January 28, 2016

Debate, anyone?

1. I'll put up comments if any occur to me, continuing a numbered list.

2. The "undercard" is up now, and it seems they're trying to make Rick Santorum cry... and succeeding.

3. Over on CNN, they're showing the long line for the Trump event and enthusing over Trump. I think CNN is showing that event, so it will be interesting to see the ratings.

4. Well, we drifted away from the undercard. We were actually watching "Kennedy" (on Fox Business!). Drifted back in time to hear the closing statements. Gilmour was testily denouncing Trump. Absurd! It ended, and they said the big debate wasn't going to be on for another hour. What! It's not on until 9 Central Time? That's crazy late. That's 10 on the East Coast. I don't know about you, but I have been up since 3:30 a.m. I can't wait another hour just for that damned thing to start. I'll record. It can be checked out tomorrow. Keep the discussion alive in the comments if you can. My son, John Althouse Cohen, tells me he'll be live-blogging. That will be here, so check that out when the time comes. I'm retreating into private life until tomorrow's pre-dawn. See you then or whenever  you get up and onto the internet. Good luck to the candidates. I hope you can find something un-Trump-related to say, and I hope Trump can shake things up from the other side of Des Moines.

5. I mean Gilmore. Did you notice?

6. Comfortably numb....

7. Oh! I was wrong. It did start at 8 Central. I have the recording. Damn. I'm going to give it a look. Can't promise I'll say anything.

8. Lots of empty seats in the audience. First question is to Cruz, asking him about the "elephant not in the room." Cruz does some intro. He has children. Blah blah. Then: "I'm a maniac. And everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. And Ben Carson, you're a terrible surgeon. Now that we've gotten the Donald Trump portion out of the way...."

9. I watched a bit. Thought the guys minus Trump worked well for them. It seemed more human scale. And yet, I didn't stay long. Switched to Trump's event and hung out there, even though, actually, it was rather boring.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ann. We want lots of comments.

Bay Area Guy said...

They should boot Rick Santorum from the undercard too. Nice guy, but no business running for Prez.

Humperdink said...

I am surprised they are keeping a seat warm for Trump, and making no bones about it. Hungry for ratings much Fox?

el polacko said...

gilmore shows up late to the party to complain about not getting enough airtime.

Matt Sablan said...

There are some incredibly aggressive questions for the under-card team.

el polacko said...

santorum is already repeating himself. "bring back jobs from china to protect the environment". not a terrible point but we've already heard it. it's these pre-canned spiels that are turning people away from political candidates and toward trump's stream-of-conciousness speaking style.

el polacko said...

carly:"MEOW!"...and i mean that in a good way.

Roadkill711 said...

Santorum missed his calling. Should have gone into the priesthood. Would have been a bishop by now.

buwaya said...

Fiorina for Sec State.

el polacko said...

carly should have a seat at the adult table. the others here might as well have been snowed-in with santorum's wife and kids.

Bay Area Guy said...

As I recall, in 2012, Romney was "declared" the winner of the Iowa caucus, but several weeks later it was determined that Santorum actually won it. He wuz robbed!

el polacko said...

ugh...o'reilly patting himself on the back for interviewing trump last night. time for a shower (literally and figuratively)

MathMom said...

Why is Kasich still being heard at the main event, and Fiorina is relegated to the undercard debate? Why is Jeb? There are several on the big stage who pale in comparison to Fiorina.

Titus said...

Carly needs a bigger cross necklace-I could barely see it.

Roadkill711 said...

Along with Paul and Bush, all of these undercard guys need to pack it in. They have ZERO chance of being nominated, or even asked to be a running mate. The exception is (the gal) Fiorina, who exhibits an impressive intensity, command of detail, and big-picture view of the challenges faced by the country. Unlike a most of the aforementioned guys (a.k.a. career politicians), she inspires confidence.

Titus said...

That is one old fat white group at the Trump Gala.

More chins in that crowd than a chinese phonebook.

I bet it smells like manure in that place.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Titus said...
"That is one old fat white group at the Trump Gala.

More chins in that crowd than a chinese phonebook.

I bet it smells like manure in that place."

You are a racist faggot. Suck Ebola dick and die, shitwad.

Hagar said...

O'Reilly is a lot younger than I am - in years - but man, he is getting old.

FullMoon said...

Carly kicks ass. Would love to see her and Hillary on same stage. She said if her husband was like Bill, he would be long gone. Media gonna investigate him now in order to attack her.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rupert's minions attack Trump with the first question.

M Jordan said...

"I'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. And Ben, you're a terrible surgeon."

Brilliant, Mr. Cruz

madAsHell said...

You are a racist faggot. Suck Ebola dick and die, shitwad.

Whoa!! I find it beneficial to stop commenting after my 4th bourbon-n-7.

rcommal said...

Just a note: C-SPAN1 is also airing the Trump rally.


Michael K said...

I saw a moment or two of the "undercard debate" and wondered who the hell that guy was. That was Gilmore ? Who's he ?

I am avoiding the Trumpless debate.

I am much more interested that the cause of schizophrenia has been discovered.

This is huge news. Much more important than the debate.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump rally is here.

grimson said...

Can future debates either get rid of the audience, or tell them to refrain from reacting.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

madAsHell, I'm stone-cold sober. I don't need alcohol to speak my mind.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
I am much more interested that the cause of schizophrenia has been discovered.

I agree, this was remarkable progress, but it is important not to overstate the case - a gene linked to a modest (25%) increase in risk was discovered. Still, to go from essentially nothing to something tangible is the hardest step and this was apparently a remarkable advance.

mccullough said...

Trump's criticism of Cruz is that people don't like him, so he can't make deals and he might not be eligible to be President because he was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen until a year ago. Trump didn't call him a maniac.

David said...

Cruz doesn't do comedy well.

mccullough said...

Ted Cruz is coming off like a condescending asshole. Princeton and Harvard Law attitude.

Rubio would do well in the general election. He's likeable and comes across sincere.

FullMoon said...

Megan is a beauty. How many tuned in to get a look at the woman who caused the controversy?

False eyelashes though? And nightclub eyeshadow? Titus, weigh in here !

Uh-oh, she said "back door entry" Laslo?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The reason why oligarchs like Murdoch hate Trump is not simply because of the immigration issue, he is the only politician who effectively rips the mask off the relationship between big money and the actions of politicians. He has credibility because he has played the game himself. He is remarkably frank about this issue in a way I have never heard from any other politician.

Chuck said...

Althouse whether you are feigning boredom or if you are really ignoring this Republican debate, you are missing a good one. The debate I always wanted to see, Trump-free.

Anonymous said...

No wonder no one likes Cruz.

mccullough said...


She's asleep. Early to bed, early to rise.

mccullough said...

Cruz health plan is the same as McCain's in 2008.

No plan on covering pre-existing conditions.

MadisonMan said...

Did Cruz actually say that? It doesn't come across in print very well. Did it seem better in person?

Limited blogger said...

Cruz is awesome. He gives a step by step way to dismantle O-care, and has the step by step private plan to replace it. Trump or Cruz, I'm on board. Oh sorry, no Trump stuff.

Chuck said...

Let's be very clear about Megyn Kelly.

She didn't cause the dustup with Trump. The excuse of "Megyn Kelly" for Trump's avoiding the debate is phony. Read the Trump official statement on why he bailed. It doesn't mention her name, and it offers no specifics as to why Trump thinks he was treated badly. Instead, Trump talked about that weird motivation as to not wanting to help the Fox News Channel make money.

No; what really happened is that some former Reagan guys like Roger Stone and Jeff Lord thought they'd take a page from their dusty Reagan playbooks and get Trump to check out of the last Iowa debate just like Ronnie did in 1980.

That's it. Trump is playing "pre-vent."

Limited blogger said...

Looking in on The Donald's revue. Thanks for steering me to CSPAN, as CNN is only using it in the background as a 'prop' to talk about other stuff. It's not in HD? Weak.

Original Mike said...

"Did Cruz actually say that?"


Limited blogger said...

Reagan later said it was a mistake to miss that last debate. He fired his campaign staff after that and brought on Ed Meese. March Levin was talking about it. He is very against Trump.

Bay Area Guy said...

Cruz was excellent on repealing Obamacare. Oops, Limited Blogger beat me to it.

FullMoon said...

chuck said...

Let's be very clear about Megyn Kelly.

She didn't cause the dustup with Trump. The excuse of "Megyn Kelly" for Trump's avoiding the debate is phony. Read the Trump official statement on why he bailed. It doesn't mention her name, and it offers no specifics as to why Trump thinks he was treated badly. Instead, Trump talked about that weird motivation as to not wanting to help the Fox News Channel make money.

No; what really happened is that some former Reagan guys like Roger Stone and Jeff Lord thought they'd take a page from their dusty Reagan playbooks and get Trump to check out of the last Iowa debate just like Ronnie did in 1980.

That's it. Trump is playing "pre-vent."

Megan gets pulled, Trump shows up. Simple as that..Fox put out a statement an hour ago reiterating they "stand by their reporters"

Hagar said...

More likely because Rupert Murdoch has been talking to the "Supdernanny from New York" about getting into the race.

Limited blogger said...

The 'Megyn Kelly debate show, with various politicos' is quite good. She should get offered a job by ABC or CBS.

mccullough said...

The Flint Water crisis is perfect example that many of the day to day workers in the federal, state, and local government -- who are protected by civil service laws and/or collective bargaining agreements -- don't do their jobs and can't be fired.

The answer to the question, which Kasich botched, is that the US military is not unionized or protected by collective bargaining and civil service laws because the military needs to be flexible and efficient to serve an important function of government. The government at any level, federal, state, or local, should only perform important functions. If it's not important, the government shouldn't do it.

The government is not a job programs. But that's what it's become. And that's why we have incidents like the Flint Water crisis. If people want to ensure good schools, safe neighborhoods, and clean water then we need to be flexible and efficient. Government employees should be easy to hire, promote, and fire. If not, then keep expecting the incompetent government services from career government workers who have no accountability.

Limited blogger said...

The Trump show looks crazy. Diamond and Silk are on stage with The Donald now, and some rowdy protesters are screaming. Total carnival. But all positive for Trump. The debating is over. Let's start voting.

walter said...

Whoah..clip montage of Cruz on immigration? New "debate" component?

grimson said...

Rubio should have used the phrase "secure the border" instead of what he did. (I don't even remember what his phrase was, something like fixing our illegal immigration system.) I liked his point that this has to come first. "Comprehensive immigration reform" will never happen--I hope.

Limited blogger said...

"walter said... Whoah..clip montage of Cruz on immigration? New "debate" component?"

Yeah those clips are new and pretty devastating. Hope that is a component during the general election debates.

cubanbob said...

AReasonableMan said...
The reason why oligarchs like Murdoch hate Trump is not simply because of the immigration issue, he is the only politician who effectively rips the mask off the relationship between big money and the actions of politicians. He has credibility because he has played the game himself. He is remarkably frank about this issue in a way I have never heard from any other politician.

1/28/16, 8:42 PM"

Spot on. And as Donald said without hesitation he has bought and paid for the Clinton's. It's just not the oligarchs that hate Trump. It's the entire lobbyist industry, NGO's and government bureaucrats complex that hate Trump for exposing them and fear and loathe Cruz who might mess with their rice bowl.

Birkel said...

...says the Leftist who voted for Barack Obama.

Cannot be written enough, when Althousian politics is mentioned.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Not sure the absence of Trump is helping Cruz. He has become the focus of attack.

walter said...

No Jeb..the idiocy exhibited by that entrepreneur denotes yet another problem in the voting population...and probably her education.

mccullough said...

Having the others attack Cruz was a big part of Trump's strategy.

rcocean said...

Fox is completely open borders and and slamming Cruz at every turn. Again, we get the Endless endless questions, and every other one is a gotcha.

Even without Trump, Jeb just melts into the woodwork. Low energy.

The others so far:

Cruz - the Conservative with the target on his back. Rubio - Canned robotic Kasich - smug & smarmy. Christie - loudmouth. Paul - all over the map. Carson - did he leave?

walter said...

Yes ARM,
Now..if they had that montage prepped for Cruz, imagine what they had prepped for Trump..
THAT is the elephant in the room and..probably what Trump got wind of.

rcocean said...

Good lord - 20 minutes to go. I'm out. Bring back Trump!

mccullough said...

Rubio slammed Hillary hard. He's winning this debate.

Big Mike said...

5. I mean Gilmore. Did you notice?

I'm from Virginia, so yes.

Original Mike said...

Christie for Attorney General.

Limited blogger said...

"... the days of the Clintons in public housing is over."

Christie is king of the one liners.

rcocean said...

Candy Dulce - a Mexican immigrant & Veteran. Why do you hate Mexicans Mr. Trump?

That's what was planned.

rcocean said...

"Christie for Attorney General."

He's appointed left-wingers to the NJ Supreme Court. So if you want a couple more Ginsbergs, yeah.

Limited blogger said...

"Rubio slammed Hillary hard. He's winning this debate."

Agree. Did everything but walk her out of court room in cuffs.

Original Mike said...

"... the days of the Clintons in public housing is over."

Personally, I'm for public housing for Hillary. The Big House.

rcocean said...

Yeah, the Trump rally was boring. I turned it off. But then its not a TV Show - its a benefit for Vets.

walter said...

If she was the pitbull to unleash on Trump..just a frickin' poodle. Not saying Trump would have to be masterful..just weak effing tea...unless she came out and said she was illegal...I mean "undocumented".

mccullough said...

Kasich is a compassionate conservative. That doesn't scale well nationally

walter said...

Kasich is a rambling man throwing out distractions on his Ohio medicaid situation.

Original Mike said...

While I'd vote for Attila the Hun over Hillary Clinton, I would find it very, very hard to pull the lever for John Kasich.

Oso Negro said...

"what are your views on abortion, Senator?" So 1976

Limited blogger said...

I think Rubio is going to gain most ground from this final debate. He is doing everything but pulling out his rosary beads.

So the GOPe is getting what they wanted.

mccullough said...

Rand Paul wants the 14th Amendment applied in the womb. Great, now the federal government will regulate prenatal eating and exercise.

FullMoon said...

Birkel said...

...says the Leftist who voted for Barack Obama.

Cannot be written enough, when Althousian politics is mentioned.

You are goddamned rigt Birkel. Noby allowed to change their opinion, ever. That's my motto .

cubanbob said...

Michael K said...
I saw a moment or two of the "undercard debate" and wondered who the hell that guy was. That was Gilmore ? Who's he ?

I am avoiding the Trumpless debate.

I am much more interested that the cause of schizophrenia has been discovered.

This is huge news. Much more important than the debate.

1/28/16, 8:16 PM"

I wonder if a test can be designed to detect this specific genetic matter when very young and a medication regimen created to circumvent this.

BrianE said...

It has been a better debate without Trump. Any one of these candidates would do a better job than the democrat alternative. They all have strngths. I would prefer to support a governor. I'm still impressed with Cruz. My concern about Congress is so many are petty politicians, they might sabotage a conservative Republican agenda just to spite Cruz.
What Trump did for the republcan candidate was show a path to neutralize the liberal bias. I really don't want to see him be the republican nominee.

traditionalguy said...

Trump's Veterans Benefit worked very well. The speech by amputee Ranger John Wayne was amazing stuff. He and two Marine friends summed it all up by saying we win as a unit and together with President Trump we will make America great again.

Before that, CNN gave Trump 30 minutes of uninterrupted one on one interview to make all his points. While over at Fox he would have been lucky to have gotten 10 heavily interrupted minutes.

Trump connected on every level. This election is over.

Anonymous said...

So far a very interesting and lively debate. Didn't miss Trump at all.

rcocean said...

Has anyone seen Carson? Did he leave for Trump's benefit?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The most effective part of Trump's rally was veteran John Wayne addressing the problem of suicide in vets. His message was simple and clever - not living life well means the terrorists win. It is difficult, if not impossible, to talk people out of PTSD/depression, but talking about psychological problems like this so openly and positively will help.

walter said...

One of his coaches trained Rubio to say "When I am president of the united states..."
Sometimes he forgets and has to backtrack to add in that prefix...

Original Mike said...

"While over at Fox he would have been lucky to have gotten 10 heavily interrupted minutes."

Trump is on Fox constantly. Greta practically fellates him on air every other night. Complaints that Trump is victimized by Fox are risible.

walter said...

Cruz has been silent for a long time at this point of "debate".

madAsHell said...

madAsHell, I'm stone-cold sober. I don't need alcohol to speak my mind.

Your comments reflect poorly upon you.
Yes, Titus admits to being homosexual. The future belongs to those that show up. He has elected out....and he's a bit of a troll. Don't fall into his game.

effinayright said...

Rubio would do well in the general election. He's likeable and comes across sincere.

I've heard "all his friends like him", and that he went both ways on his college soccer team

What more can you ask for?

Limited blogger said...

None of the Muslim gotcha stuff is working. Even Jeb! doesn't have heart to try and pin any racism/bigotry on Trump. This was real weak tea, and America is much better than that.

walter said...

Hmm..note immigrants from Mexico and Muslims (in clips) so far have been represented by females. Accident?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Didn't miss Trump at all"

Of course not. He was in the room the entire time.

Limited blogger said...

Cruz packs more gusto into his 60 seconds than any other man/woman can. Can Trump and Cruz finish Iowa in a tie?

Chuck said...

I gotta hand it to Cruz; his answer on ethanol subsidies was complete bullshit. And he made sound convincing to me. He's the best debater in a Presidential campaign in my memory.

mccullough said...

Jeb misled by not saying Trump's proposal was a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until better controls are in place.

Interesting that he had to lie about what Trump said.

JackWayne said...

Walter, I notice that also. Fox is establishment and regardless of the Kelly/Trump sideshow it's clear they are going out of their way to help the lesser candidates by denying Cruz minutes.

Original Mike said...

"I gotta hand it to Cruz; his answer on ethanol subsidies was complete bullshit."

He's against ethanol mandates and subsidies. Did I miss something?

mccullough said...

How much is Google paying Fox News for this debate?

walter said...

Yes mccullogh,
Jeb reduced it to "banning all Muslims".

Chuck said...
I gotta hand it to Cruz; his answer on ethanol subsidies was complete bullshit.
How so?

traditionalguy said...

Original Mike...I say you are risible when you plead past TV face time nullifies my comment on tonight's TV face time.

But I will toast you as one risible SOB to another risible SOB.

If there was a winner on TV tonight, it was Huckaby. His skill set shined.

eric said...

I think the Muslim SJW was there to sandbag Trump. Since he wasn't there, it fell flat.

mccullough said...

Cruz should have skipped the debate when Trump pulled out. He got played. Wonder if Trump was in on it.

Anonymous said...

Cruz threatening to leave the stage was a low point for him. He sounded Trumpish.

Original Mike said...

"But I will toast you as one risible SOB to another risible SOB."


Paul said...

"I gotta hand it to Cruz; his answer on ethanol subsidies was complete bullshit. And he made sound convincing to me."

Of course. You've made it clear you are easily convinced by bullshit.

Unknown said...

wwoow..I like it
Succes for you :)

Limited blogger said...

Who won the debate?...... AMERICA!

rcocean said...

"Hmm..note immigrants from Mexico and Muslims (in clips) so far have been represented by females. Accident?"

Yep. just like the mexican was named "Candy Dulce" instead of Juanita Hernandez

walter said...

There's a Fox editor who slaved over that Trump video montage that is drinking themselves silly right now...

Original Mike said...

That was refreshing.

walter said...

"Candy Dulce",
I think I may have seen her work..

BrianE said...

Trump, the drama queen, sucks the air out of the room. There was a refreshing abundance of air in the room.

Limited blogger said...

We were 'schlonged'!

walter said...

The big winner tonight was Rand..by simply existing.

walter said...

I listened on web radio. Did Meg exit after getting bored?

SweatBee said...

"Cruz threatening to leave the stage was a low point for him. He sounded Trumpish"

Oh, that was supposed to be serious? I thought he was making another Trump joke.

Original Mike said...

Of course it was a joke.

Limited blogger said...

Luntz's group saying they are all going to vote for Rubio now.

walter said...

More on medicaid cost shifting

walter said...

Blogger Mom2Es said...
"Cruz threatening to leave the stage was a low point for him. He sounded Trumpish"
Oh, that was supposed to be serious? I thought he was making another Trump joke.
Good frickin' grief..he most definitely was.

walter said...

Although..imagine the collective thumb up their asses if Cruz bowed out as well..

BrianE said...

I think Cruz's attempted dig at Trump fell flat. His humor is a little too subtle.

Limited blogger said...

Cruz now on with Megyn spinning his performance. Guy is radiating confidence, good sign for him.

mccullough said...

Comedy is about timing and delivery. Cruz doesn't have that. He's not funny.

walter said...

Brian, Mccullough,
Trumpeteers? Think Trump has the comic timing?

walter said...

I would prefer a candidate who can engage jesters, while ultimately rising above them.

mccullough said...

They are all jesters. Some of them are funny. Politics is entertainment. Very few politicians are competent, which is why we have a country that is broke, with low labor participation, stagnant wages, and focus on issues like gay marriage and abortion.

BrianE said...

I favor Cruz. I think he is the best candidate to reign in government spending.
The economy and government entitlement are the big issues, more important than immigration.

walter said...

mccullough said...
They are all jesters.
Be that as it may..you will pick from the greater of two betters or the lesser of two evils...or sit it out.

William said...

I don't agree with Paul but he comes across as likable and decent. I'm in agreement with more of what Cruz says and he argues his case persuasively, but he doesn't come across as likable or good natured......I don't particularly like Trump either, but in some weird, undefinable way his unlikability is more likable than that of Cruz......If, as some analysts say, the debate is more about establishing your Alpha bona fides than expounding positions or demonstrating character, then Trump wins.

Titus said...

I missed the debate. My muzzie from Beirut who is getting a Phd at Harvard came over.

sorry for not participating in the comment section.

he is kind of hairy; normally I don't like hairy but I was ok with it.


this is our fourth "date".

He lives across the street.

convenient in a snow storm.

Titus said...

sorry that was Iran-this is beirut.

Quaestor said...

Waiting for Don-oh.

Quaestor said...

Titus, is your creativity so arid and fruitless that you're now stooped to using porn (and tedious porn at that) for your avatar?

Mick said...

BrianE said...
"It has been a better debate without Trump. Any one of these candidates would do a better job than the democrat alternative. They all have strngths. I would prefer to support a governor. I'm still impressed with Cruz. My concern about Congress is so many are petty politicians, they might sabotage a conservative Republican agenda just to spite Cruz.
What Trump did for the republcan candidate was show a path to neutralize the liberal bias. I really don't want to see him be the republican nominee".

Cruz is not eligible, he was born in flippin Canada. DUH

tim maguire said...

Mick said...Cruz is not eligible, he was born in flippin Canada. DUH

More careful thinkers than you have concluded he is eligible, which means, at a minimum, the "DUH" doesn't belong. Your use of "DUH" tells me that you have not thought carefully about it, which tells me I have no reason to care about your opinion on the matter.

Mick said...

"More careful thinkers than you have concluded he is eligible, which means, at a minimum, the "DUH" doesn't belong. Your use of "DUH" tells me that you have not thought carefully about it, which tells me I have no reason to care about your opinion on the matter".

"More careful thinkers?" You mean like Katyal, the Usurper's Solicitor General, who has every reason to muddy the water about who is a natural born Citizen? He cited a defunct statute from 1790 as some sort of proof, and made purely conjectural (and wrong) statements about John Jay's motivation. His HLR paper is certainly not "LAW", and certainly is lightweight in its lack of law citation, and "thought". You can't think for yourself? You need to rely on someone else's opinion?

So answer this.

If the purpose of the requirement is prevention of foreign influence (of which there is no doubt), then how could someone born in a foreign country or of foreign parentage be eligible?

If Ted Cruz, born in the sane situation in 1933, would not have even been a US Citizen at the time he was born, then how is he a natural born Citizen today?

If Marco Rubio, if born in 1802, would not have been even a US citizen at the time he was born, how is he a natural born Citizen today?

Yeah, I didn't think so...

grackle said...

I ended up watching everything, the main event, the undercard and the Trump rally.

Undercard: Santorum, Fiorina and Huckabee did pretty well. They’ve got their lines down pat, sometimes too pat, verging on artificiality. Santorum seemed to lose his train of thought a couple of times. Gilmore seemed agitated, even disturbed. The moderators were Ok but Hemmer asked this ill-advised question of Gilmore:

Who are the moderate Muslims do you seek advice and counsel from on how to deal with the threat from radical Islamic terrorism?

Yeah, just what every moderate Muslim wants – to become a target for radical Islamic terrorists because they were named in a televised debate as an answer to a gotcha question. Gilmore, an ex-intelligence officer, brushed away the idiot question and refused to name them.

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