CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.So the human being behind the ridiculous pseudonym HanA**holeSolo should cringe for the rest of his life and never publish anything that CNN could possibly deem "bigoted" or "racist" because it would trigger CNN's delusional duty to destroy him.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change....
Absolutely despicable.
This person is a nonentity. We shouldn't even have heard about him in the first place. Who cares who originally posted the video clip of the CNN logo stuck on the face of the guy Trump was wrestling? Trump passed along the clip the way most of us pass things along, by deciding we like that one thing. We don't search for who started it and then all the other things that person has said or done.
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 923 of 923And seriously, what the f**k is wrong with you, Chuck?
"Chuck" is a moby.
"Gregor?!! Fucking Gregor?!! Ohhh shit..he is so fucking toast. Gregor. Fuck."
More positive, more traditional and I think a more successful way to deal with this
"Deal with" what? With Michael K's obsession with me?
That's not my problem. You go deal with it/him.
This is why Republicans like you can't get anything done, as your wealth redistributing excuse for a healthcare bill disintegrates like a sand castle. You blame everything on the victim and hold none of your fellow partisans accountable for anything.
It's like a gang. A gang of stupid, evil people.
TR, your comrades put in a designed to fail system.
But yes..they got it "done".
"pass it to see what's in it" sort of done.
Gruber laughing sort of done.
Done and done.
..just needed a bit more time with execu-legi control.
So sorryy..
Sure, walter. Of course you would see the expansion of coverage to millions more as a "failure" - (that you somehow, with control of every branch, still can't "correct").
You hate the people who now have coverage, seeing them as "not deserving," but fear their vote against you once you deprive them of it and price them out of the market.
It must really suck being a Republican. Hating on everyone who can't bribe you while wishing you could just keep them from voting you out instead.
What a dilemma. How to act legally against people you hate and who hate you without it backfiring. If only you could deny them the vote. Priorities, priorities.
It's tough being a Republican! Awwww! Poor partisans!
This is why Republicans like you can't get anything done, as your wealth redistributing excuse for a healthcare bill disintegrates like a sand castle.
Healthcare reform and control at the federal level is wrong a priori. It should be administered at the state level. Even Terry McAwful is coming 'round to the notion that federal solutions are not the best solutions.
Let Obamacare continue to fail. It's a state-level issue. California will bleed the way.
You must hate folks to foist a designed to fail "act" on them while pretending it to be otherwise.
The DNC-aligned CNN must be a source of talking points.
The DNC-aligned CNN must be a source of talking points.
Donna Brazile concurs!
It should be administered at the state level.
Whatever you say, utopian fantasist.
Let Obamacare continue to fail.
It's not Obamacare. Under Republicans, everything fails!
The WTC fails. The airline security system fails. The search to find bin Laden fails. The identification of the right country to invade fails. The saving of trillions of dollars on a war against a tactic fails. The global financial system fails.
The only thing that doesn't fail under Republicoward followership is their need to blame others and not take any responsibility for anything! Nope, they never fail to do that! Like a train to a concentration camp, it's always right on time!
Republicans can't get anything done. Except to lie and cheat and bribe their way into office. That's really about it.
And that's the way you want it. Admit it.
Losers for sale.
It's not Obamacare. Under Republicans, everything fails!
It is ObamaCare that's failing. None of the other monikers have stuck, have they?
Chris Christie failed to not be the fattest beached whale on the only state-owned shoreline in New Jersey that he kept open - FOR HIMSELF.
Because him. He's special.
He's a Republican in office. All the perks, none of the responsibilities. All the arrogance and condescension against the people.
Everything to the head of state. That's the Republican way.
Republicans can't get anything done. Except to lie and cheat and bribe their way into office. That's really about it.
And that's the way you want it. Admit it.
Pure projection of Rodham tactics. Admit that!
"Pig fuckerss!!!!!"
It is ObamaCare that's failing.
And yet, you (and your Chief Narcissist) can't seem to repeal it.
Even when not a single Democrat is in office with majority clout at the federal level anywhere, you still can't take responsibility.
Because you can't do anything. You're basically incapable. Incompetent.
Unconcerned with the truth.
Pure projection of Rodham tactics.
A defender of incompetence just saw a squirrel, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Did your momma teach you to be this dishonest and incompetent?
Chris Christie failed to not be the fattest beached whale on the only state-owned shoreline in New Jersey that he kept open - FOR HIMSELF.
Chris Christie is a laughing stockholder of the Republican Party. He also colluded with Obama.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
It is ObamaCare that's failing.
And yet, you (and your Chief Narcissist) can't seem to repeal it.
-- you want it repealed?
No. You want it to fail.
Hi-five yer buds Obama and Gruber.
Bernie supporter Ritmo just denied that Rodham lied, cheated, or stole her way towards the Presidency!
Chris Christie is a laughing stockholder of the Republican Party. He also colluded with Obama.
To make sure his state got emergency disaster relief - which is the only thing about him that you hate.
Why don't you just kill all the people you hate them so much?
Did your momma teach you to be this dishonest and incompetent?
Is sperm washing really that safe for the woman?
walter it's your own agenda that's failing. Which is fine by me.
Keep deflecting your own party's basic incompetence. It's good that you can't recognize a single place where Republican responsibility begins. Just that it ends everywhere, with everything they try to touch.
Is sperm washing really that safe for the woman?
But I repeat myself...
To make sure his state got emergency disaster relief - which is the only thing about him that you hate.
Why wasn't that a given? Why was a "hug & chalk" necessary?
Still seeing squirrels, little chickensquid?
Why was a "hug & chalk" necessary?
What do you care? This is now some big deal to you?
That a fat man hugged the politician helping out his state?
That's mighty petty of you. But I guess when you have no actual issues to act on, what else are you going to pretend to run on?
Again, I repeat myself.
I was just riffing off buwaya's "fatherly" advice to you.
Party of Pettiness, the anti-hugging party.
Only the hugging of Russian murderous thugs is allowed.
You guys' priorities is like something out of a Hitchcock novel. Really, just a bunch of sociopaths every last one of you.
No you weren't. You were admitting that you had nuthin'.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Seriously. Take a science course. It won't cause your brain to melt. You can probably sit in on one at your local community college. Find a celestial body that is capable of having/maintaining a climate - let alone regulating it! - absent an atmosphere.
This is your chance. Kindly explain your theory. Or slink off and hide behind bullshit like you always do when I point out you are full of shit.
What is the correlation coefficient of CO2 in the atmosphere to the global temperature? I don't think you can tell me what a correlation coefficient is without google. But if you look it up you will see why you warmists haven't produced one yet.
buwaya wrote: More positive, more traditional and I think a more successful way to deal with this is to become a father.
Is sperm washing really that safe for the woman?
Right. "My theory!" Indeed.
Go look up a wikipedia page or something. It's not my job to educate you in basic facts. And even if I did, you wouldn't remember them. Your memory is horrible! (Just saying). I told you twice why plastic surgery is not the ideal reimbursement model for funding the entire healthcare system, and you forgot that explanation both times.
Suffice it to say, you find me a celestial body with a climate that doesn't have an atmosphere and I'll buy your implied "competing theory" to the obvious and well-known fact that it's the gases of the atmosphere that allow for and regulate that climate. To say that the correlation isn't precise enough for whatever arbitrary numeric standard you have elevated as some Holy Mathematical Grail is just nonsensical deflection, and showcases how flimsy your objection is. It's like listening to someone say 9.8 meters per second isn't "precise" enough an acceleration constant for him to buy the "theory" of gravitation! Hahaha.
Good try though, Achilles. But seriously, take a class. I'm not responsible for what you consistently refuse to know. If I were, I'd have to be awarded and take credit for your grades on your behalf.
You're like the kid who beats up the nerd in class who does your homework for you after you still manage to fail the test!
Before you read this, pull yourself out of your own point of view and look at what you are saying from the outside.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
It should be administered at the state level.
Whatever you say, utopian fantasist.
Let Obamacare continue to fail.
It's not Obamacare. Under Republicans, everything fails!
The WTC fails. The airline security system fails. The search to find bin Laden fails. The identification of the right country to invade fails. The saving of trillions of dollars on a war against a tactic fails. The global financial system fails.
The only thing that doesn't fail under Republicoward followership is their need to blame others and not take any responsibility for anything! Nope, they never fail to do that! Like a train to a concentration camp, it's always right on time!
Republicans can't get anything done. Except to lie and cheat and bribe their way into office. That's really about it.
And that's the way you want it. Admit it.
You blame everything on republicans. Even the failures of democrat policies you blame on republicans. Republicans have certainly been shitheads. But are you seriously going to keep thinking in such a rudimentary and honestly stupid way?
The republican health care plan is stupid. Obamacare is stupid. The whole thing is stupid. But trying to absolve democrats for their part in the stupidity is also stupid.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Right. "My theory!" Indeed
So you don't know.
All those words and the only thing you have said is you don't really know what you are talking about. You are just parroting rubbish stuffed in your head by a bunch of people.
That is totally the scientific method at work.
You blame everything on republicans.
When they're the only ones in power? Of course I do!
The republican health care plan is stupid. Obamacare is stupid.
One is stupider than the other. That's because one is not even a healthcare plan - but a billionaire's "tax relief" plan, posing as a bad coverage healthcare plan.
The point is, for seven years I kept hearing about what the current clique wanted to do. It' was their single-issue cause. And now they fall on their face trying to do what for seven years they said was the necessary step to keep us all from being enslaved.
They don't even take their own policy goals seriously. That should tell you something about them.
I think that this is probably the most discouraging set of comments I have ever read on this blog.
All those words...
Which of course you didn't (and couldn't?) read.
How's that search of yours for an asteroid, comet or cloudless moon with a well-regulated climate going? You do realize that's the only way to prove your objection would have merit, don't you?
You do realize the CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been over 2000ppm for more of the earth's history than they have been below it right? This fact alone ends the theory you don't even know how to explain. The earth should have turned into Venus before life even began according to the theory you don't understand.
Or that "scientists" are trying to explain why their models all failed to provide the correct temperatures? We should be well into the hockey stick by now. Snow was supposed to stop falling by now. There are still glaciers on Rainier, much less Everest.
You really don't know what you are talking about.
The very professional, psychologically sound and completely mature celebutard Lindsay Lohan just came out with, not only her defense of Drumpf - but a plea to please, please! stop "bullying" him!
Ok, now the Trump residency has officially jumped the shark.
You do realize the CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been over 2000ppm for more of the earth's history than they have been below it right?
WTF does that have to do with anything? For more of earth's history there haven't been 7 billion humans populating the planet, farming it, and settling its coastlines. We're talking about preserving civilization here, not just preventing the reversion to a climate that existed prior to the <0.1% of geological history during which human activity has been around and becoming dependent upon the climate that our civilization evolved to become compatible with.
You really don't know what you are talking about.
No, I think you don't know what you're talking about.
You seriously confused the last 10,000 years of human reliance on a stable coastline and farming conditions with the 4+ billion years of geologic history during which such a thing was inconsequential. Our species (and yours?) has only been around for 400,000 years at most. Your confusing its needs for what the planet could have done and did do for a length of time 10,000 times greater than that time period!
There are still glaciers on Rainier, much less Everest.
And by golly, you're not going to stop shilling for ARAMCO until they no longer are!
(do my bit to get the post count over 1000)
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
When they're the only ones in power? Of course I do!
Democrats were in power. Did you blame them for their failures? They passed obamacare. It has failed.
One is stupider than the other. That's because one is not even a healthcare plan - but a billionaire's "tax relief" plan, posing as a bad coverage healthcare plan.
Obamacare took 10 years of taxes to pay for 6 years of benefits. Obamacare was designed to fail. Trying to pass it off as a success is bad faith.
The point is, for seven years I kept hearing about what the current clique wanted to do. It' was their single-issue cause. And now they fall on their face trying to do what for seven years they said was the necessary step to keep us all from being enslaved.
They don't even take their own policy goals seriously. That should tell you something about them.
They are a mix of craven pussies and donor pets. Yes they are shitheads. What do I think they should do?
1. They should eliminate the filibuster so the democrats can't continue their hateful disingenuous bullshit and they can pass something they can take responsibility for.
2. They should turn Medicare/Medicaid into a universal catastrophic coverage plan for every citizen and allow green card holders to pay a decent chuck to buy in, and support a modest emergency room system that doesn't allow walk ins.
3. Expand HSA's and have a government match up to certain amount to replace medicaid.
4. Roll legitimate congenital conditions into the HSA matching program to allow a higher matching amount.
5. Force health care providers to post open and honest pricing that can be paid for by cash or reimbursement. Similar to France.
6. Loser pays tort reform and a higher standard on damages. 75% tax on Lawyers fees based on damage assessments.
7. Obvious removal of state line restrictions on insurance plans and elimination of state fees and licensing requirements on health care establishments.
Will they do anything this sensible and rational? No. There are several traitorous shitheads that serve the same masters the democrats do. I wish Trump would start hammering these people. Health care will be his biggest failure.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
You do realize the CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been over 2000ppm for more of the earth's history than they have been below it right?
WTF does that have to do with anything? For more of earth's history there haven't been 7 billion humans populating the planet, farming it, and settling its coastlines. We're talking about preserving civilization here, not just preventing the reversion to a climate that existed prior to the <0.1% of geological history during which human activity has been around and becoming dependent upon the climate that our civilization evolved to become compatible with.
This is why you need to actually go look at he theory these scientists have basically made up. If you don't understand what the accepted fact that CO2 levels have been over 2000ppm has to do with the theory of global warming what is the point?
The people who are pushing catastrophic global climate change believe a modest CO2 increase in the atmosphere will lead to an modest increase in temperature which will cause the water vapor levels to increase in a positive feedback loop. Because water vapor traps so much more heat in the atmosphere the earth will become like Venus.
But why didn't that happen when CO2 levels were well over 2000 ppm?
TTR: "WTF does that have to do with anything?"
According to every single warming alarmist model....everything.
But only everything.
Won't it be great when Pedro has to go back to work at that greasy "Brazilian Steakhouse" and he can't post 'till he washes the dishes?
Shitposts start tomorrow at 7:20ish sharp!
They passed obamacare. It has failed.
Then why isn't it being repealed?
Because it certainly didn't fail to expand coverage, which apparently you are against? Other things it didn't do such a great job of, but please - don't let me pee on the parade of a Republican fantasy when it comes to seeing healthcare as a single-objective phenomenon, that doesn't include coverage for as many Americans as possible.
Are you taking your medicines, Pedro?
I see a myocardial infarction in your near future.
Or stroke.
Or suicide.
And no, you cannot blow me.
TTR: "Then why isn't it being repealed?"
Tell me about it!
We'll see what the end result is but I'm not hugely confident that they can get sufficient votes to actually roll it all back. Lets face it, there are some fairly center-left republican senators that will sometimes vote for more conservative measures as well as vote for some left of center policies.
TTR: "don't let me pee on the parade of a Republican fantasy ...."
I try hard to keep my fantasies as urine-free as possible.
Your 1:17 post sounds very confused. It's the denialists who are going on about water vapor. The actual scientists understand that water vapor turns into clouds which turn into rain, so its effect is not as great as CO2 itself.
A 40% increase (and rising faster and faster) is not "modest" by any stretch of the imagination. Would your employer agree to a 40% increase in your compensation and say, "Hey, it's just a modest raise!" Come on.
Whatever level they were at historically, you seem to keep reaching for whatever geological historic maximum as if to ignore that at those points the effect on coastlines and flora (some which has co-evolved to be cultivated by us - an issue now that wasn't the case then) were dramatic. The effect of these dramatic changes on the planet itself is one thing. But you seem to ignore that their effect on the stable coastlines and agriculture we've developed is what is a much bigger problem - FOR US.
The Navy takes it seriously. All of DOD takes it seriously. You should, too. They need to rely on the ports and maintaining their infrastructure. Perhaps you think human civilization and our own national infrastructure are too "great" (made that way by Trump, apparently) for a constant erosion of our ports infrastructure to matter.
What is the percent of human population habitant coastlines? You cannot mess with these things without contending with huge human migration patterns that dwarf any country's ability to accommodate. Forget the effects of Katrina. Forget current immigration levels to the U.S. What you are doing is ensuring that at a minimum tens to hundreds of millions of climate refugees will cause huge disruption to every aspect of your nation's functioning, let alone its politics.
You will not be able to say to these refugees that millions of years ago, before there were people or primates, the earth got really hot, coastlines shrank, and yet we didn't necessarily go as far as Venus. That will somehow not matter to them. Neither will it change the reality facing you.
You're a vile man, Jon Ericson. Undoubtedly living up to your parent's low expectations of you.
If you can't contribute, just walk away.
I still won't let you blow me.
Wouldn't be prudent.
Vile man!
I still won't let you blow me.
The Last Time CO2 Was This High, Humans Didn’t Exist
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
They passed obamacare. It has failed.
Then why isn't it being repealed?
Because democrats and republicans in DC serve the same masters. They participate in kabuki theater for the most part. They generally want the insurance companies to get rich because the insurance companies give them lots of money in return.
The republicans in DC had no intention of being in power. They meant to hold a majority in the house and possibly the senate so they could share in the booty being handed out by the insurance companies but they expected and wanted Hillary to win. The plan was to tax someone and give the money to the insurance companies.
The true fallacy is that DC has replaced Health Care with Insurance. Democrats in particular but the GOPe as well play into the lie that if people have insurance they are "covered." But the insurance plans people get have huge deductibles and premiums. They get almost no care out of it but the insurance companies make a lot of money.
The metric I value is health care delivered.
DC democrats/republicans value insurance coverage.
One of these serves people and the other jut makes insurance companies that donate to politicians rich. That is why Obamacare is bullshit.
Jon: Get out of the gene pool.
Beddy-bye time for Pedro.
How are you going to scrape all that shit from the grease hoods if you don't go to sleep?
Because democrats and republicans in DC serve the same masters.
Their constituents. Watch those town halls the Republicans came back "home" to.
Pedro: always trying.
Heres's a nice plastic trophy.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The Last Time CO2 Was This High, Humans Didn’t Exist
I appreciate that you are doing research. Now explain why that matters.
The atmosphere has been at 2000ppm. It has been much much higher than that. It doesn't matter if humans existed or not. The same mechanics the warmists claim exist should have turned the earth into Venus at that time. Why did this not happen?
The CO2 maxima you're referring to has the best evidence for existing around the time of the Cambrian, which was 541 million years ago to 485 million years ago.
I could be wrong, but this seems to be a time way before anything that humans were around for, let alone evolved to live in.
Let alone their cities and agriculture and all the rest.
All life at this time was in the ocean.
Maybe it would be a great ecosystem to return to. But I somehow doubt that would be possible for us without astounding infrastructure changes - the disruption of which would kind of dwarf whatever the congressional and presidential shills are concerned about should we merely switch to a non-oil based energy source.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Because democrats and republicans in DC serve the same masters.
Their constituents. Watch those town halls the Republicans came back "home" to.
The DNC has been caught red handed paying agitators to go to events and cause trouble including violence. So what.
Obamacare was pure a graft payment to the insurance companies and it provides shitty health care. A few paid shitheads and astroturfed jackholes doesn't change that.
I appreciate that you are doing research. Now explain why that matters.
Uh, because we exist and some of us think that we matter.
Because our infrastructure exists and some of us, including the most ardent of denialists, think that it matters.
But hey. There were many interesting trilobites around during the oceanic Cambrian utopia that you think we might want to return to. Not many more complex organisms, but I guess an earth was around.
I apologize for arguing for an ecosystem that suits our, you know, "pro-human" needs. Forgive me. I wasn't thinking about the need for global dominance of the precious trilobites.
When you're ready to argue for a human-compatible global climate, let me know. Cause that's the starting point I'm working from.
"I could be wrong. "
Yeah, it's possible.
Let's keep this dickhead up all night so he misses the hood scraping.
The DNC has been caught red handed paying agitators to go to events and cause trouble including violence. So what.
What nonsense. You'll believe anything. No one's arguing for being priced out of their own coverage - as the CBO confirms that 20+ million Americans would face.
I realize those people - ANY of them - don't matter to you. But they still exist. And they will argue against any law that ends Medicaid, prices them out or removes their own protections.
Here's basic political reality: The elderly vote. Your bill would have increased the premium amount paid by the pre-Medicare, 60+ crowd by five times.
That's one hell of a political reality to try on for size.
Goin' all night, eh Pedro?
Gonna call in sick?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The CO2 maxima you're referring to has the best evidence for existing around the time of the Cambrian, which was 541 million years ago to 485 million years ago.
It is more than that.
If you look at the graph what is the correlation coefficient between CO2 levels and temperature? If anything there is a strong negative correlation in the first derivatives and probably a very modest overall correlation. Do I need to explain what these are or are you going to tell me to take a science class again?
Additionally just look at the temperatures. The earth has almost always had higher CO2 levels and almost always been hotter. According to the warmist theory these conditions should have led to Venus. But it didn't.
The link you posted is at best a non-sequitur. You are not even close to the first person that has linked that idiocy as if it was some sort of argument. It is the equivalent to the creationists who posit the world is 7000 years old and satan planted the rest as evidence.
Do you have a bolus waiting too long to emerge?
Try Milk of Magnesia, or Castor oil.
You'll feel better.
Passed out?
I don't blame you.
Now wake up in the morning, and don't be an asshole.
It's easy if you try.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The DNC has been caught red handed paying agitators to go to events and cause trouble including violence. So what.
What nonsense.
This guy went to the white house over 300 times and visited Obama personally 42 times.
I really don't understand why you defend these people. They have screwed you worse than the republicans have.
You'll believe anything. No one's arguing for being priced out of their own coverage - as the CBO confirms that 20+ million Americans would face.
You again confuse insurance coverage with health care. Instead of thinking for yourself you bleat a talking point the insurance company line the DNC fed you.
I realize those people - ANY of them - don't matter to you. But they still exist. And they will argue against any law that ends Medicaid, prices them out or removes their own protections.
What utter stupidity. You are being fed trash and attack people you should be allied with. But you don't even notice the goal is to divide the electorate and keep you mad at the "other" instead of noticing the insurance companies and their toadies.
Here's basic political reality: The elderly vote. Your bill would have increased the premium amount paid by the pre-Medicare, 60+ crowd by five times.
That's one hell of a political reality to try on for size.
It isn't my bill. You are putting words in my mouth to avoid looking at the truth. You have willingly turned into an insurance company shill.
That's a quack website written by another one of those guys who apparently worries that the plants are being starved/deprived of adequate "plant food." There are obviously other factors than CO2 that affect climate, but to deny it as any cause whatsoever is once again to pretend that climates can exist at all without atmospheres. I invite Vincent Gray to tell me what regulates the climate on the moon. (Hint, there is no such thing as climate on the moon).
You keep talking about Venus. You are getting something wrong. Its atmosphere is 96.5% CO2. When was that ever the case on this planet?
The link is not a "non-sequitur." It's a reply to your consistent refusal to understand that what was compatible with Cambrian life or a Cambrian (or pre-Cambrian) planet is not compatible with a holocene earth in which 7 billion humans inhabit the planet's coastlines, built significant infrastructure around them and farmed in somewhat reliable (non-drought/rain forest) conditions. What is so hard to understand about that? Are you arguing for the trilobites or for the humans?
Which species' side are you on?
If you're with the trilobites, I think our paths are going to have to part.
Ha, ha.
I think you believe that shit.
yuk, yuk.
You again confuse insurance coverage with health care.
Because that's how we pay for it in this country. And in any advanced, industrial country. We will not return to the days of bartering with Sharon Angle's chickens in exchange for a visit by the country doctor. The costs are large because the value is large. And because doctors are necessarily well-educated - no matter how much you wish they would all be replaced by chiropractors or naturopaths or whatever.
You have willingly turned into an insurance company shill.
Not only that - a hospital shill, a physician shill, a nursing shill, a pre-existing conditions shill, an AARP shill, a citizens' town hall shill. Basically everyone hates the bill and all arguments against it are allied by the very professions you need to make the health system work - PLUS everyone who relies on it. But you think you've got a wonderful alternative to replace doctors, hospitals - hell, maybe even the patients! so why don't you go write a bill that destabilizes and reinvents all the laborers and owners involved in 1/6th of the economy and we can give it an up-or-down vote then and there.
Geez, I think you should be a Senator.
An honorable man.
And the answer is still NO!
I don't care if you take your dentures out! NO!
However, you may still lick my ass.
(as long as you're handcuffed and have passed multiple tests for tongue-borne pathogens)
But I won't accept a licked ass, I demand a full Portugee download.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
That's a quack website written by another one of those guys who apparently worries that the plants are being starved/deprived of adequate "plant food." There are obviously other factors than CO2 that affect climate, but to deny it as any cause whatsoever is once again to pretend that climates can exist at all without atmospheres. I invite Vincent Gray to tell me what regulates the climate on the moon. (Hint, there is no such thing as climate on the moon).
You introduce 3 straw men and knock them all down. Boring.
You keep talking about Venus. You are getting something wrong. Its atmosphere is 96.5% CO2. When was that ever the case on this planet?
You obviously don't understand your own theory.
The link is not a "non-sequitur." It's a reply to your consistent refusal to understand that what was compatible with Cambrian life or a Cambrian (or pre-Cambrian) planet is not compatible with a holocene earth in which 7 billion humans inhabit the planet's coastlines, built significant infrastructure around them and farmed in somewhat reliable (non-drought/rain forest) conditions. What is so hard to understand about that? Are you arguing for the trilobites or for the humans?
You are literally ignoring evidence because humans weren't on the planet. That is creationist level stupidity.
This post was a really poor effort. But you are making progress. You actually looked some things up and engaged. A little more skepticism and you could be a scientist yet.
Now if you could actually apply some of the things you learned today to your theory that would be a big step.
Open wide for Chunky!
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
You again confuse insurance coverage with health care.
Because that's how we pay for it in this country. And in any advanced, industrial country. We will not return to the days of bartering with Sharon Angle's chickens in exchange for a visit by the country doctor. The costs are large because the value is large. And because doctors are necessarily well-educated - no matter how much you wish they would all be replaced by chiropractors or naturopaths or whatever.
Canada doesn't have insurance companies. I don't think you really understand this as well as you think you do. You also made up a bunch of straw men and knocked them down again. Boring.
You have willingly turned into an insurance company shill.
Not only that - a hospital shill, a physician shill, a nursing shill, a pre-existing conditions shill, an AARP shill, a citizens' town hall shill. Basically everyone hates the bill and all arguments against it are allied by the very professions you need to make the health system work - PLUS everyone who relies on it. But you think you've got a wonderful alternative to replace doctors, hospitals - hell, maybe even the patients! so why don't you go write a bill that destabilizes and reinvents all the laborers and owners involved in 1/6th of the economy and we can give it an up-or-down vote then and there.
None of that makes Obamacare anything other than a corrupt handout to insurance companies that raised costs for Americans. We are getting less actual health care now. You bleat and preen and pretend you care more about people but it is a joke. You only seem to care about insurance companies making more money.
C'mon dickhead, don't you have something else stupid to say?
Alas, Toofless is tuckered.
Tomorrow awaits.
Keep away from my dick, pervert.
N.B. only a little over one hundred more comments will make this the greatest thread of all time.
P.S. Fuck you, Pedro.
Well, can't blame him.
A job's a job.
It's appropriate that Darth Vader is the voice of CNN.
I used to think that Toothless was only feigning a low IQ so that he could deny the validity of any counter argument, now I know that he's not that bright, I lost all interest in engaging with him.
You guys should just let him rant.
So who did CNN go to? Reddit? Their ISP? The Government? No! I am 100% certain, using CNN's own standards of proof, that Putin hacked Reddit and gave up the guy to CNN to show what a mockery our press really is.
Well played Vladimir!
If they identity poor little Han, he would be able to lawyer up. I would send him money.
Remember how interested CNN was when the guy responsible for Hillary's email server was on Reddit looking for advice as to how to delete email for a "very important person" for a project he called "operation cover-up"?
No news value there.
See this is what happens when you have your night shift off and decide to kick your meth intake up a notch.
You folks be careful with that stuff. Don't do drugs, mkay.
This post's comments remind me of the end of "Blazing Saddles", where the cowboy brawl spills out of the West and sprawls into the Hollywood Studio, including the set of a big musical ("The French Mistake"), and ends with an epic pie fight.
Yep: that's it.
I am Laslo.
From Wiki:
Pieing has its origins in the "pie in the face" gag from slapstick comedy, first seen in the 1909 Essanay Studios silent film Mr. Flip starring Ben Turpin.[1] In the story, Turpin has a pie pushed into his face for taking liberties with a woman.
Beginning in 1913 with That Ragtime Band and A Noise from the Deep, filmmaker Mack Sennett became known for using one or two thrown pies in many of his comedy shorts. Sennett had a personal rule about who received the pies: "A mother never gets hit with a custard pie ... Mothers-in-law, yes. But mothers? Never."[2]
At least a half dozen films have been made incorporating extended pie-throwing battles. The first was Charlie Chaplin's Behind the Screen released in 1916. The definitive pie fight in film occurs in The Battle of the Century (1927) starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, using 3,000 pies. Our Gang's Shivering Shakespeare (1930) winds up with an auditorium full of people throwing pies. The 1935 short subject Keystone Hotel featured a large pie-fight ending with the camera taking a pie. In 1941, another major pie-fight film appeared: The Three Stooges' In the Sweet Pie and Pie.[3][4][5] A Technicolor film involving pies was the 1965 comedy, The Great Race; known for having the largest pie fight in cinematic history.[6] Its $200,000 pie-fight scene used one large cake and 4,000 pies, and took five days to shoot.[7] Pie fights also featured in Beach Party (1963), Smashing Time (1967) and Blazing Saddles (1974). In Bugsy Malone (1976), the "splurge guns" resembled spud guns which fired custard. Original plans called for Dr. Strangelove (1964) to end with a pie fight; the scene, though filmed, was ultimately deemed excessively farcical by director Stanley Kubrick and removed from the final cut. Surviving stills from the excised pie fight have appeared online.[8]
I am Laslo.
I don't always read Laslo's posts, but when I do, they are always a thread winner.
CNN is just a corporate bag of dicks.
"CNN is just a corporate bag of dicks."
If we can all agree, I'll go ahead and delete the other 900 comments on this thread and let
Mac McConnell's represent the consensus.
Those opposed?
So when is the DOXing of CNN reporters and editors to begin?
Leftwing progressives should not smoke pot and decide anything to do with healthcare..
Roger Kimball:
"A couple of weeks ago in this space, I speculated that CNN, the Crackpot News Network, had reached the terminal stage of malevolent implausibility. “[I]t would be a good thing,” I wrote, “were CNN humiliated and sued out of existence. It performs no journalistic function, merely a destructively partisan one.”
As usual, I was too kind. CNN will not have to be sued out of existence, as Gawker Media, another disgusting purveyor of malicious gossip and fake news, was a year or so back. No, CNN seems to be performing a species of hara-kiri or seppuku in public."
I was just kidding about the DOX thing, but it seems it's already begun.
TTR said: "The actual scientists understand that water vapor turns into clouds which turn into rain, so its effect is not as great as CO2 itself."
** Clouds consist of water vapor. - check
** Cloud produce rain. - check
** Therefore water vapor does not have as great a greenhouse effect as the atmospheric trace gas known as CO2. -- Huh?
Some one will need to bring me up to speed on the science and logic behind the third item.
TTR said: "The actual scientists understand that water vapor turns into clouds which turn into rain, so its effect is not as great as CO2 itself."
Wow, see what I mean about TTR? Why even bother to explain it to him when his whole world-view based on his superiority to you depends on him not understanding it? I could say that those raindrops are. constantly replaced by more water vapor, maintaining the effect. I could even say that the whole scaremongering theory of "Enhanced Greenhouse Effect" is based on the idea that warmer air will absorb more water, leading to a runaway situation, though I can't remember the other logarithmic phenomenon that ever "ran away." Just saying that he doesn't even know his side's talking points.
Michael Mann of hockey stick global warming graph game is being held in contempt of. Kurt for not providing the court with the data proving his hypothesis.
And all of this coal and oil came from the atmosphere, and was extracted as "food" by plants before it was interred by geological processes. Why weren't we Venus then? The stoma on plants obviously evolved at a time of far higher CO2 concentrations, and, in fact, if left to their own devices, the plants would capture more and more CO2 until plant life was no longer sustainable, and we were not that far from that point. See, it's not just humans that mess around with the atmosphere. Not just yeast that multiplies until it uses up all of its food and converts it to waste. Plants do it too! But God created plants perfect! I am sure is TTR's response! It's a religion with these guys, and they have no idea.
But none of this interests TTR on account of we are talking about actual scientific results, and he is more interested in experiments performed on less than perfect models by politically motivated activists in service of "the cause." "The cause" was Michael Mann's phrase, BTW, taken from his leaked emails.
Michael Mann of hockey stick global warming graph game is being held in contempt of. Kurt for not providing the court with the data proving his hypothesis.
No way! Ha ha ha! I hope that is true. Though you won't see it on CNN no matter what.
And all of this coal and oil came from the atmosphere, and was extracted as "food" by plants before it was interred by geological processes. Why weren't we Venus then?
Blame the Sun.
"The Mirror has learned that Kaczynski did not write those lines.
Rather, they were inserted in the editing process." ...
“The line that raised the most eyebrows was inserted during the editing process,” the insider added. “But I’m not sure who inserted — editor, legal or standards. I do know the intention was exactly the opposite of the outcome.”
When you make a terrible mistake in the editing process, you fix it right away and apologize. Kaczynski didn't immediately respond that these weren't his words, he would never have said that. He still hasn't. The post is still up as it was, with those words.
They brought this on themselves and they haven't tried to fix it.
"They brought this on themselves and they haven't tried to fix it."
I'd add that this claim, that it was inserted by a lawyer or something, has the ring of truth to me. The phrase _sounds_ like some stupid lawyer's bright idea. What it actually does is turn CNN's claim of virtuousness into a threat.
They are refusing to acknowledge that, and of course that costs them in credibility and should.
Didn't quite make it past 1,000 comments. Bummer. Better luck next time.
Meade said...
"CNN is just a corporate bag of dicks."
If we can all agree, I'll go ahead and delete the other 900 comments on this thread and let
Mac McConnell's represent the consensus.
Those opposed?
7/6/17, 7:33 AM
What are you waiting for?
The Hive does not tolerate dissent.
Meade said...
"CNN is just a corporate bag of dicks."
If we can all agree, I'll go ahead and delete the other 900 comments on this thread and let
Mac McConnell's represent the consensus.
Those opposed?
Look up just a few. Ritmo took a huge step today and engaged on Global Warming and on Healthcare. It wasn't a total loss.
The stoma on plants obviously evolved at a time of far higher CO2 concentrations, and, in fact, if left to their own devices, the plants would capture more and more CO2 until plant life was no longer sustainable, and we were not that far from that point.
What a bunch of garbage. Most species aren't programmed with the suicidality of exhausting their own resources. If plant activity reduced co2 to the point of threatening their own survival, the only plants remaining would be those evolved to live in low co2 concentrations, allowing for a rebound in that resource once again. This has been the case for billions of years. To assert that human induced co2 waste is necessary to keep plants alive is one of the dumbest ideas you conservatards ever came up with.
You must have flunked biology.
I could say that those raindrops are. constantly replaced by more water vapor, maintaining the effect.
You could, but you'd be wrong. More water vapor can only be "constantly replaced" by more heat, or more combustion. So if you're really concerned that h2o is the culprit, stop combusting those hydrocarbons creating it.
And stop pretending that co2's inability to phase change into non-gaseous forms at normal conditions on earth doesn't keep it stuck in the atmosphere in a way that h2o isn't.
Ritmo took a huge step today and engaged on Global Warming and on Healthcare.
Whatever are you talking about? I engage each time. You must have just been more impressed by my citations this time, or something.
Canada doesn't have insurance companies.
I didn't say they did. I said they had "insurance coverage." Read. Just because it's the government doing it doesn't mean it's not still insurance. Premiums are derived from the tax base and the coverage is paid in the form of reimbursement to whichever doctor you want to see - much like Medicare or Medicaid. If you hate the insurance companies then I'm not the one telling you you can't have the government doing it.
You are literally ignoring evidence because humans weren't on the planet. That is creationist level stupidity.
Nope. I said high CO2 and temperatures in the past weren't a problem for us because we didn't exist back then. Creationist seems to be the viewpoint you're taking by constantly referencing those non-human habited pasts, as if to say we our civilization was around back then to reap the damages that it is reaping this time.
And yours is the party that hosts creationists, not mine. If you have a problem with them take it up with the ideology that seems to attract them to your party.
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