November 27, 2024

I thought maybe "The Democrats" was a satirical account and this new video of Kamala Harris was A.I.

But no, "The Democrats" is really the Democratic Party:

X provides a summary of posts about this: "The video, posted by the Democratic Party, has sparked discussions on social media regarding her appearance and speech, with some users speculating about her sobriety."

The top response I'm seeing is from Meghan McCain, who seems to be trying to help: "Take this down. She’s still the sitting Vice President for Gods sake - this is awful. Like really, really awful."


Lawnerd said...

The US dodged a bullet. Worst candidate ever.

Tarrou said...

"Don't let anyone or any circumstance take your power from you"

What, like an election?

rehajm said...

If you thought it was AI that’s evidence keeping her isolated was an effective strategy…

wendybar said...

I'm sorry, but SHE is drunk. If not, she has a drug problem. It is plain to see. We dodged a BIG bullet with this one.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

If I could order up an A.I generated pep talk I think I'd go with Gandalph, not Kamala Harris, but I'm not all that political.

Jaq said...

The rumor is that her people tried to stop her, and she demanded to make the video. Rumors... There were also rumors that Hillary was in her cups already at 10 am on that fateful Election Day, when she believed that she was going to win.

Zavier Onasses said...

Thanks for the warning, Kam. You are near the top of my "do not let this person touch my power" list.

Jaq said...

She sounds like Amy Winehouse in concert, when she's doing the between songs patter.

michaele said...

Kamala must have spent a nice slice of the over a billion dollar haul on make up artists and hairdressers. Left to her own beauty expertise efforts, she looks fairly bedraggled. Maybe it was the time difference if this was done while she was still vacationing in Hawaii. She does Not look well rested.

Jaq said...

For a while I used to go on collaborative writing websites, and people would write stuff and post it for comment. It was 95% completely rotten, and she sounds like these writers. They would make up stories about how a "dark power" had appeared in the woods at the edge of town, and this darkness was evil, and this darkness was... actually, that's a lot better than most of the stuff they wrote, but the point is that her speech about "power" shows a complete lack of any intellectual framework for her worldview. It's all based on feelings and vague intuitions.

rehajm said...

Democrats are arguing laws should only be enforced if they like them. We should take away their power Kamala…

rehajm said...

She sounds strokey…

Kevin said...

When the Democrats send its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

MadTownGuy said...

When she says "your power," she means the Party's power.

amr said...

They decided to cut the clip right before the camera panned back to reveal that she's talking to a mirror. The next line was "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it people like you."

typingtalker said...

"Take this down. She’s still the sitting Vice President for Gods sake - ... "

Emphasis on "sitting."

RideSpaceMountain said...


Eva Marie said...

It’s joy-tastic. I look forward to her campaign for Governor of California.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes the Peter Principle is real and yes the DNC as an organization has demonstrated for the whole world, thanks to Harris spending $1.5B revealing her best self, that one really can "rise to the level of their incompetence" and that this is especially true for entities that focus more on DEI than on skills and good ideas.

This episode doesn't show how successful Harris is. It shows how absolutely bereft of common sense the Democrat Party is.

tcrosse said...

Her megadonors still have lots of money left, although it's unlikely they'll give her another go at it.

Steve said...

Yikes...I usually dismiss the "he/she's a drunk" rumblings about politicians, but holy guacamole her mannerisms were like a recent conversation I had in a bar with a obviously-inebriated woman.

rhhardin said...

There's no option to skip philosophy. The only option is to philosophize badly.

FormerLawClerk said...

The moral of this story is: Don't be an asshole to your staff or they'll release you actually being you.

Tina Trent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Temujin said...

Well, hell.
She's been the Vice President for near 4 years now. And now people are embarrassed at her demeanor and talk? Certainly we've had sufficient examples of her inability to make it through a thought, or speak it, over the years.
Not to mention our Sack O'Potatoes we know as our President.

My concern is that there were still 75 million people who looked at her and thought, "Yes. She is Presidential."

EdwdLny said...

Interesting strategy. Post a video trying to rally the troops, while coming off a multi-day bender. Hmm, not sure how this will go over. Good grief.

EdwdLny said...

I eagerly await any evidence that 75 million votes were cast by 75 million actual people .

Michael said...

Worst candidate since Michael Dukakis.

Michael said...

Remember Kathy Griffith with the severed Trump head? Broke her career. It's not enough to be smart. One needs have sober-minded confidantes who will get in your face and say, "This is a terrible, stupid, totally no good idea. Don't do it! "

Kamala clearly does not have that type of friend in her circle.

Whiskeybum said...

Looks like Kamala isn’t the only one hitting the sauce a bit early this Thanksgiving.

Quayle said...

Maybe she is gearing up to refuse to certify the election. She has the same power as before November 5th.

Leland said...

Did you hear that Biden? Don’t let anyone take your power. Please, listen to the woman.

Iman said...

“The US dodged a bullet. Worst candidate ever.”

I say the U.S. dodged an RPG.The entire episode would be funny if it weren’t so damned sad.

Sebastian said...

"She’s still the sitting Vice President for Gods sake" So now it's embarrassing to recognize KH for who and what she is? What does it say about Dems that this wasn't obvious to them as it was to everyone else? And what does it say about their sense of responsibility that they didn't recognize that everyone else recognized it, especially of course adversaries outside the U.S., and that they were still willing to hand power to that person, of all people?

Charlie said...

She makes Dan Quayle sound like Socrates.

Howard said...

It's perfectly good advice for people, mostly women, who are suffering from a relapse into terminal TDS. It is sad that people need the type of advice but there you are. I mean come on, this is essentially the same advice that Trump gave to his supporters on January 6th.

ndspinelli said...

In vino veritas.

Tom T. said...

I saw speculation that the party panicked over that poll showing her as the favorite for the 2028 nomination and posted this video to destroy her.

MadisonMan said...

That was my exact reaction. Very strong Stuart Smalley vibes.

Jersey Fled said...

Dukakis was way better.

Howard said...

Thread Winner

FormerLawClerk said...

Her internal polls, according to her campaign manager Plouffe, never showed her ahead. Which makes the Iowa poll released 3 days before the election come into sharp focus.

The Des Moines Register paid noted Iowa pollster J. Ann Selzer to produce a fake poll on the eve of the election all so they could produce a late headline claiming Harris would win Iowa by 3 percentage points. She of course, lost by 9 percentage points.

Selzer then announced her retirement from polling (so of course, she'll never be made to pay any price for producing her fake poll.)

The Des Moines Register didn't demand their money back or sue Selzer. So it's obvious what they were after.

Amadeus 48 said...

Kamala Harris is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. And so is Meghan McCain.

Amadeus 48 said...

And Joe Biden. And Donald Trump.

pacwest said...

"My concern is that there were still 75 million people who looked at her and thought, "Yes. She is Presidential."

If she had got 25m votes I would be concerned. 50m would have meant we are in a downward spiral. 75m is a sign that the end times are near. Trump is high risk high reward, but even if everything he is trying to do has a measure of success he won't be able to turn things around on a dime (4 years).

BG said...

She does a very good impression of Estee Palti doing an impression of Kamala Harris, except she forgot to cackle.

Space City Girl said...

This makes me happy. The Dems haven’t learned a darn thing.

Wince said...

Ever notice how Kamala's gesticulations are often subliminally sexual?

Whether it's her hands above her breasts, as here, or in describing the "duality" of democracy" while fellating a microphone with one hand and fondling a scrotum with the other.

donald said...

I hope it mutilates him or her self.

Maynard said...

Kamala has a significant anxiety problem. My best guess is that she abuses anxiolytic meds to tamp down her shakes. If she has any alcohol, she will likely fall asleep.

The main reason for her anxiety is that she knows that she is totally phony and way over her head as VP and Presidential candidate. Nonetheless, the DEI mavens have been promoting her for the last 20+ years.

Michael said...

You know anyone else who dodged a bullet this year?

Gusty Winds said...

Who gives a crap about what Meghan McCain thinks? Leave Meghan, her father, and Kamala on the political history trash pile.

Bob Boyd said...

They cut off her access to any more Ukrainian orphan blood.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Concur with Howard

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

No. And now that I've read your comment I will avoid any video of her forever.

wendybar said...


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Meghan is interesting in that she went from Republican Girl to Never-Trump and then back again, and the reason is what interested me. She lived in the DC area (northern VA I believe) where her husband works and the extreme evil stupidity of Democrat governance during COVID flipped her back. Then she realized Trump was our only hope of avoiding all-lockdown all the time after this election and she supported him. Her personal feelings about the bad-mouthing Trump did towards her father didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

stlcdr said...

Oh yeah, I forgot. we currently have a President and a VP. I wonder why that is...

Big Mike said...

More proof, if any is needed, that Meghan and her late Daddy were just Democrats running as Republicans to win elections in what was then a deep red state. See also the Romney family in Utah.

Tina Trent said...

I wasn’t referring to you, Mad Town Guy, but to someone whose comments were removed.

Big Mike said...

Until January 20th this bilious drunk is just one heartbeat of a very old man from being Presdent of the United States. Tomorrow pray for the continued health of Joe Biden.

Tina Trent said...

We didn’t even know where she was for the last week (on vacation in Hawaii). Biden doesn’t know where he is, and it’s crazy to keep propping him up. So we have had no visible, lucid leadership in an extremely tense week. This is unacceptable.

J L Oliver said...

She’s being our Momala! Stepmom of our nation!

Cappy said...

Bottoms up!

RCOCEAN II said...

Can we pass a law forbiddening people to quote Megan McCain? I swear, my IQ drops everytime I read her. Having a famous dead father is no excuse for her being a public figure. She's accomplished nothing and her opinions are worthless.

As for VP Kamala, this is the real Kam. As for her looks, cut her some slack people, she's 60 years old. This is how she looks when she's lit in the best way, and doesn't have a great makeup job. The slurred speech is a problem, but y'know she doesn't make any decisions, so there's that.

RCOCEAN II said...

Megan McCain is not a Republican. She supported Biden and Harris and HIllary. Why keep pretending she is?

William said...

She's not having a good day. If you went on a 1.5 billion dollar spending spree and all you got to show for it was a crappy video, you too would look awful....She thinks she saying a message of hope but she looks forlorn, and that just magnifies the utter bleakness of her candidacy. I don't think her supporters will take much comfort in this address.

The Vault Dweller said...

This what happens when students in High School try to include something moving or inspirational in a paper or speech, and instead of saying it sounds like cheesy drivel, the teacher feigns admiration or inspiration.

tolkein said...

She's drunk! My first thought. How much had she drunk? One bottle? Shorts?

Lazarus said...

This is like that "Friends" episode.

Phoebe, Monica and Rachel read a book about how women need to become more empowered. There is wind who makes women goddesses, but men take the wind.

Leland said...

It gets more interesting, that's the edited version of the video. Here's a longer clip (which seems edited too).

Aggie said...

She certainly seems medicated, at the very least - alcohol is just one of many depressants, and I'd wager a woman in her position is spoiled for choice. That head-nodding thing when she's reinforcing a point really brings it out.

Paul said...

How much was put in Kamala's Swiss Bank Account(s)???? And I bet Taylor Swift got $$$ to endorse her... Just blew 'other people's money' like it was confetti.. and if she was President... it would continue... make it a $50 Trillion Dollar National debt by the time she left.

Reap what you sow Democrats... the truth will come out in the next few years... all the lawfare, ripoffs, ballot stuffing, etc... by Biden & Co.

Achilles said...

Women generally don't keep that kind of friend in their circle. A lot of men don't either but their ratio is better.

Eva Marie said...

I love this thread. Who says Kamala isn’t inspirational.

Paul said...

Remember in Matthew 25 about the Master that give bags of silver to his three servants expecting them to make him money? What if the last one said, when the Master returned, "Master, I spent it all on my campaign and you still owe another bag of silver!"

Anthony said...

She reminds me a bit of our AZ 'governor': a mediocre functionary whose only real skill is knowing how to work the system to gain ever higher job titles. They don't know how to actually do anything and never really do anything which is obvious when they start talking. Which they tend to avoid doing except in highly scripted segments.

Paddy O said...

This feels like a "very special episode" of a mediocre sitcom where the unliked rich girl tries to buy friends for her party then at the end has a realization. Only here, watching with the sound off, it is a 2 parter whwrr they now will talk about the sad aunt who has a drinking problem.

Its one to grow on

JAORE said...

There is a streak of alcoholism in our family. Makes some of us hyper-aware of indications when someone, who should NOT be, IS drinking. But this example is so glaring that anyone should suspect she's had one, or several, too many.

phantommut said...

The DNC released this to make sure Kamala can never, ever run for anything again.

Rusty said...

John Belushi did it better.

Hugh Dudgeon said...

Another take:

Rocco said...

J L Oliver said…
She’s being our Momala! Stepmom of our nation!

If she's the stepmother, then we’re all Cinderella.

Rocco said...

Wince said…
Ever notice how Kamala's gesticulations …

So we can add fake Italian to her list of fake accents.

Biff said...

Seriously! I thought the most interesting and salient part of that video was when she said, "Don't you ever let anybody take your power from you."

Isn't that exactly what they did to Joe Biden?

William said...

I think ya have to step back and look at the Kamala debacle for what it truly is. It’s not about Kamala.

Ask yourself the question: What is wrong with the United States when one of the candidates for president is just so damn horrible (in every respect)? She has NO redeeming virtues. How can this happen?

There have been—and there will continue to be—lots of post-mortems, but the key thing is this:

We have a serious problem in this country when one political party can foist such an unattractive and unqualified candidate on the electorate. Kamala’s candidacy—combined with the cover up of Biden’s clear inability to function as the president and CEO/COO of the United States—is a sign of something seriously wrong with the United States political structure. That something like this could happen in the greatest democracy the world has ever seen scares the merde out of me … and it should scare you too. This isn’t about Trump; it’s about something FAR more fundamental.

Biff said...

Not gonna lie: there is something about her that gives me a strong vibe of "totally crazy, but fun to date, at least briefly."

Biff said...

Anyone with media experience is aware of the importance of lighting. Whoever arranged the lighting on this video was either incompetent or had malicious intent. Okay, maybe both applied.

Biff said...

"They don't know how to actually do anything and never really do anything which is obvious when they start talking."

I have noticed a focus on titles/credentials instead of accomplishments among Democrats.

William50 said...

Big Mike said...

More proof, if any is needed, that Meghan and her late Daddy were just Democrats running as Republicans ...

Remember, on capitol hill most Republicans are really Democrats but NO Democrats are really Republicans.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"Ask yourself the question: What is wrong with the United States when one of the candidates for president is just so damn horrible (in every respect)? She has NO redeeming virtues. How can this happen?"

DEI. Biden picked her as VP because of it, and the democrats didn't dare bypass her when Biden bombed.

TaeJohnDo said...

"Take this down. She’s still the sitting Vice President for Gods sake - this is awful. Like really, really awful."

That's the point.

Remember the picture of the Navy Ship's Captain shooting a gun with the scope on backwards? When I saw it, I said, "That's a picture of a man who is hated by his crew."

Sure enough:

holdfast said...

The Middle East is on fire.
Ukraine is steadily losing land.
POTUS has a rutabaga for a brain.
VPOTUS is drunk-posting on X.

Since POTUS physically cannot lead, and VPOTUS doesn't wanna, can we just accelerate the inauguration?

Enigma said...

This confirms once again that DEI hires are truly DEI hires.

Drunk-appearing Kamala: Don't let anyone take your bottle of wine, nor take your bottle of whine.

walter said...

That's what it looks like to me. Probably hasn't slept well and lacks her pro makeup team now. She's not slurring her speech. Same old word salad though.

PB said...

Oh Meghan. Its out there. No going back.

Goldenpause said...

This is what happens when there is no adult supervision. Let’s hope that Putin, Xi, Kim and the Mullahs aren’t paying attention.

Goldenpause said...

This is what happens when there is no adult supervision. Let’s hope that Putin, Xi, Kim and the Mullahs aren’t paying attention.

No Name said...

Whoever released this video is prime example of "stabbing someone in the back". Someone or some people want to ensure that Harris disappears, to never reappear on public stage. This will be a video that will sadly become Harris' signature moment, her cameo in American politics.

Wow, perhaps best illustration of how truly vindictive and awful the operatives of Democratic Party machine can be towards its own leadership team.

No Name said...

Please read NY Post columnist Miranda Devine's excellent book "Laptop from Hell", sourced from Hunter Biden's laptop documents and records. It's astoundingly clear that Biden Family is a RICO-qualifying criminal enterprise monetizing cronyism and political corruption. Yet media still refuses to flag Biden's obvious corruption and related crimes, nor his treasonous actions.

Harris was a political featherweight along for the 4-year ride, serving as Biden's insurance policy to ensure his party would never ever challenge him, nor expose his corruption. Harris enjoyed the perks of high-end federal government largesse, though she bombed at even the simple VP stuff.

Think Biden inner-circle got this noxious video posted, as pay-back for being bumped-off ticket in July. Harris political career is probably toast as of today. This is worse than Gary Hart and the bimbo.

loudogblog said...

Walter, she's totally slurring her words.

MaxedOutMama said...

I suspect this sort of thing is getting so much attention because we know what DID happen in the election, but many of us are still quite confused about why it happened. How did it happen that Biden remained until so late in the day? How did it happen that Harris was ever a Biden heartbeat away from the presidency? What is with her?

And now, of course, her erstwhile staff and all the Dem "cool kids" are trying to make it clear that it was all her, not them. But she's still the VP, and every time we get another one of these Kamaloptyics we all get nervous again. It seems a long time until Jan 20th, and I still think the DNC owes the nation an explanation as to how this happens. If the party itself is going to pick a candidate, the party is entirely responsible for the quality of that candidate.

I never wanted Trump (although in the end I voted for him), and now I am just praying for Jan 20th to get here without anything else blowing up globally.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...

Looks fine to me.
Although, ..the girls all get prettier at closing time.

mikee said...

Anyone want to bet on the chances of her doing a press conference (one without prescreened, approved questions) or even a sit down longer than two minutes (again, without scripted questions) reporter before Inauguration Day? I'm betting "No" and giving 10 to 1 odds she won't.

Mason G said...

The great thing about that approach (I never wanted Trump, but I voted for him anyway) is that if things go well, it's a win for you and if things don't go well, you get to say "I told you so".

MaxedOutMama said...

Not really, Mason. I take voting seriously, and I was concerned about Trump's age and temperament. Events convinced me that he was the better choice - by far. The Republican primaries almost seem like a galaxy far, far away.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

LMAO! Momala's been stealing junior's pot again.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

You're in the wrong place!

Tina Trent said...

She seems stoned. Rambling, repetitive, incoherent.

Big Mike said...
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Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PM said...

Was convinced it would end with a reverse cut of a dog, a cat and a parakeet looking at her - until the parakeet side-eyes the cat.

Big Mike said...

Found on X:

No video like this would ever have been released by a politician who is not hated by her staff.

Guy’s got a point.

Josephbleau said...

Being president only means something if you act like a president.

Can Trump clean the stables? Can Zeus break the Titans?

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

I heard Doug wants a divorce, so maybe she's just having a bad coupla months.

Closing time, every new beginning
Comes from some other beginning's end

Anthony said...

Re the Peter Principle - Kamala was successful as Vice President. She opened the newspaper 1400 times so far, and the president was still alive, so she had to do nothing, and successfully did nothing.

Being promoted to major-party presidential nominee was when she was promoted to her level of incompetence.

RMc said...

Sweet jumping Jesus.

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