That's what I'm reading at X in what is billed as "a summary of posts on X and may evolve over time. Grok can make mistakes, verify its outputs."
"Unregretted user-seconds" refers to a quality metric for user engagement on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter. This concept, introduced by Elon Musk, focuses on maximizing the time users spend on the platform in a way that they do not regret. The idea is to ensure that the time spent is positive, meaningful, and enjoyable, rather than being filled with content that users might later wish they hadn't engaged with.
This is a fine goal. Musk doesn't need any more money, so he can embrace what is lofty and good. Perhaps everyone will flock — like little blue birds — to the site that is truly psychically rewarding, and those other grubby sites — seeking to addict us with junk food — will run short of users. (Why are they still calling us "users," like we are indeed addicts?)
Grok continues:
In the context of the upcoming algorithm update for X, "unregretted user-seconds" is aimed at promoting content that is informational, entertaining, and less negative. This approach seeks to enhance user satisfaction by curating content that aligns with user preferences, thereby reducing the amount of time spent on regrettable or negative interactions. The algorithm will reportedly prioritize engagement from credible and verified accounts, and it might interpret actions like muting or blocking as negative signals, potentially decreasing the visibility of such content or accounts....
Oh! Muting and blocking is a sign of negativity. In that light, the effort to make X more positive itself seems, ironically, negative. I'll ask Grok about that.
Do I belong in this rathole? I asked:
If muting and blocking are to be counted as evidence [of] negativity and used against an account, isn't X itself doing something similar? The effort to make X more positive, judged by its own approach to evidence, seems negative. Analyze the hypocrisy and irony.
Grok conceded that there were "layers of irony and hypocrisy when analyzed critically":
Hypocrisy: Punishing Negativity with Negativity: By diminishing the reach of accounts that are frequently muted or blocked, X is essentially using a form of negativity (reducing visibility) to combat what it perceives as negative behavior. This could be seen as hypocritical because X is employing a method of suppression under the guise of promoting positivity. The platform is, in essence, creating a negative consequence for actions that are meant to maintain a user's positive experience, which contradicts the goal of fostering a more positive environment.
Irony: Counterproductive Positivity: The irony lies in the fact that the strategy to increase positivity on the platform might inadvertently lead to a form of censorship or suppression of diverse opinions. If users mute or block others because of differing views or controversial content, then penalizing the muted or blocked accounts for this could narrow the Overton window, potentially leading to a less diverse and more echo-chamber-like environment. This is ironic because while the aim is to make the platform more positive, it might instead foster a more restricted and less dynamic discourse, which could be seen as a negative outcome in the broader context of free speech and open dialogue.
Platform's Own Actions: The act of tweaking the algorithm to deboost or deverify accounts based on mute/block metrics can be viewed as ironic because X is essentially muting or blocking these accounts itself by reducing their visibility. This mirrors the very actions it's trying to mitigate, thus highlighting the irony in using one form of 'negativity' (algorithmic suppression) to combat another (user-initiated muting/blocking).
Analysis: This strategy might encourage users to self-censor or only post content that aligns with mainstream or inoffensive views to avoid being muted or blocked, which could lead to what has been referred to as "toxic positivity" - where only agreeably positive or non-controversial content thrives. This could stifle genuine interaction and debate, which are fundamental to a healthy social discourse.
"Toxic positivity" — that's a good phrase to remember. A hell of a lot better than "unregretted user-seconds."
The policy also raises questions about the freedom of users to curate their own experiences on the platform. By penalizing those who are muted or blocked, X might be seen as overstepping into users' personal management of their social media environment, which could be perceived as an ironic twist on the principle of user autonomy and freedom of expression....
ADDED: The phrase "toxic positivity" — which I'd forgotten — grabbed my attention in December 2020. I'd found the term in a WaPo article called "As stay-at-home restrictions rise, here are ways to cope," which said:
Although a positive mind-set can be a valuable coping skill, experts caution against going overboard. Such an approach — known as “toxic positivity” — can be harmful to yourself or others. Research has shown that accepting negative emotions is more beneficial to mental health than avoiding or dismissing them. So, next time you find yourself wanting to tell someone to “look on the bright side,” try instead to acknowledge their pain and ask what would be helpful....
i think that Professor Althouse's scheme to promote more informative and entertaining contend by:
a) having President Trump win reelection, and thus;
b) having most of the leftie trolls run away with their tails between their legs
has worked WONDERFULLY!
That sounds a lot like democratized censorship.
Just require that everyone watch one cat video for every 15 minutes spent on the platform.
In the context of the upcoming algorithm update for X, "unregretted user-seconds" is aimed at promoting content that is informational, entertaining, and less negative.
"Unregretted" is negative.
Shut up, Grok. I don't care about liberal media personalities bemoaning X 24 hours a day, never mind when it's done by their lobotomized AI. Is it too much to simply report what Elon Musk himself is actually saying instead of getting the AI summary? Apparently. Either X will be broadly beneficial to most of its users, and therefore grow in influence, or it will make silly censorship decisions and decline.
Personally, I imagine Musk has been having engineers rip out all the algo "tweaks" pushing hyper liberal content. Which might make X less annoying. Give him some time.
"Why do they still call us users, as if they're selling us a drug?" - paraphrased, of course to clarify.
Because that's what you are. An addict. The drug is "dopamine." Twitter (and all other social media sites) are specifically designed to trigger your brain into releasing this drug for your consumption.
Always remember: you are the product. And the first taste is always free.
I have noticed over the past couple of weeks that fewer raging crazies have made it into my X feed. I’m, I guess, grateful for that. I follow Scott Adams, Jonathan Turley, Elon, Dershowitz and Greenwald, and avoid most others and most commenters like the plague. The outrage hysteria and foaming at the mouth rants don’t contribute to my mental health.
For that matter, "negative" is negative. negare to deny, say no.
Say no to negativity.
"fewer raging crazies have made it into my X feed."
They moved to bluesky.
"The algorithm will reportedly prioritize engagement from credible accounts."
Will Dan Rather be considered a "credible account?" How does one get on the "credible account" list? Payment, for sure, but otherwise? How does one get kicked off of Elon Musk's list of credible people? If you publicly disagree and humiliate a post Elon writes (via Community Notes or otherwise, and which has happened recently when he touted H1B visas as a means of unemploying American citizens in favor of Indian imports of worker units) do you get kicked off the "credible" list?
These algorithm changes seem designed to achieve a single purpose: muddy the water so much with bullshit that Elon Musk can deplatform whoever he wants for whatever reason he wants.
This is no better than setting the Blogger option to "approve" all comments (thereby giving authors the ability to only approve certain viewpoints.)
Incidentally YouTube tried to give the viewers the ability to limit visibility of videos by giving each video a thumbs up - or thumbs down - button. This destroyed their favored content creators. So YouTube of course removed the downvote button.
Which is why YouTube is a video wasteland today.
Model tweet, Molly Bloom Yes I said yes I will
"This is a fine goal. Musk doesn't need any more money, so he can embrace what is lofty and good."
Musk does seem to try to do thinkgs the promote humankind. Very unique for the richest person in the world.
I will be glad when the "formerly known as twitter" is dropped. It's redundant and pedantic. Also imo it's typically used as a slight, sly smear.
Have the Democrats been infiltrated by a mole or is it just a bad algorithm?
Last week. Billionaire Evil.
This week. Biden awards George Soros Medal of Freedom.
The Left and/or zionist organizations will now get their followers to mute/block people they don't like and want to censor on X. The algorithim will then reduce their visibility. Misson accomplished.
They are raving loonies
Yes, but I miss Nurse Ratched/Inga.
Hey I've got a perfect solution, just don't waste time on x and avoid all negativity using your own meat puppet intelligence rather than rely on large language models to save you from yourself.
Per Jesse Singal "Bluesky" has a death threat problem. Seems he strayed from the party line and expressed doubts about some leftwing cause. So, he got death threats. I've never seen that sort of thing on twitter. Maybe Bluesky needs to reduce the negativity even more.
Trump ad Musk are Zionist too
Nope. Just their regularly scheduled update. Some of them are still buffering though, however those still have two bars at least.
This could be better solved if more of them moved closer to 5G cellular towers.
Positivity is in the eye of the beholder
Yeah, the perfect solution to everything is just run away, or stop using it, or don't go there, or dont get involved. And I agree. The perfect solution to Gaza and Ukraine, for example, is for the USA to just stop getting involved. And for American citizens to stop talking and writing about it. And if you don't like Trump - stop thinking and talking about him. Problem solved.
Ditto. I say we start a whole new, improved and condensed version. I'll start with a few suggestions:
1) TwiX (yeah, I know)
2) X-twit (confirms the divorce from the crazies)
3) X (I think everybody's gotten the word by now)
I don't want my googling, my X, my Youtube, in any website or searches for my entire online experience looking for something to be based on or just like what I've already seen. I want the entire range of stuff that is available when I ask for information on (topic). I can then learn new things, instead of being bubblewrapped. If I'm unhappy with my previous purchases, my political party, the info I've gotten online, why on earth do I want all information filtered down only to stuff like what I've already seen?
I, for one, think demanding and then forcing an unconditional surrender on Hamas and all other Gazans through total war is the correct response to their actions. Then try the Hamas members, execute or imprison them under military tribunals as appropriate for their actions, and let the world howl in outrage - but maybe in future not do stuff like Hamas has done.
I'm so glad you are comforted by the safe space that Mommy provides for you
We step and do not step into the same Twitter twice. And not just because it gets a new owner and we step and do step into the same X twice. And not just because it gets a new algorithm and we step and do not step ito the same algorithm twice. But because AI is practical intelligence as Aristotle would have defined it. Formal intelligence is rule or, better, an understanding of a form and practical intelligence applies the rule or understanding. "A Rose is a rose is a rose" is not the same as "and this is a rose." X formerly Twitter is immersed in everyone's practical decisions, in the crowd and Kierkegaard said "The crowd is untruth." He meant choosing one's way of life based on being in the crowd or majority or those in power would be false living. But going to a movie your friends say is great is just being practical.
So I'm saying that social media and AI can work if we don't forget that in their basic form, practical knowledge, they have a sell-by date. Whereas the US Constitution does not.
I'm certain that at this point next year, Grok will have written most of the commentary on this blog.
Once America got backed into a corner where it couldn't do anything, Israel set about just killing all the terrorists and ending the problem. This of course, will decimate arms sales in the region and negatively impact the American economy, which thrives on keeping people shooting at each other and ensuring that the war is never won.
I challenge grok to copy me
I tried to look something up on the internet to make a joke about toxic positivity but all I learned is there's some store out there called Restoration Hardware that sells baby furniture, apparently.
By the way, speaking of algorithms -- which seems not to mean the same thing it used to -- Facebook kept showing me these video clips of some youthful Asian lady wearing panties doing humdrum chores like ironing a shirt while doing a third-world squat so you could make out the contours of her labia. Maybe it was called pinkpandagirl or something like that.
Anyway, after a lot of hesitation I told Facebook to stop showing me that crap and it did which might be a win, but at what cost? Now it knows I was paying attention, . . . the bastards.
"I thought "user-seconds" might be the number of times users seconded a post — expressed agreement with it — by liking it or retweeting it."
"user-seconds" are like "man-hours", although in this case "user" is unity.
Howard said...
I'm so glad you are comforted by the safe space that Mommy provides for you
You seem to be in pain. Is there something we can do to help you?
A salve perhaps
He's having a hard time dealing with and escaping from the harsh reality of the universe, perhaps he needs a crutch like "belief in G_d" to deal with it.
"Why are they still calling us "users," like we are indeed addicts?"
It's computer-speak for, well, users.
"It's computer-speak..."
I know. It's offensive though. Time to change it. If EM is seeking a higher plane, let's drop the "users."
"It's offensive though."
That's in the eye of the beholder, of course.
What should replace it? "Readers", I guess.
Although, some people are "posters". Many people are both. "Users" encompasses both.
"Unregretted" is negative.
I claim it is double negative = positive
Well, I'm being spammed filtered, so my comment doesn't make sense.
Time for me to shut up.
So far, I find Grok's output (that I have read) not that interesting. If I want to hear someone else's take on a subject, I'd rather it be a commenter here or someone Althouse quotes or links to. You know, a human. Just my 2 cents.
professora - can you test Grok with any of narciso 'comment in hypertext'
will Grok need to pass Turing or narciso?!
Muskers ? rhyme with buskers!
can you test Grok with any of narciso 'comment in hypertext'
will Grok need to pass Turing or narciso?!
Musk needs to read Orwell 'Politics and the English language.'
and then try re writing this piece of propagandist crap in plain english.
Sounds like my comment at home for you too, Meade. It's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's not your fault
It is either X/Twitter or exTwitter. Both work.
Narayan, I am not sure Narciso could pass a Turing test.
Advertising must be continuing to circle the drain....
He told Trump supporters last week who disagreed with him on H-1B visas to f*ck themselves in the face.
If nothing else, then maybe Howard can get some satisfaction from Canadian maid, which might have meant "Nell Fenwick" at one time, but I don't think it does anymore.
Narciso is human enough, though admittedly sometimes cryptic.
It's n.n that can't pass the Turing test.
An oligarch’s game.
'Users' were lured there for the promise of free speech. They all jumped at the opportunity to pay to support the movement that leveled the playing field.They championed Musk and supported and welcomed him with open arms as he joined MAGA. Then users watched as account after account was demonetized, stolen subscribers and eventually suspended. Now they're told to zone out on entertainment content and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
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