October 13, 2019

"It bothers me to not be able to say the thing I want to say that they really agree with but because they're out in public, they have to be oh, we're good people, we can't laugh at that, or we have to groan to show that we're good people. That shit pisses me off."

Bill Maher said talking to Howard Stern:

Howard Stern gets to do his show without seeing or hearing the audience. Maher says he's jealous. Not only is Howard spared the inhibition of the phony "good people" in the audience, he has fantastically loyal fans and is able to say whatever he wants, and they never reject him.

I've clipped out the segment, but the whole interview is great, so scroll back to the beginning. Stern challenges Maher over why he doesn't have a marriage. There's also a nice section about Stern's hatred of travel. He likes home.

ADDED: Here's the travel part:

He has so much anxiety about packing (me too!), and he likes the comfort of his own studio (in his house). I've set up that clip so that it ends with Maher challenging him about not getting to be in front of an audience (the very point that is refuted in the bit at the end of the show that I put in my first clip).


rhhardin said...

The cancel culture is women short-circuiting to feelings. Feelings above everything!

Since the culture has been feminized that's what you get.

No guys with clever mean remarks as a guide. Mean and clever gets to truth a few levels down from feelings.

tim maguire said...

Funny listening to Maher, sitting before his barking seal idiot audience complaining that his audience is a bunch of barking seal idiots. (And some of them clap! To show, of course, that they are above it—they’re not who he’s talking about, those other barking seal idiots.)

Dave Begley said...

"Stern challenges Maher over why he doesn't have a marriage."

I watched the full clip. Who is Bill Maher's Emergency Contact?

"Frankenstein, Part II" is a love poem to marriage. It will be a cultural pivot point. Major upswing in marriages once the movie is out. Just you wait and see!

Gunner said...

Maybe if Maher hadnt spent the entire Bush and Obama years parroting every anti-Republican, anti-Bush, anti-Cheney and anti-Romney news story, his audience wouldn't be do snowflake now.

Narayanan said...

He has so much anxiety about packing (me too!),,,

I flew Frontier last month and ther pricing matrix compels you to focus on packing.

Approx 1 cu.ft does it for a week. Free as it will fit under seat.

It works. Fare $38 Austin to Detroit.

Narayanan said...

Just joking...
@Dave Begley ...
How many incels needed to put together eligible Frankenstein Bachelor.
Q from Warren Campaign
Don't know if She approves this message.

Jaq said...

Howard “Show Us Your Tits” Stern.

Narayanan said...

Does Maher have enough clout on his contract to ignore rating ups/downs or enough courage to segregate auditorium into zombie vs living (administer Israel style quiz for admission).
Being Jew should be non-anti-semitic. Yes?

Dave Begley said...


"Frankenstein, Part II" picks up where Mary Shelley's 1818 novel ends. Nothing like the 1931 movie and also nothing like "Victor Frankenstein."

Big pitch on Monday and the Austin Film Festival at the end of October.

n.n said...

Howard “Show Us Your Tits” Stern.

He is a true, blue progressive social liberal, isn't he. A friend with "benefits", a casting couch director, for the desperate, the weird, the depraved.

Feelings above everything!

Arguments through appeals to empathy. A relativistic quasi-religion ("ethics").

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

What is so hard about packing? It takes me, maybe, 5 minutes to pack for a week.

6 dress shirts, 3 pair slacks, 7 pr skivvies and socks, a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and I'm good to go.

If I have any, I'll take old underwear with holes and throw them away rather than carry them back.

If I need safety shoes I'll wear them and pack a pair of regular shoes.

My soap, toothbrush etc are already in a baggie in my suitcase.

If I am going away for 3 weeks, same thing but I'll do a load of wash on the weekends.

It all fits into a carryon. I used to use a softside but had a problem once with bulging and not being able to fit the sizer. I now use a hardside.

And my backpack with laptop, charger, notebooks etc. It is much much the same as I carry on a daily basis.

John Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

I've never listened much to Howard Stern, or much radio at all, for that matter.

I really, really, really, liked his 1997 movie Private Parts.

His love of family and home life really came through in that.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

you mean to tell me that most people don't like the progressive woke virtue signaling shame-machine speech police?

wow - who knew?

Darrell said...

So Maher doesn't like living in the Socialist hell dimension he helped create.


itzik basman said...

What’s to say? Both guys are compelling and I loved the interview and will hunt up and listen to Maher with Stern for 90’.

David Duffy said...

I don't listen to Howard, but in this segment he sounds like he is good at radio for some of the same reasons Rush is good.

My favorite moments on Bill's show are when people like Christopher Hitchens and Ann Coulter insult his audience. They deserve a good insult. Bill looks hurt when he acknowledges his fans are fools.

Howard said...

Liberals to the rescue. Cuckservatives remain on the sidelines

le Douanier said...


Narayanan said...

@ Dave Begley ...
Please post Link to pitch if you blog it

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Maher's ilk created/aided/abetted the PC Frankenstein

William said...

In comedy, timing is key. Stern switched over from Butt Bongo Fiesta to mildly probing, gently fawning interviews at just the right time. Nobody holds his past against him. He voted for Hillary. He's on the team. Ditto with Maher. Maher goes out on a limb and says that Muslims are more apt to commit acts of terror than Baptists. Edgy stuff. He can get away with one or two remarks like that a year because his audience likes to think that they believe in free speech.....Maher used to party at the Playboy Mansion. I envy him the experience, but I don't think the Playboy Mansion differed radically from Orgy Island. The girls was three or four years older, but it was closer to sexual exploitation than sexual liberation for them. Good deal for the celebrities though.

Narr said...

Those two. I actually like them both in small doses, but that's too much "you-da-man!"

No, you da man!

rhhardin said...

They are both what, in the media, passes for smart men. The media narrative.

Place holders for actual smart people, in the story told to women who watch.

rhhardin said...

The young tend to be lefties, minds brimming with inexperience and innocence.

The young tend to be the favored advertising audience, for the same reason.

So the media cater to the young, aka the left, in their choice of narratives they'll tune in for.

The dems are free riding on an advertising necessity.

The right's media are entirely about you won't believe what the left is up to now stories. So parasitic on the advertising effect above.

Nobody wants hard news. There's no business model that works.

donald said...

Big Frontier fan here.

madAsHell said...

Women are the only audience for Maher.

Yancey Ward said...

Maher has only himself to blame for this. Can anyone remember him ever challenging his audience before recent times? I don't- he has gotten exactly the audience all his work has led to over the years.

madAsHell said...

Two of the most irrelevant people ever!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


well now it's Snctm

(those arent Dorothy's Ruby Slippers)

PluralThumb said...

I'm actually perplexed as to which guy is more left on politics.

DavidUW said...

Why pack?

Best trip is to have an empty suitcase except for a shaving kit. Land, pick up swim trunks and a couple t shirts at the airport, go to your resort and sit on the beach.

Heck, throw them out and you don't even need to pack on the way back. or skip the shaving kit too. although buying a tooth brush and all is annoying.

Michael K said...

I used to listen to him but then he rolled over for Kerry and that was the end.

bcorig said...

Maher uses his sycophants in the audience prodded bythe applause signs to emphasize his points. All he has to do is say he wants to be without an audience and have at it.

bcorig said...

Maher uses his sycophants in the audience prodded bythe applause signs to emphasize his points. All he has to do is say he wants to be without an audience and have at it.

eddie willers said...

Nobody holds his past against him

I do! I worked with a liberal who kept trying to get me to read his "Private Parts", but we were in the store working when the Columbine shooting went down and someone from Stern's staff (or some idiot fan boy) called in live with some "inside report" and kept going until he revealed his call as a "prank"(!) when he started in with this 'Baba Booey' shit.

There is a time and a place but this was no fucking time and no fucking place. If I've heard more that two minutes of Howard Stern in my life I'd be surprised.

Gk1 said...

I would think deep down they both would be ashamed of helping and nurturing mindless followers too brittle and fragile to hear any controversial ideas. Even they must have the imagination to see the Cancel culture will swallow them whole, sooner or later.

Crazy World said...

Both of these fools are so 80”s who cares

Crazy World said...

Both of these fools are so 80”s who cares

RichardJohnson said...

IOW, Bill Maher isn't "telling like it is." Instead, Bill Maher selling a product: the politically correct narrative of the day. It is rather ironic that he once hosted a show called "Politically Incorrect."

Jaq said...

"Place holders for actual smart people, in the story told to women who watch.”

That would really leave a mark if either of the two understood it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What was that about "DIE BY THE SWORD?".

Terry di Tufo said...

Christopher Hitchens on the Maher audience: “mooing and booing”

Narayanan said...

How come topic heading was not sentence diagram exercise ?

Gibberish to me.

Tina Trent said...

First they didn't come for the comedians who were leftists, so the leftist comedians remained silent.

Then they came for the leftist comedians, and the leftist comedians got mad because comedians are supposed to be like tenured professors with special unique speech rights nobody else deserves.

Because comedy is, like, sacred.

I have no sympathy for these dolts. When you throw people under the bus hoping for special dispensation, you're next in line for the tire facial.

PluralThumb said...

" When you throw people under the bus hoping for special dispensation, you're next in line for the tire facial. "

Woman and children first !
That should make America great again.

bcorig said...

I listed when he syndicated to AL in 1991, for about 6 months because I had a 1 hour 20 minute one way commute. Eventually got tired. It's the same stupid bathroom joke, strippers, men who drink their urine. Terrible