January 12, 2011

Sarah Palin on the Tucson massacre.

Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength" from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.

Text. Excerpt:
There are those who claim political rhetoric is to blame for the despicable act of this deranged, apparently apolitical criminal. And they claim political debate has somehow gotten more heated just recently. But when was it less heated? Back in those “calm days” when political figures literally settled their differences with dueling pistols? In an ideal world all discourse would be civil and all disagreements cordial. But our Founding Fathers knew they weren’t designing a system for perfect men and women. If men and women were angels, there would be no need for government. 
This is a reference to Federalist #51 ("If men were angels, no government would be necessary.").
Our Founders’ genius was to design a system that helped settle the inevitable conflicts caused by our imperfect passions in civil ways. So, we must condemn violence if our Republic is to endure....
Just days before she was shot, Congresswoman Giffords read the First Amendment on the floor of the House. It was a beautiful moment and more than simply “symbolic,” as some claim, to have the Constitution read by our Congress. I am confident she knew that reading our sacred charter of liberty was more than just “symbolic.” But less than a week after Congresswoman Giffords reaffirmed our protected freedoms, another member of Congress announced that he would propose a law that would criminalize speech he found offensive.
Ah! The irony!
America must be stronger than the evil we saw displayed last week. We are better than the mindless finger-pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy.
We are.


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PaulV said...

Krugman is bleeding from the paper cuts.

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm really concerned about Ms. Palin's safety.

Yesterday, I received an invitation to join a Facebook site that features a picture of Ms. Palin with a gun to her head.

And, in the chat sites, the loonies are working themselves into a frenzy of hatred toward Palin.

The irony of this affair is that the left is now nursing a revenge hysteria against Palin.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

This is about the most sensible statement I've seen. And I liked the closing line. Very presidential.

Anonymous said...

And, hurrah for Ms. Palin for standing up courageously to the campaign of defamation and threats.

Her statement is eloquent.

Scott M said...

Taking bets on the number of comments this will generate. Winner will be within +/- 10. Any mention of Hitler will disqualify you outright. All rights reserved.

By the by, is it irony or coincidence? Not to beat a dead equine, you understand...

virgil xenophon said...

DU has been especially active (big news that) They were calling for her arrest as accessory to murder right out of the box in the 1st few hrs. LOTS of foam & spittle over there..

(BTW, shoutingthomas, did you ever catch my reply the other day. Sorry I didn't make myself clear--I wasn't attacking you, only commenting on the historical record and by implication attempting to make the point (obviously badly) that if people think things are bad now it's in large part because such crazies didn't long survive to wreck havoc on the community in much earlier times.)

BJK said...

Not her greatest teleprompter read, although her delivery got better over the course of the speech.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

We are better than the mindless finger-pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy.

We should be better than the mindless finger pointing, but sadly there are many amongst us who make it their business to mindlessly finger point. And since the object is character assassination it's not exactly mindless either, but calculated.
Libs are a holes.

Fen said...

The irony of this affair is that the left is now nursing a revenge hysteria against Palin.

Thats the Left's MO. Its the natural extension of their tendency to invoke the Tu Quoque fallacy:

At first, they simply justified their own misbehavior by claiming the other side does it to.

Now they've devolved into *pretending* the other side incites violence, to justify their own calls for violence.

At least it shows they still have some sense of shame (ie. they try to justify it).

Anonymous said...

Yes, it needs to be said, and it was said pretty well...

but we're now politicizing the reading of the Constitution and making a dog and pony show out of it.

My major concern with the Left is that they politicize their ideals and overlook the vast bureaucracies, union monies, thuggery, dealmaking and well, politics and injustice in pursuit of justice they seek here in the earthly realm.

It's good to keep the spirit of theory out of politics. Here we are.

Scott M said...

At least it shows they still have a sense of shame (ie they try to justify it).

Sorry, the left burned down the shame field and salted the earth afterward back in the 60's and 70's.

ricpic said...

An eminently sane speech from an exemplary American.

And so what? The revolutionary left wants what it wants: "the fundamental transformation of America," to quote Dear Leader.

When Dear Leader calls for restrictions on what he will call inflammatory hate speech, that will be the moment when the Republican Party, en masse, must join Sarah in resistance. Failing that the trap will close.

The Crack Emcee said...

I don't know why she feels backed into a corner on this:

She ain't the one.

virgil xenophon said...

You know, sports-fans, the Donkeys had been saying just prior to the shooting that Obama needed an "Okla City" moment to turn his Presidency around nd regain momentum, and are looking forward to today's speech to do just that. And all on the left are straining mightily to sink Palin once and for by placing much of the blame on her. But, contrary-wise, this statement of hers just might be the thing to give her the dignity and "gravitas" that all her critics say she lacks. Perversely, and much to the chagrin and sorrow of her opponents, Palin may benefit more than anyone else from this tragic occasion. "Be careful what you wish for" Donkeys..

I'm Full of Soup said...

Obama and the Left have been foiled at most every turn by the polls, the November election and populist outcry. Now they will really get sneaky and devious in his attempt to fundamentally transform America. Just watch.

traditionalguy said...

We saw the Palin leadership style on display here. She seems well able to handle a crisis and keep her head when all around her are losing theirs and blaming it on her. When she is lied about she doesn't deal in lies, and when hated she doesn't give way to hating. But darn it, many say we can't elect a woman.

Hoosier Daddy said...

To paraphrase Admiral Mike Mullen in the aftermath of the Fort Hood massacre; I think it would be a greater tragedy if our freedom of speech became a casualty as a result of this henious act.

I said it before and will again; when you compare the media response to Major Hasan killing 16 US soldiers to the Tuscon shooting, it says an awful lot about the integrity of the media. An awful lot.

Anonymous said...

God forbid anything should ever happen to President Obama. Every moderate/conservative American should pray for his safety 10 times a day. Watching all the mileage the lefties are milking the Tucson tragedy, its clear they are wetting themselves over the prospects of more such awful events.

Anonymous said...

So, here's the question that's really bothering me...

Will the left temper its revenge rhetoric toward Palin lest they drive some leftist lunatic to commit violence upon her?

They've created the pretext in which an attack on her is justified.

LakeLevel said...

This is all part of a coordinated strategy planned by the Democrat Party http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2010/12/027804.php. Unfortunately for them this strategy requires an all powerful and complicit media. Expect many more "have you no shame" experiences created by Democrats and their lapdog media in the near future. Also expect a growing public anger at the Democrat's nasty libel.

LakeLevel said...
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LakeLevel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
Will the left temper its revenge rhetoric toward Palin lest they drive some leftist lunatic to commit violence upon her?

They've created the pretext in which an attack on her is justified.

Your statement seems, to me, to implicate the “Left” in PRECISELY the same and illegitimate manner that the Left seeks to implicate the Right…that “their” anger “inspired(s)” someone to act in a certain manner and therefore, the “Left” is somehow “responsible” for the actions of that person. If we reject it for the Tea Party, we must reject it for the DailyKos as well.

There is a difference between frothing at the mouth at Fascism and “Killing Palin/Bush” and ACTUALLY entering into a conspiracy to do the same…if Markos Moulitsas merely runs the Daily Kos he is NOT “guilty” of anything should some committed Leftist harm Palin, he is ONLY guilty should he enter into a conspiracy to ACTUALLY kill Palin.

Bottom-Line: I believe we cannot talk like our opponents, blaming them for the actions of individuals…..

Drew said...

That was perfect. Wise, sensible, and very presidential. She's what we've been missing in leadership for quite some time.

LakeLevel said...

sorry, that link which referenceds the offending Democrat Party memo is: http://www.powerlineblog.com

AlgonquinS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

I'm waiting for a response from the No Labels Party.

Freeman Hunt said...

She's good. Makes her critics over this incident look like poorly informed weaklings.

Anonymous said...

"We are better than the mindless finger-pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy."

Some of us are. Some of us however clearly at not better than the mindless finger-pointing, since they ... you know ... mindlessly tried to point fingers.

Part of America is mentally ill. We need to accept that and deal with it if we're going to cure these Democrats.

Scott M said...

I'm waiting for a response from the No Labels Party.

They are finding it tough to get a statement out because they took the letters off all their keyboards.

Lincolntf said...

Gotta hand it to Sarah Palin on this one. She comes across as so much more informed, competent and genuinely concerned about the principles at stake than anyone else in the political realm. She's not my preferred candidate, but that statement had more Presidential gravitas than all of Obama's speeches combined.

DADvocate said...

Yesterday, I received an invitation to join a Facebook site that features a picture of Ms. Palin with a gun to her head.

If she is attacked, the left will blame her for "setting the tone." And, many lefties will cheer.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

Bottom-Line: I believe we cannot talk like our opponents, blaming them for the actions of individuals…..

The difference here is that what the Democrats are alleging happened with Loughlin actually is happening with Palin.

The Democrats, in the face of facts, are alleging that Loughlin was motivated by politics.

The Democrats are engaged in a systematic campaign of defamation against Palin, literally accusing her of being an accessory to mass murder.

So, I don't think your analogy holds.

PaulV said...

We have heard from No Labels-
Loughter is an independent

virgil xenophon said...

Hosier Daddy@9:18/

It was Army Chief of Staff Gen. Geo. Casey, not Adm Mullen, who made that statement ABOUT HIS OWN SOLDIERS.

MadisonMan said...

I think it would've been better without the mindless finger-pointing sentence. While true, it comes off as a little finger-pointingish.

cubanbob said...

ricpic said...
An eminently sane speech from an exemplary American.

And so what? The revolutionary left wants what it wants: "the fundamental transformation of America," to quote Dear Leader"

Although the febrile imaginations and machinations of the revolutionary left will never happen what is interesting is that they never think of what the more likely outcome would be if a 'revolutionary' attempt by them would result in. Obama reprising the role of Allende and a whole lot of far lefties 'disappearing'.

Now this punk in AZ is a nut. A nut that has a vague lefty political orientation but a nut all the same. And that idiot Sheriff is almost guaranteeing him an insanity defense. Perhaps the sheriff is doing a major CYA for not dealing with this punk in the past when he should have. This guy is starting to smell a lot like that NC prosecutor Nifong and look what ultimately happened to Nifong. I do not know if the governor has the authority to do so but if she does she should remove him from office.

While certainly not a justification for McVeigh people need to be reminded that he blew up the court house as a direct result of Clinton's actions at Waco along with Ruby Ridge and the Gulf War (the dude was equal opportunity). So if mere speech is as inflammatory as the lefties claim and the speakers deserve punishment just where would that put Clinton and Reno? At the end of the hangman's noose?

Palin in her speech has already demonstrated that she is better qualified than Obama to be president and by comparison has shown the cynical democrat opportunist are morally bankrupt and utterly unfit for office. This will backfire on them.

jr565 said...

Don wrote:
God forbid anything should ever happen to President Obama. Every moderate/conservative American should pray for his safety 10 times a day. Watching all the mileage the lefties are milking the Tucson tragedy, its clear they are wetting themselves over the prospects of more such awful events.

We already know this will happen as it happened when Kennedy was murdered too. Though of course when Reagan was shot, it had nothing to do with the gays saying he was guilty of genocide, and none of the rhetoric calling him a warmonger. No, then it was just a lone crzazed gunman.
By the same token, dems better pray that one of them don't listen to KOS all but accusing her of being complicit in this massacre (Mission Accomplished, Palin) and take a shot at her. Because by their standard they would similarly be guilty of her murder. And actually by my standard too. What these libs did was falsely accuse her of being complicit in the massacre and then giving out the pitchforks to the enraged crowd. IN that case, they would be complicit in her murder if it were to take place.

AllenS said...

PaulV, you are correct, sir.

Larry J said...

God forbid anything should ever happen to President Obama. Every moderate/conservative American should pray for his safety 10 times a day.

I agree. Even though I oppose about 99% of Obama's agenda (he got the space stuff mostly right last year), I also pray nothing bad happens to him other than losing the 2012 election. I remember the social turmoil of the 1960s and have no desire for a replay.

Another reason is three little words that can cause me to wake in a cold sweat: "President Joe Biden."

If those words don't scare you, you just aren't paying attention.

garage mahal said...

The country has been waiting for this Facebook post from Sarah Palin. As one of the victims of this horrible tragedy, it was crucial to hear what she had to say.

rhhardin said...

The flag background tic ought to be suppressed.

The flag is a crutch that announces it's needed.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mad Man:
Palin does not have enough fingers to point out all of the MSM liars that basically blamed her for the shootings.

Scott M said...

I was with you, Garage, until you typed "The".

Automatic_Wing said...

If only we had access to Journolist II (or whatever it's called now) for the last week or so. I would love to see how Krugman, Ezra Klein, Jacob Weisberg, etc. all coordinated their message that Palin and the Tea Partiers were responsible for this. The Ministry of Truth is grinding its wheels furiously on this one.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Garage, if you were blamed for a crime, would you speak up to defend yourself?

jr565 said...

Garage Mahal wrote:
The country has been waiting for this Facebook post from Sarah Palin. As one of the victims of this horrible tragedy, it was crucial to hear what she had to say.

SHe was a victim, a victim of people like you. She wouldn't have had to say anything, other than prayers for the family, if people on your side hadn't accused her of being complicit in murder.

Hoosier Daddy said...

It was Army Chief of Staff Gen. Geo. Casey, not Adm Mullen, who made that statement ABOUT HIS OWN SOLDIERS.

I stand corrected.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I was with you, Garage, until you typed "The".

Yeah that was real classy.

The Dude said...

Freeman Hunt wrote...

"She's good. Makes her critics over this incident look like poorly informed weaklings."

Not to put too fine a point on it, but they make themselves look like weaklings.

bagoh20 said...

This is all a test of our dedication to liberty. It should be an easy one for the leaders of THIS nation. We'll see how they behave. Remember, it's OUR liberty they play with. It's not the government that needs protecting. If they try to restrict freedoms, they do it to us - not for us. And if they think we need such controls, they don't deserve their office. This should be a litmus test for them all.

Unknown said...

Nicely put. The lady is good people.

Don is right, also. Anything that happens to Obama does no one any good.

Chase said...

I do not want Sarah Palin for President. But I can say this:

Outstanding Statement. Absolutely said what needed to be said.

If I was the publisher of a major newspaper, I would publish the quotes of Paul Krugman and Andrew Sullivan and other left-wing haters on this issue EVERYDAY so that we would not go back this time. Their hatred does not inspire direct violence - but it poisons the debate and prevents the weak minded on the left from thinking logically.

jungatheart said...

"The flag background tic ought to be suppressed.

The flag is a crutch that announces it's needed."

That's it? Aw, come on!

garage mahal said...

SHe was a victim, a victim of people like you.

Really. I don't recall accusing her of murder. And since she won't, or can't name names of people that have, I find it hard to see her as a victim. But of course that is her shctick, being a perpetual victim.

kent said...

Will the left temper its revenge rhetoric toward Palin lest they drive some leftist lunatic to commit violence upon her?

All signs point to "No."

Calypso Facto said...

I don't like the idea of Palin running for national office, but she does seem to produce classy and concise statements to controversial issues.

bagoh20 said...

There are at least three traits of similarity among most non-professional political assasins and attempted assasins, as I see it: desire for fame, mental inbalance and a lack of true identification with either the left or the right. For these reasons they will always be unstoppable in a free nation, and they have nothing to do with the rest of us.

TWM said...

Great speech. I swear every time the left hits her she only comes back stronger.

You'd think they would learn to ignore her, but they just can't. It's downright amusing.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...Really. I don't recall accusing her of murder...

It's not really you garage--it's your gyros (γύρος).

kjbe said...

Was her use of the term “blood libel” deliberate? Given that she should know by now that if she sneezes the wrong way people might blame her for a hurricane, one would hope her word choice, especially in a prepared speech, would avoid such ambiguities. Oh dear.

traditionalguy said...

Garage...Palin is a representative of all of us as a victim of an attempt to create a totalitarian state under Obama by executive orders in place of our old fashioned republican form of government. Take away Obama/Soros and their friends, and Palin would become an irrelevant moose hunter. Then we could settle for a Mitch Daniels as President.

kent said...

The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

Freeman Hunt said...

The flag background tic ought to be suppressed.

I do agree with that. If you're a government official of some kind, it makes sense because you're in some kind of official representative capacity. Or if your doing something related to military or political history.

But when you're just providing political commentary, it does seem like a crutch.

Anonymous said...

Who said this on March 25th, 2010?

"For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district, and when people do that, they've gotta realize there are consequences to that action."

That's right. Congresswoman Gabby Gifford.

And according to Ann, Congressman Gifford is a threat to freedom (you see, according to law professors at the University of Wisconsin, it's against the first amendment for a liberal to point out to a conservative that their speech is being incendiary). Nevermind that the congresswoman has a bullet in her head right now . . .

And according to Ann, Palin, who openly advocated for her supporters to shoot at Congressmen via a dangerous ad (at least according to Congresswoman Gifford last Spring), is the poor victim.

How quickly we forget. It was only 2 1/2 years ago that Palin was saying that Obama was "palling around with terrorists" - and people at her rallies were yelling "Kill Him!" when she mentioned his name.


But don't you dare condemn the man who said "Kill him" - because if you condemn him - you're violating that man's right to free speech.

Oh - the irony!

Chase said...

I condemn any man who would say "kill him" about President Obama.

Will you, downtownlad, condemn the people who said "kill Bush"?

I mean, with you being consistent in your morality and all . . .

Freeman Hunt said...

DTL, you forgetting that none of that has anything to do with what Loughner did?

bagoh20 said...

DTL, What you just said makes me mad and crazy, so shut up, or I'll call the cops. If something happens to Palin, or Rush or anybody now, we're coming after you.

Scott M said...


I thought you lived in NY, not AZ. It's not your fight. Stay out of it. Or, to quote one of your previous postings on the topic, "shut the fuck up".

Words have consequences. They weren't gunsight crosshairs, by the by. Get your icons straight.

Chase said...

Will you, downtownlad, condemn the people who said "kill Bush"?

Without reservation. Period.

Put up or . . .

Roger J. said...

DTL is venting and rather more incoherently than usual.

Freeman Hunt said...

Flags and eagles. Everything has an eagle on it now.

OT: Have you ever seen a real bald eagle up close? Their eyes are strange: huge, wide-open, pure predator. They look like one might imagine dinosaur's eyes looked.

Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

DTL is venting and rather more incoherently than usual.

Yes and its hysterical. Now that Dems have taken "vitriolic rhetoric" off the table, libtards like DTL find that the only club left in their bag is a 9-iron.

TWM said...

"Was her use of the term “blood libel” deliberate? Given that she should know by now that if she sneezes the wrong way people might blame her for a hurricane, one would hope her word choice, especially in a prepared speech, would avoid such ambiguities. Oh dear."

Of course it was deliberate. And a brilliant choice, too.

Known Unknown said...

Her voice will keep her from the highest office in the land. Even though her words may be soothing and reassuring, her quavering vocals are distracting.

Scott M said...

They look like one might imagine dinosaur's eyes looked.

...and might, in fact, be just that. The balds come and roost along the cliffs over the Mississippi each year all around Alton, IL. Ton's of people turn out to get up close (ie, 100ft or so). Unless you've seen one swoop over you like that, it's hard to appreciate just how large these birds are.

I remember a Far Side from long ago that had a tree with a few raptor-type birds, wearing sunglass, listening to a Walkman (lol) with the caption..."Birds Of Prey Know They're Cool".

bagoh20 said...

Is there really anything from the right equal in ubiquity and animus to the common "Kill Bush" sign? Carried with pride by so many for so long.

kent said...

"Massacre, followed by libel." Excerpt:

As killers go, Jared Loughner is not reticent. Yet among all his writings, postings, videos and other ravings - and in all the testimony from all the people who knew him - there is not a single reference to any of these supposed accessories to murder.

Not only is there no evidence that Loughner was impelled to violence by any of those upon whom Paul Krugman, Keith Olbermann, the New York Times, the Tucson sheriff and other rabid partisans are fixated. There is no evidence that he was responding to anything, political or otherwise, outside of his own head.

Freeman Hunt said...

A local state park released an injured and rehabilitated bald eagle, and there was a big event for it. You could get within twenty feet of it. It's face looked like it only thought about killing things.

TWM said...

"Her voice will keep her from the highest office in the land. Even though her words may be soothing and reassuring, her quavering vocals are distracting."

I'm not sure it will keep her from it, but it's a disadvantage for sure. She should hire a vocal coach to tone it down a bit. Of course, then she'll be accused of being ashamed of where she came from, etc., etc.

Chase said...


Will you condemn New York Times columnist Charles Blow for saying about Sarah Palin:

She’s (Sarah Palin)like the ominous blob in the horror films: the more you shoot at it, the bigger and stronger it becomes.

Will you?

chickelit said...

@DTL: Be careful what you wish for there. You've got quite a history of vitriol link.

(sorry TG, it was just the most egregious example among many).

bagoh20 said...

"There is no evidence that he was responding to anything, political or otherwise, outside of his own head."

A perfect description of what's been happening with those trying to make connections so they can shut down debate.

Anonymous said...

When did any elected Democrat official ever say "Kill Bush".

When did a Democratic Vice Presidential candidate put out an ad with Republican Congressman in crosshairs?

When did any elected Democrat Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate ever call their opponent a "terrorist" as Palin did?

Sorry - there is a false equivalency here. Republicans speak with violent rhetoric and they are egging on their audience to take their actions to a higher level.

Palin CERTAINLY was hinting at violence against targeted Congressman. Whether she inspired this man is irrelevant - it was irresponsible.

And there is nothing irresponsible at pointing out that the former Vice Presidential Candidate for the Republican party is being irresponsible.

And if there ever were violence against Palin (which I think would be a horrible event by the way), I expect all of you to be consistent - and remain silent if that were to happen and just say "this kind of stuff happens sometimes". But I highly doubt it.

By the way - I do blame every single one of you right-wingers on this blog, including Ann, for being indirectly responsible for this tragedy. Because you all favor laws that enable psycho people to buy guns at Walmart no questions asked. . .

bagoh20 said...

BTW, this attempt to shut down debate has not gone so well. Lefties do love to fail.

jungatheart said...

@ TWM, she was moderating her voice. That's the first time I've ever seen her do that, and it was pretty good.

TWM said...

"By the way - I do blame every single one of you right-wingers on this blog, including Ann, for being indirectly responsible for this tragedy. Because you all favor laws that enable psycho people to buy guns at Walmart no questions asked. . ."

Try to imagine how little I care . . .

Roger J. said...

DTL" take another toke man--you are losing it.

Anonymous said...

According to chicklet - a gay person speaking up for his rights is equivalent to vitriol.

Wow - how does it feel to be a raging homophobe in 2011 chicklet?

Unknown said...

E.M. Davis said...

Her voice will keep her from the highest office in the land. Even though her words may be soothing and reassuring, her quavering vocals are distracting.

The same could have been said of Jimmy Carter.

If she's the right one, and she isn't - yet, I don't think the voice will stop her. If anything, I have a feeling people may be a little hesitant to vote for a perfectly stentorian voice which pronounces all the words (except "corps") flawlessly after this Administration.

sunsong said...

Good response by Palin - and I'm not one of her fans.

Freeman Hunt said...

Because you all favor laws that enable psycho people to buy guns at Walmart no questions asked. . .

So I take it you've never bought a gun? There are a lot of questions asked. And a phone call to authorities to ensure that you are eligible to buy one.

Loughner wouldn't have been if he'd been convicted of a felony, such as terroristic threatening. Some are saying that he could have been but local law enforcement encouraged people not to press charges.

Chase said...


When did any elected Democrat official ever say "Kill Bush".

False argument, DTL

It wasn't an elected Republican in your video who said "kill him".

And you know it. Changing the rules of your game is a pussy move.

Now everyone knows what kind of hypocrite you are.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Well adios - The hate coming from all of you - bemoaning the fact that Gabby Gifford survived - well it's just sad - that's all.

bagoh20 said...

DTL, you sound dangerous. Please talk to some people outside your head. You could be on a bad path right now. I love you, and care for the innocents in your area, so please, make human contact and ... breath?

kent said...

By the way - I do blame every single one of you right-wingers on this blog, including Ann, for being indirectly responsible for this tragedy. Because you all favor laws that enable psycho people to buy guns at Walmart no questions asked. . .

That was genuinely insane enough to be a Jared Loughner quote.

Anonymous said...

It's a blood libel to call Palin's prior rhetoric irresponsible. It is NOT, however, a blood libel to accuse Obama of wanting to set up "death panels" for the execution of the elderly. That is called the "early bird special libel."

TWM said...

"By the way - I do blame every single one of you right-wingers on this blog, including Ann, for being indirectly responsible for this tragedy. Because you all favor laws that enable psycho people to buy guns at Walmart no questions asked. . ."

And by the way since you're blaming me for things you should know I don't really have a problem with someone putting so-called targets on a map. At least so far as it has any proven connection to violence like this shooting. Sure it's in incredibly poor taste, and yeah, it probably doesn't win you one vote so it's politically stupid, but as to it causing someone to shoot someone, nope, I don't have a problem with it because that's never happened.

Free speech and all that . . .

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kent said...

Montage of Twitter Users Wishing Painful, Violent Death on Sarah Palin

kent said...

The hate coming from all of you - bemoaning the fact that Gabby Gifford survived

You're not merely a bald-faced liar; you're also an incompetent one.

Roger J. said...

DTL: please identify who on this blog wished for Ms Gifford's death--You are simply a liar, sir--a craven little liar. You really should seek some professional help to deal with your issues--you have them in abundance.

Anonymous said...

Well bagho20 - maybe you need to get out of your little FOX News Bubble and understand what the other 50% of America thinks.

I really for sorry for you - living with such a closed mind that you are completely incapable of understanding that people might have a different opinion than you.

Really - it's mindboggling how incredibly ignorant you are. You have the right to your opinion of course. But I have the right to mine too. And your feeble mind can just not get your mind around that concept.


Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Well bagho20 - maybe you need to get out of your little FOX News Bubble and understand what the other 50% of America thinks.

I really for sorry for you - living with such a closed mind that you are completely incapable of understanding that people might have a different opinion than you.

Really - it's mindboggling how incredibly ignorant you are. You have the right to your opinion of course. But I have the right to mine too. And your feeble mind can just not get your mind around that concept.


Dude it was “Adios”…we can’t miss you if you won’t stay gone….

Scott M said...

Why are you even involved in this Tucson, thing, DTL? It's not NY and, from what I remember from your own words, people outside the locality shouldn't talk about it.

Anonymous said...

When you are saying that Palin is the victim, and Congresswoman Gifford is the perpetrator - yes - you are all essentially bemoaning the fact that she survived and will be able to take her rightful place in Congress again.

As I said - disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Will the left temper its revenge rhetoric toward Palin lest they drive some leftist lunatic to commit violence upon her?

Last week I had a debate with a woman who firmly believes and argues that Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Ron Paul are "Christian Reconstructionalists" who are secretly plotting to make it so that non-Christians cannot serve in government, to enforce the death penalty against gays and abortionists, and to make the Muslim religion illegal. (I am absolutely not exaggerating.)

If you really, I mean REALLY believed that, and believed that they had anything close to the power to do that, would killing them be a very far leap? The American Revolution started over far less. There's a lot more rhetoric going on on the left that creates a climate of hatred which would allow violence.

- Lyssa

Anonymous said...

No Soctt M - I was referring to zoning laws. Not murder.

There's a big fucking difference between the two.

And no - I don't give a shit about zoning laws in Tuscon. I do care when innocent people are randomly killed there.

Roger J. said...

Jesus Christo, DTL--if that is the way your mind works, you are one disturbed individual. Thats the most fucked up bit of reasoning I have ever seen.

bagoh20 said...

DTL, I'm just concerned, man. It sounds "unhinged". When people like Olbermann, or Shultz do it, I'm not worried because they have people around them to grab the gun, but I don't know if you do, you are just out there...ticking.

Chase said...


I'm serious here. Completely serious.

I think you need to see a mental health professional. Seriously.

IO do not say that with malice or anything other than sympathy and concern for you. My brother-in-law is a psychiatrist and he believes that you should seek counseling as well.

If you are in need of a reference, please ask.

Gabriel Hanna said...

@Freeman Hunt:

Have you ever seen a real bald eagle up close?

One of my visits to Sitka, AK I toured the raptor hospital, so I got to see them as closely as I wanted. One of the eagles was being sent to bed. Her caretaker would point, and the eagle would hop a few steps (the eagle couldn't fly) and then turn around and unleash a torrent of sassback in those high-pitched pipping sounds they make. The caretaker would point again, and the eagle would take a few more hops and sassback. Just like a three year old.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

When you are saying that Palin is the victim, and Congresswoman Gifford is the perpetrator - yes - you are all essentially bemoaning the fact that she survived and will be able to take her rightful place in Congress again.

As I said - disgusting.

Since that’s NOT being said here, EXCEPT by the voices inside your head, I believe we’re at an end here…

kent said...

and Congresswoman Gifford is the perpetrator

Who on this site has made that statement? Point to the specific posting.

Roger J. said...

No fair to ask DTL for proof--His logic system is so far afield from other sentient beings, its like talking to rutabaga. He is incapable of coherent thought.

Anonymous said...

And yes - now let's bring up the charge that gay people are mentally insane.

Honestly guys - how filled with hate are you? The rage is just bubbling up inside you - isn't it? And God forbid a gay man beats you in an argument, as has just happened, because your feeble minds don't know how to deal with logic.

Face it - Palin's ad was completely inappropriate. It was pointed out that it was inappropriate at the time (by Congresswoman Gifford no less). And Palin is completely immature and unable to take responsibility - that she can't admit it. She can't even say that she regrets if people took it the wrong way. And her robotic followers (that means you) have to bend over backwards to defend the indefensible.

Sorry - I'm not afraid to say it like it is - the violent rhetoric is dangerous.

That's what I think - its my fucking opinion. I'm allowed to have an opinion. I'm not trying to stamp out your free speech. I'm just using my free speech rights to say that I think her rhetoric is dangerous and that I think you are wrong.

Deal with it.

Bruce Hayden said...

She's not my preferred candidate, but that statement had more Presidential gravitas than all of Obama's speeches combined.

Isn't the President scheduled to speak at a memorial service?

If so, I think the stakes have risen a bit for him. Whose speech is the one that will be remembered after this? His or hers?

This may have backed him a bit into a corner. If he follows his natural inclinations at all, and condemns the rhetoric, the right, or guns, I think that he will lose.

And this is not the person to lose to. Not if he wants to keep living in the big house in two years.

If he were smart, or, maybe if his advisors were smart, they would take the high road and agree with Mrs. Palin. He needs to look like the adult here, and won't do it if he follows what the rest of the left has been doing.

It should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Kent - Ann made that statement. It's the entire point of her blog post - that those who condemned Palin's ads (i.e. Congresswoman Gifford) are the ones who are truly dangerous.

It's Orwellian to the zillionth degree.

jr565 said...

Downtownlad wrote:
"When did any elected Democrat official ever say "Kill Bush".

Well, John Kerry said on Bill Maher that he could kill George Bush with a stone.
Maher said: maher: … you could have gone to New Hampshire and killed two birds with one stone.
And Kerry replied:
kerry: I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.

I took it as a poor joke at the time, but clearly kerry was actually advocating Bush's assassination, right?
But what republican pol has advocated the death of Obama or Gifford for that matter?

When did a Democratic Vice Presidential candidate put out an ad with Republican Congressman in crosshairs?

As we already showed you (and which you didn't respond on) the DLC had an ad that targeted states that were won by Bush that could be won back, which were behind enemy lines, with bullseyes. And yet no credible person actually thought they were serious that their bullseyes meant anything but that those districts were being targeted to be won electorally. So to with Palin. Daily Kos himself targeted Gifford's district with a bullseye on his site (and then conveniently scrubbed the site of incriminating evidence). As if noone ever used battle metaphors to describe elections. Ever watch the news and hear of states referred to as "battleground states". Do you think that literal battles are being fought there? Why don't you grow a brain?
And wasn't Bush called "The BIGGEST terrorist" by many on the left? not to mention a warmonger, akin to Hitler, someone destroying all our liberties and turning this country into a police state, complicit in 9/11. Holding Bin Laden for an electoral surprise. Hyping all (non existant) threats for political threats. Not even a legitmate president. Selected not elected. Engaging in a coup d'etat. Were you not listening to the left for 8 years of Bush?

When did any elected Democrat Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate ever call their opponent a "terrorist" as Palin did?

SHe didn't call Obama a terrorist, she said he palled around with terrorists. Ayers is a domestic terorrist. He also palled around with black theology spewing amerikka hating preachers too. Sorry if you don't want discuss Obama's associations. Though isn't it funny that Palin even using the language "targeting" a state for electoral victory is beyond the pale, but working with a guy who literally planted bombs in capitol buildings, why that's not even worthy of consideration.

Palin CERTAINLY was hinting at violence against targeted Congressman. Whether she inspired this man is irrelevant - it was irresponsible.
How was she hinting at violence? Please cite the language used where anyone assumed she meant anything other than target states where she wanted to remove candidates through an electoral process. Candidates weren't targeted, districts were. And no shots were fired, nor did any tea partier assume that they were supposed to go after any candidates with guns. Because that is absurd and moronic. You are absurd and moronic.

Scott M said...

Sorry - I'm not afraid to say it like it is - the violent rhetoric is dangerous.

So where were you from 2000 to 2008? Were you out there beating the drum of impropriety then? Do you have proof? I was never a huge fan of Bush or his administration, but I was surprised over and over again at the widespread violent rhetoric of those years, particularly 2003-2006.

Anonymous said...

And I can type faster than every single one of you combined.

Take that.

Nighty night.

Chase said...

Not if he wants to keep living in the big house in two years.

There are a lot of people that would like to see him living in the "Big House". Not me mind you, just sayin'.

Bruce Hayden said...

Face it - Palin's ad was completely inappropriate. It was pointed out that it was inappropriate at the time (by Congresswoman Gifford no less).

Yes, you are entitled to your own opinion here, but this has been hashed out over the last couple of days here, and my bet is that if we took a poll of the active posters here, we would end up with DTL, AL, Ritmo, and maybe a couple others on that side, and the rest of us laughing at them.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

And yes - now let's bring up the charge that gay people are mentally insane.
No just you….But keep waving the victim flag, it’ll help keep you warm I guess.

Ok, I see thru your little ploy, DTL. You’re a RIGHT-WINGER, impersonating a Left-Winger, and trying to make them look bad by being incoherent and insulting….I’m on to you now Dood/doodette….

bagoh20 said...

I didn't even know DTL was gay. Sometimes homophobia can be so insidious, but I guess it's like being pregnant: someone else does it to you and then you are stuck with it.

In this case, the word fits: I do fear this gay. I'm homophobic!

Roger J. said...

DTL: I guess I missed the assertion by any commenter that gay people are insane--and if you believe argument was compelling, logical and therefore carried the rhetorical day, great--as you said, you are welcome to your opinion.

Chase said...


You're gay?

kent said...

Who on this site has made that statement? Point to the specific posting.

Ann made that statement.

Point. To. It.

And I can type faster than every single one of you combined.

But nowhere nearly as honestly. Or coherently.

Anonymous said...

I'll just end it with the Congresswoman's quote - because it drives home the point:

"For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district, and when people do that, they've gotta realize there are consequences to that action."

How prescient.

Chase said...

And I can type faster than every single one of you combined.

Yes, but can anyone understand it?

bagoh20 said...

"And I can type faster than every single one of you combined."

Oh yea, watch this: fjdsfujfefnnvncx,mcn,vnxcvnxvnjvnvnfvnvnfnfrfiojfijiojjii.

At least mine makes sense.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

And I can type faster than every single one of you combined.

Take that.

Nighty night.

Ok, you’re gone…remember that…can’t keep wandering back in with “And ANOTHER thing….” Go to bed…We’ll keep laughing at you, whilst you’re gone…and plotting against you too…yes, plotting, and observing, and plotting, and whispering about you…or at least that’s what the voices in your head will be telling you.

Scott M said...

And you still think, given the obvious loopiness of the shooter, that any "violent rhetoric" made him do this? The guy believed in the occult and government mind control. He had already had face to face with the Congresswoman before Palin was a national figure. How does this square with your feeble logic?

Roger J. said...

The speed of typing appears to inversely proportional to the quality of thought.

Chase said...

I'll just end it with t

Please do.

And if you want those references, please just say so.

Here to help.

Anonymous said...

At least I didn't choose the monicker baghomo20 for my name. . .

Bruce Hayden said...

It is interesting. I have been waiting, as I suspect millions more have, to see what Gov. Palin said on this tragedy. I didn't think that she was naive enough to just start swinging. And, I expected that she saw this as both a necessity and an opportunity.

We knew that she would eventually speak, and indeed, I think that she had to, if she wanted a political future.

And, I don't think that the results disappointed her fans.

The fact that her response was the one that so many were waiting for, and that she did not disappoint, is why I think that she has the best chance for the nomination in two years, and the best chance at beating President Obama.

We shall see.

kent said...

Yes, but can anyone understand it?

It's just one baby kangaroo hop from whatever it is he's gibbering right now to that first, fateful posting re: mind control through grammar, or what-have-you.

jungatheart said...

"Ok, I see thru your little ploy, DTL. You’re a RIGHT-WINGER, impersonating a Left-Winger, and trying to make them look bad by being incoherent and insulting….I’m on to you now Dood/doodette…."

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Agree with Bruce, this paints Obama into a corner today...should be very interesting.

Roger J. said...

Thought you were going to bed DTL--

Anonymous said...

Oh - and this is the very last thing.

Thanks for the tax cut!!!!

I might barely clear a million dollars this year - so I kind of needed it.

Matt Eckert said...

I think the real reason for Jared's muderous behavior is the fact that he was on that Subway sandwich diet.

Scott M said...

if she wanted a political future

...she shouldn't have gone reality TV, but that's just my $0.02

Matt Eckert said...

Is it too soon?

Matt Eckert said...

Is it too soon?

Roger J. said...

A million dollars would not cover your therapy DTL--but congrats on your salary--clearly not correlated to your thinking ability.

Bruce Hayden said...

I didn't even know DTL was gay.

I did. But I was thinking that since Titus started frequenting this blog, it has gotten a lot harder to be openly gay around here. He sets such a high standard.

So, we get DTL reminding us that he too is gay. And we are left thinking, so what? That and a couple of bucks will get him coffee at Starbucks.

bagoh20 said...

DTL, you do know that the Dems did the same kind of map. It's done all the time, by everyone. It's how we communicate a particular non-violent idea among our species. It's been done forever, you need to catch up on the culture.

Do you really believe Gifford thought she was in danger of being shot because of that map? I doubt it, she seems sane, and her statement was just a normal logical political parry. If she really believed that, she would have taken precautions. She didn't, because it's not logical to expect someone to shoot the people on the map. It's actually crazy.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Oh - and this is the very last thing.

Thanks for the tax cut!!!!

I might barely clear a million dollars this year - so I kind of needed it.

You got a tax cut? I thought you lived a country that banned hand-guns? Which is it, DTL? Britain or the US? Please try to keep the story(ies) straight, mayhap if you keep a list next to the monitor with your supposed bio, that would help.

Also you didn’t get a tax CUT, the tax rates REMAINED CONSTANT. Please read the US papers more closely before you comment….now toddle off to bedie-bye time, would you?

bagoh20 said...

"I might barely clear a million dollars this year - so I kind of needed it."

Wow, crazy AND rich. That's hot!

kent said...

Point. To. It.





jr565 said...

downtown lad wrote:
When you are saying that Palin is the victim, and Congresswoman Gifford is the perpetrator - yes - you are all essentially bemoaning the fact that she survived and will be able to take her rightful place in Congress again.

As I said - disgusting.

W-H-A-T??????? How could you possibly come to that conclusion based on anything anyone has said. We haven't said Gifford is the perpretator. The shooter is the perpretator. And libs are guilty of trying to pin this attack on hateful speech, and on Sarah Palin in particular by implying that she is somehow complicit in the attack beause she had an ad that "targeted" Giffords district. You may not know this, but a lot of dems were also not happy with Gifford because she was a blue dog and voted against Pelosi. So they too were targeting her district to replace her with someone more liberal. Only in your feverish bizzaro world was sarah palin somehow threatening Gifford with physical violence.

Cedarford said...

Overall props to Palin. Half of America was smeared in this blood libel by liberals and progressive Jews of Journolist and the media...and Palin was the 1st national leader to stand up for herself and them - while others like McCain, Mitt Romney, Pawlenty, former President Bush were AWOL in defending them.

I do have one quibble, the tendency on the Right to take Reagan's words that he "venerates" the Constitution into making it some Holy Parchement and the Founders semi-divine figures.

Palin: " I am confident she knew that reading our sacred charter of liberty was more than just “symbolic.”

Sacred?? The Constitution is an operating manual, not our secular version of the Qu'ran. I don't think there is anything sacred about it.

Anyhow, I hope others will get off their tails and back Palin defending herself and half America from the cunning blood libel.

Other readers on Althouse know I think Palin is unfit to be President..but in this case...I say, you go Sarah! (And Mitt, Dubya and "war hero" McCain...please find your balls as say something)

Michael said...

Dtl. You got a tax cut? I wasn't so lucky mine only stayed the same as for the last ten years

Anonymous said...

And according to Ann, Palin, who openly advocated for her supporters to shoot at Congressmen via a dangerous ad (at least according to Congresswoman Gifford last Spring), is the poor victim.


Though I will admit, your silly diatribe is not over the top enough.

kent said...

... and, meanwhile: Sheriff Dupnik's increasingly unvarnished cover-up, re: his office's lengthy history of problems with the manifestly deranged Jared Loughner, reaches even more dizzyingly hysterical heights:

The Arizona Public Records Law requires that records be “open to inspection by any person at all times” unless officials can prove releasing the information would violate rights of privacy or confidentiality or otherwise harm the best interests of the state…

On Monday, The Republic requested copies of any reports from the Pima County Sheriff’s Department involving contacts with Loughner or calls to his house. Pima County Deputy Rene Carlson said her office would not release the reports without a specific date, though this is not required by state statute.

Lincolntf said...

Obama's calls to racial enmity, his references to bringing a gun to a knife fight, his admonition to followers to get angry and get in people's faces are all standard fare for the Left. They use that kind of language not necessarily to encourage violence, but to make the listener deaf and blind to everything else.
If Obama and Co. can get people all riled up and looking for fights rather than looking for solutions, they win. The minute people clear their heads, the jig is up.

jr565 said...

LincolnTF wrote:
Obama's calls to racial enmity, his references to bringing a gun to a knife fight, his admonition to followers to get angry and get in people's faces are all standard fare for the Left. They use that kind of language not necessarily to encourage violence, but to make the listener deaf and blind to everything else.

Why are you giving Obama the benefit of the doubt on this. I assumed he and his followers were literally getting the face of their enemies and bringing guns to kill their opponents with. There is simply no other interpretation.
Obama was advocating assaults and murder. Right DTL?

bagoh20 said...

"The minute people clear their heads, the jig is up."

True, but that is the challenge. Clear heads are not that easy to find.
Exibit A: downtownlad.

Have any of the lefties here been coherent, consistent, or reasonable about this at all? What is more disheartening: that they really don't see what they are doing, or that they do and do it anyway?

jr565 said...

Considering dems are bringing guns to knife fights, they really shouldn't be within 1000 feet of anyone. Because they're packing heat. And that would be against the law (as proposed)

Anonymous said...

downtownlad said...
I'll just end it with the Congresswoman's quote - because it drives home the point:

Actually, it doesn't. You know why?
Because there were no "crosshairs"

You are lying.

And, you're conveniently ignoring the fact that the Daily Kos put a "bullseye" on Giffords disctrict.

Revenant said...

Excellent speech. I wonder if she wrote it?

Hagar said...

I finally took the trouble to look up what "blood libel" is about.
This is a very seriuos charge or insult, however you want to look at it, and should not be trivialized by being bandied about in response to such silliness as the present brouhaha.
Ms. Sarah should not have used that term.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I finally took the trouble to look up what "blood libel" is about.
This is a very seriuos charge or insult, however you want to look at it, and should not be trivialized by being bandied about in response to such silliness as the present brouhaha.
Ms. Sarah should not have used that term.

It IS a “Blood Libel”…that “we” are “guilty” of a crime we didn’t commit….thank you for “concern trolling”.

TWM said...

"I finally took the trouble to look up what "blood libel" is about.
This is a very seriuos charge or insult, however you want to look at it, and should not be trivialized by being bandied about in response to such silliness as the present brouhaha.
Ms. Sarah should not have used that term."

Sorry, you're wrong. It's entirely appropriate. They are knowingly and purposefully claiming that she and other conservatives have the blood of these victims on her hands and I can't think of a better use of the term.

That said, I'm curious as to what definition you found because it means more than one thing.

jr565 said...

She used the words blood libel wrong! In addition to being culpable in the massacre she is also an antisemite!

Lincolntf said...

Hagar, if you'd never ever heard the term "blood libel" until this episode, I hardly think you're qualified to render judgment on it's proper usage. I'm familiar with the term and have been for decades, it applies to precisely the sort of thing that has happened in the last few days.

kent said...

if you'd never ever heard the term "blood libel" until this episode, I hardly think you're qualified to render judgment on it's proper usage.

This. +1,000.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

II have always taken the “Blood Libel” to mean that portion of the Passion Play, approved by the Roman Catholic Church until recently-and still performed in Oberammergau - to be the statement where the Sanhedrin accept the Blood of Jesus’ Death upon themselves and their posterity, BTW.

Trooper York said...

I am glad to see that downtownlad wants to regulate speech so he will be happy in joining me in opposing the Islamic Cultural center where overinflated rethoric about Islam and the jihad will encourage mentally unstable people to commit acts of violence.

Yeah right.

jr565 said...

Blood libels more common than you think:

Garrity rightly punctures this latest canard. An awful lot of people have used blood libel to refer to things that don't involve jews.
Notice how there is a standard that applies to Sarah Palin and one that applies to eeryone else?

kent said...

Accused Shooter Wrote on Gaming Site of His Job Woes, Rejection by Women.

Officers stopped suspect on day of Ariz. shooting

The left's shoddy, slapdash indictment of Palin continues its fascinating, real-time collapse.

Peter Hoh said...

Scott, I'll wager 256.

As for "blood libel," here's the ever so liberal Jonah Goldberg:

I should have said this a few days ago, when my friend Glenn Reynolds introduced the term to this debate. But I think that the use of this particular term in this context isn’t ideal. Historically, the term is almost invariably used to describe anti-Semitic myths about how Jews use blood — usually from children — in their rituals. I agree entirely with Glenn’s, and now Palin’s, larger point. But I’m not sure either of them intended to redefine the phrase, or that they should have.

traditionalguy said...

Rev...If Sweet Sarah did write her speech here, will you at last give her some respect now? We used to argue whether or not Palin's Ghost Writer should become President, because you thought that a woman like her had to be a ventriloquist's dummy. But what if...?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Officers stopped suspect on day of Ariz. shooting
Does the story mention that because the car had a “Sarah Palin” bumper sticker and the that Mr. Laughner was listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio, with a copy of Glenn Beck’s “Broke” on the front seat, and when questioned Mr. Laughner said he was on his way to a TEA Party meeting, that the Police let him go? I haven’t read the story, nor do I intend to, and I have no other evidence of this, but I will nonetheless advance this theory.

G Joubert said...

Anyone else remember the "joke" quote unquote, in August, 2000 on
"The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" when CBS superimposed the
words "Snipers Wanted" over an image of Bush delivering his acceptance speech at the Republican convention? But see, that was just a joke.

kent said...

Ace deftly punctures the left's silly, sad "OOOOooooooh, she said BLOOD LIBEL!!!11!" meme:

"But blood libels have also been made historically against Christians -- including Catholics and the Knights Templar -- witches and pagans, and, more modernly, Satanists [...] This is willful ignorance so liberal commentators can feel good about themselves. Their slander over the weekend didn't stick, so now it's on to a new one. Notice, they can't claim not to have made the false accusation that the Tea Party caused the Arizona shooting. So instead of defending it, which they can't, they'll just quibble about the words Palin used."

Game. Set. Match.

jr565 said...

You do have to wonder about why it took so long for this guy to understand Palin's request for assassination. The election was months ago, when she targeted the senator for death. Why did it take so long for him to get around to it. Wouldn't it have been better to have killed her prior to the election so that we could get a tea partier in there? God, what an idiot.

kent said...

I haven’t read the story, nor do I intend to, and I have no other evidence of this, but I will nonetheless advance this theory.

MSNBC on Line Two for you. Something about a potential job offer...? ;)

garage mahal said...

So still links to anyone that accused Palin of murder. What I thought.

TWM said...

"As for "blood libel," here's the ever so liberal Jonah Goldberg:

'I should have said this a few days ago, when my friend Glenn Reynolds introduced the term to this debate. But I think that the use of this particular term in this context isn’t ideal. Historically, the term is almost invariably used to describe anti-Semitic myths about how Jews use blood — usually from children — in their rituals. I agree entirely with Glenn’s, and now Palin’s, larger point. But I’m not sure either of them intended to redefine the phrase, or that they should have.'"

He's entitled to his opinion and conservatives have many differing ones on this subject and others. "Almost invariably" implies that it does vary from time to time. This is one of those times.

Hagar said...

I commented because I have quite frequently seen the term used, usually by Jewish writers, and had the impression that it was a reference to a very serious charge that was being much misused and overused.
So, I finally looked it up and found that I was right. A "blood libel" is an insult that many will feel justifies immediate violent physical response, and the term should not be bandied about.

kent said...

So still links to anyone that accused Palin of murder. What I thought.

Jared? Is that you...?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

A "blood libel" is an insult that many will feel justifies immediate violent physical response, and the term should not be bandied about.
Yeah, that’s what it means, because we Jews, when libeled ALWAYS punched back twice as hard…except for the Ghettoes and the Pogroms, and the Shoah…but other than that, whenever we were libeled we IMMEDIATELY used a violent physical response! Geeeeez dood/doodette please up the quality of your concern trolling…..

jr565 said...

garage mahal wrote:
So still links to anyone that accused Palin of murder. What I thought.
Not of murder, but of complicity in murder, of stoking the fire that led to the murder.
When KOS said "Mission Accomplished, Palin" in reference to the massacre what was he referring to? What mission? Was he not inferring something? Is Downtown lad not inferring something? was the sheriff not inferring something when he said he's convinced that "There's no doubt in my mind that Loughtner was affected by rhetoric" what rhetoric? Why are we even having a discussion about Palin if the left didnt accuse her of something? Are you suggesting that there words are not implying that Palin is guilty?

garage mahal said...

Jared? Is that you...?

C'mon Kent. Not even a Gateway Pundit link just making shit up? Breibart? Bueller?

kent said...

just making shit up?

... says the clown shoes poster linking to MediaMatters -- ?!? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

Mikio said...

Some high profile centrists and liberals need to make it clear soon that if the notion of a President Palin comes anywhere close to becoming a reality, that we real Americans on the Center/Left need to be armed and ready to provide a Second Amendment solution to the incoming unconstitutional form of governance if need be.

And one of these high profile centrists or liberals, preferably at the level of a potential presidential candidate, should also post a map with gun scope targets placed on every city Palin is sheduled to be in for the next two years.

Oh, wait. Nevermind. That'd be foolish and dangerously provocative, not to mention totally far-fetched given that liberals and centrists aren't the gun lovers. Conservatives and libertarians are.

jr565 said...

Garage Mahal wrote:
C'mon Kent. Not even a Gateway Pundit link just making shit up? Breibart? Bueller?

whether there was a bullseye symbol he did bullseye her district, and even bolded her name. Since bullseyes are used to aim at with guns and other ranged weapons, clearly he meant nothing other than to shoot the highlighted senators. Right?

alwaysfiredup said...

Garage, it literally took two seconds:


Headline: "Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' blood is on Sarah Palin's hands after putting cross hair over district"

Trooper York said...

I had a bellini made with a blood orange once.

jr565 said...

Garage Mahal,
Further, if you want to argue semantics about whether KOS said that the district were bullseyed is different than posting a picture of a bullseye, what about this example of 20 districts bullseyed by the dems?


Clearly, these districts and the republicans in them are targeted for death .The dems are bringing the guns to the brawl. Is it the argument that crosshairs are violent but bullseyes are not? If Palin had just used bullseyes instead of crosshairs, then there would be no uproar, as clearly everyone knows that a bullseys is simply a metaphor but a crosshair is a call to kill?
And note, this isn't even the same graphic I posted. Htere was another one from yesterday from the DLC site that show states won by Bush which are being targeted, and which are behind enemy lines, with bullseyes on them. Clearly then, the only conclusion is that the dems have a long history of targeting their opponents for death.

kent said...

Anything "made up" in this posting, my disingenuous little weasel?

No? How about this one, then?

Those are just the two shortest ones, you understand... so it should be well within even your feeble tergiversating abilities to answer me sometime today.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

well within even your feeble tergiversating abilities to answer me sometime today.

“How did you get her tonight sir, walking or did you brachiate?”

kent said...

@Joe: Heh. ;)

garage mahal said...

whether there was a bullseye symbol he did bullseye her district, and even bolded her name.

Lol. Ok. There you have it. No bullseye = bullseye. Typical right wing journalistic fact checking. Just making shit up.

garage mahal said...

... says the clown shoes poster linking to MediaMatters -- ?!? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

And you can't refute any of it. As usual.

tree hugging sister said...

She nailed it.

The tragedy is she had to speak at all.

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