CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.So the human being behind the ridiculous pseudonym HanA**holeSolo should cringe for the rest of his life and never publish anything that CNN could possibly deem "bigoted" or "racist" because it would trigger CNN's delusional duty to destroy him.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change....
Absolutely despicable.
This person is a nonentity. We shouldn't even have heard about him in the first place. Who cares who originally posted the video clip of the CNN logo stuck on the face of the guy Trump was wrestling? Trump passed along the clip the way most of us pass things along, by deciding we like that one thing. We don't search for who started it and then all the other things that person has said or done.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 923 Newer› Newest»Chuck wrote: "I will happily give Trump one iota of credit for Justice Gorsuch. But since I now think that any Republican nominee would have beaten Hillary, I give 499 iotas of credit to Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society, and 500 iotas of credit to Mitch McConnell. Gorsuch, I truly think, was chosen entirely apart from Trump. Per the Federalist Society, I think Gorsuch would have been President Kasich's choice, or President Rubio's choice."
But there is no President Kasich or President Rubio; however, there is a President Trump and he nominated Gorsuch. My dog didn't nominate Gorsuch, although she is a very intelligent poodle.
I have also heard that the person is a 15 year old kid.
Yes, and he's Russian.
Folks, CNN is done.
Careful, we'll have to increase Chucks meds!
No one is probably reading these comments anymore, but, it should be noted that Buzzfeed discovered that CNN outed the wrong guy.
Too late. Chuckie wants that "little bastard" outed and outed fast.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "I won't be "happy" when the little anti-Semitic racist bastard is outed"
With every posting he digs deeper. So great is his hatred and venomous nature.
Gee Chuck, you sure are making a whole lot of personal attacks. How many personal names have you called commentators in this thread alone?
Here's the deal: Everyone, but everyone, reading this thread thinks you are defending CNN here. Maybe because you are?
Either that or you are the worst communicator in history.
Perhaps it stemmed from when you burst into this thread, Blamed Trump for CNN's behavior, then openly said everyone who disagrees is personally attacking you and you preemptively called for Ann to persecute those who "personally attack" you, all while calling posters "moronic" and swearing at them--many, many commentators.
You--you, Chuck, are the one who attacks conservatives. You are the one who attacks Trump and his family, without hesitation. You demand that only NRO, WSJ are legitimate on the right and we should only read them and their never ending attacks and plans on how to impeach Trump.
Just admit it--you are a far left freak, like TTR or Sunsong. You'd get far less abuse if you were honest. Robert Cook is open about wanting a soviet style society; and he's respected. You also want a Soviet Style society, where any dissent from the left's plans is criminalized, but you claim to be a Republican.
By the way: as far as the "Moronic" comment you directed at me? I'm not the guy who always gets caught peddling commie propaganda and trying to pretend it's not your views. That's you. It's amazing how everyone seems to think you are a far left poseur, despite all your protestations. What could possibly be the reason people keep thinking you fully support the left? It must be a mystery to you, right?
On topic: CNN deserves to die a flaming death. Better yet, get sucked into a black hole so they can go look for airliners.
Fabi, why don't you make a note, to ask me on a daily basis about Barron Trump? Because otherwise, I don't plan on writing anything about it.
I didn't bring up the subject of Barron Trump today. Somebody else did.
This is who the Media is; they're proud of this.
Thats who the media and their LLR enablers are.
"He would have been nervous regardless, if he had had even a mid-level professional career.
You all don't want to acknowledge the incredible totalitarianism of the current milieu.
Anonymity is essential in all of this.
Else there would be nearly no free speech at all."
Maybe that would have been the case - I do understand the argument. But stripped of all the other bigoted stuff it would have been easy to defend the gif as observational satire not even tied to a particular political opinion. Once the President chose to tweet it the character of the expression changed, and I don't think people are properly acknowledging THAT. And this part is intended as a reply to a few of you who have quoted me - I think that journalists and news organizations genuinely and correctly feel threatened and under attack generally. From that perspective that gif was an escalation and an invitation to violence, and that created the impetus to investigate its source. I doubt CNN knew for certain they were going to find a Reddit schmuck at the end of that rainbow, as all possibilities existed at the beginning, including a link to the Whitehouse for example. Of course they're going to investigate this - they're a news organization whose job it is to understand and communicate events and their context.
Tell it to somebody who cares, Vance. You aren't worth my time.
Grackle writes: What Trump could not know(or could he …) was that CNN would be so stupid as to dox the .gif creator. THAT was pure luck.
The utter cluelessness of the MSM can never be overestimated.
#CNNStrongDefender: I didn't bring up the subject of Barron Trump today. Somebody else did
Says the Happy Trafficker in Rumors Regarding Underage Children.
I love Ted Cruz, mostly because everyone hates him and he doesn't care. Makes me love him even more.
The CNN Ted Cruz take. Might be a problem for CNN.
According to the left, killing Trump in the park every night is OK. Body-slam CNN in a fake-wrestling match, not OK.
I'm on my phone and don't have my search function on a mobile device. Can someone dig through the past comments and see how many times Chuck has repeated the same slur about Barron Trump? I know it's been at least dozens and he is lying on an extraordinary level to deny that this is purely his doing. Chuck is the one who first brought the topic to Althouse -- from whole cloth -- it had nothing at all to do with any topic. It began around the time he was slamming Melania for not immediately moving to DC.
The utter cluelessness of the MSM can never be overestimated.
In the medias defense, there are a few LLR voices that always support whatever the leftist media is doing to hurt republicans so some of the medias confusion is understandable.
Last week I was following a story on Twitter in which some Social Justice advocates were saying it is bigotry for a straight man not to want to date a trans woman who still has a penis.
Just in case any of you who can't quite condemn CNN think it is going to be possible for you to always have the non-bigoted opinion and remain on the right side of all issues.
Something will come up and you will be a bigot. And maybe then you will think about how you couldn't quite call CNN despicable for threatening someone who had the wrong opinion.
I love Ted Cruz, mostly because everyone hates him and he doesn't care.
I'm on my phone and don't have my search function on a mobile device. Can someone dig through the past comments and see how many times Chuck has repeated the same slur about Barron Trump?
You are correct that Chuck, the Defender of Outing All Previous Postings, did indeed bring up the Trump child rumors apropos of nothing.
When reminded that he did this he gleefully, joyfully, ecstatically, makes sure to repost all the info needed to further the rumor.
Then he claims victimhood.
Similar to what a child abuser does.
from link
"I can’t tell you how many liberals on social media today have willfully misunderstood those points, treating this episode as nothing more than a nasty troll being shamed into behaving himself better online. The issue isn’t whether the Redditor should behave better; the issue is whether a news organization should use its platform to overtly threaten randos for violating norms of civil political discourse. And needless to say, the whole thing stinks 10 times worse than it otherwise would have knowing that the guy is famous for making a GIF of Trump attacking CNN itself. Publicly warning someone that his identity might be revealed in the guise of “news” if he continues past practices of posting alt-right garbage would be bad under any circumstances. Doing it to someone whom the president made famous for anti-CNN propaganda reeks of retaliation. “If Fox News threatened to unmask an anti-Trump loon unless they publicly apologized and stayed quiet, the left would be going nuts,” tweeted Josh Jordan. Indeed. And justifiably."
M Jordan: I didn't read all the comments so this point may have been addressed but this kid's apology is the most disturbing thing about the incident. It is right out of the Communist China Red Guard era (and the Soviet troikas and 1984 ...).
That a major media organization went full Stasi on a citizen is disturbing. That they extracted a full-on struggle-session recanting grovel from a citizen, and then boasted about this is full-on Red Guard vocabulary, is deeply disturbing.
But most disturbing of all is that there are some allegedly sane, apparently not-completely-mentally-incapacitated people here who are so far gone in their trivial tribal wanking that, obscenely blatant though it is, they do not see it at all, let alone understand what it means.
"But stripped of all the other bigoted stuff it would have been easy to defend the gif as observational satire not even tied to a particular political opinion. "
It would have been easy to defend it, in public argument, but there still would have been a high risk of private sanctions - or, rather, in many professions a certainty of sanctions.
The left complained for decades about the Hollywood blacklist - the modern world operates a general blacklist system that covers everyone. There no longer is a Hollywood Ten, there are instead an American million, or tens of millions.
That is why we are all in this together, whatever else the fellow posted and whatever his character.
We are saints and sinners in the same fire.
That is the only important point in all this, all else is trivial.
Amazing display of something. 420 comments on a CNN story.
Chuck said...
I'm not even sure I'd know what to tell CNN to do.
If they were thinking about threatening to Dox a kid because the kid upset him I would advise them harshly not to do it.
Now that they have threatened to Dox a kid because he made them mad? I would recommend employees of CNN resign in disgust. All of them. Or at least the ones with a sense of decency.
I would also recommend disassociating themselves physically and socially from CNN. I wouldn't recommend people be anywhere near anything with CNN written on it. Wearing clothing with CNN on it pretty much identifies you as a pariah and a piece of shit.
Diary of a Conservative Trump Hater (excerpt)...
Oh how they come out of the woodwork: the LITTLE BASTARDS and the TRUMP ASS-CLOWNS, like TERMITES -- TERMITES eating away at all RESPECTABILITY and the WAY THINGS ARE PROPERLY DONE.
These ASSHOLE ASS-PUNKS finally get a taste of WHAT'S COMING FOR THEM and then they cry and whine about EXTORTION.
You fucks, EXTORTION just means YOU GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE. Do you people not understand that YOU WILL BE FOUND and HELD UP FOR INSPECTION?
A RIGHTEOUS INSPECTION is coming, assholes -- and I will gladly wear the LATEX GLOVES.
Do people not understand that TRUMP MUST BE STOPPED? And if takes me putting my LATEX-COVERED FINGERS UP SOMEONE'S ASS on the INTERNET to stop him, than that is what I will do.
And -- yes -- as I wrote this I MASTURBATED TO GAY PORN AGAIN. And -- of course -- then came the SHAME. ANGER. SELF-LOATHING.
I am Laslo.
New .gif ideas, both from Batman v Superman movie:
1.) CNN logohead as Superman, speaking down to Reddit logohead Batman: "Consider this mercy."
2.) Reddit (or 4Chan) logohead Batman to CNN: "Do you bleed? You will."
Fabi said...
I'm on my phone and don't have my search function on a mobile device. Can someone dig through the past comments and see how many times Chuck has repeated the same slur about Barron Trump? I know it's been at least dozens and he is lying on an extraordinary level to deny that this is purely his doing. Chuck is the one who first brought the topic to Althouse -- from whole cloth -- it had nothing at all to do with any topic. It began around the time he was slamming Melania for not immediately moving to DC.
Hey, you're welcome!
It has been more than a dozen.
And you are wrong about when, how and why the subject of Barron Trump came up.
The published reports, Youtube videos, etc., were all a matter of record on the 'net before I ever mentioned it.
Then, Trump made the incredible comments about vaccines and autism at the Detroit Republican pimary debate. And I brought it up then. Trump's views on an autism/vaccine link are downright dangerous.
It came up a second time, when Trump met with Robert Kennedy Jr. in Trump Tower during the transition. That weird meeting in which RFKJr emerged and said that Trump would be putting together a vaccine/autism commission. Right before the Trump staff said, wait no no no that is not happening. LMAO.
"Social Justice advocates were saying it is bigotry for a straight man not to want to date a trans woman who still has a penis."
Calling Laslo...
Thank you Drago. Anyone who has been reading here for at least a year knows exactly the vile nature and frequency of Chuck's slurs of an eleven year old boy. No reason to search past comments -- facts are facts.
Snark said...
And this part is intended as a reply to a few of you who have quoted me - I think that journalists and news organizations genuinely and correctly feel threatened and under attack generally.
So when leftists in mobs actually attacked Trump supporters at multiple places and times during and after the election how should I feel about threats to my and my families safety?
Do you feel any responsibility for the atmosphere you created?
Drago said...
You are correct that Chuck, the Defender of Outing All Previous Postings, did indeed bring up the Trump child rumors apropos of nothing.
When reminded that he did this he gleefully, joyfully, ecstatically, makes sure to repost all the info needed to further the rumor.
Then he claims victimhood.
Similar to what a child abuser does.
I have corresponded directly with Professor Althouse on this rotten subject that people like you keep bringing up.
I will stand by that correspondence.
Now Chuck admits I was correct that he -- and he alone -- introduced the topic to Althouse. Whether it was reported other places is not a defense to your dispicable and frequent slurs. Nor does the exact time you introduced the slurs really matter. But hey -- what happened to your tough guy act from twenty minutes ago? Lulz
Michael K said...
Amazing display of something. 420 comments on a CNN story.
It's the arrogance. The thin skin. The threat, and then the denial of the threat. The tracking him down. The lying (we tracked him down then he apologized - he apologized first, then we contacted him). It's awesome.
Trumps got CNN fighting a gif, and he's in on Air Force One heading to a yyuuuge welcome in Poland, the G20, and his fist meeting with Putin.
Bet Trump and Putin somehow throw in a shot at the American MSM. Enjoy!
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck goes the extra mile in telling us that hey, the rumors are out there on the kid and he was just reporting what was out there.
Why, LLR had NO CHOICE but to talk about it.
Sure, it wasn't like it fit into the conversation here at Althouse, but Chuckie knew, HE JUST KNEW HE HAD TO MAKE IT FIT!!
Trump was out there.
Trumps kid is out there.
Asking Chuck not to take a bite of that apple is like telling Willie Sutton not to rob banks.
The kid had it coming according to Chuckie. After all, if he didn't want to be talked about why did he allow himself to be Trumps kid?
LLR: "I have corresponded directly with Professor Althouse on this rotten subject that people like you keep bringing up."
S***heels such as yourself who traffic in rumors about 11 year olds should be reminded of it every hour on the hour and appropriately shamed.
That you feel no shame is why you are such an ardent defender of CNN in this case.
How could CNN have behaved properly here? This is how:
1. Accept the wrestling vid/gif in good humor, and then otherwise ignore it.
2. Identify the originator, find the other posts he/she did, and then reveal the identity, or don't reveal the identity since it is either newsworthy or it is not- that is a judgment call.
What you don't do is threaten him with publicity unless he takes down the posts and refrains from posting similar/same posts in the future. Kacyznski bragged about doing this explicitly and in no uncertain terms, so he can't backtrack and claim to not doing this as he has in subsequent tweets.
Chuck wrote: "I will happily give Trump one iota of credit for Justice Gorsuch. But since I now think that any Republican nominee would have beaten Hillary."
This is an entirely unprovable assertion - because it's alternative history. What did actually happen was Trump beat all of the GOP candidates, won the nomination and defeated Hillary.
Chuck, I know this is asking too much, but deal with reality, not with "what if?"
LLR: "I have corresponded directly with Professor Althouse on this rotten subject that people like you keep bringing up."
This is an entirely unprovable assertion - because it's alternative history.
Our LLR requires an alternative reality because his performance within actual reality has been rather pathetic.
In their zeal to destroy a private citizen for DARING to mock them, CNN doesn't realize this will create more mocking. Not less.
Because not everybody will grovel and apologize to the hacks at CNN.
In fact, a lot of us will welcome the fight simply because we have nothing to lose and just don't give a shit anymore.
The new Project Veritas video is up. It's the same New Day producer as last week. But his time he says basically Chris Cuomo is a stroke, and would be on the air if his brother wasn't the Governor of NY.
Maybe being in front of a television news camera has the same strange effect the ring had on Gollum. They won't risk giving up their seat for integrity. The camera becomes their precious.
CNN has no justification for their actions. The reasons are as follows:
1. The way CNN described it, their admitted actions are a classic definition of extortion with a threat of doxxing. This is criminal activity.
2. The meme is not newsworthy unless you truly believe it is a call to violence against the media. To actually believe this would reveal the person who believes it as, frankly, an idiot and disqualify said person from being taken seriously. There is no journalism here.
3. Furthermore, even if this meme - seriously, that's what CNN is doing now? - was newsworthy, the newsworthiness is because Trump re-tweeted it. The creator is not relevant and, seriously, thousands of individuals could have made something similar if they cared to do so. This is an ad hominem attack and a low-rent one at that, which makes CNN seem less well mannered and less intelligent than an Internet troll.
The ironic thing here is this was all motivated by CNN's laughably ridiculous claim that this cartoon-ish meme was designed to spur violence against the media, but their reaction to it very much makes CNN look like ogres and, in fact, probably has ginned up violent urges against them. They have imagined a fake monster and then made it real through their own stupid and cruel actions. The worst part about it is at this point they deserve it.
"What you don't do is threaten him with publicity unless he takes down the posts and refrains from posting similar/same posts in the future. Kacyznski bragged about doing this explicitly and in no uncertain terms, so he can't backtrack and claim to not doing this as he has in subsequent tweets."
That's the really stunning thing. Kacyznski bragged about this.
They're actually proud of it.
The repeated pattern essentially justifies actions based on a bandwagon "defense".
Most recently, a clearly despicable act by CNN is no big deal because others with far less of a platform were going to do it anyway.
Fabi, I raised a topic that had already been the subject of published reports -- twice.
Now, in many of dozens of subsequent comments, shit heads like you keep bringing it up. And you think it will be clever to raise it as some sort of slur in which Barron Trump's name is not mentioned, but instead there is some sort of vague reference to my abusing "an 11 year-old boy," or words to that effect.
And that is when my standard reply is triggered, recounting all of the relevant details and links, and of course making it clear that it is not some little boy that I have ever even met, but that it is Barron Trump.
Keep doing it if you want! I seriously hope you don't. I'd like it most of all, if Althouse banned anyone who did it.
I'm not your Huckleberry, chief. Any time somebody comes after me with that "11 year old boy" crap, I am doing the whole Barron Trump story. The way to stop it, is to stop those attacks on me.
Gosh, I feel so Trumpian to day. Hitting back ten times as hard. And, it being so Trumpian, I'd love for it to stop. Like, yesterday.
"They're actually proud of it."
This is "Social Justice"
It's starting to seem like CNN didn't just kick the hornets nest, they straight up pulled their pants down and sat on it.
What you don't do is threaten him with publicity unless he takes down the posts and refrains from posting similar/same posts in the future. Kacyznski bragged about doing this explicitly and in no uncertain terms, so he can't backtrack and claim to not doing this as he has in subsequent tweets.
Exactly, Kaczynski is behaving like Trump did by threatening Ted Cruz that he'd go after his wife.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "Fabi, I raised a topic that had already been the subject of published reports -- twice"
You brought it up here, where it had no place.
Because that is precisely who and what you are.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "Gosh, I feel so Trumpian to day. Hitting back ten times as hard."
The 11 year old is probably quite impressed with your prowess.
The bad news? At 11 years old, he still represents you "punching up".
This is an entirely unprovable assertion - because it's alternative history. What did actually happen was Trump beat all of the GOP candidates, won the nomination and defeated Hillary.
True. Also unprovable: "Trump is the only Republican who could have won the general."
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "Keep doing it if you want! I seriously hope you don't. I'd like it most of all, if Althouse banned anyone who did it"
You should have been banned immediately for trafficking in rumors regarding an underage child.
Provable: Chuck claimed Trump would lose and could possibly hand the Senate to the dems.
Chuck was provably, unarguably and irretrievably wrong.
I wonder if being that wrong after having posed as that much of a self-described expert is what has led Chuck to going after children.
Snark: But stripped of all the other bigoted stuff, it would have been easy to defend the gif as observational satire not even tied to a particular political opinion.
Wtf does that even mean? (Rhetorical question.) The sort of meaningless string of words dishonest people come up with when attempting to defend the indefensible to what they perceive to be a gullible audience.
Once the President chose to tweet it the character of the expression changed...
No, it didn't.
...and I don't think people are properly acknowledging THAT.
There's nothing here to acknowledge, aside from your lack of skill at sophistry.
And this part is intended as a reply to a few of you who have quoted me - I think that journalists and news organizations genuinely and correctly feel threatened and under attack generally. From that perspective that gif was an escalation and an invitation to violence, and that created the impetus to investigate its source.
I have a hard time believing that even you buy the bullshit you're throwing down here. Do you seriously think anybody else buys that you're responding honestly and seriously here? This is the sort of (attempted) exculpatory "argument" that sociopaths and charlatans engage in.
Do you feel the need to take a hot bath with lots of sanitizing cleanser after posting such dishonest fifth-rate casuistry?
Because I sure felt like that after reading it.
Buwaya great comment, but I disagree on the tense. It should be past tense.
>entering yet another great global ideological war. CNN is Pravda for one side.
What Donald Trump is doing is trolling the leftist US press, and causing them to over react.
It's so Alinsky. I see multiple rules being used. And what I find most amazing, is most of this CNN is doing to themselves. Donald Trump was just a catalyst.
#3 Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Pro wresting qualifies.
#4 Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. Impartiality...
#5 Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
#6 A good tactic is one your people enjoy. - Yes, I admit laughed when I first saw the gif.
#8 Keep the pressure on. Never let up. - True...
#9 "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." - I can't believe that CNN started a war with 4Chan, Redditors, etc.
#13 "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
I am not defending CNN. I don't think they did much of anything wrong
Ah, cognitive dissonance in action again. Expressing the opinion that they didn't do wrong is a defense, dumbass. And the point of the story under discussion, unlike the great distraction you are trying to interject ("Spicey LIED!"), is that CNN unleashed their vehemence on the creator of a cartoon-like GIF to the point of threatening to dox him unless he apologized. There is no other interpretation of what Alli Camerota said, as she tried to 'splain it this morning. Then their lawyers rushed in with a poorly worded "defense" that again elucidated the fact that "exposing" the GIF creator might result in his bodily or monetary harm, and out of "concern" they wouldn't hurt him because he apologized, thereby reasserting their THREAT to do him harm absent the apology.
But we don't need to convince a lifelongdouchebagthatmightvoterepublican of that, just a jury of his peers, who will also detest the media.
Tell me oh wise one, why did CNN go after the kid and not the President for the Tweet?
True. Also unprovable: "Trump is the only Republican who could have won the general."
7/5/17, 1:51 PM
Right. But the truth of the matter is that Trump DID win the general, defying everyone's expectations. Not Cruz. Not Walker. Not Paul. Not Rubio.
After 7 months, the Left is still unable to accept that. You can't either.
I have corresponded directly with Professor Althouse on this rotten subject that people like you keep bringing up.
I bet she loves that.
I think that journalists and news organizations genuinely and correctly feel threatened and under attack generally. From that perspective that gif was an escalation and an invitation to violence
Media should feel under verbal "attack" but why would we consider this a problem? It's perfectly appropriate and they engage in it more than anyone. The assertion they under physical attack or threat is insane. And remember these are people who:
1. Wield and regularly deploy the the same power they are claiming to be afraid of, and
2. Refuse to describe intentional physical intimidation (often on campus but elsewhere as well) as threatening when their allies use it.
These people are intentionally blurring the line between criticism and violence so they can victim-pose which furthers criticism of their opponents. On the bright side this works on campus because their allies in the campus administration exert far more influence over those within their institution than the media can create in an external environment.
Can we just have a Chuck thread? It's becoming boring. This way all the evidence can be laid out on the he said what, Chuck said what with links etc.
Chuck -- It is the epitome of dishonesty to keep saying that it was mentioned elsewhere on the web -- we're not elsewhere on the web, we're at Althouse. You introduced it without context to an original post. That is entirely on you. Own up to it and modify your behavior.
You should have been banned immediately for trafficking in rumors regarding an underage child.
Drago, it's clearly your fault that Chuck lacks the minimal discipline and decency to not slur a child. When he starts beating his wife, that will be your fault too.
Thank you Ann for saying what needed to be said clearly and forcefully. Talk about a chill wind.
Ray makes a good point that Trump is hitting almost every Alinsky Rule in tweaking his opponents, the MSM and their LLR allies.
In doing so he is achieving apparent maximum effect in battlespace prep as we move forward. I have to believe that what we are seeing now is a truly scoped out plan of attack using twitter and social media to expand the political battlefield against Trumps opponents.
Now, not even Trump could be this effective if it weren't for the insane reactions on the part of the MSM and LLR's. That the left and LLR's are so easily provoked is simply a fortunate circumstance.
Trump is winning the next battle before its even fought.
There's a little Sun Tzu in there somewhere.
Drago, it's clearly your fault that Chuck lacks the minimal discipline and decency to not slur a child. When he starts beating his wife, that will be your fault too.
It's also my fault Chuckie doesn't even understand whats happening in his own state of MI.
Assuming he really does live there, in which case, Wow! Talk about being oblivious!
"Folks, CNN is done."
Live by fake news die by #fakenews.
And over on Instapundit is the news that CNN attributed a made-up quote to Abraham Lincoln. I understand that AT&T is doing its due diligence on s proposed merger with Time-Warner. They may want to consider what CNN is doing to the Time-Warner media empire.
Chuck just said he wants people banned for mentioning a topic that he himself introduced at Althouse! Cognitive dissonance doesn't scratch the surface of that suggestion!
Good God. This blog needs to be renamed "Althouse and Chuck". Perhaps Chuck can get his own blog and he and his haters can go jack each other off there all day long.
"Media should feel under verbal "attack" but why would we consider this a problem? It's perfectly appropriate and they engage in it more than anyone. The assertion they under physical attack or threat is insane."
These are the same people who defended the play showing a Trump figure being assassinated. That was art and free expression. But a joke gif showing Trump beating up, not an identifiable media person, but a character with a CNN logo in place of the head, that's fascist and violent.
I thought the Left sneered at the idea that corporations are people.
And over on Instapundit is the news that CNN attributed a made-up quote to Abraham Lincoln.
Uh oh.
Even now CNN is activating the "Chuck Signal" to commence Maximum CNN Defense!!
World Ends Tomorrow.
chuck most affected.,
CNN outed the wrong guy,
According to an analysis by BuzzFeed, the CNN–WWE GIF that President Donald Trump tweeted last week was not the same as the one created by HanAssholeSolo, which means CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski outed the wrong guy:
Oh Oh.
Whenever a Republican says something the left doesn't like, the entire Republican party is called to answer for it.
Do you acknowledge Obama is a Christian?
Do you denounce birtherism?
Do you believe what Todd Akin does, that rape causes spontaneous abortion?
But...CNN does this and crickets. No major media people feel like they need to answer for CNN. Not even most CNN personalities.
Perhaps Chuck can get his own blog
Great! The Chuck Blog--visitors in the last 24 hours: 0
In the meantime, visits here would be a lot more enjoyable.
The CNN facepalm continues.
Blogger Nonapod said...
It's starting to seem like CNN didn't just kick the hornets nest, they straight up pulled their pants down and sat on it.
Thread winner.
Finally !
Michael had a good point about the size of this thread. Why 400+ comments?
My guess is between 50-100 are with Chuck and his fan club. Laslo's contributions were the sub thread winner IMHO.
The bigger issue is the creator of the Trump Gif has become every man. It has one large corporate entity that threatened an unknown person, whom made something funny. It is not a mob of people as happened to Justine Sacco, but one entity. A recognizable entity. And how many people think there but for the grace of God go me? How many of us have written something that could anger the mob? How many of us laughed at the over the top Trump wrestling gif, and wonder why is CNN threatening Doxing over this?
And for a small percentage, how many are watching the social media mob turn on CNN? A true dog bites man story?
I am surprised the story has become so big. As mentioned by another poster the main stream media is not covering this at all.
My guess is Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc. will do all they can to stealth de-popularize the topic. To make it anti viral as possible. And I am sure the modern day incarnation of Journalist will have talking points out soon. My guess is the person who created the graphic will be outed, and an attempt be made to make him the main focus of the story. Along with making CNN employees who got Doxed the victims. I am not sure that will work with the response from Redditors and 4Chan, etc. CNN has threatened directly a key part of Reddit, which is the anonymous part.
Freedom of Speech vs Freedom of the Press
This incident reminds me of the video that directed attention to Obama's elective wars targeting nationalist Muslim leaders, which was summarily followed by a State response to threaten the life and welfare of the producer. A similar embarrassment preceded Obama/Merkel's coup in Kiev, which forced a refugee crisis, affectionately classified as "separatists".
Another unforced error.
Ray said...
Can we just have a Chuck thread? It's becoming boring. This way all the evidence can be laid out on the he said what, Chuck said what with links etc.
The difference between Snark and Chuck.
Snark disagrees from an obvious leftist point of view. His arguments are weak but they are in good faith. You can have discussions with Snark.
Chuck is completely disingenuous about his POV and just shits on the floor. His only goal is to turn every thread into a flame war about Trump. He turned a thread about Genteel into a shitshow airing his angst about Trump for gods sake.
This is very analogous to the current political climate. Most voters on the right want to keep to themselves and go on about their lives and families. The left just wont let them do it. They constantly interject themselves into things where they don't belong in totally inappropriate ways. Just like Chuck.
If a shitshow is what you want I will give you a shitshow. I don't start shitshows but I will happily put a resounding end to them.
Ray: "My guess is the person who created the graphic will be outed, and an attempt be made to make him the main focus of the story. Along with making CNN employees who got Doxed the victims. I am not sure that will work with the response from Redditors and 4Chan, etc. CNN has threatened directly a key part of Reddit, which is the anonymous part."
Assuming CNN gets the correct person to destroy with Chucks approval this time.
In additional to all the other CNN faux pas today it appears the CNN Ship is taking multiple hits and taking on water.
Chuck hardest hit.
I am surprised the story has become so big. As mentioned by another poster the main stream media is not covering this at all.
And this is why Trump Tweets and must always keep Tweeting,
If a shitshow is what you want I will give you a shitshow. I don't start shitshows but I will happily put a resounding end to them.
Hear hear.
And this is why Trump Tweets and must always keep Tweeting,
In a very real sense, (and if I may paraphrase "Topgun") for Trump and his future political success: "Tweeting Is Life."
Drago said...
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "Keep doing it if you want! I seriously hope you don't. I'd like it most of all, if Althouse banned anyone who did it"
You should have been banned immediately for trafficking in rumors regarding an underage child.
Hey, Drago! It's no rumor. Melania Trump (haha) hired Harder Mirell & Abrams LLP, and they wrote some kind of cease-and-desist letter to US Weekly.
Here, again, is the link:
Let me know if I misstated anything in the linked article. I'm sure you will.
Iowahawk was right on target, as usual:
David Burge @iowahawkblog
Geez, and here I thought Trump was the thin-skinned asshole. …
In a very real sense, (and if I may paraphrase "Topgun") for Trump and his future political success: "Tweeting Is Life."
If I may suggest, get a life.
I agree with Achilles. Snark and I had a nice exchange today with no harsh words or accusations -- which is what makes blogs like Althouse so wonderful. Snark has never called me a 'shithead', as another commenter did today, and that's why I enjoy reading Snark's comments!
Our country needs a special prosecutor to investigate this matter.
Snark said...From that perspective that gif was an escalation and an invitation to violence, and that created the impetus to investigate its source.
Let's pretend "its source" turned out to be a nice little old lady. A nun, maybe, or a retired sunday school teacher who just loves memes and is a wizard with the .gifs. How would that have changed any of this in any way? How does that change the President's expression, sharing a .gif on his own Twitter account? I'm tempted to ask "what difference, at this point, does that make?!"
For God's sake, the smart Lefty people are always going on about recontextulization and how one object or work of art can be used by another artist and take on new meaning and import. Etc etc, ad nauseam! That's what Trump did, guys--he took a work created and shared by someone else (someone he has no connection with, someone he isn't vouching for, someone he in no way endorses personally!) and recontextualized it from a silly joking .gif to a humorous semi-satirical political jab at a Media outlet.
In any other context the smart set would be clucking that we rubes just "don't get it," but now suddenly you guys want to argue that since Trump passed along this thing he is indelibly tainted by all the beliefs and expressions the original creator has ever made. That's an insane standard that, as far as I can tell, was JUST made up!
Chuck can always be counted on continuing his "rumor assault" on the 11 year old.
CNN outed the wrong .gif maker (no sound on the Reddit version) which proves that it didn't come from Reddit and Spicer didn't lie. CNN is in deep, deep doodoo.
You-know-who hardest hit.
Well, I look at the front page and see 493 comments. 493!
Now let's look in the comment box to see if my suspicions are correct . . .
54 references to one particular name in the first 200 comments.
94 references to him in the second 200 comments.
63 in the next 93 comments.
As long as he uses his real name, solo can publish any shit he wants, racist, anti-Semitic, Pro Trump whatever. What is wrong with standing up for what you publish? At least on this site, Althouse has our email address and in some cases our name so only so my BS can be thrown.
r/v comes out in favor of doxxing private citizens.
"Geez, and here I thought Trump was the thin-skinned asshole."
-- Birds of a feather.
Extortion News Network is getting its hoard of unmasked NSA leaks reviewed. They need some really good slanders.
CNN has posted a fake quote from Lincoln
Can Melania Trump send you a cease-and-desist letter, Chuck? I would love her even more.
LLR is a big fan of Ted Cruz, right?
Cruz weighed in on this:
Ted Cruz
✔ @tedcruz
(1/2) Troubling. I assume CNN's lawyers are examining GA § 16-8-16 Theft by extortion. If CNN constructively obtained the gif-maker's IP... …
10:37 AM - 5 Jul 2017
"What is wrong with standing up for what you publish?"
-- Nothing. There is also nothing wrong with choosing to publish anonymously. I choose not to in several places, but other places, I publish semi-anonymously, and some, completely so.
Privacy and speech are both rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Why 400+ comments?
Because we have an unquenchable hatred for DNC-MSM bullshit. It's the one H8 we can openly express in polite company. No matter what side (or every side of an issue if you're a LLRDMF) you claim to vote for we all hate the media and consider them biased. With us actual conservatives, who are happy to have a warrior-in-chief taking it to the alphabetically-named asshole media, Trump is a godsend. He refuses to feel the shame the Left ladles out and instead hits them where they are weak. They can't learn. They won't learn. They through ":grab 'em by the pussy" at him and he countered with "serial sexual harrasser-in-chief" and they had no second punch. They continue to take him literally and not seriously. And that feigned ignorance pisses us off even more.
"Wire tap? Like with a copper strand?"
Yet the essential truth of Trump's gambits wins out. We all knew Mika was dumb as a rock, but polite people don't say so. We all saw her suck up to Trump during the primaries and then turn on him like a snake after the nomination. We saw it. But Trump said it. And it doesn't bother most of America because we long ago started hating those smug assholes on TV trying to tell us how to think. Now they are getting the treatment from a black-belt in communication.
This thread will pass 600 before the Althouse commentariat is done venting at CNN (and by virtue of his defense of them) Chuck too. But make no mistake, it's the Media that bring us out, not the lifelongdouchebagspoosingasrepublicans.
Not sure of the point you are making. That anonymous sources should not be anonymous? That is the argument that CNN is making up to the point they have to assert that anonymous sources are vital to a free and open press. So what they, and you?, mean is that anonymous sources that circumvent their filter must be outed but that anonymous sources that submit to their filter are protected by the equivalent of doctor patient privilege?
I assume all CNN did was either:
1. Review the user's post history, and like most people, they made small references to their daily life (where they work, what they do, etc.), that let CNN find them (though apparently, they found the wrong guy.)
2. Simply asked Reddit, which reserves the right to share your information if they think you've broken any of their decency rules, which is why, as I said earlier, I use them significantly less than I used to.
Chuck in January: "It's also a personal distraction for Trump. Because the issue of whether Barron Trump is or is not austistic is bound to come up; fair or not."
It is is bad bad to say say thing things that are not not true true.
I fondly remember the days of Chelsea, back when she was just a wispy young thing in the White House. Now that she's a mature and crappy political hack, she still retains that umbrella, somehow. But Trump's offspring do not get the same protection.
I'd say that the big winner here is Chris Christie, since this is filling the outrage bucket to overflowing. Although I did see a funny sand sculpture picture of Christie on the beach at Drudge this morning, but it was halfway down the screen, with the CNN doxxing scandal getting the headlines.
Every comment is a punch to the head of the lying Media. I don't think there is an upper limit.
I can't go through 505+ comments, but has Chuck walked back his attack on Spicer for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, now that it seems to have a different, or at least multiple sources?
Even without this new information, it should have been obvious that a video that went viral could have been obtained from any number of sources other than the alleged originator, so it was a strange comment to begin with.
Comparing this guy to an anonymous source isn't fair. The anonymous source is deliberately choosing to be part of a news story, and as we've seen many high profile anonymous sources lying lately (Comey never told Trump that; these people will quit the administration; etc.), there's a certain amount of validation that the public should have with being asked to *believe* an anonymous source.
This guy made a gif -- something teenagers can do. An unoffensive gif, I'll add, even if he separately posted terrible things. Comparing that to an anonymous source is a deliberate attempt to distract from what is going on.
I can't go through 505+ comments, but has Chuck walked back his attack on Spicer for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, now that it seems to have a different, or at least multiple sources?
Chuck is busy looking for the next line of attack against a child.
I'll bet even Chuck's dog hates him.
Now reported that the Reddit kid didn't even make the video -- he just reposted it from someone else. If true, HanAssholeSolo may be retiring in style -- very soon!
Chuck said...
Hey, Drago! It's no rumor. Melania Trump (haha) hired Harder Mirell & Abrams LLP, and they wrote some kind of cease-and-desist letter to US Weekly.
Here, again, is the link:
Let me know if I misstated anything in the linked article. I'm sure you will
Case in point. This added nothing to the thread. Absolutely nothing. The only goal was to shit in everyone else's lap and start a stupid fight by bringing up Barron and autism in the same sentence. You want to know how this shitshow ends? Let me show you.
This is pure shithead troll work. It starts with Chuck flinging his seething anger inspired shit at everyone who supports Trump in a totally reprehensible way. Then the goes off and bitches about people calling him the stupid shithead he is acting like.
Now I am going to start down the rabbit hole. Shitshow escalates.
If he really is a LLR, which I doubt, he has wasted his life failing at everything. The Republican party has butt fucked their voters for decades and now we voted for a change in direction. He is a spurned abusive lover. The republican voters were tired of the lies and the failure. The only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor. Chuck is a traitor.
It should be noted that Kaczynski (the not-Unabomber one) claims that the poster was a middle-aged man and that reports that he was a 15-year-old were false. Take that for what it's worth, depending on your level of trust of CNN in general and Kaczynski in particular.
I can't go through 505+ comments, but has [REDACTED] walked back his attack on Spicer for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, now that it seems to have a different, or at least multiple sources?
No. Not one bit. You see the LLRDMF [REDACTED] only poses what he considers clever or ingenious questions. Many ask, but few get answers from him. I doubt you'll any apology or retraction of him smearing the WH-comms office or Spicey either. He's not into that.
Plenty of comments, so this has probably already been said.
But, these CNN guys are really stupid. I realize it is easy so see stupidity in hindsight, but it was staring them in the face and they missed it when they published the threat.
Even today, they are trying to lie their way out of it - again stupidly - by claiming they kept his name secret to protect his safety - when the CNN post yesterday told exactly why they were keeping it secret (nothing to do with safety for him) and how they would expose him if they thought he did anything wrong in the future.
Just remarkable stupidity.
I see their pitiful pivot today is to claim that since the guy posed some other "hate" stuff, then Trump must be connected to the other hate stuff. It is hard to imagine CNN going out of business, but they are making that a greater possibility every day. Wonder if anyone on CNN is going to say anything approaching the truth on the threat.
"Now reported that the Reddit kid didn't even make the video -- he just reposted it from someone else. If true, HanAssholeSolo may be retiring in style -- very soon!"
-- If true, then CNN should quietly pay him a lot of money, because as far as I know, doxxing people is a questionable tactic for many -- but doxxing the wrong bleeping person is universally hated.
The left decided that extortion isn't ALWAYS bad, depending on the victim. It was no crime when Ryan Lochte was extorted at gunpoint, because the man with the gun was brown, and Lochte was Brock Turner, the bro who won gold meda$ in the world's whitest sport and committed Swedish rape at Stanford.
" Take that for what it's worth, depending on your level of trust of CNN in general and Kaczynski in particular."
And Buzzfeed, Kaczynski's old employer, states that CNN might have doxxed the wrong guy.
Perhaps they should change the name to KCNN - Keystone Cops News Network.
I'd say that the big winner here is Chris Christie
The best meme on that I saw today was a riff on that footprints on the sand walking with Jesus thing, where the person asks Jesus why there's only one set of footprints during the really hard parts of life, and Jesus replies that one set is Chris Christie's footprints, and he chased them off his beach.
Chris Christie is yesterday's news, yes, but I doubt anyone has forgotten it.
Clyde: Take that for what it's worth, depending on your level of trust of CNN in general and Kaczynski in particular.
Given the past couple of months, that trust level is hovering below the National Enquirer and about roughly even with the Weekly World News without the entertainment value that is "Bat Boy."
Snark said... Of course they're going to investigate this - they're a news organization whose job it is to understand and communicate events and their context.
Let's say I agree here, Snark. If the origin had been the Whitehouse or some Repub. PAC or something that would have been newsworthy. wasn't! The origin was "just some guy." There are dozens--maybe hundreds by now--of similar .gifs floating around, created by god-knows-who, showing similar things. Who created them?! No one cares.
If the story had been "CNN traced the origin of the .gif to a private person unconnected to Trump or any official political organization" I would have had no problem with that, at all. They're the Media, they're supposed to look into that. But there's no story there!
There's no news value in the fact that the person who created a .gif--even an important .gif that was later updated (with sound) and tweeted by the President--is a jackass/racist/sexist/bigot. Unless the guy is on someone's payroll, or officially working for someone as a volunteer, or is already a public figure, it DOES NOT MATTER AT ALL. That's the problem, man. They MADE it a news story and said, essentially, "now you're a part of the public record and unless you appease us we're willing to make your name public, too."
Same thing with Joe the Plumber. The guy asked the President a question, had an interaction with the President at a public forum. Lots of people do that, that's not newsworthy. The Media pounced on the guy, dug into his background, and bureaucrats (who we might now call part of the Deep State) released his info. But he wasn't newsworthy--the details of his life were not relevant. Even there you might have a TINY sliver of an excuse (that his life was relevant to his perspective and that perspective drove his interaction with the President) but that tiny sliver is entirely absent in the case of the person who made the .gif!
The President tweeting the .gif is a story. The fact that the .gif originated from some private citizen unconnected to any political organization is a valid detail of that story. The personal beliefs and prior expressions of the (unconnected) guy who made the original version of the .gif is just not a valid part of the story.
Mark said...
Well, I look at the front page and see 493 comments. 493!
Now let's look in the comment box to see if my suspicions are correct . . .
54 references to one particular name in the first 200 comments.
94 references to him in the second 200 comments.
63 in the next 93 comments.
I know you are reading Meade.
Are you going to let Chuck act like this forever?
Are you Chuck? Pretty sure someone in there is Trumpit. Chuck seems to take things more personally than some of the other trolls. Chuck is also acting in a way that would destroy this blog so I don't think he is a puppet.
Do you need someone to take the leftist point of view to liven up this blog?
The first mention of Barron Trump in these comments was by Achilles, at 12:36.
Not me. Achilles. And Achilles was using the kid's name to attack me.
" He is a spurned abusive lover. The republican voters were tired of the lies and the failure. The only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor. Chuck is a traitor. "
Benedict Arnold turned traitor because he was angry at not getting a commission from Washington he thought he deserved. Ego and hurt feelings made him betray his former commpatriots and side with the enemy.
So it's an old story. Not that Chuck is anywhere near the magnitude of Arnold of course. Arnold was a valuable asset at one point.
Oh good Lord.
Chuck doesn't like Trump. So what?
Chuck said...
HoodlumDoodlum said...
Also, if we're gonna be 100% ACCURATE: I'm pretty sure this particular user just created and uploaded the .gif itself, with no sound. Someone else added sound, and THAT is the .gif that the President tweeted a copy of. Right? So, big mystery: Who added the sound?!
This is true!
Why doesn't the White House know, about shit that is getting pumped out through the Trump Twitter account?
7/5/17, 11:40 AM
OMG cause who cares? It was a funny meme and some treat it like it is the authentication codes for a first strike.
CNN is all butt-hurt cause they have zero sense of humor and wanted to lash out so they "go after" someone that is likely a 15 year old boy. THAT is the story. Had the person published stolen, nude photos of the news crew, they might have a leg to stand on but this is not that. This can NOT be defended. They threatened to expose the identity of a private citizen and maybe a minor unless that person agreed to apologize, remove their efforts, and "behave" in a way online that meets with the approval of CNN.
There is NOTHING that doesn't stink in this and it says something about anyone that would try to defend those actions.
He should not have posted it. She should not have worn such a short skirt.
As others noted, he likely deserves it cause it is not like he hit peaceful protesters over the head with a bike lock, or trashed a city over "wrong speech". Where was the great investigative CNN when Fast-n-Furious was going on or the IRS going after conservatives or the Obama WH going after other reporters? Where were their crack investigators when it came to Hillary's massive pay to play charity?
No, you are right, the WH needs the FBI to get on the true history of this GIF. Who authored it, who edited it, everyone that copied and re-posted it. Everything! This is bigger than Watergate and far more important to the administration than that current minor Korean thing.
The big news is still the DNC-journolistic meme that Republicans will "throw granny off the cliff" (e.g. Obama redistributing several hundred billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare). Also the conflation of insurance (a la Fannie/Freddie), medical, and health. Which inspired verbal, physical, and even abortive attacks on the people reported.
#OccupySomalia, #OccupyLibya, #OccupyUkraine, #OccupyCNN/NYT/WAPO/PBS
Is that your real name?
Chuck doesn't like Trump. So what?
It's not politically correct.
Achilles was faithfully illustrating your past bad behavior, Chuck. You then used it as an opportunity to twice link an Us magazine article regarding the same topic. There was no need for that other than your stated desire to have the subject return hits on an Internet search.
I'll elaborate a bit just to avoid arguing by assertion: the beliefs of the creator of the original .gif's not a valid part of the story because those beliefs have no bearing on the .gif itself. The .gif is a joking meme expressing a braggadocious belief that Trump has successfully "taken on" CNN. It does not in any way rely on a stated fact or any kind of expertise. It's purely an opinion, and plainly a joking and juvenile one. It's pretty childish! It's's a joke.
How is the original creator in any way relevant to the .gif? If the .gif was some sort of factual claim or statistic, and Trump tweeted that or relied upon it to make some statement of claim of his own, then the creator's credentials/personal beliefs/claim to expertise or knowledge would rightly be part of the story. You could say that the person was not in a position to make that particular claim, or that their information was faulty, etc. You could say they lacked the proper credentials to make the assertion and that Trump was foolish to rely on their information.
None of that is applicable here. No claims are being made. The original .gif creator's beliefs and personality (and credentials, and background generally) have NOTHING to do with the content of the .gif itself--and even that doesn't much matter since the whole story is that the President tweeted the .gif!
Who made it? Why would that matter, at all? It doesn't, and that's the point.
I don't believe Dickin'Bimbos@Home is your real name.
I think that's a Blink 182 song.
I've had people I know and respect say the CNN wrestling GIF was "bullying" and beneath the president. On Twitter I saw a lot of the blue checkmark crowd using the same extreme rhetoric, actually claiming this would lead to violence against journalists. What crap! It's an animated "editorial cartoon" at most, and lovely satire at best, both of which are protected speech. The "authors" of such works have no duty to reveal their given names anymore than Sabo or Banksy have the duty to "sign" their work. Even if I agreed that such humor was beneath the dignity of the POTUS' office I couldn't agree with their overheated opposition to the GIF itself. How is "stabbing in the park" or Gibson's bloody head video "art" or "a joke" respectively and this is not?
I could never be a progressive and have to constantly be ready to argue 180 degrees out of phase with what I supported yesterday!
I hope Kac gets AIDs, even if he's white.
In the meantime, there is that little matter of NK. Nikki Haley is laying down the law at the UN. There will be no US trade with any country that trades with NK or Iran.
Drago suggests: There's a little Sun Tzu in there somewhere.
I'm sure he's read Sun Tzu. And probably Alinsky, too. But you're right. He knows and exploits the weaknesses of the leftist media. As someone posted the other day, the single word: Rope.
Exiled, Haley is kicking some serious ass.
Fabi said...
Achilles was faithfully illustrating your past bad behavior, Chuck. You then used it as an opportunity to twice link an Us magazine article regarding the same topic. There was no need for that other than your stated desire to have the subject return hits on an Internet search.
Now you know, Fabi. Now everybody knows; don't try to pull that shit on me. If you don't want me to write about Barron Trump, don't bring it up.
And if you do bring it up, I am going to make the whole subject a lot clearer.
Get it?
I could never be a progressive and have to constantly be ready to argue 180 degrees out of phase with what I supported yesterday!
If you're a Republican it's called "fighting fire with fire" and it leads to "winning".
Per Exiled: Benedict Arnold turned traitor because he was angry at not getting a commission from Washington he thought he deserved. Ego and hurt feelings made him betray his former commpatriots and side with the enemy.
That and the fact that he needed the money. He and his wife were outspending their income and always in debt.
Don't fuck with da Chuck. You will get copy/pasted!
I'm sure he's read Sun Tzu.
He attended a military academy. But its also apparent that he understands the media better than the media itself. Of course, he's been using the media for his own ends for decades now.
Also, Trump never forgets that reporters are stupid rich kids that couldn't get into law school.
Watch the Alysin Camerota clip. Its quite amazing. They really do think they are being virtuous.
Original Post: "Absolutely despicable."
Perfect summation.
The gobsmacking thing, for me, is how *proud* they were of themselves when they announced that they'd done this.
Darrell - what was your first clue?
My mom thought it was a cool name, right after she mounted Everest.
I'm impressed that you can simultaneously masturbate to gay porn and pretend to be a tough guy, Chuck. Mutli-tasking is truly all the rage these days!
Trump never forgets that reporters are stupid rich kids that couldn't get into law school.
See? That used to be condemned by conservatives as as "class warfare" now it's cool, gotta fight fire with fire.
Well done FullMoon! I so love it when you-know-who's vulgar and violence-laced comments are shoved in his face.
antiphone said...
Trump never forgets that reporters are stupid rich kids that couldn't get into law school.
See? That used to be condemned by conservatives as as "class warfare" now it's cool, gotta fight fire with fire."
Well, once upon a time, liberals didn't shit on white blue collar people and call them "deplorables" who should just die already.
You are the ones who changed the rules. Now you don't like it. Tough.
"Making all of this CNN hand-wringing moot."
This is BS on stilts. Without one of the largest news media companies front-paging this (and bragging about it) do you think the entire story would've gone away and provided little motive for others to dox the Reddit poster?
But Greta thinks it was frivolous in Michelle's case.
Good. So do I. That means she has a brain in her her head and isn't a lying disingenuous asshole like you. A couple million people saw the tapes and agree with us. And Michelle Fields has those other fake assault tapes as well, hanging over her head. Like the Occupy Wall Street tape where she tries to make the claim that police knocked her down and kept her from getting up--when a cop is extending his hand to help her up after she fell between vans with no one near her.
So the other moronic and repeated attack on me is the Greta van Susteren story. Full Moon can't let that one go. Full Moon has been repeatedly attacking me with the wholly made up charge that I wished to "titty twist" Greta. "Titty twist" is Full Moon's invention. A phrase that Full Moon seems to be obsessed with. Whatever.
I wrote at one time that I would have like to have grabbed Greta in precisely the same way that Corey Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields, for the sole reason that Greta pronounced that she didn't think that such touching could ever support a criminal charge of any kind. Good, I thought; then Greta can't complain when she gets grabbed in the same way.
Okay, Full Moon? Happy now? Another one of your idiotic personal attacks on me shot down.
God, Althouse must hate this; when other readers who were interested in her blog-post run into 500 boring personal back-and-forth jabs by the regulars.
It's your fault, Drago. And yours, Full Moon. And yours, Fabi. And Vance, and a very small handful of others. A very small cadre of Trump supporters who are so bent out of shape by criticism of The Don that they feel compelled to attack me personally.
I can't help but think that Althouse would love for these name-calling battles to go away.
And I didn't start in with a-n-y of you. All of you -- each of you -- started in with me, after I had the nerve to attack Trump.
antiphone said...
Trump never forgets that reporters are stupid rich kids that couldn't get into law school.
See? That used to be condemned by conservatives as as "class warfare" now it's cool, gotta fight fire with fire.
I agree 100%. I told you leftists you would be really unhappy when we started treating you like you treat us.
In fact the best thing about Trump utterly obliterating you people in this way is that we may resolve this peacefully. We haven't had to resort to showing up at your rallies and attacking you violently like you have attacked us.
Let us all hope Trump has a successful presidency.
And if you people manage to assassinate Trump?
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Darrell - what was your first clue?
My mom thought it was a cool name, right after she mounted Everest.
I thought that's how Hillary was named after a New Zealand beekeeper before he climbed the big one.
Darrell said...
But Greta thinks it was frivolous in Michelle's case.
Good. So do I. That means she has a brain in her her head and isn't a lying disingenuous asshole like you. A couple million people saw the tapes and agree with us. And Michelle Fields has those other fake assault tapes as well, hanging over her head. Like the Occupy Wall Street tape where she tries to make the claim that police knocked her down and kept her from getting up--when a cop is extending his hand to help her up after she fell between vans with no one near her.
Oh that isn't even the best part. The best part was when Greta went to MSNBC, with new producers and new masters. And she then reviewed a black woman heckler who was loudly being disruptive at a Trump rally, and was escorted out physically, and Greta called it a clear assault on her MSNBC program.
#Lyin'Greta. #Sad. #MediaProstitute.
Fabi said...
Well done FullMoon! I so love it when you-know-who's vulgar and violence-laced comments are shoved in his face.
We need to get over this. We all know what Chuck is. At this point there is no humiliation that will stop him. He is below shame.
He is nothing more than a pile of shit thrown on the dinner table by a jerkwad while people are trying to enjoy themselves. His only purpose is to destroy something other people take joy in.
Achilles said...
We need to get over this.
That may be the first intelligent thing you have written today.
mad gif, the movie. Censored by CNN. LOL!
Michelle Fieklds
Well, once upon a time, liberals didn't shit on white blue collar people and call them "deplorables" who should just die already.
Bernie Sanders hasn't and there are plenty of people who work to reform the Democrats or failing that, provide an alternative. Trump's just a charlatan and an opportunist who doesn't represent any values but fantasies about revenge.
You know how mach I care about the Michelle Fields story? The he said/she said... boring ancient history nothing-burger?
2 turds. No - one rabbit rock.
Amazing to come by and see all the nasty comments. I would suggest that Ann could do worse than delete the whole thread.
Maybe all the comments mean something to her.
Now you know, Fabi. Now everybody knows; don't try to pull that shit on me. If you don't want me to write about Barron Trump, don't bring it up.
And if you do bring it up, I am going to make the whole subject a lot clearer.
...and if you should per chance happen to create a gif.........
Exactly, Kaczynski is behaving like Trump did by threatening Ted Cruz that he'd go after his wife.
Cruz’s PAC ran a revealing photo of Trump’s wife in Utah to get Mormon votes. Cruz was doing fairly well in his overall campaign until that error in judgement. I’ve always liked Cruz, still like him and believe he would make an excellent SCOTUS someday.
But if he were ever nominated for President the MSM would eat him alive, just as they did with McCain and Romney. In Cruz’s defense, ANY conventional GOP candidate would suffer the same fate. The MSM take-down method was proven, practiced and polished, which had its clumsy, mostly ineffective beginnings in the Bush, jr. years.
Trump and Trump alone is uniquely qualified to slay this dragon. And without Trump we would have Hillary. Never doubt it, never forget it.
Trump's just a charlatan and an opportunist who doesn't represent any values but fantasies about revenge.
You say that like it is a bad thing. It's actually why I voted for him.
See? That used to be condemned by conservatives as as "class warfare" now it's cool, gotta fight fire with fire.
By the upper class conservatives sure. By the working stiffs who are getting their jobs outsourced or their wages degraded due to cheap illegal immigration, not so much.
But anyway, thanks for the advice on what principles I need to hold. As a "conservative."
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
You know how mach I care about the Michelle Fields story? The he said/she said... boring ancient history nothing-burger?
I understand! I won't disagree with you!
I didn't bring up "Greta." Full Moon did. It was another attempt to attack me personally.
But I am not concerned with making the blog's comments pages better. I am concerned with defending myself against all of the personal attacks. It is too bad, that my defense just results in more clutter that good people like you just find boring.
Althouse knows all of this. Althouse agrees with all of this.
Trump's just a charlatan and an opportunist
The left keeps insisting that is the case. And I think they sincerely believe it. But, he just keeps on working on fulfilling his campaign promises. So, experience does not validate your belief.
In other news, the Airport News Network threatened blackmail to some guy on the Internet. Film at 11.
In fact the best thing about Trump utterly obliterating you people in this way is that we may resolve this peacefully.
You think this kind of trolling will win people over? You think Trump is going to "obliterate you people" by calling people names. Grow up.
So much bickering between famous people becomes national news. Pissing matches between Trump and Mika and Joe or between Trump and CNN dont really affect too many peoples' lives.
Deleting the thread would be a victory for CNN and Chuckheads everywhere.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"Oh good Lord.
Chuck doesn't like Trump. So what?"
Apparently it's a big deal to Chuck.
Back to the topic at hand.
If anonymity were a problem then half the writers of the Federalist Papers, not to mention writers of hundreds of newspaper and periodicals of the time would be subject to your disdain
The kid has an actionable case.
Lest we forget the reason for all these posts; CNN used it's power and money the blackmail someone into shutting up. I would have liked to have been in the room when THAT meeting was in session. Now trump has CNN exactly where he wants them. Dumbasses.
Speech is speech. Free speech is free speech.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "It's your fault, Drago. And yours, Full Moon. And yours, Fabi. And Vance, and a very small handful of others."
And there it is.
Chuck attacks a child and it's everybody else's fault.
Courageously of course. I mean, who does that 11 year old think he is?!
But Chuck is always ready to go. Not to have joined the military. Nope.
But those 11 year olds are just asking for it and Chuck is just the "man" to hit 'em where it hurts.
Well played LLR.
Gang up warfare is really annoying. and high school.
Chuck - in my book - you are allowed your opinion, and I wish people would debate you on that instead of the "You don't adore and worship Trump, so you suck and must be insulted personally" re-run.
You think Trump is going to "obliterate you people" by calling people names.
He's definitely revealing the deep dishonesty and low character of the partisan media. That's an unambiguous positive.
CNN is claiming it never contacted the guy.
So why did the guy move so quickly to delete and knuckle-under?
CNN is lying.
Here's a thought, Chuck: have you noticed how all the commenters you blame are able to have kind exchanges with other commenters on this blog -- and have done so even today? There's on constant to most -- if not all -- of the ugliness in these threads. Guess who that is? Free hint: it's none of the people you mentioned.
Drago you jackass you just won't give up.
If you don't want anymore comments about Barron Trump and autism -- and to be clear the Trump family lawyers have written that Barron Trump is not autistic -- then you and others should quit trying to attack me with the story.
Again, here is the USWeekly story on the cease-and-desist letter and the Youtube video by the autism awareness activist:
Check it out for more info.
Yeah, Drago. Chuck will keep on slandering this kid until you behave!
He's definitely revealing the deep dishonesty and low character of the partisan media.
I suppose Fox news is what the media should look like.
Fabi said...
Here's a thought, Chuck: have you noticed how all the commenters you blame are able to have kind exchanges with other commenters on this blog -- and have done so even today? There's on constant to most -- if not all -- of the ugliness in these threads. Guess who that is? Free hint: it's none of the people you mentioned.
Shit, that's an easy one. You all like Trump, and you all hate my criticisms of Trump.
Have you noticed how I never attack any other commenters on these pages, apart from your little band of Trumpkins? Others are able to disagree with me, even about Trump, and not have it devolve into personal attacks. I've been posting at Althouse for many years before Trump, and many commenters don't recall a single controversy with me.
It is so clearly on you guys, Fabi. It's not me; it's you.
Slow down Althouse. Idiots who post anything on Twitter - or blogs for that matter - using a nom de plume can be exposed anytime the receiving site or the NSA wants to do so. Most of us want to hide our names to avoid the onslaught of harassing texts, emails and social media postings that could embarrass us. Sometimes we do say things we would like to take back. In the new age involving presidential tweets, supporters of the president are even offering up death threats if they are on a hate binge. Having said that, we know that information can be had by influential media representatives with less effort than might otherwise be expected.
Deep Throat was eventually identified and we found out who "outed" Valarie Plame - if you can "out" non-agent CIA employees as "spies." So expect the worst when you say or display stuff on the internet. Else you need to point the finger at yourself.
Has it occurred to anyone that the "behave or we snitch" threat might have been issued for the health and benefit of A**hole?
Pookie Number 2 said...
Yeah, Drago. Chuck will keep on slandering this kid until you behave!
That's not stated correctly.
"Chuck will not mention Barron Trump, unless somebody else brings it up," would be the correct statement.
And then, "Chuck will go into detail about the Youtube video, the other published information, and the cease-and-desist letter claiming that Barron Trump is not autistic, if indeed somebody tries to attack Chuck with that topic."
"Trump's just a charlatan and an opportunist who doesn't represent any values but fantasies about revenge."
He certainly knows how to get attention, but that doesn't make him a charlatan. An opportunist? I agree. He sees an opening and takes the risk I don't see that as a bad thing unless he's shoving cripples out of the way. No. I don't think his motivation is revenge. I t hink he is greatly concerned about the direction this country was going. I also think he has genuine concern for American Small businesses and the American worker. He was intelligent enough to find out what were the concerns of the middle class and run on those concerns. I think he is virtuous in his own way. I'll say this. I'll take Trumps moral character over Bill Clintons any day.
He is a character. But he isn't the first character we've had in the White House.
Now you're calling me a Trumpkin, Chuck? You've clearly no idea what you're talking about. I was a Cruz guy until he dropped out -- and I was plenty critical of Trump until he got the nomination. What you just offered is further proof that you are the problem. Try again.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...CNN is claiming it never contacted the guy.
You have to parse it VERY carefully, DB@H, but I think what happened was:
1.)CNN finds poster's real identity, calls or emails poster, doesn't get immediate response
2.)Poster sees CNN's message, freaks out (realizing they've been uncovered), deletes old posts, posts apoloogy
3.)Poster gets in touch with CNN/calls them back or whatever
That, I think, is the only way to square the K-File guy's twin assertions that CNN contacted the guy before he apologized AND that the guy published an apology before talking with CNN.
It doesn't explain why the K-File producer posted to Twitter that they were sparing the guy because he apologized, nor does it explain Chris Cuomo putting up the question (of whether the guy should be outed) on Twitter (before deleting that post) nor does it explain the fact that the CNN morning host just this morning stated that CNN decided NOT to publish the guy's info due to his apology...but it at least explains the lawyerly statements regarding the timing here.
Has it occurred to anyone that the "behave or we snitch" threat might have been issued for the health and benefit of A**hole?
I'm going to guess no. It has not.
"It's your fault, Drago. And yours, Full Moon. And yours, Fabi. And Vance, and [...]"
Just like the four-times-divorced person who's convinced that they're just fine, and that all their spouses were sociopaths.
Maybe after the fifth or sixth failed marriage, they'll realize that the common element to all of the problems is...
CNN is claiming it never contacted the guy.
That's not what I've seen at all. CNN says they didn't *talk* to the guy before he deleted. But they did *contact* him -- via email.
The #CNNBlackHail hashtag on Twitter is an entertaining read.
*sigh* BLackMail. Mail. Not Hail.
It's thundering right now. Wishful thinking.
Let me push this to 600.
Well we're coming up on 600 comments on what was basically a straightforward observation by Althouse: CNN overreacted to the gif Trump posted knocking down a figure whose head was photoshopped and replaced with the CNN logo, and then the network severely compounded the error by publicly threatening the originator of the gif with exposure. Not long ago that might not be much of a threat, but in an environment where Evergreen State students are running around with baseball bats looking for conservative students and professors to beat up, when Portland's "antifa" are deliberately trying to provoke violence, then, yeah, the threat of exposure is tantamount to a threat of bodily harm or death.
People working at CNN must be lacking a gene for elementary common sense.
And where are we at, what have we concluded? Most commentators now agree with what I've been saying for a while, which is that "Chuck" is a moby and not even a very good one. I observe him trying to push the same talking points as hard core lefties while coming up with strange factoids that could only have been discovered by someone working within an organization equipped with a large research staff, and conclude that he is probably paid for his services. Note his reactions when people like myself and others catch him in his lies, and even more so when we catch him saying good things about some of the most despicable politicians in the Democrat party. He tries to pretend to be a "country club Republican," but he probably doesn't know any so he gets it absurdly wrong.
I have also concluded that lefties -- a group that once included Althouse! -- are totally deranged. All of the challenges facing us as a county after eight years of the idiot from Hyde Park, North Korea among them, and all they can do is fuss over a humorous gif? And this after they defended Kathy Griffin for posting far worse? You used to be part of all that, Althouse, so I'll ask you. What in the Hell?
That's not what I've seen at all. CNN says they didn't *talk* to the guy before he deleted. But they did *contact* him -- via email.
Why would he delete? I think CNN DID contact the guy, in some manner. why else would be grovel so quickly?
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