October 21, 2024

Sunrise — 7:31.



Dixcus said...

I can't believe Donald Trump would fake working at McDonalds. Who would do such a thing?

* Michael Dukakis, driving a tank
* John Kerry, wearing a bunny suit on a space ship
* AOC, faking standing outside a cage and the media helping her do it
* Hillary Clinton, sobered up long enough to try to act like she'd ever ridden a subway but couldn't figure out how to get on
* Justin Trudeau, donning black face to prove his White Pride
* Joe Biden ... sniffing underage girls he's sexually attracted to

Political Junkie said...

Poll musing - FL - Univ of North Florida has DJT up 10 over KH, but Scott (R) has a 3 point lead in his senate race. This seems hard to believe. Why would a DJT voter not back Scott?

Josephbleau said...

Your picture is absolute proof that global warming is real. Because the sky and lake are kind of red orange colored. If white vapor were coming out of the 3 vent stacks that would prove it more.

Gospace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josephbleau said...

When are the iron workers going to finish farting around with that building and get that crane out of the shot?

Gospace said...

So I'm reading Nate Silvers 24 reasons that Trump could win. Okay. Let's dissect a few.

Populism is often a highly effective strategy, and many Trump voters are indeed “deplorable” in the Hillary Clinton sense of the term. Don't you just feel the respect Nate Silver has for Trump voters with that statement?

Illegal/unauthorized immigration increased substantially during the first few years of the Biden/Harris administration amid a rising global backlash to immigration. and- is continuing unabated. Both because of the Biden/Harris administration. Deplorables aren't deaf, dumb, and blind.

Harris ran far to her left in 2019, adopting many unpopular positions, and doesn’t really have a viable strategy for explaining her changing stances. Stances? What stances? Anyone know? Inga- do you know?

But it’s hard for even legitimate Trump critiques to penetrate the mass public. Trump’s conviction on a series of felony charges hardly made any difference, for instance. Ah, another example of us deplorables not being deaf, dumb, and blind. And recognizing, like the appeals court in NY- no one in history has heretofore been charged with or convicted of these offenses. Does Nate Silver not recognize this himself- of is he blinded by TDS?

Democrats’ college-educated consultant class has poor instincts for how to appeal to the mass public, while Trump has done more to cultivate support among “weird” marginal voting groups. Actually a good point here that he understands. I will mention all my normally non-political stoner friends on Facebook are pro-Trump. Weird marginal defines them...

And #24 Harris has been running on vibes and has failed to articulate a clear vision for the country. It might have been a good strategy if the “fundamentals” favored her, but they don’t. Doesn't he even see that vibes are not stances? Let's be honest- we all know (although some just suspect) that if she articulated her real visions for the country- it would result in a 50 state blowout. Even in CA people don't want to vote in Communism directly.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Is that a sunbow I’m seeing?

Iman said...

I read Stevie Wonder is campaigning with Harris. Perhaps he can reach back for one of his oldies and sing “You Haven’t Done Nothin’ “…

“And we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Tellin' how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'
Jackson 5 join along with me say
Doo-doo-wop, hey-hey-hey
Doo-doo-wop, whoa-whoa-whoa”

narciso said...


Hassayamper said...

Trump’s conviction on a series of felony charges hardly made any difference, for instance.

The hell it didn't. I made my first donation ever to Trump on that day, and it was a big one. And I ordered yard signs. The Stalinist Democrats need to be punished for their ludicrously flimsy show trials. If not for their monomaniacal conspiracy to use our courts for political vendettas, I might even have gone back to voting Libertarian as I have many times before.

Leland said...

Tim Walz hunting pheasant.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

who is all in up in here on getting some $ from your trump pal Elon? Sign up today for chance at a million.you just have to be a trumpeter or righty. Nothing better for Democracy than a billionaire putting on a lottery for registered voters,,beautiful....Must be a swing state voter (wink wink)cmon man

tim in vermont said...

"And recognizing, like the appeals court in NY- no one in history has heretofore been charged with or convicted of these offenses."

No wonder Inga is worried that Trump might look for "retribution." I mean, look at the precedent that they set.

tim in vermont said...

Anybody can collect that money. Just sign a petition for free speech.

Dixcus said...

Chemstacks. FTFY

tcrosse said...

When once again the sun rises between the stacks of the Broome St Power Station, it will be Hallowe'en, as the ancients foretold.

Dixcus said...

The Democrats are already positioning for the loss.

They are pre-knifing and pre-blaming for Kamala's election failure.

Taking the first knife in the back is Kamala's own sister Maya, who ran most of her campaigns.

She's been fired and essentially disowned by the Harris family.


Dixcus said...

I bought ammo on that day and my first AR-15.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Excitable supporter...


Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

Wonder if anyone ordered an Arnold Palmer?!?

Vance said...

Just saw a casual news story: they are "legalizing" homeless voting in my state. All you have to do is register to vote with putting down as your address a homeless shelter or a.... PO Box. Which can be shared by lots of other "homeless" people.

I think they called it the "Democrat vote fraud enabling bill" or something. I mean, seriously... how on earth can that possibly be secure? Mail in ballots sent to a PO Box with zero idea who the voter is or where they live, because they are homeless? It screams vote fraud. And of course the Democrats are pushing it. Expect to see a massive surge in homeless "voters" this election in my state. "Gosh, who knew we had 50,000 homeless people? And they all voted Democrat -- amazing how they know which party will be better for them! Odd how they all have the same handwriting though. Such a coincidence!"

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

Perhaps Trump is right about immigrants breaking the law -- send him back?

Original Mike said...

IDK what site that crane is located at. Shouldn't be hard to figure out on my next trip across the isthmus. All I have to do is remember …

Original Mike said...

"I will mention all my normally non-political stoner friends on Facebook are pro-Trump."

Get them to the polls!

tim in vermont said...

Sure sign of a low IQ, Rich, is rigidity of thought. Complete lack of openness to different ways of thinking, to sophisticated communication which uses things like irony, humor, etc. If you can only understand communication as if all meaning is literally contained in the straight meaning of the words, well, "mid-wit" can only be an aspiration for you.

tim in vermont said...

They just had an election in Moldova where the people who live in Moldova voted 55% against joining the EU. Guess what? The mail in votes came in and overnight the result flipped.

n.n said...

Palmer was Wilson's AG, what McCarthy was alleged to have been, what Democrats embraced with joy. Poor Mrs. Palmer. #HateLovesAbortion

narciso said...


Yancey Ward said...

Bich ordered his Arnold Palmer poster from Amazon this morning since he is seeing the golfing great in an entirely different light today.

Dixcus said...

Alleged Democrat Maria Shriver, former First Lady of California ... who Arnold turned down for a Mexican maid ... spills the beans at a Kamala "Town Hall" ... admitting that the audience can't ask questions.

Because the questions were all "Pre-Determined."


Dixcus said...

People need to abandon the Ballot Box and pick up the Bullet one.

Mason G said...

No wonder Inga is worried that Trump might look for "retribution."

I'm not expecting it but it would be a nice bonus.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump draws in a significant number of former/present Democrats. I have written this before- the political leanings of states change when he is on the ballot. He makes Iowa, Ohio, and Florida non-tossups but those cross-overs are not as keen to vote for a non-Trump GOP candidate for any office.

Trump is likely to run ahead of all the GOP Senate candidates in states that are normally thought of as tossups.

Original Mike said...

"The mail in votes came in and overnight the result flipped."

Good grief.

Robert Marshall said...

I've often wondered, looking at the sunrise photos, what is the set of 3 towers that appear, in today's top photo, just to the left (north) of the rising sun. I tried figuring it out using Google Maps, with the satellite view, but couldn't. Best guess: an electric generating plant that uses those evil fossil fuels that everyone hates but relies upon every day.

Mason G said...

If mail-in voting is going to be a thing (it shouldn't), the voting deadline needs to be a week before in-person voting happens. And all mail-in votes need to be counted and reported before the polls open.

Breezy said...

It’s Elon’s money, and it’s a lottery. It’s not like it’s our money buying votes by paying off student loans (Biden) or putting up down payments for first time buyers (Harris). Big difference.

Josephbleau said...

"Perhaps Trump is right about immigrants breaking the law -- send him back?"

Hell of a message man. I am sure that you are personally related to the first slug worm that crawled upon the beach in antediluvian time, and now owns the entire world due to reparations!

Dixcus said...

Everything about the Kamala Harris "campaign" including her, are fake. An audience member in her latest "Town Hall" asks if she can ask a question.

Maria Shriver says no. That all the questions are "pre-determined." Here's the video of her admitting that Kamala Harris Town Halls are fake.


The candidates are fake. The elections are fake. The results are fake.

Now what?

narciso said...

Thats is a wonderful sunset

Dixcus said...

Donald Trump is the only white guy I've seen employed by McDonalds in the last 20 years. LET HIM STAY.

wildswan said...

Stories about the Israelis burning up millions of dollars which Hamas had stashed under Buildings in Beirut and melting gold into the ground fascinate me. I mean, the usual way of burning up money is gambling which involves a tedious mathematical system which doesn't work and you commit suicide. Or, there's paying taxes as way of money-burning. Our tax dollars are at work checking up on whether falling rockets from SpaceX will kill baby seals. And so on. But this is all only symbolic money burning.
The Israelis are literally setting fire to millions and millions of dollars and gold and jewels which Hamas had stashed all over Lebanon. That smoke over the city - that's dollar bills burning like leaves, gold melting like recycled plastic, jewels cracking like pond ice. And what the Israelis miss, alert Hamas operatives might take. "Ahmed, where's the cash?" "The Zionist pigs burned it all, O Commander of the Faithful. Your share is on your desk"

tcrosse said...

Broome St Power Station

Dead Julius said...

Awesome photo & superstar open forums, Professor! Do you know what "hush woman" is? Or means? Usually it's said and/or written with emphasis. I think it means a woman who is told by... someone... in her life or within society... to just vote the way she is told to vote, and to only participate in political issues in a way that is acceptable to those -- the Community, the Men, the social structure -- around her. A political friend of mine near Buffalo NY suggested that we emphasize that everyone's vote is private -- between them & the ballot booth, and even G-d should not be looking... to fight politically against the "hush, woman!" mentality. We in New York State also have a single ballot proposition this year that is basically a modern-day (but including sexual orientation and gender identity) rehash of the 1970s Equal Rights Amendment that was never federally approved. Any suggestions or insight from you pr your esteemed commenters is welcome! Thanks, Professor & Friends!

Dr Weevil said...

Moldova is a poor country partly occupied by Russian troops. Many Moldovan citizens work in other countries, they are legally entitled to vote - as are American expatriates, I'm pretty sure - and the ones living in the E.U. are naturally more pro-E.U. than the ones who stay home.

Much more sinister is the woman who was filmed asked surprised poll-workers when she was going to get paid for voting against the E.U., as she had been promised. Yes, Russia massively interfered in the election, as they do in any country where they think they can make a difference, but - as with Hillary in 2016 - they didn't manage to cheat quite enough to win.

tim in vermont said...

I think that it is very telling that our Democrat poster friends here want to send Elon to prison for promoting the United States Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights. What do Democrats have against the Bill of Rights?

Josephbleau said...

I believe you astronomically.

Original Mike said...

Yes, Madison Gas & Electric electric plant. Natural gas. Was coal when I was a child. I never noticed when they switched.

There also used to be intercity passenger train depot on the site.

tim in vermont said...

Those Russian troops are in Moldova per the U.N.

But I am sure that the Moldovans can't wait to have done to them what the US and the E.U have done to Ukraine! Same with the Taiwanese!

""We won't betray you! We promise! Just don't ask the people left behind in Afghanistan who helped us!"

Political Junkie said...

Thanks Yancey. Does that mean therefore that the R senate candidates in PA,MI, and WI have no chance?

tim in vermont said...

"Much more sinister is the woman who was filmed asked surprised poll-workers when she was going to get paid for voting against the E.U.,"

Odd that the camera was right there ready to capture that, but I am sure it's 100% believable. They probably film every vote.

tim in vermont said...

Kiev thought that because they had bought and paid for the Bidens, that they bought and paid for the United States. Not how it works.

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

Court decisions in Michigan and North Carolina deny GOP challenges to overseas voters ~ AP

Finds "there is absolutely no evidence" to support GOP theory of fraud. At the heart of every voter suppression scheme is a Republican lie about voter fraud.

Gospace said...

Just say "NO!" to Proposal #1, in full:
§ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, pursuant to law.

b. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section, nor shall any characteristic listed in this section be interpreted to interfere with, limit, or deny the civil rights of any person based upon any other characteristic identified in this section.

Pretty basically, "Just Say No!" to any amendment to any state constitution or to any ballot proposition is the proper choice. This amendment all but mandates genetic males be allowed to compete against genetic females- oh, wait, it DOES mandate that. If you have a young girl who shows promise in sports- you'll have to move to another state to give her the freedom to do so.

Clyde said...

Today was the first day of early voting in Florida. The polls opened at 10:00 a.m., but I waited until noon, since I didn't feel the need to be the first person in line. There were probably 50-60 people ahead of me, and it took about 40 minutes to get inside. I had done my research and filled out my sample ballot in advance, so once I got my ballot it only took a couple of minutes to fill in all of my choices on the touchscreen and verify them. All told, less than an hour.

The crowd at the library I went to for early voting was mixed, probably about evenly split between men and women, lots of seniors but some younger people as well. I saw a few Trump caps and t-shirts, but spotted no Kamala gear. When I left, the line was as long as when I arrived. I figure that anyone who showed up on the first day probably had strong opinions and wanted to make a statement by voting at the first opportunity. That was certainly true in my case.

Dr Weevil said...

tim in vermont, with his usual honesty, writes (7:38pm): "Those Russian troops are in Moldova per the U.N.". Odd that this "fact" is unknown to Wikipedia's article on Transnistria. The U.N. is mentioned in 3 of its 187 footnotes, none of which says or implies any U.N. authorization for the Russian occupation. I do believe 'tim in vermont' just told a bald-faced lie.

And it's hardly "Odd that the camera was right there". Even primitive Moldovans have ready access to camera-phones. Anyone who follows the Russian invasion of Ukraine knows that Ukrainians and Russians all have camera phones and have made that war the most easily witnessed ever.

By the way, though Transnistria claims to be an independent country, I've read that the residents were allowed to vote in the Moldovan election, and did so. How many had Russian soldiers looking over their shoulders as they did so?

tim maguire said...

Homeless citizens should be able to vote just like any other citizen—by showing up at the polls on election day. They have no need for an absentee ballot; pretty much by definition they have nowhere else they need to be.

tim maguire said...

Homeless citizens should be able to vote just like any other citizen—by showing up at the polls on election day. They have no need for an absentee ballot; pretty much by definition they have nowhere else they need to be.

Dixcus said...

Arnie packing 3 wood even when he's done golfing.

Dixcus said...

Inga will have a price on her head on Day One. She's DEFINITELY on the list.

Dixcus said...

Early voting allows the cheaters to get a good look at how many fake ballots they need to print up to rig the elections. Same reason they release early counts. It's so they know how MUCH they need to cheat.

Oh wait ... you thought they're making it convenient for YOU? No. They're not doing that for you.

Drago said...

"Former California First Lady Maria Shriver admitted while hosting the event with former Rep. Liz Cheney in Royal Oak, Michigan that she would only include 'predetermined questions.'

'Are we going to be able to ask a question?' asked a woman in the audience.

'You're not, unfortunately we have some predetermined questions,' Shriver replied. 'And hopefully I'll be able to ask some of the questions that might be in your head, I hope so.'

Typically, presidential campaigns allow voters at townhall meetings to ask unscripted questions, which lends a level of authenticity to the proceedings and highlights a presidential candidate's personal touch."


"staged events"........

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

Let's run an exercise. Who does Trump and Washington care about more? Ukraine or Israel?

Sell out Ukraine to Russia and Putin's power goes up exponentially. Some of this benefit inures to the benefit of Putin's close ally and supplier Iran. A stronger Iran weakens the position immediately of Israel and the United States more generally. No Arab country is going to think that a security relationship with the US is worth squat to start with. It goes downhill from there. Russia and Iran become the new balancing hegemons in the Middle East. The American public throws in the towel and goes isolationist.

Washington under Trump won't know what it wants!

Dead Julius said...

Regarding NY Constitutional Proposition #1 / Gospace's comment:
Okay, but: How exactly does NYS Proposition #1 mandate that? Does it? People on the Right seem to think it does. It's perhaps not clear to others how this interpretative mandate arises.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Isn't if funny how Hunter and Jill are GONE. vanished from the national scene.
Probably rolling in big paid off funding.

n.n said...

Proposal #1 affirms sexual orientations including pedophilia, sadomasochism, polygamy, transgenderism (e.g. homosexual), etc. And the performance of human rites or wicked solution to abort human life deemed unworthy of life at any time. Progressive liberalism writ large. The Rotting Apple.

Dead Julius said...

olay but how does anyone reasonably get to your implications from the text???

Political Junkie said...

Trafalgar has Tammy down one in WI. I wont believe it until I see it.

Big Mike said...

Regarding Trump’s working the fry machine and the drive through window at a Philadelphia-area McRonald’s, I thought it was an interesting bit of campaign theater that wouldn’t do much to move the needle. However I must be wrong because the newsmedia are going insane (going more insane) trying to find a way to lambaste Trump for doing the stunt. All they succeed in doing is to make themselves look ever more ridiculous.

Big Mike said...

I agree with Yancey. It’s the job of the Republican Party to turn those disaffected Democrats who plan to vote for Trump into reliable Republican voters going forward.

Dead Julius said...

I'm a liberal and I liked his McDonalds adventure... at least Trump is trying, and he's doing something no politician has done before. Bill Clinton talked up McDonalds but he didn't actually show up.

Dead Julius said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gospace said...

...or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution

No need to interpret it. It's there in black and white. Discrimination due to sexual identity FORBIDDEN! Or mayhaps I should say VERBOTEN!. If a male is mentally ill enough to declare he's female- sexual identity - he must be treated as such.

Now- is the demoncRAT NY legislature with Dictator Hochul going to criminalize my speech when I call out a female identifying male as a male? And a mentally ill one to boot? Seems the phrase discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person would allow them to do that. Or, heaven forbid, I should misgender them by stating the capital T Truth that they're male not female. Will that be unlawful? It's enough to get you fired from a school. Although courts have been pushing back on that...

Note- I'm concentrating on MTF illness since it's the most dangerous version. And it's easy to understand why that is so.

Big Mike said...

I agree with Dixcus about Democrat recriminations already starting, but instead of blaming Harris and Wslz for running a weak campaign, they should blame the likes of Schumer and Pelosi for pushing Joe out the door. They knew Harris was not a likable candidate.

Original Mike said...

Israel just told everybody where Hezbollah's stash of cash and bullion is located. Brilliant!

Hassayamper said...

I don't give a flying fuck about Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Iran, the Arab countries, or any other country on the planet. They can all go to hell for all I care. I say we make it illegal to post any American military other than Marine embassy guards in any foreign country anywhere.

Dead Julius said...

Hey Gospace - I just really want to point out, with all due respect to you & our Host Professor, that your statement would have been much more sensible to me if you didn't include "demoncRAT" & "Dictator Hochul". I asked what I thought was a serious question, with significant implications. Why do you include the nonsense?! Thanks.

Gospace said...

As n.n. says- they, all of them, are sexual orientations. The amendment, read as plain words, outlaws any form of discrimination against sexual orientations- with the exception of polygamy- that falls under multiple definitions, and the mist common is marriage. But the same justification for mandating SSM- which WAS mandated by courts, could easily be used to justify legalizing state sanctioned polygamy. With this amendment adding fuel to the fire.

Gospace said...

Because neither is nonsense. Being forced to wear useless masks in public and not allowing children on playgrounds was ordered by Dictator Hochul and enforced by her stasi informants. One or my town's demoncRATs complained on a Facebook forum that "OMG! Children are playing basketball on the courts! Without masks or supervision!" Next day DPW removed the nets- and the day after the orange hoops since a net isn't needed to play...

Now tell me how that isn't dictatorship. And why informants shouldn't be called the RATS that they are.

Yancey Ward said...

Hovde, Rogers, and McCormick really need Trump to win those three states by at least 1-2% to even have a 50% chance of winning the seats since all three are challenging incumbents. The best chance in the midwest is unseating Brown in Ohio- Trump will win Ohio by pretty much the margins he won in 2016 and 2020 but the GOP candidate there (I forget the name right now) won't win the seat by more than a percent or two.

Yancey Ward said...

I don't think Harris was the option the Democrat leadership was planning to run- I think someone in the White House (possibly Biden himself) put out that endorsement of Harris- that wasn't planned by Pelosi etal. After Biden endorsed Harris openly later that week there was no opening for anyone else to run.

Jim at said...

Inga will have a price on her head on Day One. She's DEFINITELY on the list.

No. She isn't. And neither are any of the other nardheads screaming about how Trump's going to come after them.

They're simply not that important.

Jim at said...

Bill Clinton talked up McDonalds but he didn't actually show up.

He did last week. And the cashier thought he was Joe Biden. Ouch.

Drago said...

"A stronger Iran weakens the position immediately of Israel and the United States more generally."


There has been no bigger allies to Iran, and by extension the russkis, than obambi, biden, harris and the rest of the Keystone Kops of Foggy Bottom.

Hillary and Mueller sold off Uranium One to Putin's oligarch pals (who returned the favor by massive funding of the Clinton Global Initiative Slush Fund and Haiti Child Sex Trafficking Op, obambi/biden/harris gave the greenlight to the russki's to move into Syria, take Crimea and move into Eastern Ukraine.....all the while the Ukrainians were sending millions into the coffers of the Biden Crime Family Shell Corporations....

.....and additionally funding the Iranians directly to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars (even pallets of untraceable small bills.... a couple billion of those!) which the Iranians used to fund their allies (and the allies of the New Soviet Democratical party) Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis!

This has been proven every single day across the nation as the New Soviet Democraticals rally in support of Hamas and against Israel.....whom the US State Dept despises with a white hot passion.

Yes LLR-democratical Rich, we already have so very many answers to so very many questions that you leftists have worked so very hard to finesse and lie about for decades.............so go ahead with you hilariously Harry Sisson-level Abacus Boy gaslighting which could only fool the average 3rd grader......the very ages you guys seek to force explicit porn upon as part of your continuing grooming policies.

Yancey Ward said...

Our caring posture for Ukraine is leaving the country a smoking ruin. Perhaps the U.S. should stop caring for foreigners.

Drago said...

I would have thought LLR-democratical Rich and the rest of the lefty idiot brigade would have commented on the completely corrupted DOJ/FBI's quiet "adjustment" of the crime stats to now properly reflect that crime has indeed increased over the last several years and not dropped as the leftists knowingly lied about forever....including false "fact checks" during debates.

Eva Marie said...

Gospace, these people should at the very least apologize.

Narayanan said...

did FBI break out statistics on miscreants illegal / citizens ?

Narayanan said...

now let us do DC cave of loot?!

Narayanan said...

how is salting fries different from flipping pancakes?

Drago said...

Astonishing! The New Soviet Democraticals are actually becoming even MORE angry that Trump made french fries at a McDonalds!

Big Mike said...

@Narayanan, you use different muscles in your wrist and forearm.

wendybar said...

BECAUSE she is too stupid to actually answer any REAL questions and her fans here will cheer and say she is wonderful for answering questions she already knows, and decided what to say ahead of time. What a joke she is.

Tim Murtaugh
Oh my.

Audience member at Kamala Harris event wanted to know if they could ask questions.


The questions are “pre-determined.”



wendybar said...

John Ziegler
Replying to @TrumpWarRoom
Also, nothing says “A New Path Forward” (or women breaking the glass ceiling on their own!) like a fake townhall hosted by the daughter of a Kennedy, and headlined by the daughter of Dick Cheney.
5:07 PM · Oct 21, 2024

wendybar said...

Kevin King 🇺🇸
Replying to @TrumpWarRoom
I wonder if Putin and Xi will be getting a script from her handlers to go off of when in a meeting with her God forbid she wins 😂
4:40 PM · Oct 21, 2024

wendybar said...

Jerry Dunleavy IV 🇺🇸
40 former DOJ officials immediately endorsed Kamala when she became the presumptive Dem nominee this summer, warning Trump “presents a grave threat to our country.” The very first name on the letter was Loretta Lynch, who is now working on behalf of a Chinese military company.

wendybar said...

Sam Rogers
Mrs Walz & @Tim_Walz respected McDonalds workers by cracking their windows so they could enjoy the smell of their workplace burning down.

Washington Free Beacon
Walz on The View: Trump going to work at a McDonald's was disrespectful to McDonald's workers.


Rusty said...

Jim beat me to it.

Rusty said...

No. Turns out the Israelis just broadcast a map of what hospital the bunker is under and how to reach the bunker. Fucking brilliant.

Rusty said...

Dumbass. Prior to 2020 none of this was a concern. Your stupidity brought us to this point.

Leland said...

It seems clear the Kamala will refuse to be held accountable to anybody. If you wish to speak to her, it will be on her terms. Until that someone is a foreign adversary that won’t have to play her game.

tim in vermont said...

"Odd that this "fact" is unknown to Wikipedia's article on Transnistria."

Wikipedia is not actually a source, but you are right. So, like I usually do with sources which steer me wrong, like Kiev sources regarding the war itself, which I took at face value early in the conflict since they seemed to be backed up by Western sources, but turned out so often to be wrong, I will knock the credibility of that source down a peg, or maybe I misheard, but I will remember it. You, on the other hand, keep repeating Ukrainian war propaganda even long past its sell-by date.

Breezy said...

Starting over, start from scratch, reimagine, be unburdened by what has been, etc. are all phrases Harris has used wrt our institutions. Her values are all about breaking everything down and starting anew, including the US Constitution - ex. Illegal immigrants aren’t illegal. She is untethered from American reality. She even laments the all American McDonalds French fry.

tim in vermont said...

A commenter asks: "Who does Trump and Washington care about more? Ukraine or Israel?"

One can only wonder why the United States of America was not even short-listed as a country this Democrat cares about. Nah! That's a rhetorical question. We know that the commenter cares more about Ukraine and Israel than he does the US, and assumes that we all feel the same way.

n.n said...

with the exception of polygamy

Political congruence ("="). #LoveWins #NoJudgment etcetera

If not sexual, pethaps a mode of social progress a la friends, neighbors, casting couches etc.. with "benefits". Use the back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP. Use the front hole and abort, cannibalize, sequester the carbon evidence in a sanctuary state. A wicked solution with a dark humor finality. Forward!

tim in vermont said...

"Trump going to work at a McDonald's was disrespectful to McDonald's workers."

Simple projection by Walz, who plainly does not respect the workers at McDonalds and believes that the help should not be spoken to or acknowledged except when 100% necessary, I guess.

tim in vermont said...

"The only daughter of former Republican President Gerald Ford has endorsed Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election."

Oh look, the daughter of the man who never got in by a vote either, but was awarded the position for his role in the coverup of the JFK assassination has come out for Kamala.

I bet every day they send a delegation to W's house, begging him not to endorse Kamala like his pappy, Dick Cheney did.

Don't worry though, Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala because he and his flower child daughter believe in world peace.

Narayanan said...

McDonalds should change their stress releiving upselling slogan
'Do you want Trump with that!"

Narayanan said...

why not announce pre-determined questions and let audience decide if they want to stay for answers ?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Althouse is garnering very high engagement from her commenters lately as the presidential election grinds toward a climactic finish. I can barely keep up with the conversations in between doing my actual job and my recent vacation/musical interlude.

rehajm said...

The people busting Trump for working at McDonalds are the same people that will shit on McDonalds because they don’t help raise the six figure incomes of workers with contracts tied to minimum wage.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Democrats are running an attractive candidate for Senate here and her commercials in Florida are hard-hitting attacks on Scott. She says he introduced a bill to “end Social Security” and “cut welfare” in ads that use AI to literally make Scott a snake slithering into The Senate. It’s vicious but humorous and like I said, she is a quite pleasant appearing lady who is far from the usual Karens the DNC usually run, not at all like the bug-eyed Leftist we so often see here.

Clyde said...

@ Dixcus Actually, it just makes sure that your vote is in before Election Day, so that if there any shenanigans like messed-up printers in Arizona, power failures, etc., then your vote still gets counted.

Clyde said...

@ Dixcus Also, note that I'm in Florida. We have voter ID laws in this state and the Dems weren't able to set up their cheating operations here in 2020.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Jim is correct. But the Biden crime family is deathly afraid of what would amount to a very ordinary investigation into foreign influence peddling similar to what they dished out to Bob Menendez. Especially bag men Jim and Hunter.

Danno said...

Dixcus, Florida has about a million more Republican registered voters than the Democrats. I will be voting in Bay County FL in the next few days and rather like how Florida operates elections currently. It has come a long way from the hanging chads days. You must present valid ID and have been registered to vote by October 7th to participate. Keep your conclusions on ballot stuffing directed at states where this is valid.

Danno said...

Narayanan, D.C. only has troves of IOUs. Not the same situation.

Danno said...

Dead Julius, you said you were a liberal somewhere upthread. Are you a classic liberal like Althouse or more of a modern-day libtard? There is nothing liberal about most of today's liberals.

lonejustice said...

Now that Halloween season is upon us, I thought some here would enjoy this podcast from The Rest is History: "How the guillotine became the symbol of terror."


I find these shows immensely informative and entertaining, and a delight to listen to or watch.

wendybar said...

Laura Powell
Kamala Harris was admitted to law school under a program for students “who have experienced major life hurdles, such as educational disadvantage, economic hardship, or disability.”

Kamala Harris’s mother came from the highest caste in India, but by moving to the U.S. and Canada, obtaining a prestigious degree, marrying a future Stanford professor, having a successful career as a cancer researcher, and sending her daughter to private schools, her daughter became unusually disadvantaged?

Strange how that works.

Read the whole damning thread...