October 18, 2024

"See I'm obviously here in person. This is me not not a clone of me" — Elon Musk does a solo pro-Trump town hall.

That was yesterday, in Folsom, Pennsylvania (near Philadelphia).

"I think the things we we we all want are simple... sensible. I mean common sense things um you know we we obviously want we want secure borders we want safe cities uh you know sensible spending and you know you know what I'm I'm being told at times that these are like right-wing values. I'm like, you are insane. They're literally the fundamental values that made America what it is today and anyone who's against those things is fundamentally anti-American and the hell with them. Yeah.... Like you should be able to feel safe walking around American cities um and it's not just you know Philadelphia has a challenge um New York has got has a challenge uh every major city in the US. Like, my you know my mom lives in New York for example three of our friends have been assaulted on the street this year. You know it's it's like and it's getting worse and and now if when she takes her dog for a walk she has to stay you know inside of the building so that so she can call for help if need be this is not the future we want um and and if we get if we get four more years of this I mean we're going to be fully Mad Max. You know and it's like oh it's it's nice to watch a Madmax movie but we don't want to be in the Madmax movie...."


RCOCEAN II said...

Yep. Musk reminds me of Scott Adams in terms of his politics. They're just moderate, pragmatic, non-idealogical Businessmen. Which is what Adams really is. They want "Good GOvernment" and "the trains to run on time". And they're shocked that lots of people don't care about either.

When men like this realize our leftwing elite have gone bonkers and are out-of-Control, you know things have gotten bad.

traditionalguy said...

Poor Elon is a captive of Reality, he cannot survive in FantasyLand, and that makes him a right wing MAGA nut. To Mars with him.

Political Junkie said...

Fight Elon, Fight

mikee said...

That ending of "to hell with them" is the correct summation of how to deal with
leftists and their opinions.

Kevin said...

What other person on the planet would have to assure the audience they were not a clone?

Dave Begley said...

He's right. We will end up like Mad Max. Or maybe "Escape from New York."

Inga said...


Yancey Ward said...

What part did you disagree with, Inga?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

If you like crime - vote Democrat.

Hassayamper said...

Show some respect to the man who is destined to be the most consequential human being since Churchill.

Real American said...

Democrats plan for crime: Increase it
1. Disarm citizens
2. Keep criminals on the streets
3. Defund the police

hombre said...

Too many "you knows", but sound.

Kevin said...

What she means is she felt the feminism leaving her body.

Eva Marie said...

Both Elon and Trump never raise their voices. They never have to raise their voices to make a point. Yesterday Kamala was making a speech in front of an audience and she started yelling something about Trump. The women at all the anti Israel protests also did the yelling bit. It’s such a turn off. I discussed this with a female friend. She made the point that when someone starts yelling, your anxiety level goes up and you pay attention to your own agitation more than you do to what the person is saying. It makes you more compliant, submissive. Maybe Kamala thinks this keeps her staff in line. But I think it makes them less prone to be truly helpful. No one wants to incur the wrath of their boss. But silence doesn’t mean agreement. Yelling seems to be more socially acceptable coming from a woman but it’s counterproductive.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

What's "cringe" for you is that he's a real person, with real thoughts and emotions. Not made-up ones designed to play to cretins.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

Hate it when people speak like normal people, with all their mistakes from speech class back to haunt them, he said ruefully.

Original Mike said...

"I'm like, you are insane."

It is insane. I truly don't understand democrat voters.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It’s funny he was near Folsom PA, when he and Tucker were yucking it up, just days ago, about Musk going to prison if Kamala wins.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Inga uses “cringe”, when we all know she wants to say “retard”.

rehajm said...

In NY public schools they herd all the smart kids together so they don't do damage to the regular school population. Many of my friends speak like Elon...stereotypical nerd behavior...

Scott Patton said...

About a year ago, I commented either here or on Locals that Trump should reject the "red" team color in favor of gold. It's total bullshit that the GOP let the lefty culture get away with making the Dems blue instead of the more appropriate red. Letting the lefties get away with shit like that is one of the gazillion ways the GOP ended up with Trump. It's too late now, but if he had gotten a bee in his MAGA bonnet about it, he is one of the few people that might be able to push through such a change.

Eva Marie said...


planetgeo said...

Speak, Nurse Ratched. Explain to us with your advanced wisdom why the common sense things Musk mentioned are bad and therefore are not acceptable in your Democrat vision for America.

loudogblog said...

Mad Max is a good analogy. But not the sequels. I honestly think that even though the original Mad Max was the cheapest made film in the series, it's the best one. In the original Mad Max, the police (called "the bronze" because of their bronze badges) have to deal with a criminal biker gang that is out of control. When they actually arrest one of them, the court has to let him go because none of the witnesses show up to the trial. The police are not supported by the system. They're underfunded and have no support from the public. Eventually, officer Max realizes that he can't bring the gang to justice using the system. So after the gang attacks his wife and son, he goes rogue and dispenses justice himself. (Like Charles Bronson in Death Wish) Unlike the sequels, it's a society that is not too different from our own. It's a city with cars, trains, bars, hospitals and electricity. Just no law and order. (And Max's Ford XB Falcon police car is the last of the V-8s.)

Here's a pro tip for watching the movie: The American audio track that American International Pictures did for the American release is terrible. A lot of the dubbed voices are almost cartoon like. Get a DVD or Blu Ray that has the original Australian audio track (and the original actor's voices) and watch the film with that.

loudogblog said...

Musk is not a great public speaker. His talents lie elsewhere.

MadTownGuy said...

It's Tim Russert's fault.

planetgeo said...

America has definitely morphed into Mad Max times in several of our Blue cities, most notably San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, and New York. Criminality is essentially "legal" in these cities and openly supported by criminal-coddling DAs and Democrat city councils. I have no idea why anyone would want to be a cop in any of these cities. Frankly, the problem would be cleared up quickly if all the cops were gone entirely, so nobody was protecting the criminals anymore and they could be disposed of the old fashioned way.

Eva Marie said...

MadTownGuy says
“It's Tim Russert's fault.”
No. Prior to that, the colors on election night switched between red and blue. The majority Democratic news services seized the opportunity to saddle Republicans with red which for the past 100 years was associated with communism. And per usual Republicans just went along with it. I can guarantee you, if that election year TV graphics had shown Dems as red, the colors would have been switched in the next election cycle regardless of what Russert said.

Drago said...
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Drago said...


The reply of an utter moron, a walking Dunning-Krueger confronted by genius that is advancing the human race.....but does not want to be controlled by P-Inga's New Soviet Democratical Party..therefore he must be destroyed.

When people wonder what sort of people loved living in East Germany and the Soviet Union and Castro's Cuba, you are looking right at them when you read P-Inga's posts.

But others, light years more intelligent than P-Inga see the truth....as witnessed by the Op-Ed published by none other than Michael Bloomberg today in Bloomberg magazine where Bloomberg lays out the entirety of the insanity and stupidity of the entire legacy space/political performance and cost failures that SpaceX should replace in one fell swoop:


"A celestial irony is that none of this is necessary. A reusable SpaceX Starship will very likely be able to carry cargo and robots directly to the moon — no SLS, Orion, Gateway, Block 1B or ML-2 required — at a small fraction of the cost. Its successful landing of the Starship booster was a breakthrough that demonstrated how far beyond NASA it is moving."

The saddest part: even if P-Inga were to read it, she could never in a million years hope to understand it. She is an intellectual pigmy standing on the shore throwing spears at the steel warship that just arrived and is anchored in the bay.

Drago said...

Clearly one of the things that turns P-Inga into a spittle-flecked anger ball, is how Elon is happy to take questions and comments from hundreds of thousands of online listeners and in person attendees for 45 minutes straight...which is another demonstration of how different people of real accomplishment deal with public as contrasted with the drunken, installed by coup, kamala-la-la-la.

Hassayamper said...

Frankly, the problem would be cleared up quickly if all the cops were gone entirely, so nobody was protecting the criminals anymore and they could be disposed of the old fashioned way.

Yep. The police are not there to protect the taxpaying honest citizen from criminals. They are to protect the criminals from the citizens, thanks as always to the nice progressive upper middle class white ladies of the late 1800s, whose delicate sensibilities were offended by the sight of rotting corpses dangling from stout oak trees at the crossroads.

I'm fine with going back to the old way of doing things. They very seldom got it wrong, did not incur the ludicrous expense of supporting the criminal scum for decades in prison, and suffered no recidivism.

This will happen one of these days, too, when the effects of our spending spree catch up with us, and military and police salaries are being paid with grocery sacks full of worthless billion-dollar notes.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The left demand a moral-less crime ridden lie filled society. They are demons of a sort.
$oro$ is top demon.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Elon is smart and successful - and cannot be co-opted by the corrupt left. Loyalist Soviet hacks hate that.