October 15, 2024

We were watching Trump's Oaks, Pennsylvania town hall live, so we experienced the shift from talk to pure music....

... and if you didn't watch live, you can still watch the video and thereby have your own opinion of what happened... and of the way the mainstream media are reporting it. You're unlikely to sit through the whole thing, as we did. We were there in real time, like the people in the auditorium, to hear Trump answer some questions.

Trump comes out at 1:05:00. He speaks for 15 minutes before any question is asked. Then he takes the first question and then the second and third, but at 1:38:00, there's a medical emergency that goes on for quite a while. 

Four minutes into the incident, Trump says "This is a little bit of a tough one, I think." After the crowd begins singing "God Bless America," Trump asks his music person to play the recording of "Ave Maria"... which makes me think the person in the audience is dying. Trump seems to have determined not to restart the town hall until it can be known that the person has been helped. It's a silent demonstration of caring, so perhaps he's calculating that this is as good a statement as anything he might say and that speaking would be an implicit statement of not caring.

At 1:45:00, there's an attempt to return to the town hall format, but 3 minutes later, there's another medical emergency. At 1:50:00, he talks about the heat and says "I wish we could open those doors." There's cool air outdoors. He consults with men in suits, then: "For security reasons, they can't, but you know what? I said just open them, because anybody comes through those doors, you know what's going to happen to them." 

The "Ave Maria" that had been playing earlier was instrumental, and then I saw Trump say "Pavarotti" to his music guy. Then, at 1:54:00, we're hearing the Pavarotti "Ave Maria." At 1:57:00, he's talking about the greatness of Pavarotti. He segues into general political talk: gotta win Pennsylvania, gonna fix the country fast. Then he tells the people he's just going to play music and "you can sit and listen... and I think it will be beautiful." He compliments himself on the idea: "Isn't it nice to have imagination?"

That sets up a dig at Kamala Harris: Without a teleprompter, she's lost. Kristi Noem, the moderator, adds edge: "Life is hard, but it's harder when you're stupid." (She doesn't take credit for the witticism, but she does misattribute it to John Wayne.) Trump's response is that he's not really running against Harris. He's "running against a very corrupt machine." He talks a little while, but takes no more questions.

"Let me hear that music, nice and loud!" he says, at 2:04:00, and he remains on the stage, listening to the music with the people until 2:42:20, when he walks down off the stage and into the audience. With "Memory" from "Cats," playing, he moves through the crowd shoulder to shoulder. This goes on for a full 5 minutes and more, until 2:47:22. He's there, giving time and presence to the people. It feels profound. As he imagined: "It will be beautiful."

Of course, if you don't like Trump, you can portray it as freakish and absurd.
As Trump stood onstage in his oversize suit and bright red tie, swaying back and forth, it was almost as if he were taking a trip back to decades past. Trump’s decision to cut short the question-and-answer portion of the town hall and instead have the crowd stay to listen to his favorite songs was a somewhat bizarre move, given that the election was only 22 days away. Vice President Kamala Harris has called Trump, 78, unstable and questioned his mental acuity. Some in the crowd began to leave. Some looked around, wondering whether he was done speaking for the night and how much longer the dance — or sway — session would last. Many stayed holding their cameras and watched as Trump took in the music, at times looking over at a screen beside him that showed videos of James Brown singing “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” and SinĂ©ad O’Connor performing “Nothing Compares 2 U.”...He spoke to attendees on his way out, as “Memory” from the musical “Cats” played in the background.

The top-rated comment over there: "Well, that just seems like a fun session at the memory care unit." 

At The New York Times: "Trump Bobs His Head to Music for 30 Minutes in Odd Town Hall Detour/After multiple interruptions, Donald Trump cut off questions and seemed to decide that it would be more enjoyable for all concerned — and, it appeared, for himself — if he fired up his campaign playlist."

As Mr. Trump stood through the first few songs, basking in the admiration of his supporters, the crowd packed into the expo center largely stayed put, filming him on their phones and at points singing along.... ... Mr. Trump generally returns to his planned remarks after medical issues at other events. On Monday... Mr. Trump suggested taking another question or two.... but then said he’d play “Y.M.C.A.” and send the crowd home. But after “Y.M.C.A.” ended, Mr. Trump seemed a little perplexed. “There’s nobody leaving,” he said. “What’s going on?”... Still, as one song became two, then three, many of those in the back of the house began to filter out.... [O]ne of Mr. Trump’s aides, Justin Caporale, came on the stage with a sheet of paper. Mr. Trump briefly reviewed what had been handed to him, and the two chatted briefly. Then, seconds later, Mr. Trump decided he’d had his fill. He waved, pumped his fist, and finally made his way off the stage.

Off the stage... and that's where the NYT ends. There's nothing of the 5 minutes he spent in the crowd, which felt profound to me. I don't think Trump was "perplexed." When he said "There’s nobody leaving. What’s going on?," I think he meant: I can see that you love me. Implied: And I want to give back to you.

At ABC News: "Trump's Pennsylvania town hall, interrupted by medical emergencies in crowd, turned into an impromptu concert/What was supposed to be a Q&A with supporters was paused by fainting spells."

The former president, adamant about playing his music, stood on stage for nearly 45 minutes swaying to several songs on his playlist as the crowd sang and danced along. The crowd slowly dispersed, but many stayed for the entirety of the campaign event.... Following the concert, Trump made his way to the front row, signing red MAGA hats and 47 signs. Trump's movement was noteworthy as he hasn't interacted with a large crowd to that extent since his attempted assassination in Butler, Pennsylvania.

And, taking the cake for Trump hating, Salon: "'Trump appears lost': Alarm after Trump town hall abruptly turns into 'bizarre' musical event/For more than a half hour, the former president stood on stage listening to music instead of answering questions." 

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump with a record of telling falsehoods to the press, tried to put a positive spin on a peculiar evening.

“Something very special is happening in Pennsylvania right now at the Trump townhall,” he wrote on X. Trump “is unlike any politician in history, and it’s great.”...

“The October surprise is that Trump has completely lost his marbles,” Anthony Scaramucci, the former president’s one-time White House communications director, posted on social media.

The Harris campaign likewise used the incident to argue that Trump, who would be the oldest president in history at the end of another term, is suffering the sort of decline that drove President Joe Biden out of the race.

“Trump appears lost, confused, and frozen on stage as multiple songs play for 30+ minutes and the crowd pours out of the venue early,” the Democratic campaign posted on X.

The Democratic candidate herself adopted a tone of trolling concern about the health and well-being of a man whose musical performances are punctured by racist lies and threats to deploy the military against “the enemy from within.”

“Hope he’s okay,” the vice president wrote on social media.


Christopher B said...

... that speaking would be an implicit statement of not caring.

If Trump had continued to take questions this is exactly how it would have been spun. Obama made a comment in this vein in his recent sermon in Pittsburgh about Trump not *really* caring.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

No matter what Trump does - it will be spun as racist or an actual crime.

Sebastian said...

Althouse vs. MSM: 1-0. Or should that be less than 0?

RideSpaceMountain said...

The Washington Post
The New York Times
ABC News

5th columnist propaganda entities and enemies of the People of the United States, among others.

wild chicken said...

Anyone who appreciates Ave Maria can't be all bad.

Chris said...

If a black person has a heart attack, and Trump is there to provide lifesaving CPR, the headlines would read: "Trump refuses to let minority die peacefully."

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

why was the event venue so hot?

Dogma and Pony Show said...

So the Never-Trumpers' closing argument in this election is that Trump is too old and infirm, and we don't know his cholesterol levels? Talk about going out with a whimper, not a bang.

hombre said...

Everything Trump does has a negative slant because the leftmediaswine are all in against him. What they fail to understand is that it does matter if he doesn't answer questions because the questions about the odious, inept Harris have all been answered.

Yancey Ward said...

The venue staff are probably Democrats.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

No one in that audience will forget that night. They will tell the story for years.

Hassayamper said...

If a black person has a heart attack, and Trump is there to provide lifesaving CPR, the headlines would read: "Trump refuses to let minority die peacefully."

More like "Black man dies after Trump pounds his chest"

Political Junkie said...

When I read the analysis of Our Fair Lady, I want to go vote for DJT right now. Early voting here in TX doesn't start until 10/21, I believe. Also, I predicted our hostess would not vote for President this time, but I hope she will surprise me and pull the lever for DJT. It will be my first DJT vote, and hopefully the same for our lovely hostess. Back to work I must go!

Steve said...

Salon? I think Pravda was less biased than they are...

DINKY DAU 45 said...

No wonder they wont release this fellas medical records.Hes a goner!

rehajm said...

Second indication today they believe they’re losing….
…and by not disclosing the reasons Trump paused the Q&A they’re manipulating the truth and exploiting someone’s medical emergency for political gain. Politics is ugly but not as ugly as the people doing it…

Sydney said...

Democrats and MSM pounce!

BUMBLE BEE said...

I happened into the wife's Trump fix a few minutes before those emergencies. I thought Trump acted with complete R.E.S.P.E.C.T. to those fallen.
No wonder those shitheels you cited couldn't tell what was going down. Trump had one man killed and two seriously injured at the rally at which he was shot. Sobering to say the least. To call the scribes mediaswine is an affront to pigs.

Breezy said...

Not sure if this is relevant, but Ave Maria was sung in tribute to Corey Comperatore at his recent Butler rally. Perhaps Trump is keeping Corey’s memory present.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If giving this post an enema, Dinky is where to stick the tube.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Yancey. My thoughts, too.

tim in vermont said...

The first time I voted for DJT, I threw up a little bit in my mouth. The second time, after four years of him in office, I voted for him happily.

tim in vermont said...

"Obama made a comment in this vein in his recent sermon in Pittsburgh about Trump not *really* caring."

They have been pushing this, but it just doesn't fly. It's just what the propaganda textbook tells them that they have to say in a situation like this.

tim in vermont said...

It's amazing how little evidence you need to jump to another conclusion about Trump or his followers.

Gusty Winds said...

At this point, who is going to change their vote based on this bullshit propaganda? It's all about turnout, and overcoming the absentee voter fraud with "too big to rig."

Wisconsin seems to be the MOST corrupt of the swing states. After a lifetime of listening to Wisconsinites complain about FIBS (Fuckin' Illinois Bastards), Madison and Milwaukee Democrats have turned us into Illinois.

I think we will see the same thing as 2020 in a few weeks. Late night police escorted Milwaukee ballot dump with statistically impossible numbers from targeted precincts. We'll also see slow roll vote counting in Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, and Maricopa County.

Iman said...

Let Trump be Trump. Pay no attention to to the “nattering nabobs of negativism” and the anklebiters.

n.n said...

Judged heartless or labeled deplorable. Choices. #HateLovesAbortion

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Harris going on FOX for interview,,trump ignoring questions dancing hs obese body to YMCA wtf ,THIS GUY OF HIS MEDS cognitive absurdity .the trumpers up in here love it..They'll get stung in the ass again with this perp..Don the Con reels em in...another 8 years of whining ,conspiracies and lies when this fella gets sent packing in 3 weeks..

n.n said...

Diversity and abortionists are a planned contention to a constitutional republic that is pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness for the People and our Posterity.

mccullough said...

Trump the DJ.

Ann Althouse said...

"why was the event venue so hot?"

At the University of Wisconsin, at least in the past, they had a system of pipes that were either hot water or cold water, and it was a big deal to switch from cooling to heating. You couldn't just turn on cooling. Once they went to heat, you got heat and heat only. Then it's a question of whether you could open the windows.

Anyway, based on what Trump was saying, it was cool outside, but they weren't allowed to open the doors/windows for security. Big crowd: it got hot. How hot was it? Hot enough that 2 people passed out, but they could have been people with medical problems or not enough water.

Lilly, a dog said...

DINK rocks back and forth, one finger picking his nose, and one finger bashing the keyboard.

Big Mike said...

I think Hassayamper is right. Certainly it’s what Inga, Mutaman, or Freder would say.

Ann Althouse said...

Remember, just recently, Trump had an audience member killed as he was speaking. We don't know what it feels like, subjectively, to Trump to see someone in his audience who might be dying.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Thank you.

Ann Althouse said...

"Not sure if this is relevant, but Ave Maria was sung in tribute to Corey Comperatore at his recent Butler rally. Perhaps Trump is keeping Corey’s memory present."

Yes, he explicitly talked about that.

Gusty Winds said...

The propaganda that is pumped out by they liberal MSM and believed by half of America, starts with the liberal education establishment making Americans susceptible to this type of bullshit.

Basically the Education Establishment is a boner fluffer for MSM propaganda.

Iman said...

He’s most content when you lube dat tube.

Iman said...

Oh, teh Inanity!

Original Mike said...

"but they weren't allowed to open the doors/windows for security."

I'm not surprised security isn't willing to use common sense, but what are putative assassins going to do; bum rush the doors of a packed venue?

Big Mike said...

… so perhaps he's calculating that this is as good a statement as anything he might say and that speaking would be an implicit statement of not caring.

Or perhaps Trump is not “calculating” anything at all. Have you considered that perhaps he did it because it’s the decent thing to do, and he is, at heart, a decent person, Althouse? Have you perhaps hung around too many Democrats there in Madison?

Yancey Ward said...

So sad to be you, Dinky- having to run with Kamalamadingbat at the top of the ticket and Tampon Tim as the bottom. I guess you and your fellow travelers will latch onto anything you can at this point.

Ann Althouse said...

At 1:43:15: "We had Ave Maria the other day in Butler, Pennsylvania...."

And he talks about the opera singer he had there and how he asked him if he was as good as Pavarotti. Of course, he insisted that he was not.

Iman said...

Teh “Peak Dinky” is just after he takes his med cocktail and starts feeling as close as he ever got to feeling his oats. Scrotalicious!

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Trump seems to be stealing the "Joy" theme.

Iman said...

“Band of Brokedicks”…

Michael K said...

DD45 is eagerly anticipating his/her heroine on Fox News. I am too.

Original Mike said...

How come Kamala never has medical emergencies at her rallies? Simplest explanation is the size difference between them; statistics. Or, those SEIU members they bus in are, on average, younger.

rehajm said...

Thank heavens we corrected Noem’s misattribution of a quote. PHEW! That could have been bad. People might come to the wrong conclusions about the event.

Original Mike said...

I bet Kamala starts having medical emergencies too, now.

Rabel said...

Looks like he got the A-Team body men from the SS this time. Watch their eyes when he goes into the crowd.

Larry1984 said...

Salon states that Trump looks lost. Wow. Did they ever say Biden looks lost?

Yancey Ward said...

Well, it also all the cold hearts in the room, too.

Original Mike said...

"Salon states that Trump looks lost. Wow. Did they ever say Biden looks lost?"

They just assert this stuff without feeling any constraint to be honest. I recently watched 2 Trump rallies, beginning to end, because one of the fabulist commenters here was asserting that Trump was struggling. So, I checked it out for myself. Turns out to be utter bullshit, but they know their people will accept it as the truth and will pass it on.

Kathryn51 said...

I just saw the ABC video - Surprisingly, it was a very fair, straightforward, and - dare I say it - positive report (by Terry Moran of all people) with none of the snark embedded in the wapo/NYT reports.

stlcdr said...

No interest in how the media portrays trump, but am interested in how AA sees it.

Marty said...

I've given up trying to follow Dinky's posts. His attempted stream of consciousness writing shows only a trickle of angry confusion, and it's not worth the trouble to read it anymore.

Christopher B said...

I don't have a link handy but I remember reading she did a rally in Arizona quite recently at a venue that apparently wasn't much more than a pole barn that didn't have adequate cooling, either.

Rocco said...

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U asked...
"why was the event venue so hot?"

Because Trump made an appearance there. If it had been a puppet show with Spinal Tap, the audience would have been much smaller.

victoria said...

He wouldn't unless it got him votes.

victoria said...

Well that's just stupid.

victoria said...

As long as he isn't President, I'm good with that.

Christopher B said...

Harris Supporters Pass Out and Throw Up at ‘Extremely Hot’ Rally Only the MSN story mentions the problems, all the other stories are about the size of the crowd or how Harris supporters braved the heat to attend.

Christopher B said...

And icky vicky shows up to prove the point.

Iman said...

It’s Icky Vickie… teh Little Moldy Lady from Pasadena!

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump has spent the campaign homestretch spreading racist conspiracies, babbling about Elon Musk and circles, and silently swaying for a half-hour while music played.

Whether it’s Harris collecting vinyl or Trump playing songs at a rally to cover up the fact he was having a stroke, both candidates have taken an unusual approach to music.

Is Trump a senile dementia patient or a dangerous fascist? You can’t have it both ways, liberals.đŸ˜‰

Iman said...

Trump will forever be President of Your Brain, Icky Vickie!

He’ll be elected AND own your mind. I’m down with dat!

Iman said...

Have it your way AND hold teh pickle, Richie!

“Bad Genes” said...

Imagine the headlines if Biden stood on stage for 39 straight minutes like a deer in the headlights.

“Bad Genes” said...

This interview with the economic club of Chicago feels even more damaging to Trump. He’s being embarrassed on the economy and that’s supposedly his strong suit. He can’t answer one question.

Every second of the Chicago economic forum event is pure comedy gold

Micklethwait: If you add up all the promises you have made it would add $7.5 trillion to the debt.

Trump: Tariffs..

Micklethwait: That’s barely the cost of two of your promises

Trump: That’s like for what company you’re talking about.

Micklethwait: "Give me an example of something you will do that will get rid of government spending?"

Trump: "We should have a new Air Force One. When we see these planes from Saudi Arabia, from different countries, brand new...The United States should have the best plane."

His brain is completely out of commission.

“Bad Genes” said...

Happening Now: Trump gives remarks at Economic Club in Chicago

“Bad Genes” said...

Clips from this event should be prominent in ads and at Harris rallies over the next three weeks.

How did Chris LaCivita think this interview was a good idea? It's only highlighting Trumps cognitive decline and inability to tell the truth.

Trump is not well and in a fast cognitive decline.

Original Mike said...

Marty said…"I've given up trying to follow Dinky's posts. His attempted stream of consciousness writing shows only a trickle of angry confusion, and it's not worth the trouble to read it anymore."

He's one of the very few I simply don't read.
There's also gadfly.
And I'm adding Rich to the list. Why read someday who just makes shit up?