"... but also masses of people away from ours. It does not serve us to underestimate the historic nature of what he has achieved. In fact, it’s important that we recognize the psychological and emotional dimensions of Trump’s appeal. We need to understand it to create the energy to counter it. MAGA is a distinctly 21st century political movement and it will not be defeated by a 20th century tool kit.... [W]e must immediately get about the task of creating a new party. It will be…. A party that listens more, and makes people feel that their thoughts and feelings are as important as their wallets. A party that advocates unequivocally for the working people of the United States. A party with the humility to recognize we need to look in the mirror, and be willing to reinvent ourselves...."
Writes Marianne Williamson, announcing that she's running for chair of the Democratic National Party.
ADDED: I like how she spelled "theatre"... especially while touting herself as in touch with the mind of America. "Theatre" is British English. "Theater" is American English.
The Democrat Party cannot exist in the presence of free speech. Which they were able to control, until Elon Musk purchased Twitter and unleashed "Community Notes."
Our entire government and media was tasked to restricting speech in the runup to the 2020 fraudulent election, and again after the election to prevent discussion of the fraud.
The party simply will die unless they are able to regain control over and again restrict speech in the United States.
Which they will do.
A party that advocates unequivocally for the working people of the United States.
America First! What an idea.
Unfortunately for her, the party leadership is made up of anti-American globalists. And they’re not going anywhere soon.
My advice to Ms. Williamson would be to start by thinking much, much more often about the Roman Empire.
"A party that listens more, and makes people feel that their thoughts and feelings are as important as their wallets. A party that advocates unequivocally for the working people of the United States. A party with the humility to recognize we need to look in the mirror, and be willing to reinvent ourselves...."
If we can fake that, we've got it made.
They need to be centered on the actual American way of life, not try and remake it into something no one wants. Their cultural manipulations are crazy, not empathetic. They need to embrace reality.
I don't think they will give it to her, but I think they should.
Comrades, our message of strict totalitarian control of every aspect of society has failed. Again. If we use different words, and hide our message, we can win again.
The Dems won through outright fraud in 2020, then spent the next four years simultaneously shutting down any and every avenue to investigate it or improve vote integrity while also acting so supremely confident that they could do it again that they knowingly put up the guy who from day one couldn't take meetings because he was so addled. This may not be as much something Trump did as it is something dems did to themselves.
So ironic hat they lost to someone they consider to be a bombastic, self absorbed narcissist and yet, enough of the voting public thought he was the one who made them feel heard and understood.
Marianne loves Americans. The Democrats will never elect her to run the DNC.
She has that feminine locution that is all about the feelz. A therapeutic perspective. Kamalala spoke that way, too, in the soft circles of psychobabble. I “feel” like this election was a welcome throwing off of that cozy but suffocating blanket, in favor of a bygone “can-do “ brashness that is a more masculine vibe. The folks are in the mood for a competence revival.
Also, she is right in that dems typically view the world through a dollar-only lense and ignore or shit on any non-monetary value or reason for one to vote a certain way. Dems believe America is racist? Reparations - pay blacks money and it will magically be okay! Gay marriage was less about rights and much more about access to marriage tax and insurance benefits - i.e. money. Meanwhile, things like personal freedom, the feeling of worth and integrity from honest work as opposed to government handouts, respect for the law, etc. Are scorned as old-fashioned or too "white."
Ms. Williamson may think she’s running for Democratic Party leader, but what she’s really doing is laying the groundwork to follow Tulsi Gabbard over to the Republicans.
Good point - Trump was a dem until the current batch of dems took the party over. So instead of Trump and Musk, dems are stuck with the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Harris and what remains of the Squad.
Maybe the Democrats should focus on convincing the voters that the voters' wallets are more important than the Democrats' wallets.
For starters.
She’s getting close. Trump won on policy. He’s invariably right on policy. He’s also a Lenny Bruce level fighter for free speech and plain speaking.
She’s paying lip service to listening while repeating the same mistake of ignoring how unpopular their policies are. I approve of this choice…
Maybe she pronounces it Thee-AY-ter.
You are absolutely correct about the two spellings. But I prefer "theatre" (as I do "gray", and the use of "myriad" as an adjective --- never a noun) and will continue to do so regardless of evidence to the contrary. Just a personal preference.
They could probably focus any new incoming globalist billions on buying back the union leaders. That’d work…
Teamsters have that Charlestown guy that was on Tucker. He seems pliable and ripe to make some headlines for his guys…
I saw Marianne twice when she was running for President. She’s a nut.
I think the story is the opposite in terms of the voter. Voters are tired of the political theater. They are tired of being given the narrative of a story that doesn’t fit reality. Tired of hearing the border is secure or needs new laws to secure it further, when the airport international zones are guarded better than the southern border. Tired of hearing inflation is imaginary while we can see our grocery bills each week. Tired of being told we don’t have a two teared legal system where a Marine is tried for murder for stopping a bragging killer and a “valedictorian” is praised for assassinating a CEO on the streets. Tired of being told Biden is sharp as a tack, Harris is winning with voters, and it is a loving father that pardons his son for committing the crimes that the father made law. That show is old and nobody wants to see it anymore.
Democrats need to remember who created Donald Trump: It was the incredibly arrogant Barack Obama ... who decided to make Donald Trump run for President by berating him from the dias at the annual White House Correspondent's Association unethical dinner.
There was no upside to that except Barack Obama's own"feelings" and his need to end the controversy over his fraudulent and forged Hawaiian birth certificate.
She's kind of hot. Which makes her cryptonite to the hags and feminazi's that make up the Democrat Party.
“We need to pander more… we need to recite phrases like ‘I feel your pain’ more often…”
Go see how many MAGA types follow Marianne on X. They're with her 100% on working class issues (although not so with climate nonsense)
Democrats have turned climate change, identity politics, racial grievances and victimhood into their religion. They also seem to genuinely loath the United States. You can't easily turn that ship around.
"I like how she spelled "theatre"... especially while touting herself as in touch with the mind of America."
Well she's certifiable, so...
If I recall correctly, she is also pretty crazy - where would she fall on the dems' "hot/crazy matrix?"
They just want to be perceived as for working people, and that is their problem.
Trump ushered in political theater? It has ALWAYS been theater. Hiding FDR's inability to walk, making JFK look like an upstanding family man, Reagan's "tear down this wall" speech, etc.
Of course she does. The other democratic women at the monthly heart chakra and tisane tasting book club wouldn't stand for such pedestrian pronunciation. It's gauche. Better to be a psycho than gauche, and she is definitely a psycho.
How about instead of "reinventing" yourself....just BE yourselves. Oh...wait...that didn't work and people didn't like who you are.
Has she forgotten the theater that was Obama? He was the Democrats' Trump. Big crowds, crossover voters, so many fascinated with the idea of a black president. Just got the rush.
This will not be allowed. The Democrat machinery is considered sacred and only the anointed will be permitted to drive.
The mark of the end was Oct 7, 2023, where the militant leftist Palestinians turned on the mostly stable (i.e., conservative-ish) leftist Jews and deeply affected US Democratic politics. Leftists can never stay on the same page and always form a circular firing squad.
They won't listen, but here are the 3 things they need to do to win again:
1) Stop being crazy. There are only 2 sexes, and they don't like sharing bathrooms, showers, or jail cells.
2) Stop being stupid. The climate is always changing. The sun is responsible for 99% of the significant changes. There's not a damn thing you can do about it.
3) Stop being fascist. All people like to speak freely. They also like to make their own choices about light bulbs, flushing toilets, and the kinds of cars they drive. Trying to force them to have only one option (yours) will never be popular.
Trump is and was a cookie-cutter 1990s Clintonian Democrat. With Clinton's pay-to-play finance model (e.g., Rahm Emanuel; Lincoln Bedroom visits), the Democrats quite literally became the profit-driven "military-industrial complex" they once attacked. And they simultaneously created a profit-driven government finance-industrial complex, healthcare-industrial complex, education-industrial complex, environment-industrial complex, media-industrial complex, and immigration-industrial complex.
Trump is highly patriotic and pro-USA, but functions as a big-city real estate developer based in NYC. He's center right. No one on the conservative right would last more than a month with the unions and regulations and urban self-contradictions.
The last four years was largely theater.
When politicians say they are for the "working class" it means they want to exploit the working class.
let capital,(markets), do what they do best and the working class will follow.
"When politicians say they are for the "working class" it means they want to exploit the working class."
You see, she grew up in a middle-class household...
Condensed version: Start thinking about cause-and-effect processes rather than fixate on emotions and knee-jerk reactions.
…but that’s their whole schtick…
The left doesn't want to change, doesn't want self-examination. MSNBC is already going after her. Little fascist Ben Wikler has nothing to worry about...from her.
President Trump has ushered in an age of political theatre – a collective adrenaline rush that has enabled him to not only move masses of people into his camp...but also masses of people away from ours.
Trump as the lone usher who has reconfigured the seating chart in the Democrat's "political theatre," a Theatre of the Absurd.
"You are seen. You are valid. Please click the donate button and sign this petition at the link."
Theatre is The Stage; theater is movies. Or: theatre is the institution; theater is the building. Or: theatre is pretentious; theater is every-day.
I read Williamson’s remarks to say that she wants to put a bright, pretty, new frosting on top of the same old, moldy, stale cake. Will it work? Democrats being Democrats, we won’ get a chance to see because they’ll pick someone who is more about maintaining the status quo.
If it takes a space cadet to hold space, Williamson is your gal. "It sure looks like the working class could use a hug." Apparently there is a fine line between reinvention and slapping a new coat of paint on the creaking wreck that is the Democratic Party.
A theater is also a hospital operating room.
The Democrats and the Left doing what they always do when they lose. "Gosh, we need to hide the fact we hate working class Americans (especially the white ones) and appeal to their pocketbooks". Don't worry - it wont last more than a month. It never does.
ONe thing the Left and the D's never do, is change their agenda. Its always about "How can we change our Message". None of the Republican demand (after losing) that parts of the party need to be jettisoned or R's need to change their policy. Probably because the D's march in lockstep, and give each member of their colition what they want. Whereas the GOP establishment hates its voters and just wants to fool them to get their vote.
Put her in charge of Space Force, Don.
The Democrats could do worse than America's favorite GMILF. She's not wrong about Trump's appeal and his transformation of American politics, but let's face it, US politics have been theater for quite a while: FDR, JFK, Reagan, Clinton, Obama, especially Obama. Trump dials the show up to 11 for what seems like 24/7, but it's been a slippery slope that goes back at least to when print was replaced by other media
I watched the video at the link, having never before listened to her speak. Her accent is really bizarre and somewhat off-putting, but quite intriguing (though not at all alluring, YMMV).
I checked her wikipedia bio and she lived mostly in Texas as a child and in California as an adult. I don't hear either of those in her speech. Rather, I hear an unspecific American accent with a lot of RP leaking through. As if she spent a few years of childhood in Britain and subsequently never lived long enough in any one place in America to develop any regional accent or cancel out the RP.
Another explanation would be that she had a lot of speech therapy to overcome a speech impediment or severe hearing loss from youth.
All that said, the words spoken (the text) do sound genuinely American.
I wonder how she pronounces "Shibboleth"... but her pronunciation of "Theatre" may suffice.
She's kind of hot.
My Google search for "Marianne Williamson bikini" did not get me a photo of Marianne Williamson in a bikini but it did get me a photo of Alanis Morissette in a bikini which is the punishment I so richly deserved.
Populism is what happens when elites (of both parties) screw the pooch. Without that the Orange Kayfabe Menace would be inconceivable.
Our politics are not so much theater as soap opera, with a touch of sitcom.
Yeah, pretty much. But giving each member of their coalition what they want is obviously impossible, and that is becoming obvious. If only Black lives matter....
"...recognize the psychological and emotional dimensions of Trump’s appeal. We need to understand it to create the energy to counter it. "
Yea! Right after Dems create their own Joe Rogan they can create a candidate with Trump's "energy".
Easy Peasy.
The left operate on 2 things:
Lies and manipulative marketing.
In warfare, a theater or theatre is an area in which important military events occur or are in progress. A theater can include the entirety of the airspace or other meaning. (65-72)
"My Google search for "Marianne Williamson bikini"..."
Ask Grok. And add in Trump in a matching speedo. Amusing.
What on earth is "the actual American way of life". The strength of this country is that there are many actual American way of lives.
Show some proof that that is still a "strength."
"In fact, it’s important that we recognize the psychological and emotional dimensions of Trump’s appeal. We need to understand it to create the energy to counter it."
Trump's appeal is MAGA. "Make America Great Again". You want to counter that? So- same as you've been doing all along, but different, then?
Trump won on bullshit, which he is already walking back. One of his favorite lines was vote for him if you want lower grocery prices. Right after he won the election he admitted that lowering grocery prices, especially when you are advocating deporting half the farm workers in the country and slapping punitive tariffs on Canada and Mexico, who supply a good chunk of our food, would not be easy, and people who believed that bullshit are stupid (I added the last part)
This is the season for expansive hortatory rhetorical setpieces. They tend to be vacuous and narcissistic. But MW gets at the heart of the matter. If the Dems aren't the party of the mass of people who work, they are the party of parasites and free riders. In that case, they should just call themselves socialists and try to keep kicking the can down the road until the barbarians take the country away from us. It'll take a few decades to destroy prosperity and freedom, but the Dems can do it if they can manufacture a majority.
When Breezy deigns to inform us what he defines as the "actual American way of life" well then I will provide counterexamples.
Oh, I don't know. It seems as though frivolous prosecutions, a farcical J6 Committee, a demented President deposed by a cabal in favor of a cackling bimbo, a pardon for a criminal presidential son dating back to his birth and commutations for an array of murderers, etc., qualify as political theater.
Put a crystal in it.
It's a crowded field. Here's a list of the current candidates.
I'm pulling for Flounder, I mean, Jason Paul - just because.
…don't forget the playing field for the war.
The "actual American way of life," Freder, includes several components including love of God, country and family. It may be an aspirational goal. Of course, it's easier to understand if it isn't displaced by Gramscian Marxism.
Is there a part about eliminating free speech and gun ownership? If not, it won't wash, Marianne
Freder--why don't you check the actual stats from the USDA. Food inflation was less than 2% annually during Trump's previous administration (pre-covid) and skyrocketed under Biden. Despite Biden not deporting any "farm workers" and allowing millions of new "farm workers" to enter the country illegally.
Here's a hint--the prices of most groceries are directly a function of the price of energy. Watch as grocery prices "miraculously" level off as Trump rolls back Biden's anti-energy policies.
Yeah, remember when they created Air America to counter Rush Limbaugh? Yuge success.
The Democrats are the party of people who hate Trump so much they're willing to tolerate any sort of fuckery the cabal in charge chooses to throw at them.
Excuse me, but our hostess is incorrect. "Theater" refers to the building housing a theater. "Theatre" refers to the art of theatre.
It's not class thing. It's a correct usage thing, and Ms. Williamson is correct.
theatre (n.)
chiefly British English spelling of theater (q.v.); for spelling, see -re.
Entries linking to theatre
theater (n.)
also theatre (see below), late 14c., "large, open-air place in ancient times for viewing spectacles and plays," from Old French theatre (12c., Modern French théâtre, improperly accented) and directly from Latin theatrum "play-house, theater; stage; spectators in a theater" (source also of Spanish, Italian teatro).
This is from Greek theatron "theater; the people in the theater; a show, a spectacle,
"Excuse me, but our hostess is incorrect."
Oh my! You new around here?
Will do or attempt to do?
Crazy psychic lady says what?
love of God, country and family
Oh good I must be a practitioner of the "actual American Way of Life", although I seem to remember that one of the amendments to the constitution prohibits laws "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".
"Oh my! You new around here?"
Made me laugh.
Watch as grocery prices "miraculously" level off as Trump rolls back Biden's anti-energy policies.
Level off?! Is that all you expect. As I noted earlier, Trump promised to lower grocery prices. He hasn't even got into office yet and he has already backpedaled on that promise.
As far as your contention that "prices of most groceries are directly a function of the price of energy", that is simply untrue. Energy prices are certainly a significant factor, but there are a myriad of other factors. Just one example, the price of eggs is so high now because so many flocks have to be culled because of bird flu. This is also true, to a lesser extent, for beef and dairy prices.
As for the theory that simply producing more oil and gas, the price of energy is going to drop is a fantasy. Energy companies have no incentive to lower the price of energy significantly, especially when many countries (who have plenty of slack in their production) can produce oil and gas cheaper than us.
And don't give me your fantasies about how gas was so cheap in 2020 and '21. In case you don't remember the price of oil futures dropped below zero for a short period in April, 2020, because of a glut caused by the worldwide coronavirus shutdowns.
72 year old who has never been elected to anything or held public office should not be first time dnc chair. What is this, the GOP?
The road has turned and the Democrats are marching in lockstep out into the wilderness.
The problem is that we are at best a 45-45 nation--and maybe closer than that. And the 10 percent swing voters---those dogs! This time around those dogs didn't like the policy dog food that the Dims had been serving up. In the way of the world the Dims will finally find a way to make their policies sufficiently popular with that 10% to win an election. This time around Team Trump found the policy recipe and the Dims didn't.
"The problem is that we are at best a 45-45 nation--and maybe closer than that."
It would be interesting to see if that held up should the MSM be as dedicated to supporting the Republican party as they currently are with their support for Democrats.
The democrats need more fake images of AOC crying by a chain-ink fence, and more Rachel Maddow emotions and tears.
This. And the Democrats discarded their hard won mantle as the party of peace to support a dangerous war that is far more in the interest of our globalist oligarchs than it is in the American people, though they have been shedding the "party of peace" label for some time now, sinking so low as to elevate a hard line neocon cold warrior to the presidency.
It's all about Nietzsche's "will to power."
"What lies do we have to tell the rubes to get control of the trillions of dollars and the military again?"
All Trump has really done is to make politics back into a form of entertainment. It's not the first time this has happened. Starting with Huey Long almost 100 years ago, Louisiana has always had a keep appetite for politics-as entertainment, and occasionally as bloodsport. There's simply no substitute for this kind of populism. Trump understood just how far removed from the populace the modern Democratic machine has become - and he has highlighted that distance by counterpoint, with his own brand of up-close, bare-knuckled, sarcastic fun. He's paid a price for it - but nobody can say that he hasn't been effective, highlighting that Democrat distance by bringing his own populist 'I'll fix it for you" brand. Huey Long was effective in many of the same ways. It's 'felt' politics. People 'feel' the difference in ways they can put in their pocket.
As for the theory that simply producing more oil and gas, the price of energy is going to drop is a fantasy.
You are so full of shit. We've already gone through this before, asshole. He's done it already. And he'll do it again.
That was my reaction to a lot of this phony democratic soul searching. They put up 2 of the most loathsome and incompetent candidates in modern history and got their clocks cleaned. I am not sure Trump has ushered in a new era. The democrats had plenty of market signals and feedback it wasn't going to work like 2020 but pressed on any way with their phony polling and in the tank media they always relied on. I think the democrats are still stunned that none of their usual tactics worked and they are shut out of power for a while.
72 year old who has never been elected to anything or held public office should not be first time dnc chair. What is this, the GOP?
Nope. If it was the GOP, you'd have the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Echoing Mason G. If the media landscape even tried to be politically neutral or provide democrats the same level of scrutiny and down right derision they routinely throw at republicans, the democrats would no longer be a national party. Working people are 60% center right and we can see the new hispanic voting blocs are going the same direction.
"bringing his own populist 'I'll fix it for you" brand."
He did a pretty good job of that when he was in office before, with virtually the entire US government in opposition.
The propensity for America Gridlock to supersede America First will begin on January 21.
The global bond market speaks much more loudly and decisively than Donald Trump. It too will start speaking January 21.
The world reserve currency owes its status to the fact that the global bond market reprices itself every second of every hour of every day. The American government literally floats in a sea of market-based accountability.
Most likely by Labor Day 2025 the rate of inflation will be up, interest rates will be up, and presidential approval ratings down.
A debt-to-GDP ratio of 100 percent and a 6.5 percent deficit suggest that monetary-fiscal affairs will be upsetting the best laid plans ... The bond market will be speaking through a megaphone.
Trump's comments about the Panama Canal and Greenland suggest we are closer to the 25th amendment than many think.
If your competition can produce cheaper than you, that's an enormous incentive to find ways to cut your costs/prices.
What the Dems did to Tulsi in 2020 was a crying shame. She was the only Dem in 20 years I would be willing to vote for.
Pssst! Democrats get exactly the effects they want with their policies.
Freder exclaimed, "
As for the theory that simply producing more oil and gas, the price of energy is going to drop is a fantasy. Energy companies have no incentive to lower the price of energy significantly, especially when many countries (who have plenty of slack in their production) can produce oil and gas cheaper than us."
It's not a theory. Supply and demand work. If you weren't such a dumbass and bothered to learn some basic economics you'd understand that. But you're a dumbass so you've got to say dumbass shit.
Dear Ms. Williamson: Trump's political theater can whip your political theater's ass.
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