October 6, 2024

Sunrise — 6:47, 7:04, 7:06, 7:07.






Quaestor said...

FEMA is now interfering with Starlink's efforts to re-connect the devastated citizens of western North Carolina to the world.

It seems like Kamala is trying to prevent those people from casting ballots. That couldn't be true. Could it?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Three women and a storm.

TikTok via X: This looks like what network news television used to do

TikTok via Reddit: "Hurricane Ian survivor has a message for those spreading misinformation about FEMA..."

ABC This Week via X: "FEMA chief Deanne Criswell says criticizing her agency is “dangerous.”"

"Come in" she said,
I'll give you shelter from the storm."

Mason G said...

"It seems like Kamala is trying to prevent those people from casting ballots. That couldn't be true. Could it?

Hard to say for sure, maybe she just wants to be the one to get those people hooked up. $42 billion was dedicated to getting the job done. In other news...

"California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that prevents local governments from requiring voters to present identification at the polls, a law aimed at curbing conservative efforts in cities like Huntington Beach."

Q. Who is opposed to insuring that only eligible voters cast ballots?
A. People who intend to cheat.

Dixcus said...

Hillary Clinton ... get this ... a washed up Arkansas hick who's kid looks exactly like Web Hubbel for some reason ... thinks she is "in control" of the rest of us. When she cannot even control her own husband.

Somebody needs to feed her another cheeseburger and vodka tonic and tell her to take a good look around at her crumbling empire.

Disparity of Cult said...

"Please No More" Tracy Nelson

Dixcus said...

FEMA is NOWHERE to be found in the devastated regions of North and South Carolina. They are completely absent. They aren't handing out supplies. They didn't even pre-position supplies in this area. And they are threatening arrest of anybody who tries to fly in supplies to this area or rescue trapped people off mountains that are currently inaccessible due to roads being entirely washed out.

I DARE Deanne Criswell to show her face there. She'll find out what dangerous is.

Mutaman said...

"Trump going with Rudy’s signature look of the pants pulled up just below the chest as he arrives in Wisconsin."

Trump looks like he's 90 years old. And listen to what he says.

Dixcus said...

NY Post: FEMA abandons residents of Devasted North Carolina town


Seems dangerous for them to do that. Puts their "employees" in danger when they show up and try to scare off rescuers and others helping. Those employees might find themselves in REAL danger if they show their faces.

Political Junkie said...

DJT stole my look. And I am 54. No fair!

Gospace said...

I guess closed road signs are the FEMA equivalent of sloped roofs for the Secret Service.

They're a disaster response agency. OSHA would have nightmares viewing what real people do in disaster recovery. Like driving around road closed signs.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

An increasingly incoherent and profane former president Donald Trump, 78, is blathering on at his rallies at previously unheard-of lengths and showing signs of confusion that could indicate mental decline. (NO SHIT)
An average rally speech by the elderly Republican nominee for president—who has promised to release his medical records and cognitive tests and then refused to do so—lasts 82 minutes this election cycle, nearly double the 45 minutes he averaged in 2016, a computer analysis by the newspaper found.
In addition to Trump’s well documented rambling, repetitive and winding addresses—punctuated with strange asides about things like his “beautiful” body—among the potential signs of cognitive change are that he curses 69 percent more in speeches than he did in 2016. That could be a sign of disinhibition, a kind of impulsivity that is sometimes attributed to mental decline in old age.
It was also noted Trump used negative words 32 percent more negative words than positive ones, up considerably from 21 percent in 2016, another potential indicator of cognitive change.
He also uses he uses 13 percent more “all-or-nothing” terms such as “always” or “never” compared to 2016, another potential sign of advanced age.
Meanwhile, Trump’s seeming obsession with the past—his ramblings have been dotted with stale cultural references to Silence of the Lambs, Johnny Carson, Michael Jackson, Cary Grant, and Charles Lindburgh—have not only dated him, but earned a raised eyebrow from many observers.
On the other hand, Trump has relied on unusually simple words and sentence structures going back to the days before he was president, suggesting he has simply always been an incredibly simplistic thinker.
Analytic metrics used— tends to place presidential candidates in the 60 to 70 range—placed Trump speeches at 10 to 24.
“He does not think in a complex way at all.”
It has been found through analytics found that Trump speaks at a fourth-grade level, well below the eighth grade average for modern presidents.
Anyone that isnt mind controlled can see this and on top of that the guy looks like crap,he is wearing his pants up round his neck now to get them over his belly,a senile and way too old , like that mean old grandpa who cant remember Hurricane season is not over its prime time .Thank goodness he'll be gone soon. There needs to be age limits for all those people up in Congress and especially in the top office TOO OLD and in obvious mental decline . Next!

Eva Marie said...

1. Why aren’t news organizations sending in drones so we can see the devastation and FEMA progress.
2. Shouldn’t our satellites be able to locate every single person still stranded for helicopter evacuation or at least to drop supplies.

Saint Croix said...

How is that Dick Cheney endorsement coming along?

The Nation vomits

Mutaman said...

Can you imagine what Trump will be like in 4 years when he's 82 years old. Can you imagine?

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

Go lick yer plums, Mutt. You cur, you.

Follow it up with yellow matter custard for dessert

Jim at said...

Do you really think people are going to look at this post - and the format - and try to wade through it all?

Or are they going to look at the author, see a page of gibberish and scroll on by?

Original Mike said...

I never read him.

Aggie said...

But...... who are you quoting, somebody important? Fred Mertz, maybe?

Aggie said...

STINKY POO 45 strikes again !

Sprezzatura said...

"They are a ton of fun if you love our country and your fellow Americans who feel the same."

What if you love your country, and you love your fellow Americans that feel the same, but you don't support DJT? For example what if you are one of the many, many, many people that worked for DJT when he was POTUS and now you oppose him being POTUS again?

Seems like this sorta rally may not be a ton of fun, even for people that love our country and that love our fellow Americans that love our country.

I'm kinda tired of hearing about self described "real Americans" "taking back" "we the people's" country.

At best these folks are 50% of the voters and way less re actual American citizens. I think it's interesting/SAD! that such folks look to DJT to make them feel that they are more than they really are.

Dr Weevil said...

If you're going to quote someone else's statistics - I've already seen these, word for word, quoted on Twitter - you are morally, ethically, and quite possibly legally obligated to tell us whom you are quoting.

Mutaman said...

"Experts said it was hard to judge whether the changes in Mr. Trump’s speaking style could indicate typical effects of age or some more significant condition. “That can change with normal aging,” said Dr. Bradford Dickerson, a neurologist at Harvard Medical School. “But if you see a change relative to a person’s base line in that type of speaking ability over the course of just a few years, I think it raises some real red flags.”

Dr Weevil said...

An awful lot of people who were paid to work for Trump were actually working against him. If they criticize him, it's a point in his favor.

Achilles said...

If you support Kamala Harris you are a fascist and have nothing to do with what this country was founded to be.

Eva Marie said...

I just did an informal analysis of your comments:
negative word count: 63%
Incoherent ramblings: 87%
Experts say it might be time for your nap.

Drago said...

I love that the New Soviet Democraticals are going hard with the "age" stuff against Trump! It's awesome!

Think about those things the New Soviet Democraticals dont dare to mention. That gives an observer a PERFECT sense of the race despite the massive corrupt Cheat Machine the marxists have in place.

Achilles said...

Remember this person claimed that Biden was fine just a few months ago. These people are so stupid they can't even see how dumb they look spouting this crap.

Trump was just on a stage speaking for 4 hours straight. He is in better shape than 95% of Kamala supporters at 78.

Drago said...

Reading the comments of our Usual Leftist Suspects is precisely, exactly, without deviation, like listening to screaming Maoists waving their Little Red Books or apoaratchiks spouting off the "wonders" of the next 10 Year Plan while warning against those darn Kulak wreckers.

Mutaman said...

Dr Weevil said...

"An awful lot of people who were paid to work for Trump were actually working against him. If they criticize him, it's a point in his favor."

What does it say about a guy who constantly hires and p0ays people to work for him and they start actually working against him?

Sprezzatura said...

Doc W and Ach, if you really want to get technical: above all else some of DJT's staff were paid to work for the Constitution above him. So, for example, when Pence worked against DJT by not overturning our democracy, Pence was still doing his job to the Constitution though you would seemingly take a point from him because he was not working for DJT re DJT's attempt to overturn America's representative democracy.

It does seem that if given a second chance as POTUS, DJT will find folks that will work for him even if that means defying the Constitution.

Unlike you, I don't think that's a good thing. I even get extremely squeamish re talk of packing the SCOTUS and getting rid of the filibuster. So I'm truly appalled by folks that continue to rally for DJT after he went miles beyond those two things, since he actually attempted to overturn the results of our election process. He didn't just float the theoritical possibility as a trial balloon or threat!

Time will tell if the American people (i.e. those that vote, and are in the determinative states) want a POTUS with staff that works for him first, instead of a staff that works for the Constitution first. We don't need to wait for too long to find out. But we already know that Meade and most folks that read this blog hope DJT will win over the Constitution. And you will keep telling yourselves that you're the real American we the people that love this country and want to take it back.

Got it.

Drago said...

It says outsiders that have to fill tens of thousands of govt positions while fighting the deep state russia collusion liars and the ChiCom allied and purchased elected officials and Fauci types, including 50%+ of his "own party" (wink wink) is going to have a rough go at advancing policies that roll back that crew in favor of policies that deliver for the American people.

Which is why Mutaman's newest bestest pals are the Cheneys, the Romneys and the Bushes along with the entirety of the Forever War Neocons and the Shift All US manufacturing Jobs Out Of The US types.


Mutaman said...

"the Cheneys, the Romneys and the Bushes "
All guys that Drago has voted for and now conveniently forgotten. And 10 years from now, he will have forgotten all about Trump.

Drago said...


Those guys are YOUR current political amigos...getting standing ovations at YOUR events now!

But do keep the blinders on. Its a fantastic look for you...and YOUR neocon pals!

Quaestor said...

Karine Jean-Pierre, professional liar

Drago said...

The very best part about Mutaman's self-own comment, and there have been so many, is this:

Over the last 20 years as the masks have all come off on all the players and corrupted institutions my side of the political equation has moved away from all deep staters, neocons, authoritarian censors, forever war fanatics, etc. While at the very same time the Mutamans of the world have aggressively and passionately and lovingly moved to embrace every single one of those types....across the board...without exception.

Without. Exception.

Drago said...

You just know Mutaman has a Liz Cheney In-Home shrine right next to his/her/xer's pro-Hamas islamic supremaciat alliance flag!

wendybar said...

Your guy, Jerry Nadler from New York started the trend years ago. https://sl.bing.net/jii9wKDbk8i

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The flop sweat of desperation flows heavily from the left side of the commentariat here. It’s an amazing thing to see. The striking contrast between mainstream media coverage of Katrina and the universal blackout of on the ground coverage of Helene is exactly like the media coverage of Trump’s presidency compared to Biden. Biden is still unfit yet he is still president. Ignoring the story didn’t change the fact he was too addled to serve it just delayed the inevitable until he crashed on live TV. The media ignoring the dead, dying, missing, homeless and desperate people in Appalachia can’t and won’t last forever. Just like Biden, these desperate victims of FEMA and the storm will find their way to the spotlight and tell the truth. We need to hear the whole story. We will get the facts.