October 14, 2019

I'd like to see that "Macabre Video of Fake Trump Shooting Media and Critics" that was "Shown at His Resort."

According to the NYT. But the Times, understandably, doesn't want to promote it... though they obviously must know that talking about it while making it hard to get is a special sort of promotion. It intensifies the reader's desire to get to the thing that is withheld. Would it not be better to satisfy the piddling desire than to create it and then deny it?
A video depicting a macabre scene of a fake President Trump shooting, stabbing and brutally assaulting members of the news media and his political opponents was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times.
This sounds like that old video showing Trump in a boxing ring fighting an opponent that had the CNN logo for a head. But that was silly, not "macabre," and boxing is a controlled form of violence, unlike the "shooting, stabbing and brutally assaulting" (described in more detail after the jump).

Who ran this conference? It wasn't the Trump campaign. It was a group called American Priority. But...
The organizer of the event said in a statement on Sunday that the clip had been played at the conference, saying it was part of a “meme exhibit.” He denounced the video and said his organization was looking into how it was shown at the event.
I see there were some high level Trumpsters "scheduled to speak at the three-day conference": Donald Trump Jr., Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Ron DeSantis. But there's no evidence that they had anything to do with the video or that they got a look at the "meme exhibit."

That said, it really is ridiculously violent (judging from the text, which eliminates any comic spirit that might be present in the original):
The video, which includes the logo for Mr. Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, comprises a series of internet memes. The most violent clip shows Mr. Trump’s head superimposed on the body of a man opening fire inside the “Church of Fake News” on parishioners who have the faces of his critics or the logos of media organizations superimposed on their bodies. It appears to be an edited scene of a church massacre from the 2014 dark comedy film “Kingsman: The Secret Service.”...

Mr. Trump stops in the middle of the church, pulls a gun out of his suit jacket pocket and begins a graphic rampage. As the parishioners try to flee, the president fires at them. He shoots Black Lives Matter in the head, and also shoots Vice News.... He wrestles a parishioner with a Vice News logo as a face to the ground and then shoots the person at point blank range. In the background, the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, is seen trying to get away....

He strikes the late Arizona senator John McCain in the back of the neck. He hits the television personality Rosie O’Donnell in the face and then stabs her in the head. He strikes Representative Maxine Waters, Democrat of California. He lights the head of Senator Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential rival, on fire. He takes Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, hostage before throwing him to the ground. Then he strikes former President Barack Obama in the back and throws him against a wall.

Others shown in the video include Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC; former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; former President Bill Clinton; the film producer Harvey Weinstein; and Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is overseeing an impeachment inquiry of Mr. Trump.

The clip ends with Mr. Trump putting a stake into the head of a person with a CNN logo for a face. Mr. Trump then stands on the altar, admiring his rampage, and smiles.
Possible arguments in favor the video: 1. It's so extreme that the comedy is obvious (and you'd see that if you could actually watch it rather than read a description of it), 2. Trump has been so viciously pummeled throughout his presidency that he's entitled to a fantasy of fighting back, 3. Our movies are so chock full of violence like this that it's part of American culture and we know how to consume it and enjoy it while still remaining good, decent people who know right from wrong.

I'm not actually making those arguments. I have no position without seeing the actual video and understanding the context in which it was presented. I'm just sketching out the arguments because I can see them, and that's something I would do even if my goal was to make arguments against the video. That's how you develop good arguments.

Also: I defended Kathy Griffin when she did that severed head photograph.

ADDED: Here's a tweet with the video. I've now seen it. I expect the videos to get taken down systematically, but the hashtag — #TrumpVideo — will effectively get you to another tweet that has it.



rhhardin said...

It's not Trump's style.

Saint Croix said...

You know, if the media is going to participate in a coup, then they shouldn't be surprised when violent propaganda is created on the other side.

Temujin said...

This is going to be a very crazy 2020.
This business will be out of control

whitney said...

You defended Kathy Griffin but you did jump on the Covington boys bandwagon right away and then when it was obvious you were wrong you blame Scott Adams for giving you bad information. You never took any responsibility for that

Chanie said...

The impeachment hole must be really dry if this is what they're going to beat on this week.

Temujin said...

The video sounds bad- very out of control. Things are going well beyond normal standards of a civil society. We're well past that now. But, this was a made-up video.

Actual attacks on Trump supporters, Maga hat wearers, and others, have been going on for 3 years. Physical assaults on people and property by Dems or those posing as Dems (far left, Dems...sometimes it's hard to see any difference). 2020 is going to be a tipping point for something so bad both sides will either have to stop, or all kinds of hell will be breaking out.

Bob Boyd said...

They probably don't show it or link it because it's silly and people would roll their eyes at the gasping and pearl clutching.
Sounds similar to this one I just saw a few minutes ago. Via Ace.


tom said...

I've seen it. It was on Mediaite, I think. To my mind, it was how mass-shooters see themselves; bravely taking on the mainstream, the Chads, the Beckys, the people with real jobs.

Qwinn said...

Sounds like the churcb scene in kingsmen.

RoseAnne said...

Saw the original, unedited clip which was extremely violent. I don't know the movie (Samuel Jackson was in it) but I wondered if the original premise was anti-religion based on the 4 minutes I did see. Personally I see no value in it edited or not. Sometimes people do these memes because they can no because they should.

Narayanan said...

Instead of video Tarantino-style if this was graphic book- say Batman-style.

Change anything?

tom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fitzgerald said...

Video is hilarious. Why do you say "Trump is entitled to fight back..." The president didn't make the video, not did he or any of his staff have anything to do with the making of the video. It's a clip from a movie that libs love because in the movie the people getting slaughtered are right wing churchgoers. But make it lib liars and Anti-American Democrat party members getting slaughtered and boo hoo hoo, libs decry violence... Fucking hypocrite assholes.

Amadeus 48 said...

Sounds kinda cool.

Who started this, anyway? It musta been Trump. He’s so bad!

Oh wait. It wasn’t Trump. It was someone unnamed who thinksTrump owes some payback to the media and Dem ninnies who have potshotted him and worse since he won. And they used movie tropes to do it.

Well,it’s still a free country.

The harrumphing will begin from our local band of concerned citizens in 5...4...3...

henry said...

They never say who made the video.

Freder Frederson said...

See, this is exactly what I was talking about re you never criticizing Trump (or in this case Trump supporters). You describe what is by all accounts a pretty egregious video, then lay out three arguments to justify it. But, as a CYA, you immediately add "I'm not actually making those arguments." (emphasis in the original).

Well played, Ann!

Mattman26 said...

Well, just found it and watched it.


Ann’s hypothetical defense No. 1 (so over the top ridiculous that no one should get worked up) applies.

It’s not exactly the salve to heal the nation’s wounds, but I guess it’s not intended as such.

wildswan said...

Don't play with violence dreams. Vigorous discussion is not violence. Talk isn't shooting. Sarah Sanders was not Bin Laden. It is not acceptable to portray vigorous discussion as violence. That's a lefty trick - make talk and violence the same thing and then bring talk under the bans against assault. Another left trick is infiltrating conservative groups and then saying horrible things from the inside as if they were conservatives and thus they bring discredit.

On the right, and tired of being spit on? Be smart. There is absolutely nothing we can do that will upset the left more than winning the next election. Go back and look at clips of the media on the night of The Glorious Election of 2016; then go out and work on the election of 2020. Trump Avalanche. Yeah.

rhhardin said...

Expect unrest in Benghazi.

Browndog said...

Official statement from AMPfest 2019:

It has come to our attention that an unauthorized video was shown in a side room at #AMPFest19. This video was not approved, seen, or sanctioned by the AMPFest19 organizers. The organizers of #AMPFest19 were not even aware of the video until they were contacted by the NYT. The first time anyone officially associated with #AMPFest19 was made aware of the video was when the NYT requested comment.

We find it shocking that the New York Times would not report on any of the sanctioned events in the article. Including our panel conversation LITERALLY condemning political violence while claiming to be upset over a meme that was not sanctioned shown on stage, or approved. #AMPFest19 always has and always will condemn political violence. And proof of this was our major panel discussion on this very topic at AMPFest19.

The video was shown in a side room. It was unapproved. None of the big names mentioned in the article even saw the video on the small screen where it was played. The event itself, which is relatively new and not as widely attended as events like CPAC, focused on important political issues, including stopping political violence. Anyone reading the NY Times article would know none of this based on their reporting.

Howard said...

Trump having Shepherd Smith fired by Attorney General Bob Barr is way worst

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing spies are now attending these events. That should be expected.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

America would be better off without the corrupt press.

Fake-killing it is all fine by me. It is fake.

Browndog said...

Qwinn said...

Sounds like the churcb scene in kingsmen.

Yes, the meme is the church scene from Kingsmen.

Tina Trent said...

So it's a stupid cartoon made by someone other than Trump, promoted in the trade section that also sells bobbleheads.


Someone sent me a different video that may be from that convention. It is a clever version of the song YMCA with Trump and the Democratic Candidates images fused with the original video performances. It's nothing if not lighthearted.

I guess that's a meme? Temujin is right. There are plenty of real attacks on Trump supporters every day. People are afraid of losing their jobs or being flunked by professors if they admit their support for him too. But let's focus on the video.

h said...

Maybe I have a too-selective memory, but I don't recall the awful racists who opposed Obama having assassination fantasies, or believing that they would be applauded for publishing assassination fantasies. One of the things that is driving me into Trump's arms is the growing belief that a large number of Trump opponents are heartless and cruel and believe in winning at all costs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Glenn Greenwald: CNN and MSNBC Are Like "State TV" With Ex-Intel Officials As Contributors

Plus++++Schitt running the impeachment leftwing dick-jerking schitt-show in secret. How Soviet of him.

But don't laugh when we fake kill these assholes.

rwnutjob said...

It's from "The Kingsman" No one was upset when the original movie showed Christians being killed.

The left is an irony-free zone™

traditionalguy said...

A Progressive twofer in the NYT. Being an alt-right Deplorable must be be criminalized.That can be done simply by by neutering the First and the Second Amendments with new SCOTUS enacted equality law. Everybody must be equally forbidden guns and equally forbidden speech...for the children.

rehajm said...

Would it not be better to satisfy the piddling desire than to create it and then deny it?

It would be better but viewing the scene would mitigate NYT's desired reaction. The Kingsman church scene they reference is an absurd, highly stylized, over the top fight scene evocative of the old kung fu movies or Game of Thrones. NYT wants you to imagine Republicans celebrating a realistic shooting.

Seems like some quality trolling and the marks fell for it...

sunsong said...

"The people KINGSMAN TRUMP murders in the edited video made by a pro Trump PAC:

- Biden
- Obama
- Maxine
- Schiff
- Rosie
- Mika
- Maddow
- Bernie
- Soros
- McCain
- Joe Kennedy III
- Comey
- Romney

I missed a few. Also, nearly every single media except right wing outlets."
~ A Rivera

Browndog said...

rhhardin said...

Expect unrest in Benghazi.

Astute observation.

Take a video nobody saw, put it on blast in an effort to incite violence under the guise of condemning violence.

Amadeus 48 said...

Howard—that line about Trump having Shep Smith fired by the AG was the best. Who says you don’t have a sense of humor?

roesch/voltaire said...

How many Republicans have scolded us for playing violent video games which can lead some into real violence, and they promote more of the same—just more hypocrisy from the party of no values.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Soviet Leftwing press demand Trump condemn.

Or what?

F U - corrupt Soviet Press. Brennan and Clapper should be in jail.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

There is no evidence that Trump had anything to do with the video. On the other hand, Bernie's rhetoric actually led to a mass shooting. I must have missed the media outrage over that. I guess it was no big deal since only Republicans were targeted.

Francisco D said...

The organizer of the event said in a statement on Sunday that the clip had been played at the conference, saying it was part of a “meme exhibit.” He denounced the video and said his organization was looking into how it was shown at the event.

So who made the video and who decided to show it?

It is not as if leftists make up shit to show how deplorable their opposition is.

Jussie Smollett could not be reached for comment.

Big Mike said...

Fifty plus years ago journalists going into the Deep South from New York, Chicago, and other northern cities really did risk their lives to report the news. Today they piss their pants at a phony video. “Progressive” has nothing to do with progress.

tim maguire said...

Americans love the happy warrior. They do not love psychopathic death fantasies.

Big Mike said...

Plus, of course, the press with its wet pants encourages and covers for real violence perpetuated against Trump supporters in places like Minneapolis.

traditionalguy said...

The original Kingsman scene had the traditional church goers being slaughtered and that was entertainment. But showing it altered where State Owned Media are being slaughtered is a crime when done by traditional church goers.

wild chicken said...

Last night I dreamed I was with Trump and some others at the top of one of his hotels, and we took an ultra fast elevator down 50 floors and he said it's a great, elevator, hang on, but it was like the bottom dropped out and I was scared, yet somehow I ended up wandering on the streets of downtown Vegas by myself without a clue, and no money, where I have been before.

What does it mean

Amadeus 48 said...

Saw the video. Boring and childish. Yawn.
Given that that this was in a side room display of internet memes, this is a non-story blown up by hack media. This isn’t about political violence or a decline in political discourse. This is about stupid kids on YouTube.

Howard said...

Fake and or promised violence is the currency of chicken hawk deplorable cucks. Civil War whoops.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

The "edit" puts Trump's face over Colin Firth's character's and logos for the various organizations over the other characters'. It's otherwise identical to the movie scene.

In the movie Firth's character is a secret agent and the church in Kentucky is inhabited with racist white members of a hate group--that's why no one objected to an ultraviolent massacre scene inside a church. The same scene with organizations and people the Left cares about is abhorrent and shocking beyond belief, though.

The edit was apparently done by a guy who goes by Carpe Donktum--he's done a bunch of similar memes/edits in the past.

Yashir Ali's tweet here shows the clip: Trump Kingsmen Video

This is the original scene.

iowan2 said...

Free speech? Maybe? The only way to solve any of this is to open this all the way up. The consumers are the governor on free wheeling expression.
I don't care for slasher movies, but it has its audience. In large cross section of the populace events, I am part of groups that delve into subjects I don't care for. In all cases, those people are not people I gravitate towards, doesn't mean I hate those people, they have different values than me.

I don't care enough about this to investigate for 3 minutes to form an opinion. Or more to the point, long enough to change my instinctual reaction.

I find it impossible for anyone but me to have the experiences, temperament, and smarts to draw the line on what content to censure. But for less than what a Ukrainian natural gas company pays a no show board member, I'll take the gig.

We have just moved into Halloween season, and the obligatory stories about what is/ is not an appropriate costume on college campuses. COLLEGE CAMPUSES. Adults on college campuses. An I the only one that reacts to that like fingernails on a chalkboard? (need to find a new analogy, that on has aged out)

Howard said...

Shorter Amadeus 48: "Don't look at the meme behind the curtain"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

who made the movie "Kingsmen"?

Seeing Red said...

Movies are made about assassinating presidents during republican administrations and they’re upset about a short cartoon?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The big names who attended didn't see the video. so who did?

"Sanders and an individual close to Don Jr told the Times that they did not see the video in question.

'I was there to speak at a prayer breakfast, where I spoke about unity and bringing the country together,' Sanders told the Times.

'I wasn't aware of any video, nor do I support violence of any kind against anyone.'

DeSantis has yet to comment on the matter.

A spokesperson for Trump's re-election campaign, Tim Murtaugh, said he knew nothing about the video.

'That video was not produced by the campaign, and we do not condone violence,' said Murtaugh."

Temujin said...

Drudge: "Campaign Rocked"

Oh boy. I think I'll ignore it.

Michael K said...

Speaking of false flags....

rcocean said...

you find it on the web. I'm sure you'll update your post. Its a scene from a movie called Kingman: Secret Service and somebody put News logo's over some bad guys faces and also phtoshopped mccain/romney, etc. over some others. Its the typical hollywood comic book violence.

Its hard to get upset at Trump killing mccain since he's already dead, or someone shooting a NBC logo.

rcocean said...

It also highlights the problem with today's movies. Non-stop silly violence. The hero shoots 20 people and never get hits. Crazy and silly.

rcocean said...

Anytime the media is attacked they howl like stuck pigs. They're always playing the "that's causing violence against us" card. Meanwhile, they're laughing at Antifa violence and people cutting off Trump's head. Or calling him Hitler - which is in itself an implied death threat. After all, what do you do with Hitler - you kill him.

Why do we let them get away with it?

Michael K said...

The organizers of #AMPFest19 were not even aware of the video until they were contacted by the NYT. The first time anyone officially associated with #AMPFest19 was made aware of the video was when the NYT requested comment.

Obvious false flag. Freder loves it.

narayanan said...

False flag by NYT ... hmmmm

DarkHelmet said...

I thought that was an awful scene in a mediocre movie. Really put me off. Wasn't too fond of the nasty sexual comments in that film, either. Of course, I think Tarantino-style hyper violence is crude, unfunny, unappealing and just nasty.

What we learn from this incident: there are some Trump supporters with bad taste and bad judgment. Surprise, surprise. There are idiots to be found in every political tribe.

My outrage meter sighs wistfully. You gotta get me something juicier than this to start the week.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Violence is only funny when it's directed at church-goers and Republicans.

wild chicken said...

Agree with darkhelmet re Tarantino movies.

I guess I'm just not enough of a hipster to appreciate them.

rhhardin said...

Was the killer Julianne Moore? Trump could show his man-boobs.

mockturtle said...

Violence is only funny when it's directed at church-goers and Republicans.

That's right, BBH. Like holding the bloody, decapitated head of our President. That's just hilarious.

JAORE said...

The clip is from the Kingsmen movie. In the movie a shadowy figure has found a way to drive people to mad violence. The Trump figure is, in fact, the hero driven mad among a congregation similarly driven mad by the same method. Although far superior in skills the Trump figure is both homicidal and killing in self defense.

Awful stuff but (spoiler alert) the Trump figure is the only one that emerges alive.

dbp said...

The source material from Kingsmen played the mass-murder of Christians for laughs. I don't remember the NYT or any other part of the MSM frowning about it.

JAORE said...

Next up Trump as John wick1, 2 AND 3.

Amadeus 48 said...

Howard—I was wrong. The existence of your sense of humor is back in question.

Let the harrumphing continue!

MBunge said...

So...it was okay to have this hyper-violent scene in a movie but it somehow becomes outrageous and intolerable when someone repurposes the footage into a political meme? 'Cause I sure don't remember any of the folks getting the vapors now objecting to the original scene.

I don't understand today's morality.


traditionalguy said...

It could be that the CIA owned Media are actually triggered into Trumpophobia by the altered Kingsman clip. It is too much like the long running one in their dreams. They never thought he would win.

chickelit said...

The source material from Kingsmen played the mass-murder of Christians for laughs. I don't remember the NYT or any other part of the MSM frowning about it.

Using Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Freebird" was a gratuitous swipe. Who ever made that film held a massive Titus-proportioned grudge against the American South.

Onto the next scandal du jour.

William said...

There's an election coming up in a year, but this just highlights the need to take action now. In ordinary times, impeachment would be the preferred route, but there's just not enough time. For the good of democracy, it's absolutely necessary for the wiser heads in our military to authorize a unit to take possession of the White House. Trump, Pence, and some other underlings need to be summarily executed. Then Pelosi can be installed as President and serve until such time as the voters can freely and fairly chose among candidates selected by the DNC. Hard times call for hard measures. Out democracy is at stake.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Love the stupid expressions on the faces of Li'l Barry, Hillary, Romney, Soros, skanky Griffin, and moron Mika as they're getting killed. Fucking hilarious, but who is the first one who gets offed, with the glasses, is that McCabe? Thought it was Peter Fonda....

Howard said...

Shorter Amadeus 48 to Howard: "Bullseye!"

DarkHelmet said...

I had forgotten that the sound track was 'Freebird.' Just a nasty, nasty unnecessary scene. I didn't see the sequel because there was too much of this sort of thing in the first one.

Amadeus 48 said...

Democracy dies in darkness. Coming up next: secret testimony in Trump impeachment inquiry.

sunsong said...

“Mr. President: Just watched the video shown to your supporters at your Miami property where a caricature of YOU violently murders members of the free press in a church. Heaven forbid my daughter ever see this! I will never forgive the damage you’re inflicting on my country.”
~ Morgan Freeman

“How disconnected from humanity must you be to find humor in a depiction of a mass shooting of journalists inside a church—knowing, surely, that Americans have been slaughtered in churches & newsrooms, that it’s not a fantasy for the families that those shootings made incomplete?”
~ Olivia Nuzzi

“An ISIS flag has - literally - been raised again in the Syrian countryside. The ISIS flag. Flying again. Can you Trump supporters get it *yet*? Can you admit your god king doesn’t know what he is doing? If not, when deaths start here again, we will point at you as responsible.”
~ Kurt Eichenwald

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...


I hate this style of satirical video. It's like a 19th century political cartoon with a snake labeled "Anarchism" or a bull labeled "Free Silver".

Drago said...

SunsInga: "How disconnected from humanity must you be to find humor in a depiction of a mass shooting of journalists inside a church—knowing, surely, that Americans have been slaughtered in churches &
newsrooms, that it’s not a fantasy for the families that those shootings made incomplete?”
~ Olivia Nuzzi

The dems decapitated Trump in photos, stabbed Trump to death in a play in Central Park to lefty cheers, shot Trump in music videos,etc etc etc.

Hey Lefties, you arent fooling anyone.

We are literally arguing over a video originally produced by the most established lefties anywhere that depicted the mass slaughter of purposefully miscaricatured conservative Christians to the cheers of lefties everywhere.

These are also the lefties that cheered the assassination porn of GW Bush.

Oh how the lefties cheered and cheered and cheered that but we are supposed to believe this all started with Trump.

Sorry marxists. We remember and will no longer let you get away with airbrushing history.

Francisco D said...

For the good of democracy, it's absolutely necessary for the wiser heads in our military to authorize a unit to take possession of the White House. Trump, Pence, and some other underlings need to be summarily executed. Then Pelosi can be installed as President and serve until such time as the voters can freely and fairly chose among candidates selected by the DNC. Hard times call for hard measures. Out democracy is at stake.

I this was Freder writing, I would not take it for sarcasm. The Left are becoming increasingly desperate and unhinged.

Drago said...

"~ Kurt Eichenwald"

Kurt Eichenwald the complete lying lefty hack!! The psycho tentacle-porn fanboy who was given the editor position of complete joke webzine Newsweek that literally sold for the price of....(wait for it...wait for it...)....$1!!!

No, not $1 Million dollars. Oh no. Nope. Nyet.

A single, solitary dollar.


The Minnow Wrangler said...

OMG there are senselessly violent memes on the internet? I had no idea LOL. But now that our sacred journalists are targeted, it is an outrage and Something Must Be Done.

I see dozens of tasteless, violent memes every day on Facebook but I only laugh at them when I am by myself. Because "that's not funny."

Mrs. X said...

Sunsong, I just saw a real live video of a protestor spitting on a Trump supporter at the Minneapolis rally. I will never forgive the left for the damage they have inflicted on this country.

Protestor spits on Trump supporter

Equipment Maintenance said...

"Of course, this being a modern movie, there’s loads of violence, though most of it is bloodless and surprisingly balletic. One massacre, set in a conservative Christian church in the American Deep South, is a master class in cartoonish fight choreography. "

The review of The Kingsman in the Washington Post.

Beth B said...

The Horror! Don't forget, we're only allowed to laugh at these revenge fantasy scenes when it's the entertainment industry cranking them out. It's both hilarious & instructive when they go over the top to make christians look like homophobic Westboro Baptist-style, white supremacist, violently anti-abortion, rightwing militia goons, rubbing out their hate boners in a church. But don't anybody dare drop different logos and faces onto their all-for-fun carnage. THAT is beyond the pale, and proof positive Trump is, like, you know, "Literal Hitler".

Sorry, Lefties... You made the original in all its splatter glory. Don't be such a big bunch of whiny crybabies when someone else snatches it up and parodies it for their own purposes.

Have we reached Peak Stupid yet?

rcocean said...

The Liberal/Left/NeverTrumpers have become so hysterical and bizarre in their Trump hate its impossible to care what they say anymore. Its just attack Trump 24/7, 365 days a year. EVERYTHING Trump - or his fans - do is attacked. And always with the outrage meter pegged at 10/10. Again, I don't know why anyone should take them seriously. Its like listening to some mentally-ill nutter ranting endlessly.

Drago said...

Howard: "Shorter Amadeus 48: "Don't look at the meme behind the curtain"


The Party of the Hidden Hunter Biden, western CIA assetvJosef Mifsud, the dem partisab/Brennan operative fake "whistleblower" and Super Secret fake "impeachment" hearings would like to chat about things behind curtains!!

Self-Awareness = ZERO

DarkHelmet said...

The Morgan Freeman quote is sort of weird. Does Mr. Freeman think Trump put together the video? Or even knew about it?

When Kingsmen came out was Freeman dismayed at the graphic violence? Did he fear for his daughters' tender eyes?

Birches said...

I haven't seen Kingsman and I won't watch the clip because I don't care for violent movies, but I've heard about the scene. Isn't it supposed to be hilarious? It's so gratuitous it's funny?

Drago said...

“Mr. President: Just watched the video shown to your supporters at your Miami property where a caricature of YOU violently murders members of the free press in a church. Heaven forbid my daughter ever see this! I will never forgive the damage you’re inflicting on my country.”
~ Morgan Freeman


Hollywood types lecturing us about violence on film!!! The same people who give standing ovations in front of world wide audiences to convicted sadistic pedophiles who drug and sodomize underage girls!!

Could it be any more perfect?

So. Much. Winning.

n.n said...

NYT is playing with double-edged scalpels by choice. Perhaps there is no risk of reprisal for their diverse statements and close but fake constructs.

Birches said...

Here's the ringer lauding the scene in 2017.

The NYT didn't want to tell where the meme came from because no one would be outraged.

Amadeus 48 said...

Shorter Howard to Amadeus 48:”Harrumph!”

Earnest Prole said...

I’m sure we can all agree it’s fun to fantasize about killing people we don’t like, and not fun when people we don’t like fantasize about killing us. I believe the term of art for that is civility bullshit.

Leora said...

Also in "Kingsman II" the secret agent mentor of the hero (Colin Firth) is being controlled by a billionaire environmentalist (Samuel Jackson) using a brain wave machine who wants to create murderous rampages to reduce the Earth's population. I was put off by the scene in the original movie but lots of people took it as just over the top fun. It's one of those movies the audience rates higher than the critics do on Rotten Tomatoes.

Leora said...

By the way, it looks like the NY Times liked the movie - I can only see the first paragraph but is looks like a rave.

narciso said...

actually I didn't see the second one, but the president played by bruce greenwold had poisoned sources of drugs, including those close to the hero, along with the villain who was into cannibalsism or sme such,

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is actually pretty well-done. The way they changed the facial expressions to fit the action and set it to Freebird. Of course, the ending is a depressing scene of deathly quietude, at which only Trump would be sociopathic enough to smile - which the creator also accurately depicting him as doing. So many deaths, but then - Trump hates everybody. Probably even himself in a way.

But other than that, it's hard to rail against the thing. We're a violent society; there's no putting that cat back in the bag. Republican policies are what make it worse, but Americans are pretty much this way psychologically to begin with.

I vote: Correct to disassociate himself from it, but hard as an American to condemn. At least until we decrease our murder and shooting rates, which the NRA will never let us do anytime soon.

Howard said...

Fuck the Kurds

Nichevo said...

Extremely undignified. Much more classy would have been a meme based upon the movie Katyn. https://youtu.be/is2MhG2e3RM

You can cheer when it's their guys getting whacked and boo when it's yours. This is more like what we expect from you people, Howie.