February 13, 2025

"I've told you before I genuinely believe that you are a pivotal historical figure, and you are going to transform this country.... We need a man on a white horse now."

"We need somebody who... has the spine and the guts and the strength to challenge orthodoxies, to stand in the way of vested interests, and to break institutions that have turned against our democracy. President Trump has shown again and again that he is that hero.... My uncle started USAID in 1961 for humanitarian purposes... It has become a sinister propagator of totalitarianism and war.... And President Trump saw that and he stood up to it... and we want to do the same thing with the institutions that are stealing the health of our children. We need a revolutionary figure, and you are that figure."

Said RFK Jr., in the Oval Office, after his swearing in as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Longer version of the quote:
For 20 years I've got up every morning on my knees and prayed that God would put me in a position where I can end the childhood chronic disease epidemic in this country. On August 23rd of last year, God sent me President Trump... and... he's kept every promise that he's made to me.... A lot of people told me that I couldn't trust President Trump. I better get it in writing. And we did a handshake and everything that he told me he was going to do he has done... I've told you before I genuinely believe that you are a pivotal historical figure, and you are going to transform this country. At a time when we see all of the indicia of democracy now in tatters in our country, we see the rise of the military industrial complex, the rise of totalitarianism, these attacks on our Constitution, and this breathtaking epidemic that is disabling our people, President Trump has promised to restore the American dream in this country.... We can't be a strong nation if we have a weak citizenry if people are sick. 60% of our our people are sick.... We need a man on a white horse now. We need somebody who is willing to come in and has the spine and the guts and the strength to challenge orthodoxies, to stand in the way of vested interests, and to break institutions that have turned against our democracy. President Trump has shown again and again that he is that hero. And most recently I greatly appreciate and I called you the day that you announced the termination of USAID. My uncle started USAID in 1961 for humanitarian purposes to put our country on the side of the poor. It has been captured by the military industrial complex. It has become a sinister propagator of totalitarianism and war across the globe. And very few people understand how sinister this agency really is. And President Trump saw that and he stood up to it with a master stroke, and we want to do the same thing with the institutions that are stealing the health of our children. We need a revolutionary figure, and you are that figure.

ADDED: RFK Jr. was addressing President Trump, but I think he was also talking about himself and what he wants to be. He begins with a prayer that is about what he can do:

For 20 years I've got up every morning on my knees and prayed that God would put me in a position where I can end the childhood chronic disease epidemic in this country.

And Trump is the answer to that prayer: 

On August 23rd of last year, God sent me President Trump....

It is through Trump, and through the action of God, that Bobby sees himself achieving what he prayed for.

I've told you before I genuinely believe that you are a pivotal historical figure, and you are going to transform this country....

Through Bobby (when it comes to ending childhood chronic disease).

We need a man on a white horse now. We need somebody who is willing to come in and has the spine and the guts and the strength to challenge orthodoxies, to stand in the way of vested interests, and to break institutions that have turned against our democracy....

I imagine that Bobby wants to ride along with that man on a white horse. He is a knight. One might say this is Camelot....

My uncle started USAID in 1961 for humanitarian purposes to put our country on the side of the poor....

There is a special mission for Bobby. It's a family legacy. Trump is already taking down the "sinister" institution that is USAID....

.... and we want to do the same thing with the institutions that are stealing the health of our children. We need a revolutionary figure, and you are that figure.

You are that figure... and I am that figure. 


Ampersand said...

That's how you get on Trump's good side. Unrestrained, over the top adulation. I'd do the same thing in the presence of Caligula. Not a good look.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Sometimes a bull in a China shop isn't what's wanted, sometimes it's what's absolutely needed.

Kakistocracy said...

RFK Jr's confirmation as HHS secretary may make it harder to get vaccines from your doctor. But Trump's pardon of Ross Ulbricht may make it easier to get fentanyl-laced versions on Silk Road. 😉

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Wormbrain gets it.

Dude1394 said...

Wow…. That is some lavish praise. I don’t really know what RFK is about. But one thing I am seeing from this group, they are not deep setters and they love this country.
I’m very excited.

Dave Begley said...

Powerful words from Bobby. Camelot indeed!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Wormbrain gets it, but Althouses's representative collection of braindead libtards is still Stubbornly Stuck On Stupid.

FullMoon said...

1988 Trump tells Oprah America is tired of getting ripped off..

Peachy said...

Powerful... necessary.
Will make Religious loyalist democratic-soviets wet their onezies.

FullMoon said...

Seems like another constitutional crisis. I blame:
Climate Change
The parents

Bob Boyd said...

Elon, Tulsi, Bobby, Kash, Bondi, Hegseth, etc. This is an incredible moment in our history. It's an incredible opportunity. And it has coalesced around Trump. He has managed to make this happen.
At this point, if you can't pause and reflect, if you can't be honest enough to say, maybe I've been wrong about Trump...if you can't say, I hope they succeed...

It's a test of character.

Peachy said...

Kak - you're just a loser.

Meade said...

Bob Boyd
Right on.

Rory said...

"That's how you get on Trump's good side. Unrestrained, over the top adulation."

The thing is, Trump can be satisfied with adulation. He doesn't need for his 51% to be on the necks of the other 49%.

Leland said...

Rasmussen just announced that in their 20 years of polling, the number of people who think the country is on the "right track" exceeds the number of people who think it is on the "wrong track". A truly bi-partisan cabinet with leaders ready to challenge the status-quo and showing results; I think is a big reason for it.

Mary Beth said...

Trump can challenge orthodoxies because he's learned that a certain segment will be against him no matter what he does. Why play it safe? It won't get him any more approval while taking risks may let him actually make a difference.

Caroline said...

Fills me with pride and great hope.

FormerLawClerk said...

All politics all the time makes a boring blog.

I've noticed a distinct change in this blog since Trump won his election. Kind of like what happened at Drudge.

Regurgitating the talking points of the day with very little added value isn't compelling.

Didn't this used to be a lawblog?

Yancey Ward said...

Boy, it is going to be a long 4 years, or 12, for Bich.

Dave Begley said...


This blog is about whatever interests Althouse; art, popular culture, politics and law.

If you can’t figure out that what is happening today is completely historic and epic, you are very small minded.

Kakistocracy said...

Intravenous heroin addict for 14 years -- doesn't think vaccines are safe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Peachy said...

I thought it less adulation and more- "lets do this, bitch"

Skeptical Voter said...

I'm not fond of men on white horses. Presidents are fine. Caudillos not so much.

Tommy Duncan said...

<"We need somebody who... has the spine and the guts and the strength to challenge orthodoxies, to stand in the way of vested interests, and to break institutions that have turned against our democracy."

This is why the Democrats are losing the youth vote. They have become the orthodox, entrenched establishment. I offer up JD Vance versus Tim Walz as irrefutable proof.

The Vault Dweller said...

That's how you get on Trump's good side. Unrestrained, over the top adulation.

I agree. But I don't think being on Trump's good side really gets you much.

Jaq said...

I think that Orbán had a lot to do with identifying USAID as part of an evil, corrupted machine. They are trying to regime change him right now in Hungary, a NATO ally and a member of the EU.

Robert Fico in Slovakia too. He was the target of constant press attacks, just like Trump, demonized like Trump, and accused of being an illegitimate leader, even though he won a majority. And like Trump, a deranged person, whipped up in hatred for him by the USAID funded press, shot him, I think five times. He survived, like Trump did, and he is now demanding USAID records of all of the money that was poured into Slovakia.

They were doing this to Orbán and Fico because they opposed fighting a war with Russia over putting NATO and missiles directly on Russia's border. Same reason that they were doing it to Trump. The Ukraine war is behind all of the crap, Hillary was supposed to have fought it, miss "We came! We saw! (chortle chortle) He died!"

What I expect now though, is a false flag, something like an atrocity, like Bucca, which Russia demanded that the U.N. Security Council investigate, and which the US killed any investigation of, you know, an atrocity probably committed by Ukraine and blamed on Russia. That would be the next move in a situation like this, just like Bucca was used to kill the first peace deal.

Jaq said...

Orbán met President-Elect Trump at Mar a Lago, with Musk, I am pretty sure.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm going to ride on a White Horse. I don't think the singer would particularly care for Trump or RFK Jr.

Peachy said...

Soviet Democrats are sweating. The fraud and gravy train is ... coming to an ending.
250 year old Maxine Waters "what do they have on us?"
Not to worry - we find out.

wildswan said...

A 25-year-old man picked up a gun and went out into the streets of Milwaukee to show what he thought of those who were getting rid of woke. But it was Milwaukee so it was snowing hard and no one was on the streets to be shot until the police came. He shot one of them in the leg and chest and they shot back and he is dead. Once he was a Marine and then he began to change somehow and then he left the Corps and the change continued and he saw what he was going to do and yesterday it was time and he went out in that heavy snowfall and that cold and never came back. He's one of the children of the Nineties who RFK Jr. thinks have been somehow harmed by by the vaccines and food additives and other medical regimes that came in then. Who knows? But who that grew up in Wisconsin would try to be a mass shooter in a major storm? This is beyond politically delusional.

Jaq said...

Alinsky rule 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."

Donald John Trump: "Hold my Diet Coke."

Duty of Inquiry said...

"Didn't this used to be a lawblog?"

Mason G said...

"This is beyond politically delusional."

There's a lot of that on the left these days. Just look at the things they're currently in favor of. I mean- everybody knows they're fine with killing the unborn or newly born. But that's old news. Did you ever think you'd see a political party coming out publicly in support of government fraud?

MikeD said...

First off, I do believe Trump found religion (belief in a higher power) when he turned his head at just the right micro-moment to avoid death! That said, he's governing now with the conviction of our government should be for the "people", not for the "government".

Lucien said...

Trump’s bridge burning tendencies frustrate me. He made an enemy of McCain, and the bitter old bastard saved Obamacare. Now I fear that sooner or later McConnell’s enmity toward Trump will bite us on the ass, too.

Leland said...

I've been visiting Althouse's blog for quite some time. Law blog is not how I would have described her blog at all. Was she a law professor? Yes. Does she post about the law from time to time? Yes. But mostly she posts about topics of the day that interested her, and as one of her interests is law, then those articles got posts.

Now here is thing I think most new readers of Althouse miss. They say "Althouse just reposts stuff without comment". What you have to realize (and geez, she actually mentioned this to help you in the first post today) that her commentary comes out in what she decides to quote and not quote from the articles she mentions. Often, Althouse pulls stuff that I think people read and go "on my Althouse believes this" instead of recognizing Althouse is highlighting "see what they want you to believe". The response shouldn't be "oh Althouse", it should be "wow, that's crazy, why would they write it".

john mosby said...

No one here has picked up on "man on white horse" ~ "man on horseback," which is associated with South American coups.

Oops, I just gave the MSM tomorrow's talking point!



Prof. M. Drout said...

I really can't understand the talking point that RFK Jr is going to "take away your vaccines"; nor do I understand what IV heroin or fentanyl has to do with vaccines. I think maybe that these talking points are in fact just words for low-IQ individuals to parrot.
It's difficult to imagine any scenario in which a vaccine that was both safe and effective would somehow be withheld from anyone. How would this work? Billions of dollars are on the line, so wouldn't pharma companies immediately release data that showed safety and efficacy? This talking point makes no sense.
And the other talking point is even dumber. Heroin addicts use needles; doctors giving vaccines use needles; therefore... what, exactly?
I scoffed at RFK Jr. for years and years. But the Establishment dropped its mask with Covid, and it is now impossible to trust that establishment at all. If they lied about so many aspects of the pandemic, what else have they lied about? Why should anyone trust institutions that have shown themselves to be utterly corrupt?

Dave Begley said...

Prof. M. Drout:

False in one; false in all.

FWBuff said...

Regarding the man on a white horse, I submit to you that Kennedy, as a very religious man speaking about a transformational time and opportunity, is making a direct reference to Revelation 19 and the Apostle John’s vision of the crusading rider on a white horse there:

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.”

Jaq said...

"He made an enemy of McCain,"

He was right about McCain. I might find out where his grave is just to piss on it.

gadfly said...

Be off with you and, for emphasis, take with you whatever brought you to this point including your white horse, your dead whale, and your dead bear cub, Bobby.

Or as James Carville noted in his 1998 book - Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Drago said...

Lucien: "Trump’s bridge burning tendencies frustrate me. He made an enemy of McCain, and the bitter old bastard saved Obamacare. Now I fear that sooner or later McConnell’s enmity toward Trump will bite us on the ass, too."

As noted hundreds of times on this blog over the last decade, the GOPe shills will forever use the Trump Card as an excuse for the decades long betrayals and republican Failure Theater and Controlled Opposition status by the "respectable" and "honorable" and "muh principles" "conserving conservatism" fake conservatives.

I guess Trump made McConnell dump $10M of republican donor cash into the Murkowski "independent" campaign which she used exclusively to attack the actual republican nominee.

And I guess its Trump's fault McConnell joined with the dems to greenlight IRS lawfare attacks against Tea Party groups long before Trump threw his hat in the ring.

McCain hated the republican base with a white hot passion. As does the wholly ChiCom owned McConnell.

Drago said...

gadfly: "Or as James Carville noted in his 1998 book - Fuck you and the horse you rode in on."


You idiot!

You have championed everything Carville has called out as stupid and has ruined the dem party!


Carville is telling YOU to F-off.

That you are far too dense to even recognize that just makes it all the more sweeter!

Eva Marie said...

On the one hand it annoys me that people keep bringing up Kennedy’s former drug use. On the other hand, it’s a good reminder that there are always people out there who will try to drag you under no matter what your successes are. To all you imperfect people out there, don’t let the turkeys get you down. Just keep on, keeping on. Best of luck to RFK.

Goldenpause said...

The Democrats’ dishonest attempts to derail Kennedy’s presidential campaign drove him into Trump’s orbit where he was treated with respect. Another own goal by the Democrats.

Leland said...

The guy that claims to have buried JFK has entered the conversation on RFK Jr. Did anyone wand him and give him a pat down?

michaele said...

Trump's cabinet is so much more interesting than Biden's... in spite of Biden's being filled with so many of the "first this" and "first that" when it came to color, gender, cultural and ethnic background. Trump's choices make one hope that America can refind its independent spirit and strength that common sense results in.

Robert Cook said...

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

– James Madison, Federalist Paper #47

tolkein said...

"I scoffed at RFK Jr. for years and years. But the Establishment dropped its mask with Covid, and it is now impossible to trust that establishment at all. If they lied about so many aspects of the pandemic, what else have they lied about? Why should anyone trust institutions that have shown themselves to be utterly corrupt?"
Quite. What else are they lying about or have lied about? Presumably because of money, as I don't see that the Establishment does have any principles. If you did, you'd have to leave the Establishment. They're corrupt to the core.

Jupiter said...

"It has become a sinister propagator of totalitarianism and war."
I am afraid that it has always been such. And we all knew it. But during the Cold War, we regarded ourselves as the Free World, and we were under assault by a relentless totalitarian movement that sought to enslave us. If overthrowing the democratically-elected government of -- oh, say, Honduras -- might slow that onslaught, it was a patriotic duty to undertake it. What we failed to realize was that the men running the CIA would necessarily regard their own interests, and those of the corporations that bought them, as the US interest. The Cold War ended, but the cynical manipulation of governments and peoples did not.

Aggie said...

Now isn't that interesting: A life-long Democrat compliments Trump on his integrity, and avers that his Good Faith efforts have been rewarded with Good Faith in return. And the Peanut Gallery here, of the usual suspects, think that it's smart to respond with Bad Faith. Persuasion !

Lazarus said...

"The Man on the White Horse" fits in with the Emersonian theme in the next day's post. That was a lot of what "Kennedyism" was about in the Sixties: "Superman Comes to the Supermarket." Kennedyism was bound to disappoint. The heroes turned out not to be what we were told they were, and the hopes -- while they did rouse the country to take action -- became too grandiose to be fulfilled.

Jupiter said...

"If they lied about so many aspects of the pandemic, what else have they lied about? Why should anyone trust institutions that have shown themselves to be utterly corrupt?"
It was far, far worse than mere lies. They said that there was no at-home treatment - come back when you can't breathe. Then when you came back, they drugged you, put you on a ventilator that destroyed your lungs, and wouldn't let your family near you while they poisoned you with remdesavir (the nurses call it "Run - Death is near"). They tried to destroy anyone who objected. And they made billions forcing people to take a "vaccine" that killed and maimed millions. They aren't "corrupt", they are corruption.

Rusty said...

I think Trump values honesty more than adulation.

Eva Marie. I tend to more broadminded of other peoples former drug use. The reason being I know I lived through the seventies. I just don't remember much of them. I'm told I had a good time.

mikee said...

Much like converts to a religion who are more intensely devout than anyone else, recovered addicts can find a fix with an intense focus on something new. Sometimes the convert or the addict can then produce a wonderful thing. Here's hoping this is one of those times.

JIM said...

Trump has built a coalition - populated in a common cause, a new Golden Age, by both the political class and the electorate. And not a narrow coalition, but quite diverse in look and political ideology.
In my opinion, the most important moment in this movement was Musk buying Twitter. Dismantling the "ministry of disinformation" and allowing the marketplace of ideas to flourish.

LH in Montana said...

"Man on a white horse" might also be referring to President Andrew Jackson who rode a white horse up Pennsylvania Avenue when he was inaugurated. Peggy Noonan's OpEd today in the WSJ likens Trump to Jackson.

Robert Cook said...

"I think Trump values honesty more than adulation."

Hahahahahahaha! That fat MF values honesty not at all, and he never not wants to be adored.

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