November 6, 2012

Live-blogging election night.

5:12 Central Time: Won't you hang out with me while we watch the results come in? Here's a helpful map, showing what times the polls close in the various states. Polls in parts of Indiana and Kentucky closed a quarter hour ago, but what will be rather thrilling is the top of the hour, 7 Eastern Time, when Florida (minus the part under Alabama) and Virginia close, and then half an hour after that Ohio and North Carolina. Perhaps things at that point will be so decisive we will more or less know. Drudge is saying "EXIT POLLS TIGHT," giving Romney NC and FL and Obama NH, PA, MI, and NV, and listing OH, VA, CO, and IA as toss ups. What? No Wisconsin? I'm thinking it will all be about Wisconsin. But I'm Wisconsincentric.

5:25: After all this time watching the election, I wonder what life will be like tomorrow. I hope it's not 2000-style craziness with recounts and litigation and accusations of fraud. Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?

5:50: I'm watching CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, and hanging out at MSNBC for the last few minutes, I get the feeling they think the GOP will do well. Why? They're going at the topic of the way the GOP isn't likely to take the majority in the Senate. I'm just getting the feeling that they are moving into that place of refuge.

6:00: Nothing exciting at the top of the hour. Virginia not called. But that's not surprising. It was expected to be close.

6:30: Romney wins West Virginia, unsurprisingly. NC and Ohio are now closed, but they're not calling it, unsurprisingly. CNN reveals exit polls: 49/49 in NC and 51% Obama, 48% Romney in Ohio. Impressive for Obama... if the exit polls are right.

6:41: Boring! Maybe you should go for a run, have sex, or guzzle an Ardberg along with a chocolate bar and then come back in 20 minutes or an hour or so. Wouldn't that make more sense?

7:00: CNN projects Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine (3 of the 4), and Rhode Island for Obama. Oklahoma for Romney. Many others not called.

7:27: On Fox News, Rove is on fire. Joe Trippi is stammering and looking worried. Good for Romney, right?

7:37: Watched ABC network for a while and there's a wild-eyed desperation that tells me they know Obama's in trouble.

8:00: CNN calls Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska (3 of the 5), North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and Mississippi to Romney. Michigan, New York, and New Jersey for Obama. (There goes Michigan, which had been considered possible for Romney.)

8:02: They can't call Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and my home state Wisconsin.

8:04: 52% Obama, 46% Romney — CNN exit poll in Wisconsin. That looks bad for Romney.

10:04: Oh, I see I've been away for 2 hours. I couldn't take the stress. It's not as though you're reading this blog for news updates. What do you want from me? Gushings of emotion?  I'm being mellow, distancing myself from the political fray, reconnecting to my old aversion to politics. The people will have what they have chosen, and I hope for the best, especially for the young people. Tomorrow there will be new things to talk about, I assume. The election is over, is it not? Obama will win, perhaps without the popular vote, like Bush. What will he do with it? Take us to a higher ground, at last? Or nothing at all.


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Triangle Man said...

Oh, and with 36% reporting Wisconsin tips blue.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That woman is a corrupt piece of shit. One of the worst demagogues and corrupt bags ever shit to ever disgrace the Senate.

Surely you could provide her with an example of what it sounds like to not demagogue.

but I am a robot said...

Ritmo. Ermahgerd. Look at this. Look at this. The democrats can't even win in the state where they held their freaking national convention? WOW. How pathetic is that????? Blah blah blah blah.

Come on, dude. Give it a rest.

Chuck66 said...

shiloh, what about Democrats releasing their college records? How did a loser like Barry get into an exclusive Ivy league school? What classes did he take? What were his grades?

TWM said...

"TWM: Most likely, as usual, Republican counties report first, for some reason, then Democrat counties report."

I guess. But obviously they called WI too soon based on what's happening so far.

Pastafarian said...

Say, Inga: Can you do me a favor?

When I have to lay off my next employee, someone who's worked for my company for twenty years and has no employment prospects in your president's shit economy...

Will you lay them off for me?

You can explain to them that George Bush really caused this, and that Republicans wanted to finger your lady parts, and that government can really spend their way into prosperity if we just spend enough money that we don't have.

Anonymous said...

You folks will keep eating the crap they feed you, oh well. You demonized Liz Warren a decent woman, shame. Looks like its going to be Democrats for years to come, I guess you must want it that way.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, nothing has changed.

Divided government. Republicans will continue to be able to block spending and taxation.

Obama will slowly lose traction as people tire of the corrupt handing out of favors to his campaign financiers.

Celebrate now, Obama supporters.

You don't see the slow bleeding out that is coming. But, it is coming.

I Callahan said...

The same people who called Wisconsin for Barrett are calling Wisconsin for Obama. I'm not too sure yet.

Shouting Thomas said...

Liz Warren is a piece of shit, Inga.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, you keep harping on him not winning his home state. Massachusetts is a socialist republic.

THat voted for ROmney himself. ANd WIlliam Weld. And Scott Brown.

Perhaps your party might want to consider moving beyond the days of HUAC hearings.

rcocean said...

I guess if Mitt Loses this proves that people who are for - and against - legalized abortion can't be POTUS.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

shiloh said...
In the 2016 Rep presidential primary, what's the over/under all the Rep candidates release at least (5) years of their tax returns before the primary process begins?

It's not the tax returns, it's not Romney, it's not Christie, it's not the MSM, it's not the fault of minorities, moochers or the 47%.

It is the stupid policies.

TWM said...

"You folks will keep eating the crap they feed you, oh well. You demonized Liz Warren a decent woman, shame. Looks like its going to be Democrats for years to come, I guess you must want it that way."

So you are saying she IS an Indian and did not lie about it. She did not practice law without being a member of the bar in the state she was doing it in. And she did not take money from the corporate interests she campaigned against?

Is that your story?

Shouting Thomas said...

I'll say that again. Liz Warren is one of the lowest pieces of shit to ever disgrace the U.S. Senate.

I Callahan said...

You folks will keep eating the crap they feed you, oh well. You demonized Liz Warren a decent woman, shame. Looks like its going to be Democrats for years to come, I guess you must want it that way.

Now you're just phoning it in. Inga, you are fundamentally unserious. But take heart; so is much of the country, apparently.

rcocean said...

If Mitt loses, was it because of his flips or his flops?

Anonymous said...

Sure Tommy, because you say so.

dcm said...

right wingers- step back and realize that most of the country does not agree with you. stop thinking that you are the right.

TWM said...

"I guess if Mitt Loses this proves that people who are for - and against - legalized abortion can't be POTUS."

One good thing about an Obama win is that men can start treating women as body parts and not, you know, equal human beings.

It appears that's what is important to them after all.

Synova said...

deborah, I just spent two weeks calling with mostly Hispanics and Native Americans. Socially conservative (Catholic) traditional and feeling the brunt of sky high unemployment rates.

It is not KIND to advocate bad policy.

There is no bar, none whatsoever, to "lower class" or "people of color" in conservative circles, not socially conservative and not fiscally conservative. "They are your enemy" is a message that works, but it's not a message that conservatives can control other than to say "am not."

wyo sis said...

Quick Inga find a new gloating point. This one is almost used up.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sure Tommy, because you say so.

You're not bright, Inga. You are easily deceived.

Cool off on the gloating, too. The Republican Party will be back. You're gloating (although you can't see it) is the start of your fall.

Corruption will now begin to take a serious toll on the Obama administration. Second administrations are usually slow bleeding out.

sakredkow said...

Whoever wins, I'm thinking the Republican Party will have to seriously work on building coalitions with people of color and people in the lower classes. That is, adapt or wither. A book I've heard of, but not read, Douthat and Salam's _Grand New Party_ talks of building a kinder, gentler GOP.

That makes sense.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is going to take all night and some states could flip back to Romney. Not likely, but I'm not watching the pollsters calling anything, just the NYT map. Ohio's still only got half the vote counted. FL's been stuck on 89% returned forever. Obama's lead there might be durable, but who knows? You never know with FL. And NV's still a swing state. CO could flip back. And WI and VA could flip back to Obama. Who knows?

rcocean said...

As a Good Republican I'm ashamed that some on our side side aren't good losers. If there's anything we Republicans stand for its being good losers.

Jolly Good show Ms. Warren. Too bad our side had to bring up the fact that you were liar. Bad manners on our part.

Chuck66 said...

Inga, Warren is not a decent woman. She is a fraud and liar. Can you give me the name of the person who was denied a job at Havard so she could get in there and let Havard satisfy an affirmative action checkbox?

Anonymous said...

Obama wins Iowa by 11!!

lorentjd said...

I'm going to be very curious to hear what Althouse has to say tomorrow about her two-hour AWOL right in the heart of election night. Very odd, to say the least.

Pastafarian said...

Or, Inga and Ritzy, you can ignore my comments.

That works too. It speaks volumes and confirms what I've long suspected.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Warren's a good person. She sent for help up and down the cost, from what I could tell. I even got a request and considered sending something, but couldn't do it in time.

Plus, I like how Democrats are showing Republicans the diminished returns to their efforts to actually BUY elections. At some point, integrity beats out marketing.

THat's good to know.

harrogate said...

It's not at all even over yet. Until one of the very big swing states tips Obama's way, I am not sure what the fuss is about. Only an idiot really thought Romney was going to take Pennsylvania. Wisconsin was doable but Rs fell short. But no big surprises on this map yet to reasonable people.

Let's see what happens with Florida. Ohio. Colorado. Virginia. Then we can talk turkey.

Sid said...

Why is Wisconsin still called for Obama? Romney is down 8K with only 38% reporting. What am I missing?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Shouting Thomas said...
I'll say that again. Liz Warren is one of the lowest pieces of shit to ever disgrace the U.S. Senate.

This is big statement given the number of racists, crooks and boy fondlers that institution has housed. Can you back this up? I am not a particular fan of Ms Warren but I don't think she deserves to be called a piece of shit or either.

Palladian said...

I'm going to be very curious to hear what Althouse has to say tomorrow about her two-hour AWOL right in the heart of election night. Very odd, to say the least.

She always does this when she "live blogs", starts strong and craps out somewhere in the middle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sure you're used to being ignored, Pastafarian.

Try being nice to your employees tomorrow. Maybe being a decent person isn't so awful a thing as you think it is. It might even help you.

Or you could just be like ROmney and fake it while secretly condescending to everyone to whom you haven't condescended openly.

Anonymous said...

Obama wins OHIO!!! He's wins!!!!,

machine said...

Wassup Fantasyland? How's Romney the liar doing?

rcocean said...

BTW, the fact that Mitt was 1 mm to the right of Obama shouldn't stop us from acknowledging that this is the end of America.

Mitt was our only hope (whatever he was going to do) to save America -whatever that was.

shiloh said...

"It is the stupid policies."

We also learned the 2016 Rep presidential nominee will need a tad more con billionaire $$$ to spew his lies/misinformation.

Oh wait!

Indeed, as Ohioans tuned out Willards ad nauseam negative 3/4 mos. ago ie over saturation.


Thank you Ohio ~ Ohio ~ Ohio !!!

Drinks are on the house!

ALH said...

It is over for mitt

Sprezzatura said...

Fox is a liar.

They called Ohio.

Anonymous said...

To all my fellow Liberals here, huge huge hugs and kisses!!!

Clyde said...

Fox News just called Ohio for Obama.

Game over.

Triangle Man said...

Razor thin margin in Wisconsin.

Shouting Thomas said...

Again, I'll say... nothing changed. Status quo.

Republicans still maintain the ability to stop spending and taxes.

Divided government is good.

President Obama will spend most of his second administration trying to stem the bleeding from corruption, as almost all second term presidents do.

Geraldus Maximus said...

OH well. OH gone. Good luck and God bless. Good night ya'll.

wyo sis said...

Called for Obama.

Palladian said...

Harrogate's right, regardless of which candidate you're rooting for, it hasn't yet been decided.

harrogate said...

Oh my. Inga, is it really true Obama got Ohio? If so, I hope you are smiling.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What are you watching, Inga?

ALH said...

Britt hume giving credit to obamas campain

dcm said...

shit is over, thank you. talk to you tomorrow.

bagoh20 said...

Can we at least stop blaming Bush and accept Obamanomics as our fate now?

I'm so enthusiastic about that, I can't wait for what's ahead. Do you feel it? Yea, very exciting! Things are gonna turn around now.

Anonymous said...

To the conservatives, my condolences.

shiloh said...

Thanx for comin' ~ please drive safely!

dcm said...

4 more years, bitches.

ALH said...

Lots of political victories for Obama. Now how about some leadership

Palladian said...

To all my fellow Liberals here, huge huge hugs and kisses!!!

That's enough to push even the most hard-core left winger into the GOP.

Anonymous said...


dcm said...

thank you for coming.

Dante said...

How Democrats Vote:

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic

Now I understand Inga and Garage. There is no fighting against this kind of insanity.

jr565 said...

Fox just calle Ohio for Obama. Looks like we have four more years.

TWM said...

It's not at all even over yet. "Until one of the very big swing states tips Obama's way, I am not sure what the fuss is about. Only an idiot really thought Romney was going to take Pennsylvania. Wisconsin was doable but Rs fell short. But no big surprises on this map yet to reasonable people.

Let's see what happens with Florida. Ohio. Colorado. Virginia. Then we can talk turkey."

Things are going to move back and forth a bit, it's true. I still think Ohio is in play but weirdly Florida is not looking good. Wisconsin,despite Inga's excitement is still not finished. Nor is Colorado.

Romney can still pull it out but it's gonna be very tough.

Peter Hoh said...

NBC just called it for Nate Silver.

dcm said...

yes, sir.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I need a broadcast. Right now my relegation of all news to interwebs has become problematic. And Ohio basically clinches it, but not necessarily.

Tell me which live feed you're on. Or maybe it's been so long since I've channel surfed, I forgot to assume you might be flipping between several.

harrogate said...

My condolences to the conservatives as well. There are several on this board that I enjoy talking with a lot. I know everyone will be fine but tonight is hard. I was expecting a loss and it was hard for me as well

TWM said...

"To the conservatives, my condolences."

Please, Inga, don't pretend you give a shit. You're just garage with lady parts.

Matt Sablan said...

Ugh. Politics is going to get ugly.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


But remember that these things have been prematurely and wrongly called before.

Roberto said...

TWM - "One good thing about an Obama win is that men can start treating women as body parts and not, you know, equal human beings."


clint said...

So... when do the Benghazi hearings begin?

wyo sis said...

Four more years.
Inga is going to be magnanimous in victory. So sweet,
Rotmo is going to continue to be a prick.

harrogate said...

Yes, it looks good for Obama. But it is hardly over. Far too close for it to be settled this quickly.

dcm said...

maybe the tea party is a bit right wing.

Anonymous said...

I was flipping.

Nathan Alexander said...

I'm very disappointed and confused.

No one ever made the case for Obama to be re-elected.

Not even Obama himself.

It has always been anti-Bush, anti-Romney, anti-GOP...24x7 for the entire campaign season.

Yet he apparently won.

Romney pulled his punches and went clean, tried to win by taking the high road. There is still a chance, but it is looking dim.

If Romney loses, I will blame him for pulling back on Benghazi, on Fast and Furious.

I am worried for my future, the future of my family, my retirement, my children's future.

I risked my life to keep this country safe for two decades, but with the election of Obama, the promises to the military are now up in smoke.

Military retirement will be cut.

Tricare for retirees will be gone soon.

They will be cutting personnel, so many people will be forced out short of retirement, even after sacrificing 10, 15, 18 years.

Maybe there is some hope for some grandfathering, but I doubt it.

Obama will break every promise the nation made to the military, so he can pay off his cronies.

We are headed for a depression, because the US doesn't have enough people who are economically literate.

It's going to be a tough time for everyone.

I think buyer's remorse is going to set in by next fall, when unemployment stays bad, but inflation kicks in and energy prices double.

Food prices will be about 30% higher within a year, too.

Say hello to a lost decade...hopefully not a lost generation.

There will be a shooting war in Asia within the next 4 years. There will be more successful terrorist attacks in the US.

We'll be back in a war within a decade, but it may well be an existential war, playing defense for our survival, instead of a war to expand freedom on other nation's turf.

Nothing good ever comes from kicking hard problems down the road.

This is the worst election I have ever seen. If Obama wins, he won the election purely on rhetoric, negative attacks, and pay-offs to cronies. A pure 'machine' victory, rather than a victory of leadership.

Morale in the military is going to plummet.

Morale across the nation is going to plummet.

The Republic will survive. The Republic survived the first Great Depression, so it should be able to survive the second Great Depression, too.

But it won't be pleasant, easy, or short.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

CNN is fun. LIke the headlines: "Obama takes third swing state".


Pastafarian said...

Yes, ritzy, I'll be nice to them when I tell them they'll have to try to get insurance on their own.

Thanks for the advice. I cherish management advice from people who have only ever signed the back of a paycheck. This is a game to you. For my employees, this means many of them will have to worry about how they'll feed and clothe their children.


I Callahan said...

Divided government is good.

Are you willing to take this back when stuff comes out of the White House via executive order?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just heard the yelling outside: "Obama WINS! HAHA!"

rcocean said...

I'm disappointed at the way things turned out. After Mitt told the autoworkers to go to hell, I thought Ohio was a lock for our side.

Anonymous said...

YES, Democrats retain control of Senate!!!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Should've just watched it at the local bar.... ;-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm amazed it's called so soon!

Roberto said...

Nathan Alexander - and the whining continues.

machine said...

One too many Jeep lies....

virgil xenophon said...

rcocean, above, is unfortunately correct. Adieu, time to bring the Flag down..

Matt Sablan said...

"No one ever made the case for Obama to be re-elected. ... Romney pulled his punches and went clean, tried to win by taking the high road. There is still a chance, but it is looking dim."

-- That's why I'm saying things are going to be nasty next trip round. After McCain lost, there was no reason for a presidential candidate to even try to be gracious. Romney tried, and he lost.

harrogate said...

I am flipping some too. It's nice to see all the responses.

but I am a robot said...

How do the Republicans bounce back?

Swallow up the libertarians. Emphasize the Ron Paul types. More appeal to the evolving youth, a baseline focus on liberty, and aversion of the aversion to social conservatism.

And shed the Todd Akins.

Off course, with the state of the American media, the last point is probably not possible. You let just one slip through the cracks, and the pejorative labels are inescapable for Republicans.

Chuck66 said...

Inga, when you are ill and suffering through socialized health care, I will come to your bedside and laugh at your pain and lack of care.

mz said...

Suck it long and hard bitches, Obama has just won! How you feeling now Palladian, you worthless fuck! Time to take off all your tin foil hats and turn off Faux News!

Shouting Thomas said...

Are you willing to take this back when stuff comes out of the White House via executive order?

If Obama overplays his hand, the American people will take care of that.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Congratulation to president Obama, I will pray that in a second term he will find the wisdom that eluded him to govern in his first term.

Good night Althousia...

Cindy Martin said...

Althouse is right.

I am so sorry for the young people. They will be the first generation that will not have it as good as their parents.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ONly to those who deserve it, wyo.

Like for instance, Pastafarian. He doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.

Things will not go well for him, much as he'd like to blame that (and take it out) on his employees.

But as with Romney, we'll know where to lay blame.

THanks to everyone else for playing along and being a good sport!

Clyde said...

Well, Blue Staters, enjoy your victory tonight. Tomorrow the EPA will tell us all the new regulations they've kept under wraps until after the election, the ones that will kill coal-fueled electric plants that provide much of your electricity. They'll also probably go after fracking. So enjoy those skyrocketing electric bills when they come. You deserve them.

shiloh said...

Fellow libs, remember how pissed you were in 2004 for a couple days after Kerry lost.

Hold that thought ...

Times it by a gazillion! Now you know how Althouse and her con flock are feeling.


Methadras said...

Neither Romney nor Obama should concede. Count every vote until it's done. Either way, life will go on. It never stopped. I on the other hand am going to take a break from everything for a while and go on a much deserved vacation.

It is abundantly clear that half this country has no interest in curtailing the role of government in their lives. That is unfortunate. It is further proof that the levels of six decades of leftist indoctrination have worked. What can you say? Life will go on. Now it is simply a matter of the levels to which revenge worked. I wonder what this country will really look like in 4 years. Mostly the same, but a little more diminished incrementally. Truly unfortunate.

I Callahan said...

So... when do the Benghazi hearings begin?

If a hearing happens, and the media don't cover it, does it make a sound?

rcocean said...

Damn, I was looking forward to Obamacare being gotten rid of and replaced by Romneycare.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Well, kids, that's the end. The takers are in the majority now, and they have spoken. It was a great country while it lasted, but we've got about another twenty years before we can no longer pay our way. What happens then? I hope I die first, but my kids will have to live in a gutted country. We used to be the world leader. Now we can only look ahead to darkness and despair.

Pragmatist said...

Looks like Fox News, the Koch millions and vote rigging lost today. I hope, however it plays out, that the winners understand they have to start playing nice and the losers understand that just hating isn't working, make compromise and do deals and get the peoples business done. Let the nuts go back in the closet on both sides.

Anonymous said...

Why dont all you sad conservatives take Seven Machos advice and buck up, it's not the end of our nation.

Palladian said...

Suck it long and hard bitches, Obama has just won! How you feeling now Palladian, you worthless fuck! Time to take off all your tin foil hats and turn off Faux News!

Ah, there's that old American spirit!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Although I do hope they place less faith in Rasmussen, FOX News and other institutions devoted to blurring the lines of truth upon everything under the sun.

Roberto said...

Chuck66 - still whining and bitching about health care?

get a fucking life, dude.

Sprezzatura said...

Fox says the electorate was +6 D.

That skewed polls guy was on Beck today. Beck said that he'd kill the skew guy if BHO won.

The skew guy must be happy that Beck is BS.

TWM said...

"YES, Democrats retain control of Senate!!!"

Oh goodie, they can be as productive as ever.

harrogate said...

Inga is that a jig you are doing?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ah, there's that old American spirit!

Lol, don't you know it!!!

Reality won.

wildswan said...

The Tea Party isn't going to go away because the economic problems aren't going to go away. The Democrats denied the problems existed; that's how they won - (and they haven't won the popular vote yet). But when it turns out that the Republicans were right about the existence of the economic problem - then the Democrats will be in an extremely difficult position. Under the Republicans there would have been a chance for a "soft landing", for a managed approach to the problem. Under the Democrats denial will be succeeded by disaster. See Greece.

Chuck66 said...

Inga....what is the Democrats plan to deal with a $100,000,000,000,000 unfunded liability in current Big Entitlent, then add on Obamacare to that?

Pragmatist said...

Now Huff Post lets my state of Oregon have the honor of putting O over the top. Woo Hoo

wyo sis said...

Now I'm going to have to find a way to work off all the caffeine.

Tylenol PM.

Enjoy, Democrats. Party all night.

Hagar said...

It is not the end of America, but the next four years are going to get very nasty.

chickelit said...

Nathan Alexander said...

If Romney loses, I will blame him for pulling back on Benghazi, on Fast and Furious.

I will invest effort in supporting Congressman Issa's continued probes into both. Get on his mailing list.

Sprezzatura said...


What are you drinking?

TWM said...

"Why dont all you sad conservatives take Seven Machos advice and buck up, it's not the end of our nation."

See, that's the problem. You don't see the the end of our nation - at least as we know it - staring you in the face.

We do.

You saying it isn't going to happen is not, like, going to stop it from happening.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bluster for its own sake lost.

jr565 said...

"To the conservatives, my condolences."

to the people not finding work, my condolences. It's going to get worse.

HT said...

Well they say it's going to get nasty because the Republican Party is going to fracture.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for reality, it bites when you want to deny it.

I Callahan said...

If Obama overplays his hand, the American people will take care of that.

That horse left the barn once already. He's already done this on a number of occasions, then complained that Republicans are holding him back. What the hell makes you so sure it'll be different next time?

jungatheart said...

Synova, I'm glad to hear that you worked with diverse people. The book isn't talking about pandering to put people on the gravy train, but more examining issues like flex time for families. Sorry I don't know more about it. It talks about the safety net, but in a fiscally responsible way, considering true needs of the modern family.

If I heard correctly, a large majority of Hispanics, most blacks, and 40% of whites went for Obama. Lots of people without jobs are terrified of not having healthcare.

'Night all.

sakredkow said...

You don't see the the end of our nation - at least as we know it - staring you in the face.

You believe in the end of our nation but you don't believe in climate change.

Geraldus Maximus said...

Uh oh, Romney camp has doubts. Crap gonna have to stay up.

harrogate said...

Obama is the comeback kid.

TWM said...

"It's going to get worse."

Much worse.

Roberto said...

Palladian - "Ah, there's that old American spirit!"

oh, please.

you know absolutely nothing about american spirit.

you and the rest of the teabaggers need to get your heads out of your ass...and quit whining.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok, in the spirit of magnanimity and friendship, here's a song that everyone here, including the conservatives who make up, well, about 80% of the readership, can celebrate in.

ALH said...

Rovenot sure about OH. Shit, i want to go to sleep

Anonymous said...

Jr. You wish it would get worse, what are you going do if it gets better?

Palladian said...


What are you drinking?

Ardbeg Uigeadail.

Palladian said...

And some gin.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

Why dont all you sad conservatives take Seven Machos advice and buck up, it's not the end of our nation.

No one said it was the end of the nation, but what it is, is the end of the real ability to curtail government from its ever intrusive nature into our lives, our industries, and in the way effect commerce. It's not the end, but it is the beginning of a European style entitlement culture with an american twist. Hey, you voted for this and now the rest of us have to live with it whether we like it or not. History will see you rot for what you and your kind have foisted onto this country. Bravo, you have the country you've always dreamed of. Enjoy it.

Palladian said...

And some clonazepam.

jr565 said...

Uh oh, maybe Ohio didn't go to Obama... Stay tuned.

but I am a robot said...

The House of Representatives, at least, will remain a bastion of liberty.

Roberto said...



dcm said...

step your game up.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Romney's privileged life as the son of the president of American Motors Corporation has been enormously beneficial to him in almost all aspects of his life except one. As the arrogant son of a car executive he could not restrain himself from weighing in on the car bailout with a fatuous article in the New York Times entitled ' Let Detroit Go Bankrupt'. Romney's almost pathological need to be the 'Big Swinging Dick' has been his undoing, especially in Ohio. A more nuanced person would not have written that article, would not have alienated the car workers in Ohio and would now be president-elect.

It is a minor Greek tragedy, his personal affirmative action program in the form a father who was a succesful auto executive, also contained the seed for his defeat on the largest stage possible.

I Callahan said...

Ah, there's that old American spirit!

Thanks Palladian. That gave me my first laugh of the night. I was long overdue.


Nathan Alexander said...

My apologies to anyone I may have offended by predicting a Romney landslide.

I still don't understand how this could have been the result with Romney winning independents by 22 points.

I don't see how Dem turnout could equal or exceed 2008.

I don't really see how Romney could win the popular vote by more than 1 million votes but still lose the election.

However, I still support the electoral college. The electoral college is one of the checks and balances, just like the Senate vs the House.

I don't understand, but I accept Romney lost and Obama won.

I'm worried about what this means for the future. All my plans for the future were based on the notion that the economy would recover and we would stop having trillion $ deficits, but that is clearly not going to happen now.

People who don't understand the basics of a sound economy are in charge for another 4 years.

And we have no national leader.

This is going to get ugly.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

HOnestly, I'm even happier that FL (which I didn't expect Obama to win) won't go contested, and that his attention to the real problems of the Ohio auto industry was rewarded. As it should have been.

Congrats! Thanks to everyone.

sakredkow said...

No shit. Remember 2000. : /

Cosmic Conservative said...

You will now see the literal embodiment of John Galt.

There are too many makers and builders who are aware of what the future holds, and they will not gladly use their skills to make wealth that is just pissed away to people demanding free phones and condoms.

Galt is coming.

TWM said...


Thanks for your concern. But anything that happens to me in the coming years is going to happen to you as well.

So in that, I am content.

test said...

Inga said...
Chuck, oh bullshit, no one is going to close your church.

Right, this is such an extemist statement. Not at all like asserting Republicans are going enforce the Handmaid's Tale.

jr565 said...

Inga wrote

Jr. You wish it would get worse, what are you going do if it gets better?

you tell me. What is Obama's plan to grow our GDP or cut entitlements or lower the debt?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I will try to be nice to any conservative who honestly thinks I haven't been fair to him or her.

dcm said...

shocked shocked. i heard here that romney was getting 313. shocking.

Chuck66 said...

Inga, do you live in a major city? Would you like to come with me to a county building and watch the handouts? This is the future. No work ethic, just free stuff.

Who is going to pay for the free stuff when all of the remainging manufacturing jobs go oversees?

Did you see the full page ads Ashley Furniture in Arcadia has been running? Can you locate Arcadia on a map?

Michael K said...

"nga said...

You folks will keep eating the crap they feed you, oh well. You demonized Liz Warren a decent woman, shame. Looks like its going to be Democrats for years to come, I guess you must want it that way.


No, but we have given up on you innumerate losers. I am retired with most of my income tax exempt. I fear for my kids but they may not have realized what thy were voting for. You are gloating that you have won and the country be damned.

The military will be cut down to less than 1915. We already have fewer planes in the Air Force than 1919. Obama thinks the navy is like bayonets or "corpesmen."

The debt will strangle the economy and Obama will kill energy industries. We could have gotten out of this with only moderate pain. Now it will require collapse and rebuilding some day. I don't know if this electorate is capable of this.

God help us when Iran gets the bomb.

Cosmic Conservative said...

Nathan, figure out the independent vote, factor in a +1 Republican turnout and you have your margin of fraud the Democrats needed to achieve.

Well, they apparently achieved it.

TWM said...

"What is Obama's plan to grow our GDP or cut entitlements or lower the debt?"

Lower entitlements? Hell, Obamacare along is going to bankrupt us. Starting next year.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Election over with less than 1,000 comments.

Christopher in MA said...

Why dont all you sad conservatives take Seven Machos advice and buck up, it's not the end of our nation.

It's the end of my nation - the one that believed in the founding principles of the Constitution. It is now, indeed, your nation - the nation of the spendthrift, the unlettered parasite, the whiner and the perpetual snarking adolescent. Since I have better things to do with the rest of my life than listen to your estrogen-soaked nonsense, I have no problems now taking Althouse's blog off my list.

But what I said to garage I say to you, Allie, and to all your fellow parasites - take your victory, choke on it and die. Seriously and without hyperbole - die.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Oh well, looks like the USA has decided to drink the Kool aid and choose another four years of a dumb ass of a leader.

sakredkow said...

My apologies to anyone I may have offended by predicting a Romney landslide.

That didn't offend me. The LAST thing that offended me was your smearing me by saying was attacking Bush in a thread the other night, and I hadn't said a thing about him.

You get a little loose with facts and with mischaracterizing your opponents sometimes.

Chip Ahoy said...

you and the rest of the teabaggers need to get your heads out of your ass...and quit whining.


16 trillion dollars in national debt, 20 trillion by the time Obama is through.

Sixteen trillion dollars in national debt. la la la la la I'll be dead by the time your grandkids even begin to pay that off la la la la la I don't even care. I think I'll go find a gay guy and get married and celebrate this joyous occasion weeeeeeeeee all my British friends are filled with glee that we finally did something right la la la la la .

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Rove reports Ohio only 941 votes apart with 72% reporting. The call was premature. Shades of 1948.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The one immediate silver lining I see is that now maybe Bushes bones will finally be laid to rest.

sakredkow said...

It's the end of my nation - the one that believed in the founding principles of the Constitution. It is now, indeed, your nation - the nation of the spendthrift, the unlettered parasite, the whiner and the perpetual snarking adolescent. Since I have better things to do with the rest of my life than listen to your estrogen-soaked nonsense, I have no problems now taking Althouse's blog off my list.

But what I said to garage I say to you, Allie, and to all your fellow parasites - take your victory, choke on it and die. Seriously and without hyperbole - die.

Another one of the drama queens that I don't think anyone should listen to anymore.

Calypso Facto said...

Journal Sentinel showing Dems in lead now with "105% of precincts reporting". That should make for an interesting explanation tomorrow.

Gnight y'all. garage, call me for that beer. I'll be busy talking to our employees about how they can apply to the gov't for healthcare and looking for a corporate buyer for our company, since the owner is a retired guy who'll be likely to pick his marbles up and go home. Well, it was good work while it lasted.

sakredkow said...

But please yourselves.

Roberto said...

Chuck66 - stop whining you little baby.

Palladian said...

Election over with less than 1,000 comments.

No one cares. Hasn't it been obvious? The conservatives didn't really care, Obama people didn't really care, Obama doesn't really care. Everyone has been on autopilot for quite a while.

Geraldus Maximus said...

Sooooooooo, may be over but maybe not. Might wind up with recounts in OH and FL?! Let's let the Romney folk crunch their numbers. Not looking good but I can't begrudge Romney wanting to wait for more of the vote to be counted before admitting defeat.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sweet! VA (with the votes of the DC suburbs, no doubt) flipped back to the O. Cool.

shiloh said...

"You get a little loose with facts and with mischaracterizing your opponents sometimes."


ok, ok, Romney is an habitual/compulsive political liar ... on a good day.

Pastafarian said...

You know, Ritzy, I let you get away with a lot of shit, with your deflections and twisting.

You'll not get away with that.

I have nightmares about people, friends, coworkers, who I've had to fire or lay off. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about whether we have enough work to keep people busy for another eight weeks.

You've never laid anyone off. You will never have to. You have no idea what it's like, to try to console a man you've just crushed, as he sobs in your office.

But gloat, you ignorant little asshole. You miserable parasite. You probably work, directly or indirectly, for the government. My employees' anguish, resulting from an economy destroyed by your side's ruinous adolescent policies, doesn't affect you.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Everyone has been on autopilot for quite a while.

It does feel that way.

Michael K said...

"Blogger Inga said...

To the conservatives, my condolences."

And mine to you. You got what you wanted. I hope you like it.

Nathan Alexander said...

Jr. You wish it would get worse, what are you going do if it gets better?

There is no chance it is going to get better.

We are on the same glidepath as Greece and Spain, now.

Get ready for a second Great Depression.

That's what happens when you run out of other people's money.

Who is John Galt? He's the guy sheltering his money and canceling plans to expand his business.

Chuck66 said...

I tried to stay up in 2000 and that turned out to be a waste of time. I left my TV off for the Walker recall as I thought that wouldn't be decided until late in the night, and that turned into a mistake.

I have to get up in 7 hours for work (my underemployed part time job.....thanks Barry) so may just go to bed and see what happened after I get up tomorrow. Glenn Beck should be interesting.

Cosmic Conservative said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Callahan said...

Chuck66 - stop whining you little baby.

You sure you want him to stop? You seem to be enjoying it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No one cares. Hasn't it been obvious? The conservatives didn't really care, Obama people didn't really care, Obama doesn't really care. Everyone has been on autopilot for quite a while.

I don't buy that for a minute. They were on autopilot, and they DID and DO care. That's what's scare to us. The lack of concern for empiric argument and reason.

They were as confident as a motherfucker about Romney winning, while better models were available and staring the rest of us in the face. Doesn't that concern you? That they didn't realize how far off their info sources were? That they were that resistant to consider alternatives, or to go to places beyond the most partisan of sources for news and information?

Cosmic Conservative said...

I will say again, you lefties do not know what you have unleashed.

But you will learn.

test said...

Revealing that Ritmo pretends not to know Obama claimed President Bush refused to remove federal restrictions on funds to New Orleans because New Orleans residents are predominantly black. What says lefty more than intentional ignorance?

Chuck66 said...

Notice how none of the Dmeocrats here will offer theories on how Barry is going to pay for Obamacare, Medicare, Social Security, etc?

Come on, one of you should have some thoughts on that. Throw us a bone here.

machine said...

"Mitch McConnel vows to make President Obama a two term President..."

Ya burnt...

mz said...

Nice try Althouse and your band of wingnuts! You've all lost. Mitt's magic Moron underwear couldn't pull him through this election. Suck it up bitches!

Hoosier Daddy said...

16 trillion dollars in national debt, 20 trillion by the time Obama is through.

Sixteen trillion dollars in national debt. la la la la la I'll be dead by the time your grandkids even begin to pay that off la la la la la I don't even care. I think I'll go find a gay guy and get married and celebrate this joyous occasion weeeeeeeeee all my British friends are filled with glee that we finally did something right la la la la la .

Hey no problem, I know from a reliable source that we have a magic machine that can print money and pay off all that stuff. Yeah, he's from that dumbass state that went overwhelmingly for the dumbass that won the election.

Nice knowing you America. Was fun while it lasted.

Roberto said...

Tyrone Slothrop - you're full of shit.

William said...

How does that Balzac quote go? Once is an adventure; twice is a perversion.....I don't think Obama's Presidency was a disaster, but it was certainly a disappointment and, in my view anyway, unsuccessful. It's disheartening that he can run and win on such a record, but there you have it. He hasn't been very good at a great many things, but he knows how to run for President.

roesch/voltaire said...

Enough folks figured out that a tax cheat and a flip flopper was not presidential material why even his home town didn't vote for him! Now lets get to pull together to fix Affordable Care ACt, and putting some money int Tech Schools, etc instead of standing by our ideologies.

TWM said...

"The conservatives didn't really care"

Sorry, man, I do care. I have three sons I wanted to live better lives than I did and that is now not going to happen. I wanted to live my retirement years in some semblance of economic security which is not going to happen. I wanted to avoid national health care which is now not going to happen. And I wanted to see America continue as a shining light in the world and that certainly is not going to happen.

The liberals here think everything is going to be fine. They say we are overreacting.

They are wrong. It won't be. They are clueless. But it seems the clueless and in some cases, the evil are in charge now so it is what it is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You miserable parasite. You probably work, directly or indirectly, for the government.

This is how I know your purported sense of "anguish", as phoney as anything ROmney's ever purported to feel, is bullshit. You obviously think the same thing about your employees, and that is why those like them have rejected your condescending, insulting ignorance.

Baron Zemo said...

The Mayans were right.

sakredkow said...

You know Jon Huntsman might have beaten him.

Nathan Alexander said...

One unexpected result of an Obama win:

Expect lots of businesses to be sold very quickly, at bargain prices, to inexperienced people. The sellers will be taking early retirements overseas.

I was going to retire from the military and open a business with about 10 employees. No way that's going to happen in the next 4 years now, I can't afford to take that risk with the upcoming higher taxes and Obamacare rules.

firstHat said...

I guess Peru looks good

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

On to bigger things, Marshal. Make a sober argument about getting rid of that debt while NOT giving unecessary tax breaks. Obama just made it that much easier for you.

Cosmic Conservative said...

"Now lets get to pull together to fix Affordable Care ACt, and putting some money int Tech Schools, etc instead of standing by our ideologies."


Fuck you. Fix it yourself.

machine said...

Thanks teabaggers....turn off the lights drama queens....

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lem said...
The one immediate silver lining I see is that now maybe Bushes bones will finally be laid to rest.

No because the problem is the underlying policies. They are stupid. Endless war and tax cuts = deficits and decline.

The country needs to turn inward and fix itself, not be constantly looking for some foreign boogie man to beat on.
The country needs to understand that enriching a tiny fraction of the population at the expense of everyone else is a guaranteed recipe for decline.
And finally, the right needs to learn that all the entertainers that have enriched themselves peddling conspiracy theories are hurting conservatives, not helping.

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