It’s been reported that the Federal government funded a study in which cats had marbles inserted into their anuses and were electroshocked, presumably to find out if the marbles would shoot out. Who was conducting that study? Beavis and Butthead?
I wonder if Trump is intentionally seeking out and hoping for the Democrats' and the Media's talk of him undertaking a coup against the Government. He ran as an outsider and a reformer. Even Kamala kind of wanted that bag when she ran. So long as people are shouting 'Coup!' he still gets to carry that mantle of outsider even though he is in office, with a Republican congress, and a conservative majority Supreme Court.
Pete Hegseth has his work cut out for him. Today there was a collision between a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and a bulk cargo vessel. Our navy cannot navigate.
Remember when our local trolls kept trying to gaslight us about the economy leading up the election, you know Rich, gadfly, etc. "The economy's great! People who think it's not are stupid and should vote for Biden just because they can't trust their own judgement!"
OK, I made up the second part, but I think that that is what they were really thinking. Well, it turns out that the Biden Administration was lying to us all along about those Statistics.
Before the presidential election, many Democrats were puzzled by the seeming disconnect between “economic reality” as reflected in various government statistics and the public’s perceptions of the economy on the ground. Many in Washington bristled at the public’s failure to register how strong the economy really was. They charged that right-wing echo chambers were conning voters into believing entirely preposterous narratives about America’s decline.
What they rarely considered was whether something else might be responsible for the disconnect — whether, for instance, government statistics were fundamentally flawed. What if the numbers supporting the case for broad-based prosperity were themselves misrepresentations? What if, in fact, darker assessments of the economy were more authentically tethered to reality?
"Misrepresentations"? Isn't that a fancy schmancy word for *lies*?
The Key vote will be Patel at the FBI. My gut feeling is that Collins, Lisa Murkey and some others are all voting for Tump's nominees so they can sink Patel. Or is it that they've been bribed by Trump? I dunno.
McConnell voted no. Just like he voted no on Mr. Pete. And Tulsi. This from a guy who voted for Biden's far left picks saying "The POTUS gets to choose his own cabinet". My God, this character was Republican Senate Leader for 14 years! No wonder we've been losing.
Trump attacked him at the Press Conference. Said McConnnell has always been terrible, McConnell and GOPe would've run the GOP off the cliff - if Trump has not run for POTUS. "The GOP wouldn't exist today, except for me" was Trump's typical understatement of the situation.
I always wonder why McConnell was so happy being in the Minority, and the reason is simple: He's a liberal/moderate Democrat.
I saw that story Big Mike and then saw Sal's analysis on YouTube. He makes no conclusion, and that's a good idea. However, I can't help but notice that the merchant vessel seemed to be following a very reasonable track.
Bad news! Oh, wait, that's according to the writer of this thread. GOOD NEWS! The State Department is going to have to conduct foreign diplomacy as POTUS wants, not as the professionals want. Why is that a shocking concept to some, that you have to do what the boss tells you to do?
I always wonder why McConnell was so happy being in the Minority, and the reason is simple: He's a liberal/moderate Democrat.
He did get a lot of conservative justices through while he was Majority leader. And he was willing to continue the Democrat-started practice of not having a filibuster for judicial appointments, which means we got the Conservative Supreme court majority we have today because of that.
Pam Bondi does her first chore for trump and looks the idiot on live tv. Governor of NY called out her bullshit and continues as Bondi is all we expected a trump go get em girl.. Bondi has always been a criminal appointed by a criminal doing criminal things..Its a beauty! Honey did you get my slippers yet..What a group of people...Gods in charge ,meeting at the great White throne will be a thriller.. :)
As much as I like the Dershowitz monologues on YouTube, I like the walls surrounding him more. One of these days he has to do a tour of his office or at least offer a high resolution photo of it. What’s the cartoon? What’s the quotation on the side wall. Is that a Florida for Trump hat in the back. Whose wanted poster is that? Is that a cowboy hat? I want the titles of all the books. I love this guy’s office.
trumps private counsel SLOPPY STEVE BANNON,the INITIATOR OF THE flood the area ploy they are using is now whining Bannon Warns Trump and Musk: There’s ‘A Lot of MAGAs on Medicaid’ and They ‘Can’t Take a Meat Axe To It’ 13 of 20 states that don't chip in to the pot are RED states and are getting a ride. Farmers are whining because their goods are rotting in warehouses from the freeze and MAGAS are going to be scratching their heads.Sometimes you do get what you deserve,you know whose not struggling? Ah you know...
What if the numbers supporting the case for broad-based prosperity were themselves misrepresentations? What if, in fact, darker assessments of the economy were more authentically tethered to reality?
Read that again, I can't quite get over it. "What if the Biden Administration was deliberately gaslighting the American people in a squalid and desperate attempt to get re-elected?" The way that is written it's kind of difficult to prise out the actual meaning, isn't it.
Sometimes I wish we had better trolls, but then I think it might not be their fault. I mean look at the material they have to work with; they have to lie, and then pretend that yesterday's lies haven't be exposed for everybody to see. They are not burdened by what has been, that's for sure.
@Peachy, Maddow seems to have two, fairly important, omissions. First, as, you noted, the $400 million order for armored Tesla trucks was made by the Biden administration. But secondly, Trump cancelled that order. Trump cost Tesla a $400 million order, and yet the two of them are still good buddies. Amazing.
I can't believe that for the first time in decades the "Right Track/Wrong Track" number for the United States is positive. That's a pretty steep hill that the press will have to climb to bring down Trump, I bet the press wishes that they had their credibility back right about now.
What a sad thing that America had to live through those Biden years.
A United States Navy aircraft carrier collided with a merchant vessel in the Mediterranean Sea shortly before midnight on Wednesday near a port in Egypt, Navy officials said. The U.S.S. Harry S. Truman, a Nimitz-class carrier, had been operating in the Red Sea while deployed under U.S. Central Command since Dec. 14, helping to launch attacks in Yemen against Houthi militias there that have been attacking civilian ships and vessels tied to Israel. There were no reports of flooding or injuries aboard the Truman, and the Navy said in a statement on Thursday that the ship’s propulsion systems, powered by two onboard nuclear reactors, were “unaffected and in a safe and stable condition.” The Navy also said the crash was under investigation. The online ship tracking service Vessel Tracker reported that there were no injuries to the crew of the commercial vessel, the Besiktas-M, a bulk carrier built in 2003 and sailing under the Panamanian flag. The ship was traveling from the port of Aqaba in Jordan to Constanta, a port city in Romania by the Black Sea. Planes crashing,ships crashing,measles outbreak in Texas 22 stricken(none vaccinated,BIRD FLU picking up speed why the trump department cancels and y reports from CDC and they just hired a 14 year hard line main line smack used with brain worm who says we should stop research on disease for alt least 8 years because you know research is just a waste of time.. Beautiful MERIKA! It was so boring the repubs say with DARK BRANDON now at least you can wake up to the trump /musk show and see how much they made for the day.I think they say Musk get 8 mil a day so far..I am so old that noe of it affects me or my wife but my grandkids and great grandkids will have to handle it.unless trump blows it all up(loses the football) then none of it matters..It will be the new improved Catholic Beatitude the 3rd The meek shall inherit the earth,but the rest of the rich will leave for space..AMEN I SAY TO YOU ,you better get that cracker(you know the one trump says you get in church) and as Thess 5 17 says PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!
Jaq - it's really amazing what happens when the media isn't paid to push a narrative. From 'Bestest Economy EVARRR!' to 'You know, things actually sucked' is a hell of a swing.
Also noticing the mass protests (if any) aren't being televised. The last one I saw any video of was of maybe a hundred people marching down the street towards the camera. Angle was such that it looked like a large mob, but you could see a lot of clear space just behind the front ranks.
Really odd how the 'grassroots' protests wither when not fertilized by USAid money...
First they came for the DEI hires, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a DEI hire.
Then they came for the inspectors general, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an inspector general.
Then they came for those who investigated January 6, and I did not speak out— Because I was not one of those who investigated January 6.
Then they came for the probationary employees, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a probationary employee.
Then they came for the employees with a less-than-satisfactory rating, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an employees with a less-than-satisfactory rating.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday said a deal to end the Ukraine war as a "dictated peace" should not be imposed on Kyiv as European leaders warned of security implications on the continent after US President Donald Trump agreed to open negotiations with his idol, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a phone call. Guess who loses this proposed bilateral meeting in Saudi Arabia!
I have started wondering how the Democratic party survives this. They don't learn. What are we going to do if they willfully implode. We need a credible alternative. You have to have several workable options, or your vote stops being a real vehicle of change.
Gavin Kliger, one of the top staffers working with Elon Musk in his efforts to overhaul the federal government, arrived at the Internal Revenue Service on Thursday to examine the agency's operations.
So one guy is going to figure out how to improve this huge agency with 90,000 employees processing and auditing 270 million tax returns while ginning up $14.7 trillion! Not a chance to do much to reduce the 3,000 returns per employee workload. But I can hope that Kliger will wait until my tax refund is processed before he cuts employee headcount.
@gadfly: But I can hope that Kliger will wait until my tax refund is processed before he cuts employee headcount.
Judging from this comment, I'm guessing that you do your taxes with a pen and paper, an abacus, and look at thick tax tables to calculate your payment due. Have you heard about the newfangled "computer software" that can automatically complete your tax forms? You enter a few numbers and it does the rest. The computer checks for errors and tells you what needs to be fixed, if anything. NO HUMANS REQUIRED! I'm sure this comes as shock, but 3,000 returns per employee should be 30,000 or 300,000. What a waste of labor hours!
"So one guy is going to figure out how to improve this huge agency with 90,000 employees processing and auditing 270 million tax returns while ginning up $14.7 trillion!"
Yes, gadfly, one guy can see where major inefficiencies in the system are, steps/processes that very likely could be could be automated or shortened, etc. And then specific items on that list would be assigned to other individuals to accomplish.
MaxedOutMama said... “I have started wondering how the Democratic party survives this. They don't learn. What are we going to do if they willfully implode. We need a credible alternative. You have to have several workable options, or your vote stops being a real vehicle of change.”
We do have non-Democrat oppo parties: they’re called the Deep State and the GOPe. Though I’m certainly happy that we now have a Republican Party that is a choice and not an echo of the Democrats.
If you want a historical precedent, we can look to the collapse of the Whig party. Within 6 years the Republican Party went from a new party to a regional party to putting Lincoln in the White House.
Since it would have to be a party opposed to the Republicans, maybe the Green Party or the Democratic Socialists. I’m sure they’d be happy to hold the red star high in hand.
@Rocco: Since it would have to be a party opposed to the Republicans, maybe the Green Party or the Democratic Socialists. I’m sure they’d be happy to hold the red star high in hand.
I see these major political clusters today:
1: Libertarian right plus the moderate left (freedom-oriented left): all live-and-let-live, have a happy and wealthy life. Patriots who actually like the USA. This is the dominant zeitgeist, per the relentless rise of MAGA in adding more and more defecting Democrats such as Rogan, Gabbard, and RFK Jr.
2: The last gasp of central planning 20th century Socialist-Communist-Progressives, government manipulators, and the people fully dependent on the state. This includes the Deep State, and it housed all Democrats plus lazy GOPe before the Bernie/AOC/Trump fractures of 2015 to 2016.
3: Revolutionaries (green, DEI, defund the police, pro-Palestine). They took their shot as Biden's puppet masters and proved once again that 95% of attempted revolutions fail. They always think about winning a battle close to their hearts, but never about what comes next. They will try again in 40 years, but will be sent to wander in the wilderness for now.
I don't include true conservatives because the USA's history of protestant Christian immigration means that it was never rooted in hardcore traditionalism. The Pilgrims, Shakers, Quakers, and Mormons were the radicals of their day. Most everyone in the US incorporated modern science and technology into their belief systems during the industrial revolution. WIth the decline of religion after the Moral Majority era of the 1980s, the libertarian right has taken contol.
"Guess who loses this proposed bilateral meeting in Saudi Arabia!"
The people who trusted Joe Biden, who gravely miscalculated in this affair?
The people who emptied their armories and coffers, and so depleted their military of armor and missiles, and destroyed their own economies and lost the war anyway in a half-witted bid to take control of Russia's huge endowment of natural resources on the cheap?
"Ultra-nationalists" who are still angry that Hitler lost and who painted German crosses on the tanks we sent them, and still honor people who fought with the Waffen SS against our allies in WWII?
Who exactly is losing here that is any of our business? Biden had a deal in hand in March of 2022 that would have ended the war and left Ukraine intact. A deal that Zelensky can only dream of now, since so much blood has been spilled.
What has Russia ever done to us? They sold us Alaska, they helped us defeat the Nazis. What have they ever done to us except maybe take the other side in wars that we were fighting on their continent and their borders, oceans away from our own homeland.
"Russian attack on the Chernobyl containment dome."
I hadn't heard about it, but if this just happened, I predicted such a move by Ukraine yesterday. They did Bucca, in my opinion, to kill the first deal. We don't really know what happened at Bucca because the US vetoed the U.N. Security Council investigation of that atrocity that Russia demanded.
OK, "Ukraine says." The problem is that when they used to pull this kind of crap before, Tulsi Gabbard was not at the head of the intelligence services and Joe Biden would cover for them. It's very likely that Donald Trump knows exactly what happened, and is in no mood for this kind of crapola.
This is why it was critical for Trump to have loyal people in key positions. We all talk about his bad choices in personnel last time, but he was forced into choosing these deep state operatives by the Uniparty. Getting his people in place at the top is a huge victory for the American people who voted him in.
Jaq--It looks like both Politico (!!) and the guy who wrote that piece on the fake stats are now looking to get on the "right side" now that the jig is up. Where was this BEFORE the election--when it counted?
Shock and disbelief US farmers in America’s Maga heartlands are reeling from the impact of President Donald Trump’s various funding freezes.Mid western trumpers getting the hose! beautiful dont milk the cows its got BIRD FLU in it! dont tell nobody until its killin ya! :(
The conventional wisdom going on in lefty Facebook circles is that Trump is going to cancel social security. They are getting very worked up about it. 2/14/25, 10:12 AM
Grandma worried about it when I was too young to know what SS, or Republican was. I wonder how many actual recipients believe it will finally happen.
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It’s been reported that the Federal government funded a study in which cats had marbles inserted into their anuses and were electroshocked, presumably to find out if the marbles would shoot out. Who was conducting that study? Beavis and Butthead?
I wonder if Trump is intentionally seeking out and hoping for the Democrats' and the Media's talk of him undertaking a coup against the Government. He ran as an outsider and a reformer. Even Kamala kind of wanted that bag when she ran. So long as people are shouting 'Coup!' he still gets to carry that mantle of outsider even though he is in office, with a Republican congress, and a conservative majority Supreme Court.
Pete Hegseth has his work cut out for him. Today there was a collision between a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and a bulk cargo vessel. Our navy cannot navigate.
Looks like far-right cars are running people down in Germany.
When will it stop?
Remember when our local trolls kept trying to gaslight us about the economy leading up the election, you know Rich, gadfly, etc. "The economy's great! People who think it's not are stupid and should vote for Biden just because they can't trust their own judgement!"
OK, I made up the second part, but I think that that is what they were really thinking. Well, it turns out that the Biden Administration was lying to us all along about those Statistics.
Voters Were Right About the Economy. The Data Was Wrong.
Before the presidential election, many Democrats were puzzled by the seeming disconnect between “economic reality” as reflected in various government statistics and the public’s perceptions of the economy on the ground. Many in Washington bristled at the public’s failure to register how strong the economy really was. They charged that right-wing echo chambers were conning voters into believing entirely preposterous narratives about America’s decline.
What they rarely considered was whether something else might be responsible for the disconnect — whether, for instance, government statistics were fundamentally flawed. What if the numbers supporting the case for broad-based prosperity were themselves misrepresentations? What if, in fact, darker assessments of the economy were more authentically tethered to reality?
"Misrepresentations"? Isn't that a fancy schmancy word for *lies*?
The Key vote will be Patel at the FBI. My gut feeling is that Collins, Lisa Murkey and some others are all voting for Tump's nominees so they can sink Patel. Or is it that they've been bribed by Trump? I dunno.
McConnell voted no. Just like he voted no on Mr. Pete. And Tulsi. This from a guy who voted for Biden's far left picks saying "The POTUS gets to choose his own cabinet". My God, this character was Republican Senate Leader for 14 years! No wonder we've been losing.
Sounds like they need to reprint "How to Avoid Huge Ships" and pass them out.
Trump attacked him at the Press Conference. Said McConnnell has always been terrible, McConnell and GOPe would've run the GOP off the cliff - if Trump has not run for POTUS. "The GOP wouldn't exist today, except for me" was Trump's typical understatement of the situation.
I always wonder why McConnell was so happy being in the Minority, and the reason is simple: He's a liberal/moderate Democrat.
Baby, it's a blizzard outside. But inside it's so delightful. So, let it...
planes boats and food prices crashing on trumps watch and its just begun.,Honey get me my slippers I want to watch this!!
Doge are finding large sums of tax payer money spent on animal torture. Dogs, cats and hamsters.
Your Democrat Party - animal torture supporters.
Rachel Maddow - caught in another huge lie.
She claims Trump ordered a bunch of Tesla trucks.
Nope - it was Biden.
I saw that story Big Mike and then saw Sal's analysis on YouTube. He makes no conclusion, and that's a good idea. However, I can't help but notice that the merchant vessel seemed to be following a very reasonable track.
Bad news! Oh, wait, that's according to the writer of this thread. GOOD NEWS! The State Department is going to have to conduct foreign diplomacy as POTUS wants, not as the professionals want. Why is that a shocking concept to some, that you have to do what the boss tells you to do?
I always wonder why McConnell was so happy being in the Minority, and the reason is simple: He's a liberal/moderate Democrat.
He did get a lot of conservative justices through while he was Majority leader. And he was willing to continue the Democrat-started practice of not having a filibuster for judicial appointments, which means we got the Conservative Supreme court majority we have today because of that.
Obama Speaks!
the juicy part starts at about 1:17
"He's a liberal/moderate Democrat."
The US Congress: Where the Democrats are Democrats and so are some of the Republicans.
Pam Bondi does her first chore for trump and looks the idiot on live tv. Governor of NY called out her bullshit and continues as Bondi is all we expected a trump go get em girl.. Bondi has always been a criminal appointed by a criminal doing criminal things..Its a beauty! Honey did you get my slippers yet..What a group of people...Gods in charge ,meeting at the great White throne will be a thriller.. :)
As much as I like the Dershowitz monologues on YouTube, I like the walls surrounding him more. One of these days he has to do a tour of his office or at least offer a high resolution photo of it. What’s the cartoon? What’s the quotation on the side wall. Is that a Florida for Trump hat in the back. Whose wanted poster is that? Is that a cowboy hat? I want the titles of all the books. I love this guy’s office.
trumps private counsel SLOPPY STEVE BANNON,the INITIATOR OF THE flood the area ploy they are using is now whining Bannon Warns Trump and Musk: There’s ‘A Lot of MAGAs on Medicaid’ and They ‘Can’t Take a Meat Axe To It’ 13 of 20 states that don't chip in to the pot are RED states and are getting a ride. Farmers are whining because their goods are rotting in warehouses from the freeze and MAGAS are going to be scratching their heads.Sometimes you do get what you deserve,you know whose not struggling? Ah you know...
What if the numbers supporting the case for broad-based prosperity were themselves misrepresentations? What if, in fact, darker assessments of the economy were more authentically tethered to reality?
Read that again, I can't quite get over it. "What if the Biden Administration was deliberately gaslighting the American people in a squalid and desperate attempt to get re-elected?" The way that is written it's kind of difficult to prise out the actual meaning, isn't it.
Sometimes I wish we had better trolls, but then I think it might not be their fault. I mean look at the material they have to work with; they have to lie, and then pretend that yesterday's lies haven't be exposed for everybody to see. They are not burdened by what has been, that's for sure.
I wonder how much Dinky gets paid and if those funds will dry up soon
@Peachy, Maddow seems to have two, fairly important, omissions. First, as, you noted, the $400 million order for armored Tesla trucks was made by the Biden administration. But secondly, Trump cancelled that order. Trump cost Tesla a $400 million order, and yet the two of them are still good buddies. Amazing.
I can't believe that for the first time in decades the "Right Track/Wrong Track" number for the United States is positive. That's a pretty steep hill that the press will have to climb to bring down Trump, I bet the press wishes that they had their credibility back right about now.
What a sad thing that America had to live through those Biden years.
A United States Navy aircraft carrier collided with a merchant vessel in the Mediterranean Sea shortly before midnight on Wednesday near a port in Egypt, Navy officials said.
The U.S.S. Harry S. Truman, a Nimitz-class carrier, had been operating in the Red Sea while deployed under U.S. Central Command since Dec. 14, helping to launch attacks in Yemen against Houthi militias there that have been attacking civilian ships and vessels tied to Israel.
There were no reports of flooding or injuries aboard the Truman, and the Navy said in a statement on Thursday that the ship’s propulsion systems, powered by two onboard nuclear reactors, were “unaffected and in a safe and stable condition.”
The Navy also said the crash was under investigation.
The online ship tracking service Vessel Tracker reported that there were no injuries to the crew of the commercial vessel, the Besiktas-M, a bulk carrier built in 2003 and sailing under the Panamanian flag. The ship was traveling from the port of Aqaba in Jordan to Constanta, a port city in Romania by the Black Sea. Planes crashing,ships crashing,measles outbreak in Texas 22 stricken(none vaccinated,BIRD FLU picking up speed why the trump department cancels and y reports from CDC and they just hired a 14 year hard line main line smack used with brain worm who says we should stop research on disease for alt least 8 years because you know research is just a waste of time.. Beautiful MERIKA! It was so boring the repubs say with DARK BRANDON now at least you can wake up to the trump /musk show and see how much they made for the day.I think they say Musk get 8 mil a day so far..I am so old that noe of it affects me or my wife but my grandkids and great grandkids will have to handle it.unless trump blows it all up(loses the football) then none of it matters..It will be the new improved Catholic Beatitude the 3rd The meek shall inherit the earth,but the rest of the rich will leave for space..AMEN I SAY TO YOU ,you better get that cracker(you know the one trump says you get in church) and as Thess 5 17 says PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!
Jaq said...
"Misrepresentations"? Isn't that a fancy schmancy word for *lies*?
How about this one ** DISINFORMATION **
"How about this one ** DISINFORMATION **"
Or maybe "large scale deception."
I wonder how much Dinky gets paid...
Check the receipts at Total Wine and More, and you'll have your answer.
In other news, my favorite novelist, Tom Robbins, has passed.
Jaq - it's really amazing what happens when the media isn't paid to push a narrative. From 'Bestest Economy EVARRR!' to 'You know, things actually sucked' is a hell of a swing.
Also noticing the mass protests (if any) aren't being televised. The last one I saw any video of was of maybe a hundred people marching down the street towards the camera. Angle was such that it looked like a large mob, but you could see a lot of clear space just behind the front ranks.
Really odd how the 'grassroots' protests wither when not fertilized by USAid money...
True as true can be…
A post from the FedNews subreddit:
First they came for the DEI hires, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a DEI hire.
Then they came for the inspectors general, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an inspector general.
Then they came for those who investigated January 6, and I did not speak out— Because I was not one of those who investigated January 6.
Then they came for the probationary employees, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a probationary employee.
Then they came for the employees with a less-than-satisfactory rating, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an employees with a less-than-satisfactory rating.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday said a deal to end the Ukraine war as a "dictated peace" should not be imposed on Kyiv as European leaders warned of security implications on the continent after US President Donald Trump agreed to open negotiations with his idol, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a phone call. Guess who loses this proposed bilateral meeting in Saudi Arabia!
DW: “Fed Judge Puts Hold On Trump’s Ban On Child Sex Change Procedures, Calls It ‘Horribly Dangerous’
The case could end up at the Supreme Court.“
I have started wondering how the Democratic party survives this. They don't learn. What are we going to do if they willfully implode. We need a credible alternative. You have to have several workable options, or your vote stops being a real vehicle of change.
Gavin Kliger, one of the top staffers working with Elon Musk in his efforts to overhaul the federal government, arrived at the Internal Revenue Service on Thursday to examine the agency's operations.
So one guy is going to figure out how to improve this huge agency with 90,000 employees processing and auditing 270 million tax returns while ginning up $14.7 trillion! Not a chance to do much to reduce the 3,000 returns per employee workload. But I can hope that Kliger will wait until my tax refund is processed before he cuts employee headcount.
@gadfly: But I can hope that Kliger will wait until my tax refund is processed before he cuts employee headcount.
Judging from this comment, I'm guessing that you do your taxes with a pen and paper, an abacus, and look at thick tax tables to calculate your payment due. Have you heard about the newfangled "computer software" that can automatically complete your tax forms? You enter a few numbers and it does the rest. The computer checks for errors and tells you what needs to be fixed, if anything. NO HUMANS REQUIRED! I'm sure this comes as shock, but 3,000 returns per employee should be 30,000 or 300,000. What a waste of labor hours!
"So one guy is going to figure out how to improve this huge agency with 90,000 employees processing and auditing 270 million tax returns while ginning up $14.7 trillion!"
Yes, gadfly, one guy can see where major inefficiencies in the system are, steps/processes that very likely could be could be automated or shortened, etc. And then specific items on that list would be assigned to other individuals to accomplish.
“To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.” - Shakespeare
MaxedOutMama said...
“I have started wondering how the Democratic party survives this. They don't learn. What are we going to do if they willfully implode. We need a credible alternative. You have to have several workable options, or your vote stops being a real vehicle of change.”
We do have non-Democrat oppo parties: they’re called the Deep State and the GOPe. Though I’m certainly happy that we now have a Republican Party that is a choice and not an echo of the Democrats.
If you want a historical precedent, we can look to the collapse of the Whig party. Within 6 years the Republican Party went from a new party to a regional party to putting Lincoln in the White House.
Since it would have to be a party opposed to the Republicans, maybe the Green Party or the Democratic Socialists. I’m sure they’d be happy to hold the red star high in hand.
I really enjoy the clips of Clinton and Gore announcing their efficiency accomplishments cutting waste. Barack too.
The interweb is forever.
@Rocco: Since it would have to be a party opposed to the Republicans, maybe the Green Party or the Democratic Socialists. I’m sure they’d be happy to hold the red star high in hand.
I see these major political clusters today:
1: Libertarian right plus the moderate left (freedom-oriented left): all live-and-let-live, have a happy and wealthy life. Patriots who actually like the USA. This is the dominant zeitgeist, per the relentless rise of MAGA in adding more and more defecting Democrats such as Rogan, Gabbard, and RFK Jr.
2: The last gasp of central planning 20th century Socialist-Communist-Progressives, government manipulators, and the people fully dependent on the state. This includes the Deep State, and it housed all Democrats plus lazy GOPe before the Bernie/AOC/Trump fractures of 2015 to 2016.
3: Revolutionaries (green, DEI, defund the police, pro-Palestine). They took their shot as Biden's puppet masters and proved once again that 95% of attempted revolutions fail. They always think about winning a battle close to their hearts, but never about what comes next. They will try again in 40 years, but will be sent to wander in the wilderness for now.
I don't include true conservatives because the USA's history of protestant Christian immigration means that it was never rooted in hardcore traditionalism. The Pilgrims, Shakers, Quakers, and Mormons were the radicals of their day. Most everyone in the US incorporated modern science and technology into their belief systems during the industrial revolution. WIth the decline of religion after the Moral Majority era of the 1980s, the libertarian right has taken contol.
"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz German Chancellor Olaf Scholz..."
US Vassal who let the Ukrainians destroy his economy says wut?
"Guess who loses this proposed bilateral meeting in Saudi Arabia!"
The people who trusted Joe Biden, who gravely miscalculated in this affair?
The people who emptied their armories and coffers, and so depleted their military of armor and missiles, and destroyed their own economies and lost the war anyway in a half-witted bid to take control of Russia's huge endowment of natural resources on the cheap?
"Ultra-nationalists" who are still angry that Hitler lost and who painted German crosses on the tanks we sent them, and still honor people who fought with the Waffen SS against our allies in WWII?
Who exactly is losing here that is any of our business? Biden had a deal in hand in March of 2022 that would have ended the war and left Ukraine intact. A deal that Zelensky can only dream of now, since so much blood has been spilled.
What has Russia ever done to us? They sold us Alaska, they helped us defeat the Nazis. What have they ever done to us except maybe take the other side in wars that we were fighting on their continent and their borders, oceans away from our own homeland.
I'm surprised that no one (Jaq?) has commented yet about the so-called Russian attack on the Chernobyl containment dome.
"Russian attack on the Chernobyl containment dome."
I hadn't heard about it, but if this just happened, I predicted such a move by Ukraine yesterday. They did Bucca, in my opinion, to kill the first deal. We don't really know what happened at Bucca because the US vetoed the U.N. Security Council investigation of that atrocity that Russia demanded.
OK, "Ukraine says." The problem is that when they used to pull this kind of crap before, Tulsi Gabbard was not at the head of the intelligence services and Joe Biden would cover for them. It's very likely that Donald Trump knows exactly what happened, and is in no mood for this kind of crapola.
This is why it was critical for Trump to have loyal people in key positions. We all talk about his bad choices in personnel last time, but he was forced into choosing these deep state operatives by the Uniparty. Getting his people in place at the top is a huge victory for the American people who voted him in.
Jaq--It looks like both Politico (!!) and the guy who wrote that piece on the fake stats are now looking to get on the "right side" now that the jig is up.
Where was this BEFORE the election--when it counted?
Look who I happened upon on X recently.
There is currently an insurrection going on in Philadelphia.
Dinky if you're going to cut and paste cite your source.
H is what we know;
The conventional wisdom going on in lefty Facebook circles is that Trump is going to cancel social security. They are getting very worked up about it.
Shock and disbelief
US farmers in America’s Maga heartlands are reeling from the impact of President Donald Trump’s various funding freezes.Mid western trumpers getting the hose! beautiful dont milk the cows its got BIRD FLU in it! dont tell nobody until its killin ya! :(
Wait a minute Dinky, I am still waiting for that "catnip" headline from the New York Times about the rampant racism in DOGE you promised us.
Rusty said...
The conventional wisdom going on in lefty Facebook circles is that Trump is going to cancel social security. They are getting very worked up about it.
2/14/25, 10:12 AM
Grandma worried about it when I was too young to know what SS, or Republican was. I wonder how many actual
recipients believe it will finally happen.
“I wonder how much Dinky gets paid and if those funds will dry up soon.”
I’m afraid they won’t dry up until he dries out.
Some more on the Truman;
Dinky. Eggs and chickens don't get subsidies.
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