January 18, 2025

"Many Americans who otherwise dislike President-elect Donald J. Trump share his bleak assessment of the country’s problems and support some of his most contentious prescriptions to fix them..."

"... according to a new poll from The New York Times and Ipsos. A little more than half of the country expresses some desire to see Mr. Trump follow through with his harshest threat to deal with illegal immigration: deporting everyone living in the United States without authorization. The poll, which surveyed 2,128 adults from Jan. 2 to 10, found that 55 percent of Americans either strongly or somewhat support such mass deportations.... 46 percent say that trade with foreign nations should be subject to increased tariffs. And a large majority is sympathetic to efforts to strictly limit how doctors can treat children struggling with their gender identity.... Seventy-one percent said that no one under 18 should be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs or hormones.... For a political figure so divisive — Americans view him more negatively than any other president about to take office in the last 70 years — the level of support for his ideas is striking...."

Here's how I would venture to explain that discrepancy: People like to think of themselves as nice — kind and empathetic — but they also know — or believe — that some hard actions need to be taken. There's that tough man over there. Ooh, I don't like him.


Scott Gustafson said...

Said another way: We tried the alternative for four years and found it lacking.

boatbuilder said...

Orange Man Bad!
Plugs Man nice and grandfatherly!
Joy Woman...yeah, well, she's a ditz.

Not a lot of deep thinking going on.

(Or What Althouse said. Well put.)

rehajm said...

You can not like the man but love the policies. A-okay with me…

Ralph L said...

I wonder if those poll results were a shock to the NYT. Did they publish any like it in the last 4 years? I've heard of similar in conservative media, but do our rulers know how much we disagree with them?

Wince said...

For a political figure so divisive — Americans view him more negatively than any other president about to take office in the last 70 years — the level of support for his ideas is striking....

Let me take a stab at answering why the negative view of the man. The NYT article in their own ad hominem words just in Althouse's excerpt:

"bleak assessment" - "contentious prescriptions" - "harshest threat" - "deporting everyone" - "strictly limit" - "children struggling" - "For a political figure so divisive" - "president-elect’s plans to deport migrants" - "reduce America’s presence overseas".

On that last one, I thought we were supposed to fear Trump's penchant for invading Greenland?

wsw said...

Common sense prevails

Arashi said...

Way too many people think life is a like contest. It is not, never has been and never will be. The President is not there to be liked. They are there to govern for the betterment of the US and the citizens of the US. They are not there for social justice, environmental justice, etc. They are there to uphold the Constitution. They are not there for the feelz and to make you feel better about yourself. How you feel is your responsibility. How you deal with adversity is also your responsibility. In those endeavors, it helps to have friends and relatives. Those endeavors are not the governments responsibility.

Lazarus said...

Sure. Roughly divide the country 1/3 Democrat, 1/3 Republican, and 1/3 in-between, and the in-betweens who have no love for Trump as a person are coming to recognize that his policies are better than what we had under Biden. Additionally, many voters have stayed with the Democrats despite disagreeing with what the party has become. They are the old Democrat base who are uncomfortable with what the party has become and with the party's new base, and they aren't all opposed to many of Trump's policies.

Carol said...

We need a king right now and he's it.

Skeptical Voter said...

There's a certain personality that's a stereotype for surgeons. Never in doubt, lords of the surgical theatre, absolutely sure that they know what they are doing and cutting swiftly. Now that may not result in being a nice and gentle person--but it's absolutely necessary for the person holding the scalpel.

Trump promised to bring not a scalpel, but a meat axe to waste. We will see how it works out, but a lot of people are willing to let him try.

Mikey NTH said...

Insert Lincoln's quote regarding Grant.

Kakistocracy said...

Biden is leaving with his lowest approval ratings ever. As such — Biden has left Trump a lot of room to consolidate a bigger coalition than he's ever had. The difference is I don't think Trump's political instincts and his agenda are as congenial to doing that as Reagan's was.

I think if they were able to take the good traits of Trump and JD Vance and mesh them together into a single president, the opportunity would be there.

Trump's ability to appeal to kind of the less engaged voter, particularly these younger kind of men of color, that like him for various cultural affect reasons, as much as anything, if you're able to have that but not have all the chaos and the nonsense and the sort of moronic instincts that Trump has at times, would be in a better position to take advantage of it. We will see, as Trump likes to say— “We'll see what happens”.

Aggie said...

#BelieveAllPolls (/s). I can think of a lot of adjectives for Donald J. Trump, but as a politician, 'bleak' ain't one of them. NYT is wishcasting a cause, yet again.

Peachy said...

It's so "contentious" to follow the law.

Biden and his corrupt controllers let 13+ million in - ILLEGALLY.

Peachy said...

Like all leftists, you're too concerned about personality.
Most Americans are on board with results.

Duty of Inquiry said...

In the media Trump is almost universally described in negative terms, greedy, amoral, brutish, dishonest. It seems reasonable that many people will have a negative opinion of him.

His policies are more disconnected from him, and so (I think) viewed more realistically or at least less negatively.

Peachy said...

The Soviet-Democrat mood is "bleak" - and it is glorious and most tasty.

Lawnerd said...

Is something truly contentious if a majority supports it? Or is it contentious because the NYT believes otherwise?

n.n said...

There is no scientific support for Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele. In fact, the clinical science indicates that therapy is counterproductive and the rational choice is to wait for a person to offer informed consent before prosecuting a life altering therapeutic treatment that does little to empathize or mitigate abortive or selfie-abortive ideation. The transgender spectrum (e.g. homosexual orientation) is variably unstable.

Jupiter said...

I'm not going to pay to read a pack of lies, but do they offer any evidence that Trump is less popular than his policies? The man just got elected President. Frankly, I would not believe any evidence they produced anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter. What's your position on this nowadays? For a long time, it has seemed as if your view of the NYT is that it is a major American cultural institution, and must be taken seriously, Whether or not one agrees with its slant. But the fucking thing is rotten at its core these days, and is owned by a Mexican. At some point, doesn't a pack of lying liars who always lie, cease to be anything else? Dowd? Brooks? Blow? Collins? Douthat? Kristof? Krugman? Relentlessly lying liars, who always lie. The truth is not in them, it cannot emerge.

mccullough said...

A majority of people are too hard on others and too easy on themselves.

Clyde said...

The media has been blaring about how evil Trump is for eight years. That takes its toll on Trump’s personal popularity as the weak-minded believe the propaganda. The need for Trump’s policies is self-evident. It’s no wonder that they are more popular than a man who has been endlessly vilified by the media.

whiskey said...

That was Victor David Hanson's thesis. Trump as the protagonist in High Noon.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Squish, Squish, Squish, if you want a friend, get a dog.
Otherwise cue Ludacris: "Get out the way bitch, get out the way."

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Maybe now the NYT has seen the light and won't be trying so hard to make us all like it.

Mary Beth said...

I think it's like the restaging of the Clinton/Trump debate and people found themselves siding with the actress (who was giving Trump's responses). Or when people are asked their opinions of comments made by politicians while thinking it was made by the "opposite side".

More people would like Trump's ideas if they hadn't been told repeatedly not to like Trump.

Enigma said...

The lefty propaganda bubble / TDS collapsed sometimes between (1) DeSantis shipping migrants to Martha's Vineyard on September 14, 2022, and (2) Biden's debate failure in 2024. After the election many are took a mental cold shower and shook the madness. The last stages of grief: Depression and then acceptance.

Enigma said...

Indeed. Trump shot himself in the feet several times over. If he'd been more diplomatic he'd have received Reagan's widespread love and have won in 2020. HOWEVER, Trump's place in history was to end overly polite and overly sensitive but self-destructive and ineffective politics. It was necessary after 50 years of Political Correctness, DEI, social promotions, global trade war blindness, and other anti-competitive utopian garbage.

wild chicken said...

It's a matter of taste, vanity, self image. All more important than policy. When I was knocking doors for the GOP the Republicans wanted to hug me and the Dems were all, how COULD you??? (be a republican).

tim maguire said...

This. Sure, I want a dignified president I can be proud of on a personal level, but that's so much less important than having a president willing to do what needs to be done. Never mind respect for the president, I'd lose respect for myself if I let personal style stop me for supporting Trump.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Really, this. I’ve lost count of the number of innately conservative, usually older, people I’ve heard denigrate Trump with the last thing they heard on CNN. As ever, most people are really not paying anything but the most passing attention. Unless something impacts them directly.

And that’s the measure of what gigantic fuck-ups the Biden Democrats are. Despite all the propaganda, all the control, all the gaslighting and censorship in their favor, they still managed to alienate the majority of the electorate. Historically, that usually requires being responsible for getting your cities bombed into rubble, but Joe found a way.

tcrosse said...

The alternative was too hideous to contemplate.

Peachy said...

"More people would like Trump's ideas if they hadn't been told repeatedly not to like Trump. "
The Soviet Maddow Joy Reid MSNBC Joyless Behar left march in lock-step for the left's insane hate machine.

pacwest said...

You could do an entire book explaining what's going on but I'll just stick what I've been saying since 2016. A common sense revolution led by a madman.

Leland said...

Trump, having learned from Biden the full power of a President to change even the Constitution at a whim, has decided to exercise a little bit of his authority to grant a 90-day extension to allow Tik-Tok to find a buyer.

pacwest said...

Also, looking forward we are going to have to deal with our unfunded liabilities at some point in the future. It's unavoidable. How well is the person we have to throw granny over the cliff going to be perceived? I'm hoping Trump's immediate successor will open that conversation, but for Trump it would be a bridge too far.

Mr. T. said...

It's only "striking" if you live in La La Leftist land like the NYT.

It's not abour Trump:

Biden crashed and burned.
Macron crashed and burned.
Sturgeon and Yousef crashed and burned.
Soyboy Trudeau crashed and burned.

Trump may be disliked personaly, (never mind the Left who hate anyone not them unconditionally), but Leftism is despised.

It was the Left who taught us to hate them.

Aggie said...

"...Americans view him more negatively than any other president about to take office in the last 70 years......"

Lists 'Candidate Favorable Ratings' poll as 'evidence'.....and conveniently does not include 2024 election.

Honorable mention for 'worse' standing: Hillary Clinton.

Ampersand said...

This is a good example of social desirability bias at work. If people were attuned to this bias, and to the fact that it is particularly prevalent among the young and the socially insecure, our public dialogue would be more honest and insightful.

Rabel said...

"For a political figure so divisive — Americans view him more negatively than any other president about to take office in the last 70 years —"

That statement, the crux of the entire piece, links to a poll from 2020.

Rabel said...

"Would you support or oppose Donald Trump using the government to investigate and prosecute his political opponents?"

A question more loaded than a baked potato at Cracker Barrel.

Dude1394 said...

It is explained by 8 years of democrat media bashing. It was exactly the same with all republicans. They were all Hitler.

Dude1394 said...

As I said. More crap from the democrat media. You don’t hate the democrat media enough.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump has two-to-one favorability on most of his major issues. Populism is what happens when elites of both parties screw the pooch. American voters had no other choice but to turn to a thrice-married, thrice bankrupted, orange-colored, pussy-grabbing former professional wrestler to do the basic work of democracy no other politician would do for them. Some lessons can only be learned the hard way.

Rabel said...

Yes, I do.

Rabel said...

He's going to look great on Rushmore!

Luke Lea said...

It was always about policy.

Kevin said...

Said another way: It’s time to restore government norms.

Earnest Prole said...

You can judge the greatness of an American politician by how many of their contentious positions are eventually accepted and even adopted by the opposition. By that measure I predict Trump will eventually be recognized as a major transformational American leader.

Peachy said...

Dude I'm trying.

rehajm said...

I knew there was manipulation. Recents have shown him even or positive in plus minus. Either that or they disappear the results altogether…

Peachy said...

Dude - Here - this will help.
Biden and his cabal of self-absorbed crooks and liars - DO NOT CARE ABOUT AMERICANS.

Paddy O said...

Trump was very famous before running for President. He had a huge hit of a TV series. So there are 4 basic types of people. Those who dawned over him before he ran and hate him now. Those who loved him before, watched all his stuff, and still love him all the more now. Those who disliked him before and continued to hate him all the more. Those who disliked him before, didn't watch or like anything he did, but are willing to overlook personal dislike for the sake of political changes.

It's hard but not impossible to support someone who one has spent decades not liking their personality or professional and media work. Biden and the Dems made that journey much easier for many.

jim said...

My thinking is more that:
1) he (and his minions) are incompetent to execute difficult plans
2) in the attempt they will resort to inhumane and destructive measures
3) the foot soldiers doing the actual work will be further alienated from their fellow citizens (as many iraq/afghanistan vets already are.)

Add to that that 90% of trump's plans are just hot air the above.

Lurker said...

For those of us who remember the Nixon administration, one is reminded of the phrase: "Nixon is an SOB, but he's OUR SOB."

phantommut said...

Focusing on smearing the man instead of arguing against his ideas may have been a mistake.

n.n said...

Biden's [criminal] illegal aliens, Obama's ethnic Springs, and Clinton, too.

Americans oppose Diversity (e.g. racism), DEI (i.e. institutional, systemic Diversity), [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform with collateral damage, redistributive change through progressive prices, Green blight deals, etc.

n.n said...

Also, witch hunts, warlock trials, and prosecutorial indiscretion, generally. Hoisted by their Fani, Engoron-ged with authoritarian impulses, and human rites are a liberal cauldron embroiled with progressive thinking.

Mason G said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's not "thinking", son. Someone has obviously taken advantage of you by providing you with "thoughts" that make you look silly.

Enigma said...

Political pendulum swings require a generation or two to reach a positive (most effective) peak, they then slow and lose focus (corrupt) for the second half of the swing.

Trump marked the end of an era and he was violently resisted, while Vance or his followers will be elected in a new political frame.

Jim at said...

My thinking is more that:

Maybe you should keep your deranged thoughts to yourself while we clean up the mess you made.

Mason G said...

To be fair, how do you effectively argue against low inflation, more jobs and rising real incomes, fewer wars, decreasing illegal immigration, energy independence, lower taxes and fewer regulations on businesses?

Enigma said...

The transgender fad followed Obamacare's medical coverage requirement. Greedy and corrupt medical personnel quickly exploited mentally ill people for big paychecks. Nothing more.

Dr. Shayne Seybold Taylor of Vanderbilt University will be mentioned in the same breath as Josef Mengele forever more.


No other species in the history of the Earth has "required" transgender care.

Peachy said...

Here's the face of your party, pal.

Enigma said...

Aka psychological "projection."

Enigma said...

Many of Trump 45's Executive Orders were rejected by the courts. Most of Biden's Executive Orders overtly flouted laws and went 10x farther outside the lines than Trump. "If he gets away with it so can we." But, he didn't get away with anything.

I suspect that there will be detente during Trump 47, as many saw what rash recklessness did to the Biden regime.

RCOCEAN II said...

You have 10-15 percent of the country that either votes Democrat constantly or mostly, yet disagrees with most of what the Democrats stand for. Partly its ignorance, these people are usually "Low information votes". They watch CNN or Network news, or they listen to NPR, or read their MSM newspaper and nothing else. They'd probably be shocked to learn what Harris/Biden really stand for.

Usually, these people can only be pried away from "D Lever" based on personal pain and experience. In 2024, it was Biden inflation, the massive crime problem, and illegals popping up everywhere. They answered Reagan's question "Are you better off today, then you were 4 years ago?" in the negative.

gilbar said...

meanwhile, it turns out; that Sen Smucky Schumer Now admits that:
a) HE forced Biden out of the race.
b) HE knew, the entire time that Biden was a senile demented pervert

gilbar said...

"you go down in American history as one of the darkest figures,” Schumer admonished Biden."

"Schumer would tell Biden that if there were a secret ballot among Democratic senators, no more than five would say he should say in the race. "

RCOCEAN II said...

"Trump was very famous before running for President. He had a huge hit of a TV series. "

I think this explains some of the split between elite opinon and "average Joe" opinion about Trump. To lots of average people - myself included - Trump was a wealthy businessman who appeared on a TV show. And that's it. His antics and personal life may have been big news in NYC, or to those who read "People", it had little impact elsewhere.

To elite, however, Trump was a "TV star" a "Showman" a man always in the news for having 3 marriages, attending Wrestling events and buying golf courses. Unserious. "The Comedian" as Babs Bush labeled him. And this contempt turned into fear and loathing once Trump got elected in 2016. And it still hasn't changed.

Peachy said...

More - Watch this 6 minutes, oh leftists, and learn something.

Or don't - and stay stupid.

dbp said...

The NYT being the NYT: "A little more than half of the country expresses some desire to see Mr. Trump follow through with his harshest threat to deal with illegal immigration: deporting everyone living in the United States without authorization."

How about less-harsh threats? Proposals to start by deporting illegal aliens arrested for other crimes are wildly popular among our citizenry, but supported by a tiny sliver of elected Democrats.

Mason G said...

Focusing on his "harshest threat" is a waste of time. It's not possible to deport every illegal alien all at once, that's just a strawman the left likes to vomit up whenever the topic of dealing with illegal immigration comes up in order to sidetrack the discussion.

effinayright said...

"He's going to look great on Rushmore!"

Yes! The hair alone will be an awesome sight.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

[S]hare his bleak assessment of the country's problems[.]"

You know, I didn't catch that before. So bleak is it? Like, what, no joy? Like . . . Kamala Harris joy?

[expletive deleted]

The Godfather said...

Unknown: "Our SOB" ended the war that Kennedy started and Johnson expanded.

Tim said...

He has been under relentless assault by the liberal media for the past 11 years. He has a bombastic personality. Of course his personal popularity is low. Not as low as Congresss or Biden of course, who are rightly seen as responsible for the mess we are in. As long as Vance supports the efforts to recover the economy and stop the attacks on women and children by the leftists, and maintains his likeability, he should win 2028 in a landslide. But the spending has to be brought under control, and the Federal Government has to be brought under control.

The Godfather said...

I don't know whether (or how) we could deport ALL illegal aliens, but isn't that what we are supposed to do? We probably can't arrest all robbers and thieves, but don't we expect law enforcement at least to TRY?

Mason G said...

"but don't we expect law enforcement at least to TRY?"

Depends on where you live, and who you mean by "we".

See: "Los Angeles Fire Department" for more detailed information about what the government considers important.

The Godfather said...

I'm old enough to remember people saying that the "Old B-Movie Actor" Reagan wasn't up to the job of President. Ask the Soviet Union, if you could, what they think of that?
Generally, we get only 2 choices for President. Do you REALLY think Kamala would do a better job over the next 4 years? If so, it might not be too late to move to Canada. Or France. Or The UK.

Jersey Fled said...

Just for context, according to 538 Trump has a net favorability number of -1.1% as of January 17 versus Biden at -18.6%.

Bob Boyd said...

Wait...So she's saying Trump supporters aren't mind-numbed robots who think Trump can do no wrong?

Drago said...

"jim" helpfully, though unecessarily, provides yet another example of the unrestrained stupidity married to mental defect that led to Trump's 3rd victory.

We thank "jim" for this "service" and encourage him to keep convincing his fellow leftists bent on the destruction of America to continue "thinking" in just this way.

Zavier Onasses said...

Sister in Calif. recently (surprisingly) suggested a polite discussion of politics, apparently to understand why anyone could vote for the miscreant demon Trump.

I began with some thoughts about:
..The Stuart dynasty's obsession with the Divine Right of Kings, etc., culminating in the Glorious Revolution;
..Liberty as a concept;
..Locke's Life, Liberty, and Property (vs. Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness);
..The un-wisdom of spending more money than you have - whether on the personal or national level.
..Need for Rule of Law in a stable society;
..That Government workers, on average, are no more honest than people as a whole; to give them a job and fail to supervise is asking to be scammed and robbed.

Sister replied she really was not much interested in history.

So I cut to the chase. Spite of the "news" you hear which is 24/7 critical of Trump (and often patently false) IT.IS.NOT.ABOUT.TRUMP.

MANY people in the US are concerned about the things of which I spoke, concerns which Trump - perhaps unique among candidates for public office at ANY level - may possibly share.

For that reason alone, Donald Trump could dance in a public street wearing only a jock strap and combat boots and many people, while perhaps offended by the spectacle, would STILL VOTE FOR HIM.

Come to think on it, there ARE people who dance in public streets wearing only jock strap and combat boots. Other people, rather than being offended, line the sidewalk cheering and waving multi-colored banners.

Mason G said...

For that reason alone, Donald Trump could dance in a public street wearing only a jock strap and combat boots and many people, while perhaps offended by the spectacle, would STILL VOTE FOR HIM.

As well- Joe Biden could shower with his daughter and many people, while perhaps offended by the spectacle, would STILL VOTE FOR HIM.

Of the two scenarios above, only one actually happened.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Progressives operate like a cult of personality and don't understand the majority of Americans don't select "leaders" with the same middle school type emphasis on their cool factor.

Spiros Pappas said...

Even Trump's position on abortion was popular.

Gospace said...

Gotta remember that a large proportion of Americans believe Trump is guilty of 34 felonies because a kangaroo court in NYC consisting of a democrat partisan judge and a wholly democrat jury including two, count them, two democrat lawyers, found him guilty of 34 felonies for unlawful bookkeeping entries made by his bookkeeper labelling legal expenses as legal expenses designed to influence an election that took place before the entries were made in the books... and weren't required to state what he was actually guilty of...

How many thousands of headlines have read- "First felon elected president to take office January 20th?"

Gee, I wonder why the average voter who relies on MSM might have a negative view of Trump the person...

Big Mike said...

Lefty journalists keep looking at Trump as though he was the only candidate in the race. How many of the people who didn't particularly like Trump but nevertheless voted for him were people who totally loathed and despised Kamala Harris?

Christopher B said...

FWIW I remember pretty regular postings on Instapundit about some of the 'man in the street' podcasts that would, IIRC, go around asking people if they approved of various policies but deliberately misidentifying the person (Biden/Obama vs Trump) identified with them, and it was pretty regular that people who identified as liberal would approve of a conservative policy they were told came from Obama, and correspondingly disliked a liberal policy identified as Trump's. I suppose they screened out all the people who noticed the mismatch. I think something similar was found with Obamacare. The individual policies polled well but if you asked people about the overall plan, most people didn't like it. IIRC, Obama had a higher popularity than many Democrat policy proposals when he was in office. It's not like this kind of mismatch is unusual.

Christopher B said...

The option for a 90-day extension invoked by the President was written into the law.

Yrjooe said...

Are you going to buy any Trump crypto?

Rusty said...

Me, " So why are you voting for Obama? What policies do you like?"
Lefty, " It's about time we had a black man as president!"
Me, (cocking my head and raising an eyebrow), "You're an idiot."

Rusty said...

But he won the popular vote..................?

Rusty said...

No. We don't. We need someone who can do the things he's said he can do. There's a difference.

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