October 14, 2019

Lady Liberty, Hong Kong.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

In another thread one commenter tried to argue that Trump likes stability because he is a business man. Dictators also like stability, because they are dictators. Trump's lack of empathy with the oppressed is predictable, only its cause is at issue.

hawkeyedjb said...

NBA players rush the hill to knock Lady Liberty off...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the NBA is gonna be pissed

AllenS said...

Sorry, ARM, but what Trump is doing at the present time with China will do more for the freedom and safety of citizens of Hong Kong, than your side will do.

robother said...

"I hate Trump because [reasons]" writes the Reasonable Man. Every day.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AllenS, It is notable that this crackdown on HK is happening during Trump's tenure rather than the previous administration.

traditionalguy said...

Their problem has been flying the American Flag. The Hong Kong rebels should try flying the Confederate Battle flag.That would get them the attention they need.

Bay Area Guy said...

Free Hong Kong!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

robother, I don't hate Trump. I think he is a terrible president, in large part because he is a terrible person. That is a position that can be defended quite rationally, unlike, say, arguing that Warren is a terrible person.

Fernandinande said...

"‘Lady Liberty’ statue toppled after being hauled to top of Lion Rock"

The statue brings Colonel Sanders to mind for some reason.

Fernandinande said...

...just remembered...

Bummer, man!

Dave Begley said...

You know that when the HK Rebels win this thing - and they will - that statue will be built on a larger scale in the harbor.

I bet the HK Rebels wished they had a Second Amendment. Their current weapon is umbrellas.

mockturtle said...

ARM is just a troll. Humor him.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

To be fair to Trump the original sin here was the failure of the west to fight the annexation of Tibet. China's initial access to western markets should have been predicated on the freedom of Tibet, restoration of the Dalai Lama and the recognition of Taiwan as an independent nation. Now the west is largely helpless in the face of this massive market, built on the outflow of western technology and capital.

Calypso Facto said...

"unlike, say, arguing that Warren is a terrible person."

The real "person of color" whose Harvard job she stole with a lie about her ethnicity begs to differ.

J. Farmer said...


Sorry, ARM, but what Trump is doing at the present time with China will do more for the freedom and safety of citizens of Hong Kong, than your side will do.

How so?

JAORE said...

Would that more residents of this country knew how fragile our freedoms are today. Those in Hong Kong know what country they should aspire to. Let's hope their image of America remains true.

Jerry said...

The strange thing I see is that people blame Trump for (X,Y,Z) in international affairs, as if the countries involved have no agency at all.


Countries do (and always have done) what they feel is in their best interest no matter WHO the President of the US is. (Admittedly, if the diplomatic signals coming from the US are ambivalent or confused they'll go with the most favorable interpretation they can come up with, as the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq showed...)

China's doing with HK what they feel they can, and likely must do, lest the freedoms of HK infect the rest of the country. But the problem is that things aren't like they used to be, where you had the Iron and Bamboo Curtains keeping information about the West out, and all was tightly controlled. The people have tasted freedom, and are starting to reject the top-down dictatorial style of government.

We'll see where it goes - but HK and China are going to have to come to terms with each other - and it remains to be seen how bloody it'll need to be before that happens.

robother said...

ARM: "Trump is a terrible person." Therefore everything he does (or that happens on his watch) is ipso facto terrible. And this strikes you as a perfectly "reasonable" way of arguing.

mockturtle said...

Britain should have just hung on to Hong Kong. Or at least let the people of Hong Kong vote on it. This situation cannot end well.

Narr said...

The HK protesters, if they can sustain the non-violent actions for a while, stand a very good chance of bringing the Commies to a crisis point--but most Western corporations, politicians, and educators have whored themselves too far to give more than lip service to what are their normal shibboleths of human rights etc. etc.

Like Hitch, would say, there are promising signs of polarization.

Chinese Unite! You have nothing to lose but bad ideas!

Ken B said...

You speak of the West as if it were united on the issue. Look around here. Fully half of the regulars would line up for the chance to lick Chinese communist spittle.

elkh1 said...

One can say the situation in Hong Kong was "caused" by Trump.
Xi junked their so-called constitution and made himself Ruler for Life, aka Emperor. By the time he became emperor, he found out the treasuries were already looted empty. He had no more loots to reward his cronies. Ergo, he began "anti-corruption" campaigns to catch the "crooks". Roughly 1/3 of the loots were in China which Xi had taken control of, 1/3 in western countries that Xi could not touch, 1/3 in Hong Kong.

China's economy has been sliding for a while, foreign investments have been leaving. Trump's "trade war" accelerated the relocations of investments to other countries. Xi needed foreign currencies, i.e. USD to pay for China's foreign trades. Xi, desperately wanted to confiscate the loots from HK, hence to pass the Extradition Law to extradite the big money crooks.

Hong Kongers were afraid the Chinese would use the law to extradite anyone who criticized the Chinese, e.g. calling Xi Winnie-the-Pooh would land them in the Chinese gulags. HK mayor Carrie Lam tried to push thru the bill even after the peaceful protest of 2 million Hong Kongers... the rest is the ugly history we are witnessing.

BUMBLE BEE said...

One can say that, but they'd be wrong.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

On the issue of Taiwan: China insists US congressmen cannot visit China if they also wish to visit Taiwan. China is now dictating how our politicians behave.

MadTownGuy said...

Cultural appropriation of liberty...not a bad thing!

Bilwick said...

Asked for comment, the major Democratic presidential candidates looked puzzled and asked, "This 'liberty' thing . . . what is that, anyway?"

Bilwick said...

"Trump is a terrible person." Now statists, however! Statists are WONDERFUL people! Whenever one of them points a gun at my head, I want to give him a hug or buy him a Coke!

JamesB.BKK said...

These protesters seem to be bringing to Hong Kong the kind of freedom that now defines the City of Detroit.