November 27, 2024

"He looked like some kind of health food hostage wanting to impress the cool kids by caving to their greasy junk food vices."

"Even for me — someone who unapologetically champions the return of brazen masculinity — the whole thing felt a bit too ‘bro-ish’ for my liking."

That's Jessica Reed Kraus, describing RFK Jr. in that famous photo that shows him eating McDonald's food on a plane with Trump, Musk, and Trump Jr.

Kraus is quoted in "MAGA Women Are Realizing Their Movement Is Sexist" (NY Magazine).

The NY Magazine writer, E.J. Dickson, continues:
In the days following Trump’s win, this is a realization that even some of his most ardent female supporters appear to be approaching. On Election Night, NASCAR driver and pro-Trump influencer Danica Patrick posted an Instagram Story expressing her disappointment at not getting an invite to Trump’s Election Night party: “Where’s our Mar-a-Lago invite? Seriously,” she wrote. When Representative Nancy Mace began her transphobic campaign to bar Representative Sarah McBride from women’s restrooms in Congress, she was initially applauded by the right — until others learned that Mace had been the first woman to attend a previously all-male military school and even wrote a book about her experience. “Nancy, you’re fighting for women to have a right to their own independent spaces, right? The kind of independent spaces you fought to take away from men? You don’t think that’s even slightly hypocritical?,” one conservative man tweeted at her.


rehajm said...

…a Kamalaesque word salad of non sequiturs…

Breezy said...

Can’t get to the article so can’t see if that title is backed up by more data than one person’s judgment. IMHO, stating that women believe the MAGA movement is sexist based on a McDonalds meal among men is pure folly. There are extremely accomplished women helping to lead it, FPS. If anyone prefers, watch the MAGA women eat their lunch instead.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Trump not attempting to sell us a Jaguar is the best Trump.

tommyesq said...

It is worse than that - it is one liberal journalist woman from NY (the "I don't know how Nixon won - nobody I know voted for him" set) describing her "feelings" about the photograph - "he looked like..." - and then decides MAGA women are turning on the movement based on one celebrity tweet - that looks very much to me like a joke - and one tweet from an allegedly "conservative" man. Reads like a cross between "dear Diary" and liberal fan fiction.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

In case you missed it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

MAGA Men Are Realizing Democrat Women Are Misandrists.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's a poorly reasoned cope to avoid confronting the fact that Trump did better with every female demographic this year with one exception, AWFLs, a group to which the complainer belongs.

Will Cate said...

tommyesq -- that was Pauline Kale, the movie critic, back in 1972

rhhardin said...

Complaining is what women do. Something is wrong and men have to fix it.

Jaq said...

Let me just put on the decoder ring... OK, that was easy, what it really says is "we have to find some way to convince MAGA women that their movement is sexist."

Didn't even need the ring for that one. But remember that these are the same people who lied about the election being close, lied about Trump and Russia, lied about Hunter's laptop, lying liars who lie.

Jaq said...

That's the whole premise of the wifejak meme. She will be standing in the kitchen and say something like "There is a lot of cardboard in the garage." and that will be the whole thing.

Jamie said...

“Nancy, you’re fighting for women to have a right to their own independent spaces, right? The kind of independent spaces you fought to take away from men? You don’t think that’s even slightly hypocritical?,”

Yes, a restroom is exactly like a prestigious military academy.

Kate said...

Don't look at Bobby in the lunch photo. Look at Mike Johnson. And there he is again, photo-bombing the MSG trip to watch wrestling. He's a nerdy little man living the dream, joining with the jocks and the he-men. He looks like he's having a blast. When he returns to his wife after this, their evening reunion will be epic.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Our ancestors made a huge mistake. They came to the new world, filled with native tribes where women did almost all the work. Native dudes basically hunted and fished all day and fucked all night and made war on the neighboring tribe every season while women gathered water, cleaned hides, cooked, tended children, were responsible for starting fires, packed and unpacked the travois when following the buffalo, and served as items of barter. Instead of killing them with matchlocks and smallpox blankets we should've been learning their ancient wisdom on how to tell these never-contented whiners how that "cardboard in the garage" isn't going to take itself out, and that if it didn't take itself out in the next 30 minutes there'd be a spanking.

What a bunch of dolts. Blame their protestant cultures and work ethic if you want. I sure do.

Don B. said...

Mace is the first female Citadel graduate, not the first attendee. Shannon Faulkner was the first attendee, following a lawsuit, but she dropped out after the one week.

Enigma said...

My take away is that more people are admitting today that men are fundamentally different than women. We had 50 years of sex difference denial with feminism, but the recent passive-aggressive male-to-female transgender bullying against bio women may settle that discussion for a generation or two. Plus, both Hillary and Kamala went down in flames against the evil-incompentent-liar-sexist-criminal-Nazi Donald Trump! If those two were the "best" female candidates and 40%+ of women voted for him!!!???

Who will lead the next feminist era? Who will be the next Dagmar?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Explains her toughness.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Or a locker room.

Jamie said...

To expand on my comment: I would be very surprised to find that Mace wanted to use the boys' locker room at the Citadel. Or that she would agitate to bust up bachelor parties or guys' poker night, for instance.

Or that when she entered, she claimed that she "was" a boy and therefore couldn't be excluded.

Jamie said...

My husband and I are at odds, a bit, on this point. I see two reasons to draw a hard line here: the practical one about safety and privacy (because not everyone claiming to be a "woman" in order to use the women's restroom or locker room will be a person of goodwill who just wants to pee), and the philosophical one (that a trans woman is not in fact a woman and that accepting that premise as a pretext for opening women's spaces to trans women is unscientific and erodes our discourse even more than it already is, thank you very much party of "disinformation must be censored").

To my surprise, my husband agrees on the practical side but is less supportive of the philosophical side.

hawkeyedjb said...

One thing is not always like the other. Undressing and pissing in front of the girls is not the same as attending classes with them.

Deep State Reformer said...

President-elect Blormf delights in these humiliation rituals. It's his thing. Remember 8 years ago when he was toying with Mitt Romney about making him Secretary of State? A job Romney really, really wanted so Blormf made the guy eat frog legs in at interview in full view of the media. And Romney even after submitting to this didn't get the job. That's one of Trump's little quirks. And it made Mitt his sworn enemy who voted twice to impeach him too. A cruel bit of a****** on Trump's part but that's just who he is. And while awful it sure is fun to watch sometimes.

Big Mike said...

that was Pauline Kale, the movie critic, back in 1972

@Will Cate, you and tommyesq are missing the truly funny thing about this utterance. In 1972 Nixon won the popular vote by 18,000,000 votes out of 66,000,000 cast and won the Electoral College by 520 to 17. Yet Kael was so deep into her bubble she didn’t know anyone who voted for him.

chuck said...

The article is trying too hard to be interesting.

Howard said...

Another example of both sides multiplying a couple cranks on social media to amplify a shitbox theory as if it were truly representative of a significant fraction of a population.

boatbuilder said...

These people really need to get over themselves.

tim maguire said...

Ahh yes, the regretted vote. A lefty loser classic--"we would have won, but not enough people were as smart as us and realized their mistake too late to correct it."

Sure, sure. They can't even wait until Trump is in office to pretend people relaized they were right all along.

gilbar said...

this is trending now, on tiktok.. "aren't you MAGATS sorry now? AREN'T You?"
guess what? we're not?

RideSpaceMountain said...

It makes more sense if you view them as children.

Aggie said...

Part of the problem with dealing with the issue as a society, is that only the worst examples are aired - those that involve people that are clearly mentally ill, and usually acting in bad faith in order to draw attention to themselves. The cases where a trans person is simply going about their business generally do not cause a conflict, because they act to avoid them. We don't hear about these, at all.

Randomizer said...

This is the post-election strategy the Progressives are testing. "Women, if you apologize for voting for Trump, then we won't call you stupid, racist or fascist. You were just tricked."

Nobody cares that Nancy Mace attended a previously all-male military school. She doesn't want balls in women's stalls, and that still sounds entirely reasonable.

RCOCEAN II said...

"Instead of killing them with matchlocks and smallpox blankets"

We didnt kill them with "smallpox blankets", why this ridiculous myth keeps getting repeated is beyond me. And there were plenty of "indians" to learn from that weren't "Killed". There were 100,000 in 1920, and there are at least 1 million today.

Tina Trent said...

I totally agree with Nancy Mace, but I’d also like to see her discuss her choice to break the sex barrier at a military college and whether she would do it again. I considered the same at West Point. I considered it a feminist victory at the time to be invited to apply — I was 16; they were tasked with recruiting females; I had “male” interests like logistics and drafting and military history. I was also an athlete and could have easily kept up with any physical requirement — it wasn’t like Ranger training. But most importantly to my family, it was the only way we saw that they could afford to send me to a prestige institution that would open doors to certain careers for me. Ultimately, I wanted to be further from home and went to a very inexpensive public school.

Long after that, I worked for a woman who led the fight against integrating The Citadel, and so I was immersed in that opposition. I had changed my mind on many things, but I still believed that women merit a prestige military academy of their own to launch them into military careers (not combat), especially for those who cannot afford to attend the best schools, as my employer certainly could and did. We didn’t completely agree even on that point, but she was the first female with a history Ph.D. from Harvard, and she did understand the other benefits these institutions bestow. I still believe the military and the students would benefit from such an institution. I know and respect a lot of women who served honorably, offered unique skills, or got their lives together, like men do, by joining the service. It would make an interesting conversation with Mace, once we can start having conversations again.

RCOCEAN II said...

This is just another MSM article trying to get women to vote Democrat by portraying the Republicans as "icky". It has absolutely nothing to do with the serious issues facing the USA, but maybe this emotional appeal works on enough women.

RCOCEAN II said...

There's nothing wrong with women in the military - they just should be excluded from certain positions and roles. We don't need them in combat for example. In the old days, women were excluded from the service academies because every officer was expected to be able to serve in combat and that meant the infantry or flying an airplane or going down in a sub. Obviously, thats not true anymore.

So many jobs in the air force, navy, and army are office jobs and support positions. All of which can done by women or men.

Earnest Prole said...

Next you’re going to tell me Trump likes to grab women by the pussy.

planetgeo said...

I blame femi-men, not the feminazis, for capitulating on men-only/boys-only organizations. If we only had more rhhardins, we'd still have Boy Scouts, Boys Clubs, military academies, militaries that still fight without needing tampon supplies, and cool men-only clubs that reek of cigar smoke and require secret handshakes to enter. Should be a Day One executive order...

RideSpaceMountain said...

Simps are cancer

roger said...

Sometimes a Big Mac is nothing more than a Big Mac, children.....

Lazarus said...

One tweeter said that the photo of Trump and JFK with the Big Macs looked like mobsters getting a newcomer to do drugs so they could be sure he wasn't an undercover cop.

Throwing Patrick and Mace into the same paragraph suggests that the writer's not a very precise or organized thinker but is just scrambling to throw things together. Ditto on the characterization of "the right." It doesn't sound like the author carefully looked at who was saying what at the beginning and what they're saying now.

Lazarus said...

That's not what Pauline Kael said. She was more aware than that and was making a comment about how different her own personal world was from the rest of the country. The actual quote was better -- and worse -- than the fake version:

"I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them."

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"Yes, a restroom is exactly like a prestigious military academy."

I agree with your point but, in fairness, I saw a number of tweets on X in which conservatives were, in fact, dumping on Mace as some kind of hypocrite because she helped integrate The Citadel.

Here's my response to this author: We don't all have to agree on every single point. Stop trying to argue that Trump supporters are all idiots or hypocrites because some Trump supporters disagree with other Trump supporters on some issues. Obviously, RFK has a different set of opinions from a lot of MAGA folks on certain issues. If you want to be a majority party, especially one that values free speech, you better be able to tolerate a diversity of opinion.

Achilles said...

It is annoying to watch people pretend men and women need different things.

A vagina in a men's bathroom is nothing like a Penis in a women's bathroom.

Aggie said...

Plus, Junior' was holding it, not eating it.

JAORE said...

Perhaps RFK Jr should have asked a female staffer to make him a (healthy) sammich..... WOW, these people will never get it.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

As for women in military academies, the reasons for excluding women are mainly that few, if any, women could meet the physical requirements, so standards would have to be lowered, which undermines what the academies are trying to accomplish; and it would be a major project to accommodate the few women who might be able to matriculate and graduate. There were also arguments based on tradition and, in the case of The Citadel, that it was a private institution that should be able to do its own thing. I don't think there was any contention that women needed to be kept out of military academies in order to protect men against sexual assault.

Howard said...

Blame game is how losers excuse their own shortcomings. With all the incessant whining and rending of garments in these post MAGA victory comments, it's hard to believe that your guy actually ran the table.

Now that you people are in charge, it's time to man up grow a pair and stand up on your own hind legs.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Testicleless whining femi-men like Howard shouldn't tell the intact to grow a pair. Something something glass houses...

Achilles said...

Both sides! Love it. I am the only person without shitbox theories!

Interested Bystander said...

Ladies, raise your hand if you're concerned about what a New York Magazine writer thinks about you and MAGA. The arrogant entitlement was summed up perfectly by Sharon Stone. They think they're better than us. Let them. It doesn't affect me or the people I love one little bit.

Howard said...

People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones

JK Brown said...

They did not show RFKjr eating McDonalds food. The picture showed him holding, gingerly, the McDonald's container holding a hamburger. Of all in the picture, he looked the least likely to eat that food after the picture was taken.

walter said...

Howie comes into the comments and sees expected responses to the article and chastises them. He's missing an opportunity inject a fitness rant. A bit off his game.
Semper Fudd!

TaeJohnDo said...

I didn't get invited to the Trump Election Night Party either. And I bought a hat. A HAT!

No Name said...

I should be allowed my own opinion, which is biological men, meaning having a penis in kindergarden, perhaps still with penis, don't belong in women's toiletrooms, locker-rooms, or dressing-rooms. This opinion is entirely different than children born with ambiguous genitalia but chromosomal female who receive gender-assignment medical care.

Now let's talk about that Kamala Harris video - what the heck.

mikee said...

Everyone who eats McDonalds makes that face, either while eating their burger or later, while sitting alone on the porcelain throne, regretting eating their burger.

Jamie said...

How do you feel about remote combat - women as drone operators, if they can do the job? This is an honest question - I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, that sort of position eliminates the dual problems that typically accompany the "women in combat" debate - that they cannot physically be as effective as men and that the men with whom they're serving might be distracted from the mission, following an older and more primal imperative to protect females. But on the other hand, a drone operator still has to be ready to kill on command and deal with the psychological impact of it, something men are more "programmed" to do.

Tina Trent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina Trent said...

Jamie, I can’t presume. I never had to make such a choice. But I know women military as capable at long-range killing as men. And they all seem traumatized by it, just like combat soldiers. So I don’t know.

Josephbleau said...

The McDonalds photo is like me and my friends in Engineering school after being told by the girls that they will be at the secret party with the guys who have Mercedes.

After you join the management team of the startup it becomes different.

I married a well selected Northwestern grad, after finding out that 40 pct of girls at good schools want a man of intellect and substance.

Josephbleau said...

All the branches have large Operations Research, Cyber, and Admin jobs that are easily done by women. Logistic pilots as well. There used to be wacs wafs Rens and such. Let it balance out. If there is a great war and the women can't truck the 155 ammo to the great guns, fire them.

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