October 15, 2024

"Nothing has come to fruition. Look at the schools, the playgrounds, the parks. Downtown is struggling. In our community, typically, we vote for Democrats."

"How has that panned out for us? You’re so bold and loud when you want to help transgender people, immigrants. [Harris] said she wouldn’t pass anything for just Black people, but you had no problem with the LGBT community. Give us some hope you’re listening to our concerns."

Said Ahmad Taylor, 47, of Pontiac, Michigan, quoted in "In a Michigan city, Harris has failed to catch fire with Black men/In December, Black men in Pontiac told The Post they were unenthused about Biden. Now, some feel the same about Harris" (WaPo)(free-access link).

The internal link in that quote goes to this video, about reparations:


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Not to worry - kamala has some free goodies for you. Not that those free goodies will amount to anything positive. Hope and change.

doctrev said...

Uh oh. If the WaPo is publishing this, they know the election is well outside stealing range, and there are no options left to pull the "livestock" back into the fold.

Why anyone thought this charmless Jez could get any normal person to vote for her is staggering. It will be a long time before the Democrats accept a woman nominee again for a competitive election.

rehajm said...

The flaw in the strategy was the same as with Hillary. The Hillary camp believed Obama voters are Hillary voters. Now the incorrect assumption is Biden voters and the covid vote fraud votes are Kamala voters…
…by the left’s own admission brothers lack motivation to vote for women and old white guys…better get cheatin’

traditionalguy said...

Just came back from early voting in Georgia. This is first day, and thousands of black voters were in line early. The white voters were old like me and in the line torwards the back. Suddenly an old white lady announced that poll workers did not want her to announce it, but that 75+ age could go to the front of the line…so we all did much to the angry looks at us because we were all white.

This is not how elections were done in the 1960s.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

LOL at the accent she deploys near the end of the interview. You can’t question her dedication to black folks now!

John henry said...

Trad guy

In Puerto Rico all persons 65 or older, pregnant women and handicapped get head of the line privilege in any govt office. Including voting.

No early or absentee voting in pr, with a few exceptions.

Until this year. Now the dead are rising from their graves.

It's democracy. Why shouldn't someone be able to vote just because they are dead.


tommyesq said...

Funny that she won't commit to any policies that specifically favor just blacks, a day after proposing an “Opportunity Agenda” for Black men only, which includes plans to provide 1 million forgivable loans of as much as $20,000 to Black entrepreneurs and new pathways to help Black Americans succeed in the legalized marijuana industry.

Pot sales - talk about stereotyping!

TaeJohnDo said...

She has done pretty good, considering she is just a typical, black, middle class raised child...

planetgeo said...

Reparations? We've had 60 years (1964 Civil Rights Law) of Affirmative Action and countless other grants and special programs, now likely totaling in the trillions of dollars. How much longer and how much more is going to be required to finally end this special treatment? Why do Democrats continue to treat black people like they're too incompetent and too lazy to make it like everybody else does?

TaeJohnDo said...

And I should add, who most likely swallows ...

Narr said...

Black guys may not be that impressed by a half-black lawyer lady who married a Jew? Getouttahere!

n.n said...

Reparations to the People and their Posterity who confronted slavery, Diversity, and redistributive change. #HateLovesAbortion

Yancey Ward said...

At least Joe Biden was close enough to having the right skin color to black adjacent.

Chris said...

I live right by Pontiac, and often drive through there. There are Trump signs all over the place.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Why does popcorn pop?
Dems are the teachers, the principals and the school boards.
They know their results, they planned it all out.

loudogblog said...

Here's the funny part about "reparations" in California. California is 5% black and 40% Latino. Yet, you never hear the politicians talk about reparations for the Latinos in California, even though they had just as bad a time with historical racism in California as the blacks did. (And California was never a slave state.) Plus, I saw that the vast majority of blacks in America actually have some white ancestors. (Many of whom were slave owners.)

The whole "reparations" thing with the Democrats is like Lucy and the football. They hold it out to try and buy votes from black Americans, but it's never going to happen. There is no solid political will for it and it really just doesn't make sense. Providing equal opportunity is much better for people than just giving them cash.

Hassayamper said...

Half-black? Doubtful. If not for her half-East-Indian ancestry, she'd look whiter than Rachel Dolezal.

Gusty Winds said...

Ivory Tower white liberals in Madison, WI do the same amount for black men in Milwaukee. Nothing.... The dynamic is the same, and it has been for decades.

Chris said...

Or reparations for Chinese.

Jonathan Burack said...

Yes, I noticed that shift. Ha! She pulled that out because she could see that the interviewer was even more of a reparations panderer than she could afford to be. So, she had to firm up her bona fides as an All-Black gal.

Original Mike said...

Why would anyone stand in line the first day of early voting? This is not meant to be critical of you, tradguy, but why not wait a week?

Old and slow said...

In Portugal, all pregnant women go to the front of EVERY line, even in the grocery store. It can be a bit confusing when your Portuguese language skills are poor.

Jersey Fled said...

The only surprise is that it took so long. The Democrats have been promising the Moon to Black people for decades and delivering dog sh*t.

Aggie said...

Nice move, they were all voting for Trump until you pulled that stunt. (Just kidding, I hope).

Michael K said...

That brings up the old joke: If storks bring white babies and crows bring black babies, what brings no babies ? Swallows !

Gusty Winds said...

How about for reparations we dismantle the Teachers Unions and give inner city African Americans a fighting chance. Let's get the southern border under control to stop the never ending flow of fentanyl, cocaine to make crack, and heroine that pollute their communities?

Problem is we won't do that. White liberals have too much to lose.

JIM said...

Didn't Kamala have ancestors who enslaved Indigenous people's or was it imported slaves in Jamaica?

RMc said...

Maybe Harris is doing poorly with African-American men because she's...not either one...?

Aggie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tolkein said...

What was she saying? I started to lose the will to live towards the end. Is she really like this? Can't she answer questions? They don't have to be the questions she was asked. Good politicians answer the question they wanted to be asked. Can't she even do that?

Aggie said...

"Uh oh. If the WaPo is publishing this, they know the election is well outside stealing range, and there are no options left.....Why anyone thought this charmless Jez could get any normal person to vote for her is staggering....."

There it is again, those signs of unwarranted optimism, 'Red Wave' style. It's starting to worry me, this sense of peripheral hubris that comes around every election cycle. (not picking on you doctrev)

She can easily win. The Democrat ballot-printing double-counting cheat machine has had 4 years of favorable operating conditions to get much worse.

Vote, make sure everyone in your family, votes, convince at least 5 people to vote. It ain't over till the judge dismisses the last court case.

Michael K said...

No Republican until Trump offered a response. Not since FDR anyway.

Political Junkie said...

I have wondered if her hubby being white decreases black support a tad (Obama was very calculating in this aresa). Also wonder if because she is pretty actually causes her to lose some of the "homegirl" vote?

n.n said...

Kamala's gonna Walz black men into prison and throw away the key in a novel deal of retributive change to her progress at black massa Willie's knee.

Former Illinois resident said...

Chicago now has a credit-rating lower than Detroit, and a murder-rate that rivals Baltimore and New Orleans.

rastajenk said...

I didn't watch; is she speaking Shebonics?

traditionalguy said...

I early vote early because old people like me might forget or the wife or me might get sick.

To quote a line from Apollo 13, failure is not an acceptable option.

Original Mike said...

But my point is, I bet if you wait a couple of days there would be no line.

Political Junkie said...

Had not heard that one, Doc K. Nice.

Derve Swanson said...

Remember when UW photoshopped black students into a crowd shot? lol

Derve Swanson said...

"This is not how elections were done in the 1960s." You don't think old white people got privileges back then too, or you're just upset that they're letting black citizens vote after you? Does your story have a point? Don't hate on the Black or gay or trans voters if they're voting Trump. Wait to hate...?

doctrev said...

My guy, President Trump got millions of votes more while being re-elected, and that did not work. If anything, your optimism about "winning" fixed elections is far less coherent than my optimism that the oligarchy is running out of options. If they could get away with repressing the population while fighting loser wars, they would. Especially if their own personal interests are threatened.

Remember - when democracy becomes tyranny, you still get to vote!

Paul Zrimsek said...

She don't feel no-ways tired.

Dave said...

The problem with direct payments is the limited potential for kickback.

Narayanan said...

any previous blog use for 'fruition'