January 18, 2025

"I don't like being told what to do. I don't like being told what I can think or what I can say."

"The courts may think there's an exemption to the First Amendment. I don't. I'm joining TikTok today as a form of civil disobedience."
@randpaul I join @TikTok ♬ original sound - Rand Paul


rehajm said...

Keep battling those neighbors and straw men…

Robert Cook said...

The banning of Tik Tok and the ensuing outrage over it hardly has nothing to do with straw men.

Aggie said...

I thought the court was pretty clear about the reasons underpinning the ban. Maybe Rand Paul needs to self-brief a little better, since he has the access. I notice he is all about 'free speech, First Amendment Exemptions' and nothing about 'National Security'.

"Don't give up, don't given in; Resist ! " Brave stirring words, I guess - but how do you do that, unless it's on Instagram, eh? TikTok will be black. Talk about something cogent, and articulate better.

Jupiter said...

"I thought the court was pretty clear about the reasons underpinning the ban."
As I thought Althouse made clear, the Court did not even address the "reasons" under-pinning the ban, except to say that they were the sorts of reasons that Congress is at Constitutional liberty to consider.

Dave Begley said...

Rand Paul and his dad are kind of nutty.

rehajm said...

…a goofy after-the-fact stunt. What bravery…

Goldenpause said...

Why doesn’t he just copy his hard drive and ship the copy to China?

psavich said...

Just what kind of data is Tik Tok going to give to the Chinese government that every data broker in the world doesn't already (legally) have?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Today is TikTok. Tomorrow could be blogs. Who's to say?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Tiki Tok is the Chinese government. That's the whole point. But to address your question seriously what TT does that normal apps do not is install a key logger on your phone or laptop, whichever platform you load it on, which continuously sends that string back to the servers in China.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Loading the app is cheaper and accomplished the same thing.

Dixcus said...

Well, which blogs are we talking about? Maybe some blogs should be gone. Maybe some blogs are supportive of enemies of the United States, and boring photography.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

You have your enemies list messed up. Our biggest enemy is censorship.

Aught Severn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laurel said...

“I don’t like being told what I can think or what I can say”.

Bet he didn’t say the ‘N’ word.


Paddy O said...

Oh to be a senator where one has the assumption people don't tell you what you can't do or say.

Ampersand said...

People expressing opinions about this should be obliged to preface their comments with a statement that they either do or do not believe that Tiktok is an instrument of CCP subversion. I believe that Tiktok is an instrument of CCP subversion.

Deep State Reformer said...

You can always tell a libertarian but you sure can't tell them much. The libertarians just don't want to hear it. The thing is that all of the Paul's philosophical integrity immediately crumbles when faced with the reality that 99% of America's enemies have zero integrity and will use Paulist style tolerance to weaken and then kill us (cf. S. Alinsky, 1971). But thanks for the pocket Constitution though doctor.

Readering said...

Tiktok now down.

Blair said...

As long as he doesn't do the stupid dances.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

May become necessary for Althouse to submit to a loyalty oath.