October 18, 2024

"The signs of possible Trump strength among young men are obvious online."

"Many of the major online young male subcultures, from gaming and gambling to cryptocurrency and weight lifting, are increasingly tinged with an anti-establishment ethos and a kind of conservative politics. Whether it’s TikTok or X, a new social media ecosystem has immersed younger and disengaged voters in more pro-Trump content than ever before...."

Writes Nate Cohn, in "The Evidence for a Big Youth Gender Gap and a Right Turn for Young Men/Young men are much more Republican than young women, the best data suggests, and may wind up backing Donald Trump" (NYT).

The article begins with some focus on Joe Rogan. We're told the "No. 2 predictor" of whether someone who'd voted for Biden in 2020 was going for Trump in 2024 was having a "very favorable" view of Joe Rogan. That was determined before Biden got replaced, but "Mr. Trump leads Ms. Harris among young men, 58 percent to 37 percent, across the last three Times/Siena national polls. Ms. Harris holds an even larger lead among young women, 67-28. Surprisingly, Ms. Harris is faring no better than Mr. Biden did among young men in the Times/Siena data, even as she’s made significant gains among young women."

I thought the "Surprisingly" was funny. It doesn't surprise me at all. 


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

It's not a right turn.
It's abandoning the corrupt left.

#Walk Away

RideSpaceMountain said...

“In general, women are more risk-averse than men, and thus more supportive of welfare state measures and more reluctant to support military action. They are also, as we have seen on female-dominated campuses, more willing to suppress speech that is seen as irritating or hurtful. “Highly educated women,” as Australian educator Lorenzo Warby writes, “are proving all too willing to trash other people’s freedoms to protect their emotions.” Surveys show that, after 50 years of feminism, American women are increasingly likely to report themselves as unhappy, a characteristic especially marked in unmarried young liberal women with no religious connection.” - Michael Barone

In short, men have had it with fish that don't need bicycles.

Vance said...

Althouse is on fire with the posts today! And yeah... why wouldn't young men go for the guy standing up to the world, getting shot at and standing back up? The guy being yelled at by the bitchy women?

What kind of future does a man have in a Kamala or Inga society? Not good. Why would any man vote for the horrors of being governed by an Inga, Kamala, or Hillary? Someone like Palin or Thatcher is fine. Not a Hillary, Inga, or Kamala.

tim maguire said...

A lot of these left-wing explainers of “why young men are turning to Trump” are seemingly oblivious to the fact that the reasons they themselves give are many and significant.

RideSpaceMountain said...

- Boys create a game
- Girls want to play the game
- Proceed to rig all the rules in their favor
- If boys begin to win, the rules change again
- Boys say, “fuck this, I’m not playing a rigged game.”
- “OMG you’re getting demolished Haha!”
- “Wait where are you going!?!”
- “Come back here!”

KJE said...

A certain amount of young women will choose to follow those young men.

Hassayamper said...

My 29 y.o. son and a solid majority of his friends are extraordinarily right-wing, much more so than I was at their age, which is saying something. In particular, they are openly and savagely contemptuous of the way all of society has been turned upside down to pander to the neurotic delusions of upper-class, middle-aged, college-educated white women.

This is greatly to my satisfaction, but a source of distress to many of the parents of his friends, who tend to be pious liberals.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Case in point...


Real American said...

The left is constantly telling young men how privileged they supposedly are when there is so much out there expressly about pushing things on women and girls and treating men and boys like shit. "We need more women in 'X' field or sport or activity" implies there are too many men/boys in it and that's somehow a problem. They don't want to hear that BS.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Tampon Tim was supposed to fix this

RideSpaceMountain said...

You absolutely must read this. Literally your case in point.

rhhardin said...

Young women 67-28 is evidence of systemic female incompetence.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The pronoun fixation & guys in women spaces, compels the still forming guys to choose a path of least resistance; the vote.

Pianoman said...

Scott Adams has been talking about this phenom for a while now. He sees it as "men finally deciding". Sort of like a Pearl Harbor situation, where an huge tribe has had enough, and will do whatever it takes to stop what's currently happening.

So the question is, as always: Will the Democrats cheat enough to pull Harris over the finish line? Or does Trump have a big enough lead to where that level of cheating isn't possible?

mccullough said...

Kamala is the middle school principal the boys hated. A generation of men raised by women doesn’t need another woman

traditionalguy said...

Reminds me of a good Bob Leckie book title: Strong Men Armed the United States Marine Corp versus the Empire of Japan.

Looks like December 1942 redux.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Eric Erickson says the pronouns thing is a narcissistic power play. (Go ahead and delete this if it’s too far afield)

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fitzgerald said...

Democrat Party is comprised of the old and wealthy, the young and ignorant, sadists, pedophiles, and illegals.

Michael Fitzgerald said...


Earnest Prole said...

Three caveats: Online does not accurately reflect real life, young unmarried women are far more passionate about abortion rights than any other voters, and they are more reliable voters than young men. So we shall see.

planetgeo said...

I think it's more than just "men finally deciding." They've been pushed was past deciding time. Now it's "men finally taking action." The pushy women hallucinating about their imagined and unearned empowerment (as well as their suckling eunuchs) are going to see some serious pushback going forward.

Aggie said...

Comes from good parenting ! And good genes, of course.

Esteban said...

Being a democrat is very conformist - there is no independence.

Balfegor said...

We saw a similar divergence in Korea in the 2022 Presidential election. There, according to exit polls, young men in their 20s (20대 남) supported the conservative-ish candidate by 58.7% to 36.3%, and women in their 20s (여) supported the Leftist proponent of universal basic income by 58% to 33.8%. No other age group had as big a gender gap. I think a big driver in Korea is toxic feminist politics, associated with the Left, and a toxic counterreaction, associated with the Right. I think the drivers in the US are similar, except that Trump, uniquely, offers the frisson of outraging the bluenoses and the stuffed shirts, which I think gives him an extra countercultural boost with young men that Yoon Seokyeol didn't have as far as I am aware.

Hassayamper said...

A certain amount of young women will choose to follow those young men.

I'm seeing this with my son and his friends. As I previously mentioned on this post, these boys openly jeer and mock the politically correct nannying and hectoring from the upper middle class female "Dolores Umbrage" wing of the Democrat Party. Yet they enjoy plenty of attractive female companionship.

Shouting Thomas said...

Feminism has pitted men against women in really evil ways. Fortunately, there are many, many women and men who have completely rejected the devil worship ideology. Now that I’m retired, I have very little contact with the devil worshippers. I play for traditional, conservative churches, so I don’t run into the demons often.

rehajm said...

Veeery interesting....

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

btw -
"Brace for Jack Smith October Surprise Round 2 tomorrow.
Judge Chutkan (D-hack) is going to unseal Jack Smith’s appendix.
You know. Because it’s totally normal for the government to unseal reams of grand jury material before a trial even begins.

The desperation/ leftist corruption in a robe... rolls on.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

"While liberals are busy accusing Trump of overcharging secret service for hotel rooms, Democrats have used tax payer dollars to fund Iran terrorism, launder money in Ukraine and give illegals free housing, healthcare and food."

Tom T. said...

Maxim just endorsed Trump.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RideSpaceMountain said...

500 AD -The Americas - Maybe if we sacrifice a few children it will rain

2024 AD - Arizona - Maybe if we sacrifice a few children we will win a few more elections

We know. Same energy.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Ew. Maxim is converged. That ins't the endorsement some people think it is.

Balfegor said...

I'm sure commentators will hype it up, but I'd be genuinely surprised if there's anything in there that moves the needle for any undecided voters. There's just not many levers the prosecutor can pull at this point to affect the outcome of the election, so he (and the judge) are stuck jerking the few levers they still have.

Wa St Blogger said...

You absolutely must read this. Literally your case in point.

Read it. thanks for linking. Agrees with my perceptions.

J Scott said...

All the juicy stuff has been leaked over the years already I'm sure. Trump wanted his VP dead? Old news. The insane lies lose their impact over time. Don't people know the story of Peter and the Wolf anymore.

Hassayamper said...

You absolutely must read this. Literally your case in point.

Wow. I am not sure I've ever read so illuminating an exposition of what is happening to feminized academia.

Either we fix this, or China and India are going to eat us alive.

The Vault Dweller said...

It is impossible to be intellectually honest and claim that young men or any other significant group are moving to the right. What really is happening is that the Democrats kept moving further and further to the left alienating people with non extreme left wing views. Donald Trump's policies look very close to an Anti-NAFTA centrist Democrat of the 90's. He's no culture warrior, and he is definitely not a free trade absolutist. The instinct of some folks in the media to try and frame it as people moving to the right and therefore implicitly meaning they on the left are still closer to center is so dishonest as to induce moderate levels of disgust.

who-knew said...

Thanks Ride Space Mountain, I'm a little over half way through that essay and I agree It's a must read,

boatbuilder said...

Young men have not been been emotionally blackmailed into the belief that they must vote for Kamala Harris, or any non-Republican woman they throw out there, in order to save womankind. Young women have.

n.n said...

So, young [liberal] women prefer sanitized conflicts a la Obama's ethnic Springs, CAIR. They support Capitol punishment, human rites, and other wicked solutions. They like redistributive change schemes including progressive prices mitigated/forced through subsidies. Diversity (e.g. sex politics and other class-disordered ideologies), too? Out of sight, out of mind. That said, all's fair in lust and abortion.

n.n said...

It's important to acknowledge that women are not a bloc, monochromatic act.

Earnest Prole said...

You run for President with the electorate you have, not the electorate you wish you had at some later date.

Mason G said...

"Yet they enjoy plenty of attractive female companionship."

You mean those females hope to grow old surrounded by their children and grandchildren, not their cats?

Imagine that.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Female entryism into male spaces is a major problem. Every organization from your former supper club, to the boy scouts, even to the US Army becomes converged with petty conformity and demands for consensus. It ceases to be about "the mission" and becomes about them...they are "the mission".

Then you watch the organization and the mission fail. In the age of converged academia and access to the greatest learning innovation in human history - the internet - I won't even give education till 2050 before it collapses in on itself, probably at every level.

Congratulations Becky, your "lazy girl job" an reliable paycheck will likely kill your organization. High five.

Balfegor said...

Re: Earnest Prole:

Young women are more reliable voters, but not by much. It looks like the gap for the 18-24 age group is usually just under 1% in most presidential elections, with maybe 6% of women turning out and 5% of men. The gap is smaller in 2020 (perhaps an early sign of Trump motivating young men to participate?), with both men and women turning out at higher (but still very low) rates: 6.6% vs 7.2%. Data here.

Yancey Ward said...

Male nature is what it is and it ain't going to change. Men will abandon a party that caters only to women's desires and tastes.

Yancey Ward said...

The only men you will get are the Tampon Tims and Bichs.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Indeed. The corrupt democrat media go farther than that. According to them - anyone not sufficiency loyal to democrats = a VIOLENT EXTREMIST! I tend to think people don't really appreciate that level of BS.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

If this is true- very telling.

(((Roll out the BS October Maddow-pimped - Merchan-Fraud Jack Smith surprises! )))

"Kamala had a very bad morning according to some sources.
She tore her campaign manager Julie Chavez apart on a call that lasted around 30 minutes.
Kamala told her that she’s horrible at her job and would be the reason she loses."

I have no idea if that is true - but if so - whoa.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Eye on Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania voters, check your mail-in ballots NOW!
I just opened my mail-in ballot and something's seriously off. Both the secrecy and return envelopes came already SEALED.

Iman said...

‘You keep using that word “men”. I do not think it means what you think it means.’

Skeptical Voter said...

Young men heard Ronald Reagan say it. I didn't leave my party, my party left me.

john mosby said...

Do you mean the magazine, the restaurant, or the machine gun?


Greg The Class Traitor said...

I thought the "Surprisingly" was funny. It doesn't surprise me at all.

It's kind of "surprising" that the writer was that stupid

Jersey Fled said...

“ young unmarried women are far more passionate about abortion rights than any other voters, and they are more reliable voters than young men”

And yet they remain blissfully ignorant of the fact that Harris’s chances of actually accomplishing a return to Roe vs Wade is essentially zero. As best I can tell, their supposed path forward involves.

1. Winning both houses of Congress.

2, Nuking the filibuster.

3. Getting their bill past a Supreme Court that ruled a year ago that this is an issue that must be decided by the individual states, or:

4. Packing the Supreme Court with abortion friendly replacements.

Note that none of these steps can be effective without accomplishing the prior steps.

Good luck with that.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Note the guy harnessing "boy power" won

Ralph L said...

Do young people realize how much their lack of voting for decades has saddled them with enormous government debt, or do they just give up when they realize future generations were screwed?

Ralph L said...

I suspect 90% of the women obsessed with abortion are already living in blue states.

Original Mike said...

"I thought the "Surprisingly" was funny. It doesn't surprise me at all."

Nate Cohn wrote that? I thought he was supposed to be some kind of savant. Good grief.

Earnest Prole said...

Thanks for providing the link, which will prove to anyone willing to click it that you are profoundly mistaken that 94 percent of American women and 95 percent of American men age 18-24 didn’t vote in 2020. The turnout numbers for women were 53.9 percent age 18-24 and 65.5 percent for women 24-44.

Christopher B said...

Dougie'll slap some sense into 'em

Balfegor said...

Re: Earnest Prole:

Haha, good point -- I was looking at the raw numbers not percentages. Young people are still the lowest participating groups by a significant margin, but not nearly *that* significant. The trend towards higher (relative) young male turnout for Trump is evident in the percentage figures too, though.

Christopher B said...

I think I see what Balfegor did. He went to the chart labeled "
Number of Eligible Adult Population Who Reported Voting by Age Groups" but interpreted the values as percentages rather than the number of voters in each group, 6.6 million men age 18-24 and 7.2 million women age 18-24 voted in 2020.

I think he's got the better argument still. 600,000 is a minuscule difference in a count with over 100 million eligible voters. The turnout percentages for men in 2020 were 49% for 18-24 and 59.5% for 25-44.