel case against Timothy O'Brien (which was thrown out after hundreds of thousands of dollars were wasted in legal fees), and also Trump's deposition in the Trump University fraud case. And Trump is such a nightmare as a witness. If I were defending Trump under an insurance policy, I'd be reporting to the carrier, "This guy is uncontrollable and borderline incompetent as a witness; we cannot rely on him."

JML said...

I'll bet he didn't cut off his next guests 'top democrat..'

JML said...

...guest, a 'top democrat..'

Francisco D said...

What is the controversy? We are talking about the media and their obviously burning desire to drive Trump and Republicans out of office. There is nothing new here.

As Glenn Reynolds says, "Think of them as Democrat operatives with bylines and it all makes sense."

robother said...

Note that Tapper right away gets in the juicy Wolff/Bannon allegation that Don Jr.'s meeting was "treasonous" but instead of asking about that, Tapper only asks Miller whether the parties to that meeting were brought upstairs to meet Trump. Miller doesn't fall for the "stopped beating his wife" ploy, but instead points out that Bannon was not in that meeting and therefore is a completely unreliable witness, with an obvious grudge.

How Chuck thinks that Tapper won that exchange is beyond me. Let's cut to the chase Chuck: do you actually think Don Jr. or Trump have committed treason? What evidence, beyond a general characterization of the meeting by Bannon and Wolff, do you see for that in the Wolff book, in any leaks from Mueller or anyone else?

Chuck said...

Big Mike said...
@Chuck, you complain when the Trump administration does something different from preceding administrations, and you bitch even louder when they do follow standard practice. How about you stop bitching and go join the Democrats. You’ll raise the average IQ of both parties.

To Althouse, Meade and any readers of the Althouse blog who are not regular commenters:

This is the sort of personal attack that has become standard here. Commenting/moderation rules (or "instructions") have been removed, after having been effectively ignored for a very long time.

Pro-Trump bullies, personally and viciously attacking anyone who dares criticize Trump or the Trump Administration.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Miller came off as a Trump sycophant. Sorry to have to keep using that term. Who needs a Bannon when you have Miller to spew the Alt Right agenda so eloquently? LOL.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“How Chuck thinks that Tapper won that exchange is beyond me.”

Tapper won the debate by not frothing at the mouth and not being a complete asshole, unlike Miller.

Seeing Red said...

And Tapper comes off as....


They're equal.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Miller came off as a Trump sycophant. Sorry to have to keep using that term.”

That’s OK. It was fun to learn new words and often tempting to overuse them.

Seeing Red said...

Typical whining, Chuck.

Inga has cried, too. No I'm not going to go fish for that thread.

Help! Defend me!

I've been on LW sites, I've never whined.

Paddy O said...

I don't think the media or a blog should allow anyone who takes a Trump perspective. Clearly anyone who argues on behalf of Trump is by definition insane and/or a bully. People should understand that blogs and the media are solely for the purpose of making outlandish and minimally substantiated arguments that prove, in according to nature and all that is true and right, that Trump is precisely who his political opponents say he is.

Any insults against Trump supporters is just, by definition, a clear thinking, orderly approach to truth declaring, but should any offer counter discussion or seek to make their case the line has been crossed and an authority figure should step in and give out the appropriate demerits.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Help! Defend me!“

Nope, liar. I defend myself. Are you people going to try to turn this into a Chuck and Inga thread again, when this interview has so many possible amusing and entertaining things that could be said for it?

Wince said...

On style, I think Miller could have used fewer words to make even better points.

Basically, adopt Trump's trolling style of Tweeting in colloquy.

Lydia said...

Check out Miller around the 4:00 point where he refers to the "Bush dynasty" and the "Clinton dynasty". His pronunciation of "dynasty" is straight out of Downton Abbey. What's up with that?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Check out Miller around the 4:00 point where he refers to the "Bush dynasty" and the "Clinton dynasty". His pronunciation of "dynasty" is straight out of Downton Abbey. What's up with that?”

LOL! Affectatious buffoonery. Maybe he wants to put a crown on Trumps head and make him King.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Chuck, what politician likes tough questions?

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Francisco D said...

"Are you people going to try to turn this into a Chuck and Inga thread again?"

Why not?

It is humorous to see how intensely delusional the two of you are in believing that the MSM is an arbiter of the truth.

The LLR lawyer and the retired psych nurse. What a pair!


Fabi said...

"Miller deserved to get cut off. CNN gave Miller plenty of time to spew Trump Administration talking points. Tapper handled the interview properly and effectively."

All the cucks agree.

Fabi said...

"Althouse, Meade and any readers of the Althouse blog who are not regular commenters..."

Chuck is a whiny bitch who hasn't seen a pussy in years.

Lydia said...

"Dynasty" Miller a.k.a.Mini-Me.

Kevin said...

The best exchange was clearly this:

Miller: Why don't you give me three minutes to tell the American people the truth?

Tapper: Because its my show and I have no interest in doing that.

Big Mike said...

Meanwhile, I see that over at ABC George Stephanopoulos asked Nikki Haley about Wolff’s book, Haley said she hadn’t read it and had no plans to read it, but all Stephanopoulos wanted to do was talk about the book. Not Iran, not Jerusalem, and not the US cutting its UN funding. Just that stupid book.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Why not?”

Another reason not to would be that it annoys Althouse and rightfully so. But don’t let me stop you.

James K said...

Tapper deserves to have his face mashed in, but much as I'd love to say otherwise, Miller barely landed a glove on him. Instead of taking apart Tapper's points, Miller launched into obviously well-rehearsed talking points, and was obnoxious about it. It's one thing to be obnoxious as you destroy an opponent, it's another to use obnoxiousness as a weapon without little substance behind it.

iowan2 said...

Tapper asked Miller to refute Bannons accusation that The Ruskies were immediatly trotted up to Trumps office. Except for the fact that Bannon was not there and never offered any evidence to back up his claim. But that is what the left uses in place of facts. What has happened is the media reports that DJT took the meeting. When the media gets called on the lie, they fall back on "we just report what someone said" not claiming the meeting is true. Just that someone said the meeting took place is a provable fact.

Jupiter said...

Chuck said...

"To Althouse, Meade and any readers of the Althouse blog who are not regular commenters:"

You left out the Gods on Mount Olympus, Chuck. I'm not sure we like that.

robother said...

Inga: "Tapper won the debate by not frothing at the mouth and not being a complete asshole, unlike Miller."

Alimentary, Watson. For Inga, all debates are decided between the mouth and the asshole, no need to involve the brain at all.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

From today's WSJ headline: "Bannon Regrets for Role in Book Critical of White House". Why? Because he just ended his political and perhaps his "professional" career. Who, in their right mind, is ever again going to place trust of any kind in Steve Bannon?

This from Powerline/Nikki Haley pretty much says it all about the book. Lying for Money and Power.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It is humorous to see how intensely delusional the two of you are in believing that the MSM is an arbiter of the truth.

The LLR lawyer and the retired psych nurse. What a pair! “

Ah the good psychologist ( so he says) abuses psychiatry in the Soviet fashion, to discredit political opposition. Very Communist of you Francisco. Oh BTW, I only worked in a psych facilty for 3 of the 35 years I worked as a nurse. Here is what Michael K said about those who go into the field of psychology/ psychiatry:

“Most physicians I know consider more than 50% of psychiatrists to have problems and that is why they entered that specialty.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Alimentary, Watson. For Inga, all debates are decided between the mouth and the asshole, no need to involve the brain at all.”

Funny! But it was Miller’s ass was spewing all those talking points.

Jupiter said...

Big Mike said...
"... all Stephanopoulos wanted to do was talk about the book. Not Iran, not Jerusalem, and not the US cutting its UN funding. Just that stupid book."

They still don't get it. They still think they just need to find the right words, to make all of us rubes understand what a bad, bad man we elected President, and how much smarter they are than we are, and then we'll get down on our knees and suck their dicks like we used to. When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his base wouldn't care, he was talking about someone like Stephie. And he was right.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Where did Miller learn those talking points anyway, at the proctology department of the RNC?

Just kidding now folks.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...

"Just kidding now folks."

Igna, how exactly is what you do different than what Louis C K did?

SgtPete said...

Does Jake know, does CNN care? “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” ― George Orwell, Animal Farm

tcrosse said...

A suggestion for Inga: for variety's sake look in your thesaurus for another word than "spew" to describe others articulating ideas you don't like.

robother said...

We get it, Inga. You seem obsessed with the notion that everyone who disagrees with you is an asshole. You might consider that that is a function of the fact that your own head is rather far up your own fundament.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, how exactly is what you do different than what Louis C K did?”

“...and then we'll get down on our knees and suck their dicks like we used to.”

Perhaps you should stop doing your Louis CK impersonation first before asking me any questions.

bagoh20 said...

Watch Tapper's obsession there with Trump's tweets. He doesn't care about anything else: none of the real issues, his own network's endless failures, the people of the country Miller brings up, none of it. He has no time for first hand info about Trump that happens to be positive, but imagine if Miller had some negative opinion of him, no matter how unfounded or irrelevant. Tapper, like all his colleagues only wants to repeat Trump's tweets and decipher them as if they are some detailed policy or earth shattering secret code.

Trump completely paralyzes the entire media with the expenditure of a couple minutes on his twitter account. Then they say: "Why doesn't Trump concentrate on more important stuff? I don't know - why don't you?

It's missile deflecting flares that you idiots chase like cats after a catnip-filled fake mouse. Maybe Trump should just wake up every morning and tweet out "Squirrel!"

dreams said...

Well, it was a struggle for Jake Tapper that's for sure.

Ken B said...

I stopped at Tapper's first lie (that I noticed). Trump said Bannon *has* nothing to do with him. Tapper alleged Trump said Bannon *had* nothing to do with his campaign, which is absurd. But tense shifting is the absurdity. I *have* nothing to do with my first wife.

Chuck said...

Big Mike said...
Meanwhile, I see that over at ABC George Stephanopoulos asked Nikki Haley about Wolff’s book, Haley said she hadn’t read it and had no plans to read it, but all Stephanopoulos wanted to do was talk about the book. Not Iran, not Jerusalem, and not the US cutting its UN funding. Just that stupid book.

The first question by Stephanopoulos to Ambassador Haley was about North Korea; talks and policy.
The second question by Stephanopoulos to Ambassador Haley was a nuclear weapons-specific follow-up to the first question.
The third question by Stephanopoulos to Ambassador Haley was a follow-up with regard to Tuesday's talks between the two Koreas.
The fourth question by Stephanopoulos to Ambassador Haley was querying the notion of "war" with North Korea, following comments by retired Admiral Mike Mullen and former VP Joe Biden.
The fifth question by Stephanopoulos to Ambassador Haley was about Trump's "button" Tweet.
The sixth question followed up on that.
The seventh question followed up on that.
The eighth question asked for reaction to Republican Senators John Cornyn and Cory Gardner's comments that there was a reckless quality to Trump's Tweet(ing).
The ninth and tenth questions asked Ambassador Haley about her interactions with other diplomats on the subject of Trump.
The eleventh question asked Ambassador Haley about the book. And the last two questions were follow ups to her answer, and they weren't actually devoted to the book, but rather Haley's answer.


That's how I call bullshit on your comment, Big Mike.

Howard said...

Miller sounds like Princess Beatrice and Eugenie from "The Windsors" spoof of the royals
B&E, Brit Valley Girls

Seeing Red said...

Well, Inga did believe Hillary after Benghazi and agreed with jailing the videotaper.

There are a lot of posts on that.

dreams said...

"The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!"

Jake Tapper and CNN are the clear leaders.


dreams said...

Or clear losers.

Birkel said...

All of the LLRs I know spend an inordinate amount of time defending Clinton apparatchiks who have been given MSM jobs so they can mount attacks on Republicans and defenses of Democrats.

Especially so, the fopdoodles.

Howard said...

Finished the whole thing. Miller creams Tapper. The corporatist media is in full meltdown. They have no idea that they are diluting the news with nothingburgers to the point of making the shit Trump does homeopathic. Theory of relativity: Trump is a genius because everyone else competing with him are imbeciles.

gspencer said...

That was fun. Tapper knew that Miller's point about Trump being criticized 24/7 was on the mark, and his discomfit was good to see.

Craig said...

Blogger Chuck said...

To Althouse, Meade and any readers of the Althouse blog who are not regular commenters:

This is the sort of personal attack that has become standard here. Commenting/moderation rules (or "instructions") have been removed, after having been effectively ignored for a very long time.

Pro-Trump bullies, personally and viciously attacking anyone who dares criticize Trump or the Trump Administration.


Chuck, I've got to assume that Althouse and Meade see this. Speculation: this commentary community is doing a good job kicking up $$$ to the cafes and the rest, so she has lots of incentive to keep things as they are.

cubanbob said...

Howard said...
Finished the whole thing. Miller creams Tapper. The corporatist media is in full meltdown. They have no idea that they are diluting the news with nothingburgers to the point of making the shit Trump does homeopathic. Theory of relativity: Trump is a genius because everyone else competing with him are imbeciles."

Good to see that you are getting it. It isn't so much that Trump is a genius, its that the Left are that stupid and arrogant.

Tapper doesn't even pretend anymore, he comes out full throttle as a DNC house presstitute.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why does this administration's robot even bother to show up? They might as well have sent Peter Weller from Robo-Cop.

Personalizing everything. "Betrayal. Grotesque. Genius."

Address the fucking material, you bald pecker-headed asshole.

Miller is Trump's very own next-gen Roy Cohn.

If the Bannon quotes weren't accurate, then Princess Orange wouldn't be taken them so personally. Princess Orange wouldn't be sending this Miller Dildo onto the morning talk shows.

Princess Orange is not feeling as confident as Princess Orange portrays herself to be.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck and Inga and the rest of the lefties are very excited.

Now that the dems are running away from the fake LLR/lefty hoax dossier they needed something else...and now they think they've got it!

Another "fake but accurate" literary hoax, though not as much fun as LLR Chuck's beloved Dan Rather fake national guard docs for Bush.


This time we've got him FOR SURE!!

Spaceman said...

Tapper isn't used to not being able to narrative - which in this case was to scorn another non-believer in the Gospel of Michael Wolff. He reacted poorly when Miller didn't fall on his knees begging for forgiveness from one of "The Most Trusted Names in News". The unfortunate part is that Tapper is their best and brightest. Take my CNN challenge - turn CNN on right now or any random time, and see if they are hyping the book in some form or fashion. I just did and ya, they are at it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This sang-froid fuckface is still campaigning. Can't address the book, just diverts back to campaign successes.

For fascists, the campaign never ends. They have no choice but to go to war against public sentiment from day #1. Relentlessly and ruthlessly.

Address the book. The campaign ended 14 months ago.

It would be like listening to a 40-year old plumber argue about his shoddy work by telling you about his high school state football team victories. Just utterly

Any other past glories that his minions need to hammer on about to divert from current blunders? How about how Trump was the magic sperm 71 years ago? Surely there must be a lot of glory in that to spin from that chair and keep from addressing the relevant details of what he's done in the past year.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tapper should have just told him, "Calm down, Steve. Need some Ritalin?"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Awesome. (~7:10). Keep that little twerp kid in his place. Good call.

Calm down, Steve.

Drago said...

TTR: "Address the book."

Tell us which "facts" wolff stands behind.

Address the book.

Drago said...

You might want to start with the tale of Tony Blair's piece of this investigative masterpiece and explain why Blair calls it literally "complete fiction".

Address the book.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Every time Miller smiles in response to a question, you know he's been called out and is getting ready to lie.

The Godfather said...

For almost 50 years I practiced law, and that included trials and hearings of various kinds involving the questioning of witnesses. In a trial or hearing the sides are identified: Ms. Jones is counsel for the plaintiff, Mr. Smith is counsel for the defendant. The jury (or whoever the fact-finder is) knows that they are partisans.

On these "news" shows, the questioners pretend that they aren't partisans, that they are neutral truth-seekers -- and maybe on some issues that's true, but not when the issue is Trump and the questioner is on the CNN payroll. Miller's first and most important job was NOT to answer Tapper's questions with the appropriate Trump talking points, but to deny the legitimacy of Tapper and his questions.* That's what he did. Sure, he could have done that job better -- sitting here watching it on my laptop I could have done it better -- but it was good enough, as proved by the fact that Tapper gave up.

* When Mitt Romney allowed Candy Crowley -- supposedly the neutral "moderator" of the debate -- to pass judgment on Romney's (correct) characterization of what Obama had said about the cause of the Benghazi attack, he lost his claim to the Presidency.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolff stands behind all of them.

What's the problem? (Other than your insistence that there must be some alternative reality where Trump really is as sane and stable as he whines that he is and the turnover in his Dysfunctional Cabinet of Horrors doesn't continue to proceed at the massive and unprecedented pace that we'd expect an administration as toxic as his is to do).

Unclebiffy said...

I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.

"Throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart," tweeted Trump. "Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

For some reason the first quote didn't seem to illicit the same response from the media as the second quote. Can anyone here help me out with the reason why it didn't? Chuck and Inga, I am really interested in your responses.

Francisco D said...


You do not even know the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

Ignorance and arrogance do not go well together.

Go back to cleaning bedpans. Maybe Chuckles has the need.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Miller: "(But) I'm trying to get to the issue of your fitness!"

There ya go, kid. You know he is but what is Trump. Very mature, fit, stable, responsible. I'm sure the American people don't see that childish tantrum for what it is at. all.

This clique is about as unstable and full of looneys as Howard Stern's wack pack.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Tap into something magical."

ROFLMAO! Yep, there you go!


Magical thinking. A prerequisite for Trump administration membership.

Miller wants to be Goebbels but is exposed as the teenage whiner that he is. That all fascists are.

Just shut the fuck up and listen, kid. Just because your 71-year old boss is a big baby, doesn't mean that your tantrums can't be exposed.

An administration that needs a whopping dose of grow the fuck up.

Next time he's on just ask him when he's going to grow up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obsequious. Toady. Caring only about one viewer. Cut off the kid's mike.

Well played. Maybe that bitch will shut up next time and actually bother to answer a question as asked for a change.

Drago said...

Mark Berman, Washington Post reporter, debunks Wolff book claim that he was at a meeting at the Four Seasons


Previously liberal Mark Berman now considered a nazi white supremacist by the left.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Both men struggle mightily for the upper hand.

Seriously? That's your take?

Tapper kept the upper hand, as it was his network's to have and to keep. If you don't want to come on and answer the questions asked like a grown up then buy a fucking network of your own and take over the agenda there instead. They already have FOX to offer them as much toadying as any journo in name only can stand to provide. So if they can't be decent and mature and answer a question honestly on CNN but feel a need to ambush the interviewer instead then just admit that they can't stand the pressure of being interviewed.

Fucking babies.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You do not even know the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist.”

And you are neither, you are a poser. A fraud. No psychologist or psychiatrist I ever worked with or for behaved as oddly as you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mark Berman, Washington Post reporter..

Ok, Drago - you've got a point in that the book has a lot of vetting to undergo. It shouldn't just be taken on face value. Ok. Now this Wolff guy says he's got tapes and all sorts of other stuff. I'm fine with waiting for primary source documentation like that to come out before putting more stock in his "work."

But of course as we know even once that happens if it doesn't help the president's case y'all will still be out here defending him anyway. To the very last. I think the reactionaries identify with his sense of desperation and magical thinking. And his arrogance. That's precisely what they like about him. It's all a personality thing nothing to do with the truth. They just want a good storyteller. Well, so do we but I can admit that if the Wolff project is more bullshit than real then it's garbage worth throwing out. But we know that the Trumps can never apply that standard to their leader so who cares.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tapper: "Because it's my show and I don't want to do that."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sure, he could have done that job better -- sitting here watching it on my laptop I could have done it better -- but it was good enough, as proved by the fact that Tapper gave up.

Because Miller was exposed as an arrogant, toxic dildo. A hostile witness, if you will.

But he was told to calm down and calmed down. Hey, at least that's better than a dog with rabies could do. We're so proud of him!

Birkel said...

Well if this author, Wolff, says he's got something then I know I'll believe him without question. I will believe him without hearing the tapes. I will believe him if only certain short excerpts of the tapes are played. I will literally believe anything Wolff says if it hurts President Trump.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But of course as we know even once that happens if it doesn't help the president's case y'all will still be out here defending him anyway. To the very last.”

I recall reading a book about wartime Germany. The part I’m thinking of took place in a bomb shelter during some of the worst bombing and toward the bitter end of the war. While many beleaguered Germans were sick to death of war and angry that Hitler was ever born and saying so openly, there were the few who until the last defended the Fuhrer and threatened to turn in the complainers to the SS. This is how I see loyal until the end Trumpists behaving when the walls of Trump’s presidency come crumbling down.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well if this author, Wolff, says he's got something then I know I'll believe him without question. I will believe him without hearing the tapes. I will believe him if only certain short excerpts of the tapes are played. I will literally believe anything Wolff says if it hurts President Trump.

I believe that Trump doesn't have very many friends.

I believe that Trump doesn't have a lot of long-term business associates who will vouch for his integrity.

I believe that the longer people know Trump, the less they like him.

This all speaks to how trustworthy he is. You got evidence to the contrary on any of it?

New York City knew him best. They know he's a consummate, narcissistic, distorted-reality, desperately approval-seeking blowhard wackjob. Someone whose every personal comment carries no weight and is worth ignoring.

But all you flyover-ers were impressed with how he said what his reality tee-vee producers told him to say, and found that to be all the convincing you needed. So go ahead and take pride in that high standard for personal character that you hold to so zealously. And keep pretending that anyone with a brain should find it convincing at all.

But they won't.

Spaceman said...

Toothless Revolutionary; settle down, calm down. We're starting to worry about your mental fitness. And I think you have wasted enough of our time.

Birkel said...

I believe Donald J. Trump will be president on January 19th, 2021.

Drago said...

TTR: "Ok, Drago - you've got a point in that the book has a lot of vetting to undergo."

No way!

It's all TRUTH, and we must not wait! As Wolff says publicly, we must remove Trump from office via the 25th Amendment.

Thus putting the US lefties on exactly the same playbook page as the Soviet lefties, Maoist/ChiCom lefties, Castro lefties, etc.

The abuse of psychiatry to advance leftism is quite the common tactic globally and has been for some time.

Dershowitz sums it up well:

"It’s very dangerous… That’s what they did in Russia. That’s what they did in China. That’s what they did in apartheid South Africa. How dare liberals, people on the left, try to undo democracy by accusing a president of being mentally ill without any basis. The 25th amendment doesn’t apply. Everybody knew who Donald Trump was when they elected him… he hasn’t changed in office and this idea of diagnosing him instead of opposing him politically poses an enormous danger to our democracy."

But hey, lefties gotta lefty!

Good luck with the upcoming secession as well.

Democrats abusing psychiatry and threatening secession....."Everything old is new again!"

It seems like only yesterday the left was trying to remove Reagan, HW, W the same way.

Good times, good times.

Birkel said...

I did not like Barack Obama's policies.
I like President Trump's policies.

The people talking about personalities are silly.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I recall reading a book about wartime Germany. The part I’m thinking of took place in a bomb shelter during some of the worst bombing and toward the bitter end of the war. While many beleaguered Germans were sick to death of war and angry that Hitler was ever born and saying so openly, there were the few who until the last defended the Fuhrer and threatened to turn in the complainers to the SS. This is how I see loyal until the end Trumpists behaving when the walls of Trump’s presidency come crumbling down.

That's why the Trumputards hate being reminded of their decisive loss of the popular vote. Hitler's thugs only won about a third of the vote, too, but it was enough to win the parliament. And that's about the percentage of Americans still defending/supporting Queen Trump the Orange Supremacist. But like the Nazis, the Trumputards don't care. As long as they maintain power, that's all that matters to them. Oh, they will try like hell to propagandize and lie and browbeat their way into the media to inflate their support, just like their predecessors and every fascist regime - but the country will continue losing him and resenting him and his goons for it.

But like I said, they don't care. They are drunk off of power and don't give a damn about popular legitimacy. They are Republicans, after all. They seek to disenfranchise voters as a major part of their political goals for a reason.

Drago said...

Birkel: "I believe Donald J. Trump will be president on January 19th, 2021."

Not if the armed Bernie Bro's have anything to say about it!

Drago said...

When in doubt, go full Godwin.

Why wait?

The Godfather said...

For anyone interested, here's the transcript of the part of Nikkie Haley's appearance this morning on the George S's show dealing with the trash-Trump book:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Of course, you know, a lot of these questions of tweets reinforced by this book that came out this week, the Michael Wolff book. When you've -- in your dealings with the president, he says 100 percent of the people around the president are concerned about his fitness. Have you seen any behavior that concerns you?

HALEY: You know, the one thing about this book, having been a governor and now an ambassador, I'm always amazed at the lengths people will go to to lie for money and for power. It's really -- this is like taking it to a whole new low.

I will tell you, I have not read the book, I won't read it, but the excerpts that I have seen and the things that I have seen in the press, I know those people in the White House. I'm there once a week. These people love their country and respect our president. I have never seen or heard the type of toxic language that they're talking about.

Now, I'm not there seven days a week, but I'm there once a week, and I'm there for a day with White House meetings and everything, no one questions the stability of the president.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Except that Michael Wolff says he had 200 interviews. He says he has interviews on tape. We know he spent a lot of time in the White House over the course of the first several months, and a lot of the most damning anecdotes have not been denied by those involved.

HALEY: You know, I can't vouch for anything like that. I don't know if it was 200 interviews with Steve Bannon, or if it was 200 interviews with himself, but I can tell you, I know these people. I work with these people. I work with the president and speak with him multiple times a week, this is a man, he didn't become the president by accident. And as much as everyone wants to talk about stability, was he unstable when he passed the tax reform? Was he unstable when we finally hit back at Syria and said no more chemical weapons? Was he unstable when we finally put North Korea on notice? Was he unstable when he said, wait, we need to look at Iran because this is getting to be a dangerous situation? Was he unstable with the jobs or the economy or the stock market?

We need to be realistic at the fact that every person, regardless of race, religion, or party, who loves the country, should support this president. It's that important.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, you're not concerned that those close to the president don't have his interests at heart?

HALEY: I'm around them all the time. I see these people put everything they have got into their jobs and into respecting and trusting the president. If they didn't, they wouldn't be there.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Ambassador Haley, thanks for your time this morning.

HALEY: Thank you very much.

WHO DO YOU BELIEVE? I know who I believe.

Francisco D said...

Inga sweetheart,

I have been a psychologist (business and clinical) for 30 years. You have been a nothing for longer.

The truth hurts.

BTW, My Ph.D. is from the U. of Illinois. I am a real (not Psy.D.) psychologist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh that's right. Dershowitz. O.J.'s old lawyer.

He knows all the lawyerly games to play. Not the go-to guy on the sensible decisions that all the ordinary people in a democracy still need to rely on anyway, however.

But I'm sure that if Trump needs a lawyer in an impeachment proceeding he'll have a good recruit in the always-up-for-a-good-challenge lawyer, Dershowitz.

We've heard from the psychiatrists. If Trump isn't a reality-distorting malignant narcissist then no one is. No one in the public eye is that desperate for approval and reputation bolstering without having a psychiatric motivation for it. No one. Regular people understand this. Normal people understand this.

Basically everyone understands this. Except for the minority rabble-rousers now running the leaderless and aimless Republican donor-dollars-to-policy hack machine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When in doubt, go full Godwin.

When in doubt, delegitimize your decisive loss of the popular vote.

Every time.

Democracy either matters or it doesn't. Hillary lost for a reason. Trump lost the public (and more of them daily) for a reason.

Either both things are true or neither are true. Trust me, double-standards won't work for Trump. He's just as empty as the woman he wants to divert attention to. Squirrel!

Seeing Red said...

Nope, liar. I defend myself. Are you people going to try to turn this into a Chuck and Inga thread again, when this interview has so many possible amusing and entertaining things that could be said for it?

There’s a thread buried where you whined about being bullied. Don’t ask me the year or the topic, but I do remember that well.

It might have been around the time of Benghazi when you believed Hillary’s excuse why they rioted.

Drago said...

This just in: Israel to name Jerusalem train station near Western Wall after US Lefty-identified Nazi!

Oh why oh why can't those silly Israeli's recognize the Nazi's in leadership in the US?

Trump is clearly one, as his jewish daughter and son-in-law. As is Trump's jewish aide who does interviews on TV!

Those stupid, stupid Israeli's!

And why didn't those dummy Israeli's listen more closely to the one person (though, quite clearly "sort of a God"), obambi, that really really pinkie-swear had Isreal's "true" interest at heart?

Perhaps we should fly Inga over to brief the Knesset on what is really going on in the US...


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I have been a psychologist (business and clinical) for 30 years.”

Then act like one instead of acting like one of your sickest patients. Your behavior is aggressive and very very odd.

eddie willers said...

As with all the other "THIS time we've got him!" moments, I go to my normal haunts and see if anybody has been swayed.

Nope...not a single one. Same supporters and same detractors.

This just drives them (Ingaish people) nuts.

Time to go back on the lawn and scream at the sky.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unclebiffy said...

I'm curious how anyone can take this interview seriously? Jake Tapper's first question is to demand a response from the interviewee regarding Steve Banon's statement that the meeting between Trump's son, Jared Kushner, et al... was treasonous and that there was no way those "Jamokes" didn't take her to Trumps office.

This is Tapper's business and he is the premier news correspondent at CNN. He is at the very top of his field. He has to know that Steve Banon was not at the meeting. Isn't it Tapper's business/job, being at the top of his industry, to know that the book does not claim that Banon has some inside information regarding this meeting. If so, it would have been included in the book, right? I mean it's obvious to me that Banon is simply spouting off about a meeting he did not attend and does not claim to have any information beyond what has been reported. Why would someone who is supposed to be one of the best at what he does expect a serious answer to this question?

Chuck and Inga, I am especially interested in your response.

Drago said...

TTR: "When in doubt, delegitimize your decisive loss of the popular vote.

Every time."

This just in, Atlanta Falcons fans continue their protests against the New England Patriots delegitimization of the Atlanta Falcons decisive win in the "Yard per rush" category in Super Bowl 50.

Atlanta fans have been quoted as saying: Yeah, this is typical of what those Patriots ALWAYS do. The Patriots just sit there and repeat over and over again the final score without recognizing the many ways in which that victory is not really all that it is cracked up to be.

When questioned, Patriots fans responded thusly: "34 to 28".

Those friggin' Nazi's!!

Michael said...


The wonderful thing about the Trump presidency is that he lost the popular vote. One more reason to love our country and another reason to laugh at the moronic progs who think having a popular vote is the way to go. Tough world we live in and a wonderful world for those with eyes to see.

I don't think our prog friends, as thinly educated as they are, would like to see popular votes controlling the nations direction. Have a plebiscite on abortion. Have a plebiscite on tranny bathrooms. Have a plebiscite on voter registration . Have a plebiscite on gay marriage. Go on. Please.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This just in: Israel to name Jerusalem train station near Western Wall after US Lefty-identified Nazi!

Who gives a shit? Israel has just as many legitimacy problems as Trump.

Two things that came out of WWII: Israel and the UN. While the UN is far from a perfect institution, at some point going to war against world sentiment becomes a bit of a losing proposition.

But the Israelis think they can do it. And Trump thinks he can do it.

So who's Godwining the thread now? Isn't it obvious in 1939 who thought they could go to war against the entire world?

How did that turn out?

People need to learn to get along at some point. No matter how many apocalypse-inviting Evangelicals think you're doing their bidding.

Drago said...

Earlier TTR (5:30 PM): "When in doubt, delegitimize your decisive loss of the popular vote"

Later TTR (5:38 PM): "Who gives a shit? Israel has just as many legitimacy problems as Trump"


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Have a plebiscite on gay marriage. Go on. Please.

Go on taking pride in your minority (and shrinking) opinion. It seems that Republicans are really banking on this loss of the country thing.

That's fine. For what it's worth, the "system's" fine, also.

Problem is, when you lose the popular vote, you have an idiot-proof obligation to engage in outreach. Sure, you don't have to. If Trump is fine with declining support to below the 30s, that's fine.

I encourage Trump to become as unpopular as he can, support as many unpopular ideas as he can, and to double-down on every other presidential blunder he commits.

Hell, maybe his presidency will be bailed out by a bankruptcy court! Isn't life in America grand?

Fat chance, though. Apparently there are laws to mob rule that outweigh even the mobsters running Trump's administration.

Trump will get his lesson with reality. Sooner than he knows. So will the rest of you elitist shits.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

TTR: "Problem is, when you lose the popular vote, you have an idiot-proof obligation to engage in outreach. "


W let Teddy Kennedy write the education bill.

And the lefties called W "literally Hitler".

Wow. I can see you really miss the "old" republicans who would listen to this crap and bend over backwards to try and placate you.


McCain and Romney both lost. They would have given you quite a bit of what you demand.

And the left called them "literally Hitler" too.

Michael said...

If you were already crazy and then your candidate lost to the dumbest motherfucker ever born (after GWB, RR, GHWB of course) you would go crazier still. And then if your bi-racial ex president presided over a shit recovery for eight years and was followed by the dumbest motherfucker ever born who sent the stock market to record levels, told the Paris Accord to accord elsewhere, appointed numerous conservative judges, passed a tax bill and reduced illegal immigration upwards of 75f%l all within his first 11 months in office while being vilified from every quarter you might go over the bend raving about myriad delusions.

God, what fun this is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


What is there to discuss? They both got legitimacy and popularity problems.

But your support of Trump's Israel policies is to appease the pro-apocalypse crowd, right? What harm can come of that?

You really think that America and Israel can take on the world together? That's your policy aim?

A couple thousand years ago Israel had a powerful benefactor, as well. I think they were called the Romans.

Things were great. Rome was a great power, of course. Helped them out with those pesky Greeks.

Then Rome fell to its own excesses. Had to cut its ties. No longer had time to tell those Judeans that they got to be more special than the rest of the empire, and to play by different rules.

I think that's about the time they got expelled.

I hear the Muslims number a few billion, and are getting more and more nuclear technology all the time.

But I'm sure they won't see that as any deterrent to just doing whatever we Americans and the Israelis tell them to do. Why should they! We are just as magical a power as Israel!

Magic! Magical thinking! Let's run the world on it!

Michael said...

Ah, but there won't be a plebiscite on gay marriage or any of the other things I noted because that is not how our fucking system works you idiot. And you should be glad of it.

Drago said...

2017 lefty: All of Trumps voters are backward trailer park cousin-f******.

2018 lefty: "Trump will get his lesson with reality. Sooner than he knows. So will the rest of you elitist shits"

We have been promoted to elitists!


Can't wait to see what we are by 2019!

Maybe I can be an elite lefty Hollywood producer who gets to assault women and then hire big-gun NYC democrat law firms who will hire ex-Mossad agents to threaten and intimidate my victims!

Good times ahead. Good times.

Drago said...

TTR: "But your support of Trump's Israel policies is to appease the pro-apocalypse crowd, right?"


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

(Full Moon)Healthy Narcissism

Not really. You're just a luckless little follower who needs people to agree with and cares more for their approval than for the facts.

I don't need the approval of anyone here and don't fear a decent argument. Those things are needed for a healthy society.

If you seek approval online, I suggest you seek a shrink and let him explore why you have so few friends in real life and need to compensate for your lack of achievement by boasting about the location of your home purchase. I don't know anyone who changed the world for the better by rent-seeking.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You really think that America and Israel can take on the world together?”

They can depend on the support of Micronesia, Nauru, Togo and Tonga, Palau, the Marshall Islands, Guatemala and Honduras.

Drago said...

"But your support of Trump's Israel policies is to appease the pro-apocalypse crowd, right?"


Though I did like the first movie I must admit that I am NOT ready for a sequel. Quite frankly I don't think there is enough content for Coppola to reach the Second Act.

But that's just me. I'm not a professional Screenwriter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

TTR: "But your support of Trump's Israel policies is to appease the pro-apocalypse crowd, right?"


Give me a break. If American support for Israel wasn't pushed through by the Evangelicals thinking they speak for all of Christian/"Judeo-Christian!" America, you'd go all Pat Buchanan on the little country, also.

Admit it.

Drago said...

I see that after taking Kim Jong Un's side, Inga is, as most lefties are, back on the Hezbollah/Hamas bandwagon!

No wonder she isn't bothered in the least by the obama-ites quashing the investigation into Hezbollah/Mexican Cartel drug smuggling rings.

Color me unsurprised.

Drago said...

TTR: "Admit it."

What is your obsessive need to have someone who supports a particular policy to support it for a very very specific reason exclusive of all others.

Policies can be debated fully under many terms without engaging in psychoanalysis.....oh, wait. I get it.

The left is all on board the "abuse psychiatry" kick...again!

Gee, I did not see that coming!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, that's sophisticated, Drago. Netanyahu's about nothing more than opposing Hezbollah/Hamas - who obviously reflect the sentiment of all those 150 nations opposing the Trump Jerusalem initiative.

I don't think they're right, either. I just think Trump's a moron who overestimates how easily he can change reality. And so is Netanyahu if he's that willing to buy into the garbage that Trump sells.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I see that after taking Kim Jong Un's side, Inga is, as most lefties are, back on the Hezbollah/Hamas bandwagon!”

Do you see dead people too like that poor little guy in the Sixth Sense? Maybe you’re hearing and seeing all these things you accuse others of because you’re very special.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Nah, Drago, you’re very sane, but a liar.

Unclebiffy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Inga: "Nah, Drago, you’re very sane, but a liar."

Keep peddlin' that dossier babushka!

Unclebiffy said...

Shocker, Banon is backtracking regarding the meeting with the Russian lawyer:

Battered by the backlash from Michael Wolff's book, Steve Bannon is trying to make amends with the Trump family, providing a statement to Axios that expresses "regret" to President Trump and praises his son, Donald Trump Jr.

"Donald Trump, Jr. is both a patriot and a good man. He has been relentless in his advocacy for his father and the agenda that has helped turn our country around."
My comments were aimed at Paul Manafort, a seasoned campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how the Russians operate. He should have known they are duplicitous, cunning and not our friends. To reiterate, those comments were not aimed at Don Jr."
"Everything I have to say about the ridiculous nature of the Russian 'collusion' investigation I said on my 60 Minutes interview. There was no collusion and the investigation is a witch hunt."


Gee, what do you think the odds are that Tapper makes a public statement that his questioning/inferences during this interview might have been misguided? Do you think that on-air he will say that his questions might have been misguided and that the interviewee might have had a valid reason to insist that Tapper's questions appear to be unfounded?

Inga and Chuck, I am most interested in your opinions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What is your obsessive need to have someone who supports a particular policy to support it for a very very specific reason exclusive of all others.

I'll try not to be obsessive.

But I think this is an interesting issue.

What was American sentiment regarding Israel prior to 1967? And why do you suppose your own opinion would have been the same then as it is now?

American sentiment on Israel changed because of that war, and the Evangelicals were a big part of the bandwagon. After all, people like to see powerful changes! (And to ride the "strong horse.")

Israel might be a Western country that isn't much interested in appeasing terrorists. But I can guarantee you that would change the minute it loses its first war. Just like the way the rest of the West looked down on them before they had a state.

Westerners will identify with Israel to the extent that they're both against being Islamicized. And powerful enough to resist Islamicization.

But Israel isn't invincible. It's just too bad her American supporters need her to be however in order for them to feel like they stand a chance at defeating Muslim interests entirely through military-political means.

Drago said...

Inga is trying to pretend the little ladies of the p****-hat wearing persuasion were not all aghast and heading for the fainting couches when Trump dared to stand up to Kim Jong Un!

In PRECISELY the same way the lefties were all aghast and heading for the fainting couches when Reagan stood up to their beloved Soviets (co-abusers of psychiatry with the left)!

It's adorable.

BTW, what are the odds all those rough and tumble 'straight-down-the-middle' MSM "journalists" did NOT know Hillary had paid for that hoax dossier?


I'm guessing right around 0%.

Francisco D said...

"Your behavior is aggressive and very very odd."

Projection seems to be the primary tool of idiot leftists. That was redundant - pairing idiot and leftist.

Clyde said...

That was an amusing clip. I'm sure that most of the CNN-watching Trump-haters felt that Tapper got the better of the exchange. I'm sure that most non-CNN-watchers who don't hate Trump and saw the clip thought differently. It was a perfect example of two people with two different agendas talking past each other trying to push their own narrative, and how the viewer feels about the clip will come down to which of those two narratives they believe.

Drago said...

TTR: "American sentiment on Israel changed because of that war, and the Evangelicals were a big part of the bandwagon."

I don't care.

I support Israel because Israel, in this world, is "us". And where ever I find an "us" I want to support them.

In particular, I oppose the efforts of Inga's and the lefts beloved islamist terrorists to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and drive every jewish man, woman and child into the sea.

If the evangelicals want to support Israel, then I accept.
If any liberals want to support Israel at the same time for their own reasons, I accept.
If there is a group of moonshiners in West Virginia who want to support Israel because a snake-handler said it was cool, I accept.

But then, that's just how I roll dog.

Inga and the rest of her Israel-hating BDS lunatics can stick their pro-wipe-Israel-off-the-map actions right up their p****-hats.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga is trying to pretend the little ladies of the p****-hat wearing persuasion were not all aghast and heading for the fainting couches when Trump dared to stand up to Kim Jong Un!”

You mean provoking Kim Jung-un by name calling and saying his button is bigger? That’s standing up to him? LOL!

“In PRECISELY the same way the lefties were all aghast and heading for the fainting couches when Reagan stood up to their beloved Soviets (co-abusers of psychiatry with the left)!”

Trump is no Reagan and the Soviets were not nuts despite what their psychiatrists said. The Soviets were not about to start WW 3 over what Reagan said.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That was redundant - pairing idiot and leftist.

Franciso D. A mental health professional who thinks that half of the country is idiotic.

I'm sure he'd have some interesting explanations for the Milgram experiment.

I suspect he takes more kindly to arbitrary authority than I would.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga and the rest of her Israel-hating BDS lunatics can stick their pro-wipe-Israel-off-the-map actions right up their p****-hats.”

So now I hate Israel? Really, who told you that, dead people?

mccullough said...

This looks like a win-win for CNN and the Trump administration. The media are less liked and trusted than Trump and he changed and keeps changing the rules of engagement with them. The mutual disrespect has an important component of honesty to it, so in a sense both the White House and the media are more honest than ever.

Drago said...

Inga: "You mean provoking Kim Jung-un by name calling and saying his button is bigger? That’s standing up to him? LOL"

Inga and the left are heartbroken that we didn't capitulate to the little dictators wants and desires.

Inga and her pals are very upset that we are cutting off other terrorist funding.

Not to worry Inga. I'm sure some islamist supremacist will take time out of their busy schedule of lopping off heads, forced sexual enslavement and killing little jewish kids on the beaches of Israel to potentially whack one or two republicans like your Bernie Bro tried.

Even though I'm quite polite I'm afraid I can't wish you the best of luck in that.

Do carry on though. I understand there might very well be ANOTHER fake russian dossier in the works! But I'm afraid the FBI won't help the dems fund this one.

You'll have to coordinate with Putin's henchmen all on your own this time.

I'm sure you are up to it!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't care.

I support Israel because Israel, in this world, is "us". And where ever I find an "us" I want to support them.

Doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like you support them doing whatever they want, as if they live in a consequence-free reality or zone.

I don't think they have that luxury. I don't think anyone does.

I think the BDS-tools are nutcases who could use some opprobrium. They're even more detached from reality.

I just don't want to see you disappointed the day that Israel overestimates its hard or soft power and gets blown up.

I think their margin for survival is small. That's reality. So it makes me nervous when people much more powerful and safe than it gain a sense of pride in identifying what it puts up with.

Unless of course you wanted to serve in its military. They get conscripted to do so. So for them, identity actually involves solidarity and rationality. Not just the pride of identification.

Important things to remember in the age of the billion+ Muslims atomic bomb.

Clyde said...

Jupiter said...
Inga said...

"Just kidding now folks."

Igna, how exactly is what you do different than what Louis C K did?

She probably isn't masturbating while doing it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga and the left are heartbroken that we didn't capitulate to the little dictators wants and desires.

Inga and her pals are very upset that we are cutting off other terrorist funding.

Not to worry Inga. I'm sure some islamist supremacist will take time out of their busy schedule of lopping off heads, forced sexual enslavement and killing little jewish kids on the beaches of Israel to potentially whack one or two republicans like your Bernie Bro tried.”

Those damn dead people never stop talking to you do they Drago, huh?

Drago said...

Inga: "Those damn dead people never stop talking to you do they Drago, huh?"

As long as they keep voting for democrats in perpetuity, I think they deserve a voice on other matters.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

TTR: "Doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like you support them doing whatever they want...."


Nicely played.

I don't fit into your preconceived "bucket/category" so it's time to shift the conversation!

Not that I blame you. Once your premise evaporates and there's no "fall back" position, perhaps it's best.

Gott run now. I'm cooking up a batch of Linguine pomodoro for everyone at my combined KKK/Nazi/Rural/Uneducated/TrailerParK/"But Still Astonishingly Elitist" gathering...which should include some "cousins", if you know what I mean...

See there? I felt bad for you on the Israel thing so I gave you what you wanted in ALL the other category areas!

You're welcome...and don't say I never gave you anything.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“As long as they keep voting for democrats in perpetuity, I think they deserve a voice on other matters.”

Well since they don’t vote they should just shut up and stop bothering you so much. And no Trump didn’t lose the popular vote because of the dead people or the illegal vote.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Always Full of Himself Full Moon said...

It really bothers me that others can comment here and that I have just as little control over them here as I do in in life, generally. I try really hard to impress people in my bay area life by talking about being a homeowner with no education and nothing interesting to say, and for some reason it just doesn't go over as well as I imagine it should. And then there's my boring home life. My sex life also sucks and my wife, plain as she is, hates me just the same. I really wish more people would take me seriously and do as I say but for some reason, they just don't. Maybe there's a way I can embarrass others to make up for the abject embarrassment that I am. If only I could figure out how...

MD Greene said...

The Godfather said: On these "news" shows, the questioners pretend that they aren't partisans, that they are neutral truth-seekers -- and maybe on some issues that's true, but not when the issue is Trump and the questioner is on the CNN payroll.

This happened last weekend, when on CNN's "State of the Union," host Dana Bash declared herself a neutral news professional and said "Amen amen" to remarks by Carl Bernstein, who's had the biggest revival of his career since he became an astute inside commentator (aka, lazy hack) about politics in "the age of Trump" on CNN.

Then Bernstein's old WaPo partner, Bob Woodward, who's been doing actual reporting for the last 45 years, chimed in.

"The tone is a big issue here," added Woodward. "In lots of reporting, particularly on television commentary, there’s a kind of self-righteousness and smugness and people kind of ridiculing the president. When we reported on Nixon, it was obviously a very different era but we did not adopt a tone of ridicule. The tone was, what are the facts?"

After that, Bash immediately changed the subject.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Someone seems to be suffering from variable editing practices.

The first 6:28 comment is written in verse, as if it were a haiku.

I'm not sure who wrote that, but the author ("Full Moon") seems to be suffering from the same authorship problems he has on his other comments.

It's like nothing he posts wasn't ever copied and pasted first. I don't think he's capable of original thought.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Francisco D said...

My guess (not a professional diagnosis) is that Ritmo and Inga have not taken their medication for bipolar disorder and are in their enjoyable manic phases.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Call the ER when you become suicidal and/or your delusions are shattered.

Chuck is simply a lying asshole.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Here is Francisco D the Soviet style “psychologist” working with his patients.

Jon Ericson said...

Yo, Bitch!

Jon Ericson said...

Yo, Pedro, you puta.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Poor little

FullMoon, lurking around

the internet, trying to find

old memories from other

commenters to jerk off to.

And why not? He's been jerking

off all over these threads ever

since he started commenting

on them.

If only he had gone to

college, instead of catcalling around

on construction sites when he was 18,

he might have gotten

laid, too - instead of having to marry

the first little lady he ever

had sex with - and have her

turn him into

a pretend

radical feminist, to boot.

Now he's such a

good little boy that

he doesn't even look

at her breasts. In fact,

he doesn't even know if

she has any. Maybe

she's just one of those trannies

that he dreams about

to put him in

to his place as

the boring little

toad that

he is.



I guess that's

what having nothing

original in life

to say will

lead to.



FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Come on, little doggy! Respond!

Bark! Bark!

Do it!

You know



help it!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon lives to

gain attention. He is

so unaccustomed to it

that he keeps copies of

other commenters' posts

handy to paste up on the

thread when he can't figure

out what to say. If only he

were original and not a

cowardly tool he could

think of an intelligent

response and be taken

seriously. But he's not!


Jon Ericson said...

Xse's a space cowboy,
bet you weren't ready for that.

Jon Ericson said...

Please Pedro, Paragraph breaks,
Such an artiste.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Francisco D said...

Need I say any more?

Man in PA said...

Chuck said...

The first question by Stephanopoulos to Ambassador Haley was about North Korea; talks and policy.
...That's how I call bullshit on your comment, Big Mike.

That "first question" was after eleven sentences of other #FakeNews.
I call bullshit on your bullshit call.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Need I say any more?”

You’ve said enough, in fact you’ve said more than a real psychologist would say, you fraud.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Inga, you're a woman. What do you make of FullMoron's difficulty with appreciating nice breasts? Was he bottle-fed? Slapped too many times for going about it the wrong way? A closet homosexual (although, TBF, even most gay men I know are not repulsed by women's breasts and seem to like them). Does he suffer from gynecomastia? Is his missus overprotective of hers, or deprive him of getting too close to them? Maybe his mom walked around the house when he was a kid (as if he ever wasn't) with them flopping around outside of her blouse.

Clearly this guy is having some difficulty here and could benefit from helping to figure out what exactly his problem is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What do you make of .....”


I couldn’t begin to guess. Maybe the house “psychologist” could have a go at it.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

Pedro, Ingamar,
True love.
So sweet.
Dream on.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe the house “psychologist” could have a go at it.

Hey Francisco "D." -

Why is "FullMoon" so fixated on commentary regarding breasts?

He sounds like he's 7 years old.

Did "Missus FullMoon" undergo a radical mastectomy and cause him to lash out at others for not being shy about breasts?

Is he one of those assholes who berates women for breastfeeding? Especially in public?

Clearly there is a Freudian problem here. Did he not go through the oral, anal or genital stages and accelerate right on through to a stage of female puberty instead? Does he have a gender identity disorder and feel like he wishes he had breasts?

Let's figure his problem out! Clearly this man is in want of some breasts! Somewhere! Somehow!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, so that's it. He resents perceiving that he hasn't been recognized as "the expert." Carry on.

Does Missus Fullmoon agree?

Does she agree when you're not drinking, is the real question that matters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon said:

all c cups are the same,perky tear drop or, "uh, I don't think so" crazy me.?

Not Missus FullMoon's. Hers are saggy and flabby.

Jon Ericson said...

I know you're an ass.
So, please try to hide it.
Then, maybe you could try to make a point.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Missus FullMoon wears push-up bras.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

Whatsamatta Pedro?
Just plain tired?
Or do you like to wind it down Sunday nights
so you can work for the Man in the morning?

FullMoon said...

The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks

Yeah, so when was that last date? You seem to be here every week end. -

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now FullMoon is proclaiming to the world his heroism as a gender identity social justice warrior while claiming that Asian, black and Latin women cannot assimilate into American culture!

So do let us know, FullMoon. Where did Missus FullMoon get her spiciness and sauciness from!

I think she's a Polish-Albanian Eskimo, TBH. Either that or she doesn't even really exist. He's so sneaky with what he reveals. Like the Nixon administration, it just comes out in drips and drabs. Very secretive!

But then, he has revealed that he relies on others' comments to cater to his own, prurient interests.

Jon Ericson said...

Piss and Vinegar Pedro comes and goes.
Prozac Nation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, so when was that last date? You seem to be here every week end. -

Don't tell me! You're here every weekend monitoring me from your bedroom, right?

Talk about DUMB and DUMBER! Ha.

Dude, you really are one creepy perv.

Put down the cell phone and get back to the sex, stud!

It must be hard to admit to the missus that reading Althouse blog is what you have to do to get/stay turned-on. Obviously you like being here more than you like her.


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

So, none lately?

Jon Ericson said...

Can you imagine having to interact with Pedro?
xz'd be good in the I.R.S.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, so when was that last date? You seem to be here every week end. -

So how long are you going to be here this weekend, Foo Man? I see that it's 7 PM your time now and you've been here since this morning. As you have been every weekend.

I thought it was nice and sunny over there? Did the missus banish you to your basement cage again, or something?

20 degrees here. But you tell me. Apparently I should like your odds better!

I think you're just embarrassed.

FullMoon said...

Asian, black and Latin women cannot assimilate into American culture!
So, all American women, then. Thought so.

FullMoon said...

I see that it's 7 PM your time now and you've been here since this morning. As you have been every weekend.

All day , everyday.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, none lately?

Of course not! If there had been you'd be the first to know! I know how desperately you need to hear about others' sex lives, so I wait until I'm sure you're around to do it, and then tell you all about it. That's why you're here on your own 24/7 waiting to find out. Otherwise you just wouldn't be able to get it up, obviously. Don't worry, I know you need help and that's what I'm here for!

One question: Do you find it hard to maintain an erection when you're typing in the comments box, constantly - morning to night? Or is that why you resort to just copying and pasting everything?

Put Missus FullMoon on right now! Let her answer!

Jon Ericson said...

This is so great!
Pedro, the escapee is trying to insult someone.
(you really need to snort some more of that truth-serum.
It makes you so outrageous that readers actually glance
at your jeremiads)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, all American women, then.

I realize you're not allowed to leave your basement cage, let alone your neighborhood - but you really should try traveling every now and then. Or even learn another language and speak to a tourist. (Although I realize conversation is difficult for you).

What's the matter... you can't put your house down as collateral on Expedia or something?

Come on, let's travel together. Show me these stud skills that got you married off before puberty, and how well they work around the world.

Put on your Speedos and show me how it's done. I want to learn from the master!

Don't tell me... it's your parroting of the Trump rhetoric that gets them all hot and bothered. I knew it!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

(Watch this, I'm gonna get him to insult my Mother next)

I knew you were a masochist. So this is the other thing you get off on?

Just ask the missus for your ballgag and gimp suit back. It's cruel the way she deprived you of that.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon said...

as an adult, what do you think? Who would you imagine has more real life experience with women's breasts? C-cup, "tear drop shape" Ritmo, or simple ol' Full Moon?

1/7/18, 8:38 PM

Jon Ericson said...

Damn, Pedro.
Your words bite.


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