December 10, 2017

On the morning bakery run...


... we found lots of stuff to love.

Enjoy the open thread.

And please use this link — which is also always in the sidebar — if you feel the urge to shop at Amazon. Here are some cookie cutters in different sizes, for making "gingerbread children" and "gingerbread parents."



Coconuss Network said...

8 hours of baking done. still have about 4 more hours to go.

tcrosse said...

Book recommendation: How to Bake Everything, by Mark Bittman, available you-know-where.

Shouting Thomas said...

You know, Althouse, you are a genuinely good and smart person.

How in the hell do you keep believing in this Marxist feminist bullshit?

The outcome of your life and your career is a repudiation of that nonsense. Your attachment to that idiot Marxist ideology is bizarre.

Women in the U.S. were never subordinated, never second class citizens, never oppressed.

Merry Christmas!

Bad Lieutenant said...

People who bake:

Please look up Ina Garten's recipe for rugelach (then, ideally, make and eat some);

Then tell me why you are making anything else.

rehajm said...

Then tell me why you are making anything else.

Because now there are cookies and pastries with bacon on them.

Unknown said...

The girl with the tattoos and the streaked hair from a bottle has been in the bar quite a bit since she quit her job. She looks tired, starting to go blank at the edges. Probably has been hitting the bottle too hard: a bar here, a bar there, some at home maybe. This is not uncommon for someone who just quit their job. Or at least not uncommon when you see these people in bars. Self-selecting, yes.

She mentions that she is starting to feel paranoid. Again: not uncommon in bars, for a variety of circumstances. A lot of people at bars feel that the walls are closing in on them. Sometimes there are people suspected behind these closing walls: ex-wives, bosses, creditors, lawyers, police: again, a variety.

She has applied at countless dive bars; one just hired a girl with tattoos and the streaked hair from a bottle, but it wasn't her. The one just hired has pink streaks in her hair. A small nose ring. And a 'Lucky You' tattoo just above the front of her low-rise jeans.

So: basically a more sexualized version of herself. This hiring is a large part of her growing paranoia.

Does she really need to sexualize herself like that to get a job? Has word got round about why she quit -- her ex-boss pressuring her to have sex with him -- and now other bar owners are leery of hiring her? Did this new girl fuck the boss? As she has said more than a few times: what the fuck?

Winter is pretty much here in Seattle: short cold wet dreary days, long colder wet dreary nights. Even the weather can make you feel paranoid: the days are closing in on you, too. People hunker down.

Summer, with its long warm days, is the time when bartenders who are prone to getting sloppy get sloppy: shifts are missed more often, drugs are taken in bigger quantities. In winter even the sloppy bartenders know to hunker down. Keep a roof over their heads. Not get fired.

The girl with the tattoos and the streaked hair from a bottle is sensing it's going to be a long winter. She knows she needs to slow down. But a bar can seem like a safe place to sit out the winter and the rain and the paranoia. Maybe there will be a job in Spring. Maybe she should just go back home to Eastern Washington. Where people stare at her because she's different. Which makes her feel kinda paranoid, too.

- james james

320Busdriver said...

Enjoyed a family night taking in the Bel Canto Chorus Christmas at the Basilica of St Josaphats.

Merry Christmas!

rehajm said...

Romney Christmas card this year- head count is up to 35. That's a lot of Republicans...

Ken B said...

Is Seltzer as stupid as he seems? He of the network obsessed with Trump's Twitter feed slams Trump for giving the handle of a Twitter feed while objecting to a fake photo on that very feed. WTF

Ken B said...

I am turning off my auto-correct.ffs

Bad Lieutenant said...

Rehajim, wut?

JJ, maybe people, like that girl or in general, should spend less time in bars. I never understood the attraction, honestly.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“People who bake:

Please look up Ina Garten's recipe for rugelach (then, ideally, make and eat some);

Then tell me why you are making anything else.”

I’ve made rugelach for many years as did my mother. We put a paste of ground walnuts, scalded milk and sugar ( and sometimes rum) in them. I’ve also in recent years used Nutella in them, to die for.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Rehajim, "wut" was re Romney.

Bacon, yeah, I hear what you're saying. I don't feel you, but I hear you.

Bad Lieutenant said...

We put a paste of ground walnuts, scalded milk and sugar ( and sometimes rum) in them. I’ve also in recent years used Nutella in them, to die for.

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Seriously, recipes please? Mom by preference goes straight Ina, I had to push her even to find a chocolate version.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Then tell me why you are making anything else.”

Well. We also make Povitica, also known as Nuss Kuchen in German. Sometimes we use ground a ground poppy seed paste to fill it with instead of the walnut paste.

Bad Lieutenant said...

(My gf's mom went nuts over all the rugelach my mom sent her, but she would simply not share the chocolate ones!)

Bad Lieutenant said...

All right, when I said "anything else" I didn't mean breads and cakes.

Also I forgot butterballs.

So OK, there are no absolutes in baking.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rugelach with Nutella

Walnut Povitica

A bit labor intensive, but worth it.

ceowens said...

Gingerbread "men" banished in favor of "parents" and "children". Good God.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Labor intensive, yeah. Mom is getting arthritis, or rheumatism, and her hands are beginning to be a limiting factor. So she is teaching me. I had thought of Nutella, but she was like to run screaming from the room, so I let it go. Do you make crescents, or roll them like a log?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rugelach should be crescents. The log roll maneuver is the Potica, then the intricate Povitica is log roll with a twist.

tcrosse said...

Another county heard from:

The Rugelach Roadmap

ALP said...

As a woman with a crude sense of humor - I could be charged with sexual harassment by a handful of male co-workers, given how low the bar is these days. Somebody say something crude to you in a public place twenty years ago? OUTRAGE!

This has gotten me to thinking: maybe I should stick to male doctors, CPAs, lawyers - anytime I need professional services I should stick to hiring men? What if I hire a female CPA and casually mention my love of Family Guy, and she finds this so terribly offensive she doesn't give me the proper focus on my issues? What if I let slip the word "fuck" and she clutches her pearls?

Nope - no more female professionals, I just can't risk it.

Good going ladies!

Wince said...

Did Althouse miss a Drudgestaposition?

"Drudge attributes super human powers to Trump"

Lindsey Vonn suffers back injury in World Cup race after Trump comments...

More Americans Turning To Witchcraft; Participation In Traditional Religions Declines...

Danno said...

Today is the 50th anniversary of Otis Redding's death in a plane crash into Lake Monona in Madison Wisconsin. I don't know if this has been shared on any of Ann's threads today.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Also please the recipe with the walnut paste, we use a dry mix.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Looked at the Povitica: oh shit!

Actually I think my polski gramma did something like that.

Ah, memories...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

My mother called rugelach, ”kipfel”. Here’s the walnut paste recipe.

Wince said...

Blogger Danno said...
Today is the 50th anniversary of Otis Redding's death in a plane crash into Lake Monona in Madison Wisconsin.

Is there a "Wisconsin Triangle" for crashes of small aircraft carrying rockers?

Stevie Ray Vaughn, East Troy, Wisconsin, 1990
Otis Redding, Lake Monona, Wisconsin, 1967
Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, Big Bopper, Clear Lake, Iowa, 1959

walter said...

Those cookies are in blackface. Disturbing.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

@tcrosse, so true! When we first came to America, my mother made her kipfel/rugelach with a sweet yeast dough, then she later started making them with cream cheese. I much prefer the cream cheese version.

“Back in the old country, primarily Northern Europe and the Slavic states rugelach were made with a rich, eggy yeasted dough. When Ashkenazi Jews resettled in America, something remarkable happened: According to Joan Nathan in Jewish Cooking in America, rugelach began to be made with a cream cheese pastry. While this isn't confirmed, Nathan believes they were very likely influenced by a recipe from the Philadelphia Cream Cheese company.”

walter said...

My inbox traffic from the Democratic party has slowed tremendously.
The pleas for $$ are no longer from Perez..some dude I haven't heard of.

rehajm said...

Bad Lieutenant said...
Rehajim, "wut" was re Romney.

Oh, yes. An earlier example for context...

Romney Christmas Card from 2015

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Did Trump need a bottle of water?

Also, is James James a pseudonym for Laslo?

Saint Croix said...

Trump vs. the Talking Heads

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

He seems like the more serious side of Laslo.

Guildofcannonballs said...


In what I first thought was a dream or hallucination, but later realized was actually reality, Laslo asked me, in like almost a phone convo or something like that (I don't know it was weird), to send him some money from Althouse readers through me.

Something about "yay yay, yay yay" he kept repeating, like the scarred-shitless way they said "Kaiser Soze" in The Usual Suspects. Sounded to me like yay yay, yay yay was very bad.

And "Ames Ames" he would say, which of course is Ames, Story County, Iowa, just 30 miles N of Des Moines.

But he made it sound really really bad, like stay away from "Ames, Ames" and "yay yay, yay yay" is all he was really able to speak, and that was in great duress, and so urgent he couldn't say anything else, like (for example) exactly how much money he is in need of in order to come back here safely and entertain y'all.

It was like the Hold Door guy only with the "yay yay, yay yay"'s.

So, I put two and too together and figured--reasonably and with no mens rea--you cheapskates need to open your damn checkbooks, get some 5 figure (plus the damn cents figures too ya aholes, those aren't included in the damn 5 figures and you by God know it) checks rolling into Althouse to be dispersed to me to help out Laslo and figure out this Ames Ames that's daggone causing all the fear.

320Busdriver said...

Todays Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has a op-ed on the findings of WI DOJ and AG Schimel re the leak of personal emails collected in the despicable JD investigations. Including a third, previously unknown trashing of conservatives civil rights. The perps should burn in hell.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The perps should burn in hell.

To paraphrase Lt. Handcock, they can't go to Hell if they don't die.

David said...

I will be in Seattle Dec. 24 to Jan. 3. If anyone knows how to contact Laslo I will look him up and go see him for the gang. Do hope he is ok.

Fritz said...

Char Char Binks said...
Did Trump need a bottle of water?

Also, is James James a pseudonym for Laslo?

I think the question is whether James X 2 is a pseudonym for Betamax 3000.

Original Mike said...

Here's a link to the editorial 320Busdriver references. This detail was amusing (nothing else about this sordid episode is): "These "John Doe III" files were found in the basement of the Ethics Commission(where the G[overnment] A[ccountability] B[oard] was located)... (my emphasis)

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tommy Duncan said...

Esteemed Althousian bakers and cooks: Your comments make me long for the foods of my long ago childhood. Both of my parents grew up in German speaking households in southern Wisconsin, and my mother was a superb cook of German foods. Of course, she knew that butter, lard and salt were essential to great tasting foods. Thank goodness for the high school sports that allowed me to burn off the calories and cholesterol.

Any suggestions for a goulash recipe?

Humperdink said...
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Humperdink said...

Just finished a highly successful deer season yesterday. I say highly successful because my grandson (age 11) bagged his first buck yesterday under the PA Game Commission mentor program. What a thrill, prolly more for me than him. Seventy (70) yard shot, on the money.

Unknown said...

David said...
"I will be in Seattle Dec. 24 to Jan. 3. If anyone knows how to contact Laslo I will look him up and go see him for the gang."

Maybe a casual meet for the Seattle Althouse folk.

Like an afternoon; Laslo goes to bed early nowadays.

I'm pretty sure I can talk him into it.

- james james

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Wow, that is a big giant scoop of coconut for $1.50. What a steal! I would pay five bucks for one of those.

Mr. Pants is in Germany at the moment, eating all the deliciousness and drinking all the glühwein. Wish I were there. The Christmas baking is somewhat substandard in Texas, other than in the central part of the state where all the Germans are. Although I do like it when someone gifts me a little bag of pan de polvo.

tcrosse said...

Here in Sin City, one of my neighbors displays a wreath with the motto
"Dear Santa, Define "Good"".

rehajm said...

Congrats little Humperdink

MadisonMan said...

I *think* I just made my first Althouse Amazon Purchase, after looking all over Monroe Street for what I wanted and failing.

Fabi said...

The walnut Povitica looks delicious, Inga! I'm not much of a baker but will try it one of these winter days.

Original Mike said...

"Congrats little Humperdink."


Humperdink said...

rehajm said: "Congrats little Humperdink."

Original Mike said: "Ditto."

Thanks, it was quite a day.

Bad Lieutenant said...

rehajm said: "Congrats little Humperdink."

Original Mike said: "Ditto."

Thanks, it was quite a day.


urbane legend said...

Nth + 1

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