July 5, 2017

Shocking CNN threat aimed at a private citizen.

This is Andrew Kaczynski at CNN, who doesn't seem to have any idea how bad this is:
CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change....
So the human being behind the ridiculous pseudonym HanA**holeSolo should cringe for the rest of his life and never publish anything that CNN could possibly deem "bigoted" or "racist" because it would trigger CNN's delusional duty to destroy him.

Absolutely despicable.

This person is a nonentity. We shouldn't even have heard about him in the first place. Who cares who originally posted the video clip of the CNN logo stuck on the face of the guy Trump was wrestling? Trump passed along the clip the way most of us pass things along, by deciding we like that one thing. We don't search for who started it and then all the other things that person has said or done.


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Big Mike said...

Oops. Went over 600.

Seeing Red said...

I'm glossing over.

No one will change anyone's mind.

I hope CNN's stupidity further cripples them.

Takes 2 to tango. As Nancy Reagan said, "Just say no."

Chuck said...


That is sort of my point. I don't have problems with everybody here. It's just a very small group, that is well known for personal attacks on me.

What makes me different is not my general relations with other commenters. What makes me different is the intensity and regularity of my criticisms of Trump. Donald J. Trump, who is NOT a commenter here.

That is the one reason that I am attacked. Personally attacked, by a handful of Trump supporters.

Big Mike said...

I think he is greatly concerned about the direction this country was going.

@Rusty, me too.

I also think he has genuine concern for American Small businesses and the American worker. He was intelligent enough to find out what were the concerns of the middle class and run on those concerns.


I think he is virtuous in his own way.

That may be a bridge too far.

I'll say this. I'll take Trump's moral character over Bill Clintons any day.


Jim at said...

"Trump's just a charlatan and an opportunist who doesn't represent any values but fantasies about revenge."

Good. Now maybe you'll understand his appeal.
Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it?

Learn from it.

Achilles said...

antiphone said...
In fact the best thing about Trump utterly obliterating you people in this way is that we may resolve this peacefully.

You think this kind of trolling will win people over? You think Trump is going to "obliterate you people" by calling people names. Grow up.

He is beating you people like a rented mule. The left looks trivial and utterly amoral at this point. Trump has isolated the media whores perfectly and turned them into enemies of the people. He took the violent little shitheads of Antifa and BLM and attached them to the wider leftist "resistance." You named yourselves.

Look at the Trump haters on this thread or really any thread on any article. Nobody respects them anymore. Now the voter fraud investigation moves forward and the leftists are trying to hide their fraudulent voter registration lists. That will be the nail in the coffin.

Seeing Red said...

However, this was not an impeachable action, so Pence will not be president this week.

I will go out on a limb and say Pence will not be president because of impeachment thru the month of July. I'll even go so far and predict thru August.

So, what did the market do?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


The third sentence is key: “The user … apologized and deleted his account before ever speaking with our reporter.” Read that quickly and the idea that the Redditor felt threatened falls apart. He apologized before he even knew CNN was interested in his identity! But … that’s not what it says. It says he apologized before speaking to CNN, not before he was contacted by them. What almost certainly happened is that the guy got an email from a CNN reporter saying something like, “Hi, we’ve done some research and figured out that you’re the person who created the Trump wrestling GIF and this highly dubious anti-semitic image about CNN. Care to comment?” The guy read that, had a panic attack, immediately set about deleting every offensive thing he’s ever posted, and then likely called CNN to say, “Please! I’ll lose my job! I’m so sorry and I’ll never do it again!” So they let him slide.

grackle said...

Honey Badger trots through the dry brushland, occasionally raising his head to sniff the air, occasionally pawing at clumps of weeds. Suddenly he stops, turns all around, sniffing, sniffing, sniffing.

Then he sees it. It’s a cobra. The badger runs over to it and begins lunging and backing off. The cobra flares, strikes and hits the badger twice but fails to stop the badger’s harassment. Tiring in the heat the cobra tries to escape, slithering away but the badger leaps to the snake’s head and grips it with his jaws.

He then proceeds to eat the cobra, beginning with the head. He crunches through the fangs, the venom sacs and the unblinking eyes, his own eyes half closed, devouring the entire skull. The snake writhes in dead anger as he briskly eats down its full length. No trace of the snake is left uneaten, no scrap left in the grass.

The badger, belly full, rolls over on his back and sleeps off the venom. Soon he is up and bounds off to look for more prey. President Honey Badger.

My guess is that soon Kacyznski will get a call from this man. It will not be good news.

Darrell said...

What makes me different is not my general relations with other commenters. What makes me different is the intensity and regularity of my criticisms of Trump. Donald J. Trump, who is NOT a commenter here.

What make you different is that you lie to make a point. Like calling Spicer a liar about the GIF coming from Reddit. Perhaps you are just incompetent. Perhaps you really don't know how the internet works. Or maybe you just assume Althouse readers are stupid and will go away believing what you just told them. We destroy your arguments, then kick you in the ass on the way out. Then some come back to kick you in the ass again. Just for fun.

Seeing Red said...

And they might have outed the wrong guy!


Fabi said...

"Donald J. Trump, who is NOT a commenter here...

Somebody call the non sequitur police -- stat!

Michael said...


You are only attacked by a "very small group" because the rest of us can't be bothered. Don't trust me just count the number of people coming to your defense.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I suppose Fox news is what the media should look like.

What does Fox have to do with CNN's demonstrated dishonesty and low character?

Darrell said...

Donald J. Trump is NOT Dickin'Bimbos@Home.
I'm sure of it.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

That is sort of my point. I don't have problems with everybody here. It's just a very small group, that is well known for personal attacks on me.

Let's have a poll. I will gladly live by the results. Chuck goes or I go.

What makes me different is not my general relations with other commenters. What makes me different is the intensity and regularity of my criticisms of Trump. Donald J. Trump, who is NOT a commenter here.

What makes you different is you post here in bad faith. Your only goal is to ruin any discussion about anything with your personal(paid) hatred of Trump. The levels you stoop to to attack the first leader of the conservative body politic since Newt Gingrich and Reagan to actually do what Republican voters want are ridiculous and it ruins this blog.

That is the one reason that I am attacked. Personally attacked, by a handful of Trump supporters.

It is pretty much everyone. Not a single person supports your disgusting slanders. You are trying to build sympathy now that, like CNN, you have clearly overstepped your bounds. Every now and then one of the honest leftists will support your bullshit. Imagine that.

readering said...

I support Chuck, whatever that means. So, goodbye Achilles?

walter said...

Big Mike said... in an environment where Evergreen State students are running around with baseball bats looking for conservative students and professors to beat up, when Portland's "antifa" are deliberately trying to provoke violence..
And that insignificant issue of shooting Scalise....
But..GIFs are a threat..and animators must pay!

Pookie Number 2 said...

Your only goal is to ruin any discussion about anything with your personal(paid) hatred of Trump.

Achilles, i don't think Chuck is paid. He's just not smart enough to realize that his epiphanies about Trump's character are obvious and understood.

readering said...

I won't read 610 comments so don't know if this has been commented on but Buzzfeed has a piece showing that some third party took that GIF and redid it before making it directly available to POTUS to upload on his iphone. What POTUS posted significantly different piece of audiovisual from GIG (apart from CNN head).

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Might I venture to make a comment -- a question actually -- that has nothing to do with Trump? Or the guy pathologically fixated on him so as to disrupt practically every discussion? (oops, I realize just by saying that, the comment now does have something to do with him)

But what the hell is up with this word "dox"??

A word that practically no one ever heard of -- certainly I never did -- and suddenly every website talking about this is using the word. Talk about a herd mentality.

It's like when everyone suddenly started using the word "meme." Or when they started spelling the word "lead" as "lede." I guess they have shown us how hip they are (and apparently how square I am).

Chuck said...

Hey, Darrell; pro tip for you. Just let it go. You aren't going to convince me that I am wrong. And I know I can't possibly convince you that I am right. You and I hate each other and nothing will change that. Amazing, that we both voted for the same ticket for the White House.

Keep on writing whatever you want to, about the posts that Althouse writes. But just ignore me. Please. For everyone's good. Stick to issues, and quit writing about me personally.

Clyde said...

CNN's day just got worse with another James O'Keefe video dump. It's another Carr wreck, this time taking out Chris Cuomo as collateral damage.

Big Mike said...

@Pookie, I do conclude that Chuck is paid, and my reasons are listed in comment #601 (top of this page)

gadfly said...

@eric said...
No one is probably reading these comments anymore, but, it should be noted that Buzzfeed discovered that CNN outed the wrong guy.

Summary: The Redditor guy posted a GIF and Trump's post was a video complete with sound. Speculation even goes that Dan Scavino, Jr., the WH social media director was involved since Trump doesn't follow Reddit.

In my mind it doesn't seem impossible that Scavino may have been involved in the upgrade to video for the benefit of his boss. Maybe we should start calling him Scooter Libby.

Unknown said...

Bye bye Achilles! Chuck should stay.

Darrell said...

A word that practically no one ever heard of -- certainly I never did

The most stupid comment so far. How do you *know* what other people "know" or don't? The word has been used on political blogs for years. It started when the Left "outed" right-wingers publishing personal info.

Scott said...

At the risk of trying to post something to add to the Op, here I go.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I'll elaborate a bit just to avoid arguing by assertion: the beliefs of the creator of the original .gif's not a valid part of the story because those beliefs have no bearing on the .gif itself. The .gif is a joking meme expressing a braggadocious belief that Trump has successfully "taken on" CNN. It does not in any way rely on a stated fact or any kind of expertise.

This is a superb point. One thing missed in a lot of modern society is that you can disagree with a person's beliefs and admire them in other ways. For instance Vincent Van Gough was mentally unbalanced to the point of cutting his own ear off and then shooting himself after winding up in an insane asylum. Not the kind of beliefs you would want to follow, BUT his ability as a painter is undeniable.

As to CNN's actions, in what meanignful ethical way is this different from the classic 'making him an offer he can;t refuse' line from the Godfather? I suppose the difference is that the Mafia doesn't get a cable franchise.

Also, assuming that some of CNN's defenders here are right, and there is no protection for anonymous free speech (a position I strongly disagree with), what right should there be for protection for anonymous press sources? It's speech by the source to the reporter, after all...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Darrell - Bill is, tho.

Chuck said...

A poll on my fate?

Oh God; I would worry about a poll, if it was anything like the poll results I've seen on substantive issues or even Althousian conundrums.

I still think the truest, and tellingest, and the most profoundly insulting thing (to his own supporters) that has been said in the Trump Era is that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and his base would never convict him.

Ann Althouse prides herself on Free Speech and a poll on the fate of one contrarian commenter is so anti-Free Speech I know she'd never go for it. I personally think it would be a terrible precedent.

Bannings should be done on the basis of rules violations and with a record, not on the basis of popularity and secret balloting.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

gadfly said...Has it occurred to anyone that the "behave or we snitch" threat might have been issued for the health and benefit of A**hole?

That's the CNN official (lawyer-approved) line now: that they refrained from outing the guy for the guy's own safety. That's hard to reconcile with the implicit threat they'll out him if he posts bad stuff again...would his safety not matter in that case? It also doesn't line up with what the K-File guy, his producer, and the CNN morning news lady said about the reason they didn't publish his name.
But yeah, its one of the excuses they're trying to use now.
'cause they care!

Is threatening to out some private jerk part of afflicting the comfortable, or comforting the afflicted?
Journalists are the real heroes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How many times can a leftist kill Trump in the park?

Bob Ellison said...

Pro tips for everyone:

1) Don't say "I have been saying for X days/months/years". We don't care. Man, I hate that tic. I have argued for years on this very forum that guinea pigs are the source of all rabies epidemics! Great; good for you. Just make that point, and don't point to yourself. It's not about you, and if you think it is, we don't care.

2) Engage in debate. It's interesting. Someone says A, you say B. The commentariat grows thereby.

3) Don't be an idiot and call people idiots. That's just boring.

Drago said...

LLR: "Ann Althouse prides herself on Free Speech and a poll on the fate of one contrarian commenter is so anti-Free Speech I know she'd never go for it. I personally think it would be a terrible precedent"

Says the guy who thinks a poll of one, him, should be sufficient to ban all conservative commenters who happen to notice he is full of BS.


Drago said...

Amazing, that we both voted for the same ticket for the White House.

There is zero proof of that.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Mark said...A word that practically no one ever heard of -- certainly I never did -- and suddenly every website talking about this is using the word. Talk about a herd mentality.

You're lucky! Allegations of doxing (sometimes doxxing) have been flying hot-and-heavy for a while now in internet-feud land. With the GamerGate kerfuffle it was a near-daily occurrence--people would out others, would publish people's private info as retaliation, etc. It got to be difficult to find a recap of a specific spat that DIDN'T include allegations of doxing.

As usual the Left (in that case the feminist Left) had it both ways--they championed doxing sexist/racist/homophobic enemies of theirs (including campaigns to get people fired, etc) but claimed that anyone using their own personally identifiable info and/or doxing them was guilty of harassment and should be criminally prosecuted. Most forums make doxing a violation of their TOS now.

Chuck said...

I think it is cruel to pick on somebody for being unfamiliar with "doxxing." I don't even know if the verb is to "dox" or to "doxx."

It is an internet-era term, for sure, although some doxxing could be done by non-digital investigation.

Why put somebody down for asking a perfectly good question?

Drago said...

readering: "I support Chuck, whatever that means."

Leftists support leftists.

Pretty straightforward.

Drago said...

CNN's day just got worse with another James O'Keefe video dump. It's another Carr wreck, this time taking out Chris Cuomo as collateral damage

#CNNStrongDefender will no doubt offer up a 10,000 treatise on why Chris Cuomo is actually the cats meow.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
LLR: "Ann Althouse prides herself on Free Speech and a poll on the fate of one contrarian commenter is so anti-Free Speech I know she'd never go for it. I personally think it would be a terrible precedent"

Says the guy who thinks a poll of one, him, should be sufficient to ban all conservative commenters who happen to notice he is full of BS.

Drago if it were up to me, you'd have been gone months ago. But I know it is not up to me. I have no illusions about that.

I just think it is funny, that you bother to write and send posts where you do nothing but doubt who I voted for. With no other information. Talk about the essence of something personal, off-topic, extraneous, malicious and evidence-free...

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Scott said...Also, assuming that some of CNN's defenders here are right, and there is no protection for anonymous free speech (a position I strongly disagree with), what right should there be for protection for anonymous press sources? It's speech by the source to the reporter, after all...

Legally there aren't any, but you have a good point on the journalists' "ethics." CNN itself got burned, apparently, by an anonymous source recently and 3 CNN employees resigned (possibly under duress) over a story they had to retract. In cases like that, where an anonymous source blatantly lies for political gain, you'd think the news organization would have an interest (to protect their own credibility) in exposing the source and holding them to account for their lie.
But...nope. The source got to push the bogus story, do the damage to the politician/the Trump admin, and suffered no public consequences.

Post some ugly stuff on Reddit as an anonymous private individual, though, and CNN gonna get 'ya.

Bob Ellison said...

It's a strange spelling. "Doxx" was the main spelling for a while, but when it became a verb, people had to write "doxing".

"Outing" is the term for people betraying closeted gays. Doxing is a little like that.

Drago said...

LLR: "I just think it is funny, that you bother to write and send posts where you do nothing but doubt who I voted for."

I have never doubted who you voted for and you have no evidence that I have ever expressed any doubt.

Pretty much like every other effort of yours.

I shall continue to point out that there is zero evidence you voted for Trump, which is true.

Drago said...

LLR: "Drago if it were up to me, you'd have been gone months ago."

I don't need you to help me prove my point.

Darrell said...

Why put somebody down for asking a perfectly good question?

Well. for starters because he stated that was proof of collusion among right-wing commenters and bloggers. Like we are the ones who rely on talking points or groups like Journolist. And sonce I am a Conservative, my first instinct is to defend my own. Unlike yours, Chuck. What makes the question "stupid" is that he presumes to know what other people know--saying that no one ever heard the word. All he can honestly do is speak for himself.

Drago said...

If you want to get an early look at Chucks talking points for tomorrow, tune in to Maddow tonight.

Unknown said...

Bye bye Drago. Chuck should stay.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Bye bye Drago. Chuck should stay."

Looks like Inga is back.

Unknown said...

Bye bye Darrell. Chuck should stay.

Drago said...

Looks like Unknown has "voted" more than once.

A lefty voting more than once.


Chuck said...

You'll never make it in evidence class, Drago.

The evidence supporting who I voted for would be my testimony. Then it would be up to you to supply evidence that I did not vote in that manner.

I'd try to get my absentee ballot, but I have no idea how that could be done or what the cost would be. You want to make it worth my while? A four-figure bet?

Drago said...

#CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "The evidence supporting who I voted for would be my testimony."


mockturtle said...

That is the one reason that I am attacked. Personally attacked, by a handful of Trump supporters.

Bullshit. Chuck, you are 'attacked' because you are relentlessly obsessed with Trump. The thread could be about the weather on Nantucket Island and you would somehow turn it into an anti-Trump tirade. We totally get it! YOU HATE TRUMP. Talk about something else for a change or bugger off.

Fabi said...

Chuck said...

"Bannings should be done on the basis of rules violations and with a record, not on the basis of popularity and secret balloting."

I'm surprised that with all your personal exchanges with Althouse and claimed long-term readership here, you aren't aware that she can't ban anyone due to the constraints of the blog software.

Chuck said...

Fabi said...
Chuck said...

"Bannings should be done on the basis of rules violations and with a record, not on the basis of popularity and secret balloting."

I'm surprised that with all your personal exchanges with Althouse and claimed long-term readership here, you aren't aware that she can't ban anyone due to the constraints of the blog software.

I didn't want to mention that because I wasn't sure she wanted that fact disclosed.

But don't count on her not having other means to police her blog.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I don't think I could read 658 comments about anything.

Meade said...

"I don't think I could read 658 comments about anything."

But I was told 3 or 4 years ago that it's the commenters with their comments who make the blog, not the blogger.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Almost all of the defenses of CNN (and, disturbingly, there have been plenty) seem to come down to "yeah, but that guy's a racist and anti-Semite so he deserves whatever exposing him causes."
It really is a who-whom thing. If the guy was an OK dude these people wouldn't back CNN. If you're a racist, though, ethical considerations and any kind of fairness go right out the window--it's OK to kick you around. And that's from self-described liberals!
Burn or stand on an American flag = you're protected, your speech is offensive but the Left and the Media will make excuses for you and make sure your expression is understood "in context," etc. You know, "God damn America," that sort of thing.
Post some racist things under a pseudonym on a message board, though...well, fuck 'im.

For anyone who feels like that's a just outcome in this case, please remember who it is that decides exactly which beliefs are racist/sexist/homophobic. Hey, you can be hounded from your job for stating today the same thing the last President of the United States believed during both of his national campaigns for President! Buy the Left's rules, pay the Left's game.

Fabi said...

She's mentioned it quite a few times on the blog, Chuck. It's no secret.

Fabi said...

Hey Chuck -- we had a civil exchange! ;-)

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Meade said...But I was told 3 or 4 years ago that it's the commenters with their comments who make the blog, not the blogger.

You were told a lot of things, man.

You get the same answer that anyone who put any faith in the Media gets.

Gahrie said...

still think the truest, and tellingest, and the most profoundly insulting thing (to his own supporters) that has been said in the Trump Era is that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and his base would never convict him.

Perhaps. I have to admit, for me it would greatly depend on who he shot.

Of course, if Trump discovered a cure for cancer, you and the rest of the Left would call for his impeachment because he threw so many doctors and scientists out of work.

Darrell said...

Chuck you should send another email to Althouse explaining how other commenters make you libel Barron Trump. Repetition always works. Then tell her how Greta had the titty twister coming. Women like snitching little bitches. Then tell her all the names of the boys and girls who have been mean to you and ask that they be banned. Quote her rules for commenters as a closing argument. I see nothing but success for you--something you lack in real life.

mockturtle said...

"yeah, but that guy's a racist and anti-Semite so he deserves whatever exposing him causes."

Good point, Hoodlum! It's like the 'white supremacist' who got his fitness membership revoked after a harridan confronted him in the gym. People with certain ideas don't deserve civil rights, I guess.

Drago said...

LLR: "I didn't want to mention that because I wasn't sure she wanted that fact disclosed."


Clearly a big time "teh internets" kind of a secret!

Sort of like how some internet illiterates write as if Reddit or 4Chan is a "person".

Drago said...

But I was told 3 or 4 years ago that it's the commenters with their comments who make the blog, not the blogger.

Depends on their clothes really.

FullMoon said...

I report, you decide

MOBY:An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question.

mockturtle said...

For that matter, it's like the recent Canadian legislation making 'Islamophobia' a crime. Not acts or even verbal abuse but phobia. We are living in a truly fucked-up era.

Drago said...

FullMoon: "I report, you decide"

Indeed. Perhaps we should let the written record speak for itself in terms of "testimony".

Drago said...

We are living in a truly fucked-up era.

We are living in a standard operating procedure leftist/"lifelong republican" era.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Althouse, I cannot see that word without thinking of...

Tommy Duncan said...

Chuck said:

"That is sort of my point. I don't have problems with everybody here. It's just a very small group, that is well known for personal attacks on me."

Chuck, you have problems with lots of us. Some of us are just too polite or too bored to bother with you. That group is not small. Many of us are tired of threads (like this one) that are all about "Chuck".

Mark said...

I was told 3 or 4 years ago that it's the commenters with their comments who make the blog, not the blogger.

Well, this must be the Seinfeld of comment boxes. 674 comments about nothing of substance.

Meade said...

Tommy Duncan has a valid point.

And commenters who practice self-moderation and restraint tend to post the most interesting and humorous comments.

Mark said...

So "doxxing" means to out someone or expose them.

Of course, people could just say that. Which was kind of my point.

walter said...

Mark, there are all sorts of things a simple google search will elucidate.
But now you can appreciate the "Don't dox me bro" meme.
Oh right...meme...google it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lem for the win

Darrell said...

So "doxxing" means to out someone or expose them.

It's more than that. They are encouraging people to show up at their house or place of work. To call them at all hours. To screw with their financial accounts and service providers. To make their lives a living Hell. All while maintaining a protective cover for themselves. "I couldn't have known that anyone would do THAT." In the old day, we looked up words in this thing called a "dictionary." But now, one Google search could have told you the answer in 1/10 of a second. Knowledge is power.

Mark said...

And both of your comments -- which were clueless to my actual point -- tell me everything I need to know about you, all without Googling!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists are good little Maoists, aren't they?

I'm sick to death of the MSM calling out "right wing" with no mention ever of "left-wing."

Funny -that.

Darrell said...

Your leftism tells me everything about you.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Doxing is more than just outing someone. According to Webster, it's "to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge.".

I believe the word comes from "document", because it involves revealing or publishing personal documents, social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, etc.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is a NY Liberal, Darrel. What does that make you? Since you worship him blindly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

"Takes 2 to tango"

It takes two baby, it takes two baby, to make a dream come true. It takes two.

traditionalguy said...

CNN is a subsidiary propaganda division of the Deep State. Feeling threatened by Trump, they are openly acting out use of the CIA's main method to shut down opponents which is threatening to unmask an American Citizen for vigilante revenge squads.

This is a long tradition of the CIA at war. They use Compromat Russian style. And they usually do it very carefully so as not to alert the enemy of their method of knowing the enemy's plans.

Since Ultra in WWII, it has been the hard part of their job to use intelligence without alerting the American Citizens that they have the collection going on them.

CNN has blown it. The Trump Effect at work.

Unknown said...

Maybe the CIA can help Trump find his way to his limo. #trumpdementia

PackerBronco said...

All this fuss over what essentially was a political cartoon.

This is like the reaction to Charlie Hebdo by the Islamofascists - without all of the killing of course.

I'm waiting for the Dems to solemly intone: "The future must not belong to those who slander CNN."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Trump's Secret Plan Revealed!


Drago said...

I'm waiting for the Dems to solemly intone: "The future must not belong to those who slander CNN."

That is "essentially" what Chuck was saying.


Jupiter said...


"Is that your real name?"

I answered that way back when the thread was under 200. Don't mistake my saying that anonymity is not a right with saying that it is not a luxury. I am just saying that

a) It is not illegal to reveal who wrote something that he intended to publish anonymously, and
b) the real problem is not that the Left attacks people, but that we have allowed the assholes shouting "Racist!" to determine which truths it is unacceptable to state.

gadfly said...

@Achilles said...
Look at the Trump haters on this thread or really any thread on any article. Nobody respects them anymore.

Yeppers. We Trump haters are just like the all the foolish folks out there who don't believe in the Global Warming Scam. Why, don'tchas know that all the Climate Scientists in the world have signed on to the science behind global warming? Scientific proof must now require that everyone in the choir sing the same awful song - even when many are incapable of carrying a tune in a bucket.

Just to be perfectly clear - panting Trumpsters don't get any respect from our side either. So what is this "nobody" garbage?

BTW, leave Chuck alone. He at least should make you happy because he held his nose and voted for the incompetent fool now occupying the White House. That was the anti-Hillary mode. Some of us didn't vote or we voted third-party because two bad choices call for no choice - and we don't want to have to apologize for casting a Trump vote down the road. To date there hasn't been a single reason to question that conclusion.

Darrell said...

The "Leftism" comment was a response to Mark. You are a Moby, arguing both sides to cause disruption.

FullMoon said...

Unknown said...

Maybe the CIA can help Trump find his way to his limo. #trumpdementia
7/5/17, 6:26 PM

This is what the blog needs more of.
Reasonable,intelligent, well written, humorous, thought provoking.

Anonymous said...

@mainstreet Great. Did you or your kid's draw that?

Drago said...

He at least should make you happy because he held his nose and voted for the incompetent fool now occupying the White House.

There is no evidence to support that assertion.

Anonymous said...

"Amazing, that we both voted for the same ticket for the White House."
I think the word you want is "incredible".

FullMoon said...

Trump donated his salary today. First president to lose money while in office. Very generous of him.

Mary Beth said...

Mark said...

So "doxxing" means to out someone or expose them.

Of course, people could just say that. Which was kind of my point.

7/5/17, 5:51 PM

"Doxing" was added to the OED in 2014. It had been in common use for years before that but only in the last decade has it come to imply harassment and not just revealing someone's identity.

I don't know when people started spelling it with an extra "x". I hadn't noticed it spelled that way until more recently, but both are acceptable spellings.

Anonymous said...

gadfly: Has it occurred to anyone that the "behave or we snitch" threat might have been issued for the health and benefit of A**hole?

Apparently it hasn't occurred to you yet to read the post, let alone follow the link. (That's the charitable interpretation.)

Sorry, toots, but there is no way to reconcile any exculpatory song-and-dance with the CNN reporter's nauseating exercise in Red Guard "journalism":

"CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change...."

There is no squirming out of that, period. It is disgusting that anyone should justify or attempt to explain away anything as vile as that.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Matt Sablan said...

... My God. 700?

And we still haven't gotten a post about the new Veritas video where the guy hopes his last conversation wasn't taped with the new person taping him.

Which is so beautiful that, if I didn't know better, would think was scripted.

FullMoon said...


"After the food stamp rolls swelled for years under the Obama administration, fresh figures show a dramatic reduction in states that recently have moved to restore work requirements.

States were allowed to waive those rules for able-bodied adults thanks to the 2009 economic stimulus. As the rules loosened and the economy sputtered out of the recession, food stamp enrollment soared to record levels – peaking at nearly 48 million nationwide in 2013.

But while that number has dipped gradually in recent years, some states have moved aggressively to push recipients who can work back into the job market and, in due time, off the program.

Alabama began 2017 by requiring able-bodied adults without children in 13 counties to either find a job or participate in work training as a condition for continuing to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.


According to AL.com, the number of those recipients declined from 5,538 to 831 between Jan. 1 and the beginning of May – an 85 percent drop."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oh sorry Darrell. I thought you were talking to me.

Drago said...

I hope Unknown isnt leaning too heavily on the MSM for news. Those "elite" journalists can't get their Lincoln quotes straight and the NYT fell for a North Korean parody account.

Ben Rhodes was right. Chuck's beloved MSM are a bunch of idiots that don't know anything.

Anonymous said...

@MockTurtle 5:09pm. Well said.
For quite some time I have been trying to figure out what it is that motivates Chuck. Just when I think I have a valid hypothesis he up and destroys it somehow. The exchanges with him certainly don't help the thread any. My only answer now is to skip his comments and others responding to his comments. It is certain that Chuck manages to bring out the worst in many usually rational commenters. Ritmo does the same thing, but he is usually so far into his own view of the world that he's hard to understand, no less have a dialogue with. Chuck always seems to be right on the ragged edge of a reasonable comment then he has to come up with a way to slam Trump and the whole thing falls apart.

Anonymous said...

@"Dickin'Bimbos What have you done with Rene Saunce?!?

Drago said...

Btw, if you want a look at where the MSM/Dems/"lifelong republicans" are "shooting for", take a gander at the pics coming out of the Venezuelan legislature today.

eddie willers said...

she can't ban anyone due to the constraints of the blog software.

You mean to tell me Crack left on his own accord?!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James K said...

For quite some time I have been trying to figure out what it is that motivates Chuck.

I haven't been around here that long and it's obvious to me. He just wants attention, like any troll. I believe everything he's said about himself--that he voted for Trump, that he's a Republican, he's not a leftist. But he craves being the subject of discussion, which is the only way to explain the turd he dropped at the very beginning of the thread, inviting everyone to make him the subject of the thread. Kind of sad.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

April Apple and Rene Saunce are still inside the my multiple-personality disorder.

Colin Powell's wisdom needed some sunshine.

Crimso said...

"Our country needs a special prosecutor to investigate this matter."

Screw that. We need a penumbra emanating from the 25th Amendment that will apply to news media, because CNN's hivemind appears to be suffering a devastating series of strokes.

Rusty said...

mockturtle said...
"That is the one reason that I am attacked. Personally attacked, by a handful of Trump supporters.

Bullshit. Chuck, you are 'attacked' because you are relentlessly obsessed with Trump. The thread could be about the weather on Nantucket Island and you would somehow turn it into an anti-Trump tirade. We totally get it! YOU HATE TRUMP. Talk about something else for a change or bugger off."

I think he thinks he's doing the blogging world a favor. He sees Trump as pure corrupt evil. An evil that must be addressed every day. We are fools , in his eyes, for not seeing Trump for what Chuck believes he is. We therefore must be continually reminded of Trumps evil nature. Chuck believes he is sacrificing his own time and talents to keep us informed.
In response we show insufficient gratitude for Chucks sacrifices. This drives him to post more Trump is evil information.
Until we agree that Chuck is right-he deperately needs to be right-he will keep posting about Trumps evil ways.

Clyde said...

Wow, a full Aaron of comments. That's one more than a Babe, as a unit of measure.

Paco Wové said...

714 comments. 714! And not a Sarah Palin or Ritmo in sight, as far as I can tell.

Anyhoo, as to the actual topic at hand, in some ways it's not surprising that CNN screwed the pooch on this one, as they made the poor corporate decision to hire somebody from BuzzFeed, which ranks several trenches lower in the Media Inferno than even the National Enquirer. As has been pointed out, this Kaczynski person has a history, after all. Once trash, always trash.

harrogate said...

My god the sheer amount of comments. "Shocking!" says Althouse in her headline and everyone is mortified at the evil.

The President targets private citizens on the regular but that's just his interesting naked brain tho, so that's different.

Paco Wové said...

Oh. And–

Anybody, anyone at all, who manages to turn comment thread after comment thread into an exchange about them personally, who likes them, who is mean to them, etc., for whatever reason, is a blog-disrupting troll, pure and simple.

FullMoon said...

harrogate said...

The President targets private citizens on the regular but that's just his interesting naked brain tho, so that's different.
7/5/17, 7:33 PM

Really? Name five private citizens, and the dates they were targeted.

Drago said...

Harrogate: "The President targets private citizens on the regular but that's just his interesting naked brain tho, so that's different."

Hillary supporter executes New York policewoman and mother of three.

But Trump was mean to CNN.


Achilles said...

gadfly said...
@Achilles said...
Look at the Trump haters on this thread or really any thread on any article. Nobody respects them anymore.

Yeppers. We Trump haters are just like the all the foolish folks out there who don't believe in the Global Warming Scam. Why, don'tchas know that all the Climate Scientists in the world have signed on to the science behind global warming? Scientific proof must now require that everyone in the choir sing the same awful song - even when many are incapable of carrying a tune in a bucket.

Nobody respects you Warmists anymore because you can't even explain your theory in scientific terms. I can do a better job of presenting your hypothesis than you can and I think it is bunk. I can also describe the scientific method in an intelligent manner. Warmists are completely at odds with the scientific method and are actively trying to remove it from school curriculum.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump likes to attack private entities (including persons) all the time. This isn't much different. I don't see you calling him out.

At some point you may really want to look into the reasons for why you are so comfortable with that much lower a bar on his behavior than what you are apparently willing to tolerate from any entity that holds even less power than the president. It's hard to take you seriously when you want to hold everyone less powerful than the president accountable for actions that you will never call out the president for doing.

Paco Wové said...

Oops, I said Ritmo's name and he appeared. Push it to 1000, Ritmo! You can do it!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nobody respects you Warmists anymore because you can't even explain your theory in scientific terms.

What's the "scientific term" for how Venus manages to have a higher surface temperature than Mercury, Mr. Know-It-All?

"Nobody respects" what 62% - 68% of the public agree with? You are committing Trump levels of self-delusion. Not too respectable there.

Seriously. Take a science course. It won't cause your brain to melt. You can probably sit in on one at your local community college. Find a celestial body that is capable of having/maintaining a climate - let alone regulating it! - absent an atmosphere.

These assertions you keep making are very dingleberry-ish. You greatly overestimate the resonance Trump and his kooky ideas have. He was and is a desperation candidate who lies about everything.

FullMoon said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Trump likes to attack private entities (including persons) all the time. This isn't much different. I don't see you calling him out.

Name five private citizens, Harrogate still researching

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, Paco - get the more, er, "entitled" commenters to keep saying wrong things and I'll do my best to keep them in check for as many comments as they care to post.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Name five private citizens -

I consider anyone not holding elected (i.e. "public") office a private citizen.

Perhaps you're using a different definition, which might even be legitimate to do.

But given the first amendment and the only industry mentioned and singled out for special protection in it, I consider his broad brush attacks even on media personalities to be a violation of longstanding and stabilizing American norms, traditions and institutions. An attack here or there is one thing. He goes after anyone saying anything he doesn't like.

Did Harrogate come up with the name of that KIA Moslem kid, yet?

We can safely say that anything short of quantity is compensated by his viciousness and inappropriateness.

This is what Hugo Chavez did. Same all-out anti-media assault.

donald said...

Poor Chuck. Poor baby.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chuck always seems to be right on the ragged edge of a reasonable comment then he has to come up with a way to slam Trump and the whole thing falls apart.

You're hilarious. Talk about being "so far into your own view." You basically say that any anti-Trump comment makes someone impossible to understand.

Newsflash: Most of the country disapproves of him. And a great many can't stand him. He's a pathological liar. Lo and behold, rational people don't appreciate that in a president.

And more voted against him than voted for him.

You have power, but not the people of your own country. Perhaps you should re-think this assumption you have about how good you are at understanding people and the way they think.

Drago said...

TTR: "You basically say that any anti-Trump comment makes someone impossible to understand."

Putting words in people's mouths is always the sign of a sound argument.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is the Trump tweet before the one you talk of now, and Chuck is right to feel hostile for being left out:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Jul 1

We will always take care of our GREAT VETERANS. You have shed your blood, poured your love, and bared your soul, in defense of our country.

D 2 said...

Lem has a point ..... but like Pete Rose said, it aint the first 658 blog comments, it's the next 400 that's really hard

The world is coming apart and all sorts of adventurers are thinking very hard about taking a chance. And - as was stated maybe a mile upstream - the cable news station from America watched by many eyes outside of America - is fixated on extorting some guy - maybe the wrong guy!! - who is good at wrestling-related gifs

That is all.

Drago said...

TTR: "This is what Hugo Chavez did. Same all-out anti-media assault."

Sure it is.

And if it were, why was Chavez lauded and feted by the Left?

Or has it been necessary, as with Stalin, for the left to suddenly posit that Chavez was really a tea party conservative?

Usually about the time the leftist policies come to "fruition" it becomes necessary to identify the next People's Paradise where "this time for sure its gotta work".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What makes you different is you post here in bad faith.

Seriously? You read his mind?

I never knew you subjected him to a 100% accurate polygraph test. Let's see the results.

This mind-reading stuff has a real future!

Your only goal is to ruin any discussion about anything with your personal(paid) hatred of Trump.

Again, most of the country disapproves of him. And a great many hate him for being a pathological liar who confuses his immature, vendetta-obsessed person with his office. Apparently you'll have a poll to ban the majority of the country, too.

Just accept the fact that you're in the minority, now. It happens. Even to people and factions and parties with a lot of power, to abuse. Imagine that.

Imagine responsibility being more important than mind-reading and entertaining conspiratorial views of the country and world so far-fetched that you believe only a guy with an ego too tiny to forego hair transplants can save you from it.

Seriously. Get a damn grip. Like Trump did on his hair. His wonderful, fabulous, Fabio-esque, flowing hair.

FullMoon said...

(of a person) having no official or public role or position.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is the Trump tweet after the one you speak of now, and Chuck is right to become hostile as he isn't being left out on purpose:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Jul 2

The dishonest media will NEVER keep us from accomplishing our objectives on behalf of our GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE! #AmericaFirst🇺🇸

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And if it were, why was Chavez lauded and feted by the Left?

Which left? And why does it matter? A totalitarian is a totalitarian. You think registered Democrat Trump has a coherent ideology?

You think the crusty old Putin-lovers of Russia today weren't die-hard party-line Commie loyalists before Gorbachev?

You have much to learn about the world. Some people apparently want power just as much as you do. Even more so. And without needing to anchor it in the ideologies that you fool yourself into thinking everyone finds more important. Those things are often just manufactured consent anyway.

Seeing Red said...

It's like watching a slo-mo train wreck!

And a good point made via Insty: T is supposed to be thin-skinned, but CNN is!

harkin said...

ann: "This person is a nonentity"

He may be even more of a nonentity.

Buzzfeed and Daily Wire say CNN is blackmailing the WRONG GUY.

BREAKING: CNN May Have Targeted The WRONG Meme Creator Over Trump's WWE Tweet


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Putin the former KGB agent. I bet he must have been a real right-wing hero back in his KGB days.


Someone's got you convinced that partisan American party lines define everything in the world.

Birches said...

What Tommy Duncan said.

Aggie said...

Tell you one thing: If CNN is with-holding the man's identity, then I can say with absolute certainty, he ain't Russian.

FullMoon said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Trump likes to attack private entities (including persons) all the time. This isn't much different. I don't see you calling him out.

Name four private citizens, Harrogate still researching

FullMoon said...

Toofless says:

Again, most of the country disapproves of him.

Politico Poll Finds Majority of Voters Support Trump’s Travel Order


Guildofcannonballs said...

I told you people here at Althouse dissing Twitter to stop, that it is indeed perfect for Trump.

The reporters get in a feedback loop of pure outrage and subsequently look like idiots to the majority of people outside the loop, but it is always too late for them to realize it.

Listen now, don't talk. Learn.

Trump has faith in you!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nice goalpost shifting, there, FullMoon.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you - The Nation's First Single-Issue President!

Thank you, thank you.

buwaya said...

Putin is about as communist as my dear old fascist abuelita.
Russia is quite capitalist these days, in the sort of state-licensed manner that is so popular everywhere.

We are all fascists now.

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Nice goalpost shifting, there, FullMoon.

Right. Harrowgate lies, you back him up, then cannot give five examples out of thousands of tweets when Trump attacks private citizen. Moved goalpost to four and you still cannot do it. Winning!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shorter FullMoon: I can move goalposts as well as you can! I win at goalpost shifting!

The handicapped reporter that Trump mocked - he had an "official or public role"?

How about the gold star kid?

I realize you hate voting, but damn. You really do think that elected officials have no difference insofar as what can be done to defame them. Interesting. Privatizing the res publica, I see.

Just get some courage and stop hiding behind your Hairplug of a WH resident's skirt, already.

buwaya said...

I am quite familiar with global political and economic conflict situations Ritmo. Do you want country-by-country conflict mappings?

Chavez was quite a celebrity in US Democratic party circles in his day. And internationally too. He had the labor and socialist parties of Europe flocking to Venezuela, many saying things that are quite embarassing to them today.

FullMoon said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Shorter FullMoon: I can move goalposts as well as you can! I win at goalpost shifting!

The handicapped reporter that Trump mocked - he had an "official or public role"?

How about the gold star kid?

Unexpectedly weak. You gonna have to up your game if you want to reel me in. Those examples are lies, and everybody, including you and Harrowgate know it.

Expect you to come up with someone obscure. Not gonna count without proof.

Michael K said...

I wondered how long it would be before Ritmo showed up.

Off to adult themes.

Drago said...

TTR: "You have much to learn about the world."

Well, I'd say I have a bit more than a passing familiarity with "the world".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whatever you say, FullMoonie.

Oh look. Day Care Center Gramps Michael K showed up.

It's so much easier for him to feel unthreatened when he gets the comment section to himself all morning long.

Like a kid on a playground, he can't stand it when anyone else comes along to call him out.

Or just to ignore him. How will he feel important now?

Oh no.

SukieTawdry said...

CNN dug its own grave, nailed shut its coffin, lowered it into the pit and currently is backfilling. It's been fascinating to watch.

buwaya said...

"day care center Gramps"?

Ritmo, you have issues with your father, it is clear.
You are suffering I think, and so reacting poorly to what you see as father-figures. I have hired and trained many young men in my time, and I know the signs. The more common response from fellows who do find a proxy-father is emotional attachment, and that can lead to its own problems.

This is not a good way to resolve these problems, but you do need to get this behind you. I dont think modern therapy has any reliable treatments, but I think you should give that a try at least.

More positive, more traditional and I think a more successful way to deal with this is to become a father. The self and its troubles becomes secondary to overriding duty, if approached this way.

The other traditional ways of course are to join the church (in a religious order) or the military. Both are proxy families.

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Whatever you say, FullMoonie.

Loser. Fraud. Liar.Feign disinterest while you scour the internet for examples.

TrespassersW said...

A variation on an old standard:

Q: How many CNN "journalists" does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: That's not funny, and unless you apologize, we will ruin your life!

Snark said...

Holy hell. I just got back to this discussion after being gone for 8 or 9 hours and am stunned at the number of comments.

FullMoon said...

Buwaya said...

"day care center Gramps"?

Ritmo, you have issues with your father, it is clear.
You are suffering I think, and so reacting poorly to what you see as father-figures. I have hired and trained many young men in my time, and I know the signs. The more common response from fellows who do find a proxy-father is emotional attachment, and that can lead to its own problems.

This is not a good way to resolve these problems, but you do need to get this behind you. I dont think modern therapy has any reliable treatments, but I think you should give that a try at least.

More positive, more traditional and I think a more successful way to deal with this is to become a father. The self and its troubles becomes secondary to overriding duty, if approached this way.

The other traditional ways of course are to join the church (in a religious order) or the military. Both are proxy families.

7/5/17, 9:30 PM

See,Toothless that is brilliance in commenting. Can be taken seriously, or as sarcasm. Works just as well either way.

Drago said...

Ritmo, you have issues with your father, it is clear.

I'm picturing a Ben Gazzara character/father conflict in "QB VII".

Drago said...

Snark: "Holy hell. I just got back to this discussion after being gone for 8 or 9 hours and am stunned at the number of comments."

Just one or two comments more and Guam could tip over!

walter said...

While CNN fiddles with visions of GIF inspired violence, Scalise goes back into the ICU.
Hey TR, bring back that whole wetnurse bit. Really potent.

Snark said...

Lost somewhere several hundred posts ago was my thought that CNN was fine on this, right up to the point that they published the article. The investigation was reasonable, and because it was a successful investigation there eventually had to be a choice about whether to out this guy. I think we can all agree that the right choice was made. But the article was just pretty bad, both in tone and substance. Even without the controversial lines it sounded small and self-congratulatory, and the fact that it made it past an editor is just embarassing. I don't believe that CNN intended to threaten this guy or meant to sound like the thought police, but unfortunately for them that's pretty much exactly the way it sounded and has opened them up to these 700+ comments and versions of them all over the internet and MSM. Spectacular own goal, and I'm not sure what to think of it. Another editorial work flow issue? An insular Kathy Griffin type loss of perspective by the Kfile people on how things will be seen by the rest of the world outside their workroom? They almost have no choice but to put their head down and keep moving because I can't imagine them doing anything dramatic on this so quickly on the heels of the recent retraction, firings, project Veritas etc. It would just look so bad.

Drago said...

Snark: "The investigation was reasonable, and because it was a successful investigation there eventually had to be a choice about whether to out this guy."

This is where you have gone off the rails.

The reasons have been enumerated above about 50 times.

Drago said...

I don't believe that CNN intended to threaten this guy or meant to sound like the thought police, but unfortunately for them that's pretty much exactly the way it sounded and has opened them up to these 700+ comments and versions of them all over the internet and MSM.

That's not going to fly and no one is buying it.

It "pretty much exactly the way it sounded" because it pretty much is exactly what CNN did.

buwaya said...


The correct (conventional) approach by CNN would have been to ignore it and change the subject.

They didnt, because they wanted to send a signal to the internet community, the modern pamphleteers and devotees of the pasquinade, that they can be found and suppressed. These lads are getting too influential, if the President is repeating their japes.

They (CNNs owners who chose this strategy) may yet succeed if they persist and chase down some others.

Fen said...

CNN kinda leaves it up in the air what "offending post" and "ugly behavior on social media" actually is. Sounds like mocking CNN is a ThoughtCrime, execution stayed, lifetime probation.

Oh my stars and garters, Fen just found a new chew toy!

Snark said...

"This is where you have gone off the rails.

The reasons have been enumerated above about 50 times."

I just cannot read all the comments to find the 50 time repeated reasons, but I think I can anticipate what they generally were. I call the investigation reasonable because the President made the originator of the meme news worthy once he tweeted it. The character of the meme changed once the President co-opted it, and it's not reasonable to expect CNN to see or treat this as harmless satire as most here do. It's utterly bizarre and unsettling to many, and I think we have to allow for that response from the target of the tweet. They didn't know who or what they would find at the root of this when they started the investigation, so to say they targeted a private citizen is not accurate. They didn't know who their target was until they found him. And then they wrote a really fucking weird article about basically doing the right thing. Like I said, spectacular own goal.

Qwinn said...

"The chqracter of the meme changed once the President co-opted it"


Drago said...

Snark: " I call the investigation reasonable because the President made the originator of the meme news worthy once he tweeted it."

Uh huh.

buwaya said...

See, this is where it gets interesting.
Why was chasing down the creator of this cartoon "the right thing"?
The internet is full of this sort of thing, hundreds of new ones daily, and not a few directed against CNN, going back decades in fact.
What was to be gained by doing this, identifying one of thousands of anonymous internet wags?

One must answer that question in light of the strategic situation not only of CNN but that of its owners.

Snark said...

"The correct (conventional) approach by CNN would have been to ignore it and change the subject.

They didnt, because they wanted to send a signal to the internet community, the modern pamphleteers and devotees of the pasquinade, that they can be found and suppressed. These lads are getting too influential, if the President is repeating their japes.

They (CNNs owners who chose this strategy) may yet succeed if they persist and chase down some others."

Ignoring it would have been one option, but I think people are failing to see things clearly from the perspective of CNN and the people who think the President engages in rhetoric that is dangerous to democracy to say that it was the only reasonable option, or even the best option. I don't agree with you that the intention of CNN was to send a general message of threatened suppression, but that was certainly their execution generally, and they have provided lots of ammunition for those like you who do see it that way.

Fen said...

Trump should yank CNNs press credentials. He couldn't before because even biased hateful coverage is allowed under the Principles of a free press.

But this is different. This is destroying a 16 year old for speaking truth to power. Where are the resignations from CNN? By this they will be known.

So Trump should yank CNNs press credentials permanently. And every time they whine about it, they remind the public of this disgraceful incident.

walter said...

A silly GIF is worthy of an investigation...seriously?
Snark, can you imagine the wall to wall non-stop coverage, extrapolations by CNN etc if a Trump supporter shot a Dem rep like Scalisi was?
Instead..a GIF concerns them enough to "investigate".

buwaya said...

I dont see what other intention they could have had, as no other subsequent action on their part could have made use of any information gained.

IOW, without using it as a tool of suppression, it is a pointless exercise.

Snark said...

"What was to be gained by doing this, identifying one of thousands of anonymous internet wags?"

He was only one of thousands of anonymous internet wags at the end of the investigation, not at the beginning of it. Who he was could have been newsworthy. Connected to the Whitehouse, a political operative, a Russian hacker etc. etc. In the end he was just a Reddit schmuck.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Dang, this one made the Lefties frantic. Is there a German word for unintentionally stoking schadenfreude because you don't have the intellectual integrity or emotional maturity to face reality?

Drago said...

Snark: "Ignoring it would have been one option, but I think people are failing to see things clearly from the perspective of CNN and the people who think the President engages in rhetoric that is dangerous to democracy to say that it was the only reasonable option, or even the best option."

CNN. the obama/leftists in the Deep State, the rest of MSM are conspiring to have a duly elected President removed from office because they cannot accept the election results.

The left is rioting, burning buildings, shooting cops, using fake hate speech "rules" to silence conservatives, etc.

YOU are the danger to democracy.

walter said...

Good grief..if the originator WAS a "Russian hacker" WTF cares?

Drago said...

Snark: "In the end he was just a Reddit schmuck."

And he was threatened and put through a little Maoist thought control CNN-guided exercise.

Just as the lefties pull everywhere they gain power.

chickelit said...

Snark said...He was only one of thousands of anonymous internet wags at the end of the investigation, not at the beginning of it. Who he was could have been newsworthy. Connected to the Whitehouse, a political operative, a Russian hacker etc. etc. In the end he was just a Reddit schmuck.

Why did CNN release anything at all after concluding their investigation? What was the point of disclosing the threat?

So sinister

Ray - SoCal said...

It's ideology / world view. Basically their way to counter attack. To show the meme was tainted by who the creator was. And since a bad person created it, the meme should be disregarded. Anyone who mocks CNN, which is on the side of goodness in politics and the right side of history/ progress, must be a deplorable due to their wrong think / thought crime. Some of its also an echo chamber, where they don't hear dissenting views.

Blogger buwaya said...
See, this is where it gets interesting.
Why was chasing down the creator of this cartoon "the right thing"?
The internet is full of this sort of thing, hundreds of new ones daily, and not a few directed against CNN, going back decades in fact.
What was to be gained by doing this, identifying one of thousands of anonymous internet wags?

>One must answer that question in light of the strategic situation not only of CNN but that of its owners.

AT&T is not happy with this, as well as the honchos at Time Warner in the middle of the proposed acquisition.

I have no idea where this is going, but my guess is the anti CNN types are not going to back down and it will be a war of attrition. What will it do take for CNN to get stop this? My guess is it will get worse for CNN. And who knows what CNN's lawyers will do. My guess a nice settlement with a non disparagement letter for Han *** Solo.

CNN is lucky Trump won't be tweeting for a week while in Europe.

walter said...

But yes..what Drago just wrote.
While the left sees smoke of collusion and violence everywhere on the right, the left ignores the actual fires of their own.

buwaya said...

I still dont get the point of digging for the source.
If it had been someone at the Whitehouse, so what? Someone political makes a political cartoon?
Its not like it takes any sophistication to do this.

And reddit schmucks? There is an ancient tradition of political cartooning and pamphleteering you know, most of it upsetting to its targets. Much of this is collectible these days, go look for Cruickshank prints.

Snark said...

"A silly GIF is worthy of an investigation...seriously?"

Not everyone sees it as silly, including the target. I understand that you see it as silly, and even why you do, but to not understand the very real and valid alternative perspective is to fail to see the other side of the argument. How can you judge CNNs actions if you can't even appreciate things from their position?

buwaya said...

I can see things from their position, as the other side has been regularly (constantly and interminably) been the target of such things for centuries.

This is life as a conservative, no other political position is more subject to mockery, and it has been so since the 18th century.

Perspective is the result of a solid grasp of history.

Snark said...

As scintillating as you all are, I have to go to bed. This is different from surrendering. :) All you night owls and people not in the east enjoy the rest of your opining.

walter said...

Their position is patently absurd.
That you don't see that is your failing.
Fell me?

walter said...

(sorry..typo there. Better investigate that)

Fen said...

"4Chan is a sewer"

Darrell: "You need sewers to drain the swamp"

Darrell on a breakaway, slams it from center ice.... GOOAAAAALLLL!!!!

walter said...

But really, Snark. I think your point is well taken..if coming from a 12 year old on Facebook:
"Shit! Who made that?????!!!!"

Fen said...

Death to CNN.

walter said...


walter said...

"I am soooo gonna doxx them. I wonder if it's Taylor. I bet it's Taylor."
(clickety, clickety, clickety)

buwaya said...

In any case, finding the source was undertaken with the purpose of attacking the source, an individual, a questionable tactic at best, and, with good reason to suspect that it was simply one of thousands of anonymously created pasquinades (a pasquinade was a satirical political poster of ancient derivation), likely to find the source they did. And then what?

This simply could not be done without malice aforethought.

Seeing how many left-wing pasquinades there are, and have been, ubiquitous on the internet (surely you know what passes regularly in social media), similarly derived and similarly anonymous, this could not have been missed.

Fen said...

I want to take a moment away from my usual narcissitic diatribes to thank those on the Left who expressed disaproval at what CNN has done.

Please don't make it a habit though. I might have to throw away all my lists.

But seriously, thank you. Class act, had tip to ya.

walter said...

don't make light.
These are terribly nuanced developments.
Stroke your chin..examine from all sides..

Earnest Prole said...

I’m shocked, shocked to find CNN aiming a threat at a private citizen.

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