November 27, 2024

"I'm not the most famous person in the world, but let me tell you something — all the Trumpers know me from the head picture."

"They all know me. They all know my face. They all know my hair. So O'Donnell goes, "No, I'm Rosie O'Donnell, this is my best friend Kathy Griffin,' and I just looked at the guy and I went like this, and then he knew, oh he knew...."

It's long, but the lengthiness is the style. There's a party at Paris Hilton's house, Kathy runs into The Rock and says "Hi, The Rock," a conservative mistakes Rosie O'Donnell for Roseanne Barr. It's worth it every step of the way and it's worth it to watch until you get to "I went like this," which is, obviously, a visual. Very funny!


Lance said...

I gritted my teeth through the first 3:24 and then turned it off. Life's too short.

hombre said...

Being a tasteless asshole rocks with Jimmy Kimmel.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Hard Pass

Ann Althouse said...

If it's not for you, just move on.

Peachy said...

Kathy Griffith Griffin whatever she-goblin-semi-human name is -- is so revolting. I'm not sure I can do it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Is there something below B-List actress? I always thought A-List > B-List > Porn > Onlyfans, but I never thought of Kimmel was lower than Onlyfans.

Peachy said...

I'm taking a break from spatchcocking the turkey. Holy Smollette - my hands are too weak and tired to cut thru the bones. Sheesh.

Peachy said...

I'm gonna go eat a big juicy steak and then get back to it.

doctrev said...

Kathy, stop being insufferably smug. It's not your horse face, it's your claws on a chalkboard voice. If a MAGA supporter beheaded and piked you, it'd be the easiest pardon President Trump ever signed. "Have you heard this harpy talk, lmao, approved."

Peachy said...

P-list? Potty-list? My 'pinion of Kimmel and Kathy could not get or be lower. They are both spoiled brat leftist cry-baby a-holes.

Drago said...

Allowed it to run as I worked on other things.

The celebrity stuff was of a piece with all her earlier work and what she's most known for (besides the Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes), but there's no real fast ball there anymore. Unlike a Joan Rivers who only got funnier and even edgier with age which played very well after her years of late night show hosting (and Johnny Carson feuding).

Ice Nine said...

Good god, she is grotesque. And I'm not even talking about her political views, just everything else about her.

And wait, someone mistook Rosie O'Donnell for Roseanne Barr?? Was that person blind? - Roseanne is actually quite pretty and Rosie resembles a Blobfish.

Wince said...

Oddly, I watched her interview appearance live on broadcast. Honestly, I think she can entertainingly deliver a story, as a stand-up comedian should be able to do. I wonder if it was rehearsed or even cue carded?

You could tell she tried top soften her partisan edges to broaden her appeal.

Her voice sounded weaker, less coarse than I remember. Did she come through a health issue?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Why Won't Kathy Griffin Just Go Away?" - The Atlantic (allegedly)

rehajm said...

Tranny Bonaduce, always and forever. Thank you Greg Giraldo…

Achilles said...

These are all terrible people who are being cast out of their unearned positions of status.

Achilles said...

No. These people must be publicly humiliated as a lesson to future generations.

RCOCEAN II said...

That was funny in spots. I like KG when she's not getting political or too gross. Kimmel is a terrible interviewer.

RCOCEAN II said...

I haven't heard anything about Rosie O'Donnell in years. The "Queen of Nice" - LOL. Amazing how naive we were about celebrities. And Lorraine Newman, my Lord.

Jerry said...

C-list: Might be able to get a walkon on some show, or background character w/no lines, could get a gig on a high-tier cruise ship, if lucky and they've got a good background as a comic.
D-list: MIGHT be able to get a gig on a lower-tier cruise ship, but they're not going to be 'enthusiastic' about hiring, and will fire at the drop of a hat.

Lilly, a dog said...

Norm MacDonald regarding Rosie O'Donnell:

Aggie said...

We've come through a decade of otherwise untalented people that have been trading on their Party affiliations to build their careers. Comedians that are not funny, politicians that are incapable of governing, experts that seemingly lack knowledge in the fundamental principles of their field. All very cunning in their grasp of PartySpeak, and all very much willing to tell lies in order to protect their sinecure and their professional advancement. Now, a majority of voters have communicated their displeasure, and their discredidation. And they act surprised, but are undiminished.

Achilles said...

These are all Couch List celebs. Women in Hollywood got their positions by couch dancing. Looks like most of the men too.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The way you make that sound Jerry, porn might be an upgrade.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"I'm gonna go eat a big juicy steak and then get back to it."
Try a can of spinach.

mindnumbrobot said...

This bit wasn't for me, but I know her old standup routines used to be pretty good, so I'm glad to see her getting back on tour. Everybody deserves a second chance, regardless of their politics. I'm sure she still has an audience out there.

Original Mike said...

Like a bad penny.

tommyesq said...

Early Kimmel was a sleazy, woman-exploitative, black-face-wearing scumbag who present-day Kimmel would absolutely try to cancel, btw.

FormerLawClerk said...

Doesn't matter. You watched enough of it for them to get paid.

Don't click these links.

FormerLawClerk said...

^ This is correct. Kathy Griffin should be in prison, not on Kimmel or any other show. I won't click to pay them and fund their activities. And neither should anybody else.

FormerLawClerk said...

She' Carrot Bottom.

FormerLawClerk said...

Hate eats a person up from the inside out. You are seeing the horrible results of what someone looks like right before they get placed in Hell.

Freder Frederson said...

So now it is okay to kill people just because you dislike them. And you claim that Trump is not a fascist

Maynard said...

I know one of her classmates at OPRF High School. She was a weird jerk then.

Enigma said...

Watch Freaks (1932) instead of that Griffin freak: "One of us. One of us. Gooble Gobble."

Rusty said...

I gotta ask. Is English your first language, Freder? Are you on the spectrum?

RideSpaceMountain said...

I miss Norm.

walter said...

Rubberbands and simping for Tom Cruise...

walter said...

Will she be doing NYE with Cooper?

Joe Bar said...

Somewhat amusing. Glad she's OK.

Achilles said...

Freder tries to pretend his regime did not get caught trying to kill Trump twice during the campaign and that the Regime does not have a long history of political violence against Trump supporters.

Freder is just looking for justification for his violent and amoral power grubbing.

Peachy said...

Good idea.

MadisonMan said...

She mentioned in the interview that she had something medical-y in her throat, yes.

MadisonMan said...

She tells a story pretty well. Made me want to be at Paris Hilton's party to watch things.

Drago said...

Norm was the best.

Rosalyn C. said...

I lasted to 4:15 and felt like I was watching a mental patient having an episode. Like all narcissists who are abusive and receive negative consequences, she sees herself as a victim. She refuses to admit she could have done something wrong. That would have been humanizing for me, but she wasn't capable of it.
At least she admitted it's her thing to be offensive to people she knows actually are decent and kind and wouldn't harm her. What an *hole.

Jupiter said...

Prison? What for? The silverware?

Earnest Prole said...

Ordinary criticism of the Glorious Leader means three generations of family must suffer, but Kathy Griffin’s insult was far far worse than that.

RCOCEAN II said...

I'll say this for Rosie: She would've made one hell of a middle linebacker.

lonejustice said...

I hate her politics, but Griffin is funny. Glad she is sober and working again.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RideSpaceMountain said...

A B-List celebrity with a soon-to-B-List celebrity!? CNN really is in trouble!

Jerry said...

Wouldn't qualify, lol. There has to be a certain attractiveness, and suspension of belief only takes you so far...

I mean, look at the porn stars of the '80s. The women were pretty good-looking and approached their roles with enthusiasm. But a lot of the B-, C-, D- list women today have a certain edge to them that just isn't really conducive to the fantasy that porn depends on. (At least for me, lol. I'm likely aged out of their target demographic...)

But everyone's got their kink. Could be she's perfect for someone... but it sure ain't me!

mikee said...

A sterling example of a career arc going up for years and then going down, but down faster.

Smilin' Jack said...

OK, I’ve moved on. But I may come back if I ever feel a need for some colossally boring screeching to lull me to sleep.

le Douanier said...


I watched the entire thing as soon as I scrolled to it. After watching, I scrolled down to the text where Althouse does a hard sell to justify people taking the time to watch it.

I had already watched it. And I did get sucked in from start to finish. When it started watching, I did see how long it was and therefore I assumed I'd bail out or maybe jump forward a few times.

One thing I loved was that she eventually noted that her hair is fake. As soon as the video started I was distracted by how fake her hair looked. Turns out I was right! She did not mention the bags under her eyes, but I was distracted by that too.

Most importantly, she was amazingly quick thinking re answering side questions from Kimmel. She was obviously doing a planned story, but it was very impressive that she had such a full picture ready to go that she could go down deep off shoots immediately. IMHO.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"But everyone's got their kink."

If she's got any shot at all, she'd be wise to market herself to the Japanese. If she can't sell her panties and odd-body-fluid-mukbangs in Japan as a washed-up-has-been with a porkchop face, she couldn't sell them any place.

Skeptical Voter said...

Kimmel and Griffin==neither one is worth more of my attention than the time it took to type this.

RCOCEAN II said...

I like pie. Especially blueberry.

mspence said...

The losers are all in their crying corner, or in this case, screaming:

Jim at said...

If it's not for you, just move on.

You don't need to tell me twice. Didn't even bother with it. Or her.
Never will. And that includes anything and everything she's ever done. Even Seinfeld episodes.

Life's too short. Click.

The Real Andrew said...

No offense, Ann. I’ll trust your judgment that there are funny moments. But I’m not watching.

One of the many wonderful things about Trump’s election is the complete humiliation of celebrities and their opinions and endorsements. It is a wonder to behold. I won’t cater to them. They deserve to be rejected, unequivocally. Maybe a small number of them will wake up, and learn some humility.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (Including Ann and Meade.) So much to be thankful for this year.

James K said...

I admit I often confuse Rosie O'Donnell and Rosanne Barr. The names, not the faces. Rosanne has actually gotten more attractive with age, Rosie has that RBF and butch look.

Jim at said...

So now it is okay to kill people just because you dislike them. And you claim that Trump is not a fascist.

Freder clutching his pearl necklace ....

Readering said...

I never watch Kimmel but for some reason left TV on in background after watching DWTS (which I also never watch but found this season's finalists intriguing). Got to Kathy Griffin and also found her surprisingly funny. Paris Hilton's aunts!

Iman said...

I wouldn’t give Griffin the sweat off my Schweddy Ballz, let alone my time.

Iman said...

And I used to be a fan.

Butkus51 said...

I miss Norm MacDonald

Drago said...

Most democraticals think so. Your assessment is once again fully culturally aligned with your political team.

Drago said...

Most democraticals think so. Your assessment is once again fully culturally aligned with your political team.

Drago said...

"I hate her politics,..."


William said...

Griffin should be grateful that Trump turned his head at just that moment. I don't think she'd be able to get a lot of laughs with that severed head bit if Trump's head had actually been shot off. She should pray for his continued health. If something awful happens, she will get cancelled again.....It's true that Roseanne has gotten better looking with age, but that has more to do with the surgeon's art than the blessings of nature. Rosie probably doesn't even try. This is speculation on my part, but my guess is that butch lesbians worry less about the aging process..

Clyde said...

I believe in the right to free speech, and I don't believe in canceling people because I didn't like their speech when they exercised that right. I'm not a fan of either Kimmel or Griffin, but if I only watched entertainers whose politics align with my own, I wouldn't watch much. And frankly, it's amusing when they're worried about ending up in Guantanamo in January, even if only in jest. We won and I'm feeling magnanimous, at least to those who weren't imprisoning people like the J6 political prisoners or trying to imprison Trump on trumped-up charges. Those hacks deserve whatever happens to them in January. But we all know that under Republican administrations, it's still okay to dissent. Try it under a Democrat and 'Rats will haul you into court, where the process is the punishment.

Aggie said...

Griffin had some genuinely harrowing hard times after all of the blowback from the severed Trump head gag. Well - she thought it was a gag, but then the outrage rubber hit the comedy road and she had some tough years. But the thing is, how much reflective growth did she get out of it? Most people might cogitate on their experience to see if they missed something important, but I don't get any of that sense from Griffin. She's wounded but unrepentant and maybe honestly doesn't see any reason to grow her views.

Randomizer said...

I'm dark MAGA all the way, and honestly, Kathy Griffin wasn't bad in that clip. Maybe people can come out the other side of Trump Derangement Syndrome. She used to be dominated by Trump hatred.

Griffin doesn't like Trump, fine, she acknowledged that and the severed head business, but didn't dwell on it. She was talking to Jimmy Kimmel, and could have gone full bonkers. She didn't. Her story was fun and engaging. Six years in the wilderness is enough for me.

If TDS sufferers start acting normal, that is a vast improvement.

JAORE said...

Gravity comes for us all. Both flesh and the mind apparently.

RMc said...

Kathy Griffin is living proof that there is such a thing as bad press, and it is not better than no press at all.

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