November 6, 2012

Live-blogging election night.

5:12 Central Time: Won't you hang out with me while we watch the results come in? Here's a helpful map, showing what times the polls close in the various states. Polls in parts of Indiana and Kentucky closed a quarter hour ago, but what will be rather thrilling is the top of the hour, 7 Eastern Time, when Florida (minus the part under Alabama) and Virginia close, and then half an hour after that Ohio and North Carolina. Perhaps things at that point will be so decisive we will more or less know. Drudge is saying "EXIT POLLS TIGHT," giving Romney NC and FL and Obama NH, PA, MI, and NV, and listing OH, VA, CO, and IA as toss ups. What? No Wisconsin? I'm thinking it will all be about Wisconsin. But I'm Wisconsincentric.

5:25: After all this time watching the election, I wonder what life will be like tomorrow. I hope it's not 2000-style craziness with recounts and litigation and accusations of fraud. Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?

5:50: I'm watching CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, and hanging out at MSNBC for the last few minutes, I get the feeling they think the GOP will do well. Why? They're going at the topic of the way the GOP isn't likely to take the majority in the Senate. I'm just getting the feeling that they are moving into that place of refuge.

6:00: Nothing exciting at the top of the hour. Virginia not called. But that's not surprising. It was expected to be close.

6:30: Romney wins West Virginia, unsurprisingly. NC and Ohio are now closed, but they're not calling it, unsurprisingly. CNN reveals exit polls: 49/49 in NC and 51% Obama, 48% Romney in Ohio. Impressive for Obama... if the exit polls are right.

6:41: Boring! Maybe you should go for a run, have sex, or guzzle an Ardberg along with a chocolate bar and then come back in 20 minutes or an hour or so. Wouldn't that make more sense?

7:00: CNN projects Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine (3 of the 4), and Rhode Island for Obama. Oklahoma for Romney. Many others not called.

7:27: On Fox News, Rove is on fire. Joe Trippi is stammering and looking worried. Good for Romney, right?

7:37: Watched ABC network for a while and there's a wild-eyed desperation that tells me they know Obama's in trouble.

8:00: CNN calls Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska (3 of the 5), North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and Mississippi to Romney. Michigan, New York, and New Jersey for Obama. (There goes Michigan, which had been considered possible for Romney.)

8:02: They can't call Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and my home state Wisconsin.

8:04: 52% Obama, 46% Romney — CNN exit poll in Wisconsin. That looks bad for Romney.

10:04: Oh, I see I've been away for 2 hours. I couldn't take the stress. It's not as though you're reading this blog for news updates. What do you want from me? Gushings of emotion?  I'm being mellow, distancing myself from the political fray, reconnecting to my old aversion to politics. The people will have what they have chosen, and I hope for the best, especially for the young people. Tomorrow there will be new things to talk about, I assume. The election is over, is it not? Obama will win, perhaps without the popular vote, like Bush. What will he do with it? Take us to a higher ground, at last? Or nothing at all.


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TWM said...

"RCP hasR up in Wisconsin. 53% to 46% with 15% in."

What's up with that?

test said...

Inga said...
You folks obviously are not going to learn your lesson. Oh well.

Apparently it hasn't ocurred to Inga that we care more about our country than we do our party.

Shouting Thomas said...

Don't start fighting the next election already, folks.

Give it a break.

Anonymous said...

Marshal De Nile is a river.

chickelit said...

So far, the only mandate I see is Andrew Sullivan + Barack Obama.

David said...

Big election.

Big win for the left (not just Obama.)

Big problem for Republicans.

Obama is on his way to a solid win despite a poor record as President. He governed and ran from the left, hoping that a single female-African American-Hispanic base could be augmented by enough other votes to carry the country.

His hopes have been realized.

He now has four more years to consolidate that base and create more government dependencies. The Republicans, which have failed to court the fastest growing electoral group (Hispanics), not have to figure out a way to make inroads there. That will be hard, and the Republicans have made it so all by themselves.

At some point the fiscal shit will hit the fan. But that can still be postponed with the same smoke and mirrors (and borrowing) that we have been seeing.

Tough times coming for the Republicans--much of it self imposed.

(By the way, what did Paul Ryan add to the Romney ticket?)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chuck66 said...
Inga...give me one example where the Republican party has moved to the right?

Foreign policy. The obsession with the middle east is insane and counterproductive.

When 160 marines were killed in Lebanon on Reagan's watch he got the fuck out of there. The current idiots would start a decade long war.

somefeller said...

That Nate Silver. What a buffoon he turned out to be!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, now we're officially not racist?

Against whom? Latinos or blacks?

Because you certainly seem to want to do your damnedest to turn them off to you. And the demographic trends don't bode well for that approach.

But I couldn't care less. Just keep doing what you're doing. It's all good.

chickelit said...

You folks obviously are not going to learn your lesson. Oh well.

Learn what lesson, Inga?

Anonymous said...

Marshal, we care about the country, that's why we voted the way we did. We both care about the country we just go about from opposite ends.

sakredkow said...

I don't think any of you realize what just happened to this nation. It's over folks. The grand experiment, the greatest nation ever on the face of the earth.

Sold for a few condoms and free phones.

Exactly as Thomas Jefferson predicted.

Au revoir.

First, I don't think we need to listen to this guy anymore.

TWM said...

"Wisconsin: Presidential: 26% of precincts reporting: 53%- Romney 46% Obama

Senate: 27% of precincts reporting: 53% Thompson, 45% Baldwin"

How does this match up with the exit polling?

mz said...

Stop the Benghazi crap wingnuts! I'm sure none of you were calling for Bush to resign over the infamous August 6, 2001 memo stating that Bin Laden was determined to strike the US. F-off, all of you.

ALH said...

Being from WI, i am not surprised that WI went for obama and baldwin. The surprising part is how quickly that they could call it. I figured it would be extremely close and maybe even a republican win. The usual sea of democrat signs in my liberal area were sparse this year. Must have had a great gotv.

wildswan said...

This is tough. But the fact remains that the US is so far in debt that no tax will get it out. The voters seem to have chosen the Democrats to handle the problem. The Democrats only know to tax. So there is no way out. That's tougher than losing an election.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm confused. Why isn't Chris Christie's state going for Chris Christie's party?

So confusing.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

So, now we're officially not racist?

No... because we didn't vote for Obama... Obama had to run for re-election... in a fair system he would not have to.

Calypso Facto said...

32% of WI reporting, still no Waukesha, still an 8% lead for Romney and Thompson.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Quick! Close the polls!!!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Stop the vote!

test said...

phx said...
I Callahan I think that extreme negativity turns off a lot of potential voters to the GOP. I believe it really is the reason if you lose.

Right, Barack Obama's lie that President Bush refused to help New Orleans after Katrina because he's racist was quite positive.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's our only hope!

Shouting Thomas said...

The other failure of the Republican Party, besides being undermined by the outliers in their own party on abortion, is not appealing directly to the white middle class.

A direct appeal to stop illegal immigration and to end the quota system is where the Republican Party needs to go.

The party is not going to establish a base among Latinos.

The refusal of the party to embrace an anti-illegal immigration stance or to openly oppose the quota system cost them among white voters.

Bush's strategy of abandoning the white middle and lower class in pursuit of Hispanic voters is a failure.

Michael K said...

" Blogger rcocean said...

"if Romney loses, moderate Republicans are dead; they've been shown to not be able to win at a national level."

It would be if the Republicans had any brains. Sorry, if the Establishment will nominate another moderate. Look for Jeb Bush in 2016."

No, elections are now auctions. The highest bidder gets the most votes. There is no chance to stop the race to the cliff before we go over. After the crash, the voters will want to start over but it will be too late.

Inga and garage deserve what they get, along with their sympathizers. Greece here we come.

TWM said...

"I'm confused. Why isn't Chris Christie's state going for Chris Christie's party?"

Christie lost me when he said he wept when taking a phone call from Springsteen. Seriously, he wept?

Not the man I thought he was.

Anonymous said...

We both care about the country we just go about from opposite ends.


You spend other people's money on crap.

Then the money runs out and your end falls apart.

Show me the country where it hasn't happened.

I'll show you dozens where it has.

Anonymous said...

Chickelit, the extreme veer to the right, that was the mistake. It's up to you conservatives to either learn that this is what will lose you this election and future elections or embrace your moderates, reject the extremists.

Seven Machos said...

Attention conservatives and libertarians: please put down the gun and get your heads out of your asses. The republic will survive, and even prosper, regardless of what happens in this election.

I don't want to hear one more goddamn "this is the end" lament. Not one more.

I mean, really.

Further, the opposite is true as well. If Romney wins, we will not achieve some eschatological nirvana of small government.

We muddle through. We hope for the best. You. Me. Them. All of us.

I Callahan said...

phx said,

Like you can't be civil AND honest.

You yourself said that Romney and Ryan were both. It's democrats who have accused them of everything under the sun.

Phx, you are a civil and honest guy yourself. But the democratic party isn't. It's just projection to blame a few kooks on our side, when you have Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and many more lunatics on your side.

You guys have been hoodwinked by your own party, and it would require some serious introspection for you to realize it. You've been had. This country is going to end up like some European countries, only worse.

wyo sis said...

Wow, I go to a church youth meeting and all hell breaks loose. Has Inga strangled on her gasconade yet?

Chuck66 said... Republicans supporting the left leaning socialist state of Israel is moving to the right?

Golda Mier said 35 years ago that Richard Nixon saved the Jewish state. How is the Republcian party moving to the right on the mideast? The Democrat party supports neo-Nazi's in the mideast. See ELCA and other Democrat churches as examples.

Automatic_Wing said...

Yeah, the pollsters have been vindicated, for sure.

And where does the Republican party go from here? They're being decisively beaten in an election that the fundamental economic numbers say they should win.

Interesting times.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Right, Barack Obama's lie that President Bush refused to help New Orleans after Katrina because he's racist was quite positive.

Can someone please help me parse through the dissonance in this?

HT said...

I guess we all want it to be either or, and can't stand the wait, but this thing, much as I want it to be, does not appear to be over.

sakredkow said...

Marshal I'm going to defer to the wisdom of Shouting Thomas in this instance and NOT debate the next election with you.

I hope it's a good night for the country.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

I think it's over.

The remaining votes in Florida are from Miami. He'll win Florida, and then it's over. Even without it, he's going to win. I'd put it at least at 95%.

Better luck next time, Romsters!

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't want to hear one more goddamn "this is the end" lament. Not one more.

I agree. The Republic is strong enough the survive.

The Republican Party will be back.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We muddle through. We hope for the best.

Agenda for the country optional.

Diogenes said...

A preview of the next four years?
Job Openings in U.S. Decreased by 100,000 in September

lorentjd said...

Okay...I'm about to blow this popsicle stand. Almost an hour and a half...and not a word from Althouse???

I Callahan said...

When 160 marines were killed in Lebanon on Reagan's watch he got the fuck out of there. The current idiots would start a decade long war.

Dear God, ARM, do you even live on Earth? Does Libya '85 ring a bell? The GOP hasn't gone farther right on this; it's been a priority for the right since the early 70's. Please try again.

wyo sis said...

"embrace your moderates, reject the extremists."

If this turns out to be an Obama win the lesson is the exact opposite.

Cindy Martin said...

The fruckin media and the moochers gave Obama another term. Obama is a terrible prez. There will be no incentive to work hard. All standards of living will fall.

Cindy Martin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Geraldus Maximus said...

Rove - upbeat on OH. So OH looking goooooooood. Keep hope alive!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I hear you seven but...

If Obama wins bigger government and bigger debt will be exonerated... inoculated... and it will do what it does... grow.

wyo sis said...

"We muddle through. We hope for the best."

I was hoping for something better than muddle.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Chickelit, the extreme veer to the right, that was the mistake.

I still don't see the mandate, Inga. If Romney were winning, I'd be telling you it was because of Obama's extreme veer to the left.

Geraldus Maximus said...

Well said Seven.

sakredkow said...

I did think Romney and Ryan ran a positive campaign. But I think they're still tied to their base, and some of those people are really not the kind of people you want to get in bed with.

Dems have similar types of ugly, nasty people but I think the GOP are of higher order of Orc.

And I think that hurts a lot of moderate Republicans and the party, that still does have something to contribute.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That Nate Silver. What a buffoon he turned out to be!

I knew enough to follow him all along. But didn't want to break the sense of theological belief in Rasmussen that prevailed here, nor the impending schadenfreude of watching where the emphasis on belief over fact would get my friends.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TWM said...

"I agree. The Republic is strong enough the survive."

I'm always amazed that people who believe our Republic is somehow immune from decay and destruction.

We may survive, but we won't be the same. Not if we continue on the path we are on. Ten years. Maybe 20.

Great societies aren't usually conquered, they die from within.

Andy said...

Hey everyone, I'm out and about on my ipod so I can't stay and chat, but is everyone having a good night?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If this turns out to be an Obama win the lesson is the exact opposite.

Mkay! ;-) You go ahead with that.

Anonymous said...

We live in the best nation in the world, with the best government, stop making our government your enemy. Are we not all Americans? Time to stop the fighting and get the Congress to do their jobs.

Matt Sablan said...

"But I think they're still tied to their base, and some of those people are really not the kind of people you want to get in bed with."

-- That's nonsense. Democrats have just as many violent, vile people, but they simply don't tar Democrats in the same way for some reason. Republicans are going to, eventually, realize that the media is not their friend.

Shouting Thomas said...

Time to stop the fighting and get the Congress to do their jobs.

No. Republicans will continue to oppose.

That's what their constituents have returned them to Congress to do.

The people didn't just vote for Obama. They voted for a continuation of divided government... for good reason.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pretty amazing that FLORIDA may turn out to be the one that turns out to put the election over the top! And 2.3% ahead in CO with 20% returned. Woot!

Anonymous said...

Chickelit, BUT what don't you understand? Romney is NOT winning.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TWM said...

"We live in the best nation in the world, with the best government, stop making our government your enemy. Are we not all Americans? Time to stop the fighting and get the Congress to do their jobs."

God help us. The government IS usually the enemy. As to getting people to work. Talk to Reid and Obama and get them to pass a budget.

Freeman Hunt said...

My main disappointment is that the next four years were going to be prime saving years for the kids' college educations. Now we will not be making as much, so there will not be as much saving.

Que sera sera, and so it goes.

It's also disappointing that the "War on Women!" "Republicans hate gays!" people have won, and the "Let's solve our major fiscal crisis" people have lost. That's just plain depressing.

Or maybe I'm being gloomy too early. But I don't think so.

ALH said...

Inga, is the Senate voting on a buget part of "getting congress to do their jobs"?

I Callahan said...

The people didn't just vote for Obama. They voted for a continuation of divided government... for good reason.

No, there is no good reason for this. Obamacare will survive; he'll get 2 more liberal USSC judges. The only way to make sure these two things didn't happen was to make sure we DIDN'T have divided government.

God help us all.

Hugh Walter said...

Yes - It's looking bad for Romney, well some nice centrist acceptance in the morning will be something to look forward too.

Common sense prevailed, thank the lord of all things, and if you can't bring yourself to thank, blame the rape- apologists, the asset-stripping right-wing backers, or - to hell with it - blame a thunder storm!

Chuck66 said...

Inga...when the gov't closes down my church because we don't support homosexual marriage, then I can say the gov't is the enemy.

Matt Sablan said...

I wonder how we ever expect to get people to propose actual solutions when the country routinely votes against them (see McCain and Romney.) We'll instead get stuck with ephemeral non-existent budgets.

I Callahan said...

I know my day is bad. I had comment 666

Sorun said...

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic

My confidence in America is instantly restored!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Guys - don't forget. When your industry's management fails along with the failure of the nation's banking regulations, then you, as a lowly autoworker, are to blame. And you should take the heat.


sakredkow said...

-- That's nonsense. Democrats have just as many violent, vile people, but they simply don't tar Democrats in the same way for some reason.

I strongly disagree with you Matthew. I know Dems get ugly, but I don't think they get ugly like GOP and Tea Party. It's a higher order of ugly there. I'm not saying everyone on the right by any means, but IMO the worst of you guys are the loudest and nastiest. It turns off moderates and independents, and other people you need.

Anonymous said...

Elections will come and go, Obama may get his additional four, but one cold hard fact is how much we owe, and how we'll never be able to pay it back without inflating our way out.

Greece may take six to seven hundred billion to bail out.

But that's nothing Spain and Italy which alone will take $2.5 trillion just as a trial balloon.

Spain is at 25% unemployment, and the austerity measures being urged by the Germans will take them to 50%.

Can a western democracy survive at 50% unemployment?

For our part, we'll continue to print money and inflate our way out. We'll pay our creditors with dollars worth 35 percent of what we borrowed.

And Igna will be happy to see our children and grandchildren eat dirt because 60% of their incomes will pay for our spending these past decades.

Inga is a proud member of the richest generation that ever lived on the fact of the earth, and they still couldn't live within their means, but had to utterly sacrifice their children and grandchildren on the alter of unchecked consumption.

We'll be lucky if China doesn't invade us when we really start printing.

Thanks for your part of the coming reality, Ina.

You have no answer, so just enjoy your little victory if it holds.

You'll never be able to stand in the winds that will blow, because of people like you.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

We'll always have Obamacare.

sakredkow said...

Too funny I Callahan.

Michael K said...

" Blogger mz said...

Stop the Benghazi crap wingnuts! I'm sure none of you were calling for Bush to resign over the infamous August 6, 2001 memo stating that Bin Laden was determined to strike the US. F-off, all of you."

Don't worry, Holder will never investigate. The decrease in the military will make such sure those folks who think the US needs a military are only a fringe group. The August 2011 memo is a leftist myth but go ahead and gloat about it.

You won and, as HL Mencken said, you deserve to get it good and hard.

Be careful not to say anything insulting about Muslims. The poor bastard Obama arrested is screwed now, but we all are anyway. He just learned sooner.

TWM said...

"My main disappointment is that the next four years were going to be prime saving years for the kids' college educations. Now we will not be making as much, so there will not be as much saving."

Don't save for it at all. It's counterproductive in this economy. And don't let them take any courses except STEM courses. Then maybe a trade school. Stay the hell away from any liberal arts degree and school loans.

kentuckyliz said...

Rove, that crafty bastard, has something up his sleeve. All right, let's start the office pool on that one. What's up Rove's sleeve?

Chuck66 said...

When the gov't says I can't run a business unless I give my employees free brith control and free abortions, then the gov't is the enemy.

mccullough said...

The fiscal crisis is coming to Europe and some US states soon. The federal govt is going to get smaller no matter what. Math has won.

David said...

"The party is not going to establish a base among Latinos."


And what's the base going to be--just white people? How long is that going to work? And why would it be a good basis for a political party?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes - It's looking bad for Romney...

But, but, but, his faux confidence (and his total phoniness in general) was just so inspiring to Republicans!!!

Remember guys, polls don't matter. Especially if they're done by an effeminate-looking nerdy guy named "Silver".

I Callahan said...

It's also disappointing that the "War on Women!" "Republicans hate gays!" people have won, and the "Let's solve our major fiscal crisis" people have lost. That's just plain depressing.

The above paragraph is the complete response to phx's opinion that the kooks in our party brought us down. They didn't. The left's kooks (along with their willing media hacks) brought us down.

Matt Sablan said...

Phx: Then you're just wrong. Some of the most racist, vile things come from the left. There is a constant stream of misogynist rape fantasies over Conservative women on Twitter and assassination threats on Romney. It's not my fault you refuse to acknowledge this.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, oh bullshit, no one is going to close your church.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I Callahan said...
Dear God, ARM, do you even live on Earth? Does Libya '85 ring a bell?

You cannot be serious. First of all, there was no decade long war in 1985, just a few bombing raids. Second, it was Obama who finally removed Gaddafi, largely through diplomacy, and few bombing raids.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And what's the base going to be--just white people? How long is that going to work? And why would it be a good basis for a political party?

Shhhhhh..., David! Don't spoil it for them.

ALH said...

Ironic if Mitt wins OH, VA, NC, CO and loses FL

Geraldus Maximus said...

Freeman, I hear you. But, God is good. Don't forget that all this but for a moment. We know the end and it is good. A trillion years from now none of this will matter.

Meanwhile, the worst that can happen is that the R's hold the house so gridlock city. Then there will be a 2014 election and the R's will pick up more. In 2016 the Dems will still be blaming Bush. I don't see them able to sell that story.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama's lead in Florida is growing more durable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There is nothing to learn from this. Obama is still a socialist marxist who hates America. We need more conservative candidates.

Chuck66 said...

Inga...what happens if the Knights of Columbus refuse to allow a gay "couple" to have their wedding in the KofC building?

I Callahan said...

I strongly disagree with you Matthew. I know Dems get ugly, but I don't think they get ugly like GOP and Tea Party. It's a higher order of ugly there.

How can a reasonable guy like you type such a completely delusional article? Please give some examples of the "ugliness", and leave out the Todd Akin thing. Did anyone in the GOP or Tea Party say anything even close to "War on Women" or "They're going to put y'all in chains".

Christ. I weep for my country.

Shouting Thomas said...

And what's the base going to be--just white people? How long is that going to work? And why would it be a good basis for a political party?

The Democrats now rely on a 90% vote from blacks.

The Republican Party has refused to embrace an anti-illegal immigration and anti-quota agenda. The addition of another 5% to 10% of the white vote would have put Romney over the top.

The Republican Party has, in a way, declined to do precisely what the Democratic Party does, which is to go all in on their base.

Synova said...

Wow... all those imaginary Latinos that I was calling with the last two weeks.

I never knew.

Funny thing... Latinos have diversity too.

TWM said...

"Chuck, oh bullshit, no one is going to close your church."

Your naivete never ceases to amaze, Inga.

lorentjd said...

Did I misunderstand when Ann said she would be "live" blogging??

Chuck66 said...

Inga....what happens if a Christian church refuses to employ a homosexual activist?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Chuck, oh bullshit, no one is going to close your church.

Thats what we said about Romney and contraception.

but I am a robot said...

The "veer to the right" is a matter of one's reference point. Defunding Planned Parenthood, suddenly, is unconscionable for those who have suddenly centered the entire platform around free birth control and the right to kill fetuses in order to shift the focus from Obama's economic failures. And across-the-board tax cuts are unfair now that democrats have determined that rich people aren't paying their "fair share." Of course, once they get their tax hike on richer folks, how long before that arbitrary "fair share" is another 10% higher? Oh, and why don't we compare Clinton's balanced budgets with the lack of any budget whatsoever in the Senate?

somefeller said...

The lefties must be really nervous now.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you are even more stupid in victory than you are otherwise.

You are always stupid, but this is bringing out the lowest, basest stupidity within you. And, that's an awesome thing.

Anonymous said...

If y'all want gridlock, don't forget the Executive Order.

sakredkow said...

Phx: Then you're just wrong. Some of the most racist, vile things come from the left.

I acknowledged that both sides do this - you don't. You say it's only Dems.

I say while both sides do it, I believe, objectively speaking, the nastiness is worse from the right.

I understand you think I'm wrong, but you can't even bring yourself to believe your side has ANY responsibility.

You guys who go into denial over this don't really do your party any favors.

But, oh well.

Freeman Hunt said...

I know Dems get ugly, but I don't think they get ugly like GOP and Tea Party. It's a higher order of ugly there. I'm not saying everyone on the right by any means, but IMO the worst of you guys are the loudest and nastiest. It turns off moderates and independents, and other people you need.

My Facebook feed begs to differ.

Almost Ali said...

Thank You, Governor Christie.

Dante said...

We live in the best nation in the world, with the best government, stop making our government your enemy. Are we not all Americans? Time to stop the fighting and get the Congress to do their jobs.

I'm not sure what that means, anymore.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If y'all want gridlock, don't forget the Executive Order.

Revenge works.

TWM said...

"If y'all want gridlock, don't forget the Executive Order"

Yeah, Emperor Obama's favorite way around the Constitution.

I Callahan said...

First of all, there was no decade long war in 1985

Moving the goalposts, I see.

Second, it was Obama who finally removed Gaddafi, largely through diplomacy, and few bombing raids.

Gaddafi was killed, in case you didn't notice. Diplomacy doesn't kill. So it's your guy who is obsessed with the Middle East, and you project the right as having moved even farther right regarding the Middle East.

Please, change your handle. Reasonable shouldn't even be in your vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

TWM, fear mongering won't win you elections either.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, you are even more stupid in victory than you are otherwise.

You are always stupid, but this is bringing out the lowest, basest stupidity within you. And, that's an awesome thing.

The way you bring vainglorious to your sense of butthurt (which you didn't see coming, much as I did) is really something to behold.

Chuck66 said...

Inga, what happens if a Christian company like Chik-Fa-Lay (sp) wants to do business in Chicago, or San Francisco, or DC, or Boston?

sakredkow said...

How can a reasonable guy like you type such a completely delusional article? Please give some examples of the "ugliness", and leave out the Todd Akin thing. Did anyone in the GOP or Tea Party say anything even close to "War on Women" or "They're going to put y'all in chains".

You don't have to look any further than Althouse. I told you, your problem is with your base more than your leadership.

Anonymous said...

Gridlock or cooperation and bipartisanship, it's the Republicans call.

Matt Sablan said...

No, Phx. What I'm saying is that the right gets tagged with it in the media much harder than Democrats. Why? Because Republicans are idiots and don't fight the way that we're clearly supposed to be doing it.

Obama got away with calling Romney a murderer and a felon; Romney pulled punches and played nice.

And people -voted for nasty.-

Dante said...

If y'all want gridlock, don't forget the Executive Order.

You remind me of one of those chick cops "I'm gonna Taze him," Inga.

You simply fail to understand what freedom is about. It's not about buying votes and paving the way to Greece.

If you want to see what can happen, take a look at CA, and what's happening here. Keep a close watch on it over the next 10 years. Please, take some responsibility for your positions.

You win. I don't want to hear anyone here saying how everything's bad because of Bush (hell, I thought it was on account of that homosexual, Barney Frank).

TWM said...

"TWM, fear mongering won't win you elections either."

Inga, I'm not mongering a damn thing. I am genuinely afraid. You keep living in that fantasy land of yours but in the end everyone is going to be affected by the coming economic catastrophe. Even liberals.

Shouting Thomas said...

You might want to check my posts, Ritmo.

I've stated repeatedly for months that I'm OK with either candidate winning, so long as divided government prevails.

You are, as I said, even more crude, stupid and base in victory than before.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, seriously, don't piss your pants with hypotheticals.

Synova said...

"Time to stop the fighting and get the Congress to do their jobs."

The Congress has been doing their job. Their job is not "whatever Obama wants them to do so he looks good."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

OMG Obama's winning ILLINOIS!!!

Even Romney couldn't win his home state. All three of them.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

TWM, fear mongering won't win you elections either.

Wall street fat cats, bitter clingers, war on women... it worked for Obama.

TWM said...

"Gridlock or cooperation and bipartisanship, it's the Republicans call."

The Republican House submitted budgets to the Democratic Senate which were ignored by Reid and Obama.

Now, who is not cooperating here?

Chuck66 said...

Inga...none of those are hyotheticals. They have already happened. Are you really that ignorant?

Shouting Thomas said...

Gridlock or cooperation and bipartisanship, it's the Republicans call.

Gridlock is best. That's what I wanted to see happen, no matter who's president.

Gridlock is the best restraint on the power of the state.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've stated repeatedly for months that I'm OK with either candidate winning, so long as divided government prevails.

That's good to know, but you wouldn't have known whom to predict as winner, or why.

Now is the time to do that - if you care.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Chickelit, BUT what don't you understand? Romney is NOT winning.

I live red in the bluest of blue states. San Diego County traditionally Republican. Like I said earlier, I won't panic until Darrell Issa is sent home.

What I'm saying is that I see no fundamental reason to change my core beliefs, even living here.

BTW, I'm still very intrigued and encouraged by CA election results.

And Congress will stay more years of Fast & Furious and Benghazi investigations sound great to me. Remember you yourself said wait until after the election. :)

Chuck66 said...

Barry's home state is Indonesia (or is it Kenya?). He is very popular there.

Christopher in MA said...

Well, looks like Althouse's resident fools have the revenge their Taupe Dope crowed about. I had hoped differently, but you know what they say about hope.

In any event, Allie and Ritmo, phx and garage and all of you - enjoy. Romney was right; 47% of thiis country is irreversibly stuipd and will never vote for a Repiblican. You can cheer your win. And I hope the next four years bring you everything you deserve.

Good and hard.

TWM said...

BTW, Romney is still ahead in the actual vote counting in WI. Just sayin . . .

wyo sis said...

Inga celebrates the end run around congress. Why am I not surprised.

I lament the loss of the balance of powers under Obama more than almost any other thing. Congress becoming less relevant is not a good thing even for Democrats.

shiloh said...

"Doom. Gloom. Depression."

I feel your pain!

Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been a month since my last Althouse confession ...

Re: Reince Priebus, we hardly knew ye lol ie Michael Steele doesn't look so bad now, eh.

Someone please give Althouse #1 doting, trained seal a hug! Someone give Althouse a hug also.


Underestimate Barack Hussein Obama and Nate Silver at one's own peril.

As mentioned previously:

((( Laura Ingraham To GOP: 'If You Can't Beat Obama With This Record, Then Shut Down The Party' ))) :):):)

Breakin' ...

Repeating, not to worry Reps, Mitch McConnell is gonna make sure Obama is a two term president!


dcm said...

4 more years. the end will not come. look to the middle.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Inga said...

Time to stop the fighting and get the Congress to do their jobs.

As a check on the President? Okay.

Anonymous said...

TWM, you conservatives have been eating drinking and breathing conspiracy theories for the last 6 weeks, I think perhaps it's you folks who are not living in reality, but so damn determined to smear Obama that you took your eye off the ball and lost an election.

Synova said...

"Gridlock or cooperation and bipartisanship, it's the Republicans call."


You're demanding that it's the Republicans job to be the grown ups?

Tarzan said...

Granted, the evidence here is anecdotal for now:

But the word of elderly black voters arriving at the polls to find their votes have already been cast sound an awful lot like a planned operation to cast votes illegally for citizens whom the perpetrators believe will not make it to vote.

What this means, is that for the few instances that make headlines, there are probably thousands more that will go undetected because the perps chose correctly, casting votes for people who, indeed, did not show up.

This would be very easy in Massachusetts too, where a quick glance at the roster as you give your name and address to vote could easily lead to a few contacts being memorized and passed along to others who have already voted. In a city like Boston or even Springfield or Worcester, no one really knows anyone else, and so long as things seem to be going their way, the poll officials will just shrug and say, "I dunno. What me worry?" and keep repeating that there's nothing they can do.

Oh well. They've got their doobage and free healthcare so what's there to be concerned about?

How long will it be before 'free healthcare' consists of long lines for an aspirin an a couple of band-aids, or maybe a brief check-up from a bored, clock-watching orderly like it is in the vaunted British system?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, I'm still very intrigued and encouraged by CA election results.

My God, young man. Are you serious?

mccullough said...

They've already cooperated. Starting Jan 1 all the W tax rates expire and spending gets cut by sequestration. Time to start paying the bills.

I Callahan said...

You don't have to look any further than Althouse.

Nope, not seeing any hate amongst the righties at Althouse. Are we angry at the rank stupidity of a lot of the lefties here? Sure. That doesn't mean they're hated.

However, just go to and look at the death threats that a number of idiot tweeters have placed on people who are female, right wing, or Romney voters. And give a comparable example of how it's worse on right wing sites. You can't, because it isn't even close.

Matthew Sablan was right - you are flat-out wrong on this one. The left is WAY more hateful than the right as a whole. In your case, I believe you've bought the conventional wisdom, and you look for evidence to prove your preconceived notions. It's the only logical explanation.

Clyde said...

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

-- H.L. Mencken

Geraldus Maximus said...

Fl and Oh looking good. Can't wait to hear Rove's next update. He had a gleam in his eye last round.

Hugh Walter said...

It's still looking bad and you've gone very quiet Ann?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I lament the loss of the balance of powers under Obama more than almost any other thing.

Then you should have done something to prevent it.

Shouting Thomas said...

For those of you celebrating, you might want to remember this...

Second terms are seldom quite as much fun as you think. The innate corruption of every administration surfaces and cannot be concealed.

The electorate becomes progressively more tired of you.

Check this out. You might be surprised.

rcocean said...

"The Republican Party has refused to embrace an anti-illegal immigration and anti-quota agenda. The addition of another 5% to 10% of the white vote would have put Romney over the top."

That's what I love about the Republicans they're such good losers. Jolly Good show, better luck next time old chap!

Christopher in MA said...

TWM, you conservatives have been eating drinking and breathing conspiracy theories for the last 6 weeks, I think perhaps it's you folks who are not living in reality, but so damn determined to smear Obama that you took your eye off the ball and lost an election.

Says the idiot whose party spent eight years screaming that Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen.

I must say, it will be interesting watching Obama whine about the horrible mess he's inherited. Who knew that scoundrel Bush could cause so much distaster even four years out of office?

chickelit said...

My God, young man. Are you serious?

My bad. I meant the unknown ones, Ritmo.

Nice try though

Triangle Man said...

Romney is winning Wisconsin people! With 28% reporting, Mitt is up 50.6 to 48.3.

TWM said...

"TWM, you conservatives have been eating drinking and breathing conspiracy theories for the last 6 weeks, I think perhaps it's you folks who are not living in reality, but so damn determined to smear Obama that you took your eye off the ball and lost an election."

You mean Benghazi? Obama wins and that is not going away. Truth will come out and it won't be good for him. Past that, there's no conspiracy on our shit-poor economy now. Nor is there one concerning the failure of Obama to pass a budget in four years. Or the fact that we are facing a incredibly large tax hike next year. I assume you pay taxes so even you may feel that one.

If he wins, and he hasn't won yet, but if he does, things aren't going to be any better tomorrow. They are going to be worse because nothing is going to change. And it won't be the Republican's fault anymore than it has been.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Almost Ali said...
Thank You, Governor Christie.

This is really unfair, and I happen to think Christie is a fat blowhard.

Christie, Bloomberg, Cuomo and Obama all worked together to do the right thing for a community that was hit pretty hard. A majority of the victims were white working and middle class people. For once the politicians worked as they should, for the people. Everyone put aside their personal and political enmity and worked to achieve a common goal.

Calypso Facto said...

WI 60% in and still showing Thompson and Romney ahead (with Waukesha only 10% counted). I'll be bummed about another 4 years of Obama, but at this rate at least I won't owe garage a beer for Wisconsin too!

Phil 314 said...

Math lost tonite.

" because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad"

I Callahan said...

you conservatives have been eating drinking and breathing conspiracy theories for the last 6 weeks

Jesus, Inga. We are borrowing 40 cents for every dollar we spend. Without a massive cut in spending, or a massive tax hike, things WILL get worse.

Why are you such an ostrich about this? You have to live in a fantasyland to not see this.

chickelit said...

Thank God we still have an independent SCOTUS which will hand down an important ruling on racial quotas soon enough. Nothing Obama can do about that either.

Chuck66 said...

Shout-T, I agree. A theory? Why did the leftwing Wisc State Journal endorse Romney? A 2nd Obama term will be bad for Dems. Look for 2014 to be HUGE for Republicans.

But 2 unreversable things will occur under a 2nd Barry term:

A) Socialized healthcare takes over and will never be removed.

B) Far leftist will take over the Supreme Court. End of democracy.

Alex said...

Inga doesn't give a shit about racing towards $20 trillion debt. It's the magical debt fairy and it doesn't exist.

Alex said...

So since the liberals have decided nothing can be done about runaway debt or unemployment, why not vote on the uterus?

Alex said...

Akin & Mourdock def did not help Romney's cause. I can tell you for a fact that there are many highly educated people who can't vote for the GOP because of the evangelical infestation.

Sprezzatura said...


You haven't lost yet.

Just watch Fox!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This election night's going to go on for quite a while tonight.

dcm said...

back to the real world right wing. work with the middle.

mz said...

Where's Althouse? Thought this was supposed to be a night of live-blogging? Looks like your prediction of a Romney win is falling apart.

Chuck66 said...

Alex, women are voting for Democrats so they can get their $9 a month birth control bills paid for by the gov't.

What is a $16,000,000,000,000 national debt when you get $9 a month sex subsidy.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Arizona went for Romney?

Why couldn't the "undocumented" (want to be careful and not call the illegals)... why couldn't the "undocumented" put Obama over the top there?

Looks like Obama's constituency let him down over there.

clint said...

I'm watching castle until things are more certain.

11/6/12 7:17 PM

Alas, I already watched it -- fun episode, though.

Alex said...

But 2 unreversable things will occur under a 2nd Barry term:

A) Socialized healthcare takes over and will never be removed.

B) Far leftist will take over the Supreme Court. End of democracy.

Are you making your escape plans yet?

R.C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Geraldus Maximus said...

So, assuming Romney gets all his states its gonna be a recount in FL. Fun times.

Mutaman said...

Regarding Ann's disappearance, according to my inside sources, Mead was caught groping a co-ed on State Street, and Ann had to go bail him out. More to follow.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Warren, what a great woman! Thank goodness she won"

wyo sis said...

"evangelical infestation"


Is that worse than the infestation OWS left behind on police cars?

Alex said...

Liberal-inclined "swing voter" women have decided they can afford to vote on social issues so that's what they did. They voted their vagina. I hope they enjoy all that free sex at the homeless shelter.

Alex said...

Is that worse than the infestation OWS left behind on police cars?

You tell me which cost who more votes.

Matt Sablan said...

NC, despite being a more clear and obvious thing than WI, finally called for Romney.

Pastafarian said...

I guess now I get to tell 43 employees that they won't have health insurance through our company after 2014.

And one of them has a child with a congenital heart defect that requires surgery every few years. And another has a child with Krones disease.

But Happy Days Are Here Again, huh, ritzy and Inga and phx?

I just read an article today about how the IRS plans on cracking down in S corps. Good times! RFQs have been down for weeks, and orders will be down through the end of the year.

Have any of you ever had to lay someone off? It's as gut-wrenching and soul-crushing as you would imagine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Even if you're completely wedded to stereotypes of the various states' politics, doesn't anyone find it even the slightest bit intriguing that Romney's margin in his home state, the one he governed, of Massachusetts, is greater than 20 points?

I mean, doesn't that seem just a bit strange? The state did send a Republican to fill the seat left by Ted Kennedy and has re-elected Republican governors before.

But I heard it said that Romney was just wholly uninterested in the job. He used his term in office to gain credibility for a presidential run.

It doesn't look like the plan worked.

wyo sis said...

Tweaking again Inga?
I'll bet you were a fun BFF.

Peter Hoh said...

Is Nate Silver a Witch?

Sprezzatura said...

"Where's Althouse? Thought this was supposed to be a night of live-blogging?"

She's having a tougher time sussing out nervous MSM folks.

Beyond such activities, she doesn't really have much to add. Hence, the silence.

Shouting Thomas said...

Elizabeth Warren, what a great woman! Thank goodness she won"

Warren is grotesquely corrupt in every imaginable way.

She's lying about being an advocate for the poor and dispossessed. She's a corporate tool.

She fabricated an Indian family history to game the quota sytem.

One of the lowest scoundrels on the political scene. Absolute garbage.

Synova said...

"I can tell you for a fact that there are many highly educated people who can't vote for the GOP because of the evangelical infestation."

If you're a social voter you're a social voter.

Stop making excuses.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Where's Althouse? Thought this was supposed to be a night of live-blogging? Looks like your prediction of a Romney win is falling apart.

She only real-time blogs when she knows what to expect. Like pre-journalism.

TWM said...

"Elizabeth Warren, what a great woman! Thank goodness she won""

Oh yes, a great woman. Fake Indian, fake practicing attorney. Part of the 1% she disparaged at every opportunity.

A great woman. By liberal standards.

Inga you're not naive. You're just crazy.

Chuck66 said...

Inga, I know you are baiting us, so I will play along.

I am from Mars. I know because of family stories and a photo of an ancestor who appears to have a green face. And I submitted my brat receape to a Martian cookbook.

Michael K said...

"Blogger Inga said...

Elizabeth Warren, what a great woman! Thank goodness she won"

Lying and plagiarism obviously don't impress you.

Well, she certainly fits well in Harry Reid's Senate.

I still can't get over my surprise that people could ignore the yawning chasm ahead and vote for stuff.

I Callahan said...

You tell me which cost who more votes.

Not the point. The point is WHY did one cost more votes over the other. Answer: because the media have become a bought and paid for subsidiary of the democrat party. If they had put as much media spotlight on the OWSers as they did the Todd Akins and Richard Mourdocks, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Alex said...

Inga calling Warren a "great woman" because she is for anyone who advances her sick agenda.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Warren is grotesquely corrupt in every imaginable way.

She's lying about being an advocate for the poor and dispossessed. She's a corporate tool.

She fabricated an Indian family history to game the quota sytem.

One of the lowest scoundrels on the political scene. Absolute garbage.

This sounds like very reasoned, sound analysis. Of a type that is sure to win elections, bring success in governing, and help the country come together.

Thanks for your mature and seasoned analysis, SHouting Thomas.

Clyde said...

Inga said...
Elizabeth Warren, what a great woman! Thank goodness she won"

"Senator Fauxcahontas"? Gag!

Alan Grayson. Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Great crew you've got there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It was very informative.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And thoughtful.

TWM said...

" WI -Presidential - 60% of precincts reporting - 51% Romney, 48% Obama WI - Senate - 64% of precincts reporting - 51% Thompson, 47% Baldwin "

What's up with this?

Shouting Thomas said...

Thanks for your mature and seasoned analysis, SHouting Thomas.

You might notice that I've never uttered a personal criticism of President Obama.

I had to make an exception in the case of Warren.

That woman is a corrupt piece of shit. One of the worst demagogues and corrupt bags ever shit to ever disgrace the Senate.

I Callahan said...

Ritmo, you keep harping on him not winning his home state. Massachusetts is a socialist republic. If Vladimir Lenin ran against Romney for president, Romney would have lost Massachusetts. Reagan lost two states in 1984; Minnesota (Mondale's home state), and Massachusetts.

shiloh said...

In the 2016 Rep presidential primary, what's the over/under all the Rep candidates release at least (5) years of their tax returns before the primary process begins?

Matt Sablan said...

TWM: Most likely, as usual, Republican counties report first, for some reason, then Democrat counties report.

jungatheart said...

"If Obama wins, expect every election from here on out to just get nastier. This'll be the second presidential election in a row where calm, mild-mannered, middle-of-the-road compromising was shot down."

Whoever wins, I'm thinking the Republican Party will have to seriously work on building coalitions with people of color and people in the lower classes. That is, adapt or wither. A book I've heard of, but not read, Douthat and Salam's _Grand New Party_ talks of building a kinder, gentler GOP.

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