September 25, 2014

"Women Are Just Slaves."

Late 70s newspaper headline, prominently displayed in one of a set of vintage photos of Debbie Harry.


tomaig said...

A variation on John and Yoko...

DrMaturin said...

A beautiful woman with a beautiful soul.

Wince said...

Yea, I'd've stuck to that newspaper in short order if she'd asked me to sit on it.

Big Mike said...

If my wife is my slave how come I'm the one with the "honey do" list?

William said...

She looked cheesy in the cheesecake photo, but very beautiful and haunting in that first picture......She wasn't just beautiful. She looked like she was privy to the great secrets of the universe. She had a sexual presence but there was something more to it. She was illumined by the green light.

glenn said...


FullMoon said...

The headline refers to Jimmys' pal, the Ayatollah.

That's when our troubles began,

David said...

Not one of those Crack Emcee slaves though. They are so yesterday. But modern well educated affluent white women have it just as bad.

RecChief said...

and it's a quote from the Ayatollah Khomeini if you look closely at the front page of that paper.


Anonymous said...

Huh. My kneejerk assumption was that it was a western 70s feminist statement. It's an Ayatollah quote, providing context for their greater, global and historical argument, however.

FleetUSA said...

If you think about it we are all slaves in one way or another. I've often thought the President of the US (no matter whom) is the most slave in the world. For the President one could say slavery has its perks.

James Pawlak said...

Are we considering Islam's "Animals That Talk"?

The Crack Emcee said...

Written by a white woman with no understanding of white supremacy or family court.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Written by a white woman with no understanding of white supremacy or family court.

Or even how to make a proper bernaise sauce.

The horror.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

FullMoon said...
The headline refers to Jimmys' pal, the Ayatollah.

Oh, well then, I mean, all cultures are equally valuable and all points of view must be respected. Islam is a fair, equitable religion and its followers are just as concerned with justice as anyone else. Stop imposing your values on others, you imperialist!

n.n said...

South Africa has experienced negative progress in the last two decades, including an expansion of "apartheid", which has overseen the murder and rape of thousands of citizens and illegal aliens alike. Women are especially vulnerable under the degenerative regime which claimed liberation of the nation in order to confiscate its developed resources for the benefit its ruling minority.