October 11, 2024

"There’s a raw, instinctive quality to Goebel’s routines: The dancers look as if they aren’t just dancing but are following an elemental urge."

"Over the last decade, pop stars have sought out this off-kilter vision of how female bodies can move. As a result, Goebel is reshaping what pop choreography looks like — and exploding our ideas of what makes a femme body desirable.... It’s not as if this overt display of sexuality has vanished from contemporary pop choreography.... But Goebel’s routines push past titillation into startling, even disturbing territory.... In a routine she choreographed for Nike during Paris couture week, the dancers rolled and thrust their chests forward in a unsettling, Frankenstein-ish lurch, before leaping from the stage and strutting forward, arms crossed, like something Gene Kelly might do in 'Singin’ in the Rain.'"

Writes Coralie Kraft, in "Parris Goebel Is Changing the Way Women Move" (NYT)(free-access link, so you can see the many video clips of what that prose describes). Goebel was the choreographer for Rihanna at the 2023 Super Bowl — "sexy — hands stroking, chests heaving — but strange."

If that made you think of "Puttin' on the Ritz," here's the relevant "Young Frankenstein" clip. If it made you think of "Thriller," go here. If you got hung up on "femme," in the phrase "femme body" — why not "woman's body"? — so did I. But — short of a "femme bodysuit," on sale at Amazon — I didn't find anything I wanted to link, but I did encounter some godawful academic writing that made me feel sorry for the kids going to college these days.


rehajm said...

It’s been done…except for the dancing Chewbaccas- that’s different.

rehajm said...

I’m about as disturbed as I was when the socialites on Palm Royale were dancing. That was Brooke Lipton…

The real offensive ones are that cult of cleanly dressed DWTS kids with those real aggressive cuts. That’s creepy…

Ralph L said...

Fem-bots are always desirable, until their nipples open fire.

Kirk Parker said...

Épater les bourgeois, always épater les bourgeois ... how profoundly boring.

Amadeus 48 said...

Goebel is no Bob Fosse.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is there anything more tiresome and more beaten to death than idiots babbling about applied feminism? When will this idiocy die?

rhhardin said...

Econtalk.org says don't tip the barista - she'll just use the money to buy a new nose ring.

john mosby said...

I just thought of Josef Goebbels (who had no balls at all) and George Gobel from 70s game shows.

Either of whom could have choreographed better.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The athleticism of the dancers alone seems sufficient to command attention but whoever's in charge of the video editing must think otherwise.

Breezy said...

I appreciate her creativity, but I find it a bit too aggressive and off- putting. I’m old, what can I say.

Randomizer said...

I got hung up on "exploding our ideas" since Goebel or the author of the article, can't speak for everyone. They don't know what my ideas are. Then I got to "femme body", and thought, "oh, I don't have any idea what a femme body is, but don't think I'm going to like it."

Watch Emma Stone in "Poor Things" for proper Frankenstein-ish lurching.

The Middle Coast said...

I first read “Puttin’’ on the Ritz” as “Putin on the Ritz” and now my mind has gone a totally different direction.

Tom T. said...

Okay, how many of you read this and thought "George Gobel is still alive?"

mikee said...

Art made purposefully to transgress the current standards of beauty and appeal can present an amazing new perspective, or just be ugly. The line differentiating one from the other is easy to step over, hard to discern in advance.

Birches said...

She must have a really good publicist because nothing looked groundbreaking to me. Standard hip hop. And the Royal Family performance clip was not very precise. You want precision group hip hop excellence? National Champion BYU Cougarettes. But they're a bunch of white girls and they're not explicit so I suppose that's not ground breaking

Mr Wibble said...

Meh, I much prefer women dancing like this.

Or this.

planetgeo said...

Personally, I think she stole her style of choreography from Elaine's "spastic kick reflex" dance on Seinfeld. But hey, if she trains Sydney Sweeney to do it, I'll watch.

Lazarus said...

If you thought, "Wow! That George Gobel is incredible!" you are probably too old.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Reminds me of the Rite of Spring:
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF1OQkHybEQ at 3:00.

100-year-old stuff.

Smilin' Jack said...

I thought of the dancing hippos from “Fantasia”.

Sorry, I still prefer “Flashdance”.

rhhardin said...

The whole point used to be to make women look better than they do naked, not traditionally a hard thing to do.

wildswan said...

To me it looks as if West African dance moves are being replaced with Turkish belly dancing moves. And the Sultan moes through his harem till he comes to the chief concubine.

West African
starts by minute 1

Turkish belly dance

So amirite? which one looks like the latest NYT look?

The Middle Coast said...

Guilty as charged.

Rabel said...

Did somebody say dancing?

While I appreciate all the joy, I have to wonder how Putin sleeps at night knowing this may be his future adversary.