October 16, 2024

Kamala Harris asserts that Donald Trump has said he will "Terminate the Constitution United States."

I'm trying to listen to Kamala Harris on Charlamagne Tha God, but — to use her phrase — come on. What is the basis for this fear mongering? 

"You know what he says he'll do? Terminate the Constitution United States. Let me remind folks: You know what's in the Constitution of United States? The Fourth Amendment, which protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures, the Fifth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment. And he's going to terminate the Constitution of the United States? Which in most of those amendments, one thing or another, was about a movement spurred by black people to ensure that we would be equally protected under the law. Come on."

The closest I can come to a basis for making this broad claim is his use of "termination" and "Constitution" in a narrow context, back in 2020:
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he wrote [on Truth Social]. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”


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Jim at said...

She thinks black people are stupid.

It isn't just black people. Look no further than the leftists on this board.

Earnest Prole said...

If and when Joe Biden deploys the U.S Army and Marines to “police” the 2024 election, I would pray Americans would have constitutional objections instead of rolling over and saying ‘have your way.’

Inga said...

Tina, did I ask you to show me some special consideration because my son died? No. Do you expect me to base my comments and opinions based on your previous kindness? I didn’t expect or ask for it. If your kindness was based on anything but sincerity, please don’t speak to me of my son’s passing again and just be honest and say what’s on your mind. Don’t hold my son’s death and any sympathy you felt as some cudgel to keep me from expressing my opinions. Actually you bringing up my son several times now was disconcerting and unwelcome.

Gravel said...

"Eisenhower was probably on stronger ground than GHWB since he was enforcing Federal Civil Rights laws."

They were on exactly the same ground, as the Insurrection Act authorizes the governor of a state to request that the President invoke it in order to quell unrest, and Pete Wilson did so.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Make Whoopie Cushions Great Again!

Vance said...

Ah yes, the never ending claims from leftists that everyone else is "lying." I think for a leftist, the definition of a lie is "disagreeing with me, a leftist."

After all, according to Cook and the rest of the left, truth is whatever leftists say it is. So disagreeing with that must, of course, be a lie.

The rest of us define truth something like "Things as they really were, things as they really are, and things as they really will be." It's absolutely not defined as "Whatever a leftist says is true!"

Mason G said...

"What you are doing, Freder, is taking something he said generally and in the heat of the moment and applying to it whatever meaning you wish to apply."

This is what they do with their politicians- ignore what they say and instead, imagine that they will do whatever each individual idiot Democrat wants them to.

Earnest Prole said...

I had exactly the same response to Hillary Clinton’s and John Kerry’s wet dreams of suspending the First Amendment. You’re obviously not used to running into people with fixed principles.

Mason G said...

"CNBC is reporting that Harris is proposing a $20 billion plan to give up to $20,000 in forgivable loans to 1 million black male entrepreneurs."

"Forgivable loans"? WTF are those? Anything like gifts? Or bribes?

Jim at said...

Trump says that if Harris is elected, migrants will walk into your kitchen and slit your throat:

You mean like they're doing right now?

Rusty said...

John. We'd be a pretty damn useless militia without weapons.

Rocco said...

Rabel said...
In the really, really old days the Masters would send out slave patrols to bring them back to the Plantation. Just a suggestion for Kamala.

I’m sure her several times grandfather might have some tips.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Do you have a more recent quote - Fred?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Freder - known liars in the MSM are not good sources.

Rabel said...

They hang people from bridges. In batches. They mutilate and behead those who resist. This is in Mexico.

The Mexicans are relatively civilized.

Jim at said...

John Lott (and also Mary Rosh) is hardly a reputable source.

Instead of questioning the source, why don't you - oh, I don't know - actually look at the numbers? They've changed.

Jersey Fled said...

Didn’t watch the interview but read most of the comments on his website.

They were massively and overwhelmingly negative towards Harris.

D.D. Driver said...

When people threaten to make mischief with the Constitution: I believe them. But you do you.

If he believes the president has this power: don't you want to know precisely when and how he can exercise it? If he gets "convinced" the election is "stolen" can he unilaterally terminate the constitution to "correct" the errors?

This belief and the Cheseboro Memo are the reasons that I will never vote for Trump. I care less about "grab 'em by the pussy" I care deeply about "terminate the Constitution."

The Dems have no love for the Constitution. Trump is no better on this issue.

Jim at said...

Kamala Harris up by 5 in new Marist national poll.

And this goes to show just how clueless you are about politics. The poll (D+7) is a disaster for Harris when you break it down. Go ahead. Look at the actual poll.

Original Mike said...

ChrisC said..."In TV ads in Georgia she is claiming - Trump wants a national sales tax - he doesn't. Trump was to end Social Security - he doesn't. Trump wants to ban abortion - he doesn't."

These ARE claims Harris has made, I've heard them myself. And they are whoppers. Please provide Trump lies of this magnitude, Robert. I'm betting you can't.

Lefties equate Harris lying about ending Social Security with Trump exaggerating his crowd size. They ain't the same thing.

Original Mike said...

Robert Cooke said…"I don't if that's true, but, if so, she'll have a hard time keeping up with Trump's unhinged free-association lying."

ChrisC said..."In TV ads in Georgia she is claiming - Trump wants a national sales tax - he doesn't. Trump was to end Social Security - he doesn't. Trump wants to ban abortion - he doesn't."

These ARE claims Harris has made, I've heard them myself. And they are whoppers. Please provide Trump lies of this magnitude, Robert. I'm betting you can't.

Lefties equate Harris lying about ending Social Security with Trump exaggerating his crowd size. They ain't the same thing.

Michael K said...

They just realized the problem and made the offer for "all races" which means none.

Spiros said...

Kamala Harris believes American history is just White mobs massacring Black people and Native Americans all the time and, very rarely, Asians and Latinos. That's it. Nothing else matters.

Eva Marie said...

Let’s set aside these claims of fascism, dictatorship, dismantling the constitution. The constitution either lives in our individual hearts and minds or it doesn’t. As citizens it is our duty to trust but verify our politicians.
Let’s also assume that whether we’re Democrats or Republicans we will all make sure that no one’s rights get trampled on.
With that in mind, the question becomes who will make a better leader for our country.
My issue with Kamala Harris is this: We really won’t know who is making her decisions. If she isn’t doing press conferences while she’s asking for our vote, chances are nil that she will be doing them after she’s elected.
With Trump, we know that the buck really does stop with him.
This is why I’m voting for Trump:
1. Decrease in illegal immigration
2. Establishment of a coherent immigration policy
An additional advantage to Trump as President is a press that is interested in questioning everything he does, rather than a lap dog press that Kamala Harris would face.
There are of course many other reasons to vote Trump, but ask yourselves which candidate will put a priority on American interests vis a vis immigration policy.
For those of you whose most important issue is abortion rights, consider this. We women have enough votes to decide this issue in every state. Trump has taken himself out of the abortion equation.
Trump/Vance 2024

Paul said...

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he wrote [on Truth Social]. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

He was talking about how the election FRAUD was terminating the 'rules, regulations...' not Trump terminating them... duh.

Sweetie said...

If we're looking for lies let's take a look at Rachel Maddow. Two nights ago she says Steve Bannon is trying to kill the US dollar. As evidence she sights a collection of pamphlets he co wrote under the umbrella 'The End of the Dollar'. If she or ANY of her staff bothered to read the material it's the EXACT OPPOSITE of what RM says. EXACT OPPOSITE. He's not rooting for the end of the dollar - what American would? He's saying how to fix it.

And a few months ago I recall Joe Scarborough saying Trump is mocking mothers who have lost their child or children to illegal drugs. MOCKING GRIEVING MOTHERS.

These two lies are quite distinctive in that NOBODY would actually say either of these things. Not Bannon, not Trump, not Biden, not Harris. NO POLITICIAN would say or imply this. And yet Maddow and Scarborough both think their viewers are too stupid to realize this. And on this I agree, as the lefties here have proven time and time again that they lack basic reasoning abilities.

Kevin said...

I'm so old I remember when Trump wanted to eliminate p*rn.

Leland said...

About that Marist Poll:
Party Identification as percentage of likely voters polled:
Democrat 40%
Republican 33%
Independent 26%

Get that, they over sampled Democrats by 7% and show Harris with a 5% lead. That is a bit off from national trends. Then there is the data that Drago notes, in which Independent's overwhelmingly side with Trump (although I see +9).

It does have the effect of bumping up the national polling average for Harris. Which is great, because it will motivate the Trump voters to get out and vote.

Kevin said...

First porn, now this? What's next, rounding up non-white people and putting them in cages?

Leland said...

I did a search to see if Rachel Maddow talked about Harris proposal to tax unrealized capital gains, I didn't see anything. If she's looking for someone who wants to destroy our economy, Maddow would be talking about this proposal.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The constitution is only as good as the men and women entrusted to uphold it.

The Godfather said...

I had to go back to the beginning of this thread. DO YOU REMEMBER ?
No. Trump did NOT say that he would terminate the Constitution.

We are ALL AMERICANS. Sometimes our elected leaders lead us into a swamp. Then, we look for new leaders out of the swamp.

Hasn't the Biden-Whats-Her_Name administration led us as far as we need to go into the swamp?

Mason G said...

"He was talking about how the election FRAUD was terminating the 'rules, regulations...' not Trump terminating them... duh."

Democrats: "Only parse Trump's words when you can use the results to condemn him. Otherwise, just make up whatever shit you need to."

narciso said...

Wow that was a train wreck

The rule of Lemnity said...

if these comments are really about her shes toast with blacks.

Iman said...

Not an answer did Harris give. A true fustercluck.

Rich Rostrom said...

It's fairly obvious what Trump meant: that fraudulent elections enable de facto abolition of the Constitution by the political faction that steals elections.

BTW, the only constitutional amendments connected with equal rights for blacks are the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 24th. That's 4 out of 27, not most, as Harris claims.

boatbuilder said...

Rocco--you're not going to persuade anyone by playing Rush. Trust me on this. If you told me that I would never have to hear another Rush song ever again if I voted for Kamala....well, I probably wouldn't, but it would get serious consideration.

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