May 30, 2017

So... this happened.

ADDED: Last month there was a controversy about a University of Alaska Anchorage professor's painting of a Captain America holding up the severed head of Donald Trump.

The holding up of a severed head is a traditional theme in Western art. There's Perseus with the head of Medusa...

... and Judith with the head of Holofernes:


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readering said...

Look away

Comanche Voter said...

Ah the ever tasteful left.

rcocean said...

The Secret Service should pay her a visit.

We've had too many Presidents assassinated to think this is a "joke".

readering said...

But she's holding it in her right hand

wild chicken said...

Her career needed a little boost.

Quayle said...

What's wrong with holding the severed head of Satan in your hand?

Surely that is OK.

Pettifogger said...

Republican's metaphorical use of the word "target" was a call for violence, but this is legitimate political commentary. This I know because the media tell me so.

DKWalser said...

And, as always, it's the Right that is irrational, insensitive, and incivil. (I know the word is spelled "uncivil". But I wanted it to start with an "i".)

Steve said...

Desperate cry for attention...

twitter and blogosphere erupt in attention.

Don't feed the trolls is always a good policy.

john said...

Used to be they wanted a clean hit. Now they want drawing and quartering.

Achilles said...

Just like most Muslims accept and support the killing of infidels, the mainstream left accepts violence and believes it is OK to attack people who disagree with them whether or not they are personally involved.

Freeman Hunt said...

Can't say that I think that piece was a good idea.

Mike said...

Don't feed the D-list celebrity troll.

Bob said...

Has the thousand-yard-stare of someone who had actually done it.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

It's an asshole move to do this, but she needs the money. Wonder what she does to top this?

tcrosse said...

Even Chelsea has tweeted that this is vile and wrong, possibly thinking that she and Mom could be next. ( Now that would be funny )

Amadeus 48 said...

I'm with DJT Jr: this will be a story when DJT Sr tweets about Griffin's lousy plastic surgery.

California Snow said...

I don't understand why anyone thinks Kathy Griffin is anything.

Jersey Fled said...

That's funny. I didn't know that she was still alive.

Fen said...

Thank you again lefties, for teaching us this lesson.

Fen said...

Maybe she's auditioning to join ISIS?

chickelit said...

This is ISIS snuff porn and underscores how allied the American left is with the goals of ISIS.

Bill said...

Kathy Griffin is to Judith as Madonna is to the Madonna.

Sebastian said...

From Rape Melania on day one to Dead Donald today is a small step. This is who they are. And many more are in training, at Middlebury and Berkeley and Evergreen.

Wilbur said...

These bubble-wrapped leftists don't a single clue that, should something happen to Trump, ... well ... I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

Gahrie said...

If this is how far they have gone in the first six months....what are things going to look like three years from now?

pious agnostic said...

That horrid death's head is horrifying!

(Trump's looks fake, though.)

Drago said...

Inga: "Liberals should reject this. It's base, indecent and not what/ who we want to associate ourselves with. She is unfunny and should be shunned."

On the contrary, those on the left who aren't minimizing this are literally celebrating it.

It took a few years into the Bush Presidency for the inevitable lefty murder porn to show up but we all see how deranged the left has become so they have accelerated the process.

And to have this lefty latest murder porn mimic the left's Islamic supremacist allies is also all too predictable.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Inga, you are the only progressive so far who has said this is wrong. All the rest of your cohorts are celebrating it. Supporting it.

Why is that?


CWJ said...

What a set of juxtapositions! An historic tradition in Western art. A current reality in North Africa, Syria and NW Iraq. And assassination fantasy in the decadent West. Emphasis on historic, current and decadent respectively.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Looks like Kathy is holding up her own head.

chickelit said...

@Unknown: Well, it does show that Inga thinks for herself.

David Begley said...

1. Create a controversy and generate attention.

2. But Kathy. Your side lost when it should have won. Where is the conservative comedian holding up the severed head of Hillary the loser?

n.n said...

It's a crime of passion similar to the artistic lynching of Palin.

I wonder if these artistic expressions motivate the left to knockout games, getting in people's faces, Occupying private spaces, running amuck in elective wars, and forcing refugee crises. The debasement of human life for convenience, money, fun, and democratic leverage is a clear and progressive condition.

chickelit said...

What a piece of work to end your career on.

tcrosse said...

Too little too late, Inga. That train has left the station. Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.

Amadeus 48 said...

Inga, thanks. You are good-hearted.

Hari said...

What has the president done to deserve this?

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Clinton on Tuesday criticized Kathy Griffin for a “vile” photo of the comedian posing with a fake decapitated head resembling President Trump.

“This is vile and wrong,” Clinton tweeted. “It is never funny to joke about killing the president.”

Dude1394 said...

the left are going to be rude, crude and boorish, that is who they are. But luckily now many conservatives and certainly trumpers do not give a shite what they think anymore. So go head on with your bad selves, but do not be surprised when I shrug and say "body slam that reporter harder buddy, we have your back".

Original Mike said...

"Chelsea Clinton on Tuesday criticized Kathy Griffin ..."

She appears to be the only one.

Birkel said...

@ Original Mike

Are you saying Chelsea rejected Sister Toldya?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Soledad O'Brien @soledadobrien

This Kathy Griffin thing is so upsetting and disgusting. Jesus--what is wrong with people today? Have we lost all our humanity?
3:47 PM · May 30, 2017

William said...

Kathy Griffin is closer to Madame Lafarge than to Judith. From the Jacobins to the Bolshies to the Red Guard there have been various explosions of hate on the left. They never think of their hate as hate. They regard it as righteous anger or something virtuous and really luxuriate in it. Griffin thinks of her hate as a form of edgy humor. Haha. I'm sure Donald isn't the only head that she thinks worth severing.

Bob said...

Apology video is up. We finally found out what her limit is on outrageous behavior.

Bob Boyd said...

The two examples Althouse posted were religious art. And so is this art from Kathy Griffin.

Bob said...

And lacking in the "apology" is an apology to President Trump.

Anonymous said...

Peter Daou ✔@peterdaou
I'm all for artistic and comedic expression, but I just saw the violent Trump imagery in #KathyGriffin's photo and I find it horrible.
3:46 PM - 30 May 2017
250 250 Retweets 1,226 1,226 likes

Bob Boyd said...

"The apology video is up."

She lost her head.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Bob said..."And lacking in the "apology" is an apology to President Trump."

That'll never happen.

Anonymous said...

Jake Tapper @jaketapper
For those asking, I said on air that I thought the beheading imagery by Griffin about the president was disgusting and inappropriate.
2h ago

dreams said...

Remember how the liberal media blamed Sarah Palin for the Arizona shooting of the Congresswoman because of a bulleyes.

Anonymous said...

Debra Messing @DebraMessing

It wasn't right when peoplel hung lynched Obama effigies, just as what Kathy Griffin did isn't right now.
3:42 PM · May 30, 2017

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Jake Tapper, of CNN, a network with a panel of talking heads who said this was no big deal just a few hours ago.


Fens Law on steroids.

Original Mike said...

Jake Tapper's a liberal? Soledad O'Brien's a liberal? Who knew?

tcrosse said...

Kathy Griffin's contribution to art was a natural outcome of the Climate of Hate the Democrats have fostered. Thank Hillary.

Drago said...

Too late Inga.

The Islamist murderers across the globe have already sent this image to all corners as it will provide pictoral support for their own endless list of atrocities...which the lefties also minimize or ignore.

Peas in a pod.

vanderleun said...

Woman needs to have her ears deep cleaned with an icepick. You could sell lots of tickets.

Birkel said...

Buwaya's Law (proposed):
All MSM press operations are centrally directed.

This is planned action. Kathy Griffin took the hit so some Leftists could feign a Sister Souljah moment. Leftists get to post denunciations and pull back from the Black Bloc / Antifa crowd.

Anonymous said...

Mikel Jollett @Mikel_Jollett

I think Trump is a DISASTER as both a President and a human being.

I also think that Kathy Griffin photo is horrible and wrong.
3:06 PM · May 30, 2017

Thorley Winston said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob said...

Photoshop of Griffin as ISIS already done.

Original Mike said...

"I think Trump is a DISASTER as both a President and a human being.
I also think that Kathy Griffin photo is horrible and wrong."

Yes, yes. We all understand that Trump made her do it.

Drago said...

Inga: "I think Trump is a DISASTER as both a President and a human being.

I also think that Kathy Griffin photo is horrible and wrong."


Just as Fen pointed out earlier, no comment from Inga about what kind of a person holds up a fake severed head of a President.

Nope, it was just that darn horrible photograph that made Kathy do it.

What motivated that photograph to do such a thing we'll never know.

You know, exactly how "vehicles" careen into crowds in Europe all by themselves.

Btw, authorities in Britain are still hot on the job to find out what could possibly have motivated the islamicist supremacist bomber.

We may never know the reason.

Anonymous said...

"Just as Fen pointed out earlier, no comment from Inga about what kind of a person holds up a fake severed head of a President."

"Blogger Inga said...
Ugly, hateful, repugnant, despicable. Liberals should reject this. It's base, indecent and not what/ who we want to associate ourselves with. She is unfunny and should be shunned.

5/30/17, 6:24 PM"

Are you as dumb as Fen or just lying?

southcentralpa said...

Compare and contrast, if it needs to be said, with the freak out !1!!eleventy!!! over a rodeo clown appearing in an Obama mask (alive, sans blood).

Mary Beth said...

She could have posted on Craigslist saying, "Attention whore seeks attention", but I don't think it would have been nearly as effective.

Most of the comments, both from the Left and Right, condemn the photo, but there are still a few who are saying it's okay because someone one the right, that no one has ever heard of, once burned Obama in effigy.

Is it the same? Not just because she's a minor celebrity who occasionally works for CNN, but I feel like burning people in effigy has a tradition that makes it more symbolic and less gruesome. I could be wrong, maybe all pseudo deaths are equal and she just went with beheading over burning because she didn't want any "burn the witch instead" comments.

Drago said...

Can you imagine the PR value to ISIS of a CNN personality holding aloft a fake bloody severed head of a US President?

Talk about aid and comfort to an enemy.

Fen said...

Well what do we expect. Inga just admitted in the last thread that she believes death threats are protected under the 1st Amendment.

Yes, that's right. The woman who has been hectoring people and virtue signalimg over "violent rhetoric" says that death threats are protected speech.

Liberalism. It really is a mental disease.

Anonymous said...

Outrage goes both ways.

"Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.

Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “Fuck Obama!” and “Nigger president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.

More frequently, Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, for example in Kentucky, Washington State, and Maine, or being burned around the world. What Trump supporters fail to remember is that following Obama’s election, property was destroyed across the country, for example in Pennsylvania, Texas, and North Carolina, and a predominately black church was torched in Massachusetts.

In 2008, anti-Obama protesters lashed out against minorities because of their discontentment with a black man being voted into the office of president for the first time in our nation’s history. Conversely, in 2016, anti-Trump protesters are holding mostly peaceful demonstrations because of their discontentment with a man, who has ostracized minorities, being voted into the office of president."

Fen said...

Here's an interesting mental exercise - imagine if an American Muslim posted a pic to social media of him holding up a severed Trump head.

What do you think would happen? Think SWAT would kick in his door?

Fen said...

Inga, the Kaylon Johnson story was another fake news story. Like the Nazi graffiti on the African-American historical site. The perps and the victims were one and the same.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"Well what do we expect. Inga just admitted in the last thread that she believes death threats are protected under the 1st Amendment.

Yes, that's right. The woman who has been hectoring people and virtue signalimg over "violent rhetoric" says that death threats are protected speech."

Because you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, your death threats are simply big mouthed rhetoric online by a man child. IF I thought you were seriously going to act on your death threat on the other thread, I would be reporting you to the authorities. And yes stupid people like you get to say stupid things online, that is protected by the First Amendment. You made a fool of yourself and you continue to do so.

Fen said...

Besides Inga, you believe death threats are protected under the 1st Amendment. Why should we even listen to you? The word "hypocrite" fails to define you.

Drago said...

Layer this on top of the left's stormtrooping antifa "soldiers", leftist University leaders literally paying students to spy and report on "Deplorables", and the little lefty Maoists attacking professors and it's clear that Inga and her pals are just a few inches away from going full fascist.

And we haven't even begun to discuss the left's/Obama's abuse of intelligence agencies and departments against American citizens and political opponents.

You know lefties, I don't think Erich Honeckers East Germany should be your operating model.

But it's quite clear it is.

Perhaps we should punch all marxists in the face. After all, it would just be a case of "punching back twice as hard." A practice advocated explicitly by Obama.

tcrosse said...

Outrage goes both ways.

Tu quoque.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The fact that anyone, especially a law professor, would deign to use a "Trump Derangement Syndrome" tag in reference to reactions to a president more obviously deranged than any other in the past century, and more disrespectful of the law than any president prior to him, is so ridiculous that it makes any blog engaging such talk worthy of being taken as seriously as Romper Room. Or as unseriously as Trump himself is taken.

The owner of this blog apparently doesn't even realize that Trump sees the presidency as a facade. As a joke. The fact that she's willing to defend him and attack sane reactions to him shows how much difficulty she has (as many of her commenters also have) finding things to be entertained by in life. They prefer to let President Clownshow get as much cover as they can give him.

There is a solid case to make for removing Trump from office via the 25th amendment - given how unfit he is. People taking fake offense at references to the venerable, noble and effective tradition of decapitating tyrants might also want to remind themselves that it wasn't too long ago that lobotomy was once a recommended treatment for mental illness as intractable and dangerous as Trump's.

Trump's goal is to make people as crazy and unstable as he is. He must be removed. Our enemies know he's weak and our allies are set to move on and forward without us.

Fen said...

What death threats Inga? Please specify?

And wasting your time with the keyboard commando insults. I'm a former United States Marine. Infantry 03. I can build IEDs in my sleep.

Drago said...

Inga is busy regurgitating all the fake hate crimes.


Ralph L said...

Griffin is 2 weeks older than I am. Looking at her raises my self esteem.

Drago said...

TTR: "Trump from office via the 25th amendment - given how unfit he is. People taking fake offense at references to the venerable, noble and effective tradition of decapitating tyrants might also want to remind themselves that it wasn't too long ago that lobotomy was once a recommended treatment for mental illness as intractable and dangerous as Trump's."

Actually, forced lobotomies on homosexuals was ordered by leftist her Fidel Castro..for no other reason than they were homosexual.

And the left adores him to this day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The tag should be changed to say, "Trump is deranged and our syndrome is too severe to respond appropriately to it, as we'd rather hate the majority of our country and ally ourselves with the one country able to take advantage of it: Russia."

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Are you saying I'm supposed to adore Fidel Castro?

You know that Trump is deranged. Do you really have no concerns that he's going to blow his unsecured lid in a way that will cause serious and immediate damage and harm to the country?

Anonymous said...

"Trump's goal is to make people as crazy and unstable as he is."

From what I've read on this blog's comments sections today, I'd say this is well underway.

Quaestor said...

Re: the "apology vid" on Instagram

Very suspicious. Either she's a sociopath, or her attorney urged a pre-emptive apology pending an interview with the Secret Service.

Static Ping said...

I believe the general rule is never hold up a severed head that looks more attractive than your own attached head.

Ralph L said...

In several of the Henry VIII non-fiction shows spawned by Wolf Hall, they've said that even mentioning the king's death was a capital offense.

Quaestor said...

Abby Someone wrote: From what I've read on this blog's comments sections today, I'd say this is well underway.

A psychopathic personality speaks from the heart.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Al Franken's got another funny book out - this time pretty honest about how it is to deal with the Senate.

He says Republicans admit to him that they know Trump is unstable. He says that, while Democrats are angry, Republicans are angry and scared.

The pressure needs to build. From a selfish partisan standpoint I actually wouldn't mind seeing his train-wreck-in-progress prolonged as long as possible. His multiple scandals a day management style has a way of being thrown into a long, painful slow motion sequence that way.

But I know that for the good of the country President Pence at least understands the importance of psychological and personal boundaries.

Fen said...

How stupid do you have to be to mount your anti-violent rhetoric soapbox box and get cornered into stating that death threats are protected speech? It's because you don't have any principles, Inga. Just situational ethics.

See, if your anti-violence stance wasn't so full of shit, it wouldn't have been so easy to knock you off your soap box.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

How very Crass[us].

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A psychopathic personality speaks from the heart.

DO me a favor. Define for me what you would characterize as Trump's personal, psychological boundaries.

I remember the days when Republicans obsessed about character as the only thing that mattered to them. Today they don't even know what it is. And they don't care.

It's one thing to whitewash the image of vikings. Trump however has a mind from another dimension. Inside a black hole.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

" you have to be to mount your anti-violence soapbox and then get cornered into staying that death threats are protected speech? "

Delusional. Do you have any idea how many fools such as yourself make death threats online daily? Are you trying to say I should believe you and contact the authorities? If you meant your death threat seriously, let me know, I'll look up the agencies that I would need to contact. Just because you are a huge stupid big mouth no nothing doesn't mean that you should get away with saying people should have "no right to live" and not be called out for it. I'm calling you out for your rhetoric which has repeatedly told commenters here to "commit suicide", etc etc etc. or something having to do with their death. Now don't bother me, you dumb child.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, I think the partisanship on this thread and Republican silence on Trump clears it up for me.

The Republican base simply doesn't care if Trump is fit for office or not. They actually seem to think that mental instability is what they want in a president.

Good luck, people.

Big Mike said...

More frequently, Obama’s presidency was marked by effigies of our first black president hanging from nooses across the country, for example in Kentucky, Washington State, and Maine, or being burned around the world.

When, precisely, and where, precisely? I think you're pushing more of your made-up "facts."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So Republicans. Quick pop quiz question.

Is there any downside to a leader so starved for affection that he declares: Anyone who likes me, I like them!?

So... no downsides to that, at all? No alarm bells from the self-anointed management experts here in the chat-board?

WisRich said...

I thought for sure Ann would have a "Civility Bullshit" tag on this post.

Yancey Ward said...

Looks like Griffith might have aged beyond going through "years of rejection and failure until she's spit out the bottom of the porn industry."

Ignorance is Bliss said...


Game of Thrones sorry about decapitating George W Bush

readering said...

Well, good, that's over with.

Yancey Ward said...

Toothless, the only thing I would worry about is someone who worries about such things. Sheesh!

Unknown said...

I note Ritmo manages to blame Trump for Kathy Griffins threat to decapitate him. I'm not surprised that Ritmo sees nothing wrong. He after all is a strong advocate of leftists beating and maiming people they disagree with.


narciso said...

What you don't like firing squads like Fidel, the Shining path they were really hard core, they wanted to bring Maoism to Peru, much like the npa in the phiilipines

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow, Vance. You're almost as deranged as President Crazypants.

Yep, I'm sure that image was a "threat." In a police state. Try prosecuting her. As with all his other constitutional failures, he (and I suppose you - as the expertly qualified friend of the court) will be laughed right out of the room.

Judicial failure that laughable hasn't happened since FOX News tried to sue Al Franken for theft/infringement of their trademarked slogan "Fair and balanced."

I think you should describe how you will carry out this new cause of yours on your law school application, Vance. It's not too late in life to actually attempt a new profession - especially seeing how much of and expert you pretend to be in it from the comfortable vantage point of your armchair.

Ralph L said...

When does Trump get to be stupid--like W, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower, Harding, etc.?

Fen said...

Inga: "I denounced Griffin"

Still missing the point.

When the congressman "slammed" the repoter, you:
tried to shame all Republicans by association
tried to shame all Trump supporters by association.

Kathy Griffin is a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter. So why haven't you responded in equal measure?

All people here are asking for is some moral consistency here. Not because they think blame n shame by association is right, but because they want to teach you why it is wrong.

Really, we should be getting paid for this.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If displaying that image constituted a "threat" then obviously we have to prosecute Althouse herself for broadcasting it.

To a new and slow audience of Trumpians.

Anonymous said...

"Yep, I'm sure that image was a "threat." In a police state. Try prosecuting her. As with all his other constitutional failures, he (and I suppose you - as the expertly qualified friend of the court) will be laughed right out of the room."

Precisely. It's hilarious that they say they honor free speech, yet seem to be over eager to squelch it. I even agree Fen has the right to say stupid things online. Griffin's photo is horrible, absolutely crass and wrong, but the First Amendment allows her to make a fool and a pariah of herself.

tcrosse said...

The sun must be over the yardarm.

Unknown said...

It's a threat under the Gabby Giffords standard--you know, where you all convicted Sarah Palin of being a murderer because of the "target" symbol she put on her district.

If that was enough to hold Sarah Palin responsible, and you leftists strenuously argue that it was, then this is clear cut murderous.

And Toothless/Ritmo: You fully endorse violence on the part of leftists. Or have you forgotten your personal violent threats against several people on this forum in the last week?

Inga, you never have criticized Toothless for his violent political tendencies, despite repeated invitations to do so. When can we conclude that you support him?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think it's a bit bloody and gory for my tastes, personally. And decapitation is not humiliating enough for what Trump deserves. It was a physician after all who invented the guillotine, on the basis that it was clean and tidy.

How many right-wing idiots were prosecuted for their racist images of Obama in a noose? I think a couple might have been investigated, but I don't recall any ever being prosecuted.

Big Mike said...

Actually, Toothless, replying to your 8:03 comment, most Trump voters are pretty well aware of Trump's flaws. But the choice wasn't between Donald Trump and the perfect presidential candidate. Thanks to the Democrats in general and the DNC in particular, the choice was between Donald Trump and the famously corrupt, massively less fit for office Hillary Clinton. Nothing that the Democrats and the news media have done since 1:00 AM on November 9th has caused me to regret my choice for even a nanosecond.

Brookzene said...

Disgusting. No one on the left should justify or excuse it. Just admit it's wrong and move on. I don't tolerate whataboutism in cons and won't in libs either.

Fen said...

Kathy Griffin and the 7th circuit are working hard to re-elect Trump.

While Ritmo and Inga ensure, with cries of "wolf", that any serious criticism of Trump on this blog will be ignored as just more fake outrage based on fake news.

Thank you all for your contribution to Trump 2020.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's a threat under the Gabby Giffords standard--

This sounds like an interesting new legal concept. Did they teach it to you online as part of your pre-admissions curriculum?

---you know, where you all convicted Sarah Palin of being a murderer because of the "target" symbol she put on her district.

Oh, I see, now! YOu're talking about the "court" of public opinion. The same one that can't stand your Orange Supremacist douchebag (wanna prosecute me? Tempted?) and give him a 60% disapproval rating less than a hundred days in, FBI and senate investigations, and a special counsel.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But the choice wasn't between Donald Trump and the perfect presidential candidate.

Good. You had your choice. Now fucking impeach him already and let his little pink Pence training wheels take over already. Stop living in November. The guy's going down anyway. Get on with it and pretend for a second that you're actually capable of caring about how the country's run and not just who wins elections.

Clyde said...

Griffin sounds kind of panicky in that apology video, as if the Secret Service just called to tell her they're on the way over.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Vance the bedbug. Did you seriously accuse me of abusing you?

It seems you're as unclear mentally as a good number of other Trumpians. I didn't abuse you. What happens is that when you go after me as unmatched as you are you end up effectively abusing yourself.

Keeping to yourself is clearly safer. You can't sue someone wearing plate mail when you hurt yourself banging your fist on it.

narciso said...

I have relatives who drowned in the straights escaping the utopia you so devoutly wish

Brookzene said...

"Griffin sounds kind of panicky in that apology video, as if the Secret Service just called to tell her they're on the way over."

I didn't see it or read about it. I hope it was a complete apology. Secret Service doesn't mess with stuff like that. That was really really stupid. That said, if she was sincere and scared and crying, well at some point forgive her.

eddie willers said...

How many right-wing idiots were prosecuted for their racist images of Obama in a noose?

Can you tell me any of their names or what TV shows they have hosted?

Big Mike said...

Why on earth would I want to impeach Trump? He isn't going to be impeached just because an old,Toothless, self-proclaimed revolutionary doesn't much like him. As far as I can tell he's committed no misdemeanors, much less any high crimes.

Anonymous said...

"Why on earth would I want to impeach Trump? He isn't going to be impeached just because an old,Toothless, self-proclaimed revolutionary doesn't much like him. As far as I can tell he's committed no misdemeanors, much less any high crimes."

Drip, drip, drip, then the eventual gush and the dam will break.

"One of President Donald Trump’s closest confidants, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, has now become a focus of the expanding congressional investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 campaign.

Cohen confirmed to ABC News that House and Senate investigators have asked him “to provide information and testimony” about any contacts he had with people connected to the Russian government, but he said he has turned down the invitation.

After Cohen rejected the congressional requests for cooperation, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to grant its chairman, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, and ranking Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, blanket authority to issue subpoenas as they deem necessary."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Can you tell me any of their names or what TV shows they have hosted?

Interesting. So no more "equal justice under the law," then?

Well, as soon as you lined up to be onboard with Citizens United I guess we knew that ship had sailed.

But the same principle applies. You think the rich and powerful get to influence our elections, I guess Kathy Griffith's platform means that you can't hold her influence against her, either.


Brookzene said...

Trump won't know how NOT to coverup any investigation that's done - that's just his instinct. That's what's going to get him impeached. Not the crime itself, but as usual the coverup. Whether it's Russia or the next thing (it's just not gonna stop with this guy folks).

traditionalguy said...

At least Kathy is cogently on point. The Deep State's final solution to the orange haired clown inflaming Nationalism all over their New World Order is to cut off his head. Scapling your foe may be cultural appropriation, but they are not perfect.

It's time to watch Kill Bill Vol. 1.

Brookzene said...

Now apparently he's telling world leaders to call him on his cell phone. (So long as it's not his personal server it's all right).

This guy's just begging to be impeached.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As far as I can tell he's committed no misdemeanors, much less any high crimes.

We can do this the easy way or the painful way. That phrase about "high crimes and misdemeanors" is legalese. At the end of the impeachment is political. You can wait it out - maybe they'll find something, maybe not. But they're getting closer and closer - obstruction would be an obvious one. Once they demand he release his taxes and answer truthfully about what financial hamstrings Russia - as his sone Eric admitted - has on him, then it's over. In the meantime, he can wait out the slow, constant drip-drip of an administration too beset by scandals of legal and presidential impropriety for as long as he wants. It just deprives him of any legacy, as I said. The loony is too toxic for anyone to go along with any agenda he wants - not that he intended to implement one that was in any way popularly supported or helpful, anyway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh I see. It's a challenging thing.

MadisonMan said...

Famewhores gotta famewhore.

I wonder who suggested this and convinced her that it was a good idea.

Kevin said...

Griffin later responded on social media that she does not condone any violence by her fans or others. "I'm merely mocking the Mocker in Chief," she wrote.

She got all the publicity there was to get and now it's just a joke. Ha, ha. Move along.

Everyone knows it's not the actual violence but the condoning that really matters.

Brookzene said...

"I wonder who suggested this and convinced her that it was a good idea."

Like our commander in chief I think she probably follows her own counsel.

Fen said...

Heb. Our resident moonbats have retreated back into their alternate reality to circle jerk to their impeachment fantasies.

It's going to be a long 7 1/2 years for them, and they deserve it. I just wish could study their brain tissue and compare it in 7 years.

narciso said...

There isn't a large enough straitjacket for these people, that claim came from a ridiculous dossier commissioned by an actual Russian spy, akmetchin

Brookzene said...

Yeah, I guess I wouldn't worry if my guy was under three investigations, a fourth soon to follow, and every day he kept giving them more and more to investigate.

Francisco D said...

It sounds like Inga is trying to differentiate foolish unhinged liberals from completely unhinged leftist-fascists. I appreciate the difference.

Thank you Inga. I do not want to lump all of you together, although it is sometimes difficult.

Kathy Griffin is trying to maintain her celebrity status. She wants to be on the new version of Hollywood Squares, right next to Kim Kardashian. At least, thanks to medical intervention, Kim has an ass worth looking at. They are probably equivalent in terms of talent, but I will reserve judgment until I see her purported porn tapes with another celebrity loser.

Fen said...

Fen for the next 7 years:


Glorious. I need to stock up on popcorn.

Anonymous said...

It's going to be simultaneously sad and hilarious when this investigation is all over and millions Trump sychophants will have to face some unpleasant facts about their Golden God with feet of clay.

Keep telling yourselves it's all just a bad dream....

Kevin said...

I realize the only thing keeping these people together right now is the fantasy that he'll be impeached any week. The thought that he might finish his entire term is too much for them to even consider.

What are they going to do when Trump is reelected?

Brookzene said...

"Aside from bringing in additional aides to handle the Russia probe, the president's senior aides say that his strategy for confronting the crises — or for pushing a stalled legislative agenda — remains unclear.

"Senior aides and long-time confidants admitted not knowing who Trump would hire, how safe the jobs of top staff are, what the White House's agenda is for the coming days, or what — if anything — they can accomplish."

Trump's Obsession Over Russian Probe Deepens - Politico.

I know, I know. Fake news. It's fine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Glorious. I need to stock up on popcorn.

I knew there was something you were doing that was causing your figure to go to hell.

Achilles said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"I think it's a bit bloody and gory for my tastes, personally. And decapitation is not humiliating enough for what Trump deserves. It was a physician after all who invented the guillotine, on the basis that it was clean and tidy.

"How many right-wing idiots were prosecuted for their racist images of Obama in a noose?"

There were more leftists caught creating hoaxes than actual racists and the racists are universally condemned. The hoaxers weren't though. Which do you think is worse: actual racism or leftists creating hoaxes to persecute people they disagree with since there are more of the latter getting caught.

By the way, now that you have made it clear you think beheading Trump and his supporters is too good for us how would you expect us to react? This will not end well for anyone but we have a lot more guns and practice.

Jon Burack said...

Inga, You say:

"Drip, drip, drip, then the eventual gush and the dam will break."

You then supply more drips. You might want to worry a bit about what you will do witho yourself if the drips are all you ever get. So far, it very much appears that way, since now we are on to Jared's back channel, which probably never happened, but if it did it was AFTER the election and so only a maniac could see it as connected to that. Well, did I say maniac? Look at what the topic of this thread is, after all. Kathy Gifford's lunatic "joke." Be careful, Trump haters. HE IS CHANGING YOU!

Anonymous said...

How many more?

"The Congressional investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election continues to grow, as yet another Trump associate, Boris Epshteyn, has acknowledged that he has received a request for information from lawmakers.

Epshteyn, a Trump campaign adviser who briefly served in the White House communications office, confirmed to ABC News that he has received a request for information and testimony from the House Intelligence Committee. His lawyer provided a brief statement to ABC News.

"Like many others, Mr. Epshteyn has received a broad, preliminary request for information from the House Intelligence Committee. This is a voluntary request. Mr. Epshteyn has not been subpoenaed nor do we anticipate that he will be. We have reached out to the Committee wth several follow up questions and we are awaiting their response in order to better understand what information they are seeking and whether Mr. Epshteyn is able to reasonably provide it.""

narciso said...

It beats actual therapy I guess. There was a more acute version of this derangement after 2004.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trumpeters are so fucking delusional that they think an administration beset by four investigations 120 days in can get anything done. Just. Don't. Get. Impeached! Remember the Alamo!

Don't worry, Trump-Turkeys! It will be aaaaallll.... riiiiight! A-Ok! Trump's a gonna be fine.

Four bankruptcies, no big deal! Smart businessman. Smart!

Four investigations? No problem!

His followers, like him, live inside a studio where every operation revolves around the dummy's name.

Fen said...

Hey you know what would be fun? We should become anonymous sources for the media.

"Yes CNN, let me read you the memo where Trump asks if we can scede California to China to pay off our debt"

BREAKING!!! CNN has just learned that Trump is giving California to China. Pelosi calls for impeachment!

Inga: told ya!
Ritmo: finally!

Fen:....bwahahahahaha! Suckers.

narciso said...

There was the California secessionist that decided to stay in russia.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

By the way, now that you have made it clear you think beheading Trump and his supporters is too good for us how would you expect us to react? This will not end well for anyone but we have a lot more guns and practice.

And you're definitely way more trigger happy, also. Don't forget that. "His supporters?" When did I ever mention beheading in the context of them?. Oh yeah, not once.

Lay off the the steroids and uppers, my friend. You know, the incidence of self-harm with guns is alarmingly high. Sort of like the incidence of self-political harm with Trump's heavily burdensomely armed ego.

"How would you expect us to react?" Apparently like people who glorify violence and hastily salivate at the thought of inflicting it on at least 60% of your country. Calm down, take a rabies shot, stop hating the majority of Americans (or even the world, apparently), and get down off of that ledge. You're practically salivating enough to endanger yourself with the prospect of tripping. That needs to stop.

Fen said...

Guys seriously, if you want to chase impeachment fantasies, be my guest. I couldn't think of a better punishment for you.

mockturtle said...

I suppose that, for historical precedence, you could have included Salome delivering John the Baptist's severed head to her mother, Herodias.

Birkel said...

Anybody else see that Salon article -- freaking Salon of all publications - in which a Leftist admitted impeachment is delusional thinking?

As for Congress subpoenaing a lawyer? Give me a break! Is Congress going to break attorney-client privilege or just use this to produce more stupid Leftist pipe dreams? Even the Leftists in the courts won't break the privilege. Just stop it, already.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Guys seriously, if you want to chase impeachment fantasies, be my guest. I couldn't think of a better punishment for you.

Really? Trump couldn't have asked for a more pathetic follower. It's enough for us to know that it's punishment enough for him, as he lays awake each night, sweating profusely and waiting for 5 AM to signal the time at which he won't be thought to be as much of a psychopath for tweeting his regular "I HATE THE NEWS" tantrum-bulletin.

Birkel said...

Anybody here want to bet that Congress can break lawyer-client privilege? I have plenty to wager (proverbially, as Althouse banned such activity) on that account.

narciso said...

Since i hadn't heard anything about eptsteyn I suppose they are going by his surname origin I guess.

Achilles said...

Trump is not going to be impeached. He has more support now than he did during the election. The only "republicans" saying they don't support Trump are GOPe toadies who serve their donors. Good job getting McCain on your side.

The Russian probe is going to get a lot of obama cronies thrown in jail. They are the only ones that broke the law.

On this thread of all threads understand this. We see how the left has acted, is acting, and will act. Over the centuries leftists have conjured up all sorts of reasons to usurp power for themselves and have promptly purged people who disagree with them. No intelligent person can watch antifa/college riots and not know what is in store for us if the left gets power. We noticed your silence and approval when obama set the IRS and other agencies on his political enemies. This is a coup and we are not going to allow it to be consummated. We have too many guns and we know history well enough.

Don't tread on me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is a coup and we are not going to allow it to be consummated. We have too many guns and we know history well enough.

Except for Shay's Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, Waco TX, etc. The history of paranoid looneys playing with guns usually doesn't go over well for the looneys. They like violence, they don't like the law and they don't like figuring out why they can't get their way (because they have an extreme and unpopular opinion, that's why).

Birkel said...

@ Inga

Do you think Trump's personal attorney, who will invoke attorney-client privilege, will have to answer a congressional subpoena? I mean, yes, he will answer with "Due to attorney-client privilege I just decline to answer." and you will be able to pretend that is anything other than ordinary behavior.

And the only other answer is that Trump waived the privilege because there is nothing whatsoever to hide.

This is my favorite stupid Leftist fantasy of the last 24 hours.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You know, for a guy who names himself after a demigod felled by his heel, I'd have figured you might have adjusted to civilian life a bit better.

I'm sorry to hear your country's not as into your turn-ons as you are.

Brookzene said...

"Don't tread on me."

Of course not. We're just using you for our mirth.

walter said...

It's toss up regarding which head has more makeup on.
She's "entertained" the troops more than once in Afghanistan.
But doesn't sound like this new schtick will make it there..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

blah blah blah Balls - Trump trumped corruption.

next time pick a better candidate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

what is in store for us if the left gets power.... This is a coup...

Oh, so a coup has been waged against you and you see your job as using threat of armed standoff to prevent the minority party from "getting" power.

Call the VA, ask for a staff psychiatrist, and read the constitution. Nothing in there about parties that you're supposed to prevent from "getting power."

I don't care if you're a vet or not. You sound as unhinged as Nidal Hassan. PTSD is rife in your "occupation." Adjust to civilian life, learn the rules, or let law enforcement know you're having a tough go of things and need a time out. This isn't fucking Afghanistan.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what the hack press won't tell you.

In order for Trump to win in blue states like WI and MI and PA - democrats had to vote for him.

Next time, stop the Clinton corruption train and perhaps you won't get more Trump.

Birkel said...

@ Random Leftists

What do you make of the foofaraw over Trump's personal attorney called to testify before Congress? Who believes that will yield anything useful except invocation of attorney-client privilege?

Earnest Prole said...

That’s horrific, and Donald Trump doesn’t look so good as well.

MaxedOutMama said...

My reaction was that I hope none of the friends/family of those who have lost loved ones in real ISIS beheadings are assaulted with that.

If nothing else, I would have thought that most sane individuals would have spared a thought for those for whom this is emphatically not speculative. I'm repelled and appalled.

Doesn't make it better that's it is supposed to be a president, though. They've gone around the bend. I wonder if they're ever coming back.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump trumped corruption.

Apparently by personifying it and knowing it better than anyone else. time pick a better candidate.

Oh, so you're now in the Democratic political consulting business! Nice to hear.

I'm not interested in 2020. I am, but I'm more interested in doing to your Superior what McConnell did to Obama. Except, this time with the FBI - and whichever other law enforcement agency he did wrong by.

Stop talking to me. You're about as useless as edutcher accused you of being. Your obsession with last fall is boring.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If leftists commit actual crimes - big nothing.

If leftists are investigating non-crimes as witch hunts - well we see that playing out in the hack pro-D press right now.

Birkel said...

@ Legal Eagles

Who thinks Trump's personal attorney will do anything but vote attorney-client privilege?

Unknown said...

Toothless you openly were masturbating over you personally punching me and others without warning. You glorified violence against us common folk. You are a violent leftist and your posts here are prima facie evidence to convict you of premeditated violence. And again Inga is supporting your attacks and violence despite repeated invitations to disapprove.

Once again: is it appropriate to attack people who disagree with progressive politics? Is it appropriate to celebrate your there so do that? And if not: then why do you leftists celebrate those here who are violent leftists?

-- Vance

Birkel said...

Cite became vote. Typos, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If leftists commit actual crimes - big nothing.

Oh right. If only people cared as much about kids with bats on college campuses as they do about presidential lawbreaking.

See, this is another opportunity for a right-winger to announce her low standards. If only the president could be as much of a thug as some kid on a college campus, she tells herself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kathy is famous now. hahahahahahaha. What a loser.

btw - She has every right to be a loser. Freedom of speech and freedom to be a loser. America, baby.

gbarto said...

I won't deny Inga credit for saying this is ugly. Credit where it is due.

As for Griffin, I don't think she poses a real threat to the president. We can argue about how burning Obama in effigy compares, and how often it happened. But if it did, it is also tasteless but probably not a real threat.

This does not tell us Griffin needs to be locked up. But it sure ought give pause to those who would keep company with her.

Earnest Prole said...

Are we sure that's not an Alec Baldwin mask?

narciso said...

Like the filibuster Obama was a party to in 2005, the Biden rule in 1992, the Bork and Ginsburg rigamarole, McConnell was uncharacteristically willing to return the volley now not so much.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Toothless you openly were masturbating...

Really? I was masturbating? Openly? On Blogger?

Was my porn star girlfriend's cam-chat accidentally on? I'll tell her to stop that.

Once again: is it appropriate to attack people who disagree with progressive politics? Is it appropriate to celebrate your there so do that?

Violence is not the point. You want to govern against the majority and presume that it won't have consequences. That's not possible. You're either with the mob or against it. I realize this sounds dangerously close to Achilles' unhinged ranting, but it's not. He advocates justification through superior firepower - or "might makes right." I'm saying that to fuck up that badly against a popular majority is political suicide in a country set up as this one was. Gerrymandering to this degree was never supposed to happen. Neither was money and economic elitism supposed to supplant popular legitimacy. At the end of the day, it's still one person one vote, not one gun one vote or one dollar one vote. Your looneys are caught between which of the latter to support. You need to go with the former. Learn to be on the side of the people and the people will stop hating you. You can only govern with guns and money and against people in a tyranny. That won't work here. I'm trying to teach you to avoid violence, and you seem to unwaveringly want to insist - as your entire tribe does - that you can be against the people and get them to shut up and like it. I'm afraid I can't agree with you there on that one, slick.

narciso said...

Well that is within the realm of possibility

Take David Gregory he violated dc control laws he was never charged, there is evidence he perjured himself in the Plame case.

On John corzine pulled off a billion dollar heist never charged.

Charles Rangel forgot to disclose a million dollars in Puerto Rican real estate.

narciso said...

So do they have any evidence at all, rhetorical:

Snark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

So, can we put the Trump's attorney is subpoenaed rumors to bed? Since even the Leftists in this board know attorney-client privilege will not be broken?

Snark said...

So, yeah, Trump's a sociopathic menace...but Comedy? Whatever it is, it should horrify and disgust everyone. Murder, torture and death is not a freaking political argument. I was uneasy with SNL using all the death imagery with Kellyanne Conway, and this doubles down on that wrongheaded license.

Anonymous said...

On, no, Professor, don't try to convince me that Kathy Griffin's photo is art. Why? Because it's so challenging?

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"If leftists commit actual crimes - big nothing."

Oh right. If only people cared as much about kids with bats on college campuses as they do about presidential lawbreaking.

What law did Trump break? What evidence do you or the democrats have?

See, this is another opportunity for a right-winger to announce her low standards. If only the president could be as much of a thug as some kid on a college campus, she tells herself.

Feinstein admits there is zero evidence of collusion.

I have a dozen of these stories.

Low standards? There is zero evidence. Zero. You can't even say what Trump and the Russians supposedly worked together to do.

This is a coup. You want to get all condescending to me? Right back at you. Your own leaders are admitting they are lying to you and getting you all whipped up to keep you from looking at their corruption and crimes.

You are being a stupid tool.

Birkel said...

Liberals at Salon admit impeachment is a pipe dream and democrats have significant problems at local, state and federal elective ofgices.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Violence is not the point.

wait for it...

You want to govern against the majority and presume that it won't have consequences. That's not possible. You're either with the mob or against it.

It is ok for the left to do it...

I realize this sounds dangerously close to Achilles' unhinged ranting, but it's not.

Cognitive dissonance smacks you in the face and you make something up to make yourself feel better in less than 10 words.

He advocates justification through superior firepower - or "might makes right." I'm saying that to fuck up that badly against a popular majority is political suicide in a country set up as this one was.

In other words it is ok for us to use violence but not the people we disagree with.

Gerrymandering to this degree was never supposed to happen.

Yes it was. The electoral college was specifically set up to keep large populous states from dominating. Especially ones like Illinois, New York, and California that explicitly allow illegals to vote.

Neither was money and economic elitism supposed to supplant popular legitimacy.

The democrats and open borders republicans get ALL of the money. Your side gets the lions share of money from the truly wealthy. Next sentence you will go on about all the dumb loser Trump supporters that are poor because they are dumb.

At the end of the day, it's still one person one vote, not one gun one vote or one dollar one vote. Your looneys are caught between which of the latter to support. You need to go with the former.

Coming from the side that gets and spends the most money and has been caught enrolling non-citizens to vote that's rich.

Learn to be on the side of the people and the people will stop hating you.

We are. Your side threw up the most corrupt politician in history.

You can only govern with guns and money and against people in a tyranny. That won't work here. I'm trying to teach you to avoid violence, and you seem to unwaveringly want to insist - as your entire tribe does - that you can be against the people and get them to shut up and like it. I'm afraid I can't agree with you there on that one, slick.

Garbage. Obama sent the IRS after his political enemies. Obama wiretapped reporters and members of congress. Hillary and the DNC screwed Bernie. Leftists on college campuses and in cities commit the vast majority of political violence.

You are the aggressors here. It has happened many times throughout history.

William said...

People here lack the necessary sophistication and worldly experience to appreciate the subtlety of Kathy's humor. I bet if you asked someone like Mrs. Daniel Perl what she thought of it, she would say that it's the funniest thing she ever saw. Someone like Mrs. Daniel Perl knows visual, madcap humor when she sees it.

Swede said...

She's so surrounded by people who think just like this, that she was unable to imagine the backlash.

Goodbye, sponsors.

My guess is that we won't be watching Anderson Cooper finger bang her again this coming New Year's Eve.

A real tragedy, that.

narciso said...

First domino

chickelit said...

"We are. Your side threw up the most corrupt politician in history. "

As they say around these parts: "Vomitemos muchachos!"

Gospace said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
This is a coup and we are not going to allow it to be consummated. We have too many guns and we know history well enough.

Except for Shay's Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, Waco TX, etc. The history of paranoid looneys playing with guns usually doesn't go over well for the looneys. They like violence, they don't like the law and they don't like figuring out why they can't get their way (because they have an extreme and unpopular opinion, that's why).

And don't forget The Battle of Athens, an attempt to overthrow a corrupt local Democrat regime. Oh, wait, that's not taught in history classes, because it was a successful demonstration of why the second amendment exists. And it involves pointing out that it was Democrats that were corrupt.

Rance Fasoldt said...

As this keeps progressing, with the Left dismissing their ever more violent images and actions as deserved, or Art, or political expression, until they see their ilk are being found hanging from lampposts, I will dutifully pen a letter to the editors of the NYT and WaPo, and explain that their rights appear to have been ignored. And keep my Hornady Critical Defense 9mm Luger ammo loaded in my Sig Sauer clips.

Gospace said...

Actually, I seriously wonder at times if there are any other successful applications of the second amendment besides The Battle of Athens. I used to not be paranoid about such things, but I wouldn't put it past the powers to be to have successfully hidden other examples. Just like the MSM has successfully labeled Lee Harvey Oswald, Communist, as a right winger who killed JFK.

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