CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.So the human being behind the ridiculous pseudonym HanA**holeSolo should cringe for the rest of his life and never publish anything that CNN could possibly deem "bigoted" or "racist" because it would trigger CNN's delusional duty to destroy him.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change....
Absolutely despicable.
This person is a nonentity. We shouldn't even have heard about him in the first place. Who cares who originally posted the video clip of the CNN logo stuck on the face of the guy Trump was wrestling? Trump passed along the clip the way most of us pass things along, by deciding we like that one thing. We don't search for who started it and then all the other things that person has said or done.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 923 Newer› Newest»Chuck said--
But since I now think that any Republican nominee would have beaten Hillary...
OK, that's it. Get the fuck off the internet. Your opinions are worthless. Michigan Republicans shouldn't let you in the door.
Poor HanAssholeSolo. He never got a chance to be a milkshake duck.
A lawsuit against CNN would be a good thing. It does seem like extortion and that is illegal. The kid should press criminal charges against Kacinsky personally and CNN corporately.
A nice fat civil suit would also be a good thing.
An even better thing would be if someone started a website listing all CNN sponsors.
Not saying we should boycott them, just that we should know who they are.
John Henry
I do believe what you're trying to say, exhiled , is what Evita said: you don't have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line.
Well, it's credited to her.
T may be going after Titke IX! That's YUGE!
I Googled the phrase "legality of doxing" and the first result I get is Doxing is always illegal, whether it is done against a federal employee, a state employee, or a regular person. Learn something new every day I guess. I'm not sure if that's exactly the same thing as anonymity being a right.
What happened to Brendan Eich terrifies me.
+Trump was the "Fuck You!" candidate.
Cruz, Rubio, Jeb! et al were the "Fuck Me!" candidates.
"Absolutely despicable." I appreciate the sensitivity and all, but it's who they are, it's what they do.
"We shouldn't even have heard about him in the first place. Who cares who originally posted" Yes, we should: the person is useful tool in the prog culture war. They care: anyone on the other side must be destroyed, or scared into silence.
"We don't search for who started it and then all the other things that person has said or done." Of course they will: the left fights dirty.
4Chan is going after CNN and anyone that supports the doxing.
Chuck should be worried.
"This isn’t Kaczynski’s first attempt at destroying a private citizen’s life. As a BuzzFeed reporter, he gained notoriety for publicizing a lame joke Tweeted by a 30-year-old PR director named Justine Sacco. As Sacco was boarding a plane from London to Cape Town, South Africa, she poked fun at many people’s poor understanding of the continent. Kaczynski decided the joke was racist and helped gin up a digital lynch mob while she was in the air for 11 hours sans internet. By the time Sacco landed, she was mobbed by reporters, was fired from her job, and had to go into hiding."
This is why I don't dismiss all those little campus SJWs as people who will end up making grande lattes at Starbucks. Some will. Others will work for the government and the media and this is what they will do when they have positions with power.
The irony is what that kid did wasn't racist or bigoted. It's a corporation. Which shows the degradation of the language or the superficiality or MORON QUOTIENT of the person who mouths that garbage.
Re: Jupiter:
The right to free speech has never meant the right to anonymous speech.
I am pretty sure you are completely wrong. People have already pointed out the Federalist Papers. Thomas Paine's revolutionary pamphlet "Common Sense" was also published anonymously. And Paine was, let's be honest, precisely the kind of half-mad maniac who would be posting on Reddit fora, or pushing out screeds for Bernie Sanders. Anonymous speech against the great powers of the world has always been part of the American tradition.
It's anonymous violence (like Antifa) that isn't -- or rather, it is (e.g. KKK) but decent Americans have always tried to unmask and punish those responsible.
The Struggle Session was successful, and the wrong thinker accordingly recalibrated. He should be grateful for CNN's benevolence.
Darrell said...
4Chan is going after CNN and anyone that supports the doxing."
4Chan is a sewer. That said, Glenn Reynolds is right when he said CNN will now have a million 15 year old boys descending on them like a swarm of killer bees.
Well, should Dana quit the psycho network?
Jupiter said...The fact is, the people responsible for this are all you supposed conservatives who pile on whenever the Left calls anyone "racist" or "bigoted". What this guy is being threatened with is contempt and abuse at the hands of people like yourselves.
Yes!'s exactly the same. Sure.
4-chan is like fire; you play with it, you get burned. But, it can both be destructive and useful.
I for one just stay far, far away from it.
Who the hell is "chuck" and why are 20% of the posters talking to/about him/her/it?
"In the interview, “HanA**holeSolo” sounded nervous about his identity being revealed and asked to not be named out of fear for his personal safety and for the public embarrassment it would bring to him and his family." The guy assumes the left fights dirty. He assumes they will try to get him, Sacco-style or Hodgkinson-style. He assumes right.
RE: Chuck:
It seems blindingly obvious to me that Spicey was asked something like this: Sean, that video posted by the President looks like something we found that originated on Reddit. And the guy who pseudonymously created it looks like a vaguely, or not so vaguely anti-Semitic, racist, Trump supporter. Based on his other posts. So we are asking; was the President's posted video that same video, and did the President and your office know about that provenance before it was posted?
If he was asked that, it seems blindingly obvious to me the proper thing to do would have been to reject utterly the idiotic premise of the question, which is apparently that a funny reaction gif could somehow be ritually tainted by whatever else the author did. That's absurd. It's a stupid question, and -- if a journalist asked it -- it's a great illustration of just how pathetic journalism in this country has become.
Corporate Thugs Act Like Thugs. The full story tonight! On Anderson Cooper Live!
I'd like to know what he posted that was so offensive. Nothing about the CNN/Trump .gif is remotely offensive, unless cartoon violence offends you. I thought it was pretty clever commentary. It is an amusing satiric metaphor, and one that kind of cuts both ways. I know that is pretty high brow and "nuanced" for CNN.
Maybe HanA**holeSolo has posted vile things for which he should apologize. I'm not going to go looking for them, but I wouldn't be surprised. He is, apparently, a snarky teenage wiseacre. If he did make some things he is now ashamed of, well, these are his chickens coming home to roost. But the CnN/Trump wrestling .gif isn't one of them. About that, at least, he should be as proud as a maker of snarky internet memes can be.
I don't think CNN understands Reddit. They have sown the wind, now they will reap the whirlwind. As Glenn Reynolds put it, they have chosen the form of their destructor, thousands of anonymous internet trolls.
Darrell said...
4Chan is going after CNN and anyone that supports the doxing.
Chuck should be worried.
I don't "support the doxing," you pathetic asswipe. Where did I say that I support any doxxing? Quote me, you douchebag.
I don't care about the nameless freak that created that stupid video. I care about exposing the problems of the White House Communications Office problems. And ridiculing Trump's personal style.
Fuck you. Why don't you just stop responding to anything I've written? We'd both be a lot happier.
exiledonmainstreet said...4Chan is a sewer. That said, Glenn Reynolds is right when he said CNN will now have a million 15 year old boys descending on them like a swarm of killer bees.
The phrase is "weaponized autism."
I wouldn't bet on CNN.
The CNN coverage of this indicates the guy has posted assorted hateful/anti-semitic stuff on reddit in the past. I'd like to see what that was. Not that it would change my assessment of what CNN has done here ("despicable," as our hostess calls it, is perfect), but I'm curious to see what sort of communications by this guy opened him up to that sort of smear.
Who the hell is "chuck"
He's a lifelong republican obsessed with attacking Trump who constantly attacks the Right in an effort to divert attention from something the Left has done wrong.
and why are 20% of the posters talking to/about him/her/it?
Because if you don't swat the puppy every time it shits on the carpet it never learns that it is not OK to shit on the carpet.
4Chan is a sewer.
You need sewers to drain the swamp.
Seeing Red said...
I do believe what you're trying to say, exhiled , is what Evita said: you don't have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line"
How about giving some credit where credit is due? As noted earlier, Chuck can't even bring himself to praise Trump for putting Gorsuch on the SC bench.
I don't "support the doxing," you pathetic asswipe. Where did I say that I support any doxxing? Quote me, you douchebag. I don't care about the nameless freak that created that stupid video.
Speaking of pathetic...
Some LLR posts today at 8:59 AM in this thread to pass along an article describing anti-semitic posts the .gif creator previously made. But hey, that same LLR "do[es]n't care about the nameless freak" so don't you say he does!
I don't care about the nameless freak that created that stupid video.
Yeah, fuck him, he's probably a deplorable anyway. Who gives a shit that's he's only 15?
I care about exposing the problems of the White House Communications Office
Whether they exist or I have to make them up.
And ridiculing Trump's personal style.
We have to have priorities people!
Fuck you. Why don't you just stop responding to anything I've written? We'd both be a lot happier.
We're back to puppies shitting on carpets.
4Chan--the name is Chuck. Try Michigan, but he lies about everything so start there.
Its a shame CNN and other MSM outlets don't just take a breath and try to see themselves the way that Trump's base sees them. Perhaps show a little maturity and self-reflection....
They also seem not to have learned growing up that laughing along with some of these things goes a long way to taking the power away from an opponent. Instead, they think playing victim and pointing finger at random gif creator will get their credibility back.
That meme was spot on, and is ever more so today.
I guess another thing people aren't realising here is that while CNN's article sounds an extremely thuggish note, promising anonymity so long as the boy displays a properly subservient attitude, they also disclosed his username. If he's anonymous right now, it's probably only a matter of time before someone comes right out and doxxes him, and CNN knows this.
His only protection, frankly, may be that while CNN is crying tears of blood at the peasants daring to mock them with funny gifs, I don't think even Democrats care nearly as much. You get some people talking about how the President posting a funny reaction gif is an incitement to violence, but -- seriously -- do any of them actually believe that? I kind of doubt it. If the boy's lucky, no one cares about a gif making fun of CNN enough to doxx him.
Other than CNN.
Gahrie said...
He's a lifelong republican obsessed with attacking Trump who constantly attacks the Right in an effort to divert attention from something the Left has done wrong.
I will bet that you cannot find a single good clear example of my "attacking the Right." I know damn well that you can't possibly show that I have "constantly" done that.
As for my attacking Trump, personally, that is daily, of course.
There is a difference. I don't attack conservatism. I attack Trump, on exclusively personal grounds. On these comments pages, in the last couple of hours, I (and others) noted my strong support for Justice Gorsuch. That's an odd way of "divert[ing] attention from something the Left has done wrong."
I will bet that you cannot find a single good clear example of my "attacking the Right." I know damn well that you can't possibly show that I have "constantly" done that.
You attacked the rightwing media in an attempt to defend the leftwing media on this very thread.
Balfegor said...
I guess another thing people aren't realising here is that while CNN's article sounds an extremely thuggish note, promising anonymity so long as the boy displays a properly subservient attitude, they also disclosed his username. If he's anonymous right now, it's probably only a matter of time before someone comes right out and doxxes him, and CNN knows this.
The Redditor's user name was known all throughout the 'net yesterday, before CNN ever reported on it. And of course it was known all throughout his pro-Trump Reddit sub-group. Doesn't that fact blow up your whole anti-CNN point?
I fear this is not an error - it is very likely an error on the part of CNNs management, but it may not be.
It may well be the next stage in the deplatforming effort vs alternate media, in the same direction as advertiser boycotts of Breitbart, Fox and Limbaugh, of Twitter bans and Youtube demonetization.
Removal of anonymity is very likely to suppress participation in individual free speech venues, especially by those with much to lose, people with talent.
C also can't praise T for cutting some Y2K red tape.
You're right Exhiled. I despise loathe Barry, but he partially kept his hands off NASA. So Mr. "We can't drill our way out of this" HA!! did 1 thing right.
Caps off and 'Murica's changing the landscape AGAIN!
" Doesn't that fact blow up your whole anti-CNN point?"
Hell no.
If you don't know the first rule of holes--
you are one.
Chris N at 10:32: "Accept activist logic and demands into your organization at your own risk. They'll just move onto the next org or be overthrown by the next wave of radical activists."
Yes. Locusts.
We really need better ecological concepts for identifying and managing these infestations of social pathology.
Gahrie said...
You attacked the rightwing media in an attempt to defend the leftwing media on this very thread.
What "rightwing media" did I attack?
And again; I am not defending CNN. I don't think they did much of anything wrong, mostly because this story blew up yesterday with no involvement from CNN. That's all.
Remember the poor sap who inflamed all those radical Muslims in Benghazi to murder Ambassador Chris Stevens and others with his video?
Here was Obama's response at the UN:
That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.
The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
Obama and CNN -- out
Trump and Foxnews -- in
Not everyone pays attention to the net, so those who were actually having a good time enjoying life will only really hear CNN is being a bully over a cartoon.
Well, I guess CNN showed him. HARRUMPH!
Judging by their doubling down, I guess it still hasn't dawned on them yet.
This story is going to have legs.
The Redditor's user name was known all throughout the 'net yesterday, before CNN ever reported on it. And of course it was known all throughout his pro-Trump Reddit sub-group. Doesn't that fact blow up your whole anti-CNN point?
"It was known" so CNN's broadcasting it--front-paging it on their website w/an article bragging about how they tracked the private individual down!--doesn't mean anything and couldn't have any effect.
Lots of LifeLongRepublicans bend themselves into knots defending CNN's indefensible actions...lots.
I didn't read all the comments so this point may have been addressed but this kid's apology is the most disturbing thing about the incident. It is right out of the Communist China Red Guard era (and the Soviet troikas and 1984 ...). I hope and pray he fully retracts his apology and demands they out him. He wins if he does.
Here's Chuck at 10:00 on this thread:
"...don't make personal attacks on other commenters..."
Here's Chuck at 10:46 on this thread:
Quote me, you douchebag.
Fuck you."
You can't make this shit up!
I actually got a CNN News Alert about this story yesterday. They are PROUD of it.
Trump using this video is no way near as offensive as Obama's use of a goatse as his campaign symbol. That was foul, fitting, but foul.
What "rightwing media" did I attack?
My was on an earlier post today..the first NYT thread:
Imagine on the front page, next to a story of a threat of imminent nuclear war, a cartoon illustration of Barack Obama distracted by his iPhone and surrounded by advisers who don't know what to do about it.
Aren't you essentially describing the Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh and Breitbart for the last eight years?
7:14 AM.
And again; I am not defending CNN.
That's good.
I don't think they did much of anything wrong,
Honey! The puppy shit on the carpet again!
mostly because this story blew up yesterday with no involvement from CNN. That's all.
Except for the threats to a 15 year old boy of course.....
"Chuck said...
I don't care about the nameless freak that created that stupid video. I care about exposing the problems of the White House Communications Office problems. And ridiculing Trump's personal style."
Of course this post is about "the nameless freak" and not about the WHCO problems.
What a tool.
That's right, Fabi.
It's a free speech site. If people are going to personally attack me as a "cunt," I am going to play by that rule.
A better rule, by far, is Professor Althouse's rule. Don't personally attack other commenters. Which rule is it going to be. We need to choose one.
If you don't like the personal attacks, your place to start, with a vengeance -- and this is so goddamned obvious -- is with Drago, Bad Lieutenant, Fen, and Full Moon.
The Redditor's user name was known all throughout the 'net yesterday, before CNN ever reported on it. And of course it was known all throughout his pro-Trump Reddit sub-group. Doesn't that fact blow up your whole anti-CNN point?
But i'm not defending CNN. No siree, not me.
Of course, bashing Obama was what Fox, Breitbart and Rush do. It is their business model. Who doesn't get that? I'm not saying Fox is better than NYT, or vice versa. I am just stating the obvious. That they are mirror images.
And about CNN and the Reddit video-maker; again I say that the Reddit user name became known before CNN wrote a word about it. And CNN's decision has been to NOT expose any other personal details about that Reddit user.
4Chan is a sewer.
/b/ can be, but there are other boards for cooking, history, and other interests that aren't as much of a free-for-all.
Poor Chuck. Always getting called out for his insane rantings, incredible backflips in support of leftists, Dem stolen valor liars and the leftist media.
It's all really unfair to such a good LLR.
BTW, I have never used the language that Chuck routinely uses.
CNN's decision was to not expose details unless he again posts something they don't like.
Which was, in this first instance, a lighthearted jab at them.
Rush is on now, lying about CNN. Rush is telling his audience that CNN investigated the Reddit video maker and exposed him.
I don't think Rush even understands how the story broke yesterday.
The story broke 24-48 hours ago, through stories that CNN had nothing to do with.
Quite frankly, I would be surprised if Chuck actually kissed his Maddow blow up doll with the potty mouth he has displayed.
Poor widdle Chuckie playing the victim yet again. Sad!
Jupiter although you made some good points, points that I agree with you in principle let's not lose sight of the context. As Buyawa astutely pointed out CNN has very good business reasons in protecting its reputation as the American BBC in foreign markets. Therefore the implied intimidation in this context is not a free speach issue on part of CNN but rather CNN using in part it's government granted monopoly power to supress the anonymous poster's free speach.
Chuck I get you have no love for Trump. At times he irritates me as well. But as a life long Republican and as an attorney ( I believe stated on this blog that you are a lawyer) doesn't CNNs actions worry you? I'm a life long Republican and this does concern me. Indeed if this was inverted with Obama in the role of Trump and Fox in the role of CNN when Obama was president and FNC had made the same threat as CNN has done I also would be equally outraged.
Trump ought to propose that Congress unbundle cable. That way everyone who hates CNN or Fox doesn't have to pay for them in their cable bill. That's the best way for Trump to topple the left wing media off their high horse. That and reinstate as per Glenn Reynolds The Hollywood Tax.
Of course, bashing Obama was what Fox, Breitbart and Rush do. It is their business model. Who doesn't get that? I'm not saying Fox is better than NYT, or vice versa. I am just stating the obvious. That they are mirror images.
Exactly. Attacking rightwing media in order to distract from the bad actions of the leftwing media, like I said.
And about CNN and the Reddit video-maker; again I say that the Reddit user name became known before CNN wrote a word about it. And CNN's decision has been to NOT expose any other personal details about that Reddit user.
Actually, their new story is that he's not a 15 year old, he's a middle aged anti-semite. In case you missed it middle aged is a personal detail. The anti-semite bit is just a gratuitous insult.
Chuck in full blown Rush attack mode now while simultaneously doing backflips to support CNN.
But don't you dare accuse him of supporting the leftists at CNN!
My assumption is a conservative one, given the scale of the underlying stakes in US politics. Nothing, nothing at all, in all of this is random, unconsidered, unplanned, whimsical. Or if some bit of individual whimsy breaks through, the response is certain to be planned, considered.
We are spectators in a high stakes political struggle, not always knowing what matters or points are being fought over. We are mice observing a contest between elephants.
Re: Chuck:
CNN can reach a lot more crazies than r/the_Donald. Sure there are liberals who hate read the Trump subreddits. Now, if his name were plastered all over the anti-Trump subreddits, that would be a different matter. That's exactly where the crazies are, so CNN really would be irrelevant. And that may be the case -- I am not active on reddit so I don't know.
Rather than contacting advertisers re: CNN, I think people should contact airports and the local authorities that run them.
Why is CNN, a blackmailing organization, playing right now on the monitors at Madison's Airport? And at just about every other airport in the country?
That CNN gets so much play in an airport goes a long way towards explaining why, for example, Hilton is a big ad buyer.
"I am not defending CNN. I don't think they did much of anything wrong, mostly because this story blew up yesterday with no involvement from CNN. That's all."
Right. So you're ok with a network blackmailing a web commenter so long as others seek to do it first.
First they came for...
You know, I'm starting to think that maybe the rumor about the guy being 15 is true. Everyone knows why CNN was looking to find the original creator of the .gif. They wanted to see if he had posted anything they could use to "taint" it. That is, was the guy a skin head or a Republican or something. Then they can ask Sean Spicer, "does the Presidents retweeting of a .gif from a skinhead neo-Nazi indicate that he supports neo-Nazism?" And it turns out the guy had posted at least one thing that could be construed as anti-Semitic.
So, in that case, why keep his identity a secret? He's an anti-Semitic dirt bag as far as CNN is concerned and fair game regardless.
And the whole apologize and delete your stuff and we are going to be monitoring you has a real "adult punishing a child" feel.
Chuck lies again in defense of his precious CNN. No, Chuckles, CNN didn't say they were NOT going to release his personal information in the absolute. They said they reserved the right to release it if they didn't like what he posted in the future. Just once in you life, Cuck, be honest.
2020 - the left will run Hillary Clinton up the flagpole again.
Because dark money on the left, rulz.
Time to. Ring out the Joseph Welch question. "CNN have you no decency?"
CNN has lost the plot. Maybe we can get their junk out of airports where we have simply been unable to escape these clowns.
This is why I don't dismiss all those little campus SJWs as people who will end up making grande lattes at Starbucks. Some will. Others will work for the government and the media and this is what they will do when they have positions with power.
A LifeLongRepublican passionately defends CNN by saying "The story broke 24-48 hours ago, through stories that CNN had nothing to do with.'
CNN's headline says "How CNN Found the Reddit User Behind the Trump Wrestling GIF"
I mean, who are you gonna believe?!?
Chuck I get you have no love for Trump. At times he irritates me as well. But as a life long Republican and as an attorney ( I believe stated on this blog that you are a lawyer) doesn't CNNs actions worry you?
A little. Not much, given the relevant timeline. I haven't learned a single new thing about the Redditor in question, from CNN. I knew it all from Jared Sexton and JTA long before CNN weighed in.
I think Althouse has a good point, about CNN's stated methodology on how the Redditor can avoid further CNN reporting/doxxing.
What I presume is that CNN will do nothing further, and that somebody else will doxx the fucking shit out of this poor little bastard.
And so CNN won't have any role of consequence at all.
Also, if we're gonna be 100% ACCURATE: I'm pretty sure this particular user just created and uploaded the .gif itself, with no sound. Someone else added sound, and THAT is the .gif that the President tweeted a copy of. Right? So, big mystery: Who added the sound?!
This guy just created the first, nascent version of the .gif, not the final version that the President tweeted. Seems a bit like maybe CNN went out of its way to threaten the wrong guy, huh?
But then again, we now know that the 27 year olds at CNN think of themselves as our rightful masters. They went to college and read a book and everything.
Don't confuse Chuckie with the facts, HoodlumDoodlum -- he'll just shit on the rug again.
buwaya: your posts are always excellent, thanks.
Here I want to point to your 10:08 comment: "f mockery of CNN becomes widespread this will be threatened. This will require the creation of an alternate gold-standard news source, or may open the world to investigating alternate opinions from the US."
This is highly interesting. I wonder if CNN and other media have any reliable way of monetizing this channel (being the "US source for a global market on a given issue"). I speculate that they just take it for granted or as a make-weight, something amorphous that goes into their Brand Equity.
But if in fact they get dinged for not delivering anything solid or even remotely acceptable, which their persecution of some hapless Reddit contributor just might turn out to be? How much damage will it do to their enterprise value?
Pass the popcorn.
If I put up a post in an Althouse comment thread saying something today and the Media doesn't cover it, but then tomorrow CNN picks up the story and runs it as their top article, well, I guess CNN played "no part" in spreading the story around, since I actually broke it myself yesterday.
Airtight logic.
This Hanassholesolo disrespected the CNN logo, and paid the price.
Reminds me of Tony Soprano putting a hit out on one of his own guys after he killed one of the strippers at the Bada Bing, and the Stevie Van Zant character explained "He disrespected the Bing."
Shit like this by CNN is why people are fed up and voted for Trump to go in a blow it all up.
CNN is Planned Propaganda. Another PP organization.
Hate Loves Abortion
And so CNN won't have any role of consequence at all.
Ain't nobody over here defending CNN, nuh uh, no way.....
Chuckles hoped...
"What I presume is that CNN will do nothing further, and that somebody else will doxx the fucking shit out of this poor little bastard.
And so CNN won't have any role of consequence at all."
Must. Always. Defend. CNN. At. Any. Cost.
1. This story did break, with no involvement from CNN. "HanAssholeSolo" was identified as the creator of the video. And that "HanAssholeSolo" had posted a lot of anti-Semitic and vaguely racist pro-Trump stuff. That was all there was, pre-CNN.
2. After that, CNN dug in and found out who "HanAssholeSolo" really was. But didn't report what they found.
So, based on all of that, I was right and I am still right.
CNN's saying essentially, "As long as you are apologetic, we won't report what we know about you," is a dubious position. It's not my position, wouldn't be my position, and I am not here to defend it. But it isn't anything new, factually. Again, I am right about #1 and #2.
A person is guilty of coercion in the second degree when he or she compels or induces a person to engage in conduct which the latter has a legal right to abstain from engaging in, or to abstain from engaging in conduct in which he or she has a legal right to engage, or compels or induces a person to join a group, organization or criminal enterprise which such latter person has a right to abstain from joining, by means of instilling in him or her a fear that, if the demand is not complied with, the actor or another will:
1. Cause physical injury to a person; or
5. Expose a secret or publicize an asserted fact, whether true or false, tending to subject some person to hatred, contempt or ridicule; ..."
Hoodlum: This story was on NPR, on one of the nation's highest-rated radio programs, before CNN reported on it at all. Did you know that?
#DefendCNN "lifelong republican" Chuck: "CNN's saying essentially, "As long as you are apologetic, we won't report what we know about you,"...
That is not what CNN is "saying essentially".
Another fake quote Chuckie throws out to minimize CNN's actions.
How do we know that is not way CNN is "saying essentially"? Uh, because we can read what CNN actually wrote.
Tell me something, what the CNN lunatics wrote is so short why wouldn't Chuckie just post it?
Oh yeah, because it blows his point out of the water so Chuckie helpfully, very very helpfully, summarizes and sanitizes CNN's actions.
Of course.
Of. Course.
This is why Trump responds to the press on their terms.
Seriously, the CNN caricature was New Yorker-class quality. Perhaps the Reddit user should incorporate as a press organization.
You seem to repeatedly lose track of the distinction between a user name and actual identity...which is what CNN threatened.
HoodlumDoodlum said...
Also, if we're gonna be 100% ACCURATE: I'm pretty sure this particular user just created and uploaded the .gif itself, with no sound. Someone else added sound, and THAT is the .gif that the President tweeted a copy of. Right? So, big mystery: Who added the sound?!
This is true!
Why doesn't the White House know, about shit that is getting pumped out through the Trump Twitter account?
We are spectators in a high stakes political struggle, not always knowing what matters or points are being fought over. We are mice observing a contest between elephants.
I agree and I agree that CNN has a big stake in the international market.
Why do you think Trump is hated in so many foreign countries ?
The endgame will involve the economy, Congress passing some legislation and the Norks and what happens with them.
The long range view is that we are heading for armageddon with debt but, as Keynes said, in the long range we are all dead.
CNN is finished until Andrew Kaczynski is terminated.
There is no way they can continue as a viable news source. End of story.
I believe that an extortion has taken place, and that the act is a felony crime. As such, the FBI should be all over this, and CNN corporation should be moving to protect its share holders.
Chuck said-- So based on all of that, I was right and I am still right.
Does not compute. #ChuckAssholeChuck
What CNN was actually saying, as opposed to the sanitized "essentially" saying, is that "we reserve the right to publish the full ID info "should any of that change".
I didn't think it was possible for Chuck to outdo his altering of the facts in support of Stolen Valor Blumenthal, but here we are.
Chuck said...
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
I am not defending CNN.
This story was on NPR, on one of the nation's highest-rated radio programs, before CNN reported on it at all.
He sure do talk pretty about them Lefty organizations while not defending CNN, don't he?
You seem to repeatedly lose track of the distinction between a user name and actual identity...which is what CNN threatened.
Don't think for a moment that is an accident.
Why doesn't the White House know, about shit that is getting pumped out through the Trump Twitter account?
I know that the last thing i do before i tweet is do a couple of hours of research to ensure accuracy...
It's not a "personal attack" boy. It's a statement of fact. And I do understand what the word fact means asswipe.
walter said...
You seem to repeatedly lose track of the distinction between a user name and actual identity...which is what CNN threatened.
If you were talkin' to me, I haven't lost track of that at all.
Somebody else -- not CNN -- published the user name "HanAssholeSolo." Then, CNN investigated the actual identity.
And didn't report that identity.
I have already said that the threat to publish that actual identity is something that I am not happy about. I wouldn't have done that. I am not defending that.
But I suspect that it is going to be moot, when somebody else -- not CNN -- does doxx the little bastard, and publishes what they find.
I think its about time some talented folks get to hacking into CNN to find out just who CNN personnel have been chatting with.
I hope there isn't any salacious material in there as it would be unfortunate to have all that personal information about all the CNN personalities spread out over the airwaves.
It would be a real shame if that were to happen.
A real shame.
Perhaps if the CNN folks promise to conduct themselves more appropriately in the future that information would'nt have to be leaked out to the world. Even so, the hackers should reserve the right to publish all that info if anything changes with CNN's activities.
One set of rules for everyone. It's a good thing.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "I have already said that the threat to publish that actual identity is something that I am not happy about"
You. Love. It.
Careful about what you love though. It can destroy you as well.
This is an example of extortion, clean and undeniable. How CNN thought this is ok is simply stunning to me. The end result is going to be them getting sued.
I had an interesting discussion this morning with a friend. He maintains that blackmail and libel rules are ethically unsound. It's a defensible position. With a society based on that, we would have different ethics and rules. People would take more responsibility for what they say and write, and we would not have the courts watching over us all the time. People would also watch over the truthfulness of what they say and write.
What's especially rich about this is that the supposed news outlet has undoubtedly hosted many discussions about Trump being thin-skinned.
I noticed CBS, NBC, and ABC, have no coverage of this story.
Is it fake news? :-)
Let's recall that Chuck started out saying that Trump must have gotten the GIF from Reddit and that Spicer lied to the Press about that when he said that he didn't get it from Reddit. Now Chuck stipulates that the original file from Reddit didn't contain sound--so it couldn't have been the one at Reddit.
But I suspect that it is going to be moot, when somebody else -- not CNN --
Read my lips..i have not and will not, defend CNN.
does doxx the little bastard,...
Hmm..I wonder why he's a bastard? Perhaps because he insulted the blessed CNN? (not that I would ever stoop so low as to defend CNN)
"I have already said that the threat to publish that actual identity is something that I am not happy about. I wouldn't have done that. I am not defending that."
That is so tepid in this context. You are acting like a criminal defense lawyer representing a scumbag.
That CNN piece does not read well. That said, in the end this may be the best thing that ever happened to HanAssholeSolo. It sounds like he spent a lot of time dumping bilge into the zeitgeist on something like autopilot. That takes a toll on a person, somewhere. If the thought of having your own words attached to you publicly sends you into a tailspin, you should probably be writing and doing different stuff.
You are acting like a criminal defense lawyer representing a scumbag.
Well, he is attempting to defend CNN...{oops, did I say that out loud?} I mean no one is attempt to defend CNN! There is nothing to see here! Move along... {hmm, that last part didn't come out right...maybe "Move on"?}
The fact that CNN is well behind both FOX News and MSNBC in the ratings shows that CNN has lost credibility in the US. The fact that those overseas continue to see CNN as the go-to US news source is undeniable. But, then, do we really care?
I wonder if Ted Turner still regrets 'losing' CNN. While I don't like the guy I will credit him with smart business decisions and pretty good yacht racing.
If the thought of having your own words attached to you publicly sends you into a tailspin, you should probably be writing and doing different stuff.
Yeah, in a post about CNN outing some random citizen someone posted that. Now, close your eyes and relive all the anonymously sourced stories that have poured forth from the media.
Gahrie asks: Hmm..I wonder why he's a bastard?
Maybe Chuck knew his mother. In the carnal sense.
"If the thought of having your own words attached to you publicly sends you into a tailspin,"
If there were no economic sanctions vs free speech, there would be no going into a tailspin.
Snark, your comment can be used as justification for suppression of all speech that does not fit a narrow segment of thought that is supported by great economic powers.
Brendan Eich is the model case.
This is totalitarianism in its modern form.
having your own words attached to you publicly sends you into a tailspin
I don't agree with that. I don't want many of my liberal friends, neighbors, and acquaintances to know I have conservative-ish thoughts because they hate conservatives so very much.
From election day through about March, I had friends and family on Facebook who were de-friending people who even dared to defend Trump voters.
I once had a national reporter ask if he could use me for a story he was doing, but I told him I didn't want my non Obama-fan opinions under my name because my husband's clients were all in for Obama.
There are a lot of reasons to want privacy in your opinions. It isn't always because your own opinions are so vile, but often because the people who might hear them can't tolerate them.
This is totalitarianism in its modern form.
And is why it attracts all the usual leftist/LLR suspects. It's who they are.
"The fact that those overseas continue to see CNN as the go-to US news source is undeniable. But, then, do we really care?'
You should care.
US foreign policy options are seriously constrained if foreigners do not accurately perceive US foreign policy direction. If CNN is the voice of America, it leads foreigners to conclude that they are really dealing with powers that lie behind the opinions of CNN, and not those of the administration.
And besides which, I think we are entering yet another great global ideological war.
CNN is Pravda for one side.
Gahrie said...
But I suspect that it is going to be moot, when somebody else -- not CNN --
Read my lips..i have not and will not, defend CNN.
does doxx the little bastard,...
Hmm..I wonder why he's a bastard? Perhaps because he insulted the blessed CNN? (not that I would ever stoop so low as to defend CNN)
Nawww, Gahrie. HanAssholeSolo's stupid Trump wrestling video wasn't his worst sin. His worst sin was posting a photo spread of CNN staff, with stars of David superimposed next to those staffers whom he thought were Jewish.
His worst sin was posting a photo spread of CNN staff, with stars of David superimposed next to those staffers whom he thought were Jewish.
I guess he should be killed, then.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "His worst sin was posting a photo spread of CNN staff, with stars of David superimposed next to those staffers whom he thought were Jewish."
Oh, that's his "worst sin".
Chuck knows this guy apparently. Knows all about him. His life, dreams, activities, sense of humor. Notice how casually Chuck slips into this Maoist role as if he were born to it.
Perhaps we should know alot more about everyone who posts stuff online. Perhaps we should know alot more....
His worst sin was posting a photo spread of CNN staff, with stars of David superimposed next to those staffers whom he thought were Jewish.
CNN didn't look for him because of that photo. They looked for him because of his CNN meme. CNN now going to go through all of the internet and look for memes that might be anti-semitic and threaten to name the posters? Is CNN in charge of threatening those who have committed such "sins" now?
His worst sin was posting a photo spread of CNN staff, with stars of David superimposed next to those staffers whom he thought were Jewish.
And we get to the "tainted" part of the program. And its OK because RACISM! Eventually we will get to the "turn about is fair play" portion of the program.
Maybee: " CNN now going to go through all of the internet and look for memes that might be anti-semitic and threaten to name the posters? Is CNN in charge of threatening those who have committed such "sins" now?"
Just anyone who might have helped create anything used by Trump or republicans.
The left and Chuck draw the line at looking too closely at dems/lefties.
An anti-semite? So's Keith Ellison. Let me know when CNN decides to go after him.
Althouse gets it exactly right in her original post. The entirety of CNN's actions are dispicable -- as are those of anyone trying desperately trying to defend CNN.
Drago said...
Chuck knows this guy apparently. Knows all about him. His life, dreams, activities, sense of humor. Notice how casually Chuck slips into this Maoist role as if he were born to it.
Am I going to get a rent statement, for all of the space I occupy in your worthless head? I am not paying it. It's not worth it.
An anti-semite? So's Keith Ellison. Let me know when CNN decides to go after him.
Uh oh. Now you've done it.
You've triggered Chuck into Dem Auto-Defense Mode. Expect a spirited "dialogue" where Chuck explains Ellison is simply misunderstood.
Am I going to get a rent statement, for all of the space I occupy in your worthless head?
Are you saying there is a degree of attention beyond which you do not care for?
On this thread no less.
The rest of the doxing story of the CNN disrespecter is coming out.
Chuck most affected.
Chuck is going off on finding out all about some random guy on the internet and holding him accountable for everything he's ever put out there.
One set of rules Chuckie. One set of rules.
Be prepared to have all your previous statements offered up as the topics allow. I know you approve of that. Your "performance" in this thread alone indicates your full throated backing of just such tactics.
Welcome again to the world you have created.
And besides which, I think we are entering yet another great global ideological war.
CNN is Pravda for one side.
Yes and the Deep State has allies in other countries that do not wish the deplorables well.
The State Department is in hysterics because T Rex is emptying some rice bowls.
I've never written one word of support for, or defense of, Keith Ellison.
And I don't care what CNN does about Keith Ellison. I don't care about CNN, one way or another.
I am also not the guy who said, "The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day." Some other guy said that.
"Yeah, in a post about CNN outing some random citizen someone posted that. Now, close your eyes and relive all the anonymously sourced stories that have poured forth from the media."
He's not a random citizen though. He's a specific citizen who created something that ended up on the President's Twitter feed, thus creating the motivation for the target of his satire to investigate it. It's a bit of bad luck that, but it's the Reddit poster's other words that really sunk him. Had he only had to defend the CNN gif that would have been easy and I suspect he would not have felt the same nervousness about being outed. He was a self-described, admitted troll. That's a bit of a different thing, we hope, than being a source for a news organization.
"I am also not the guy who said, "The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day." Some other guy said that."
What have you got against yarmulkes, Chuck?
Just kidding -- lighten up. We understand you don't like Trump. Try a different topic -- there are many: abortion, affirmative action, Asia, Atlanta Braves baseball, Aztec culture.....
So Snark, you agree the only reason to track down the original creator is to find out if he has objectionable opinions so as to use that to "taint" the CNN meme?
And you don't understand how threatening to dox someone, even if they have opinions you find objectionable, along with the insistence that there will be "consequences" for speech is destroying our ability to have productive discourse?
And you don't find it conceivable that people on the other side of the political divide might start using the same tactics?
Once again - private citizen must be dragged thru the mud for daring to insult anyone on the FUCKING LEFT.
But look - he insults everyone, even Jews. Crucify! Oh right, just ignore all the LEFTWING LESBIANS AND LEFTWING blacks who notoriously and openly HATE JEWS, it's all good.
"Had he only had to defend the CNN gif that would have been easy and I suspect he would not have felt the same nervousness about being outed."
He would have been nervous regardless, if he had had even a mid-level professional career.
You all don't want to acknowledge the incredible totalitarianism of the current milieu.
Anonymity is essential in all of this.
Else there would be nearly no free speech at all.
@Snark -- are you saying that if Trump tweets one of my fantastic comments from Althouse that my background and other posts become fair game for a global media empire to investigate? If so, that's absurd. Let the comment stand or fall on its own merits -- nothing more, nothing less.
Kevin said...
This makes no sense. You don't like Trump or Gorsuch, I get it. You like them both. I get it. You voted for Trump to get Gorsuch but you give Trump no credit for putting Gorsuch on the court? That's some serious ridiculousness that we have to wade through every day.
Here are other clues for your perspective on Chuck that may help:
1. Frequent use of the term "Teabagger."
2. Consistently cites and defends CNN, MSNBC, Maddow in particular, Huffpo.
3. Thinks real republicans should listen to NRO even after they tried to get Hillary elected.
4. Obviously divides people by class and sides with democrats over fellow republicans in every situation.
5. Takes every excuse to pedal autism smears against Barron.
What I presume is that CNN will do nothing further, and that somebody else will doxx the fucking shit out of this poor little bastard.
>>Imagine Chuck calling Obama or the Clintons "poor little bastards" or "poor little bitches." Can't be done. #RESPECT
And so CNN won't have any role of consequence at all.
7/5/17, 11:27 AM
>>Chuck, are you a Christian, do you believe in the story of Jesus? Have you read the Gospels/NT?
What's your opinion of Pontius Pilate?
Don't forget "fever swamps". That one played heavily in this episode.
So, how long before somebody creates a GIF that puts a CNN logo on the face Mayor Carmine DePasto?
"If there were no economic sanctions vs free speech, there would be no going into a tailspin.
Snark, your comment can be used as justification for suppression of all speech that does not fit a narrow segment of thought that is supported by great economic powers."
Slippery slope arguments are by definition always fallacious. There are many times when anonymous speech serves an individual or greater good, of course. But this was a troll amusing and elevating himself through racist and bigoted and as CNN perceived it, violent speech. Distinctions can be made.
You all don't want to acknowledge the incredible totalitarianism of the current milieu.
I think they honestly don't understand it as totalitarianism.
Certainly, they are not learning about it in school. Schools mostly controlled by adherents to totalitarianism. They call it meritocracy.
Most of the people in the managerial class are technocrats. They believe in the rule of intelligent educated elites who, by virtue of their superior intellect and educations, knno better than the hoi polloi what is best for them. Its just a total coincidence that what's best for the hoi polloi is what's best for the technocrats bottom line.
As I have said before -
In the modern US the only free men are people with nothing to lose and eccentric billionaires.
That would be Trump, Peter Thiel, Ron Unz, and a few others.
Thiel has commented on this very often.
For another case in point, a former member of Ron Unz's site, Razib Khan (Gene Expression, gnxp), the go-to journalist on human population genetics (which can be used to explore human history, and especially prehistory). There is no better news aggregator and commentator on the subject. He had to limit his blogging, had to abandon Unz, and has often expressed his sadness at the ongoing suppression of that whole fascinating field of study, due to the same explicit professional/career threats we see here.
This is a terrible evil.
Snark said...
"But this was a troll amusing and elevating himself through racist and bigoted and as CNN perceived it, violent speech. Distinctions can be made."
And absolutely none of that is germane to the .gif that was re-tweeted.
"as CNN perceived it, violent speech. Distinctions can be made."
Good grief. If so, start with the stupid GIF. They exhibited the thinnest of skin and unwarranted retribution. They are not the thought police.
Doxxing is how you sic the brownshirts on people. NBC did it to the George Zimmerman and his home was attacked. CNN is despicable.
" But this was a troll amusing and elevating himself through racist and bigoted and as CNN perceived it, violent speech. Distinctions can be made."
But there are no distinctions made. Consider Brendan Eich for instance, who was no troll in any sense. And the suppression of one is a message enforcing the suppression of all. Which happens. There is no slippery slope, we are at the bottom of the hill, we have all already slipped, and there are no distinctions to make.
But this was a troll amusing and elevating himself through racist and bigoted and as CNN perceived it, violent speech. Distinctions can be made.
So, The floggings will continue until morale improves.
Are you really that dense ?
As John Gabriel pointed out today, this is the same reporter who set the hoards after Justine Sacco, a nobody who made a joke on Twitter and lost her job before she even knew she'd been re-Tweeted.
Chuck said...
CNN's saying essentially, "As long as you are apologetic, we won't report what we know about you," is a dubious position. It's not my position, wouldn't be my position, and I am not here to defend it. But it isn't anything new, factually. Again, I am right about #1 and #2.
Only a total and complete piece of shit would stand by that statement and think it is ok.
Achilles said...
Here are other clues for your perspective on Chuck that may help:
1. Frequent use of the term "Teabagger."
2. Consistently cites and defends CNN, MSNBC, Maddow in particular, Huffpo.
3. Thinks real republicans should listen to NRO even after they tried to get Hillary elected.
4. Obviously divides people by class and sides with democrats over fellow republicans in every situation.
5. Takes every excuse to pedal autism smears against Barron.
Bullshit, you lying asshole.
1. I think that in about seven years as a commenter on Althouse, I used a variant of "Teabagger" once or twice. Because I got tired of insults from Trump's moronic primary-campaign supporters.
2. I haven't ever "consistently" cited or defended any of those. I linked to one HuffPo article, once, for a source that wasn't easily found elsewhere. I linked to one Maddow interview, once. It was her interview with Kellyanne Conway. Where I wrote that Conway and Maddow both did an excellent job.
3. I sure do think that people should read NRO. They didn't "try to get Hillary elected."
4. WTF? Your bullshit is sometimes beneath any response.
5. It's "peddle," not "pedal," you moron. And since you brought up Barron Trump (a bad idea, I'd say), let's really make it clear, okay?
Here is what I say about Barron Trump; many people have speculated that he is autistic. I don't know. What I know, from published information, is that the Trump family hired one of the most elite Los Angeles law firms (the Hulk Hogan lawyers) to threaten certain private citizens with litigation in cease-and desist letters, over internet claims that Barron Trump is autistic. The Trump lawyers have written, "Barron Trump is not autistic."
" But this was a troll amusing and elevating himself through racist and bigoted and as CNN perceived it, violent speech. Distinctions can be made."
One problem with this is that CNN found his ugly stuff only after setting out on their vendetta. They hunted him down for mocking them, and then found ugly tweets. They then used those ugly tweets to *strengthen their blackmail threat*. That makes them complicit in that ugliness IMO, because they are happy to *exploit it*.
"I am also not the guy who said, "The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day." Some other guy said that.
Oh you delicate little flower you!
Trump wants Jewish accountants! Wow. What a crazed anti-jewish guy, eh #CNNStrongDefender?
I mean, sure his daughter whom he trusts more than most is an orthodox Jew as is Trumps other close family member and staffer, Jared. But it's never too early or too late in the day for our LLR to lob a few snide comments alluding to anti-semitism against Trump.
It's that kind of thinking that keeps Chuck's finger on the pulse of MI electoral politics!
I mean, who ever heard of a New York developer who wanted to use Jewish professionals? I mean, that's crazy! Jewish doctors? Never! Jewish Dentists? Never! Jewish Accountants? Never!
LLR: "Because I got tired of insults from Trump's moronic primary-campaign supporters"
Most of us here were Cruz supporters!
Poor Chuck. Can't even keep that straight!
and as CNN perceived it
As CNN perceived it
Alysin Camerota doesn't think she is an adherent to totalitarianism. She thinks doxxing people who say things on the internet she disagrees with is fighting internet trolls.
Just look, after they tracked down the troll and told him they were going to reveal his identity he immediately agreed he was a troll and repented. And we got him to agree to stop trolling.
It gave her hope.
"I don't agree with that. I don't want many of my liberal friends, neighbors, and acquaintances to know I have conservative-ish thoughts because they hate conservatives so very much.
From election day through about March, I had friends and family on Facebook who were de-friending people who even dared to defend Trump voters."
I do understand this, but it's not the same situation. You want to maintain your right to share your political opinions selectively because of the potential impact on your and your family's life. You are presumably not trolling for it's own sake and inviting attention from CNN to your violent and racially and ethnically bigoted remarks.
So let me get this straight: CNN is out there blackmailing and threatening a private citizen. Right? And Chuck is here defending it with vigor, blaming Trump for forcing CNN to act like the Stasi they so clearly want to be.
And he knows that position isn't good, so he tried to preemptively say that anyone who disagreed with his take is personally attacking him and he wants them banned?
By the way, this is actually expected of Chuck. He's the one who has frequently commented how he wanted to be the moderator here at Althouse's blog and how he'd ban all the conservatives. No mention, however, of banning any liberals.
Kind of says it all. He'd fit right in at CNN. Witch hunting Conservatives? Chuck's down with that.
Snark said...
But this was a troll amusing and elevating himself through racist and bigoted and as CNN perceived it, violent speech. Distinctions can be made.
Right on cue. Since everything republicans do is racist and violent it is OK to Dox them. Democrats who are always peaceful and never racist should be protected.
So no problems here this is totally defensible.
Snark: "You are presumably not trolling for it's own sake and inviting attention from CNN to your violent and racially and ethnically bigoted remarks."
And just like that you veer into Maoist mind reading.
Well played.
But this was a troll amusing and elevating himself through [...]as CNN perceived it, violent speech.
Violent speech huh? One of the consistent claims by the left is that campus crazies don't have any influence and thus those on the right are demagogues for opposing them. Yet we see the left [including CNN with their claim this video advocates violence against reporters] adopting their nonsense tactics and language.
Chuck said...
Bullshit, you lying asshole.
Read your own post. Everything I said was true by your own admission.
Now stop shitting on the carpet or I will have to rub your nose in it.
Ms. Althouse is correct- CNN's behavior here is indefensible. It is exactly the same as if I were to track down "Chuck"'s real identity and found out he was once arrested for possessing child pornography, and I threatened to out this detail unless he started writing comments praising Donald Trump, or refrain from posting critical comments about the same. In fact, CNN's behavior is worse than that.
You are presumably not trolling for it's own sake and inviting attention from CNN
How do you know if what you say will or will not get attention from CNN? And why can't CNN handle getting a little attention? This is saying....don't mock the powerful.
Ms. Althouse is correct- CNN's behavior here is indefensible. It is exactly the same as if I were to track down "Chuck"'s real identity and found out he was once arrested for possessing child pornography, and I threatened to out this detail unless he started writing comments praising Donald Trump, or refrain from posting critical comments about the same. In fact, CNN's behavior is worse than that
By Chucks own statements today he would be okay with that.
Unknown said...
So let me get this straight: CNN is out there blackmailing and threatening a private citizen. Right? And Chuck is here defending it with vigor, blaming Trump for forcing CNN to act like the Stasi they so clearly want to be.
Vance, you are one of the most moronic of all of the commenters on this blog. You do this all the time; making up complete nonsense and then attributing it to me as my position.
You write that I am defending CNN "with vigor."
But the fact is, just above, I have written that most of what CNN has been criticized for today didn't matter, and for the one thing that they did which might matter (but hasn't so far) -- the threat to report on "HanAssholeSolo's" real identity -- I wrote that CNN's position "is a dubious position. It's not my position, wouldn't be my position, and I am not here to defend it."
Now, Vance; would you care to explain how you got from my explicitly saying that it's not my position at all, to defend CNN, to I am defending CNN "with vigor"?
Actually, Vance, don't bother. You are such a waste of time.
I can't believe anyone is even mildly defending CNN here.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "You write that I am defending CNN "with vigor."
But the fact is, just above, I have written that most of what CNN has been criticized for today didn't matter,...."
I can't believe people aren't openly criticizing CNN for this. For anyone in America who occasionally speaks their opinion against the powerful, this is a threat.
Snark's argument,echoed by many others in the MSM, can be reduced to, "its OK because that guy is not respectable."
The problem is, respectable is being redefined to mean "parrots leftist dogma."
They can't conceive that this sort of thing can be utilized against them because they have had control of the narrative for so long.
People keep saying this is how you get more Trump. They're wrong. They are going to end up getting someone they will consider much worse than Trump.
Because self-censorship is the best kind of censorship.
"You are presumably not trolling for it's own sake and inviting attention from CNN to your violent and racially and ethnically bigoted remarks."
But there is no functional distinction, because there is no objective judge, in this world, who will issue a decision licensing some opinions and not others, and so reliably punishing the guilty. We are all in this together, trolls and pedants, saints and sinners, in the same fire.
Chuck boldly slurs Barron Trump once again -- passing on unsubstantiated rumors about an eleven year old boy. How many times have you posted the same slur -- twenty, thirty? I hope you remember admitting that your method was to repeat it so often that people searching the Internet would find the multiple references. I have no words to accurately describe how despicable your actions are and continue to be. Seek professional help.
You all are some amazingly dumb fuck heads.
How many times, and how many ways, do I have to say this:
1. CNN didn't out the username "HanAssholeSolo." Somebody else did that.
2. CNN did look into the real identity of "HanAssholeSolo." But didn't out that real identity. They have chosen not to.
3. CNN has taken the position that it won't out the real identity, as long as the person in question is somehow apologetic and withdrawing from posting.
4. I do not agree with, condone, or defend #3. It seems like a strange and unprincipled stance. I'm not even sure I'd know what to tell CNN to do.
Look how excited they get when their investigative reporters investigate something. Imagine how happy they would be if what they were investigating had actually been important.
I guess you have to start somewhere. Today it's meme fluff, tomorrow it might be people who return library books late. Eventually they'll work their way up to real news. Baby steps.
CNN made him an offer he couldn't refuse. But
now hundreds of similar gifs are over the internet
plus CNN slips again as "news" source
plus an anti-CNN cartoon theme has been firmly fixed in popular lore. So then
the guy issued an explanation for his anti-semitic and racist postings (which were as bad as Hamas). He explains that these postings were comedy. I suppose this is the Kathy Griffin defense and the left should find it perfectly acceptable.
now hundreds of similar gifs are over the internet
plus CNN slips again as "news" source
plus an anti-CNN cartoon theme has been firmly fixed in popular lore.
The guy is toast plus he sold out.
Moral: do not sellout to CNN, they get you anyhow, just 48 hours later.
Fabi said...
Chuck boldly slurs Barron Trump once again -- passing on unsubstantiated rumors about an eleven year old boy. How many times have you posted the same slur -- twenty, thirty? I hope you remember admitting that your method was to repeat it so often that people searching the Internet would find the multiple references. I have no words to accurately describe how despicable your actions are and continue to be. Seek professional help.
Fuck you. I never bring up Barron Trump in these contexts. It is always that coterie of Trump-supporting critics who bring it up in an attempt to abuse me. And I won't have it. If you want to start in with me on Barron Trump, I will finish it with clarity on Barron Trump.
And I have told professor Althouse that I advise her to come down very hard on anybody who brings up Barron Trump -- or especially veiled references to Barron or nameless allegations about my supposed cruelty to "11 year old boys" -- in this fashion.
The next time anybody does this to me, I will react in exactly the same way.
I guess it's too scary for some to say what CNN did is despicable, because then CNN might come after them.
The progressive left is never far from the "off with their heads" political philosophy of the French Revolution. It is in their DNA. That is why these people are a real threat to freedom and the rule of law. They have nothing but contempt for democratic values.
" I do not agree with, condone, or defend #3. It seems like a strange and unprincipled stance. I'm not even sure I'd know what to tell CNN to do."
Oh..what to tell them? Dear me.
This should not be a head scratcher for you.
That there is your problem. of them.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "4. I do not agree with, condone, or defend #3."
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "I'm not even sure I'd know what to tell CNN to do."
Patently false. You've made it very clear you'll be happy when someone outs this "little bastard".
BTW, a term Chuckie would never use to describe anyone on the left.
For any reason.
Chuck Todd? Jake Tapper? Neither one has commented on Twitter about what CNN did.
If anyone is interested, 8chan has doxxed all executives for CNN. /pol/ has doxxed Kaczynski specifically, along with his family. Reddit is organizing a campaign against CNN's sponsors. Anon has declared a hacking campaign against CNN, under the name Autism Storm.
#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "And I have told professor Althouse that I advise her to come down very hard on anybody who brings up Barron Trump -- or especially veiled references to Barron or nameless allegations about my supposed cruelty to "11 year old boys" -- in this fashion."
You have been accused of happily trafficking in unsubstantiated rumors about an 11 year old boy.
Your response is to continue trafficking in unsubstantiated rumors about an 11 year old boy.
Why? Well, you're just that kind of a guy.
But there is no functional distinction, because there is no objective judge, in this world, who will issue a decision licensing some opinions and not others, and so reliably punishing the guilty.
Further those who judge have already proven their bias with the completely unreasonable claim this video advocates violence.
Chuckles spewed...
"3. CNN has taken the position that it won't out the real identity, as long as the person in question is somehow apologetic and withdrawing from posting.
4. I do not agree with, condone, or defend #3. It seems like a strange and unprincipled stance."
No one is probably reading these comments anymore, but, it should be noted that Buzzfeed discovered that CNN outed the wrong guy.
Why doesn't the White House know, about shit that is getting pumped out through the Trump Twitter account?
...because it doesn't matter, even a little bit? The views the person who created the .gif hold, whether they're nice to children & old people, whether they give puppies pats on the head or not--none of that has anything at all to do with the humorous .gif itself. That, you know, is obvious to pretty much everyone, and in fact that's the EXACT POINT smart Lefty elites argue (when stating that the personal life and beliefs and even actions of the ARTIST should be disregarded when evaluating the ART itself)...but in cases where there's a chance the Media can smear someone they hate with some ridiculous guilt-by-association bullshit: BOOM.
I would think a LifeLongRepublican would be familiar with that pattern, and would understand the Media's bad intentions in general and ethically-challenged tactics in this specific case, but strangely the LLR here keeps both minimizing CNN's action and trying to divert attention to anything else. I wish I could work out why!
Folks, CNN is done. In hindsight Trump’s moves have been stunningly efficient. His method is this:
His general method is to troll them on twitter. They then become outraged in their PC bubbles and they make a series of devastatingly bad PR decisions because they’ve never had any journalistic standards, because they are misled by polls rigged to get mentions and facetime on the cables and because they can be counted on to lose all sense of propriety when it comes to Trump.
That’s the basic method. But it’s the details that are impressive – like how the .gif was the perfect tool for the task. It was crude and simple and we KNOW how much the Left admires nuance and would be repelled by WWE-type antics. Prez Trump deals symbols like a Mississippi riverboat gambler deals cards.
And how about the timing of the tweet? Right in the middle of the Sunday panels, making the tweet impossible to ignore and forcing them to make stupid pronouncements before they could sanitize their reactions. Their hatred laid bare, biases revealed and of course the incessant whining about Trump using Twitter. Brilliant touches from a master.
I checked early this AM and they still had the .gif featured on their website with the full dox-threat posted for all to read. What a gift to Trump!
What Trump could not know(or could he …) was that CNN would be so stupid as to dox the .gif creator. THAT was pure luck.
eric said...No one is probably reading these comments anymore, but, it should be noted that Buzzfeed discovered that CNN outed the wrong guy
That's hilarious if true. Note: Kaczynski CAME from Buzzfeed and is the guy who helped gin up the internet outrage mob at Justine Sacco (of #HasJustineLandedYet infamy). This is who the Media is; they're proud of this.
Everything I said at 1:05 is absolutely true, Chuck. You are lying.
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