December 10, 2017
If Roy Moore wins, says David Brooks, Republicans are "for a generation...repulsive" and "repulsive to people of color forever."
Brooks gets awfully grandiose and contemptuous (on "Meet the Press" today), especially at the end when he tells Republicans "you end up, not only making yourself unpopular but sort of corrupting a piece of yourself... There is no end to what they are going to be asked to tolerate, and that is just, internally, so corrosive."
Does a win by Roy Moore really mean all that? Why can't it just mean that the voters of Alabama — deprived of these allegations (about old events) until after the primary — were stuck with a choice between a particular, possibly morally flawed Republican who would represent them in Congress by voting for the policies they want and a Democrat who might be less morally flawed but would vote against the policies they want, and they voted according to their policy choices and not as a judgment on the morality of the man?
If Roy Moore's opponent wins, I would expect Democrats to exult at the fabulous new political opportunity and even to laugh openly at the Alabamans (who will be on the receiving end of contempt no matter what they do).
And I do not believe that after this election there's going to be any great shift to voting based on which candidate is more moral. I watched the Sunday shows this morning. All that cheesy emoting in the Theater of Sanctimony. Such scenery chewing! Especially by Brooks.
Isn't he too a sinner?
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Astute analysis, Professor.
(Er, could you save me one of those gingerbread cookies?)
It's TV land.
Well, they should have denied Moore the candidacy or any funding based on his rejection of the rule of law.
To me he is, even absent these charges, unfit. And I want a GOP senate.
So if he wins I hope he is expelled. That would require the charges to prove out I think. So, ethics committee investigation from day 1 is what I suggest they do. Prove that the GOP has standards even if the party of Icon Conyers or Alcee Hastings has not.
This is how you get more Trump.
Go for it !
It appears that Moores slacks lack the requisite sharpness of crease to garner a positive David Brooks assessment.
I also note that there are never any democrat victories, policies, public pronouncements, etc., that define democrats as a whole.
Oh my, what a performance.
Who knew he had it in him.
The exclamations after the election will be something to remember. We will all have to watch.
This is Tom Wolfe material (what isn't?). Mighty structures of irony and hypocrisy.
Does a win by Roy Moore really mean all that? Why can't it just mean...
It must mean all that to David Brooks or he'll be working for the WSJ.
and "repulsive to people of color forever."
Did I miss something? I thought Moore's alleged sins involved young girls. Is he supposed to be some sort of racist too?
What does "people of color" have to do with this?
Where was Brooks on Bill Clinton, Barney Frank, Mel Reynolds, Alcee Hastings, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Robert Byrd, ad nauseum? Brooks is playing to his employer at the NYT's and its left wing readers. Now there is a crowd that is morally bankrupt, along with Brooks.
I understand why Moore is repulsive to women. But why is Moore "repulsive to people of color"? Does Moore have a history of racist pronouncements? Knowing what I know of Alabama blacks, I imagine that quite a few supported Moore in that business with the Ten Commandments at the Courthouse. Is Moore any more "repulsive" to people of color than any other Alabama Republican?
PS: As I write this I am in northern Alabama. This town is kinda "liberal" by Alabama standards, & I'm seeing a surprising number of Doug Jones signs.
Over and above the obvious evidentiary weakness and untimeliness of the accusations against Moore, Alabama is choosing a political representative, not a moral arbiter.
If they were electing a moral arbiter, why in the world would they elect a Democrat or follow Brooks advice?
But, Ken B, there are no standards. Everyone there is utterly compromised, and this was on an ongoing basis, for entire careers. These are toads in the swamp calling a newcomer muddy.
We all know the real reasons for this sudden attack of scruples. And its not because the residents actually have any.
Everyone there is an utter scoundrel. Know that, make that your foundation, and you will have found a firm place to establish your world view.
Come on. Let's make up our minds here. Is Moore a sexist or a racist? Which is it?
Or is it because the women Moore hit on were all white? Is that it?
Or doesn't it really matter? Whatever it takes to get rid of him. Is that it?
Of course that's it. That's the whole point of this entire enterprise -- not because POS Brooks and the others give a crap about women or minorities, they don't, but because they don't like Moore's politics.
Brooks gets awfully grandiose and contemptuous
So it's a day ending in 'y'.
So the polls must show a Moore win. I've seen several of these "if Moore wins Republicans lose" stories or analysis. That is how they are going to spin the lose of the Senate seat.
But how toxic are the Dems when a creep like Moore wins.
Another reason you get more Trump: Frosted Flake (R-Sawmp) contributing $$$ to Doug Jones campaign.
Smells like desperation!
They might also want to play the race card because of that awkward hand bill mailed to black families.
I understand why people assume that Franken did what he was accused of doing, because there's a freaking photograph! And he doesn't deny ANY of it (saying "I remember it differently" ain't a denial). In the case of Moore, he denies the assault claims. There's no photograph. There's a high school yearbook, but the alleged victim admits that she fiddled what's supposed to be his autograph, and her lawyer won't allow it to be examined by forensic experts. All of Brooks' fulminations about what Moore's election would mean for the future of the party-he-detests is based on the assumption that Moore is guilty as charged. And that hasn't been proved.
Wait! " ... repulsive to people of color..."? WTF? I'm not willing to read or listen to this asshole, but what does this have to do with people of color? Are we pretending that Moore's "victims" were of color? Or perhaps we're pretending that Democrats became "repulsive" to POCs because they elected Sens. Johnson, Byrd or Fulbright.
This guy's been consorting with lefties for so long that he reasons like they do, which is to say, stupidly.
Also I'll believe the Dems have grown a moral backbone when the force out Seen. Menendez who was going to Pedophile Island to have sex with underage girls while a freaking senator.
Oh right Menendez would be replaced by a Republican.
I find it hilarious the only people that think Brooks is a republican are democrats.
Brooks seemed like a decent sort back around 2000 when he wrote Bobos in Paradise. It's been all downhill ever since.
Alabamians are confronted with a choice that was locked in before any allegations about Moore came out. If they are to be condemned, what does that say about the voters of Massachusetts who returned Ted Kennedy to the Senate about 6 times after Chappaquiddick?
And likewise for the national GOP compared to the national Democratic Party? Should Republicans come within a whisker of nominating Roy Moore for President, and hail him "The Lion of the Senate," they will still be a million times better than the Democrats who gleefully accepted Kennedy's homicide of a young woman who was alone in a car at night with him, a known sexual predator.
Not even talking about Bill Clinton or Chris Dodd...
The thing is, people who don't follow politics as a hobby, that is to say, 90+ percent of them, don't give a good goddamn about sermons from the likes of David Brooks.
The real problem here is that the Dem/media attempt to steal a Senate seat may not be working. If the WaPo had dropped it's Moore story prior to the GOP primary, we would now be paying no attention as Luther Strange coasted to election. So they waited until Moore won the nomination and then ran the story, timed to do the most possible damage. But the story got stepped on by Gropergate, and now they're basically just blustering.
The neutrality: Cruel and addictive.
Also, it's pretty clear that (a) the polling for Jones is not looking good, and (b) the Dems and media held their fire until they disposed (sort of) of Franken and Conyers. But the Dems NEVER give up a winnable seat, yet the GOP is expected to.
Both sides are sordid, but the Democrats started it... JFK, EMK, Bill Clinton...
David Brooks is a colossal and narcissistic poseur and alway has been in my recall. But these qualities often seem a degenerative thing, so, yes, he's getting worse. But so are the troubled venues he works in so maybe he is asimply hyper-rational?
It's only a matter of degree. I think we have reached a tribal epiphany. We vote for the promise of policies we would like and blame the other guy when we do not get them. Nothing detracts from the power of those promises, even the electeds refusal to fulfill them. It's always the other guys' fault. And for those not in my tribe, it's taqiyya. I wear the clothes of tolerance and "we have more uniting us than dividing us" ... but that is really a joke.
The theater of sanctimony. It has a ring of truth to it.
Didn’t Brooks say something similar about the election of Trump and... we’re still here.
There was Frank Luntz focus group in Alabama. The voters there said they didn't know who to believe so they were going with Moore who represented their policies. They said the accusers waited 38 years until just before an election and went to the media rather than to a court. That's not a bad argument.
As for the argument that the Republicans will be forever bad and the Democrats forever good - well, that is just a SWAMP fever dream. Hillary will be running in 2020 despite The Reckoning. Yes, she can. She will. She persists. And Bill, Harvey and Anthony, the Democrats sex troika, will be there, also persisting, drawing her on to her next loss.
What, no talk of unintentional fetishization of women? You mean, the actual MSMers are just gloating over how events might yet destroy the GOP? Actual progs are happy to engage in the Theater of Sanctimony, on the assumption it serves their cause, unconcerned about the unintended consequences paraded on this blog? Who would have thought.
"Bobos in Paradise" is going to seem very interesting in retrospect. It may reward a re-read, to see what was going on in Brooks' head, and those of the milieu that welcomed it.
This is what they don't get -- and didn't get last year. It is not a choice between Moore and not-Moore. It is a choice between Moore and the Dems and people like David Brooks.
And they just don't get that people despise the likes of Brooks and the power-mad, Deep State crowd that is the Dems and the Brooks set, far more than they might have misgivings about Moore. It's not business, it's personal. People see Brooks et al. as way more dangerous and corrupt than Moore (or Trump).
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
"But how toxic are the Dems when a creep like Moore wins."
Great observation.
I have no insight into whether Roy Moore is a creep. All we have are allegations of supposed events 40 years ago and a forged high school yearbook caption.
Similarly, I have no direct evidence regarding any of the Democrats that have been sent packing by the howling mobs.
I do know the allegations make great fodder for the talking heads, so we've got that going for us.
Instapundit has suggested that Alabamians might send Moore to the Senate for the same reason that Caligula sent his horse: as a gesture of Contempt.
Somebody explain to me why "people of color" is outstanding but "colored people" is deplorable.
Is it better grammar or something?
Putting people first?
Wouldn't it suck if in 2027 we decided that "people of color" is racist as hell. And then we show David Brooks this video and ask him to explain himself.
What the hell would he say?
"That's just the way we talked back then."
And his grandchildren will be so embarrassed!
Brooks should stick to opining about creases in pants.
Brooks split from his first wife and married his 23-year younger former research assistant. He's one to talk.
I don't share David Brooks' foreboding; at least not in the short run. Because if Moore wins (my uninformed guess is that he will win), principled Republicans in the Senate could vote to expel him after a hearing which I expect would be humiliating to Moore. Ditto Ken B up above.
I do hope that everyone takes note of whatever margin of victory there is in the Alabama special election. Trump won the state 62% to 34%. Richard Shelby won re-election in the same year, with more Alabama votes than Trump, 64% to 36%. When Jeff Sessions won his last re-election to the Senate in 2014, it was so overwhelming that no Democrat ran against him on the ballot. There was only a write-in Democrat.
So a normal Republican would win in Alabama by something like 2 to 1. With Moore, I expect it will at least be close. Maybe very close. But it won't be 2 to 1. And who knows how much money the entire debacle will have sucked out of the Republican Party, for nothing. A seat that should have been cakewalk will cost the party in a million different ways. Maybe 30, or 60, or a billion different ways.
Thanks, Steve Bannon. You sure can pick 'em.
Blogger Humperdink said...I find it hilarious the only people that think Brooks is a republican are democrats.
Yep. He of strangely elevated crease awareness is worried about how tense things might get at upcoming cocktail parties.
The left can't possibly hate the right any more than they already do, and the right knows it. So this sort of argument is good for a laugh, if nothing else. The right has been receiving nothing but contempt and scorn from hypocrites on the left for decades, so it's possible they have become immune to attempts at shaming. I'm an independent voter and I think they're full of shit, so I can only imagine how Republican voters feel.
"If Roy Moore's opponent wins, I would expect Democrats to exult at the fabulous new political opportunity and even to laugh openly at the Alabamans (who will be on the receiving end of contempt no matter what they do)."
Exactly right. A Moore loss will not cause the left to suddenly gain respect for Republicans. It will only bring on a shit-storm of sneering, led by the fake news media. Why would Alabama voters choose that?
The shelf life of comments by David Brooks can be measured in seconds.
Progressives, Dems, people like Brooks, and Establishment Republicans: "Moore and Trump are creeps, they're evil and stupid and racist, sexist, homophobic. They are worse than Hitler! They want to destroy the planet!"
Everyday people: "Yeah. Maybe so. That might all be true. . . . But you are worse and we cannot let you anywhere near a position of power. Moore and Trump might be complete scum -- but you are worse."
That really has to sting.
"Well, they should have denied Moore the candidacy or any funding based on his rejection of the rule of law. To me he is, even absent these charges, unfit. And I want a GOP senate."
The "Rule of law" - LOL! Tell that to the State of California, nation-wide Sanctuary Cities and the Congressional Democrats who oppose enforcing the immigration laws or laws regarding MJ.
Rule of Law? Look at the Hillary E-mails scandal.
I thought it was Jones with the racist campaign.
Gee, David Brooks hates Roy Moore almost as much as hates Trump.
For the first time in my life I wish I lived in Alabama (although the Mobile Bay area is nice)
Anyone presenting David Brooks as some sort of Conservative should be convicted of "False Advertising".
The only thing left to say about this election is that, hopefully, in 48 hours it will be over, and all these overwrought pundits and commentators can move on already. Oh, and screw David Brooks and the horse he road in on too.
Haven't you noticed how small his hands are?
Some rule about small hands and brain size?! =_=;-)
And who knows how much money the entire debacle will have sucked out of the Republican Party, for nothing.
It's sucked a lot more out of the Democrat party, so that's not much of an argument.
Is there any record of David Brooks comments on Gerry Studds back when he was a democrat?
@Unknown 4:44 and Original Mike 4:44.
The fact that they are making this about race is proof-- to me anyway-- of how dishonest and full of shit they are.
"...Republicans in the Senate could vote to expel him after a hearing which I expect would be humiliating to Moore."
A hearing about allegations from more than three decades before he ran for the Senate? Lulz
I'm stuck watching tons of TV as I sit with my elderly mother & her caretaker. The local Alabama TV stations are running ads relentlessly either for Moore or Jones, or against one of the pair. Over & over & over.
It is incredibly aggravating.
For some reason, upper class twits like David Brooks, and well-to-do liberals, always think they can speak for "people of color". Even though most of them don't know any "people of color" except their maid or their doorman.
What a Joke!
Moore expelled? Senate ethics investigation? By what jurisdiction? The Senate's ethics rules apply to people in the Senate, not to non-senators. Moore will be judged -- he will be judged by the voters in the election. If they elect him, they will have rendered their judgment in his favor. And it is not for the Senate to say otherwise -- that's not a judgment as to his "fitness," that is effectively a coup, like they are trying to do with Trump. And it will backfire on the Senate Republicans.
Meanwhile, Alcee Hastings has been in Congress for more than 20 years.
You forgot Gerry Studds And now that I think about it Mel Reynolds Ipao Fatso, lessen yer a young pup in which ok.
After the ethics committee review ... Which Republicans and Democrats should recuse on vote to expel?
Rob said...
Brooks split from his first wife and married his 23-year younger former research assistant. He's one to talk.
12/10/17, 5:14 PM
Isn't Brooks the one who says he let a senator paw his thigh all the way through some state dinner event? And hasn't named him to this day? (though happy to say "R")
Does David Brooks even exist?
Somehow, David Brooks thinks low-information voters nationwide are going to remember Roy Moore for 20 years when they don't know who the Vice President is now. That comment shows why David Brooks needs to leave his New York bubble.
BTW, has Brooks EVER called Bill Clinton or Hillary, "Repulsive"? What about Bob Menendez, who not only is corrupt but has some pretty "repulsive" sex habits?
Funny how Good ol' Bob has gotten zero time in the MSM. You'd think he was in the witness protection program, instead of a US Senator on trial for Corruption.
"Er, could you save me one of those gingerbread cookies?"
The cookies I buy in that array are the Korovas!
"I would expect Democrats to exult at the fabulous new political opportunity " To do what? Make fun of Christians?
" even to laugh openly at the Alabamans" As Trump would say "gotcha". Just alienated another group of deplorables.
Actually it is a win-win situation for the Republicans. One he is voted in , the Democrats will scream that he has to be investigated by the congressional ethics panel. The Republicans agree and 1) if he is found not guilty , no harm to the Republicans. Now if he is found guilty the Republicans join the Democrats and call for him to resign. He resigns and the Republican governor appoints an interim Republican.
David Brooks can eat a bag of dicks.
Chuck said...
And who knows how much money the entire debacle will have sucked out of the Republican Party, for nothing. A seat that should have been cakewalk will cost the party in a million different ways. Maybe 30, or 60, or a billion different ways.
BTW Chuck - Luther Strange would have been fighting allegations of corruption which would probably have also blanched GOPe livers and drained coffers - and, since familiar to the people, have had effect.
I wouldn't pretend knowledge of the state or its issues but I have heard that Mo Brooks was probably the right man for the job. Where were you on Brooks?
Incidentally I have heard that Republican finances are excellent and that much of the credit redounds to the President. That's OK, nobody is holding their breath waiting for you to give credit where it is due.
No, we are guaranteed a memorable performance still, after the election. Or a series of performances.
Its really too bad that Tom Wolfe is so old.
These last two years would have given him such rich material.
What? Brooks is #metoo?
He should abstain from crease observations to avoid sending the wrong message.
Mark said...
Moore expelled? Senate ethics investigation? By what jurisdiction? The Senate's ethics rules apply to people in the Senate, not to non-senators. Moore will be judged -- he will be judged by the voters in the election. If they elect him, they will have rendered their judgment in his favor. And it is not for the Senate to say otherwise -- that's not a judgment as to his "fitness," that is effectively a coup, like they are trying to do with Trump. And it will backfire on the Senate Republicans.
Answer: Bob Packwood.
That's right; Republicans in the Senate turned on Packwood, even when it was widely felt that he had held his Senate seat from Oregon and it could well be lost if he were expelled. They went after Packwood's diary, going back years.
And indeed, the Packwood seat was lost to a Democrat after Packwood resigned rather than continue the Ethics Committee fight to an inevitable conclusion.
"Accidental Leftist" Chuck: "And who knows how much money the entire debacle will have sucked out of the Republican Party, for nothing."
Just about zilch from the republican party.
Your confusion and anger and obvious angst is probably due to how much this election will have sucked out of the democrat party, for nothing.
Not to worry. We all understand precisely how you got confused on this one.....
LLR Chuck: "That's right; Republicans in the Senate turned on Packwood,..."
Even as those very same lifelong republicans allowed every single democrat to skate.
I have no doubt whatsoever that the lifelong republicans might turn on Moore while allowing Menendez to roam free and easy.
Precisely what one would expect of the LLR members of the Senate.
“Moore expelled? Senate ethics investigation? By what jurisdiction? The Senate's ethics rules apply to people in the Senate, not to non-senators. Moore will be judged -- he will be judged by the voters in the election. If they elect him, they will have rendered their judgment in his favor. And it is not for the Senate to say otherwise -- that's not a judgment as to his "fitness," that is effectively a coup, like they are trying to do with Trump. And it will backfire on the Senate Republicans.”
Agreed. I think that the last thing that the Senate really wants to get involved in is this sort of thing - allegations of boorish, but legal, behavior from 40 years before election to the Senate. Not when they have a bunch of sitting Senators who actually engaged in much worse behavior as Senators. After being elected, and not 40 years before. And even one, apparently who has made trips, as a Senator, to Jeffrey Epstein,s Pedophile Island (likely a federal crime - but he is already on trial in federal court for corruption, so that would just be piling on). It’s all just virtue signaling to get the fascist #metoo feminists and their lackeys off their backs.
rcocean : "BTW, has Brooks EVER called Bill Clinton or Hillary, "Repulsive"?"
Of course not!!
Naturally, like most lifelong republicans, Brooks is just dying to criticize Hillary and Bill and call them names but, gosh darn it, there simply is never quite enough time to get around to it since all those dastardly republicans keep doing dastardly things which precludes Brooks from launching criticism at the dems.
Darn it!
....(sound familiar?)...
Brooks lives in the New York City/Washington D.C. bubble- he literally can't have an opinion that might make someone in his circle call him a sexist or a racist- basically, he can't express an opinion that is to the right of Chuck Todd in this instance.
"He resigns and the Republican governor appoints an interim Republican."
Didn't McConnell say they wouldn't seat Moore if he won? In either case, suppose the governor appoints Moore and McConnell again refuses to seat him, and they keep going round and round. What recourse would the people of Alabama have to prevent their loss of representation in the Senate? Could they get the courts to force the Senate to seat him?
Could they argue that they have de facto only one Senator, something which (IANAL) the Constitution expressly forbids to the point that it can't even be amended to allow it? Isn't 2 Senators per state a provision in the Constitution that can never be changed (is it the only thing that can't be changed)?
We can't repeal the shitty 17th Amendment fast enough (never happen though).
The Packwood investigation was undertaken because of allegations made during his Senate tenure, Chuck.
Chuck has a point.
Its not quite accurate to simply look at the DNC vs the RNC.
Thats not the totality of relevant political money, those are fairly minor these days. The DNC is in a peculiarly bad position, its image has suffered the scandals of 2016.
What one must include are candidates own funds, plus unrestricted third party expenditures for pseudo GOTV and issue advertising, plus, more than anything, the saturation MSM propaganda (as in D.Brooks and the Sunday shows, which are "free") and new media fingers on their scales, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc. The vast majority of all this political expenditure is not tracked and isn't trackable.
We can be sure that the anti-Republican effort will be even greater than in 2016, when the discrepancy was already, in truth, about an order of magnitude, vastly more than the official figure.
"I wouldn't pretend knowledge of the state or its issues but I have heard that Mo Brooks was probably the right man for the job."
I live just across the state line from his district, and have heard him as a guest on local talk radio numerous times. I'm very much impressed by him. There have been some controversies over things he's said, but when you hear him speaking off-the-cuff, he comes across as very sharp. Very, very sharp.
So, yet another member of the commentariat telling Republicans that if they don't do exactly as they're told plagues, locusts, frogs, fiery hail, and livestock disease will set upon them and their progeny?
Yawn. That's how you know things are going well.
The real reason for why the Democrats will be so heavily backed is not because of this propaganda or any other but because of underlying interests. The biggest sources of political funding in the US desperately want Trump out. They were surprised in 2016, they will not be next year.
Moore winning is just another humiliation for the GOP establishment- that is why they hate the thought Moore winning, even to the point of trying to expel him if he does prevail on Tuesday.
The left wanted a wicked solution, to follow their Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy, and to lynch the men. Americans refused to abort the politically incongruent/unfavorable candidates, and instead Chose to respect the men's civil rights, follow constitutional due process, implying that the accused are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonably doubt.
This isn't Planned Parenthood. They cannot Choose to abort someone because the deem the unworthy, inconvenient, or politically profitable. They are still viable, until proven, not merely alleged, otherwise.
Didn't McConnell say they wouldn't seat Moore if he won?
Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
""If Roy Moore wins, says David Brooks, Republicans are "for a generation...repulsive" and "repulsive to people of color forever."""
I can't imagine why Brookes would say this about a law-breaking Constitution-shredding fundamentalist who gropes teenagers and said America was better off when we had slavery.
If Roy Moore wins, it'll be because a lot of people distrust him less than they distrust the press. I certainly don't like him, but my only choice is to vote for Moore or stay home. Growing up in Alabama in the era of George Wallace, there isn't a Democrat alive I'd ever vote for.
Of course who was trusted to vet packwoods diary, Kenneth Starr, a deference a year makes.
Why shouldn't a man in his thirties date a teenager, especially if he's looking for a wife. Is our current system of young women sleeping around until they're "old enough" to get married, maybe at age 32 or so, and finding some sucker who will take them, a better way to do it?
How Brooks ties this moral panic particularly to Moore repulsing "people of color" is beyond me. I suppose he just ran out of bad things to say against Moore, but felt he needed to say more words to make his case.
David Brooks must crash into thing with his head for a living
What is the racism angle on Moore? I thought the angle on him was plain old male perversity.
Isn't it interesting that no one has mentioned (read: democrats) has mentioned Sen. Menendez (D-Underage Prostitutes) from the great state of New Jersey. You know, the state with an R governor.
"We can be sure that the anti-Republican effort will be even greater than in 2016, "
Yes and the press will go absolutely nuts.
That woman on MSNBC, Joy Reid, complains that rural voters are "a minority", and should not be allowed to vote.
Reid labeled rural Americans “the core threat to our Democracy” and called for the abolition of the electoral college to limit their ability to influence elections and government, “This is the core threat to our democracy. The rural minority — the people @JYSexton just wrote a long thread about — have and will continue to have disproportionate power over the urban majority.” And, “That (ending gerrymandering) and the abolition of the Electoral College would be a start.”
I have an alternate proposal. How about we restrict the vote to those who have paid taxes the previous two yeas. ?
I'm sure she would have no problem with that, right ?
Char Char Binks: "Why shouldn't a man in his thirties date a teenager, especially if he's looking for a wife. Is our current system of young women sleeping around until they're "old enough" to get married, maybe at age 32 or so, and finding some sucker who will take them, a better way to do it?"
I'll bet David Brooks loves Jerry Seinfeld.
I wonder just what policies the "people" want that the democrat would vote against? Awfully vague here.
Wouldn't it suck if in 2027 we decided that "people of color" is racist as hell. And then we show David Brooks this video and ask him to explain himself.
And they figure out the logical implications of color, sex diversity, political congruence ("="), selective-child, Pro-Choice (e.g. denial of due process), liberalism (i.e. divergence), progressivism, (i.e. monotonic change), etc.
Suddenly, the feminist campaigns look more sexist, and the trials by press are characterized as lynchings, and the diversity interests look more like rackets extorting money and suppressing civil rights.
Henry: "What is the racism angle on Moore? I thought the angle on him was plain old male perversity."
LLR Chuck's pals in the media are finding that tactic less than effective, thus Chucks pals have expanded the range of atrocities assigned to Moore in order to boost the dems chances of pulling off a win.
The dems and their lifelong republican allies need this seat to advance their cause of illegally spying on American citizen political opponents of the democrats and continued weaponization of the federal bureaucracy against conservatives.
"Didn't McConnell say they wouldn't seat Moore if he won?"
Doubtful, now that Trump has endorsed and the RNC has given Moore $$$.
In any case, the SCOTUS has ruled Congress can't stop duly elected Senators/Congressmen from being seated, it can only expel them. And what would be the grounds for expelling Moore? That he may - or may not - have taken liberties with a girl 40 FUCKING YEARS AGO.
By that standard, McCain's Best Friend Forever - Teddy "Lion of the Senate" Kennedy should have been expelled in 2000, and Senator "KKK" Byrd should have been expelled in 1980.
roesch/voltaire: "I wonder just what policies the "people" want that the democrat would vote against?"
Not illegally selling baby parts.
Not paying for opposition research which is then used as the basis for spying on domestic political opponents.
Not weaponizing the IRS and other federal agencies against political opponents.
Tax cuts.
Extreme vetting.
Not letting illegal aliens deported multiple times whack US citizens and then get off with a slap on the wrist.
Allowing Christian small business owners to adhere to their tenets of their faith without having to forfeit their businesses.
Thats just for starters.
You can answer your own question of course. What are the great sticking points of the Trump agenda?
The biggest one by far is immigration. It should be obvious that this is driving most of the elite opposition to Trump. There are deals possible if Trump gives in on this, if not, not. Have you wondered why?
I can't imagine why Brookes would say this about a law-breaking Constitution-shredding fundamentalist who gropes teenagers and said America was better off when we had slavery.
Why is every time some liberal drops by to drop a bon mot on us, just to demonstrate how clueless we all are here, it's just about guaranteed that the bon mot is either an outright lie or a lie by omission?
Here's the quotation from Newsweek:
At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction."
It doesn't take much reading comprehension to read this quotation and see that Moore's meaning was that the country was great -- in spite of slavery -- because the country was united, had moral direction, & intact families.
Now, this is a debatable assertion, for sure. But, it's not a defense of slavery. If someone said "During WWII on the home front, America was united in a common vision like never before." that's a praising a war that took 60 million lives world-wide.
Raise your hand if you fell for this:
David Brooks can eat a bag of dicks.
Is that kosher?
And Phil kerpen? Notes how the dog trainer as well as the guardian had truncated the quote.
Brooks split from his first wife and married his 23-year younger former research assistant.
He got to know his research assistant - who was born about the time he got engaged to his first wife - while she helped him write his book on developing moral character.
We're a few months late, but here's a link to the happy couple's wedding registry. Somebody already bought them the $600 blender they asked for, but the napkin rings are still available - $62 for a set of four (they'd like 16 rings total, please).
I guess what I'm saying is, fuck that guy.
Wikipedia says: Ideologically, Brooks has been described as a moderate,[31] a centrist,[32] a conservative,[33][34][35][36][37][38][39] and a moderate conservative.[40][41]
They forgot 'asshole'.
Sanctimonious David Brooks - tell me, did he ever interview or make this bold proclamation about Sen Teddy Kennedy, who killed a woman, not his wife?
Seems a bit like selective outrage by the recently sanctimonious.
Brooks is a guy who occasionally will make an interesting observation, But I cannot imagine anyone who cares about what Brooks thinks would vote republican in the first place.
Cool thing about democrats and their media is none of them are tainted by Clinton Corruption.
I wondered what Brooks thought of Harvey Weinstein's pant's crease. You know, the pants lying in a heap on the floor.
Brooks split from his first wife and married his 23-year younger former research assistant.
Hmmm...if Brooks ran for the Senate and won, would he be barred or would he be expelled?
Going after brooks, is like shooting womprats in my t-16 back home' he already called the huntress, cancer, then trump now moore, you would think he would come up with better metaphors
Moore will win, he will be seated in the senate and this time next year, no one will renember this story.
Brooks is a douchebag. His primary function in life is to express the views of douchebags.
Brooks biggest problem with Alabama is that there is no Books Brothers in the state.
It will be interesting what the Supreme Court Of the United States has to say about the US Senate refusing to seat a duly elected Senator from the State of Alabama. If the past is any reference point SCOTUS will tell the Senate to go fuck themselves, unless election fraud can be proven.
Like Buckley field stepped on his wife, who was the daughter of his boss, a. Career CIA operative Donald gregg (a real life meet the parent scenario)
All that cheesy emoting in the Theater of Sanctimony.
The rest of the "news" media treat everyone like helpless infants.
DNC-MSM is the Theater of Sanctimony.
Awesome Ann. I'm stealing that.
Brooks and his ilk are insufferable and enormously self-important. The election of one senator in one state doesn't mean anything for Republicans across the country. And this high moral standard he fantasizes about? At least the charges against Conyers and Franken were admitted or proven.
But, this sort of thing seems to get Brooks invited to the Sunday shows, so I guess it's working out pretty well for him.
In related news, I got an email from my commie barista niece who lives in Portland. She says if Moore wins the resistance is going to boycott Toyotas made in Alabama. I emailed her back telling her that well that's good because we Trumpers are already boycotting Toyota because they sponsor the skier Lindsey Vonn. She seemed confused in her reply, she doesn't know what to feelz.
I agree that it is critically important to keep child sex slave connoisseur, Bob Menendez - D in the Senate, despite sworn and corroborated evidence that he, well, likes to fuck children, to not put too fine a point on it.
I'm sure that Our Miss Brooks was advocating boycotting the Dem party after Massachusetts kept re-electing Swimmer Ted after Chappaquiddick.
Seems to me the Sunday shows are an enormous waste of time. Talking heads talking to other talking heads, reinforcing The Narrative, where inconvenient facts will be ignored. Don't people have better things to do?
I have a hard and fast rule about when not to vote for a candidate: when said candidate has been indited and convicted of a serious crime. I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned I need more proof than accusations and hearsay as evidence. I regret that so many women are reluctant to come forward, but that is on them.
Menendez(D- New Jersey) and his crimes went right down the memory hole.
Henry, it’s a political race and it’s the last weekend before the election. It’s time for the democrats to play the race card.
There is zero hope of any democrat in Alabama to win a statewide election without high turn out black voting. Screaming racism is what they do.
She says if Moore wins the resistance is going to boycott Toyotas made in Alabama. I emailed her back telling her that well that's good because we Trumpers are already boycotting Toyota because they sponsor the skier Lindsey Vonn. She seemed confused in her reply, she doesn't know what to feelz.
Brooks is so buttondowned that he uses the inauthentic phrase. It is people's of color, not people of color.
I wonder just what policies the "people" want that the democrat would vote against? Awfully vague here.
I'll take a shot R/V
1. limits on abortion (I'm prochoice to 20 weeks)
2. Tax cuts.
3 .Israel's capital and US embassy in Jerusalem.
4. Defeating ISIS if we are going to spend treasure and lives.
5. Stop illegal immigration.
6. Some limits on H1B visas.
7. Reduced regulation to get the GDP over 3% growth.
That will do for now. A new list after 2018.
despite sworn and corroborated evidence
Nonsense, BECAUSE of the evidence. We deplorables must be made to know who rules over us.
"When you're slapped, you'll take it and you'll like it!"
Since NJ Dems cannot find a horse who will be a reliable D vote in the Senate, Menendez it is and shall be forevermore.
What grounds would the Senate have to not seat Moore. He is not a felon, he has not taken bribes while a Senator, he has broken no Senate rules, he has not like Adam Clayton Powell Jr. used committee monies for personal use.
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. won a special election after being expelled and SCOTUS determined he had to be seated. That was before they found out he had an exwife on congressional payroll living in Puerto Rico, 20,000+ / year.
Brooks mentioned race because it is a common a Tourets style affliction of the left.
Michael K
8. Build the wall.
9. Judicial appointments
I'm curious. If Moore wins, how will that generate a matter for the Ethics Committee? What I mean is, does the Ethics Committee take up matters that allegedly happened 30+ years before someone became a Senator? Do they have jurisdiction for that? Isn't there a statute of limitations?
And how can they overturn an election, given that the electorate was aware of allegations at the time of the election?
10. Nationwide Concealed Carry
David Brooks, Bubble baby liberal even after having written the book. "Bobos In Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There"
"PS: As I write this I am in northern Alabama. This town is kinda "liberal" by Alabama standards, & I'm seeing a surprising number of Doug Jones signs."
Yeah, my family lives around Montgomery and no one puts up Moore signs because they disappear with some additional vandalism by Democrats.
A lot of Alabama voters just see this as another bunch of damyankee carpetbaggers and scalawags trying to dictate who they should vote for.
And if Vichy Mitchy is actually stupid enough not to seat him, he won't like the results.
Brooks is simply reciting the necessary lines to keep himself invited to Manhattan cocktails parties.
Since 1800, the New England elites have hated the south as their totem used to prove to themselves they are moral and righteous;so moral and righteous that they invaded, robbed and pillaged the south as their personal conquered territory for a 100 years after 1865.
But the south has its heroes: Jackson, Truman, MLK and Trump. But the new England elites have nothing left except memories of the two Roosevelts( whom they actually hated) and their precious fantasy about being more moral than the degenerate southerners.
Miguel Esplain
The Senate Ethics committee has no jurisdiction on Moore's past.
If the Senate tries not to seat Moore or any duly elected Senator the Supreme Court will historically reject the Senate's actions.
"Since 1800, the New England elites have hated the south as their totem used to prove to themselves they are moral and righteous" even as they financed the plantations.
Come to think of it wasn't the Plantain System the only true socialist experiment in the USA?
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children? Is this another first in the Age of Trump?
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children? - Steve Uhr
Sen. Robert Menendez may have had sex with underage hookers in Dominican Republic: prosecutors - NY Daily News
"Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children?"
Or killed a campaign worker.
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children?
Gerry Studds, Democrat
He doesn't have the warmth of Lauer, nor the gravitas of Charlie Rose, but he radiates decency and honor. Not as much as Charley Rose, but it's there on display.. Perhaps he can fill the void that's been recently created. If I have one teenie, tiny criticism of his moral splendor, its that he chose to make these observations on an NBC set. In the background, you can hear the muffled screams of all the many NBC interns who have been drugged and raped. The NBC brand is repulsive to all people of character.
All that cheesy emoting in the Theater of Sanctimony. Such scenery chewing! Especially by Brooks."
Throw in mendacity and hypocrisy and you covered all the bases.
"David Brooks, Bubble baby liberal even after having written the book. "Bobos In Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There"
As a Spanish speaker my mind always translates that into "Fools In Paradise".
"Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children? Is this another first in the Age of Trump?"
If you count underage prostitutes as children, and most people would, then Robert Menedez (D-NJ) is your answer.
I have a question about Prostitute Island. Aren't all these visitors putting their careers in the hands of these sex workers? How can they be sure that two or three of them won't band together and go to the Enquirer?
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children? Is this another first in the Age of Trump?
There is considerable doubt about the accusations against Moore.
They are very old. One accuser had a divorce before his court and has now admitted forging part of the evidence she presented to confirm her story. The rest of her story is probably also false.
Another accuser, the supposedly most serious one, was a troubled child who was ordered by a court to move to her father's home. She did so 10 days later and the period when she accuses Moore was during that 10 day window. The corner she alleges she met him was a mile from her mother's house, not near it.
Ted Kennedy was credibly accused of at least negligent homicide in the f=death of Mary Jo Kopechne and there is =good evidence that her family was paid to accept what happened with no complaint to authorities.
Allcee Hasting was impeached as a federal judge for corruption and then elected to Congress where we now learn that $220,000 was paid to an accuser for sexual assault.
Robert Menendez was tried and a jury hung, not acquitted, on accusations of sexual misbehavior with children.
Would you like more ?
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children?
It didn't involve children -- or at least I can't say for sure that it did not -- but of course there was the case of a gay brothel being run out of the apartment of Barney Frank, Democrat.
Also, Mel Reynolds, Democrat, was elected after being indicted for criminal sex abuse of a minor.
The lesson here is do a little due diligence -- a little bit of Google or Wikipedia at least -- before shooting your mouth off and proving yourself an ass.
Brooks is the media's favorite kind of Republican . . . someone who says he is, but isn't; someone who plays the fool for his Dem buddies because they like having "one of theirs" sing in their "Aren't Republicans Awful?" choir.
He thinks he's an intellectual, and respected for it, when he's nothing but the Court Jester.
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children?
You didn't ask if it was known prior to election but there is Dennis Hastert: Hastert Molested Four Boys as young as 14
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children?
It didn't involve children -- or at least I can't say for sure that it did not -- but of course there was the case of a gay brothel being run out of the apartment of Barney Frank, Democrat.
Or Gerry Studds, who inspired this Truly Tasteless Jokes entry back when I was in school:
Why doesn't the Library of Congress let Members take out books?
Because they keep bending over the pages!
And was reelected SIX TIMES.
"Blogger Mac McConnell said...
In related news, I got an email from my commie barista niece who lives in Portland. She says if Moore wins the resistance is going to boycott Toyotas made in Alabama. I emailed her back telling her that well that's good because we Trumpers are already boycotting Toyota because they sponsor the skier Lindsey Vonn. She seemed confused in her reply, she doesn't know what to feelz.".
There's a Toyota engine plant in Huntsville but the company doesn't build vehicles in Alabama. Mercedes has a large factory near Tuscaloosa, Hundai has a factory near Mintgomery, and Honda has one in Talledaga.
What really annoys David Brooks is that Donald Trump, Roy Moore, and most Alabamans don't care what he or any of the other talking heads in the NY/DC corridor think.
Most of the social/media elite don't believe in the concept of sin except as something to be applied to the unwashed masses of people who don't buy into the latest version of leftist orthodoxy. Even then it's largely a cop out to dismiss half the country without having to get educated about or engage the opposition.
William said...
I have a question about Prostitute Island. Aren't all these visitors putting their careers in the hands of these sex workers? How can they be sure that two or three of them won't band together and go to the Enquirer?
12/10/17, 8:42 PM
1) No speak-a de English? Or watch US TV, to know who the men are?
2) I daresay most of them are murdered later.
Alabama will vote against candidate who promotes/advocates/excuses/enables partial birth abortion. Alabama will vote against infanticide....
Discuss among yourselves..
If the Democrats are so concerned, why did the Washington post wait until AFTER the primary to come out with a story they had obviously been researching for quite a while? You know they were scheming.
Wait! What? Honda has a plant in Talladega and they do not run at NASCAR? Oh, well, the Talladega Speedway is actually 14 miles north of the town. So never mind.
Time number 8,882,179 when one of our betters has declared the republican party beyond the bounds of legitimacy. They're just so awful these republicans, they shouldn't be allowed!
I think we can combine what cyrus83 commented with the comment of James Garrett: there are people who think partial birth abortion is worse than a charge of molesting an underage girl.
I have read that the woman who accused Roy Moore of molesting her as a 14 year old in 1979 claimed to have spoken to him on the telephone in her room. But according to her mother, in 1979 she did not have a phone in her room.
Has either party ever elected a man to Congress who had been credibly accused of molestimg children?
The Mark Foley page scandal. But they didn't re-elect him knowing about the scandal. With Moore the electorate knows going into the election. Most likely Moore will win. That we aren't sure he will win is amazing, because Republicans should win that seat by about 700,000 votes.. That's almost 3/4th of a million people that Moore's problems have put into play. There's a lot of great people that could have been nominated in Alabama, but the GOP didn't go in another direction.
Mark Foley:
"The Mark Foley scandal, which broke in late September 2006, centers on soliciting e-mails and sexually suggestive instant messages sent by Mark Foley, a Republican Congressman from Florida, to teenaged boys who had formerly served as congressional pages. Investigation was closed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) on September 19, 2008 citing insufficient evidence to pursue criminal charges as both "Congress and Mr. Foley denied us access to critical data", said FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey.[1] The scandal grew to encompass the response of Republican congressional leaders to previous complaints about Foley's contacts with the pages and inconsistencies in the leaders' public statements.[2][3][4][5][6] There were also allegations that a second Republican Congressman, Jim Kolbe, had improper conduct with at least two youths, a 16-year-old page and a recently graduated page.[7][8]"
But according to her mother, in 1979 she did not have a phone in her room.
She used an extension to take the phone into her room, like a lot of other 14 year old girls did before cell phones.
Really, there's a LOT of great people the Alabama GOP could have nominated. This didn't have to happen.
And despite being remarkably stupid, foley was believing legally. He was replaced with a. Congressman with two mistresses and a CIA connected proprietary
Dennis Hastert, but to be fair, his past with young boys wasn’t known, hopefully.
Has David Brooks ever done anything productive in his life? Has he ever broken any real news? (Has he ever been to Alabama?) Well, he IS pretty good at writing facile, 750-word opinion pieces. Oh wait - remember when his brilliant analysis of the Arab riots in Paris was totally taken apart by someone who pointed out how he put all the wrong pieces together in a horribly flawed but very pretty way? Brooks is really just an above-average bullshitter. That's something, I guess.
They apebt close to thirty million in that primary, in Alabama, almost all from deep pocketed donors, that in itself should be a firing offense.
More to the point, there are dozens of members of Congress, almost certainly, that could be (or may have been, for all we know), accused of something serious. The interesting bit is that all those people know, already - not just the "guilty", but all the others, and their staffs, and the press. And they all kept it quiet and are still keeping it (the totality of what they know) quiet. Just releasing information as they see fit, regarding Moore for instance.
The random sample of what has come out, because of the way it has come out, indicates that its just the proverbial tip of the iceberg.
Your enemy is not one senator or another - heck, they are, individually, simply embarassments - but the entire lot of them together. And that they manage information in their collective interest. The collective is your enemy, they conspire against you.
Its hard to work up rage against a collective. The natural reaction rather is dread. If you haven't read 1984 yet, you should. You should dread.
foley was believing legally.
he sent underage boys explicit texts asking about their erections. Weiner is going to jail for similar activities.
I blame the electorate. Honestly, if better people can't get nominated and elected, they should shut down the page program. Get underage kids out of there.
And there are no "great people".
There are simply compliant, and non-compliant.
You all assume that the system works. But it doesnt work.
Or rather, it doesn't work for you.
The best thing you can do is break it. One way that is still open, to hamper this malignant conspiracy, is to to elect people they hate.
Donald "Buz" Lukens Representative (R-OH) Convicted of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor for having sex with a 16 yr old girl. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $500. (1989)[45]
Robert Bauman, Representative (R-MD), was charged with attempting to solicit sex from a 16-year-old male prostitute.[46] Upon completing an alcoholism rehabilitation program, the charges were dropped. Bauman apologized to voters for his indiscretions but was defeated for re-election.[47] (1980)
Without due process it is a bullhorn prosecution or public lynching. Maybe Democrats were correct.
prochoice to 20 weeks
Baby steps. Maybe the consensus is correct.
@wwww, you’re right about Moore’s nomination not being inevitable. It certainly hammered home McConnell’s message about winning to Trump.
Dan Crane, Representative, (R-IL), was censured July 20, 1983, in the Congressional Page sex scandal for having sex with a young congressional page. (1983)[54]
" All that cheesy emoting in the Theater of Sanctimony. Such scenery chewing! "
Seems like someone was hungry when they wrote that ;)
The electorate is not at fault (mostly).
The system is massively complex, by design, and under such circumstances democracy fails. Its a fundamental flaw of modernity.
As for who is "good" and who isn't, you can't know. You have little information and can't trust the information you get. The only thing you can know for sure is that the system is malignant. Anyone the press is trying to sell you is certainly the worst for you.
Unfortunately, social liberalism is behind or outside the evolutionary curve. With improved longevity and health, there is little justification for sexual liberation that closed the age gap for men, women, and children, for selective-child that denied life to progress "friendship with benefits" (e.g. "casting couch" relationships) and increase taxable revenue.
Allcee Hasting was impeached as a federal judge for corruption and then elected to Congress where we now learn that $220,000 was paid to an accuser for sexual assault
That's an expensive indulgence. Hopefully, he got our money's worth.
I read "Bobos In Paradise" back in 2000 and found it mildly amusing. Brooks' theory was that ruling class had found a way of reconciling capitalism with 60s Bohemianism. A "bobo" is short for Bourgeois Bohemian. in other words, the bobos embraced cultural leftism and PC while lining their pockets quite nicely in the 90s. Brooks, who included himself in with the bobo elite, saw this as an admirable synthesis of opposites. To the deplorables it just looks like hypocrisy. the most privileged white people in the country decry white privilege - the white privilege of cops and rednecks and unemployed factory workers. They're just fine with their own.
Nothing would surprise me less than to learn, too late as usual, that the D machine had some hyperdeveloped jailbait lined up to throw at any candidate where they thought they could shake loose a seat thereby.
I hope that once Moore is elected, kayn aynhoreh, we learn the truth of it all, especially "who sent them."
Conflicting edits can bite my bag!
“Allcee Hasting was impeached as a federal judge for corruption and then elected to Congress where we now learn that $220,000 was paid to an accuser for sexual assault.”
Blake Farenthold’s tax payer funded settlement to his victim was $84,000. Farenthold is currently under a House Ethics Committee investigation for allegations of sexually harassing more than one staffer.
So Inga, you are grouping those two together to suggest Farrnthold will be on the hook for same $$ or more?
What connection/comparison are you intending?
Maybe it's just tit for triggering as that phrase must be for some.
“So Inga, you are grouping those two together to suggest Farrnthold will be on the hook for same $$ or more?
What connection/comparison are you intending?”
I’m making no comparison. I am reminding people that sexual harrassment is perpetrated by both conservative and liberal alike. The only thing these two may have in common is being a dirt bag.
Republicans have their pervs. Dems have their pervs. But only in the case of Republicans do the actions of one pol reflect on every single Republican forever. Dems don't feel bad about at all about their pervs. They celebrate Kennedy and Barney Franks. hell, Harvey Milk, who preyed on underage runaways,was honored by Obama and had a Navy ship named after him. did that trouble Inga in the slightest? Oh,no, Milk was a gay Martyr! did the media demand that every Dem pol denounce Gary Studds or Mel Reynolds ?
No, and so f the Dems and their media lackeys.
What? Seamen of the USS Milk?
Except they gave Gerry studds, a standing ovation at the end of his term in office. Own there are twisted tories like Michael Mellor across the pond back in the 90s or John ensign the senate campAign chAir who pAid off his mistress
Well, there you go, thats almost 3X the payout D:R, of those known. Perhaps the press would be well employed at routing out corruption and sex scandals in Congress. Or would have been, all these decades. I suspect that they have not because the facts are inconvenient.
Well..involuntarily funding this sexual wart chest makes all a bit sodomized.
Walter, the Navy named a fleet oiler for Milk.
Ah..seamen of the Milk oiler.
Paging KittyM!
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