March 17, 2025

"The Trump administration on Monday repeatedly stonewalled a federal judge seeking answers about whether the government had violated his order barring the deportation..."

"...of more than 200 noncitizens without due process, escalating a conflict that threatened to become a constitutional crisis.... Judge James E. Boasberg... said, he wanted only to figure out the timeline of the flights to determine whether they were in violation of his ruling. But [Justice Department lawyer, Abhishek Kambli] repeatedly refused to say anything about the flights, citing 'national security.' He simply reiterated the government’s position that it had done nothing to violate Judge Boasberg’s order..."

Meanwhile, Tom Homan said "We’re not stopping.... I don’t care what the judges think — I don’t care what the left thinks. We’re coming."


ga6 said...

The history of Judge Boasberg in particular presents a disturbing picture of a tool covering-up every act of the shadowy blob’s war against American citizens.

Boasberg presided in the FISA court that fraudulently enabled the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane operation to attempt ousting newly-elected Donald Trump in 2017, and the many RussiaGate pranks that followed. As chief judge of the DC District, he oversaw the Jack Smith Special Counsel op and all the cases associated with it, including the Mar-a-Lago raid and the J-6 case in Tanya Chutkan’s crooked court. Boasberg allowed the prosecution of J-6ers under the unlawful use of the corporate fraud obstruction statute, 18USC§1512c2, a.k.a. the Enron law. He presided over the trial of Ray Epps, the shady character recorded on video repeatedly urging J-6 protestors to “go into the Capitol.” Boasberg gave Epps a suspended sentence while grandmothers who merely “paraded” through the rotunda between velvet ropes that day got sent to jail.

Achilles said...

This is a massive tarbaby and the leftists are jumping in headfirst.

A solid majority of the country thinks Boasberg is a traitor much less a "judge" deserving of any kind of respect.

It will be noted that Boasberg was one of the people who ruled against actual citizens in the J6 cases constantly.

Original Mike said...

There was a CongressCritter who said he was starting impeachment proceedings against Judge Boasberg. What's the procedure for that? Same as a President?

Mind your own business said...

Federal District judges need to learn the limits to their authority. Too many have forgotten or never knew. Nothing they do should have nationwide impact. POTUS has sole authority over the Executive branch.

Achilles said...

Boasberg is acting out of fear.

He has broken the law repeatedly as an overseer of the FISA court.

His best course of action at this point would be to resign and disappear. But his ego will lead him to doom.

tommyesq said...

Enter illegally? Then no due process is all the procees due.

n.n said...

Trump cancels American Civil Liberties Unburdened to restore Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness of the People and our Posterity, and legal residents.

Jersey Fled said...

This guy has been a grifter his whole life and got away with it. But things are changing.

gilbar said...

this seems open and shut.
Judge James E. Boasberg is a District Judge, elected by NOONE.
This Means: that ALL Decisions in the country are to be decided by HIM.. HE is the Ultimate POWER.

gspencer said...

"And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous."

Sound familiar?

gspencer said...

To ga6's comment,

Hmmm, Roland Freisler comes to mind,

Jake said...

I guess the remedy is impeachment. Doesn’t seem like a crisis of the constitution. If congress is cool through inaction at impeachment, 2 of 3 co-equal branches are in sync. Maybe shit is about to get nuts.

Jupiter said...

Perhaps the judge should order the attorneys to know when the airplanes left US air space.

Mason G said...

I'm expecting a Democrat judge to order Trump to return the US to Great Britain. Should be happening anytime now.

Larry J said...

That judge sounds rather full of himself…or something else.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The judge has no power over the case

1: The ONLY power the judicial system has WRT the AEA is habeas corpus
You only have THAT power if they're in your jurisdiction
The TdA scum were in Texas before being deported, so ONLY Texas based judges can possibly have jurisdiction

2: The judge has no power over foreign policy. Which means the answer to any questions he has about it are "get stuffed" and FOAD

Because he has no legitimate right to ask those questions

Apparently this moron has never heard of the "political questions doctrine"

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

The administration already answered the question about the timing of the flights. The planes were in the air and therefore the thugs were removed from the US before the TRO hearing even started. It was a well planned operation.

Dave Begley said...

Boasberg said in open court that his authority doesn’t end at the water’s edge.

Last week the Nebraska Supreme Court upheld a trial court’s sua sponte decision that a Nebraska court didn’t have jurisdiction over an AZ man who had no minimum contacts with NE. It was a default collection case.

Dave Begley said...

Babylon Bee, “Federal judge orders Trump to return astronauts to space station.”

“Federal Judge Declares Himself President.”

Dave Begley said...

I know the impeachment standard and that the Senate hates impeachment trial, but Boasberg should be removed from office. Massively wrong on the law and that’s because he’s power hungry and has TDS.

doctrev said...

Simply wonderful. President Trump is no longer interested in arguing the merits with every black robed maniac promoted by the globalists. Now is escalation time. When arrested at gunpoint by the US Marshals, the minion judges of the USA would be best advised to come quietly.

Original Mike said...

Judge Boasberg: "Equitable power has extraterritorial reach; you can’t violate it."

What the hell is "equitable power"?

Rosalyn C. said...

"Equitable power refers to the authority of courts to provide remedies based on principles of fairness and justice, rather than strictly adhering to legal rules. This power allows courts to issue orders such as injunctions or specific performance when legal remedies are insufficient."
DEI "equity" not based on legal rules but on feelings. So how is he arguing about Trump not following the rules? Because the judge is the law, he's the ruler of all.

Quaestor said...

The Law of the Land.

wendybar said...

The activist in a robe attended Trumps criminal court proceedings in 2023. He SHOULD recuse himself, but instead he wants to make a Progressive name for himself. It should be a conflict of interest.

Original Mike said...

Thank you, Rosalyn.

So he's saying elected officials can not violate his sense of right and wrong. Full of himself, much?

Dave Begley said...

The first issue in any case is does the court have jurisdiction. Federal courts do not have jurisdiction outside the United States. Because if they did, federal judges would order China to shut down all of its coal-fired power plants.

Dave Begley said...

Grok, “ No, a federal judge in the United States does not have jurisdiction outside the country, generally speaking. Federal judges derive their authority from the U.S. Constitution and federal laws, which limit their jurisdiction to matters within the United States, its territories, or specific cases involving U.S. citizens or interests as defined by law (e.g., extradition cases or certain international disputes under federal statutes like the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act).”

Dave Begley said...

ChatGPT, “ You said:
Does a federal judge have jurisdiction outside the United States?

ChatGPT said:
A federal judge in the United States generally does not have jurisdiction over cases outside the United States unless the case involves U.S. law or U.S. citizens and is tied to U.S. interests in some way.”

Dave Begley said...

Google Search Labs,
“Generally, a federal judge's jurisdiction is limited to the United States and its territories, but there are exceptions for cases involving international trade, U.S. citizens abroad, and certain matters related to the U.S. Constitution or federal laws.”

RAH said...

As many have said it is a matter of separation on government. Under then Alien Enemies Act judges have no jurisdiction or authority. That is the sole authority under the President.

jim5301 said...

Dave - you're stupidity never ceases to amaze. Who are the defendants? Trump, Rubio etc. All in the USA. All subject to the court's jurisdiction. The court ordered that they do something and they refused. Seems like a clear case of contempt.

By the way, I always thought if you don't like a trial court's decision the proper remedy is appeal, not impeachment. But I guess they teach different at the shithole law school you attended.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL Jimbo is big mad! Dave's wisdom never ceases to amaze me, so we're equal. Opposite and equal. Meanwhile you seem under the misimpression that federal district courts, a creation of Congress, are co-equal to the Chief Executive. How stupid is THAT! The only Constitutional court is SCOTUS, so POTUS and SCOTUS are co-equal. There is no constitutional requirement that Trump follow every pissant local yokel judge that Democrats can find to make crazy rulings.

Up until now, in an effort to demonstrate for CJ Roberts that he has respect for the judiciary branch, Trump has followed the old playbook of appeal and go along. But time is of the essence and it's time for Roberts to rein in these lower courts or the District courts will induce a Constitutional Crisis (TM) by virtue of their own overreach and arrogance.

jim5301 said...

If there is to be a constitutional crisis, why doesn't the administration have the courage to say so? Instead they claim they are following court orders when any idiot - including Dave - can clearly see that ain't so.

Saint Croix said...

Who are the defendants? Trump, Rubio etc.

ha ha ha

what the fuck?

start sending out arrest warrants.

that would be hilarious

Saint Croix said...

why not arrest the American people while you're at it?

jim5301 said...

The American people are not defendants. You know how you find out who the defendants are? Look at the first page of the complaint. Even a dumbshit like Dave knows that.

Leland said...

Wow, somebody here seems to be taking the deportation of alien gang bangers quite personal. I just want to note, the American people voted for this, and it is not a surprise that it is happening.

Freder Frederson said...

Wow, somebody here seems to be taking the deportation of alien gang bangers quite personal. I just want to note, the American people voted for this, and it is not a surprise that it is happening.

I guess this statement might be relevant if we had anything but the word of the administration that these people are indeed "alien gang members". We don't even know their names.

Iman said...

As has been stated before, the “constitutional crisis” these lefty midwits shriek about is the Republicans winning the November 2024 elections.

Iman said...

“We don't even know their names.”

Dollars to donuts there are several “Frederico”s to be found among the turd scum.

Freder Frederson said...

Dollars to donuts there are several “Frederico”s to be found among the turd scum.

I would bet that there are also several "Jesus"s too. What the fuck is your point other than South Americans shouldn't be allowed in the country.

MadisonMan said...


I don't know his name or what he looks like,
But I have a much more certain guide:
I can tell exactly what he looks like inside.

I think if there were proof that these were not gang members, we'd hear about it in the press.

Mason G said...

"Wow, somebody here seems to be taking the deportation of alien gang bangers quite personal."

They don't give a shit about the deportations- what they're taking personal is that Trump has Done Something, and they can't abide that. Anything he attempts to do is, by definition, wrong and needs to be stopped.

Peachy said...

Tren De Argua - Never in the US until Crook Joe and his vile corrupt handlers let them in.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Just who does Trump think he is? Boasberg is the KING!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

if we had anything but the word of the administration that these people are indeed "alien gang members"

Plenty of videos of these criminal scum if you care to watch them, including the hilarious music video Trump Xed yesterday. If you took the the time to watch you'd find corroborating evidence:

"alien" yes they are Venezuelans, as the TDA tattoos testify to, and not green card holders.
"gang members" yes they are a criminal gang, as the TDA tattoos testify to, and if they are simply cosplaying then it'll catch up with them in prison.

Dave Begley said...


1. All the AI programs agree with me. And Blackstone!

2. Even if I am a graduate of a "shithole" law school, I just stopped a $1.3 billion wind farm in Knox County, Nebraska that would have resulted in the federal government giving away at least $390m.

North Fork Wind, LLC et al. v. Knox County et al., 4:24-cv-3150.

MountainMan said...

So now we have another judge/daughter team involved in a Trump-related case. Judge Boasberg has failed to disclose that his daughter, Katharine, works for a 501(c)(3) called "Partners for Justice" that provides legal services to criminal illegal aliens and gangs, like Tren de Aragua. He should have recused himself from this case.

Bob Boyd said...

Dems are insisting violent drug cartel rapists and murderers, who came into the country illegally and have already been deported, must be brought back here to be protected and provided for, given legal representation and "due process" however long it takes.
This is the hill the Dems want to die on? Okie doke.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I guess this statement might be relevant if we had anything but the word of the administration that these people are indeed "alien gang members". We don't even know their names.”

Yeah, I’m sure they’re just some random dudes.

It’s fascinating to watch this Administration in action. They’ve specifically targeted the Donk’s weaknesses, down to specific personalities, with the sure knowledge of how the Donks will respond and how that will play out with the voters.

The crazy thing is they’re just getting started. They must be developing new bait, and new hooks, constantly. Like there’s an Office of Suckering Progs. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Bob Boyd said...

I don't see how a district judge's order can supersede an order given to military personnel by the commander in chief.
Can a district judge order the Captain of an aircraft carrier not to carry out an air strikes ordered by the commander in chief?
Could he order US troops into action?

Dave Begley said...


If true, that's deep corruption and probably a violation of the federal judge's ethics code. Charges should be filed.

Dave Begley said...

MM: Katharine Boasberg does work for Partners for Justice but supposedly on "prison reform."

"Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in all Activities

(A) Respect for Law. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

(B) Outside Influence. A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment.



Canon 2A. An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges, including harassment and other inappropriate workplace behavior. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety."

Clear violation.

ColoComment said...

Dave Begley said...
3/18/25, 9:08 AM

Bob Boyd said...

Okay, suppose a harmless and lovable Salvadorian donkey brusher left his village and his practice to follow his dream of entering the US illegally and been subsequently deported. How does it make sense to bring him back again. How have we as a nation incurred that obligation to a guy simply because he violated our laws?
I seem to recall that during the election, the media and Kamala were bragging about the numbers of illegals deported by the Biden administration. Where were these judges then? Will we need to track those people down and bring them back here too? Or only the ones deported by Trump?

Bob Boyd said...

I'm no lawyer, but isn't it the job of a district judge to hear and decide individual cases brought before his/her court? How do they have sweeping authority to approve or disapprove national policies? That's the job of Congress. Do they all have that power now? Will they all have to be looped into the discussions in the WH from now on and persuaded to go along? When will they have time to be judges?

Peachy said...

Among the greatest debate ass kickings of all time at CNN..

jim5301 said...

I guess I'm old fashioned but I believe in something called due process and the rule of law. At a minimum that means that court orders should not be ignored, and before anyone is shipped off to a prison in a foreign country there should be some review by someone other than ICE to ensure the person has done what's accused.

What was the rush? They were all behind bars here.

I voted for Trump but not for this (jk)

effinayright said...

@jim5301: pull your head out of your ass.

THE NERVE of these fuckers, to illegally flood the country with millions of illiterate and unskilled aliens, and then bleat about "due process" as an excuse for not deporting them expeditiously.

No way.

Jaq said...

"Could he order US troops into action?"

I would be very interested to hear the argument that a district judge could not order troops into action. Where is the line drawn in the Constitution that specifically stops him there but gives him power over every other action by the President.

Jersey Fled said...

Seems that Boasberg has a substantial conflict of interest as his daughter works for a nonprofit that provides aid to criminal illegal aliens. Needs to recuse himself immediately.

Bob Boyd said...

Do you think all these millions of illegals will eventually get the court hearing they are required to have before they can be given a green card or deported? Their hearings were scheduled years out. The courts are already completely overwhelmed.
Proponents of the unchecked immigration have been counting on the government, which they hoped would be a Harris administration, to throw up their hands and simply grant a sweeping amnesty to solve the problem. In other words, due process is impossible under the circumstances and the attempt would be abandoned as a practical matter.
Trump is simply going the other way. There's no way to give all these people an individual hearing so the default is deportation rather than an amnesty that would hurt most American citizens in myriad ways. Trump's default is clearly the common sense and morally correct path.

Jersey Fled said...

Many have not appeared for their hearings. Roughly 160,000 in the past year. They are given “in absentia” deportation orders. Let’s start there.

Lazarus said...

Partners for Justice's main emphasis isn't on defending illegals. If the Katherine Boasberg who works there is the judge's daughter is there a conflict? So many judges have children who are lawyers -- wouldn't that make for an awful lot of conflicts if we take things loosely?

Here's from Partners for Justice's website:

Our current system has zero impact on the crime rate.
The U.S. spends $182 billion annually on the current approach to public safety: prisons, jails, parole and probation, policing, judicial and legal system costs (including $4.5 billion for public defense), bail fees, civil asset forfeiture, and the direct costs to families (like telephone and commissary). Locking more people up has had essentially zero impact on the crime rate.

Is that true? How do they know? And doesn't it sound a little Fox Butterfield-y?

PenguinBelly said...

It is not hard to imagine your reaction if it were a leftist who said "I don’t care what the judges think — I don’t care what the left thinks. We’re coming." Heck, if it were a black person. Imagine that.

Do not worry. Liberals are no doubt painstakingly jotting down all these.

PenguinBelly said...

"I don't care what the right thinks."

Robin Goodfellow said...

gspencer said...
"And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous."

Well, she was the greatest piece of ass he’d ever had.

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